Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Jun 1929, p. 5

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Pay Day For Savings Accounts tw INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. Lake County National Bank Libertyville, III. _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 @\"':@n ; l tller th"?' @ 6 ja Yit Going Places and Doing Things Over The Fourth: . . . Then you'll be interested in lookmg we offer. _ NEW STYLES--MODERATE PRICES! Everybody's wearing knickers and hose; Linen Knickers ....................$3.00 to $4.00 Hose--Cotton:-- and Wool......$1.00 to $4.00 Sport Shoes........................$5.00 and §§2 Shirts, white and colored, up from....$2.00 Pajamas for sheetless nights; stgéed for comfort; colored for style;$1.85 to $5 Straw Hats, all shapes and colors, a big assortment; priced ..............$1.85 t 0$5.00 Summer Caps ...................$1.00 to $2.50 Jantzen All--wool Swim Suits, two--piece and Speed Suits............$5.00 and $6.00 Home of WATERSEAL Roofing Boys' Wear for vacation days------ Linen Knickers ................$1.50 to $2.00 Socks3__._.._..._................50c to $1.00 LIBERTYYVILLE CEMENT WORKS July 1st and January 1st we credit savings accounts with six months' in-- terest at the rate of 3%. It is really surprising how this interest increases when the account is not disturbed, and especially when the depositor adds regularly to his account. ' Our depositors profit by the interest we pay, and also by having access to a service well qualified to meet every banking requirement. If you are not one of the many enjoying this double advantage, start your account NOW . Deposits received on or before the 10th receive interest from July lst. White Sailor Pants........ $2.00 CaApP$S ...._._____.....................$1.00 to $2.00 A Full Line of Luggage *'The Store for the Lad and His Dad" the smart new items of sports wear O. CARLSON QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS "~"*TER HOMES & ¥b s . ue dee .. Residence Phone 108J TILES WMADdE-- CcOLOR AND gan caller Monday. * Mrs. J. L. Conway was in Chicago Tuesday. . _ Mrs. Richard Dillon was in .Chi-- cago Wednesday. Miss Celia Haas was in Waukegan Tuesday. + s f _ Mrs. T. I. Lake was in Chicago on Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Disney vis ited Mr Aand Mrs. Jesse Fisher in Oak Park Tuesday. . Mrs. George Frey of McHenry, spent a few days last week with Mrs. Bertha Fry. * Mrs. Bertha Fry spent Tuesday in Antioch with her uncle, John Spaft-- ford and family. . 2 The 'Earnest Workers class meet-- Ing will be reld at the home of Mrs. Frances Tripp Thursday afternoon. _ Mrs. W. G. Havice spent Wednes day afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Geo. Hucker, in Wungqng_ Mrs. W. L CO'WW'DW'"" Mr and Mrs. O. A. Newsom and kegan Sunday evening and called O2 'gaughters spent Sunday with Rev. Mrs. Mae Stiles. 'u_d Mrs. Charles Dickey at Elm-- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Haas Of WAU | popeq. . kegan spent Wednesday evening "| Mr. and Mrs. Bert McDermott and the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Hl'l-/ children of Waukegan, visited> Sun-- Mr. and Mrs. Henry Larty @054 4@y at the home of Mrs. McDermott's {famly of Melrose Park, called on MT.'mother Mrs. Barbara Mowers. and 'Mrs. Arthur Brockman Sunday.