"Congress has appropriated the money which is being spent on the work now underway. The president of the United States is behind this great -- national _ undertaking. He pledged his unqualified support and stated it must bé carried to comple-- tion, if it takes a billion from the treasury. But that will not be neces-- sary. for the work will soon be fin-- ished in spite of occasional state ments to the contrary, uttered by the uninformed who have uncon-- sciously absorbed propaganda em-- anating from sources that look with envy, jealousy and apprehension on this great national _ undertaking which will bring the oceans to the doors of the Great Lakes. "Those rivals whether domestic or aliens, realize that this nfighty sea-- way will make America shipminded, and it means the opening of a new chapter in the history of this con-- tinent. It will solve our farmers' problems. < It will restore our mer-- chant shipping to the proud position it once held upon the seas. It will cause every industry, agrieultural and industrial, to prosper. It will contribute to our happiness, assure domestic tranquility and provide ad-- ditional security to the nation. "This is the greatest empire. build-- ing the world has ever known. To permit the mind to dwell for a mo-- '*Recognized _ Authority on American Shippingl' Predicts Great Things Here. IELEPHMONES OFLMt and 7M 'This realization will come within the next three to five years. We have the ships, the commerce is ai-- ready here, the waterways are under way and will be completed before 1933 and opened to the péaceful us-- age of the world's commerce. UNLESS A MANSION HAS GPOD HEAT---- A COZY CABIN RAS YIT_BEAT } ! _ "Waukegan, one of the greatest terminal harbors of the mighty 'Chi-- eago seaport, will derive more bene-- fit than any of the other terminals, provided the people of Waukegan are awake and alive to the great opportunity that lies ahead. © "All these terminals are what cou-- stitute the port of Chicago. ~--Wauke gan has the best harbor, served by an adequate and *efficient belt rail-- road, linked with the 275,000 miles of railroad trackage, ramifying from ocean to ocean thru the 48 states of the nation, and which rail systems all terminate at Chicago. . "The great Chicago seaport will be composed of several terminals such as the Municipal Pier, Michigan City, Indiana Harbor, Calumet and Waukegan, and it does not require the gift of prophecy to forsee that Waukegan will be the greatest ter-- minal harbor of this mighty inland seaport--Chicago. WAVUKEGAN A SUPER HARBOR [ '"When the World's greatest tndo; route reaching from Quebec to the Gulf of Mexico is completed, md! ships from the seven seas will come into our Great Lakes and barges op-- l erate along fifteen thousand miles: of inland rivers. Chicago will be-- | come the world's greatest seaport; a ' mighty entrepot, for all exports and | imports of the Mississippi Valley | and of every mart of trade of the | seven seas. Thousands upon thou-.i sands of ships and barges in end--| less procession will be coming and | going day in and day out. | "No one terminal will be able to handle and accomodate this great commercial movement. BORST'S COAL QUARTETTE The article Story appears _WAUKEGAN SIDNEY STORY SEES WAUKEGAN . AS SUPER PORT Chicago is to become the greatest port in the world. This seaport will be made of Tiye terminals of which Waukegan will unquestionably be the greatest in his opinion, because of its advantageous unimpeded rail connections. The other terminals will be based at the municipal pler in Chicago, Michigan City, Indiana Harbor and Calumet. * Waukegan is destined to have ont of the greatest harbors in the world in the belief of Sidney Story, inter: ytlonally recognized authority on merican Merchant Marine," Inland Waterways and American shipping and attached to the Society for the Development of the American Mer-- chant Marine, who in an article writ-- ten for the Daily Sun aguments an address which he recently made be-- fore the Waukegan Kiwanis club. Mr. Story bases his prediction as to the future greatness of Wauke-- gan as a port on his worldwide