Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1929, p. 14

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Mrs. A. G. Tortin and Mrs. Dazr Anderson were Chicago shopper® Wednesday. W men & SCOre UL gI1 (V 2X O RITRR CA D0 favor of the young men. All} report-- ed a fine time. George Neil of Chicago died at the st, Anp's Hospital in Chicago, Wed nesday. Burial was at the Mill burn vemetery Saturday. . Mr. Neil was a brother of Mrs. E. W. Fuller of ibis place. Marion and Eleanor Lossamon of Waukegan visited relatives for a Jw days last week. The Adult Bible elass will hold an ice cream and cake social on the Bert Edwards lawn Tuesday even-- Sn About 150 attended the ounus) school picnic Friday held in the D. H. Mints woods. Picnic lunch was served at noon after which many joined in the games and races. Mrs. J. S. Dinman won the rolling pin contest. A ball game was played by the married men and the young _ tA_ 'sipoc.itl song service will be at the Congregational church day morning, July 28. * "W 3 ) 1J of her brother, F. G. Lucas. Mrs. George Cashmore and Mrs Oliver Patcb, rural carrier and pos: mistress of Wadsworth postoffice are attending the Postmasters con vention at Rockford, which is an an nual meeting and was bheld on Fri day and Saturday. Mrs. spendin of her | Mrs. Charles Drawheim and daugh-- ter Maxine, visited friends at Oak Park for a few days last week. Mrs. Leroy Dietmeyer was called to Chicago owing to the serious ill-- ness of her father, Mr. Albrecht. Word was received on Sunday meort-- ing of his death. Mr. Albrecht was very well known here, having spent much time at the home of bis daugzh-- ter. > Mrs. K. Ransom,. Mrs. Herman Schultz ard children and Miss Flor-- ence Phillips, all of Wautoosa, spent Thursday as guests of Mrs. E. V. Lux. Bert Hall of Sioux City, Neb . ¥is ited on Thursday with his sisterdn-- law. Mrs. M. F. Lux. Associat i Thursday 'The Wadsworth basebal ltea! played Pikeville at Pikeville on Syt: day. The score being 16 to 11 in favor of the Wadsworth team. Geneive and Dorothy Dietmeyer and Rose 'Mary Lu are visiting in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. P. i were Sunday ank Mauser hon y meorning. whet ftives and frien A -- large numbe July 15, 1929 _ _ _ J. 0. Due to A. M. Davis and W. G. Davis jt tens WD $10.. Lot 94, Belmont Addn., Sec. 29, Wkgn. F. Michalski and wile to J. Ra-- juniec and wife jt tens WD $10. Part 61 lot 1, Sub of SE qr of sE ar of NE qr of Sec. 32, Wkgn. A. L Robertson and L. R. Lytle to C. Florup and wife jt tens WD $350. lLot 2, Blk 2, Robertsons Sub at Lake Zurich, Sec. 17, Ela. Union Bank of Chgo to J. D. Man-- Ktus and wife jt tens Deed $10. Lots & and 6. Blk 3. Buckley Hills, Sec. kus and wife jt tens Deed $10. Lots & and 6, Blk 3, Buckley Hills, Sec. 9, Wkgn. The Catholic Bishop of Chgo to E. Sullivan Deed $15. One--half and one--quarter of lots 5 and 6, Blk 2. St. Marys Cemetery. A. W. Meade and C. W. Hucker to L. J. Brilhart, Sr., WD $350. Lot 8. John L. Tweeds Pistakee Lake sub., #ec. 9, Grant. Charles Karpavicius and wile to J. P. Hladnik WD $10. Lots 1 and %, Blk 4. Blumbergs Sub. Sec. 16. Wkgn. n 6 Official List Mrs uparel irds. Furnished by the LAKE -- COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Abstracts of Title: Titles Guarantoed 220 Washington St. @ Waukegan, !!!. Telephone 4 h+ MILLBURN WADSWORTH t and Bettvy P to their home i: pending two week score of six to seventeen in and M T ransfers D. McNeill and wife to W d Mable t n n na M o itt&nded the Sundqy M home. Bettyv th on m iT W as W n M Notali of Wiscon-- callers at the M T( days at iA I W M h 1¢ m M Hook wer riome of M: \ warus W W Millbur Thomps iUuKeg a 1 th their w ) ¢€ sha, s -- home helid Sun-- A] M th on E. M. Runyval Comppi and wif Lot 23. Belvider E. V. Harvey Budds and A. B Brazell WD Bilk 8$9, Zio Benton. ty E. D n an =S"MIIINIIIRIRRRHNRINHRIHRHIN!INI With help of a tractor, Mrs. Geo Mont., with Ier husband and the acres of grain. She ran the tracts harvester behind