formal 'anworiuu yesterday. ' "These camps' orter on ot the finest opportunsries for ythttttr men that l know or." he declared. "They build bun physically 1nd mentally to an extent hardly thoukht possible in the short period in which they tra.n of GASDUNE Tilt Mil "tll. INSPECTIONS [AW START Mil, 1 David Kinley. l'uhera'ity of I formal inspeerio "These camp, finest opportum that I know of," hnHJ hrnu rthce Win-n the utato gas tax law And the C state nil inspection law become " . {Nine Autut l, only three measures l Great soldier'. passed by the 56th General Assam-o The merry mum bly and approved by ttre mnernor l tmutt KN!" Inett to will remain. unenucted. 5 Irelartdut gin-e tn. / Tim-5e are the conservation bond I lttgtoti. When the issue bill and the roam on Juries 1 of tbeta) were da bills. subject to approval ot the i'ot- i Maypolest and the e ers at the next general election; and ', hedeeked, Milady the pneumatic tire bill. met-me " house In Dublin w ter July l. 1931. I her fourth Ion. St The conservation bond issue is l when the "We bro ttttite s.milnr. except in mount of _ taotd, puelrety, littl bench to be issued. to tint defeated i, Wu," be ttte con at the November. 1928. election. it l I',1"2, Crt'tttest foe. prmidea an mu. or "4.000.000. l be 'tfy? " matt with a maximum Issue ot $1,400.01)" ore . . . . It " tn any one year. 1 her. for example. tt In theory. these bond. are to be !:u.';::d°;nh" Jon!" retired by the proceeds from the ; 'llii'l ',l1',,"gt'fl." r: sale at fishing and hunting licenses. f Yet all 5d'l', JJ, The bill upecmcally providem how. 5 Which on"... thttt ot the prizes. Two thousand voices Joined Int nigh: after mews when the (In: mus slngzng wad led by Rollin Peale. widely known director. Camp Deiley hopes to be known for Its work In th.s branch ot aetivity. The third of the gnaw!" " Kee requires all motor bum open!- ing on Improved highway; to he -uped to the sponsor of the bill, " aeder. that but" now, an; ttapt cur. that " tax summer". to pay the prmclpat and interest on these bonds as they become due, shall be lowed each year. but tt the money trom other sources "Many year is Buttieient . . . no tax "all be levied." There mus: be at lust 3750.000 In I special fund, moreover, before any bonds nay be tamed. In. ot the two refermdumn is quite problematic". band on put percentages of mum when retor- oudum: we" nuhmitted to the vot- tn. It was openly declared that ttw referendum clause w" Naesed In the End bills, not so that votm would have . chance to "mu that opiw ion. bat In order to defeat the bills. the theory being that referendums are usually defeated resume-s at "it. 1.frm who wish to play golf may do tist on courses in adjacent aub- uer principally at Lake Forest. A lit'W 56.500 athletic field and tlj, u lentils (-ourt. the gift ot Mrs. Jan»: J 'I'arten, have Dyan built and are ready for cituerrgoldur use this war. Nearly $3,000 his been subrtbed by private cmuns'xo sxmplement the until athletics .al- lowance of the government. Bamblno len Prize An antozraphed baseball and bat mun-led by Babe Ruth annually for efflllency in that sport will bejode This third bill. "cording to n. opponents. will work a hardship on downstato counties which will have, to provide rooms tor the women jur- or: in their courthouses. 