ONE [MED Mil MANY INJURED IN MtBlllf WISHES While heavy at. ht tho morning cut down trattle congestion over the Fourth of July holidny period. one death, seven! serious injuries and nanny minor injuries and smashed nutomobnes were included in the holiday tramé toll in Lake county over the Fourth. Chicago "can Killed Instant- ly in Acci nt Near Lake Villa Yesterday. Walter Burrows. 42 years old of 208 Eart Fifty-mm! street. Chica- go. m instantry killed at 10:15 My morning when his car struck a pile ot mic! on Route 21 near Lake Villa. crashed Into the ditch nut the Boo Line railroad and turned over. . Burrows end his wile had left Chicago earlier in the any on their way tor a vacation trip into Wis- consin. They had reached the vicini- ty at Lake Villa and were traveling along et a good ate of speed when their ear hit the gravel at the up In the concrete over the Soo Line railroad. When the cur hit the grav- " Burrows lest control of " end the auto hunted into the ditch and turned over beside the. railroad trucks. . The nun was crushed under the wheel of the car which was broken oft white Mrs. Burrows was thrown clear of the wreckage and was not injured. - l The body of the man was taken to Strung": undertaking parlors in Antioch where an inquest was held into Tuna" nhornoon. The coron- er's jury came to the verdict that the death was accidental. Antioch where an inquest was held Shortly after the accident. Mine lt,tt Tm! atterttoori. The 'elr.'ilhttattt, study. 3553 Eiiia avenue. ere fury came to the verdict that Chicago. with her brOther. Ahrrr, the death wt" accidental. Gil driving north on Waulegan Mrs. Burrowa. in a near state ohm"! and came upon the some of collapse. remained in Antioch an the Gagllno accident. Mia. Burdy til after the inquest and then ac'sappileti her brain and her ear "id. commuted the My ot her mum" dad into the ditch and turned over. 3:3 tet Chg)? qrhere funeral Ber. Both of the occupanta were pinned " - . C under the car. They were extricated WV." "ELD m CRASH [by Lake Forest policemen and Joe m " MiMratMtee, "3 ar- rushed to the Alice Route hoopla]. rooted early Thursday morning and Miss £1qu uttered a fractured ettargdd with assault with a deadly collar bone "we Harry was had weapon fo'iowing an accident two": cut and bruised. . miles north of Grand avenue on Tru" mg. Mfg . Green Bay road in which Julia Rep-t Mrs. Francis "rc of Belvidere " was tmghtty hunt". ,road. Wankegan, made a left hand Territo. with his wife. three Mil-hum as she was driving eouth on dren, deter and ttrotherMn-1aw, were iGreen Bay road at Belvidere road on their way from' Milwaukee to{and crashed into H. V. Meyers of Chicago in Temw's car. At about vPai'k Ridge who waa driving north. 9 o'clock in the morning they were 'Both cars were damaged. following a small car with four' Arreet Drunken Driver young people in it, two girls rid-i John S. Michael of Chicago we! in: tn the rumble seat and Terrim arrested and charged with driving was driving very carefully becauaelwhne drunk following' an accident the youngsters in the car ahead near Libertyville in which James A.', 'rem jumping around. changing Healy of Chicago had his car than places and standing up intheir seats i aged. Healy charged that Michael as they drove along. Suddenly. how- drove down Milwaukee avenue ever, the car ahead "Owed andjastraddie ot the black line in the) Territo swung out to avoid 1it/trmis of the road and refused to than. A. he did BO, Btotrhen Repta, turn out. The care aideawiped andl driving in the opttositio '1irectiom'iiarci' car went into the ditch. l crashed into him and at the same; lad la Badly Cut l a? St'",': g/ie',"','.,',",' m"; Edward Lacy of Cicero, rule: over on the pavement and totail' with John Doherty of Berwyn. "M wrecked. Ire Territo W8tt5 out 'm'; badly cut about the face and taken the knee Gii% one "m. the amen? Dr. Struthera' office in Gray-lake Mrs. Christina Katina. was i';rii,'i.eetr?1r a crash on rounte 21 [alt cut about the face and under animal DoheNy 19"": igto eye whiie the rest In Territo'e car l the ditch and hit a cu vert n or er escaped uninjured. I to avoid hitting a car ahead of him Julia Repta was cut on the tore that had stopped suddenly. Lacy head. All had their injuries dressed was thrown through the windshield. at the Lake County General