Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1929, p. 11

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CONSTABLE BEATEN BY DRUNKEN YOUTHS AT CHANNEL LAKE Ben Fisher Has Clothes Tort Off and Gun Stolen in Fight With Gang. F Hedring on an intermediate in-- :s in C jJunction against the Cassidy place U'l" in Calcago on Tuesday. at Bluff Lake, where States Attor . he Schuferdt family left the C nev A. V. Smith charges beer was '}'"_p_";:"d farm and bave gone !o sold was continued WOhday for two ;"r' ad Mrs. Victor T a weeks by Cirgu®} Uundge Claite C. . wln r!x. r owor:h:n Edwards on th#4 petition . of Mrs. "l",:" """'. Af.m lrl.u lar Elizabeth Cassidy's counsel who , ;":d n'mlnu' & ro: CG:l:tu- entered the case Saturday. Leo Mon-- ;Y:h du:nd' r';nld i rs. 4 .ru goven, sought as a co--defendant, will . ,; ar lVl son Earl, r.Hln Jn. eventually be relieved of facing the arry Vincent and son Harry Jr.. gourt, it was reported, a¥ it ha: and Warren MeFeely of Oak Park been found he has no title to the and Miss Velma Fitz, of Round Lake veiurned home on Sunday evening, CASSIDY WRIT IS DELAYED 2 WEEX® place REPORT 2 AUTOS _ _ STOLEN IN COUNTY CASTER CATCHES. MAN ON HIS HOOXK Robert Brown, 161 West Harrison | street, Chicago, was returning in a | haat with a party of friends from a 2 fishing trip Sunday at Waucoyda. and as one of the fishermen tried | one last cast, his hook caught . is ; Brown's forehead just above tha eye. Dr. J. A. Ross removed two | of the prongs of the hook from Brown's forehead and dressed the wound Reports to Sheriff Lawrence Doo» little Monday showed that two auto-- mobiles were stolen out in the coun-- ty over the week end. A Cadtllac Lo ke mc iX and CA eR NCOE ETE OM COSWT E C was stolen at Lake Zurich and a Marmon at Lake Villa. Waukegan Nine Trims Half Day The Waukegan Comrades traveleb to Half Day Sunday and beat the home team by a 1 to 4 count. Roach for the losers, was nicked tor 17 bingles. Skoff, Arehdale, Kaires and Smith led the hifting fr the Com-- rdes. Burks pitched @ good game, striking out five men and allowing six well--scattered hits. The Com-- rades' fielding was the Teature 'of the game. TAmmwaodar 110} AaAB R H/E . Comrades (10) Archdale, 3b . Skoft 2b ... Kalres © ....____.-- Smith rf ......_.-- Bartel 3b . ... Korenin cf poos €. Pabst, ss .. M. Pabst If .. Burk®. p Cunme "Z PW CTEW! Comrades ... 210 032 020--10 14 2 Hal Day _ 000 001 102-- 4 °5 °5 ---- Three base hits© Arcaduke, Sko!'*. €G. Pabst. Two base hits: Archdale, & Kaires. Smith. Struck out by 5. by Roach, 12. by Blocks, 2. Base on balls of! Burks, 5. oft Roach 1; oft locks. 1, y J Ladd, If .------ Kemp, 1b : Juhrend. s# Blocks., P News of Round L. by lnni_n'x} aAB R H E !~ 'Mrs. ~Willlam : Mo!dor | transacted | business in W_&I!h.'tl o_n-yogd.!. i -- Mis¢ #H#na --Petersen of Madison, | Wisconsin, spent Tuesday afternoon lix the bome of Lilab Brown. | Durley Curran and Lena Grasger :' motored to Gardner I111., and spent . the Fourth with relatives. | _ Mr. and Mrs. Art Behm and son Robert, Mrs. Mary Bebm and Mrs. !Efiuben Wagaer of Waukegan vis-- at the Phil Wagoes home on Sunday. |__Archie Rosing and Arthur Hough-- 'ton motored to Crandomn, 'Wisconsin 'to purchase cattel, last week. |__Miss Bertha Seebeck, of River For-- | es, spent a few days at tie bome of ' Diellz Amand®. + Mr.: aad Mrs. Dell Ricaardson Round Lake and Bernice Ludkey, Nesbkoro, Wis., attended a show Waukegan on Sunday evening. Miss Helen Luby spent one day of last week at the home of Helen Durken, in Waukegan. . Don Fisher, Mrs. William Mogge and son Billie, of Norwood ~"Park, called at the L. A. Fitz bome on Wednesday afternoon. Bob. Lempker and Ange Garziano, of Chicago, spegt Saturday --evening at the Archie Rosing home. Mr. and Mrs. FraDbk Drummmondt and daughters Ruth and Jane and L. A; Fitz, called at the Art Shober bome at lvanhoe, one day of last week. + Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith and dao ghter returned home on Saturday, af ter having spent a two weeks' vaca tion with Mrs. Linton at Campbell ford. Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Merrit and children Evelyo and Donald, spent the Foortra at Genosa and Sycamour, with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wells, of Sycamour, spent the Fourth at the home o{f their daughter, Mrs. Charles Thomp son. CO ' Miss Sana Pom}un,.nl Madison, called on Mrs. Dell 8mlith one day of last week. VELMA FITZ, Local Editor TELEPMONE 39 f Yeu can» help make this page wore Intgreésting it you will phone he Localb Editor news items you #way bave. ~Summer residents are nvited to contribute.angwas. Send etterseither to the Loecal Rditor, »r direct to the Independent, Lib-- ertyville, lliinois. Phone No. 1. _ Miss Frances Wise and Florence Waguer called at the home of Miss ve'ma Fitz on Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Sebh Hinkle and granddaugh ter of Emporia, Kansas, is spending i few days at the John Killey bhome Leona Riley, of Chicago spent the tourth at the Roy Davis bhome. Violet Mathieson, of Chilcago, vis + | Cella Rosing on Wednesday .' | A. Fitsz attended tae cireus in Wau-- | kegan on Tuesday evening. | Mrs. Margaret Smith spent Friday | afternoon :'lln home of her sister, Mrs. L, Schukr in Waukegan. | _ Miss Celia Rosing, of Round Lake, and Bob Lempker, of Chicago, mo-- tored to the St. Theressa's hospital yin Waukegan on Thursday afternoon lto visit Mrs. Rebpua Bracker and lit-- tle daughter. o . after bhaving spent five days on a camping trip to Beverly Lake, HL. reporting good fishing and a wonder-- ful time. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Wagner and son Arthur and Grandma Sabel, spent Monday evening at the Phil Waguoer home. 1 _ '.'F;ink Drummoad and daughter Ruthie Mary Héelen Trl;gs'and 1. Miss Helen Durkin, of Waukegan, spent the Fourth at the home of Mias Helen Luby. . Mrs. Agns Hayes, of Foxr Lake, spent Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Raeburn Richardson. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Thompgon and Mrs. Harry Merritt and daugh ter, and Bobbie Wells, motored to Waukegan, on Monday. Bob Lempker, of Chicago, Celia, Lucille. Buddy and Bobby Rosing, Mrs. Mazie Alyward and son Jack Miss Hildegarde Anderson, of Chi-- cago. speot the Fourth wita her cou: sins, Mr. and Mrs. John Killey and family. e un on e e n e ie o cce 100n. George Richardson tr_amctod busi WIRING GRAYSLAKE ELECTRIC SHOP \ Grayslake, IIl. Welsbach Electric Refrigerator "Ser + All of Con.t_nl and W estern Lake County" Grayslake 135 "Radiotrope®"' All--Electric Radio Phone FIXTURES SUPPLIES For of Waukegan, home of Miss of and daughter, Evelyn, of Round Lake motored to Woodstock and Crystai Lake one day of last week. £ . Mr. and Mrs. Jobn .Kiliey and daughter, of Round Lake Mra Seth Hinkle and granddaughter, of Kan-- r. motored to Waukegan on '>ue. y. i Louise Richardson, Lucy Rosing, and Arlyne Bracher motored to the St. Theresa's bhosnital |~ Wanukegan on Friday to visit Mrs. Bracher. _ Miss Lucy Rosing and H. Honeman motored to Northbrook on Tuesday eveninog. |;. 00 h Mr. and Mrs. Leo sticuaarusun m tored to Waukegan op Saturday Mrs. Ruth Drummond and daug» ter: Ruthie and Jane and Mrs. Jam-- es Triggs and children Jimmie, Mary Helen and Bubbin, motored to Wat kegan on Friday. Miss Emina Junge, of Chicago vis Ited at the home of Rer brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Claus Junge, over the Fourth:. Mr. and Mrs. William Frost enter tained friends and relatives from El gin and Berwyn on Wednesday. Miss Elleen Kimball, of Gurnee, spent a few days at thne home of Miss Lilah Brown. _ Fred Rossiter of Woodstock, was a caller at the L. A, Fitz home on Sunoday. s Mr. and Mrs. Dell + cllle Rosing and He motored to %o; Lake Park, on Stupoday. _ Marion Drummond, of Libertyvyille, spent Wednesday at the home of Imogene and G.ennie Killey, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ogborne and granddaughter, None, of Chicago, spent' Sunday at the home of Mrs. Claus Junge. ~ * Della, Bud and Edward Amann. and Hlen Luby, of Round Lake and Bertha Seebeck of River Forest, at-- tended a show at the Genesee in Waukegan, on Sunday evening. Margaret Curran, of Cricago spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Celia Rosing. Mr. and Mrs. William Smith and Mrs. Harry Geary and son, of Grays-- lake,-- and Mrs. Milford Smith, _ ( Round Lake, mot ed to Waukegan on Thursday. R Mrs. Dell Richardson, Helen Rich-- ardson, William Hayes and Veima Fitz, of Round Lake and Benice Lud-- key, wf Neshkoro, Wis.. motored. to Waukegan on Tuesday Located at Round Lake, State of Mlinois, at the close of business on the 20th cay of June, 1929, as made t, the Auditor of Public Accounits of the State of Illinois, pursuant to law. 1. E. C. Webber, Cashier of the Firs: State Bank of T. ~--d Lake do solemly swear that th. above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above 'cor-- respond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State oflllinois, pursuant to law. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY OF LAKE, ss: -s.u_b;t;n;e-d and sworr to before me this 6t1 day of July, 1929. -- (SEAL-- M. B. WEBBER, Notary Public Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Waguer of Round Cash Other Cash Resources and Due from Baunks (112--3).__ $ 56.243.10 Other Bonds and Securities (5)...._._.._.__------------ $2,295.00 Loans on Cw Becurity (6a)...__._._._.._..._------ . 18.630.00 m m ._----------------------'---'-'---- seree84-- s 70»751 '0 a 2l 20 ts c¥ Whidahs 'ARnk n 10 40,250 0n Leans on Real Estate (6¢).-------- _ EL oL. Gmv Y A1* O¥VEALArTHItE (1) ._X2.."....._._._._._._._._..cccccuuuusgzuucsse Banking House, Furniture and ¥Firtures (9) Other Resources (12) ... Tolal Liabilitles Surplus (2) .....__._.__--._.-- Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Demand Deposits (S5a)._-- Time Deposits (5b)...._._.__---- Everything in Buiking Material + Coat, Feed and Sait Phone R, L. * Our Motto: "Service" ROUND LAKE, ILLINO!IS Mrs. Dell Richardson, Lu-- g and Henry Honeman. . Fox Lake and Highland Stock (1) FIRST STATE BANK -- (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of Frted Anderson, 23, Formerly of Waukem and Grays-- lake, K Monday Fred Andersom 23, former local resident, was killed yesterday after-- noon at'his home in Wisconsin Rap Ids, Wis., from a bolt of lightning during a severe thunder shower, ac cording to word reaching relatives here Sunday nigh. -- _ LIGHTNING KILLS _ FORMER RESIDENT ~IN WISCONSIN CITY _ But few particulars were given in the telephone conversation telling of the tragedy. o The youth resided in Waukegan for a number of years and then made his home near Grayslake. He was a son of Mrs. Augusta Ander-- son. Besides relatives who live in Watukegan,; he was known to a large number of the older residents of the city. The Andersons moved to Wiscon sin Rapids about 15 years ago. ily, on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Studstad and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sunwall, of Mionoe-- ROUNXND LAKE GAL TWO ... .. sota, .pent a few days of last week at the Harry Merritt home. . _Mr. and Mrs. h A. Fitz motored to Grayslake op Mon*t:y evegning. . Lake, called on itp Phil Wagner fam _ M-'iil. Ruthie Drummond spent Mon day at the bhome of ber aunt, Mrs Tom Mogsg,. at Gage's Lake. _ Lucille Rosing ard Henry Hone-- man motored to Waukegan to visit Mrs. Rena Bracher ons days this ited at the John Pfannenstili Lome week . M Mr. and Mrs Dell Richardson vis in McHenry, op Thursday evening Jimes Curran and son Durley, mo tored to Caleago on Sunday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drummond and children Ruth and Jane and L A Fitz, motored to I¥ng Lake and to the Tom Mogcgk bome at Gage's L=*> on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Page, Mr. and .\lr----."l.:-;l'le' Fi;é and daugbters and , Cashier . $ 25,000.00 o 25,000.00 __.__ 2,150.07 «s 194,101.29 L222 129,465.88 $286.317.18 §286,317.18 58.18 17,65000 444 00 Mr..and | Mrs. Raymond Page, spent Sunday at tae James Curran, home, Jimmi¢ Trigg*s, the twelve--year old so: of Mr. and Mrs. James Triggs, was badly burned while playing in the garage, with an old toy steam en-- gine, wlhich exploded, burning his face and hands, on Saturday after noon. _ | ~ Wlllla*x and Stanley Wells of Syc-- Aamour, 1re #pending a week at the home of| their aunt and uncle, Mi. and Mis. Harry Merritt. Elizabeth Richardson attended the tzneral of Grayton Collins, of Grays-- lake. on Wednesday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wagnoer--spent last Monday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Will Steinmiller, who is recup-- erating |at a «kanitarlium in Mil-- waukee. | -- Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dietz and two children| of Milwaukee, spent the week end witr relatives here. Will Diebold and family visited at the Dobmer home at West Fremont Sunday Lu-rnoon. Rev.'J, B. Laukemper spert the first of the past week at St.: Mary of the ke Seminary at Mundelein, on his amnual retreat. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hapke and daughter, Eleanor, spent Sundgy aft-- ernoon in Waukegan. Mrs. Mike Obenau! and daughter Mary, have returned from a visit in Wikconsin with relatives. _ Misses Irene Hertel and _ Elvira Behm c%led on Mrs. Bernard Miller and little daughter at the Condell Memorial hospital--in _ Libertyville last Saturday. Fremont Center News Men tpull women, and then try to reform them. --E. W. Howe's Montb!v, Cash Grocery and Market Phone40 Round Lake, I!I. These Housewives Know Their Goceries; And Meats, Too'! ' That is why they make a regular practice of buying High Quality Groceries, Meats and Vegetables at ' Make Work for Themselves: We sincerely believe that the New Six Cyl-- inder Chevrolet offers the greatest auto-- mobile value in the world. -- To convince yourself of this, just shop around, ride in different makes of cars. Drive them. Then make a comparison with the New Chevro-- let and, price considered, you, too, will say that in the Chevrolet you get far more motor value. DRUMMOND'S SALES & SERVICE . _ * * ""' 9O ul e Felephone 61 ROUND LAKE, ILL. fir Economical Transportation ROUND LAKE, ILL. PHONE 20 BUILDING HARDWARE AND TOOLS, PAINTS, o%s, GLASS; GARDEN TOOLS, LAWN MOW" ERS, HOSE; GASOLINE AND KEROSENE STOPES; FISHING TACKLE, ~ ke and Vicinity PAY, JULY 11, 1929. ifining and Plumbing Work. Water Systems Installed . A. Brown, Hardware Greatest Motor Car V alue! ANNUAL IVANHOE HOMECOMING . SET FOR 181X OF JULY Event Will be Held at Dady and Deckers. Picnic Grounds at Gages Lake. The annual Ivanhoe bomecoming and picnic, the outstanding event of the year for many residents of Fre-- mont and -- Libertyville trownshipf will be held in the Dady and Decker picnic' grounds at Gages Lake on Thursday, July 18, according to an announcement made by the commit-- tee in charge today. | All families or individuals who at any time have lived in the Ivanhoe school district of affiliated with the Ivanhoe church are invited to attend the picnic. While an extensive program has been arranged the feature of the day will be the picnic dinner of chicken, baked beans, salads, pies, rolls, cake and so forth which will be served at 1 o'clock. °~ The event will open at 9 o'clock in the morning with reunions betweerm old friends. At 10 o'clock the Farm Yard Fidoalers will entertain.. A ball game between Carl Dorfler's Giants and W. M. Averill's Cubs will start at 11° o'clock., o old t events An informal program will* start at 3 o'clock. ; Among the events list-- ed on this program are musical so-- los, duets, recitattons, dancing of the Virgina reel and other numbers. The closing events will include a memorial service, the giving. of a sketch of Addison B. Partridge and sons, reading of greetings from ab-- sent members, short addresses by TOW N GAR AGL SCREEN TIME ISs HERE! Buy your Scereens here. We carry a Full Supply. time -- residenots and similar WHAT A PLACE FOR A PICNIC SUPPER! Use of Bath House, 25c per Person A Beautiful Picnic Ground, with FREE Parking after 6 p. m., and the finest bath-- ing beach in Northern Illinois. Round Lake, III. Telephone R. L. 2 Golf Supplies, Cameras, Sporting Goods, Cigarettes and Cigars, Newspapers and Magazines, Proprietary Medi-- cines and Sundries; and---- We Carry a Full Line of Bathing Slippers, Caps, Belts, Swimming Tubes, Water Wings, Etc. Prompt Service at Our Modern Fountain Martin Thelan, Prop. Phone No. 9 Round RENEHAN'S BEACH HENDEE & STEFFES General Auto Work and Acetylene WELDING GOODYEAR TIRES Round Lake Garage BEACH SUPPLIESI! HUDSON -- ESSEX SALES and SERVICE ane [ I ses ROUND LAKE Round Lake, IIl. Bathing Suits For Rent, 50c PAGE THREE

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