1Vn who wit J.o s.) on cours tttis, principal/ A new 36.5011 $1.13 tt tennis Ci) Jam-ma J, Tam and are ready t this year. Ne: Leave _0nly Three New MeasureOot Yet Enforced In The State. The money is to be used tor Dur- chasing 1and---ttt not more than 350 an acre (it possible)---) every coun- ty. tor public recreation. Admin" tration is wasted in the executive branch or the government with the department of tortyervation directly bunch of dopartmen in charge. Three bills were necessary to car- " out the purmse. The 1irat na- lates, to dnwmuato. allowing worn-g or": service on jut)"; the second? to Cook county, and the thlrd pro- vides tor the notation ot men and women when both are urvtng on al, Jury. g The referendum clause was placed in the womem on Jun" bills our the mm! determined oppositino of Mrs. Rena mum, who introdurtd them in the legislature. last Applegran in Charge Thss whole program H directed by Cart. C. o.. Appleqran. coach ot Crane College sud director ot camp s; 'r' activities at Fort Sheridan for tho Lu: three years. He is a former ttll-western and all-American football star and a member of tttree charm rim hip football teams at. the thar yt an of "Hams. Shannan: gold watch charm toot- baiis, haeketballs. volley balls and hasvhalls and medals for swimming an! truck as well a; other sports "-11; be awarded to winner: when the (amp closes. . n citizenship. - Athletics play a major part in the daily routlne. which actively got under Pay yesterday. A schedule ha, tween arranged whereby each at 1:9 Mam commutes and two troop: mun every 441)," company m at least. on" branch of sport daily. which lnvlmlws basketball, baseball. football, track. indoor baseball. ml- tey lull. swimmlni, fencing. bnxing. wrestling, tux-ntwur, golf and ten- Athletics p daily routine under pay has [man arr l.'e Mam cot In??? every a least. on" I which includ _ Fort Shetland resemblod . huge athlete new yesterday " more than 12mm men, members of mJevontb annual citizens' Anuitarf training camp at Camp Deiley, sinned their thirty-day lhedule or worn. Thoy are civilian soldiers who poured into camp last Thursday and Friday for a month ot peacetime training tor war and schooling in MEN PLAY GOLF ALSOi Military Side Resembles Huge Athetic Field: [trn' Prepare for Footba . tttt CITIZENS BEGIN DRILL AT FOIIT SHERIDAN Jug? nu 118 ll marten! daily praCtlve lor the final big game. le plaCe August 9.They drill from 6 to 9 each I \Visvonsin football of men from the resident ot the ds. 1nade an In Through ttse aid of Ann-Hum la. l barium; devices and Americnn I "tttsie Ind American eduvuttnnzn i Institutions. the Whole world H be, coming Amnnnlud The unitary f toilet prom or thks'c-ouptry arr l being adopted uhrund thrnugh the I instrttatetttalltr of the uuvvio- reels [Ah-hand tight-of-toy u'tretng da' puma all our the world in favor of the right-hand driving. "M: mm been the rule In'thln country. Jhe typc'ritor wt; adopted In of%attt in various mm of the world pram l no, and It bu puve4 the may for _ 'orouuting marhines and other '; pieces of oftVe mechlnixm. ll H no .00er of pride that We taught _ the world the dellxhh of the rhew ' lug-gum mum. but it lsxumvthrr mu- V where the foreman: tWve fullmu-d F the Amerhun lead. American grvl- dle rakes and rump have been lur- rvssrully hnrndnml Into Japan. dun ' mangled. it In "M. by students, wlto have been In this wuutry Ior (hm , education. " , Mount C1etnprve, Mich, July 2': 'UNSD Liam. Owen E Wilcox. t, yurve omen at Seifrldge F'ield, dir. gtrom acme ali'u'inlh' poisoning, a lcordin. to his (with certificate 0 Hie have today. The young ttver death relieved a drinking party. an cording to 1110 statement ot ' Medical one» at the post, who tll" the commute. tam»: Urea mum have adv-qua? iopporttmity to replace. present equi', hunt. 5 Ireuinrtt gun- ttte duke of Well. * lotto". Wth the but: and Hum ', of the land were dancing round the ', Muypolen and the camp-s were at! l. hedecked, Milady of Morningn lt l house In Duhun was dolivered .. I her fourth son. She did not thint [ when the nuns;- brought m the red 1 taotd, puckefy little atom. that he g was to be we conqmror of Hug- _ land's twat": he. that he wufm I bo'honorod as man " geluom han- loved. . . - It never occurred to l her, for example. that one day. the {queen of her country mum name y a child at!" this rod-mow. purkerv 2mm mint the norm brought In. P Norway Maid Gorgeous in Her Bridal Finery we Ion Jul-hm" will repeal " The bill was dulgned principally to lore. Chicago motor coat-hos into the tile or pneumatlr tires. on the bush that the hard rubber nr other typo of tire wears um pavement l!!