hospi- Deputies Quant and (.ansberx han. tal and all left at once. but Repta died the accident. ' charged Territo with assault with Ttattt Taken to b4oettttal a deadly weapon and he was arreet- Mr. and Mrr. George Kristen ot ed. Chicago were when to the Elin- Three women Injured both Condell hospital by Deputiee Three 'omen received trerlous in. Quandt and Gttnrrtrertt following "a tttries, while two men escaped with accident on route 21 npttr Liberty. cnte and brains, when two autono- vitht "will They were riding Mutt met in . ttend-on coiiiuion. on with it. Kuechmeiater of Chicago lilwankae avenue near the north when their car skidded and turtterd limit-i no Llhanwwnln '" man n'plnrk war in the ditch. Mrs. Kristen had Territo. with his wife. three chil- dren, sitter and ttrotherMn-1aw, were on their way trorn'Miiwaakee to Chicago in Territo'e car. At about 9 o'clock in the morning they were following a small car with four young people in it, two girls rill- ing tn the rumble seat and Terrim was driving very carefully because the youngsters in the car ahead vere jumping around. chanzlne places and standing up intheir seats as they drove along. Suddenly. how- ever, the car ahead stopped and Territo swung out to avoid hitting them. As he did so. Stephen Repta, driving in the opposite direction. crashed into him and at the same time another car struck him from the not. Tantra ear was tuned over on the pavement and totally wrecked. In. Territo was out about the knee and on one arm. the sister. Mrs. Christian Malina. was badly cut about the face and under one eye while the rest In Tenito'e car escaped uninjured. Julia Repta was cut on the tore. head. All had their injuries dressed at the Lake County General hospi- tal and an left at once. but Repta churned Territo with assault with n deadly weapon and he was arrest- ed. sustained a notion only wound and any have I Wm?! of. tho skull. Mm. Earl Lulu". M. who was tHr. in; in the some automatic. 3100 ad.' tered o lotion- only would. will. the hubmdn ot tho two man and n no your old son ot Mrs. [Anton tattered only out: and bronco. Mrs. Charles Phelpl. M, of "" North Racine "cane. Chicago. who with her husband. were occupant: of tho other machine. 1tettfl fractures of both ion in the com.-: ion. Her husband who is a you: old. suffered only cut- and brain". 7 t Mart Badly injured J. S. Rough. 4455 Hamilton Bt., Chicago, vy- badly cut nbout the heed end {nee end adored painful body bruises Thursdly mornoon when his car skidded on the nave- ment near the state line on the Green Bay road into the path of a lane truck tteritte driven by Theo. dare Krupp of 2341 North Kedvale avenue. Chicago. Rough wu tnhen to the Tght,'tear,l and severe) stitches were enemy to close the wound in his flee end heed. Part of his left eye-lid we: severed " by Britttr.8a, Double - Reported Prank Galina. 3950 West Chic:- to venue. Chicuo. wee driving north on Weukegan road through Len Forest Thursday morning. when he Ikidded all the road. turn- ed over in the ditch and car broke off a telephone pole. Gegiino. his wife and two sons, Fred end Sieve. were taken to the Highland Park hospital where serious cute and bruises were dressed. All were mod to tho Elisabeth Condell Memorial 'hosptul .whm their Injuries were attended by Dru. J. L. Taylon'. Maurice Penny and F. H. Martin. T f Cause of the lccldent bu not bean determined. As the mnrhlm collided with mu torce both were badly damaged. - A _ HEM!" mm m . IE wows BEST 'jllttlthillllfE cum Plum _ tor . convening Mellody Farm former country out". of tties late J. Ogden Armour, Into the mqst modern and one ot the may! exclu- un' country clubs in the world were rennet! may. _ ,.~ Syndicate, Headed b5 San uel Insull, Buys J. Men Armour Estate In Lake Cd. Sponsor-0d by a syndicnto of Chl. cMo millionaires headed by Scum»! lnoull. the country club will include "you; its novel teatttres, prints: airport. a glass enclosed swimming pool, tennis courts and n 200ilcre sue reserved for residences of its members. . The treatttitttl9rmottr estate. pm- braeing 846 sores near-Libertyville. was sold more than a year ado to the syndicate ot Mrs.. Armour to help settle her' husband's debts which piled up following his spec- tsculnr financial crab. .While the price paid for the property wt. 82. 