|News of Round La Miss Florence Wagner returned to her bhome on Surday, after having spent a week with friends and rela-- tives in Milwaukc. Jean Rose of Oak Park, is spend-- ing the week with Velma Fitz. Mr. and Mrs. John Killey and daugbhters and Miss Nona Junge, mo-- tored to DeKalb on Wednesday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. James Lee, Charles Lempker and Miss Gnace Alms, of Cricago, called at the Archie Rosing bome on Sunday afternoon. ' Mrs. Margaret S.oith and nephe® Billie Harrison, spent a couple 0 days with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Ha: rison at Ringwood. Mrs. Frank Drummond and daugh ters and Mrs. Nellie Triggs and chil dres,. motored to Waukegan on Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Simon Russell, of Chicago spent Sunday at the Wil-- liam Hpson home. Robert Lempker, of Cihcago, v!i# ited at tae Archie Rosing home over the week edd. Stanley Stadtfield attended ibhe taces at Arlington on Saturday. Mrs. Phil Flary of Round Lake ard little Fay Leonard of Chicago, spent Friday in Libertyyville . and W aukegan. Alma Nelson aod Veima Fit: mo-- tored io Oak Park and Austin on Sturday afternoon. MW's« Lilab Brown speut the week erd witbh her girl friend, Miss Kileen Kimboall, at Gurnee. --\ Miss Marion Grandy reiluroned is ber home after spending a few days with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hendee Ur. and Mrs Ar: Shober and chil 8 »~ of Ivanboe, «pent Thursday eve ning at the Frank Drummond home l'~. and Mrs. Joan Cashmore. 0i Weyuregan spent Sunday evening a' \rs Elizabeth Wasner o Wauke gan speot a few days with her som Phil Wasoer Mis~ Evelyn Luby returned hows mi xt Mily VELMA FITZ, Local Editor TELEPMONE 39 Yeu can help make this pag*e more interesting if you will phone tbe Local Editor news items you may bave. Summer residents are invited to contribute news. Send letters either to the Local Editor, ar direct to the Independent, Lib-- ertyville, I!linols. Phone No. 1. M:<. liene Bracher and daughter Waukegau, spent Sunday alte! on with her brother and siste~s tlhe Arechie Rosing home. Mr. anod Mrs. Deibert smith and ughter Valoise. motored to Mibwau e ap business on Thursday of 'ast waukee is Evelyn Luby Sunday. after Wooster Lake Health Resort Formerly Sunny Brook Health Resort New Buildings----New Managemenrt A GENERAL HOSPITAL LOCATED IN CENTRAL LA KE COUNTY Capacity 100 Patients Reasonable Rates TELEPHONE -- . ROUND LAKE 77 Kully equipped with the most approved ard accepted Liospital equipment Complete Surgical Facilities, X--Ray, Ultra Violet Ray, Diathermy Infrared, Galvanism, Sine Wave, Hydrothepapy, Physical DMagnosis and Full Laboratory Routine. DOCTORE AND NURSES ON DUT\( DAY AND NIGHT Car Avallable for Patients and Emergency Calis New Houses Built : Old Houses Remodeled © Roofs--New and re--roofed Painting and Decorating Lathing and Pilastering MIill Work--Special Cabinets Concrete Basements Concrete Walks Concrete Drives HMouses Moved and Raised Carpentering ZION BUILDING INDUSTRY h )e Call or write locat representative -- NOW OPEN F. WM. HART, K. C. A.. Waukegan Eimwood Park, was aller on FPriday eve-- returned home having spent a@ @Bd relatives iD Miss Katherine Andrews, of Lib ertyville, spent Wednesday evening at the Hendee home. Mr. and Mrs. George Renehan mo tored to Elgin on business Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford smitp and Billie Harrisoa spent Sunday at the Mclamnitel home in Waukegan. _ Mr. and Mrs. Franok Drumfmond and daughters and Mr. and. Mrs. 1. A. Fitsz neotgred to Channe! Lake on sunday afternoon. Little Arline Brickher returned on Sunday, after specsd'a«g three weeks at the Rome of ho-- aun: and uncle, at the Archie Rosinx home. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Waugner, ul hound Lake, and b°-- Evsabueth WV aig oer, of Waukesan motored to Mil-- waukee o Suiay. Mr. and Mrs. W G Rectzs aasd Mss Mr. and Mrs. W G Rectzs aasd Mss Emma Junge, oef Chiwigo, speut lart Thursday eveaiog at the Roy Levis home. a Howard Chamberlin of Grand Hav en, Michigan, spent the week end at the L. A. Fitz 'aome. Mrs. Delbert Smith acod Jdaughter aloise, Anma Erlandson, Jersy Win-- kle and Lilah -- Brown attended a show in Waukegar on Wednescay afternoon. Mr. and Mrsa. Harry Merritt mo tored to Chicago on business on Mon day Miss Maris {Atller apd frionds, of Milwaukee ~joct Suguday ato l« WHEN YOU BUY A PIANO, be sure It ie a good one. Let us teil you about the welil known HAD-- JOREE ang GVULBRANSEN. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN S8UEET MVUBIC Piano Tunin« RDERS FOR PIANO TUNING WILL BE QGIVEN PROMPT ATTENEION Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Gemessee St., Waukegan, I!!. WIRING GRAYSLAKE ELECTRIC SHOP Grayslake, II1I. Welsbach Electric Refrigerator JAS. C. O'SHEA Phone Grayslake 135 r _ ov _ All of Central and Western Lake County" "Radiotrope" All--Electric Radio FIXTURES |_--_ SUPPLIES For M# Npazte +cx'wasd' xd ectotbini i ang Colha HKdSdwzsz agst Jiobeprt themnp ker of COChicaco cpent Woumncviay #f the Bob Bractk e hoins> in \\'.«ukr;;sr Veima Fitz and Elizabeth Richard son motored to Long Lake on Thurs day afternoon. Fred Campbel!l of Waukegan call ed op friends bre on Thursday eve ning. Mr. ana Mrs. E go, spent Sunday home & Fred Cashmore, Belle Baldwin, of Libertyville and Mrs. Pearl Wam-- baugh, attended a dance at Diamond Lake Baturday evening. Militon, Robert and Owen Litwil er, Albert and William Cashmore, a tended a show in Kenosha on Sun day evening. -- Mrs. William Rosing and daughter of Antioch spent Tuesday evening at the Archle Rosing home Mr. anud Mrs. Robert Alfetd and ehildren qf Nom od Park and Mr. ady Mrs O. T. Bohnam of Chicago. Milford Smith returned home on Thursday from & trip to Milunesota with a load of furniture. Warren McFeely, of Oak Patk, vis-- ited at the L. A. Fitz aome over'the week end Everything in Buiking Material Coal, Feed and Sait Phonet R. L. * Our Motto! "Service" ROVUND LAKE, ILLINO!S SHOREWOOD GOLF CLUB 20 minutes on Route 21 from Libertyville North on Route 21 to Signs Wise builders know that we have the ma-- terials they need to do a satisfactory job. A "whole"' is no stronger than its "parts." This is equally true of a chain or a house. Given good materials and careful work-- men, your house will stand and prosper. Slight a single thing, from the foundation to the roof, and the whole structure will be faulty. : DAILY FEE $1.00. SATURDAY, SUN-- DAY AND HOLIDAYS, $1.50 18 HOLES D AIL Y FEE Course In Splendid Condition | General Contractor Libertyville, IIl. PI Twilight Fee, 50c (after 4 p. m.) Limited number of yearly memberships, $25. Club house and grounds are suitable for parties and luncheons. WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work is Guaranteed L A D I E S--Arrange to hold your next afternoon card party here and have the menfolks come out in the evening for a round of golf and a picnic supper. Tibbits--Cameron Lumber Ce. NOW OPEN! CcOMmE TO US FOR LUMBER,'CEMENT, BRICKS AND THE COUNTLESS OTHER THINGS YOU NEED WE GU ARANTEE SATISFACTION ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS POu) )iA i P W eorky"® PFusoul oL 4 ib ty Ma sn Jt is# d id Pate: vamt »ud} cutine ; iget Hobort tiemnp ent Wounrcviay ® n > Ht \\'.oukr».;:nr Flizabeth Richarid ind a a1 1 1k t 'age, of Chica: the Jim Luby E. L. YELDEN a N a Mrs nA Mra Elizabeth Fox is spending a few days at the home of her dauga ter in Grayslake Mi+---- Marjorie Cleveland and Celia Hosing motored to Grayslake on Fri-- day evening » f spent Siumday at the A J. Smith re« idenee. @ Mr. and Mrs. Roy Davis and chil-- dren and Miss Nona Junge, visited the Girl Scout Camp and Juniper Knoll at Pleasant Lake, Wisconsin. Mrs. Fdoa Harrison and daughter returned hoime on Sunday from the Woodstock pospital. Harry Ellia, of Waukegan, spent Sunday with Miss Marjorie Cleve land Mrs. Mabel Harrison entertained her niece Miss Sunlock of Chicago, over the week end. Mrs. Mazte Aaylward and Miss Lu-- cy Rosing motored to Waukegan to the Robert Bracher home. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Wagner and daughter Florence, of Round Lake, Mrs. Elizabeth Wagner, of Wauke gan and Mr.and Mrs. Tom Wise, and daugater Francis, of Milwaukee, mo-- tored to Holy, Hill on Sunday after-- noou. Mrs. Lillian @@ss and son, of Chl-- cago, are spending the summer at the home of their parents and grand: parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Lar-- kin Mr and Mrs. Ogborn and grand daugbter of Chicago, spent Bunday at the Claus Junge home Tae Misses Florence Wagner, of Round Lake and Fmances Wise, of Milwaukee, spent a couple of days Phone 554--J . THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929, Mr. Jagobson of Druce Lake, called at the Clifford White home on Thurs day afternoon. wit h reltllivpx in Big Cedar lake Wisconsi Elizateth'l{iclu'rdson and Budd Wagner attended a show in Wauke gan Thutsday evening l-'lnrongz Wagner and brother mo tored to Waukegan on Monday after noon Representatives from the Peter Pirsch (Co. of Kenosha and the Am-- erican LaFrancé 'Co. have bad ma-- chines at Round Lake which they demonstrated to the members of the fire depgrtment. The Pirsch truck, which was brought out last Friday evening, was takenm to Round Lake Beach wlaere it was put thru a trtal pumping, _ This out!it is a special job and is ® somewhat larger ma-- cheine that the one purchased by the Grayslake department. An Aim-- erican L@France pumper mounted on a Buick| Chasis wys demonstrated on Tuesday evening. Although ne decision: has been made, the fire-- men expect to purchase an outfit in the near future. Cash contributions and funds which the department aas on hand amounts 'to about $1,500, and sonsiderably _ more bhas been pledged. ' Rules for Success Believe in yourselft and your job. Don't make excuses for one or apol-- ogize for the other. To achieve success in life you must first have & good purpose--back of that pur-- pose, principle--and back of that principle, faith.--Grit. SALES & SERVICE Telephone 61 ROUND LAKE, ILL. .' PHONE 20 for Economical Transportation BUILDING HARDWARE AND TOOLS, PALINTS, OILS, GLASS; GARDEN TOOLS, LAIVN MOW-- ERS, HOSE; GASOLINE AND KEROSENE STOVES ; FISHING TUACKLE. > BODY REPAIR WORK GARAGE OWNERS: Special Discount Arrangement Can -- Be Madge for Handling Your Painting ar«d Glass Work. Auto Glass and Windshields Installed. Tops Re--Covered. First Class Work------Moderate Prices GRAYS LAKE, ILLINOIS Half Block South of Grays Lake School, \Near St. Paul Depot. TELEPHONE GRAYSLAKE 191 Tinning and Plumbing Work. Water Systems Installed E. A. Brown, Hardware Amazing Low Prices--Easy Terms The 0525 The Conver | ;:"-.._...-.....525 lr:xu mm""""ml595 Delivery . . .. + %""""""".595 flnl.lghé' (,Z.:m.............' The 1 !4 Ton sedan ............ 075 Chassi.... ke and Vicinity -- T Slx in the price range of the four / The Chevrolet Siz is scoring a sensational nationwide success because it provides everything you want in a fine, sturdy auto-- mobile--yet it actually sells in the price range of the four . AUTO PAINTING The Roadster . The Phaeton . . The -- Coach ... The The Sedan ... . The s:'n . R. BRASEL All prices 1. 0. b. factory, Flint, Michigas AND ROUND LAKE, ILL. UNITED EFFORT TOW N GARAGE One of the greategt words in the English language is coopera-- tion. It points the way t, most notable human achievements. It is the aim of this bank to rec-- ognize the importance of its mean-- ing in all dealings with our cus-- tomers. It exerts a profound in-- fluence on our policy, for our ma-- jJor interest at present lies in up-- building the community of which We are a part. . It is a word for us here in Round Lake to have firmly im-- bed@ded in our minds. It is all we need to make this one of the fin-- est communitics in the world. First State Bank of Round Lake Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 SCREEN TIME ISs HERE! Buy your Screens here. We carry a Full Supply. | The Convert«» l"l'nfiu..-.' and 545 s ...650 . 725 [3595 WHAT A PLACE FOR A PICNIC SUPPER! Round Lake, III. We have just unpacked a splendid assort-- ment of Souvenirs of Long Lake and Round Lake. Here you will find just the thing to send to friends or to take back to the city with you. . We Carry a Full Line of Bathing Slippers, Sun Visors, Caps, Belts, Swimming Tubes, Water Wings, Picnic Supplies, Etc. Use of Bath House, 25¢ per Person A Beautiful Picnic Ground, with FREE Parking after 6 p. m., and the finest bath-- ing beach in Northern Illinois., Golf Supplies, Cameras, Sporting Goods, Cigarett« Cigars, Newspapers and Magazines, Proprictary cines and Sundries;s and---- > Martin Thelan, Prop. Phone No. 9 Round Prompt Service at Our Modern Fountain HENDEE & STEFFES General Auto Work and Acetylene | WELDING GOODYEAR TIRES Round Lake Garage RENEHAN'S BEACH SOUV ENIR $ _HUDSON -- ESSEX SALES and SERVICE ROUND LAKE Telephone R. L. 2 Round Lake, IIl. Bathing Suits For Rent, 50c 1 $ and €01--