- ulslly. A" A. A new legieletun- will have before the luv 302-: into effect some have predicted that it never be placed in force, duel the next leqiaiatttro will reveal , All three of the entertanwrs Ware- seen In Waukeean a week ago when the clrcus showed in Grand avenue not ML Cuba. the l'nllwl Sinhw "Would he Juytitiedumler tIre htws of "lrpreqerststiott to who: llw island " force and prevent It twin: V rlranlnd like Haiti." " advised otNrlng Spain 3120,0000!" for the-. Island. This reeotnutenotlott was not awn-ted by rough-u, "Heck," sum Red when Informed he would have to give five dayr no. the of his intention to marry a mm Lime. "I can't hold her that long." So a special dispensation wan granted by County Judge John, Stiles to [wr- mit the couple to continue with the show. The Ogtemi munirwm l patch gem in tert to n States gosvrnmont by the ttttttttttern, n! the t-nurN Brlmln. France and Spam met in the MW " ostetul t "we an tlte Cutroit 'tuefu dislvulc-h slated than If Sp not m-IL Cuba. the Hun She would we»: a national "w tume richly er'tthroideen In the bright (alum pr-tted by ctistotn. and bar snow white "In would be od the tlneqrt home ftthrl" with ex qulnltely stitchrU drawn-thread work. Adurniux her non-k and Dre." were halrlonms of vhuhm With rlusps and buckles, tine um (, mean ot align-v with sonnrpnwwua stones. For that "tie day no wu- the queen of queens, and her state]; hrldmoom. more Intodestly attired in a dart costume, would be entire ly outshone. but On the Bowing golden hair of the bride rpqtrd a rruwu, which Wm: usually the pmpwny of the pnrmh and a [new of hunch-run Hun-"in: the hUth standard of t.tthiris, S' reached by the ?iorwegiaa gum smiths. A weddldg feast In Norway used to be an affair that stirred the lin. aginution of the whole ctMtntrrside. and new are some beautiful pic- ture. mm the bridal couple mounted no their strong ponies [wading the procvulou of Kuerts in [minted mm and wagouenao mak- lug their wuy to the "Magi- ('hunh. writes Karin Lilju in tbe London Dally Chronic». Yet all thaw mm" mme In bu Whh-h prove. that May has mum secrets up her unwary aim-w m I you never know when she u to drop one.--qhcuange., Ahh Countrio. Readily DIES OF ALCOHOL POISONING Further, Mr. Hamilton. who oper~ no- a riding academy It Mexico. re- marked his daughter has "bedded her "all: let her sleep in it." Ann. who is 21. and Sublett, 32. worrmrried hm Thundny. taking a little time from their duties as patterning with a wild west show. Jul Home. western film, stun w" the handout. and the bridesmaid was "Milt DIN- Marr, Hoxip'n lead. ing lady. Chuios Davis. 40. ot 3207 Gabriel] 'vvenue,.Ztort, Wu injured Sand" new Konosha when he colliderdNrittt a at being driven by Andrew An. derson. ot Chicazo. Davin was cut on the head ind Anderson. besides suffering lacerations. received new-i em broke uriba. i can. the fifth. wife, or I I), "ttrd) ', Sable". bircu'i funny man and rodeo rider. ZION " HURT f IN AUTO CRASH: Wanted " Boixe Cuba stvml manifwtu m»! SOUL in ttnt to Hm I 'tohio""" by tho lsr), Follow America's Load Birkhmouh t of Mtsv (HY? the Wand. 