ex-- perience in ocean shipping and his great knowledge of natural shipping lanes as well as knowledge of the economical and trade conditionsy of foreign nations. portant one is that you will thereby effect a considerable saving 6of money--and then tiere may be a notable short-- age of coal just when you are in need of it. Who can tell? THERE are several reasons why you should buy your winter coal during the sum-- PAGE EIGHT Greatest of Five Terminals Rail Connections Aid as written by Mr in part as follows: N. Milwaukee Ave. Phone 901 LIBERTYVOILLE, ILL. ! "What Worship Does for Us" is the subject for Sunday morning a' 11 o'clock. Those who worship re ! gularly on Sunday morning in a pub-- li¢ service find greater happiness in "ure. and the end of the years will have larger satisfactions: and less I regrets. |\ Our evening service of the Ep-- lwonb League and the church is 'aeld at 7:30. Our Sunday school meets at 9: 45. On each Friday evening troop No. 'T2 of the Boy Scouts meets in our 'churcb; Mr. J. W. Bird is scout ' master. People are responding very graci--| ously to help pay the expense of the | Imrily Vacation Bible School. The! school has anp enroliment of 132, apd | is doing very fine work. People o | tae three churches, the ¥Episcopal,| This for spiritua]l meditation : 'l'hei goad of others is the good of our , selves. j Presbyterian and Methodist, are supporting the work very generously. "The president has also appointed | the chairman of the joint commis-- gion which is to negotiate with Can-' ada for amending existing treaties which will permit the immediate | completion of the great 8t. Lawrence seaway, for (this northera' trade | route is of greatest significance to' Waukezan and to all other harbor terminals, comprising the 'great Ctu-' wWwaukegan and to ali Ulqcr llul(:'fll;- FOR SM--NQ'., .k m. t'o' terminals, comprising the 'great | _ story resi¢gence in Kenlock Park cago seaport. 'mbdhmion, Libertyville. _ Exterior Nt lrlcge t jColonm style, with interior decorat-- SERVICES OF THF 1ed in Spanish style; oil heat; elec-- C | tric lights and double garage. This LOCAL CHURCHESlhome mmvor been Ittved Auxlmro Owner ' compe to leave state. r to T. JOS8SMPH®83 CATHOLIC _ |noxr 500, care Libertyville Indepéend-- Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor ent. Pione No. 1. | 27 6tx First Mass at 6:30 a. m.; Second __" _ ~~ " """" _ _ ___ _ "2 """ Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 mor SALE--Modern country home, a. m; Fourth Mase at 10 a. m. ' beautiful grounds, 4 acres of land; cememmmammmccae | chicken tr0uses for 1000 birds; barn ; METHODIST EPISCOPAL {plemy of fruit, berries, ete. Only John B. DeLong, Pastor $8800 -- Sellers & Johnson TLiberty-- ment on what it means to progress and . civilization, --sends a thrill through our being. f Predict Great Growth _' * "Waukegan's future is full of promise. . Her industries and popu-- lation will treble and quadruple. if ie great heritage Nature has given her (her barbor), is conserved for this great commerce and shipping that will gravitate there, because of her matchless position and extraor: dinary facilities and advantages. "Since last I spoke in Waukegan to the Kiwanis club, President Hoo-- ver and Secretary of War Gode came out emphatically for the im-- mediate completion of the Lakes to the Gult Waterway before 1931.. s LIBERTYVILLE PAINT STORE a painter's varnish; -- Lake; will make two nice lots; eot-- tage on one lot; will sell reasonable. Telept one Briargate 7073, or address 1347 Norwood Ave. Chicago. 24 6t FPOR SALE--Two Case tractors in _ _ A--1 condition. Apply to William Sneddon, Everett Stock Farm, Ev-- erett, II1. Telephone Lake Forest 895--Y --2. 27 3tx FOR SALE--Lot 100x150 ft. a FOR SALE--10 acres on concrete road, close in; fine for country home, chicken farm; black garden land. Priced right. Sellers & John-- son, Libertyville. ' 28 tt beautiful grounds, 4 acres of land; chicken tr20uses for 1000 birds; barn ; plenty of fruit, berries, etc. Only $8800. _ Sellers & Johnson, Liberty-- ville, HL 28 tf site, 120x296 feet, on Cook avenue, oppojsite Frangen's Lumber Yard. $5500. A good speculation. Sellers & Johnson, LAbertyvilie, 111. 