News of the Week Fron Fire on Chesney Farm No. 2, be-- tween Lk. Villa and Fox Lake Mon-- day night burned 10,000 chickens and destroyed property with a value es timated at $10,000. Farm Building Also Destroyed at Fire Fought by Fox Lake Department The farm is owned by Otto Leh-- mann of Lake Villa. The blate started, according to reports, _ through an _ explosion thought to have originated in a special heating system. One building, in which small chickens had been housed, was eonsumed by the flames <-- but the cquipment in it held a value far in excess to'the structure. The Fox Lake fire department was notiftied and reached the scene of the fire within 15 minutes after the alarm had been turned in but the headway of the flames was too much for the firemen to overcome. One piece of modern equipment, recently placed in the structure, was velued at $1,100 it was report-- 10 430 CHICKENS SURN IN BLAZE -- ONLEXMAN'S FARM Just because your trials are many, Don't think the rest of us haven't "SOMETIME" If times are hard, and you feel blue, . Think of the others, worrying, Life is made uy of smiles and tears, Joys-- and sorrows. mixred with fears : » And though to us it seems one-- sided, Trouble is pretty well divided. And those who travel fortunes road, Sometimes carry the biggest load. it we could look in every heart, We'll find that each one bas A wedding shower was given by Mrs. 1. Burkholz of Long Lake in the honor of Margaret Cusher. Miss Cusher received many beautiful gitte from the friends that gathered. Miss Cusher . will Mave tos Bprine-- fleld in September where she will be married and then live. Frank Smith was elected captain of the "More and Better Sales" for the Public Service of the Ingleside branch. A trip to: Atlantic City is CE its The brooder at the Chesney Farm, owned by Otto Lebmann, was de-- stroyed > yfire Monday evening. The fire started about seven o'clock, and it is thougat that an oll burner exploded. Ten thousand _ young chicks and an electrical heater vai-- ued at $1109 and other equipment were destroyed. The Fox Lake and Ingleside fire departments respond-- ed t othe cal land were there a few minutes after the alarm was given. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Gaadt _ and Mis, Lillian Gnadt and Earl Rush-- more motored to Millwaukee Sunday. Mrs.; Frank Lumber, Mrs. W. M. Erost Mrs. Frank Valenta and Miss Elizabeth Valenta spent Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Edwin Hall at Grayslake: Sophia Blair ent. ~cined _ several little friends Monday -- evening, in konor of ther 12th birtraday, > -- Mr and Mrs.: Arthur (Lehmann hayy returned from a week's vi«it in Chi ago. * 'Irs. Wdson Howard, Mrs. Sophle Blair and J. Harvey Mack motored to Chicago Wedn--sday. t Mrs. Anthony Bassi wil lbe hostess at a public lunch@ond and bunco party to be held at tre Fox Lake commun-- ity churep for the benefit of the communit yhouse on Friday, July 12. There wil lbe many beautiful prizes. Everyone i, welcome. _ Mr. and Mrs. Edward Eldering were Chicago visitors Monday. _ Mrs. Edson Howard and Mrs. 8So phia Blair were in Waukegan last Tuesday. * John Degn of Chicago, met a trag-- ic death on Sunday, when ue was drowned in Long Lake. Degn was krown to be a good swimmer. He had beenp in the water with several companions, and dived from a spring board. He did not come to the sur-- face and hbhis companions started to dive for him, but because of the weeds, were unable to locate him. The body has not yet been recover-- ed. The young man was a native of Bweden, having been in thi, country only sfx months. Niles Held, the taxicab man In Libertyville Tuegday. Mrs. Aonie Harris of Caicago, is visiting Mrs. Gertrude Benjamin for a few days. Mrs .Benjamin will ac-- company her home today (Thursday) and spend a 105 days with her. Mrs. Jo--ephioe Tyler of Ingleside, passed away Tuesday, after a loug \liness. Mrs. George Koeth and her sister, Mrs. Fergerson, of California -- are wuring in lowa. -- There will be a carnival at Duka Bein's Roxana Thursday night, Jy!, lith. Whitie and ais eight plece o cbe.tra wil lbe there. We imaginge it will be loads of fus and worth com-- Personal Items of Local Interest Mr. and. Mrs. Edwin Hall of Grays-- lake. are the proud parents of a baby girl, boru Monday evening. Mr€. Hall was formeriy Maude Lumber, of In-- .l.glde. R to Libertyyvillie the other day gave lifts to several groups of people, all «trangers, and solme one left a pack-- age in he rcar. She has tried to lo-- ecate the owner, but has beep unable to do o. She is bhoping the owner will see tais, as the contents of the package would be of some value to the owner. Mre Albert Kapplan and little «on are home from the Caicago hospital, where the baby was born. Every-- body agrees with the young couple that he is the ftinest ever lake. are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Monday evening. Mré. Hnll' :;M'":".:,::"":h':: (D-'.»:c,::': ';t:k:ormerly Maude Lumber, of in-- morning, and was removed fro{n gie,lde. & * & -- Edward Burleigh underwen! 'u| ::"w.:::;ol:'y"avp.;fl:' :v'a:'?fl.ft' minor operation at, St. Joseph's hos "": and wili go to Long Lake _ pital in Elgin Tuesgday, _ {( teday and hold >n inquest. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valenia u~' Believed to have become eD-- tended a show in Chicago Friday. | meshed in weeds at the bettom of the Mrs. Louise Crumb and Mr. Nlck-'hko, John Degn, 23 years old, and elson of Chicago, were Sunday call--| who resided at the Danish Young ers at the Fraok Valents home. i Men's Christlan club, 1858 Humbolt Robert Hof!, Jr., of Pontiac, Mich ., j boulevard, Chicago, drowned after is visiting 'bhis pareot, at Pistakee, he had dived from a spring board Bay. \ in Long <Lake, at 4:30 o'clock Sun-- F20 DuJk U ¥aallts RBinou rnll.d'd.y afternoon. Mr. and Mre. Carlton Ru#imore were callers at theshome of _ Mr. Rushmore's parenots, Mr. and MrQq. Ear| Rushmore, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Riggs called on Mr. Riggs 'parents over the 4th. Mr. Blacksmith, of Sullivan's sub diviston, hbhas returned home from the Lake county ho«pital. Henry Darling, while fighting the fire at Mr. Froeling's store Sunday. injured his hand quite badly.. -- Miss Lurida Eagleson of _ West Salem,. I!1., formeriy school teacher here, was married to Mr. Jack leh-- ner,. son of Dr. Lebhner of Chileago, III. The wedding took place at the bride's bome Saturday, June °2. 1929 I _ Mrs. Joe Gerettson is feeling much better after her accident. | _ Mrs. Caroline Miller of Middleton Wis., is visiting ber sou, Ben Den son, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. G. P. Landry and daughter n('cnded a show Sunday evening at Waukegan. e Miss Hazel Nardstre.n was a Chi cago visitor for a *¢w days. _ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Seany attendad a show 'in Waukegan Sunday afters noon. T.e Foxr Lake Bible school held th :r picnic last Friday at Howards Woods. A good time was reported from the children. Mrs. M. Olson and: Baby Jean are back from thel* week's visit in Cht-- cago. ( ;let(lc'e"!.ry lwu Bronx is feeling much better after bher iliness: _ DIVES INTO LAKE; SINKS FROM SIGHT; BODY BEING SOUGHT John Degn, of Chica?o, Dis-- appears After Diving From Spring Board. Degn, who had resided in this country but six months after com-- ing from Denmark, was among the fAfty members of the Danish Young Men's Christian club who had gone to Long Lake early Sunday morpn-- ing to spend the day in bathing and boating. -- Electrical Supplies CALL US WHEN YOU ARE IN TROUBLE House Wiring Pipe and Fittings Radio Supplies ELECTRIC SHOP . H. Myers Whe water in the lake was cooler than usual aod but few of the mem-- rs ventured into it. Degn was rded as a good swimmer. After swimining about the lake fijr an bhourror more Degn walked oyt on the diving board and dove lqto the lake. s sess ~_ l oa C pra e is hnxake mmrithin n Fox Lake Community FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS Affiliated with Leading Motor Clubs \\~1#4 ... and you will avoid ordinary road trou-- bles that take the pleasure from a motor trip. Our expert, thorough workmanship guarantees that. \\A\YB!_: CHEVROLET Sales and Service Sales and Service AY, JULY 11, 1929. MAIN STREET GARAGE PEERLESS LET US TAKE CARE OF YOUR CAR ELMER GREEN IS . TO QUIT POST AS WARDEN OF PRISON Joliet, Il., July 8$--(INS)--Ward-- en Elmer Green of Joliet state pen-- itentiary will quit his post and leave for Waukegan to become a candi-- date for sheriff of Lake County un-- less reappointed by Governor Louls L. Emmerson, he announced today. Warden Green bhas made his ad-- mission on the eve of'the return of the governor to the state eapital. "A number of my friends wish me to return home and start the race for sheriff,"" Warden Green said. He was appointee of former Gov. Len Small. Says That Uniless Reappoint ed He Will Return Here to Run For Sheriff. Grand Ave., Just West of Tracks TELEPHONE : 160.R y e ' 16s/ / % 1P [ Bee NOR E Gow oC { 11 elsam(o-- ) Afpifaing / | m 11W /// #il & *./ WE ARE AS NEAR AS YOUR PHONE . . . No Need to Come to the Store, if your time is limited. Just phone your order in; it will be filled and delivered promptly. § e 9 ' ® y Chain O'Lakes Packing Co. ' FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS ; V HOLESALE Opposite Fox Lake Depoty -- RETAIL l V e Deliver Anywhere in Lakes Region Phone 34 ; A Full Line of Fancy Groceries, Fruits r and Vegetables and Meats i ACQUIRE THE . . . No Need to Con time is limited. Ju; it will be filled ar BOAT SUPPLIES! Whatever you need in the way of Boat Sup-- plies, Fishing Tackle, Garden Tools, Gen-- eral Hardware, Housewares, Etc., can be had here. We invite you to make this store your shopping center for CHAS. RUERGER,. Proprietor Fox Lake, Illinois Pho P. Jensen Fox Lake Paint & Hdw. Co. FOX LAKE STATE BANK BAKE BY PHONE! ing many weary hours doing all the baking yourself. Just think how convenient and eco-- nomical to just stép to the phone and call 160--J and order the baked goods you need, in place of spend-- Open an account here today. Note the reaction this move will have on you. You will be possessed with a desire to save every penny that comes your way, and it will be for the better, t600!: At a future time your account will be here to serve its purpose. - ind "Complete, Cotirteous Financial Service" FOX LAKE BAKERY SUMMER NEEDS Fox Lake, Illinois FISHING TACKLE! SAVING HABIT! Cuts of Meat. the Best Chickens we can get are served here. No wonder our dinners are so popular. FOX LAKE CAFE FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS THE BEST V Phone I Phone 18 100