it. Since the pu son has helped combine over 100( and plowed, disked, foated and } Mme she takes care of the nume! H BHiumberg WD $10 00 fmlmumummu|lmmmummusmnmnmmmmaumnummuuunimmmlmuumuum|u||lmumuummmwmmmwuwlmmuumnmnummmummuuu ut( 3 1N K Runvard JULY 16, 1929 1O D Farming Lasy tor Her W i> $1 §1 a V re Heights y and _ wi Budds WD ivslake sut W1 TWO BIG DOLLAR DAYS 1 K+ aI 14 and Take Advantage of Libertyville's Wednesday and Thursday, July 24 and 25 Libertyville--Mundelein Chamber of Commerce , Mrs. George S. Ackerson ol Fort Bonton, nd and their two sons havw cultivated 1440 n the tractor While her husbar& onerated thlme ince the purchase of the tractor, Mrs. Acker-- » over 1000 acres of grain, geeded 490 acres, ated and harrowed 275 others. In betwoen the numerous household duties that fall to the lot of a farm wif* . M i QCD addn 33, Waucor J, sands Beck WD WD $ W )t 1 (0) '"SMHHH!'Ml]liflfllllflllllllllllllllllllllllll""l"lll'!tlm?!!l."!lllllllllllllIIIIIII"IIIIllIlIIllIlllllllllmlllllllllll!H!ll"?!'1!5!?!!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIIHI ult e Eaglish Landmark W iD rd opbrgpdinipyi ie poriie > «+ > «e y S Po Wk x W o W W LlBER"l'YVlLLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929. WID $10.00 w seoc o *4 bik 1 W kgn W deed ; vite You \ Weln® GBE . @m M Wa 4( h Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Trieger from | Norwood Park spent Wednesday | with friends in Antioch. 1.' H. $. Reeves spent Monday at Ar-- L' with friends in Antioch. the "receptlon g1 '\ H. $. Reeves spent Monday at Ar-- |and) Mrs. Bohi : lington. , Tuesday evening Miss Ludel Boden who has been jopened by Mrs. employed in Antioch for the past | ren ered aprpjipe several months, left for her home in | which Mr. S. E Ohio, Wednesday. © nddfresn of welc Mr.and Mrs. Guse Trieger have re-- ptor and his wile turned home from a visit to ° Fort ear}: respondeéd _ Wayne, Ind. la 16w approptth Mrs. A. W. Bock entertained her sister, Mrs. Henter from -- Seattle, Wash.. also a sister, Miss -- Hazel Behrus from Kenosha this week. Mrs:; L. H. Hoffman was a Wau-- kegan visitor Thursday. Mrs. C. Wertzs was a Waukegan shopper Thursday. s The Antioch fire department was called out T.hursday at 11:30 o'clock to put out a grass fire in the rear ol the Jos. Horton residence. Mrs. A.'B. Johnson and Mrs Cribb spent Thursday aftern Waukegan. t Miss Goldie Davis spen end in Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. H. F Z an auto trip to Devil's | Wednesday. ~nalLA® PS OLL " :},é:/é: \, | %' ~<="%<C--_ W l "rnaAY¥ > : --<C2wye s * T lsew' |\ SA _iH A large number of the mem!t 308 ,Waukegan National Bank Building Sou(hwcu' Cfi&.&nfip:nd Washington SNreets Phone:' Ontario 7111 WAUKEG ANTIOCH c o+ Here's The Morey _ You Need / WHE.\' you need extra cash--and most peo-- ple do, at times--don't worry about it. Simply call at the Household Finance Corpo-- ration offices, explain your problem, and the money you need will be handed you without delay. $100--$200--$£300 or Other Amounts The Household Loan Plan enables you to secure needed cash without asking your friends or others to sign your note. It provides the full amount you borrow--there are no fees or deductions. Interest Rate Reduced Nearly One--third Under our new, low rate, loans payable in twenty equal monthly payments cost you nearly one'third less. ¥he' interest charx on a hundred 'dollar loan, for instance, is $2.50 the first month, and only 13 cents the last month. The average monthiy cost is §1.32. Other amounts in proportiorn. Cal, Write, or Phone La k e 1t yO M the |Ladies' Aid society of the M. E. chutch attended the meeting at, the TiffAany home Thursday afternoon. | PASTOR HONORED About 65 persons were present at the jreception given in honor of Rev. and| Mrs. Bohi at the M. E. church Tugsday evening. The program was apeped by Mrs. W._F. Ziegler who rendered arpipe organ solo ailter which Mr. S. E. Pollock gave the address of welcome to the new pas-- P Mrs. Raiph Jam was a guest