Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 11 Jul 1929, p. 5

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Libertyville, lil. Capital and Surplus $1 50.00&0_0 Lake County National Bank Note These Summer Needs! %0-quart Allgxnm dPreserty'ing Kettles verys c1a . Ite quan 1 y . on 'ii1rgr)'t'1rftt1tif1.1rltPr$22S Winchester Thermos Jugs, (One Gallon size) for ----.-.- Waterless Cookers, Priced as low as.....-...-..-......, Coleman Lanterns, needed in every home; only _-----.---------------.... SCHANCK HDW. co. Qoleman Lamps, real illumina- tion; low cost to operate--, Coleman Air-O-Gag Stoves, (fine for sinmer horties)r, GET YOUR FISHING TACKLE HERE! Perfection Oil Camp Stoves, (needed on that fishing trip), Two-Burner Electric Hot Plate Nine - Tenth: of the bills, " the world are paid by check. ARE YOURS? . A Real Value, at our low priceof .3 $45.00 $1.75 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bicknuo sad taunity and In. Loch. Keys and m. Franklin; Mt and In. mum scbotunn, Mr. and In. our!" For. nous. and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ba. kor and family out the fourth It the home ot Jtoob Storm " Quin- Mr. and In. Chum noncon- and Mr. and In. Henry Nor and fam. Ily motored to In. Gone" My and mind It the bone of Arthur Mm. mum Eddy and In. Punk mum: at ot Handeloln Be. computed In. Funk Rampant Jr., to "human New". um Mary manor Newman. and It: Once Hubbard no "ending this week at the among Lune - on me Genoa, tutd attending the c'onhnnco. ' ton": Anton OW, 1 medical widen: " Harvard. "owed oft Lure tttr s few our 'tsit with " sister, MN. Elmer Pope. en route to No home in Lou Angeles. Mr. and Mn. Bus-on "my. ot Marion, Ind., we" week and new It the home at Mr. and In o. A. Nawoom. Mu Mice Putin and Mrs. Frank mumps-tn" Jr., went Timmy In Doomeld with friends . Mr. and In. E. H. We": and Mr. and In .3. E Rouse and children ot madam. returned ThuMy on runs from Clear me 3"..."an they went the any: at tho Wuhan: Layout coma. . Rolland Milur returned home tut blonds: from . two weeh' business trip in the out. In Violet One, and (amino and Mrs. Knox Pillow ttttd children. ot Park Ridge, were luncheon true." It the home of Mn. John Roberts today ("and"). Mr. and In A E. Reid. ot Liber- . -"' F'iriiai -Giriri."GiiA. tyvtlle: Mr. and Mrs..G. P. '/dt'Jilpria"iiii2iii',' villager": thU week Ind Mr. and Mrs. A. 8 Bthm. of end at the George Mason colon" Lake Vllh; Mr. and Mm. Wilt Katr on Mason Lake wu. unwell "a plo and In. Mort Kapplo ot Walt. remain tor . 005910 9, weeks. hem; Mr. and Mrs. J, M. Rogers of. - Chicago, and Mrs. Intel Dibble and, Mr. and,Mra. Harold Play and chlldren ot Antioch. were guests of children motored out trom Chum!!! Mr. and Mrs. E Amos on Hawthorn . Tummy nnd called on not: grand- Ihuan at a Nettie dinner on the 4th. 3 father, "mum mm. Tho proprietors of the Beverly! The Woman Guild of Bt. Late. hreu Shop are making extensiw tvtureiphurtptt met with In. J. G. plum tor Dollar up. which we are Wm todqr (Thur-say). sure will be "predated by their. m, Menus. i AtendP1rfJ.lty '5.treaCfe.iee Vernon Nelnon of Council Bluffs, Iowa) spending an summer witn an uncle and mm. Mr. and Hrs. Raymond Buck. Mrs Alice Baldwin and mutter Janet, visited this week at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Cation. Mr. and Mrs. o. C. Nelson and Mr. and Dirt. Jack Dewitt ot Coun- cil Bluffs. Ion, and Mr. and Mm. F. Rick. of Rock Island, went seven] Jars last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Buck. Inc tte V38 BO enunourea over "te, night life of 1 " eitr bud Io Maul The Aperice Legion Auxiliary up with his pleasant company 'i"iGtet the firit Monday in Jutr, "d he took Tuesday night oft also 1nd ' fl, had . very enmity evening. he and hi! pleasant Company attend, he next meeting will be held on ad the elem in Waukexan. lnur'd'y' August l, u the Eighth I District meeting will be held on the Mr and in. Wm. Klein. In. Car. rertur mum; night, Ann-t 5. in no Myers and children, of Austin.ih'brta Chicago. The most important mm Sum dungeon st the Hen-, matter to tre Men In It the next ry Seller homo. "real muting will be the auction Mr m In. Cart Behrmt viattetd ot t committee you": for the our the unor- menu. Mr. and Mrs l in: your. who will at. hot one. at William sue, in Guyana. Band" tho Curie