'lo " " li: "r "". l .1, [ll '0' f .v'x'r'r'f ' l or m 'Ins , " . |"I:f I I' .. v.1, gm hr','. f " t, lunar, 'rr'ld'i' )1 risrtt r'lt.. Irin m thl Fc-ore 202 " Libertyville, Ill. A Si); IN THE PRICE RANGE OF THE FOUR The l popu! Chinn arc-nu Sugar! MSW: Beautiful Fisher Bodies Rare beauty, smartness and comfort are provided in the Bodies by Fisher. Hardwood and steel construction gives them unusual strength and safety. . ,,. Amazing Low Prices-Easy Term: Six-Cylinder Smoothness The inherent balance of six-cylinder, valve- in-head design assures the smooth velvety flow of trl.'" that distinguishes the fine automo ile. Six-Cylinder Acceleration blotter than 20 Miles to the Gallon M Chevrolet engineers spent years of research and development to perfect a six-cylinder motor that delivers better than twenty mile: to the gallon. WHENE CHINA AND RUSSIA cr ASH Libertyville Motor Sales Leech than - Tho Sun' "treNIrt....... -a SIX in the uric: range of the four / 'tood.-........ Tho FNNMooooooo. A 1toreietpnatirpg, high-compression c.xi- inder head and automatic accelerr.: .1 " pump give the new Chevrolet Six retunrk. able qualities "acceleration. , ' you can now buy in the CHEVROLET' SIX The Chevrolet Six is scoring a sensational nationwide success because it provides everything you want in a fine. sturdy auto- mobllee. yet it actually sells in the price range of thefour. .ooogoncu ratio... ' nu To. . I .......,f695 J:l,'h'dt,Trga.... All - f. o. b. 101197,. Full. Mich".- Jbr In..-" fun-pun do. DICK KARL. Prop. 1,lAirlTrrYLu,liUNpEit'tirNDENr. THURSDAY. JULY 25, 1929. ' 25 ' "225 . "595 "595 Ari-i, . "095 The Comm. dbl. Laud-u. ..,.. The soa" Ire-........... new: Mitre-nu..." [he l'|,To- s725 ... "595 mm" ""3545 ."n n ietle She's Noni: Dakou'a "Ree Tops." Above i, ft " artivttio at Far thiots to buy hvr a t town. She hopes t (]ll)il"jlllliilNv" BUICK, They Call Her "Tree Tops" fiiL!Y.1TnlEll0AY a ' July 2 fr m Lakottt's hrrt fnd only anatrix. ~A_nd they call her Above is Mrs. Florence Klingensmith, '22citrchtsrge ot tat Fart'n's alrport, whose ausetathtttiiasttt caused mer- hor. a mmmplnm: coupe that the might advertise the have: to obtain a commercial pilot's license soon. BE SURETO SEE IT I . with New Non-Glare Windshield New Valve-in-Head Engine' New Steering Shock Eliminator New Controlled Servo Brakes New Low Prices N BUICK DEALERS a; Confession or (Hubert Ammermau. 29, local taxi driver, that he panic» mated in the $4,000 holdup August 20, 1928, of the Exchange State bank at Golden, Ill., has exonerated Er- erett Howell of Quincy, 111., who has served eight months in the Illi- nois state penitentiary on couviCtion of a part in the robbery. "Identified" by the bank president MAN fimiiillllTiiil THRU (yllifiigllilli PONTIAC Pitcher-Stevens Motor Sales tl, 606 N. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville d And here in that you all"! You save in purchase price when you buy a Pontiac Big Six-be.. cause no other car offering oom- pamble advantages can be bought for less than a thousand dollars. You save 'also in operating costs and in depreciation. In other words, you save in every wny with the Pontiac Big Six--AanericaU biggest motor car value! More Moire More More More More More PIODCCI' oe GENERAL norm-s Speed Power Snap Style Safety Comfort Value In a warm for the third member ot the gang, police last Thursduv arrested Peter MrDor'ald, 19, I): Ch:. CMO. He war, said to lune "anti-Div ed the holdup but declared he had never seen Howell. On McDonald's information, poltee arrested Ammer. man Saturday. His confessiun LIL lowed continued questioning am; he Wu returned to Illinois. _ u one ot the bandits. Howell sentenced to one year to me Barnhill. 35. of Peoriz. Ill.. arr with him. a'nd aim rotttjtimrl sentenced, ha: been at "her? an appeal bond. Mtlpoddlv-cl "mogul! no thol'ui $7.45 l moy giant .6- our". {vital-r Ttr] an: - "altyatrq can. Coca Motor; Tue - fay"! A flu. {OH-or} {how's-on. Ideas. at: to "PS, f. A b, Equine. MW. pl" eaeaer" "ercok t:ttttg.Ttt',it: l I-nd-'v null-no T "r-_-d... , aim comm-tad and been at liberty on PAGE FIVE , BIG; SIX