Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1929, p. 12

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_ NASH 400° Odldly enocugh. the majority of f sons«s written for money don't seem to bave been written.for many, The entrusot convention of the a) The theme ~song, after all, has onty one theme. It, never varies. Ruughly it--runs dike this: Dougb, re, me. fi._sol. la, si. But the aec¢ntp's always ou the spect. how is scienti~t groing revivitied subje The Russian scjentis; is treading on dangerous grround No really dead person has ever expressed the '"Down With the Men'" is China's latest political slogan. It comes from the ladies, of course. Looking around for a model, «the Chinese have apparently decid®d on Amer-- Preparations reminescent of such | famous trials as the Hall-- Mills case' at Somerville. N. J., the Remus trial at Cincinnatt and the Snyder--Gray trial at Long tsland City were be-- ing made at the Court house this , morning _ A dozen o-- -- more tele--| graph and telephone wires were trung into the court room anteroom and seats were marked off for thirty three correspondents from all parts! of the state and country. | the fel@lh fu son?s. s1 to T¥ famous oll irish jaunting car has been pat out of business in Erin by the motor buses. So far. however, the Irish ballad has shown little or no signs of sucecumbing to Dr. Snook goes on trial tomorrow before Judge Henry I.. Scarlett in criminal court, less than six weeks after the murder was committed. The 49 year old deposed college professor is expected to _ gonten'd that he beat the girl to death and slashed ber throat while in the throes of an uneontrollable impulse which he does not understand--even today. Columbus, O., July 23.--(INS) -- On the eve of the trial of Dr. James H. Snook fo rthe murder of Miss Theora Hix, 24 year old Ohio State university co--ed, there was every in-- dication today that the scholariv professor's defense will be insanity of the "uncontrollable impulse" form. MEnnrpomnts a4rt/tz1%4 L+enrt TRIAL STARTS TOMORROW Expected to Contend He Beat Girl to Death Through *"*Un-- #400" Advanted Nx A PAGE FOUR m THE DEFENSE OF DR. JAMES SNOOLK nitted)y men go down on their to women before marrtage, be women in this country, at rale, seemm to have mastered rick of keepin@ them there lone after the -- ceremony is controllable Impuse." J T C aeeaeee en es C e nen eeeee HE AMBASSADOR BY NASH --ITwin--Ianxrtrorv--Mororx®p LEADS THE WORLD IN MOTOR CAR YALU I C in the purity and grace of every line a0d cuPr::.";'btresh luxury in every item of interior dress and decora-- oo, from inlaid walout panellings 10 the deep, overstuffed cushions, Twin--Ignition motor, the year's most notable achievement in power. Another very artractive "400" fea-- this moderately priced car, is the uphoilstered in fabrics restricted to fhine car manufacture. "Ffly%hflp of 23 Nash "400" models includes Touring, , Coupe, Cabriolet, Victoria and Sedan Models )f the? "theme brought back ebvrious, to those who motor cars, is the high 400" engineering and performance. Here, in NASH MOTOR SALES 111 W. If the big metropolitan -- dailies really feel they ought to burden the lives of their readers by issuing such a bundle of ponderous _ print for their Ssunday editions these fhot summer Sabbaths, when everybody On one of the bottest days this summer, President Hoover #tood for hours in the sweltering beat shak-- ing 'the bands of nearly 2,000 per-- sons who called at the White House and subjected him to this absurd torture. What utter asininity the whole business is. Performing fNeas betray more intelligence than this childish -- custom _ reveals. If the President himself lacks the courage to put an end to it, how would it do to continue to permit the Prosi-- dent to meet these pests and shake their hands, passing them along in turn to apother duly constituted <f-- ficial _ who-- would,. in his turn, promptly and cheerfully wring their necks * is -- out--of--doors, offer them he which they caf future outlay in is -- out--of--doors, then -- we Rumbly offer them herewith an ldea by which they can save considerable future outlay in time and money Print Section 1 with the news _ of Saturday. and -- Sections 39. 21. 