at the in Antioch this w Ir. and Mrs. Jos. Ho joying an auto trip throu ourh M M 6 11 H I hi ; A N 11 Wisconsin. While in that state they will visit relatives at Chetek, Wis. Mrs. C. Miller from Chicago is be-- ing entertained at the J. C. James home this week. Mrs. Sophia Martin is enjoying an auto trtp through Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. L4 0. Bright spen Tuesday in Milwaukee. ' Mrs. Frank Cox and -- daughte Miss Elsie Cox of Waukegan visi ed Antioch friends Wednesday. Th Cox family were former residents o Antioch. The Boy their Jead Wednesda Dells in \ trip in a Wetzel. athe aider, Reyv lavy and Wis tru( --becnt.uo of Cadillac--trained craftsmen--guaranteed work --prompt delévery--standardizei prices. And every Cadillac representative delivers this uniform service gladly--in every part of the country. 5y 7] 0-- Nation--w i(i,. P SERVICE W hy CADILLAC can, and Does Render a better Service On the foundastion «tone of Cadiliac "Nation--wide Service are placed the fundamental and exclusie mechanical advantages of 1929 Cadiliacs and La Sallen. And these are surmounted by a distinct beauty of line and color that completes the Cadiliac program for the permanent satisfaection of Cadiliac and La Salle owners. nove CIDILLIC SERVICE is the same in Seattle, Washington and Miami, Plorida as in Chicago and _ daugh Waukegan --v Wednesday. 'mer resident nté hi is hb 415 South Genesee St. The V h McCORMICK MOTOR SALES staged between the men and women of the Methodist--church. Next Sun--. day evening the entire service is giv-- en over to the men folks, They have made arrangements'for a varied pro-- gram featuring a men's chorus, so-- los, 'etc.., while Judge Perry L. Per-- sons from Waukegan will be the speaker of the evening. A month later the women folks will put on a program sud the one | having the largest attendance will be declared the winner of the contest. The los-- ing side will then treat the winners to an evening's entertainrment. This You know what you get when you buy a Cadiliac or La Salle --you get a car in a class by itself, with an ironclad, un-- equivocal guarantee of service for 90 days up to 3,000 miles, and one year up to 12,000 miles. Furthermore, you get this service wherever you go--East, West, North or South. All you have to do is drive into a Cadillac station, show your service card, and you get privileged. courteous attention. Cadillac's resources have made this possible. Cadillac rep-- resentatives every where render this service cheerfully, For it is part of the Cadiltac program to build up continuousiy a greater dominance of the fine car field. E. church bazaar in rogram and rgest attend e winner of g side will | ) an evening ontest has a ired rivalry s best to get The Ladies' h Genesee St. Waukegan 120 WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS get out a crowd. ies' Aid society of the M. wil hold their summer the church next Thursday 4 much good na-- each side is doing th Smartnese and style, in~i{co and out. silent Shift Transmi----ion permits gear changes aty any speed without clashing. * Security--Plate Glass in all windows means safety. Dupler Four--Wheel Brakes--a touch of the pedal stops your car. An even more pewerful and smoother running Cadillac -- built, 0 -- degree, \--type 6. Wonderfully easy steering. Adjustable front seat places brake and clutch pedals within ea«y reach of any driver. Pneumatic control principle applied to Fisher bodies assures quset nmesa. Chromium plated extemor necke} parts provide permanent sheen. Nation--wide service--Cadillac Service. John Knott was severely injured Monday when he fell from the scaf-- fold on which he was working at the new Catholic church, He was taken to the hospital at once and is 'nov gaining as fust as can be °* ; pected. afternoon. Dinner will be served in the chur(-t' basement beginning ai b o'clock. Lefraing \» if is but begit ish; then his vriant and Four Ages of Learning

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