500,000. " is said to have been re- cently valued st $8,000,000 by real estate napalm. . Privacy for "Deals"- The new club is to hsVe a union- iected few from esch of the lnrge cities in the country. It will com- bine business with pleuure. "ford. ine n picturesque setting for busi- ness munstes to forenther to dttr. cuss Important deals in privacy and at the some time enjoy golf and other sports. Work has Ilregdy been begun a, landscaping the estate for an eigh. teen-hole golf course. . The ltallnn villa. occupied until rerentty by mm. Armour. will be rcmodeled into A club house. Landocape Artists Help Landacnpe artists will make the Duluth] beauties of the trite meat the requirements ot a huge play- ground for millionaires. Besides Mr. Insult. Chicago finan- ciers in the syndicate ittrlude_Brit. ton I. Budd, Arthur and George M. Seynoldo. Stuyvesant Peabody. B. A. Eckhart. Henry Minna. John n Thompson Jr.. B. E. Sunny, Joseph E. Otis. George Woodruff, Samuel lnsull Jr. Martin Insull. Alemndvr F'. Banks. Charles F. Glare. B. J. Fallon. D. J. Schuyler and E. V. Gnhun. Sheridan road rather than hit u machine coming oft a side road. Ratrmond Baton. 3012 Enoch are nuo. Eton, suffered a snare injury to M- nth and We Thursday ew- nfng north of Makes-n. Halon and Own Griffith. also of Zion were riding onSheridan road on a motorcycle when the former noticed a machine minim: ott a side road. He took to the ditch. Setrt"tu.y of Comme:ce Roper! P. lat-mom is understood to have heen Inviledm) recome tn honorary char. to: member ot the dub. _ Teh Injured man was taken to the office of Dr. Benjamin Goldberg when first ttid in rendered. LIBERTYVTLLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1929. l A community picnic dinrter Witt he servedon the grounds at l o'ciock, starlight "vine tgne. The menu Cote itll? of thicken, that! beans. saloon. ,'pies, "to ,rolls. plums, ete. The dinner I. summed by Lake county realm nts. Friends from Chieturo no ubther pluck no not expected to con- ltrittute to the dinner. _ bodice 'who pre not advised u to what they are to furnish for the dinner can get fur. ;ther Automation by coiling up mm. .beth Win: or Emma Ballard mt lvuhoe; 'AHcp' or Theo Smith, gt laminate: Orphn 'Harding, at Mun- deletn; Ettuna Gribbe thnith. or Mrs. .w n Darker n Libertrvfile: or ( Suit tor 825.000 damages for In- Juries received Int May in Highland 1l,'t,t, m am Monday Jor Mary x. Ferguuon. of Chicago, "out" G. W. IDtvdrtch and J. She". both of High hand Park. by Attorney E. W. Clark. of Chicago. The attorney stated that bhystctaus is yet were unable to ldetertuiy how .complete the recov- ,ery ot the women would be'. The mini Ihrnhoe Homecoming and" Picnic will be held thin rear on Thursday, July is. ait Duly & Deck- er's picnic grounds at We: Like-r The gun is indict! imnrddo by may maiden. nil oven the county. add pnrticninriy in Fremont um utr. ertyviilo town-hips. All families and individ'mh wh on" any time have lived in the lvnnhoe "hootditrtHet, or have been in An, In: connected oeith the imbue thumb, no invited to an p}cnic. No notice: we sent to Lake txtuntr%rsidettta, who-cm get pour? through their ohm-ch or-' tiartiratiotm.or local pnpers. . C, Ivanhoe Hernecomintr And Picnic July 18th There will be the uanal program, oitrrttittttesr and batten, tn addition. there will be the "Farm Yard Pid- diera"--Pete. Jay and Ole-who will furnish mule throughout the day. The" fiddler: have attained a na- tional reputation over the radio. i, Eldon Noun. It, or 41 West It8th iPlaee, Chlcngo. trimmed both arms when he tell from t swing u Luke Villa Sunday. He was brought to ,the Victory Memorial Hospital _ where he was attended by Dr. Ben. {jamin Goldberg. any iiieker " Libertyville; "ounce Decker. at Wuuhgtn. The picnic nuns it nine o'clock in the morning. and continues until dark Loeal people should writn to their ttotrretridettt friends and rein- tives urging them to attend. Many have nire'ady'indicated their inten- tion to be present, sons of whom hue never been able to attend any of the previous picnic; Those picnics hove increasod in favor and popularity each year. As on opportunity t meet oid friends. this picnic comgines the county fair. the soldiers' reunion. the lily party. the June meeting. the school picnic, and the Sundny school picnic all in one $25,000 DAMAGES IN a& SOUGHT FAllS FROM SWING: BREAKS BOTH ARMS LN Funk Snitch. 