32 with the ads, as usual Then issue sections 2 to 29 inclusive everyw Sun-- day during the hot months without in any way changing their conten's. Resort hotels are rapidly _ filling their rooms with the usual quota oftf kickers in knickers. Anonual chorus of summer botel proprietors: They all complain it's rotten here, But they'll all come back again next vear Suggested slogan for all vaca tionists at the seaside and _ elae where: . Love and let love. " But what's the use of people of vinegary age whispering about the young people staying at the hotel this year?' They can't injure their characters, for, according to -- the vinegary aged people, the younger gepreration hasn't any. Hotel! Porch Reckers is now in full session. No -- resolutions Will be vither offered or passed, but a lot uf nasty remarks will be. And, strange to say, they do ELECTRIC MACHINE TO WA SH T. O. Hil,. M«~--. THEO BLECH, 8 §$. GENESEE $T. tus Krumery, Local Rep. Telephone 1++ W AN PuBLUC SERVICE COMPANY ture is the "world's easiest steering." And the Ambassador is one of the easiest riding cars ever built. The wheelbaseis 1 30 inches. Thesprings are built of special process alloy steel, individually designed for Am-- bassador size and weilfin. and ous-- beard mounted Houdaille double ac-- uon, hydraulic shock absorbers are regular equipment. f make possible this value. More than 168,000 Nash "400s" were built and sold in the 12 montbs (just ended ) smmce the "400" Other features of convenience and quality which Nash volume makes it possible for you to have at Am-- bassador price, are Bijur Central-- ized Chassis Lubrication and Chro-- mium--nickeled bumpers front and rear--at no extra charge. V olume and its manufacturing econ-- omies plus Nash engineering skill The superiority of the elec-- tric washing machine over the old scrub--board method of washing clothes is certain ... Of course, washing dishes by hand isn't the strenuous job wash-- ing clothes used to be --but it has to be done 20 times as often. The Conover Electric Dishwasher keeps your hands out of hot, greasy dishwater by doing dishes automatically , quickly, expertly . 3 handy models -- beginning at $94.25 Slightly more "Little by Little" \ _ Anvyway, the ideal Sunday news-- | paper for _ summer _ consumption | would consist merely of informative I headlines and the "funnies." !lu other words print enou,s «. these miscellaneous sectious at the ; start--say about June 15--to last all i-"mnmgr, distributing them . each \ succéessive Sunday in accordance . with the clreulation demands. The !paper would be just as heavyy and cumbersome, annovij; and useless [u ever. And we'll bet the public will never catch on. JAIL BREAKER IS FREED ON BONDS James Nichols, 1%, of Chicago, who was arrested after breaking iuto a grocery store in Libertyville in the spring, today was released from the county jail on bonds. Nichbols re-- cently broke from jail by being car-- ried out in a garbage cau and was caught on Green Bay road on his way to Kenosba. writer We have fever been able to find out why the publishers of these monumental tomes issue editions on week days i#f they really expect their readers to wade through the Sun-- day paper. -- By the, time .Saturday morning's paper is out, the con-- scientious , reader of last Suhnday's Issue wlill be at about page '26, Sec-- tion 45, and will have six more sec-- tlons to go. The average Sunday editorial in-- variably betravs a hopeless "what's-- the--use?"" attitude of mind on the part of the disspirited ayd -- bored In airplanes, increase in size de creases _ relative efficienpney. -- The freight load that a plane can sus-- takm in proportiqn to its weight is less as the size of the plane in-- creases. _ 'The reverae is true of air-- ships. _ Every increase in the size of the airship means a decrease in the amount of horsepower required for each passenger. YOUR DISHES CE Size and Efficiency v Sipppighatti s» on 4027000 o0 tR mge «conare cngacls 0A oirgrinage> HBBEUHRD xo e LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. TH BOYLAN, TALB@T COMPANY EXCAVATINC Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning ---- Rebuilding Lake County Cleaners and Dyers No Job Too Large! Will Convince You LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEKEYATAAW Office at home on W. Cook Ave . Teophome 1804 ATTORNMEYAT AAW LVCK BUILIINQG Res. Phone 97 Oftice Phone Public .'rvhorlullil.' Felophoce 67 _ LIBEATYY! LADIES DRESSES, COATS aND suUiTs $1.50 mENS suiTs, TOPCOATS -- _ AND OvERcoaTs * 1. o0 HEN } i iNG, « REAL ESTATE, moRTGAGE LOANS, « PNQPEKTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, sUuRETY sONnDS, sERVICE, KEE GRADING CONTRACTORS Have Your Ashes and Rubbish Hauled Away FORK 8026 Dante Ave., Chicago COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING® INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND Read & Taylor Telephorne 428--M QUICK SERVICE -- RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations .------ Ranai»r« PHONE WAUKEGAN 7800 PUBLIC SERVICE R_-- LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 295 Waukegan, II}. ALL KINDS OF LIGHT HAULINGQ ® ® @® Rates Reasonable ® ® a Prompt Service «) ® @ 10th St. at McAillister HREAL TORINSUROR Opposite Electric sum.] Phone 469 and 269 E. W. COBEB Y -- iing & Pressing Professional A Trial TYYVULLLE, D K it 18 T J. H. HAHN PLUMBING \Waukegan, Illinois RLibertyville Marion Brennan Public Service Bldg. Chicago Office With the Chicagse Title and Trust Co., VANITY FAIR BEAUTY SHOPPE HAIR BOBBING and SHINGLINQ MARCELLING, WATER WAYV-- JNQ and FINGER WAVING F. 8. RICKCORDS, Rres. WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAH L ROGERS, 8e0), Lake County Title and Trust Company EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Dr.Otto R.Thompson OPTOMETRIST WORK DONE BY EXPERTS Telechone 581 _ LIBERTYVILLE DR. O. E. SIMPSON Other times by Appointment. Telephorie 214 HVNDELEIN Excavating _ Grading Sewer W ork Complete Finigshing of Basements Johnson Ave. Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours : 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 38 Monday and Thursday LIBERTYVILLE Telephone 288--J Black Dirt for Sale BCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OPf EYES. GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSS EYESs ESTRAIGATENEO 60 West Washington Street DR. J. L. TAYLOR Over State Bank of Mundsisin Hours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to § Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Bullding URSDAY, JULY 25, 1929 Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. 1 TO § P. M. Telephone 152 DR. S. J. DAVIS flce in First Nationa! Bank Ho's: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYYILLE, ILLINO!S ABSTRACTS OF TITLEs TITLES GVUARANTEED PERMANENT WAVING DR MATTHEWS oom 22%, Public Service Bidg Telephone 810 LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLING!S Frank Calzavara 220 Washington Street TELEPHONE 4 Waukegan, Ill. TELEPHONE 993 Teaming & $ |Business Applied 'on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalt Built Up and Tar and Gravel Rojfing Ap-- m -- plied on Flat Roofs Siate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles Milwaukee Ave., opposite Library LIBERTYVILLE (Inc.) 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I!!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 Guaranteed Roofing THE HUBERT CO. OF EVERY KIND FOR ALL TYPES of BV iLDINQAE GET THE HAaBiT or WATCH. ING FOR OUR WEEK--END sPECIALS We operate a fully equipped, modern garage and are pre-- pared to repair every make of car. Entrance Drive just south of the Public Service Building, on Milwaukee Avenue NONE BETTER atT aANY PRics GENERAL SERVICE GARAGE Libertyville, IlIl. '18 Years' Experience in Automo. bile Work Means Something" ApPlied over old wood shingles and other old r,»ofing on residencéa T A XI EVERY JOB 8 ABSOLUTELY GCGVARANTEED BUILDING LOTS AT A RANGE OF PRICES, To SUIT EPFERY NEED SNOW'S LIST YOUR REAL ESTATE WITH If you want to dispose: of your property quickly, list it now. Bese Moe Botore Linting Your Sale FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1115 GURNELE. ILL I have all kinds of property for sale.. What do yvou need? T A I L O R Cleaning and Repairing 118 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upsta LIBERTYVYILLE. ILLINGHz® J. DEL MURPHY , Prompt Service Quaranteed wW. M. HUFFMAN Phone 373 Libertyville, Ill. WALLACE'S CANDY SHOP Wm. A. Chandler FRED CROKER HOME MADE CANDY AUCTIONEER PHONE 306 Fresh Daily 34 ROOFING Exteriors t oue 2 Estimates Free ___ Inte Libertyville Decorating Co. Fhune Libertyy¥ilie 51; _ Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling HAROLD WILCOX & MILLWORK & Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm Sash TELEPHONE 708 * ¢:1 First Street Libertyvilie PUBLIC SERVICE BVILBING 350 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYYVILLE PHONE 666 Phone Libertyville 570 Chicago Phone HA4ymarket SALES DEPARTMENT '-- i 16 E. Church St. LIBERTYViLLER _ TELEPHONE 18 EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE ON ALL MAKES OoF canrs. ounr JMOP 18 FULLY EQUIPPED ANC READY TO SERVE YOU. ONLY TRAINED MECHANICS WILL WORK ON YOUR CAR. abaiiciies LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY General Trucking PROMPT DELIVERY SsERVICE IN LIBERTYVILLE AND MUNDELEIN Libertyville Ice Co. Anderson & Exon Motor Service Insurance Agency Satisfaction Guaranteed COUNTRYSIDE Call on Us for Telephone LIBERTYVILLE 1794 , tance Moving Telephone 440 8589 N. Miiwaukee Avenue LIBERTYVILLE, iLLiNOQiS DAILY TRIPS To and From *f> MOTORS Crysler Dealers SERVICE FOR YOUR CAR Contractors Residences ¢. L. COONFER a% I®1 9 AND Transfer KINDS OF HEATING PLANTS esidencees, Stores and Institutions PURE ICE TELEPHONE 453 HEATING Paper Hanging Interiors )irectory 1416 ie n in 'V---r '. v GARDEN FURKX:TVRE & TERRAZZO FLOORG OMNAMENTAL Cement 8TUYOO®AL TELEPHONE LIBERTYVJLLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyville Visit Our Nursery LEESLEY'S | * NURSERIES * LEAVE ORDERS aAT Ray Furniture Store TELEPHONE NO. $ GROWERS OF aA GENKRAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK WHQOLESALE ANO RETAIL Fixtures and Suppli® Telephone 400 Libertyville, IHinois 614 N. Milwaukee BATTERY, ANR RADIO SHOP. Electric Wiring and Contracting _ HAFEMANN'S-- L _ DAIRY MiLK THAT i$ PERFECT iN IF YOU WANT a BOTTLE oFr E. M. WEISBKOPEF, Progp LIBERTYVILLE ELECTRIC SHOP PIANO TUNING DAIRY AT 224 BRGQADWAY Radio Equipmenit Gemnerator awnd TELEPHONE 94 EVERY WAY, GIVE U8 aA LIBERTYYILLE, JLL J. J. Alkofer, Propg. T RIAL

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