Mr. and Mrs. James McMilien Were guests at a party given by Mr. and Mrs. Anton Cermak at their home on Channel Lake on the fourth. The party was given in honor of Messrs. Ronney and Horn who are leaving for Enmgland this week to attend a Convention of Labor Lead-- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells and children spent Sunday with Mrs. Well's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kinrade in Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and child-- ren and Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Cross and son returned from t!;,t'{ vaca-- tion on Lake Waukegan Sunday. They report wonderful fishing re sults but feel they are fed up on fishing until next season.. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gano, of San Diego, California, who hbave been visiting friends in Chicago, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs,. 8. JVV Féeet of Hay Rope R:tlgh Huizenga | South of Half Day ON MILWAUKEC AVE. PHONE LIBERTYVILLE 647.J--1 Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner ac-- companied by the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willis McMillen, of Grayslake left Wednesday for a motor trip in the West. ,Taey will visit Colorado Springs and make a tour of Yellow Stone Park and visit other points of interest enroute. Miss Bessie McBride and Miss Dorothy Holcomb spent Monday with IDr. and Mrs. Frank Earl in Wilmette. --« James McMillen returned aome Tuesday from Nashville, Tennesee, where he wrestled following engage ments which covered two weeks in New York. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grummitt en-- tertained his Mother, Mrs. Gruntmitt of Libertyville during the past week. daughter Helen and son, Ralph call-- ed on Mr. and Mrs. Alex Knox in Waukegan Sunday evening. Mrs. Orpha Harding spent the week end with hber sister, Mis. Harriett Brainerd in Waterman, IHlinois. ° PRESEYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor Sunday school t 9:45 a. m. Morning worship at 11. This is the day we celebrate the Lord's Sup-- per. We extend a welcome to all who wish to join us in this memorial. All Methodists over the world are asked to give the first bill of the new paper money to World Service, as a consecration of money to the service of the Kingdom of Carist. The church and the Epworti League meet together Sunday eve ning at 7:30. Our Sunday school meets at 9: 45. Troop No. 72 of the boy scouts meets in our church every Friday evening at 7:30. J. W. Bird is the Recout master. METHODIST EPISCOPAL John E. DelLong, Pastor '"'The New Attitude Toward Wor-- ship" is the subject for Sunday at 11. One hour a week in worship at the church is a small portion of your time, and no hour could be spent in a better way. gT. JOsSuPH'S3 CATHOLIC Revx. M. J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass at 6:30 a. m.; Second Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 a. m; Fourth Mase ai 10 a m. SERVICES OF THF LOCAL CHURCHES The estate, valued at about $65,-- 000, is tied up for the next 21 years under the will and Gates, will havye the handling of the estate for that time. One son, Arthur Nickelsen, a bachelor, was given $1,000 and Mrs. Katrina Nickelsen, wift of Henry, was given $1,000 while Henry was given $5 and the bailance of the estate is to be held in trust until the four small children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Nickelzsen become of PAGE EIGHT The heirs, all of whom are dis-- satisfied with the will which was drawn and is being forced by Attor-- ney Albert R. Gates, administrator of the estate, intimated today that they would immediately file a bill contesting the will. of the heirs protested against the will which was upheld by the pro-- bate court, was again approved by Judge Claire C. Edwards in the cir-- court court. The will of the late Carsten Nick-- elsen of Deerfleld, admitted to pro-- bate in the probate court and ap-- pealed to the circuit court when all NICKELSEN WILL AGAIN UPHELD IN -- CIROGUIT COURT Heirs Protest Against Will and Disposal of Estate Valued at $65,000. and a hearty welcome | Mr. and Mrs. Morton Joinson, of Chicago, called at the R. F. Rouse fho_me Saturday afternoon. 