mount AW 5. A grro,d mom "newline in desired 31 this meet. Mr and Mrs. Robert Hunsdon and baby, ot Vincent)", Ind., spent sev- en! dun last week with Mr and Mn. John Roberts. Mm Luau: Pannier of Chicago. men! Thursday with be: main. Mrs. Allie Nicklaus, Victor Wolf, night manager at the Pinata! an Shop. took Monday evening off and visited friends in Waukegnn. This vns Mr. Wolf'- firut evening ott for nimou n you and he was so enunciated over the night life of 3 " citr and to Man up with his pleasant company that he took Timmy night " mo and he and " pleasant company attend- ed the cica- in Wnukeun. Little Edith Vinderwoo! was re leased 1mm quarantine Wednesday. that n tunes: with scarlet fever. Mr. and In James Guerin ware in Chicago Wednesdty Mews LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. T'HURSDAY, JULY 11,1929. 44 and ' 1"dff Mm Rose Guerin In visiting her Pridar cousin, Munro! Dunn, in Antioch I Mr. and In. Ray N. thntth And A ".%atM-- --i-v _-.."- A. "- --' "- Matt Rose Oust-In In mum her cousin, human Dunn, in Antioch this week. III. "I. -II. a.) as. was": - children were of Mr. and In. John Winger ill lake Villn may. was Mabel anke returned Toen- dq from n trip to Durance. he, The Dell: and other pieces in Win- coneln. . In. C. tt. Stephens autumnal her sister. Mian Ida Ruth. who ll at- tending school in Bioominetott, over the fourth . Alba Smith In spending . low dun this week with an comm, Howard Guthrie, in Winn-nu. Mu. Ether "nutter returned to hor home gt Atlanta City. RI., this week, after u "it with 0100 Sue "choc. . Mus Mary but" Kmexor of my; land M, was I and. ot [in Hat. tie Boehm hid". Mr. and In. Boyd Mn of La Grange, will spend many with Mr. and Mm. F. R. Tripp Mr. and In. Harm Schumann motored to Immune My and spent the my with Mr. at! In. Wm. Schwernnn. and enjoyed . round on the Currie Put golf come. Mm human hack ot Chicago In mending the week with mu Ma mu "not Sonnet In booming the week with her undo ma tum. Mr. and Mrs. Lawn Bage, " Grin Into. . Wheeler. Prof Albert Schwemnn. of Ed. momon, Athena. Chnada.. um: , cum u the home of Mr. and Mrs. "ennui Schvermm Monday. ' Hrs. [Annie'Thlos of GUmer In on- Joring n tem an visit with her datum" ,Mrs. Herman Schwenmn. Mr. uni In. o. Butlmann. of Dol, ton, Ill., spent Sum with Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wettrertbertr. Bernard Wuhrenbrg. who ha been visiting more. returned home with them. them. [and Mn. C. A. Wohronberx ma children "lied on Mr. and In. Wttt. Sun Wodnoodny evening. In. elm-loo Proctor and. sons Mel vin and Rum". tad Mr. and Mrs. Funk "on will mend um week end at the George luau catch" on Mason Lake, Win. mason" wilt remain tor I couple of mu. Mr. and In. Lame Waters, ot Haywood, were week and you: at the home of tbe_lormer's parenh', Mr. and Mrs. H E Waters. Raymond Cooper and cus. Fain Cooper are mum; with men- aunt, Mrs Anhur Peter, In Chicago. A _ In .0. Bert Bruru and daughter, "rank. of Palatine, visited Wednes- day with Mm. A. H. Kornberg. who ia Ill. Mm Gertrude Duds and In" Mar gnrepKlnnoy spent a tow days this week Haida trtriends hero. um Jean be Roo, ot Highhuid Park, wu s (that! seven] (In: this week n tthe home ot Min Id: Wheeler. Mr and Mrs. Pun Rar and lame and Mrs Con Hull ppm the fourth with Mr. and Mrs. L H. Kama in Crysul Like. Victor Button and his mother. Mrs. Delo- Amu. hue' returned home from o two week' visit with relative. in Grand Rapids, Mich. In. Emily Bane received word Fm!" of the "Men deem (owned by tom trouble) of her brother,' Fred Runner, of on Park. The (more! lenlce we. held Monday at urbane in Oak Perk Mr. and In. George hues, of Wakes", spent the fourth " the home of John Almond, on Pttat atreot., ' Hum Genevieve and Florence Cure, and Mr. Whit of Monetary, My Red Dr. and Mm. C. H. Better [at Sunday. Mr. and In. J. W .Bird entertain. ed Mr Md In. Wltiard Humanity nnd Ion. Billy, and Mr? and In. Lloyd Hemingway, of Floumore Pare. on the fourth. Dr. and In. C. H. Better and Mr. and In. J. L Conny returned Bun- day from hie Henchman, Cutie Gardens. Wit, where they spent the put week. . The Friendship Circle of the Pral- by term: church: will meet Fm!" evening, July 10. with In. C. W. Jamison, 408 mu street. Mr. and In. Ray Cramer and hm. ily, at Evan-ton. spent the fourth with Mr. And In. Lon Guts. In. Gm: returned