State of Illinois, County of Lake, ss: ;w.ammummmcomm ummmbmwmm_q!ymmm 16. p / A 10. Outside checks and other cash items...________________ + & M !:"'9;"_" fund with U. 8. Treasurer and due from U. 8. OF LIBERTYVILLE, IN THE STATE OF ILLINO!IS AT THE CLOSE oF --_ BUSINESS ON JUNE 29, 1929 The Libertyville Independent ---- $1.50 a Year 1. Loans and discounts 2. Overdrafts........_...__. 38. United States Govern T Pooking tews 1W 6. Banking house, 8. Reserve with Federal 9. Cash and Due from BSubscribed and sworn to before me this Yard Phone 415 A. NAGEL, Manager. Residence Phone 108J YARDS: 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINOIS Charter No. 6514 @BLIGATION LIBERTYVILLE CEMENT WORKS Home of WA_'TERSEAL' Roofing FIRST NATIONAL BANK TION AND Lake County National Bank Libertyville, III. _ Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Undivided profits--net ------...___.___________fl fifiw.___-- Reserves for dividends, contingencies, etc._._______________. Reserves for interest, taxes and other expenses accrued and ascsca TA Capital and stock paid i United States Government seourities owned __._.___________ 64,420.97 mmmmmuuowm______lumn Banking house, $62,398.98; Furniture and fixtures, $2,874.56 65.273.49 Reserve with Federal Reserve Bank.______________.____ $1,931.40 m 'nd_DlLo TDODE TNEIAF--.....--.--..--«1oon00oooommmvenecsecien mmmommome . §§;100--00 Treasurer ....._.__. Total......__. FREE Safety from "Snoopers" No prying busybody can meddle with your private papers once they are deposited in a box in our great vault. You hold the only key. No unauthorized person is permitted to open it. To many people, this privacy, is worth several times the small cost of a safe deposit box here. THERE'S safety from fire and theft in one of our safe deposit boxes. And there's safety, too,. from "snoopers." rexsmnsess» sen008e e nommoee + . Reserve District No. J y REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE | UVUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS our is LPu@ 10 Tthe Dest of my knowledgo and beliof, W.--C, HUBBELL, Cashier. * 0. C--Gridley, E. H. Milléy, J. L. Taylor, Directors $th day of July, 1929. . . W K--HUSS, Notary Public. TILES MADE IN ANY COLOR AND IN ANY QVUANTITY $899,004.41 $514,299.53 8,043.06 $47,707 61 $81,020.76 16,000.00 10,000.00 10,000.00 16,266.00 174.13 Are you remembering the hospital when you do your summer canning? If you set aside a few extra glasses and cans for their storeroom, we can assure you that it will be most grate-- $fully received. If you call Mrs. Earl Corlett, chairman of the fruit and vegetable committee (phone 740--R), someone will aall for your donation. Empty glasses and 'jars given last year may be (iad by calling at the hospita. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Nickoley and children, accompanied by Mrs. Nick-- oley's mother, Mrs .Fred Thies, of Gilmer, returned home Friday from a ten days' visit with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Elfrink in Platte, 8. Dakota. Rev. and Mrs. Smith and daughter and son, Mr and Mrs. Samuel Sim-- monds and daugater, Grace, and son, Herbert, of Lake Forest, will} be din-- ner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Simmonds Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Ray N. Smith and son, Warreno and Mr. and Mrs. Lin-- coln Lusk motored to Lake Geneva Bunday, and enjoyed a boat trip on the lake. daughters spent Sunday with friends at Lake Geneva and Delevan Lake. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Whitman re turned Tuesday nlght from a motor trip to Whshington, D. C., where Mr. Whitman transacted business. Mr. and Mrse. John Pasek and fam-- ily, Miss Florence Johnson and Geo. Oberg, of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and James Jedlicka, on an all-- day picnic at Deep LaAke, Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Lyuch and Mrs Fred Carney and sons, Francis and Jimmy, of 150 Broadway, left the first of the week for Kanknkee, where they will spend a two weeks' vacation visiting relatives. man are spendin ga week's vacation at Silver Lake Wis. LHKAVYVEKE WUTTDR BAZWEUT Y Mrs. F. E. Kennedy, Miss Julla Gagliardi and Mrs. A. T. Farr were in Waukegan Monday Mr. and Mrs. Ted Havice apent Wednesday evening here with the former's mother, Mrs. Alice Havice. Miss Gadys Buckley, of Idaho Falls, Idaho, is spending . several weeks with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mack. Mrs A. J. Newtson (aas returned to her home in Ottawa, after spend-- ing several days here with her sis-- ter, Mrs. Chas. Brown. Mrs. Nettie Simen and daughter, Fadit'i, left today (Thursday) for Marquette, Mich, where they will enjoy a month's vacation. Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Smith spent | A. G. Meyers was a business caller Thursday in Chicago. * in Chicago Tuesday. > Mrs. Kate Bernard is spepding a | Miss Cecelia Haas was a Wauke few days with friends in Chicago. | gan caller Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Kruckman en--| Roy Sundell is entertaining Kirk tertained out of towns friends last | Johnson, of Ohicago this week . Sundly. .. m #¥ ¥--as caohoa 20c ccly .. visited Sunday with Mrs. 0. A. New-- som and Mrs William Walrond. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sackett of Kan-- kakeb, I!I1., will spend the next week with Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Whitman. ily and Mrs. Mamie De Gruske, of Eligin, were visitors at the F. R. Tripp home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Wheeler will go to Mianitowash, Wis., on a week's fishing trip. c Mrs. Al Guthrie: and daughter, Helen, of Waukemn, spent Monday afternoon with the former's sister, Mrs Ray N. Smith. . Mrs. Mary Mason left Sunday for a two weeks' visit with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hutchins and children motored to Delevan Lake, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. A. W Tripp and 'Mrs. George B. Follett were in Waukegan Wednesday. Jack Cunningham and Ted Eiser-- Miss Rena Crosby of Evanston, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lowell and fam-- Drug Store. Decker & Neville Phone 55, LIBERTYVILLE The Tex@all Store -- house ---- instantly ---- cleanly No m o re nuisance and danger of flies! No more to Kill ELKAY'S FLY--KIL LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1929. One Pint at afgjiews and The board of directors of the Con-- dell Memorial hospital held the July meeting at the hospital Tuesday eve ming. Those present were R. G. Kap ing, J. C. Reuse, Mrs. A. L. Johnson, Mrs. Max Koainer and Mrs. F. H. Noble. + Mr. and Mrs. Thorson Sundell}, of Chicago, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Sundell last Sunday. & Mr. and Mrs. Jack 'Bradford and daughter ,Dorothy, wre guests at the home of Mrs. Nellie Feeney in Joliet Sunday. Irene Staaden and Miss Vern Hanson, of Racine are spending the week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason. a Miss Bernice Farr has ceturned home, aftfeér spending two weeks in Chicago with Miss Margaret Quin-- lan : Mrs. Frances Mowers of Chicago, wias a guest of Mrs. Barbara Mowers last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and a party of friends spent Sunday at Lincoln Park. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Titus left Sun-- day to spend the week in the Cooper cottage at Mason Lake, Wis. Miss Josephin Reuse is employed at the Libertyyille Trust & Savings Mrs. Raymond Black was tae guest of Mrs. Richard Brookhuizen in Chicago several days this week. Miss Florence Hilgers of Caicago, spent the week end here with Miss Cecelia Haas. Mrs. Henry Seiler is making an extended visit with (1er piece, Mrs. Frank Effinger, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Kraker and family spent Sunday with Mr. Kra-- ker's parents in Shannon, Ill. Mr and Mrs. E. O Kleppin, of Chi-- cago, visited Wo H. Petersen last Friday. Miss Ninette Wheeler visited Miss Jane Horsemian in Lake Forest last Monday. Miss Mary Eleanor Newsom has returned from a week's vacation at Lake Geneva. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Folger and son ar espending the week at Ma-- son Lake, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Walton, from Waukegan, called on Mr. and Mrs. Fred Joccheim M.nday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dupre and their nlece of Dundee, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Horace Robbins. Mr. and Mrs. James Guerin and famiy were guests of relatives in Antioch Sunday. Dr. Stanley Fearing, of Lake Bluff, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Num-- sen Tuesday evening. 