1 __Mr. and Mrs. Petrie, of Elgin, spent Wednesday night with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Underhill and accompanied {them to Wauconda on the Fourtu where they spent the day with Mr 'and Mrs. Wells. > r Vivian Pfannenstiel wh, has been visiying Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rolin, in Chicago, returned home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Rolin spent tie day with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pfannen-- stiel. M Mr. and Mrs. Gus Thalero returned last week from their 5 months tour thru the Rast with their animal act. Thomas Godwin, also, returned with the Thaleros'. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg called on Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lehm-- kuh! Monday evening. \ Mr. and Mrs S. W. Degner and Caildren spent Sunday with Mrs. L. Mathews, in Prairle View. % Mr. and Mrs. Dan Gilly and child-- ren, of Barrington, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kublank. | & Ridgley Ray has been -- released from quarantine and has retrned to his home. He will take up his work again for the Ray Bros. at Diamond Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg, of Libertyville, called on Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler Sunday evening. Wm. Volkman and Aynsléy Ross spent Sunday evening with friends in Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ray and daugh-- ter Maxine, of. Libertyville, spent SBunday afternoon with Mrs. Hattie Kniggi and Mrs. Louise Specht. Little Raymond Bauersmith has been ill with tonsilitis but is muca better now. asked Petitions for the permission to levy assessments for public improve-- ments in the way of sewter and pay-- ing were filed Monday in circuit court for the village of Libertyyille. Pay-- ing for Stewart avenue and School street and sewers for School and Stewart and Rockland road were REUBEN DONNELLEY LIBERTYVILLE TO HAVE IMPROVEMENT 'an estimated $3,000 damage Thurs-- day in a vacant three story framg house at 438 South Sheridan road, Highland Park, a structure erected 10 years ago and one.of the oldest in the village. In the course of the battle to extinguish the blaze, Fire Marshal Edward Hoskin's right hand was painfully lacerated on a l:dder.i and Frank J. Van Bergen, a Chicago architect living at 234 Cedar street, Highland Park, was arrested for | driving over four lines of hose. | Fire, believed to have been kin-- dled gy mischievous urchins, caused an estimated $3,000 FIRE DESTROYS AN ABANDONED HOUSE Miss Mary Gail of Waukegan vis-- ited over the week end witB Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hutchinson,. --~ ' 'The heavy traffic qover the week end made business brisk at the Lib ertyville Garage, on account of the large number of u:cldth Several brand new cars were towed into the repair shop, all more or les# demol-- ished. The force was kept busy dur-- ing the holiday season, _ repairing tirs, pumping gas and the many other activities around t'1:is busy garage. «r~eqbbk* 0n "Tuesday _ _ Chick Bernard, proprietor of Maiu Garage, has the reputation of being a gogetter, and tres to be first in a lot of things . Now the distinction of being the first in Lib ertyville to deposit one of tae new dollar bills just issued by our Uncle Samue!. The question being askéd is where did he get it? Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huber and days last week. -- Ted Havice and Miss Alvina Knox of Lake Forest, were united in marri-- age at a quiet little service in Rock-- ford June 29th. They will make their home in Chicago. 0o o o0 0 o0 0 0 0 0 0o 0o 0 0o 0o o0 0o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0o Additional Locals LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSC i wrecking the Armour ice house at .l-'ox l{ke. one block west anmd two blocks 'south of the St. Paul depot. lPflced at $15 to $35 per thousand daot. Phone Fox Lake 4. 27 6tx R SALRD--About 3,000 square feet Cl)n good sod in mm cemetery ery reasonable. T. H. Kern 14!ber-- tyville, HIL #1 tt | Millburn; a farm at farmer's price, |and als, a good speculation. §$165 per acre. Sellers & Johnson, Liber-- | tyville, M _ _ 28 tt good town; 25 miles t, Milwau-- ee; 50 miles from Libertyvilie. Price nly $110 per acre. Sellers & John-- kon, Libertyville, IIL _ 28 t! cal FOUR SALE--Two Case tractors in |_ A--1 condition. Apply to William |\ Sneddon, Everett Stock Farm, Ev-- |erett, IH1. -- Telephone Lake Forest 1896-\'-3. 