home with them tor the fireworks in the evening and spent the night nt their home. Mr. Ind In. I. N. Boron-d And funny and Mr. and In. A. Klemp and (unity. ot Highland Put, colo- bntod the fourth at the home of Mr. and Mm. H. wasteland. Mr. Huma- and ad the nation have the same birthdays. . Mn. Kate Berna-d spent Band" with her niece, In. E. Kaeh, and funny u Highland Luke. Kenneth Cooper ad o. H. Muhlko motored to Mason Latte, WU., In: Thursday to spend & few days mm- m. They returned home Sunday evening. Robert Berlin-d was I week end men " the home ot Fred Eberwine in Wnukognn. Mr. wd in June. Dull tad daughter, Domthy, spent a qouple of dun lat week wit.) renting in Des Plumes. Frederick Bcboock returned Tues. dar from " eight week! trip to Europe.' Mr. Bthoock makes his hone with his ulster, In. w. R. Ewing, north of town. . . Leslie Canal! ot Rapid River, Mich., vu a (non at the home of Mm. Enubelh Boom Int week, The Miscionuy Society of the n: E. church in panning n picnic dinner It Des Pininel "any, nnd will ab. tend the Camp Meetin g in the after noon. Yard Plum '" A. HACIL Manager. 'eeetdeetetq Pttom 1" YARDS: an MIT COOK AVE. LtBERTYhftLLtt. ILLINOII aux Iron "aroma non AND "some; no?" run WITHOUT OILIBATION Home of WA 11iltlilihl, R0053 LIBE'R TYVILLE CEMENT WORKS McDonald', Commercial School Telephone 130 311 W. Park Ave. Libertyville, Ill. REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER SCHOOL WORK Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses _ QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR "TTER HOME. mu Helen. Helm, of Fremont, [I spending a week at the home ot Mrs. Elisabeth Boehm. In. T. P. ann and children and In. Funk Drab; and daughter, Dol- ores, spent Pridar afternoon on the bench in Wankenn. . Mr. end In. W. E. Decker and children visited the American Le. gion'e model electrlc home tt Crrte tel lake may. Mm H. B. mlolt wt: a guest Tues- dey of In. Otto Vevre in Oak Park. we. Fox-once Turney ot Chicago. spent the fourth with Mr. and Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bradford and daughter, Dorothy, and Hut, Mm ret Keith returned Monday from n Urea weeks' motor trip through the Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McClain and Vex-lie and Dudley, and Mr and Mm. W. J. Fondick nnd son, Gordon, and Mill June locum, of Independence, Iowa,tnotored to Lake Geneva Sun- dny nnd enjoyed n picnic dinner, in honor of Hrs. Fendick'l birthday. Mr. and Mm. Peter Nehru." and children of Chicago were guests st the home of Mr. and Mum. Gleason Wednesday. . Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mason and funny spent the week 'end at Mason Luke, Wis. Is now open for Luncheons and Dinners A "Lenoir: 50c LUNCHEON IS BEING SERVED. ALSO DINNER AND A LA CA.RTE SERVICE Private Dining Rooms for Parties. Clubs, Bunquets "THE FiNSTAD" 118 E. Church St. Libertyville TILE. lADi IN ANY COLOR Aha m ANY QUANTITY Organized for the Service of the People--- After carefully going over the coal sit- uation, we find that from 60 to 75 per cent of the price of our coal is freight and labor, of which the railroad company ex- tends us no credit, and freight has to be paid on receipt of coal. And after June lat, it is necessary for us to charge cash for all coal and please do not ask us for credit. WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work . is Guaranteed E. L. YELDEN General Contractor Libertyville, Ill. Pl "'tgBERrYvILLE _ ', 'kNr'filUsst BANK First National Bank Few men win success without good financial backing. A good connection at a friendly, understanding bank will lead one with the ability and energy well along the way of success. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS tll0,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois OUR. W. F. FRANZEN, Jr., LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO., 0. A. Newsom, Sec., JOHN G. BORST. Frank Statement Capital and SurMus " 50.000. oo bank takes pride in its record of helpfulness to individuals.. and business concerns, and continues tp extend to all a cordial imita- tion to let us work with the upbuilding of this community and. the furtherance of the pros- perity of our people. . "'No Account Too Large-u - None Too Small" Financial Backing Phone 554-J PAGE FIVE

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