28 if FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you? REDEKER Arlington Heights. IIL Phone 496 WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work e is Guaranteed | E. L. YELDEN % General Contractor LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THUR or warehouse bought for you two years ago. It, is located on Kenonu-Burun'tol? route 43, 254 miles west of Green Bay route 41. You will see my sign At entrance to east driveway, 1 am farming this place with a hired man. FOR SALE--I still have that 1 would like to sell crops and u'!. giving . possessiqn immediately. F. K. MeCormick, Salem, Wis. 20 6tx FOR SALE--Used lumber. We uj. wrecking the Armour ice house a Fox. ILake, one block west and tw blocks 'south of the S8t. Paul depo:# Priced at $15 ty $35 per thousan feet. Phone Fox Lake 4. 27 6tx FOR SALE--120 acres, close in to Millburn; a farm at farmer's price, and alsp a good speculation. $165 per acre. Sellers & Johnson, Liber tyville, --I!1. t 28 tt FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION! Telephone Libertyville 174 MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPH 'DELIVERY ASSOCIA. TION. FLOWER ORDERS WIR. E0 TO ANY CITY. 'We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. 4 2 STATE OF IIIINOIS, COUNTY I Rudolph Lauer, President of the Deerfield State Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief, and that the items and amounts shown above correspond with the items and amounts shown in the report made to the Auditor of Public Accounts, State of Illinois, pursuant to law. 1. Capital Stock 2. Surplus (2) ... 3. Undivided Pro 4. Reserve Accou: 5. Demand Depoi 6. Time Deposits 10. Dividends Unni Subscribed and sworn to before m e this 18th day of July, 1929. (SEAL) IRA GARDNER, Notary Public _ lunch room; good opportunity 1 Luave a business of your own. Phone Independent, Libertyville No. 1. WANTED--Teamsters; only reliable sober men wanted; $6 per day, and steady work. Inquire of Hienry Toni-- gan, Weet Washington St, Wauke gan. Phone 928--Y--1. & 25 6t WANTED----Woman to un small Located at Deerfield, State of Illlinols, at 30th day o' June, 1929, as made to the A State of lIllinois, pursuant to law. 12 years; sound and gentle. Frank Erhart Farm, one mile west of Fre-- mont Center. Postoffice Grayslake i!!. K.' F. D. 26 6t the bour, day o rweek; at a reas-- onable price. Telephone Munde lein 374R. s 27 6t FOR SALE--Black saddle horse, FOR SALE--Nice new modern home, colonial style; 6 rooms, bath, gar-- age; all improvements in and paid :x; sidewalks, auto drive, grounds dscaped. All for bargain price and baby chick feed, coarse or fine, mixed and ready to feed, $2.25 a hundred pounds, delivered. Corn, ear or shelled. Bergeron Stock Farm 2 miles west of Libertyville on Lake gt{ret Road. Phone Libertyville 678# «2. -- 2l RESPONSIBLE PARTY will pay 75% : interest for $6,000.00 well secured by first mortgage loan on lands for sale at $20,000, No expense or com-- misslions. If interested see me at once. F. R. Sellers, Libertyvile, IIl. WANTED--Children to care for by tin Ave; lot 50 by 150. For quick sale, priced at $2300. Will consider down payment of $200. F. H. Smith, Realtor. . * 29 tf 'and bhay rack; also McCormick motwing machine. TInquire of Phil Donegan, Washington street, ea=st of Green Bay Road Waukegan,. 29 6tx of $7900.. Sellers & Johnson, Liberty ville, NJ. We -- 28 t SDAY, JULY 18, 1929. FOR (SALE--Chicken scrattch feed FOR SALE--217 <acres; splendid Wisconsin stock farm, fronting on Fox river} concrete highway;: mile to good town; 25 miles t, Milwau-- Modern house, on 100 ft. lot, at : bargain price. Owner on premises 220 Park Place, Libertyville, JIl. _ FOR SALE--Abana Spring and 7--rm Buff Orpington pullets and cock-- erels. _ Phone Libertyville 604--R--2. Ute Crest Farm. 29 6t FOR SALE--4 room cottage on Aus-- EOR'S_ILE----Tg.m of mules, wagon On an afternoon stroll after the show, for the evenins refreshment or for desert, our ice cream is a recognized favorite among dis-- cerning palates. Make it a warm weather habit. kee; 50 miles from Libertyvile. Price only $110 per acre. Sellers & John-- son, Libertyville, Ii1. 