17 Itx 'FOR SALE--Shetland ponies and | _ saddle bhorses. ~Fmmett Geary, tel-- lep.xone 58--M--1, Wauconda, l 1t |_ Lake; will make two nice lots; cot-- \tage on one lot; will sell reasonable. (TelepFone Briargate 1073, or address {1347 Norwood Ave. Chicago. 24 6t FPOR SALE--Used lumber We FOR SALE--120 acres, close in to FOR SALE--Two road, cl in; fime fer country home, cm% farm; black garden | land. Priced 'right. Sellers & John-- | son, Libertyville. 28 tf FOR SALE--Lot 100x150 ft. a tLong FOR _SALE----IO acres on concrete ' SALE--2117 l('f'l_: '.p]en;;]-dv ' WTsgQusin gtook farm, fronting on ox rivet; concrete highway; mile FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights, III. _ Phone 496 ville, HL. beautiful groundc.] i}'&'&m";' chicken LGouses for 1000 birds; barn; plenty °', £mlt, berries, etc. Only FOR SALE--Modern country home, Box §00, care Libertyville Independ-- ent. P1one No. 1. 27 6tx FOR SALE--New, six room, two story residence in Kenlock Park subdivision, Libertyvyille Exterior Colonial style, with interior decorat-- ed in Spanish style; oil heat; elec-- tric lights and double garage. This home has never been lived in. Owner compelled to leave state. Answer to site, 120x295 feet, on Cook avenue, oppoisite Franzen's Lumber Yard. $5500. A good speculation. Bellers & Johnson, Libertyvilie, II1. 28 tt FOR SALE--Garage cor Sellers & Johnson, Liberty-- FOR SALE This new equipment can be installed for less than $75.00 a room and paid for by a system of easy payments. WE GUARANTEE ALL WORK J. T. McGRATH . heating cares next winter. American Radiator Heating Equipment gives per-- fect comfort with utmost fuel economy. 134 8 MILWAUKEE AVE. TELEPHONE 260 LIBERTYVILLE LIBERAL ALLOWANCE ON YOUR OLD HEATER is the time . warehouse lunoh room; good oppo:tunlt?yw'xri uave a bustmess of your own. Phone Independent, Libertyville No. 1. ' WANTED--Woman to run smal!l town in county to act as an insur-- ance agent. State qualifications in first letter. R. G. Kaping, L4 berty-- ville. . Phone 469. 27 M W_ANT@ ---- Representative in eu:h RESPONSIBLE PARTY wili pay 7%% l interest for $6,000.00 well secured |'by first mortgage loan on lands for sale at $20,000. No expense or com-- missions. If interested see me at once. F. R. Sellers, Libertyvile, 111. WANTED--Chilidren to care for by the bour, day o yrweek; at.a reas-- @®*®ble price. Telephone Munde lein 374--R. 27 6t ernoons and evenings,. will do any-- thing. Write or inquire Libertyyille Independent. Phone No. 1. 1t , and baby chick feed, coarse or fine, mixed and ready to feed, $2.25 \ a hundred pounds, delivered» Corn, [ ear or shelled. Bergeron Stock Farm l 2 miles west of Libertyville on Lake 'Strrot Road. Phone Libertyville 678 J--2. w #tt WANTEI)»--Work afiter 4:30 in aft-- n restaurant; all around help. Answer to Box 66, care Libertyyille Independent, or phone No. 1. 1t WANTED --Famity of three wishes to rent small bouse in central part of county, preferably in or near Lib ertyville, Hll§ Day or Prairie View. Reply to Ralph Huizenga, Prairie View. Phone Libertyville 647--J--1. WANTED--Girl or woman to work FOR SALE--Black dirt. Frank Cal-- on freedom from zavara & Son, Libertyvilie. Tele-- phone 288%--J. 22 6t POR SALD_--:I-'o;qsgn tractor, cheap ESss tallintilionindnltvedih tatattnds id £ 0. tntrsd ce Inquire of David Bennett, Millburn. Postoffice, Lake Villa, 111 7 x colonial style;--6 rooms, bath, gar-- @ge; all improvements in and paid for; sidewalks, auto drive, grounds landscaped. _ Al} for bargain price of $7900. Sellers & Johnson, Liberty-- ville, N1 o 28 tt 12 years; sound and gentie..Frank Erhart Farm, one mile west of Fre-- mont Center, Postoffice Grayslake Ill. R. F. D. a 26 6t FPOR SALE--Nice new modern homé' FOR SALE--Black saddle horse, FOR SALE--Abana Spring and 7--rm. Modern htzue; on 100 ft, lot, at a bargain price. Owner on premises. 220 Park Place, liAbertyville, 11. SALE--Chicken scratch feed WANTED ' 28 6tx '--is3 our Wisconsin-- made Ice Cream. Wholesomely made of pure cane sugar, | luscious fruits, flayv-- _ors and the best of _cream it is nourish-- ing and exquisitely tasty. Tremendous-- ' ly popular--deserv-- _edly so. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. On an afternoon stroll after the show, for the evening refreshment or for desert, our ice cream is a recognized favorite among dis-- cerning palates. Make it a warm weather habit. 1 Lo n en NP nfletadact 2 Cocoanar n amerranrani mt repapmemmremmrzmert houses, bungalows and stores. ' READ THE INDEPONDENT CLASS } Renting from --27.50 per month to]AI)S. YOU ARE SURE TO FIND | $100 per month. R. G. Kaping, Real-- | SOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN tor. .Phone 469. 21 tf | LOOKING FOR, | .FOR I{M--Llrée front room, suit-- 'abe for two; located on Park Ave. Also garage. Telephone Libertyville 883. 24 6t | Oakwood Terrace. Ready for im-- mediate occupancy. Rent $50 per nionth. Inquire at Independent Of. fice. + 27 F?OR- Rfii_'l':--i'urnlohed lriouse _ in MONEBY TO LOAN--We have a con. siderable amount of special funds WANTED--Ambitious young man to | solicit insurance in Libertyville on[ . a& commission basis. Inquire of R. |CLASSIFIED . ADS 'IN THE INDE-- Q. Kaping, Libertyville, Phone 469. | PENDENT GET RESULTS _ Miscellaneous | Wighint inomcgs "Everything For Men" Telephone 14 Lik 8% SAFE INVESTMENTS | For Sale At --© LIBERTYVILLE TRuUsT & SAVINGS BaANK IRST MORTGAGgEes anp SPECIAL AS8ESS8MENT BoNDS _ loan on improved farm or: operty. We invite your ingt ret National Bank, Libertyville ARMERS--We buy and pick up all \crippled and broken down cows rd bulls. THESE ANIMALS MUST F ALIVE, $10.00 per (read. Horses F( wanted. Phone Barrington 256. e pay all telephone tolls. 23 6t J. B,. MORSE & CO. _ THE SODA SHOP 'ANTED--Teamsters ; only reliable sober men wanted;'$6 per day, and eady work. Inquire of Henry Toni-- in, West 'Washington St., Wauke-- in.: Phone $28--Y--1. 25 6t AY, JULY 11, 1929 Cool Comfort STEP OUT IN A PAIR OF THESE STURDY. YET COMFORTABLE, SPORT OXFORDS--AND FOR-- GET TORRID SUMMER DAYS. Presented in Two--Tone Effects at Moderate Price FOR RENT See Display in Our Windows --A number of flats The Ice Cream That Satisfies JUST NOTE HOW MANY WBLL DRESSED MEN ARE WEaRING SPORTS SHOES THIS sEAsoN In These Sport Shoes $5.00 Holstein bulls; fresh breeding, all ages. Walter H. Brandenburg, pro-- prietor of Birchmont Farm, Ingle gide, 1. 18 U FOR : SALE----Pure Bred remistered _ gus steers. Wt. 400 to 900 Lbs.; sorted in even sizes in carload Jots. 12 loads fine T. B. tested springor {heifers, 2 loads cows, calves by sid=, |will sell one load or all. Harry 1. !Ball, Fairfield, Towa. 26 st iFOR SALE--256 Hereford and An seys. Choice cows and heilifers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days retest. Giliskey Bros, Round Lake, Ilinois. 62 t FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guern-- sired by "Flash", famous movie star dog; various color. . Inquire of Charles White, Half Day. Post office Prairie iVew, IIl. _ 25 6t Ice Cream Lollypops 5c FOR SALE--Police® dogs and pups POR SALE OR RENT--Six room bungalow in Oakwood Terrace; alil modern. Call at Independent office or telephone 187. LOST--Brndle 'Buil dog, ears and tail cut.. Reward. E. Heide, tele-- phone Libertyville 673--M--1. Hailf Day, IIl. 28 PFtx Brick 50¢ qt. Balk 60c gt. For The Kiddies LOST AND FOUND Livestock For Sale Libertyville 22 if 606 N. Milwaukee MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, JULY 12th and 13th PALACE Cash Market 308 Waukegan National Bank Building Southwest Corner Genesee and Washington Streets Phone: Ontario 7111 WAUKE: Best Creamery Butter 45c Lard 8--pound pail -- $1.00 Sugar Cured Hams Sugar Cured Bacon Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c Little Pig Hams Native Pot Roast 25¢ -- 30c Short Leg of Lamb Boneless Rolled Veal _ 33¢ Househo Firance Corpifation * Here's The Money _ You Need / Under our new, low rate, loans payable in twenty equal monthly payments cost you nearly one--third less. The interest charge on a hundred dollar loan, for instance, is $2.50 the first month, and only 13 cents the last month. The average monthly cost is §1.32. Other amounts in proportion. H Call, Write, or Phone Telephone 180 -- Established 23¢ 19%¢ 27¢ 35¢ CEG _ GAN