| Mr/ and Mrs. P. G. Osborne called Mr. and Mrs. Jack Haas of Ch+ on Mrs, Osborne's brother and fam-- cago visited: Mr. and Mrs. Max Ha4s jy pr and Mrs. Goebel, in Chicago, Bunday. last week. The regular meeting of the Pre® ) Runice Eiffie Numsen celebrated byterian Ladies' Aid has been pOS* ner third birthday last Sunday, June poned from July 4 to July 11. _ 23, and was the happy recipient of a Mrs. Kate Bernard sjent SUNdAY fine Eekimo Spiz pUpDY. | utd Monday with relat'ves in Chi; my and Mrs. COarl Schreck and | -l.l'; and airs. Ralph Bensen attend-- ed the Swedish piocnic at Geneva last Bunday. o ' C#EO Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Moser _ and daughter, Jan, visitd Mrs, A.ELyon Bnuday. Misses Hattie and Marie Boehm were guests at a party in Highland Park-- Sunday. + h _ S Mr. and Mrs. James Guerin spent Sunday evening at the Atkinson home at Knollwood. Clinton Brackett attended the per-- formance at the Genesee Theatre in Waukegan Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs .E. G. Nickoley and son, Frank, motored through soutH-- ern Wisconsinp Sunday. -- Mr. and visited in onSunday. _ Arthur Mitlier of Chicago week end at the home of er, B. H. Milier. s Mr. and Mrs. Sunday with Mr ton in Chicageo. Mr and Mrs. Mrs. John Numsen was a Wauke Ohio. + Group No. 1, Fresbyterian Ladies® Ald, will hold a bakery sale Friday. J'lyl&buhlluatzp.n'.nm Schanck hardware ur _ _ Mr. apd Mrs. Paul Mac Guftin and children motored to Miwaukee, Wis., Thursday, where Mr. MacGuffin at-- tended to legal business. Miss Marjory Taylor returns home tils (Thursday) evning trom'a three months' trip through the southern 'and western stateg. | _ Waiter Huenoerder, architect 3( daughter, Jean, and a frie 'e.b '95?' 8""" with re. H. COIOL! Mr. and Mrs. YJames Hoc son, -- James Waliter Huenoerder, architect -- of 'Thormbury Village, is supervising the remodeling and landscaping at the Methodist parsonage. | OesWP t The Lutieran Ladies Aid will hold a bakery sale Wednesday, July 3, be ginning at 2 0'c ock, at the Schanck hardware store. 1 Localghews nd Mrs. James Hoskins and ames Jr. recently _ returned two weeks' trip to Cleveland, LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JUNE 27, 1929. Mrs. Frank Baumsgartoer Waukegan -- and Glenview Chas. Davidson and and a friend of Ch+ day with Mr. and Arthie Frew spent and Mrs. E. A Do+ go spent th*k of 'ais broth E mwnmemnmmmnaremmnmennrernnemnnmnmenmemmemeremmmmans n Nauke Mrs. G +« Velona : 'hicago | visited Mrse. E. | m~0h1" Mr. al ag.! Mrs. Barbara , _ Mors anti childre ,g.:who attended th rg. Center Sunday. _ | Mr. and Mrs. B&-- .c'audm spent 8 er, idor's parenots, M 'ing, in Volo. """ Mr and Mrs. OB (daughters spent |and Mrs. Charl U | hurst. "' Mr. and Mrs. BB ) ugrasl c ce virs %" ll'l.8 E. d:locengrlnk and chlldre: spent Sunday in Chicago and attend-- vlfl- G. Mordaorst and daughter8.|eq the Lutheran celébration at Sol-- ;m. and Mildred, of ,Wl"m diers Field. They also visited the " "'!': Mrs. Mordhorst's mothe", |pyelq Museum for a couple of hours. rs. E. H. Brown, Sr.. Wednesday. | xr. and Mrs. Dick Heuvelkamp | Mr. and Mrs, Henry .Kane anod 'and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles daughter, Genevieve, of Mundelein,|Numsen < and children and James spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Carberry and daughter spent Sun-- |Mrs. Herman Brockman. day 'at Crooked Lake. & ' Miss Mary Doyle, accompanied by | Mrs. Harry Beltzel and Mre. Pronk her guests, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Webb)Vick and a sister of Mr. Vick, left and childrep,. called on friends in Wednesday of last week for Canis Lake Forest Tuesday afternoon. 'tou. Bouth Dakota, where they will i Ub Hazkt Fanabann 'af TmairtA@a [YIkit ut the home of Dr. Ortman. Mrs. Frank Jackson, of Doddridge Furm, suffered a broken wrist in a fall at her home Saturday, She is reported as getting along nicely. . | Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simmonds en-- tertained the {ormer's brother, Sam-- uel, and daughter, Grace, and son, Herbert, from Lake Forest, Sunday. Mrs. Barbara Mowers, Mrs. A. Mors anti children were thOke who attended the picMcmt Center Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Molidor asd caildren spent Sunday with Mrs. Mol-- idor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Ros-- iDg, in