28 tt FOR SALE--White King pigeons 1. Cash. Other Cash Resources and Due from Banks (1, . Other Bonds and Securities (5) _______._.___.._ . Loans on Collateral Security (Ga).._________._.__. Other Ioans (6b). . _ .. . ... 02022222220 ._ IOans on Real Estate (6c). _ _ _ _ _ _ ____ ._ Overdrafts (7) ... u200 000 2l l ---- OABEF RCOBI RBUBLE |.----.<oosn....cce. 5+ ie r--orommmcomrininns se bncubon C arh ._ Banking House, Furniture and Fixrtures (9)--....--.___. Total Resources-- _ __s _2 c _ _ Capital Stock (1)..___ _ Surplus (2) ......__.______. Undivided Profits (Net) (3) Reserve Accounts (4)...____. Demand Deposits® (Sa). _ Time Deposits (5b).._____. Dividends Unpaid (7) DEERFIELD STATE BANK Total Liabilities WANTED THE SODA SHOP The Ice Cream That Satisfies toiat 6. (OFFICIAL PUBLICATION) Report of the Condition of ' In 3nURk: D STATE BANK _ puniIn onUnNF of Illinols, at the close of business on the made to the Auditor of Public Accounts of law. | Outgoing trains now stop at Clark and Lake | Street station as well as Adams and W abash, RESOURCES | Madison and Wabash and Randoiph and _ +0 | W abash stations on the Chicago loop. / irees and Due from Banks (1, 2 3) 50,933 8© | MHGB (19)......ccocscoooumectunncnmmaracy 104,935.25 | EFITY (MM) .:--...c.00....sccommwonaionss rmunmemces -- 1I_~.I 540.00 | s a -- j 28 6tx b'; FOR SALE--Pure Bred remstered s.| Molstein bulls; fresh breeding, all e. Aages. Walter H. Brandenburg, pro-- § prietor of Birchmont Farm, Ingle _ Slde,. LL 18 t st CLASSIFIED ADS IN THE INDE-- PENDENT GET RESULTS seys. Cholce cows and heifers, fresh and «pringers, with sixty--days retest. Gllskey Bros, Round Lake, Illinois. 52 tt MQNEY TO LOAN--We have a con-- siderable amount of special funds 0 loan on improved farm or city property. We invite your inquiry. First National Bank, Libertyvilie, il}-- FOR RENT--A number of' fiats, houses, bungalows and stores. Renting from --27.50 per month to $100 per month. R. G. Kaping, Real-- FOR RENT--LArge front room, suit tor., Phone 469. 21 tf FOR SALE OR RENT--Six room bungaiow in Oakwood Terrace; all modern. Call at Independent office or telephone 187. 22 tf FOR SALE--HKolsteins and Guern abe for two; located on Park Ave. Also garage. Telephone Libertyville 883. + 24 6t READ THE INDEP@ONDENT CLASS ADS. YOU ARE SURE TO FIND SsOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN 1LOOKING FOR, FOR RENT--Furnished mR WKIGSNT--EPEurnished aouse in Oakwood Terrace. Ready for im-- mediate occupancy. Rent $50 per month. Inquire at Independent Of-- fice. © h« 6 & ( FOR RENT--Sleeping room, on Sey mour Ave., Mundélein 889--J. For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST & SAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGEsS aAND SPECIAL ASSESSMENT BONDS Ice Cream Lollypops 5c RUDOLPH LAUER, President Livestock For Sale Brick 50¢ gt. Balk 60¢ gt. For The Kiddies 8SAFE INVESTMENTS Miscellaneous FOR RENT PHONE 448 §$480,277.80 §480.277 264,813.04 161.013.14 Telephone 29 6t 22q , (K0000, 904 10,000.(Q |#) 3.653.62 OO (n 798 00 8(1 606 N. Milwaukee Libertyville, Ilinois Telephone 180 F_ PALACE Cash Market MEAT SPECIALS FOR Friday and Saturday, JULY 19th and 20th --EsiaBlis/zed 13838 7~ 308 Waukegan National Bank Building Southwest Corner Genesee and Washington Streets Phone: Ontario 7111 U 4A I K C/ Best Creamery Butter 45¢ Lard 8--pound pail -- $1.00 Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c Sugar Cured Hams Sugar Cured Bacon Fresh Little Pig Hams 19c Short Leg of Lamb Native Pot Roast 25¢ -- 30c Auswer Household Finance Corpi=/ation c0+ NHere's The Money You Need / Interest Rate Reduced _ Nearly One--third w¥ :t Under our new, low rate, loans payable in twenty equal monthly payments cost you nearly one--third less. The interest charge on a hundred dollar loan, for instance, is $2.50 the first month, and only 13 cents the last month. The average monthly cost is $1.32. Other amounts in proportion. « NORTH RHORE > , Call, Write, or FPnone $1 Page Three WAUKEGAN 23%¢ 27¢ 35¢