3 Miss Laura Muhlke, of River For-- est is visiting at the home of her brother, Edward Muailke. Mr., and -- Mrs. Frank Rittler, of Racine, Wis., called on friends here Monday. Mrs Cora Taylor and Miss Fran-- ces Creasey were callers in Grays-- lake Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson have returned from a vucation, spent at Duuth, Minn. Bank during the vacation season. Mre. J. L. Taylor is making an ex-- tended visit with relatives in New York t Mrs. R. E. DeHoag was in Chicago Monday, buying dresses for the Bev-- erly Dress Shop. Mrs. T. I. Lake visited her mother, Mrs .Lake, n} Diamond Lake, Mon-- day, _ Here is a new fi)lan, whereby you can have full protec-- tion Automobile Insurance without making a large initial outlay. Our plan is simple. Just make a small down payment on your premium and then distribute the balance over a period of ten or twelve monthly payments. DON'T TAKE A CHANCE! An automobile accident may regult in damage suits that would take away everything you own--and your earnings for years to come. telephone how little it will cost t;;é;l:;;;;f;,vr:i'i'afi: Auto Insurance . . . and how easy it is to take care of payments, under our new plan. s ANNOUNCING EASY PAYMENT AUTO INSURANCE _ RESIDENCE 280 TELEPHONES : OFFICE 469 A QOOD 0| m)lezln' Smlt;; ul::elme:;n :::,' :r.u:.nd mh:'u 'I:;rryDrYo:!?dg, uhg. en rom e ® -- * the theatre in Waukegan on Wed-- ' m'%f'h'gfi Enlf"':?ofi';:::a': nesday. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mr. and Mrs. J. S Crane of Ba-- | M°Y®" s"gng.t; Crest Farm, north of tavia, sgpent tae week end with the * * + latter's parents. Mr and Mrs. J. O. l Mrs. Joe Check of Half Day, is re-- Carlson. : . * }covering from a sprained wrist, sus-- years. The lessee will fence the property and use it for storage pur-- H. M. Bartlett will leave Monday for Kalmath, Oregon, to look after land owned there by his mother, Mrs. Harriet E. Bartlett, of Evans-- ton. He will make the trip by rail. James Weich, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Paschke and children, Mr. and Mrs. Danie! Duggan, Carl Hooke, Tommy Faltnor, Elmer Murray and Tommy Burns formed a congenial and jovial party of picknickers at Lake Geneva sSunday > Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Carlson enter-- tained Mrs. Carlson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller of Huntley, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Adams and sons Earl and Russell, of Waukegan, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. E. M. Hagerty. Mrs. | Julla Maxwell and grandson, Bobby Hoskins, leave this week for a taree weeks' vacation at Mason Lake, Wisconsin. John Numsen and Martin Sanders left Wednesday night for Raineland-- er, Wis., where they will spend seyv-- eral days fishing. H. H. Biere, Floyd Waltiam, Jas. Keirl and W. E. Miller attended a Woodmen meeting in Grayslake last Thursday night. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welbwertz, 343 east Churca street, are the parents of a baby girl. born Tuesday morning at Condell Memorial hospital. Mrs. Alice Miller and Mrs. W. H. Barber, of Chicago, Charles and Tom Cooper and Arthur Winkler spent Sunday at Mason's Lake, Wis. Miss Bernice Suydam and Miss Lenore Wilcox are taking up a bus-- iness course with Mrs. George E. McDonald. -- Wm. T. Sutton is out again, after being ill for two weeks with blood poisoning, caused by a bruise on one of his knees. Mrs. Larry Benson and daughters returnéd home Sunday, after spend-- ing a week with Mrs. Benson's moth-- er in Milwaukee. _' Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz en-- tertained friends and relatives from Chiicago and Dubuque, lowa, at din-- ner Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyer, of Alta Vista, Kansas, and Mrs. J. L Roder at dinner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Osborn return-- ed Saturday night from central Illi-- nois, where they were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. Wm. Gambill R. G. Kaping has leased the west 106 feet of vacant property, of "wiaat is known as the Robbins Woodwork-- ing plant, to the Libertyville Lum-- ber company for a period of ten Miss Ruth Marie Osborn is a house guest of M"iss Mary Jane Wat-- ters and Marjorie McFerren, at Hoopeston. Mr. and Mrs. J. Gannon and daugh-- ter, Mrs Alfred Anderson, of Evans-- ton, spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Evilsizor. Mr. nd Mrs. Philip Strand motor-- ed to Wisconsin Rapids, Wis., to at-- tend the funer@l of their cousin, W. Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. A. A Scaoll and chil-- dren spent the week end with Mrs. Schole's parents at Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin, * McDonald's Commercial School Telephone 130 311 W. Park Ave. Libertyville, IIl. REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER SCHOOL WORK 'FICE TO DO BUSINESS WITH up, and let us explain over the Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses x# A call from the Farwell estate, at Belvidere road and Milwaukee ave-- nue, at five o'clock Wednesday aft-- 'ernoon, informed -- the local police that a queer acting man was on the |premlses. Marsial Druba drove out | and took Harvey Osbourne, 49, into custody. He spent the night in a cell 'bere. and after thoroughly scrubbing | out the cell room was escorted out | of town this morning. The police believe the man was still feeling the | effects of a spree, accounting for his queer actions. ' Seven members attended the week-- ly dinner of the Libertyville--Munde-- lein Real Estate board Wednesday tbvening. The time was spent in dis-- cussing conditions in the realty market, and doing ample justice to ! the splendid repast prepared by Mrs. | Frederick, l Mrse. Joe Check of Half Day, is re-- covering from a sprained wrist, sus-- ltalned at the Caeck farm Sunday. She noticed nothing wrong with the |wrut until evening, when it began to ewell. She was brought to Liber-- Ityvllle, where D. C. N. Stephens ad-- ministered : medical treatment. this program. Diploma certificates will be presented to all pupils who attended the school regularly, and therke wil lbe an exhibit of the hand work. Mr. and Mrs. C. B Kittridge of Waukegan, and Harry Thacker of California, spent Tuesday evening with Mrs Alice Havice. Mr. Taacker is an old resident of Waukegan, and is visiting relatives and friends in Lake county while en route from California to New York. Mrs E L Yelden hbas been making an extended visit with relatives in Delaware and Waterloo, lowa. Mr. *Yelden left Thursday for Delaware, and they plan on returning home Sunday. Their nephew and niece, Mr. and Mrs. Jo'in Voelschow, of Barrington, have been staying with One of the old sheds in the rear of the Gotti property, 517 N. Milwau-- kee avenue, is bein gtorn down. The sheds were formerly used as shelter for the horses of country people, when they came to town to do their trading. They have long since pase-- ed tae period of usefulness, and their removal is a step in the right direc-- tion, as they constitute a fire hazard. The Wehrenberg family held a combination picnic and birtaday party on the beach at Round TLake Sunday. Quite a number of those present had birthdays a few days of each other, and it turned out to be a rather pleasant way of celebrating them. There were about 40 present and it appears that they regretted the passing of the day, as taey lin-- gered on until evening. program, and the friends of the Epis-- copal, the Preshyterian and the Methodist churches, w.aich are con-- ductin gthe school, are invited to of Virqua, Wis., were called to Lib ertyville at that time and have just returned 'to their home, after #pend-- ing several days as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Brown. Mr. Lawton stood the operation fine and is getting along nicely. . The cemmencement program of the daily vacation bible school will be held in the Methodist church on Thursday evening, July 25th All three departments will unite in taiis Mr. Yelden during the absence Mrs. Yelden. William Lawton, who makes his home with Mr. «~oad Mrs. Charles Brown, «ubmitted to an emergency operation for appendicitis Friday evening at Condell Memorial hos-- pital The attending physicians were Dr. Gelloway and Dr. Edwards. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. W._'E_IAwton. MILWAUKEE AVENUE AT CHURCH STREET LIBERTYVILLE House--breakers, Sneak Thieves, Fire or the Idle Curious cannot disturb your peace of mind nor your property if it is safely put * away in our New and Modern V ault. Y ou Have the Only Key. No One Else Can Take or See the Contents of Your Private Box THINGS THAT SHOULD BE IN A¥ SAFE DEPOSIT BOX : Insurance Policies Leases Deeds and Legal Papers THE atahil P And after June 1st, it is necessary for us to charge cash for all coal and please do not ask us for credit. After carefully going over the coal sit-- uation, we find that from 60 to 75 per cent of the price of our coal is freight and labor, of which the railroad company ex-- tends us no credit, and freight has to be paid on receipt of coal. ontracts BETTER KEEP THEM BOTH The Energy------The Thought First National Bank' have spent on your job since last LIBERTYVILLE saAViMA§ -- BANK In a few days now, you will have another Pay Day. Today will be in it--and yesterday and tomor-- row. And YOU will be in it. All you will have left of that week will be two things--experience and your savings. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois THIEVES, --FIRE LOSS W. F. FRANZEN, Jr., LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO., O. A. Newsom, Sec., JOHN G. BORST Frank Statement Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 . Pay Day are gone Heirlooms Receipts V aluable Jeweliry Private Correspondence Bonds and Other Securities TALK TO US ABOUT IT TIME PAGE FIVE