Volo. Mr and Mrs. O. A. Newsom and daughters spent Sunday with Rev. ;nd Mrs. Charles Dickey at Em urst. > . | _ Mrs. Vern Gerred fell and sprained | the ligaments in per feet one day last week. The accdent proved very pain lm tfor a time, but is now improving rapidly. | Mrs. Will Brumm and children and 'Mr. and Mrs. E. E. aPul} motored to | Druce Lake Wednesday, to witness the big bau! of carp, made by the | wardens. E. E. Elisworth, local postmaster, has just completed a two weeks' va-- |cation, and as we understand it, spent a greater part of the time at Cubs Park in Chicago. _ ¢ _ Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schreck and children spent Sunday afternoon at the Aug. Wirts home, north of Mre. Herman Dasher is -pending', a few days with Mr. Dasher's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rowling, in Grayslake. ' « | home of Rev. and Mrs. Jghn B..De-- Long Sunday. $ | Mre. Bruce Wood, of Clintos, HML., returned t olibertyville with ber par-- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Bulk ey, '"and will make an extended visit in this village. * | Mrs. Lester Horton, of Mundelein, | was taken suddenly i1 and removed to the Victory Memorial hospital on 'Wednesday night. Today her condi-- tion was reported as grave. ' Lost--Gold wrist watch on black ribbon at Ford landing field last Fri-- day. Valued as keepsake. $5 reward t ofinder. Mrs. Lioyd C. Ray. Tel . ephone 220--M. 26 1t _'The Metbodist Ladies Aid wil hold ; the regular meeting at the parsonage ; Tuesday, July 2. Mrs. John Mason,, Mrs. Nettie Weich and Mrs. Moss will be the hostesses, Ella Whipple and Mrs. of Sycamore, were ; i Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Treptow and son, Chbarles, left Tuesday morning by auto fo ra short visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Wetmore and family in Indianapolis, Ind. | Mrs. J. W. Bird and son, John, 'aad luncheon in Chicago Saturday and attended the Fourth Presbyterian picni¢ held on the wooded island in Jackson Park. They were dinner _ guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. \Eimer Rice in the evening. Ruth Hafemann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hafemann, submitted to an operation for remova of ton-- sils at Condell Memorial hospital on Saturday. . The great beds of marguerites in Copeland Manor South, on Rock-- land road, are again in bloom, and are attracting a great deal of atten-- tion. f Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cramer and chil-- dren of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gratz 'and children of Libertyvilie, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gratz Suynday. -- man, on a motor trip to&home in Eitingham, for a few weéeks' visit. -- Miss Billie Early, auditor for the Iilinois -- State Boxing Commission, spent the week end at Ute Crest Farm, a guest of Mr. and Mrs,. Harry Meyer. R Miss Dorotiy Johantges and Irma Wright, nurses at the Condell lt morial hospital, since it was open two years ago, have resigned and will return to Indianapolis Saturday night. They plan an extended trip through the east togehter Among those released from Con-- del Memorial hospital during the last week were: Join Sprat, Wav kegan; Albert Deutzler, Mrs. Myrtle Mode, Miss Mabel Shuntz: and Pete Hansen, of Libertyville .and Henry Henning of Burlington, Wis. Past Dept. Commander Nellie Ray, Miss Georgia Ray, Mis. Evelyn Turk Mrs. Imogene Finer, of Waukegan, visited Abraham Lincolh Fortress N. D. G. A. R. Tuesday evening and gave an interesting report of the encampment at Rockford. There's Real Summer Comfort in These Hats. Few stores can show you such a complete line of-- NOTE: We've just unpacked some of the smartest looking ties ever| Come in, fellows, and see these hot numbers. REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER SCHOOL WORK ' Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses 311 W. Park Ave. McDonald's Commercial School Telephone 130 . Smart, Snappy Shapes and Weaves Rainized (waterproof) and other Popular Straws y are Offered in a Price Range to Suit Every Purse _ §$2 to §$5 - N. G. McLaughlin Co. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. , In Milans, Panamas, Leghorns Mae Hatemann gnd' Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Webb and Wehrenberg accompa-- family, of Los Angeles, Calif., are usin, William Schott--\ making an extended visit with Mre. or trip to & home in\ Webb's brother and sister, George ' a few w ' visit. |and Mary Doyle. Barly, auditor for the| Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchell, Mr. Boxing Commission, |and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Ur, and Mrs. ek end at Ute Crest|Roy Titus and Dr. G.C. Grinnell left of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Sunday morning for Chippewa Falls, : Wis., to spent this week on Nicholas mearate M ie ts Nolle Judge B. H. Miller returned Sun-- day from a trip through the east. He with his son Rolland, saw the Har-- vard--Yale boat races and while gone visited New York, Boston and ot.ier places in the east. se 2' _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. Groth, 625 east Park avenue, returned home on Monday, after spending several days in Cedarburg, Wis,. They made the trip by auto, and while there attend-- ed the wedding of a nephew. _ Mrs. C. T. Crawford of Elmhurst, ; motored out Wednesday for Mrs.| Guy LeGate and children, who will | visit her until Sunday. Mr. LeGate will join them Sunday, and they will ! return home with him that evening. | Mr. and Mz. H. Gleason, Mrs. E.s Curtis, Mrs. Elmer Williams and | Walter Dunlap attended tie funeral | of James Quayle at the Wetzel and| Petersen funeral home in Waukegan | Tuesday. L a k 8| Mr .and Mro. A G. Meyers and children, Mr. and Mrs. O. Jubhrend and Mrs. Maria Meyers, accompanied by Mrs. J. H. Dykinga of Oak Park, left Sunday morning for Lake Tom-- abawk, Wis., where they will be join-- ed by Mrs. W. J. Boles, of Chicago, and Roy Dykinga, of Oak Park, who are now visiting in Thorp, Wis. The tp&ny is spending this week vacation-- ing on Lake Tomajawk. Your Style Is New Straw Libertyville, IIl. For The s O abpuin s o menin aoge Your Motor Trip and Travel is made free from danger and worry of loss of funds by the use of WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work is Guaranteed Libertyville, IIl. After carefully going over the coal sit-- uation, we find that from 60 to 75 per cent of the price of our coal is freight and labor, of which the railroad company ex-- tends us no credit, and freight has to be paid on receipt of coal. And after June 1st, it is necessary for us to charge cash for all coal and please do not ask us for credit. First National Bank o Treasurers of Clubs, Chutches Committees IF YOU COLLECT or care for any considerable amounts of money,--you should open a checking account with the bank and thus protect the money in your keeping. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 -- Libertyville, Illinois Besides the safety of a bank account there is the convenience to consider. If you deposit all money received and pay everything by check, there is never any question or confusion about your accounts. American Express Company TRAVELERS CHECKS obtainable at this bank LIBERTYVILLE SWt --BANK -- Frank _ Statement -- W. F. FRANZEN, Jr., -- LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO., O. A. Newsom, Sec., JOHN G. BORST This Bank Welcomes You Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 General Contractor &A _gCF . L. YELDEN --© Phone 554--J PAGE FIVE CBv ult t e Py

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