807 gth'igt., Wanke- un. enrbloyed by North Shore Gas conuny, In badly injured Into yea- tomy utte'rnoon when, as he was weighing on, gas mum. on the Waukegnn road at Lake .F'or- on. he In. struck try in woman au- tout Iron Chicago who was. driving down the wrong side of According io ,the Lake Forest bo- lice. Bench wu.oft the pavement on the but "new: the road. He wu working "ttt'-ttte ground and, Din. Margaret Junie". ot 5943 Prqi- rle avenue, Chkngb. driving south or: Wnukegan road, swerved to the wrong side of the pavement and her car passed over'the workman "who In on'the grand. . ' . Mm. Junta}. stopped' her car. nhd with the "help of fellow workmen. Bench was with her car and takgn to the Highland Park hospital. Bad cm. on m. head were sewed up and he I'll named In bmdates. Re Frank Selich of Waukegan Badly Injured Late Yes- _ terday Afternoon. . HITS (lit WORKER AT [ME FOREST ILLINI TROUBADOURS Channel Lake Pavilion Nightly and Sunday After- noons [Except Monday) . All the Young Ladies Stop at. ' CHANNEL LAKE SORORITY HOUSE Rates: $1.50 per Night; $6.00 per Week The big crowds that have turned out for our Eating and Dancing features prove that this is what the people want. . So we will .offer another program of Boxing and Dancing Every Tuesday Night We have just installed a ventilating sys- tem that keeps "The Stables" as cool as the outside night air. ' JVANHOE, ILLINOIS Ir Famous Spotlessly Clean Barbecue Is Open Day and Night, Every Day OLD TIME DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Dieta's Stables BRUCE WERTS' MORE! Vacationing at Channel Lake DANCE TO AND HIS William Converse. employed with George Schllee of Wauconda. was badly cut on the side of the face and upper lip Sunday. when the dump body of a truck fell off, strlk~ in: Cdnverse in the face. A bad cut below the left eye and his upper lip cut clear through. were dressed by Dr. J. A. Ross. q! Litre Forest police indicated that it Selich desired, they would issue a warrant for the arrest of Mrs. Jeanfela -on a reckless driving .cha'rge. /rher pointed out that with t.iis1ictt" working on the east side of the road and off the pavement, and with'Ml'l. Jeanie]: driving sooth; oe. would haw to "on; to the wrong side of the road and drive off the' ptrvement oh the left side in or- der to strike the workman, Bench was brought to his home in Waukggan by other gas company employes. Hit, fellow workmen had taken the name and nddresa of the Vwomnn driver, but she did not report to the police station apil left thé city imme- diately. t comphined of severe when: his inch and cheat end while his body was taped up. he 'rat, permitted to leave the hospital again and was taken back to the LakellForest po- lice nation where/he nearly cot. lapsed from the pain of his injuries and from loss ot blood.' AMS' DAILY FEE $1.00. SATURDAY, SUN. DAY AND HOLIDAYS, $1.50 20 minutes on Route 21 from Libertyville North on Route 21 to Signs SHOREWOOD GOLF CLUB 18 HOLES DAILY FEE Course In Splendid Condition Limited number of yearly membershigs, $25. Club house and grounds are suita 1e for parties and luncheons. TELEPHONE - - ROUND LAKE 77 hill! equipped with the most epproved and eccepted hospital equipment Complete Sui-glen Funnies, lt-Ray, Ultra Violet Rey, Diathermy Infrared, 011mm. Sine Ware, Hydration". Physical Diagnosis and Full Watery Routine. DOCTORS AND NURSEs ON DUTY DAY AND NIGHT Gar Available for Patients And Emergency Calls L A D I E S-Arrange to hold yam" next afternoon card party here and have the menfolks come out in the evening for a round of golf and a picnic supper. Wooster Lake Health Resort Formerly Sunny Brook Health Resort New Buildings-New Managemenrt A GENERAL HOSPITAL LOCATED IN CENTRAL LAKE COUNTY Capacity 100 Patients Reasonable Rates Try our noon and supper specials. You will be pleasant'.:, . surprised at the excellent food and moderate prices. ENJOY YOUR GOLF 603 N. Milwaukee Aire., Libertyville. OPEN ALL NIGHT NOW OPEN! For a We,. _ooked, Well-Served Meal, Putroniw Twilight Fee, 50c (after 4 p. m. NOW OPEN TRY OUR HOME COOKED MEALS THE VIRGINIA CAFE ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS NO CHARGE _. FOR TENNIS ..q.. BOATING 1 OR SWIMMING BRAE LOCH Gages Lake PUBLIC FEE AT PAGE IIHREE