Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 25 Jul 1929, p. 1

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While hunting in the dense thicket known as Wildwood near Fox bike, a 16 year oidnboy last Thursday discovered the 'body of Otto E. Russell. 45. owner 011 Chicago restaurant at 1714 Bel- mont avenue. lying face down- ward over a shotgun from which one barrel had been discharged. Chicago friends ot Russel said he left Thursday, July 11, saying he ----.. ml-a 0n Malian"; tor a few one barrel had been discharged. Chicago friends of Russel said he left Thursday, July 11, saying he was going to McHenry tor a few days. A hunting license issued July 11 was found in his pocket. Joseph Riggs. marshal at Fox Lake, was of the opinion that the man came to his death through suicide or the accidental discharg- ing of the Run. it would affect most. Nothing defi- nite was done at me meeting here. the matter to be held over o the county meeting to be held in An- gum. Several members of the Ring- wood camp in MeHeurx county. end a member or a camp in Peoria et- tended the meeting. , Ernest Luge. of Joliet, who is working at Round Lake, received bruises and locerations at 9:30 lust Thursdny night when he was struck by an Into driven by Chas. Exoo, on lilwnukee nvenue in the business district. Lange while attempting to owes the nvenue in front of the Pigs. and Cate, at we Itreet, stepped ht front ot the then car nnd who hurled to the pavement. He was "hen to the once of Dr. C. N. Steph- one. where it was found his wont injury". n three inch "mien just below the right knee. He wu tho braked and scratched. When on tnveatitptioet we: continued by the local police. hue Med Don at all blame for the accident. from a shot gun wound inflivted in a manner unknown to them. The man was six {out four inches tall and weighed 250 pounds In his pockets were a watch, a dime Several fraternal cards and the hunting li'ense. The body was tace dawn and almost on the left aid». The gun was underneath. While in a wooded section there was in. un- derbrush to discharge a gun. Dr. Taylor said. A short distance away the coat had been spread on the ground and a suit case Containing shirts was unopened. e A card in the pocket of the coat had the name of an attorney and Riggs stated that this lawyer advised him that Russel was under a liquor indictment in Cook There its reported to be consider- able opposition to the proposed rate. throughotu the county and menu), on the part of be old members whom Soon after the finding ot the body Coroner Taylor impanelled u Jury at Fox Lake, where the body, was taken by J. A. Treptow. Libertyville undertaker, and the Jury arrived at the conclusion that the man came to his death from a shot gun wound inflivted in a manner unknown to them. The body was found in the Weber and Frunzen subdivision in Wildwood across Nippersiuk and about two miles from Fox Lake. Michael Dredliug. 16, of 6063 Ridge evenne. Chicago. found the body. He and his sister and mother, who are vacationing for two weeks at the Dove's cottage at Grass Lake, were walking thru a winding lane in Wildwood where the youth was hunting weaseis. The boy and his sister were ahead of the mother. He saw the body 40 feet trom the lane and without showing the gruesome light to his mother he suggested they turn. back. When he arrived at Grass Lake he told Gus Peter- ton of the discovery Ind Riggs was advised of then whereabouts of the body. Woodmen County Meet Well Attended The assemblage, numbering over 100, discussed the pew rates, pro- posed by the need camp. c. E.' Hogan a lecturer from the Chicago head- quarters of the Woodmen, wu pm- ent and explained the proposed new ruling on the rates. . Officers of the local amp no: Michael Walton, column: W. R. Me Nichola. advbor; J. R. lack. banker and A S. Dougherty, clerk. CAFE OWNER. DEAD FROM DUN WOUND. FOUND IN WOODS Most of the Modern Woodmen camps throughout the county were represented at the county meeting ot the order held here last Friday night under the auspices 0t Acme Camp No. 176. T Body of Chicagoan. Dead a Week. Discovered in "Wild- wood" Near Fox Lake. Steps in Front of Car; ls Cut and Bruised LAKE COUNTY'S BIO WEEKLY IEST FOR SUBSCRIBER! BEST FOR ADVERTISER. ALL THE HEWb----AND FIRST! VOLUME XX'XVII--NUMBER 30. C the was torn After a change of venue had [been granted from the court of Justice L. u. Morris to the, court of Police Matt- istrate Fred H. Smith, of Liberty- ville, a civil case in which Malcolm McClain, a school teacher," Grays- lake, asked change; from James D. Curran. ended last Friday. morning wpen McCuaix was awarded a fur,- onbio verdict. YOUTH IS FATAllY 1hMliiiElrlhm GUN ' AT [ME CATHERINE The cue, which nrose out or an automobile collision in Gnymke on June 10th, first started when Me- 00313 filed tntit before Juntlce Mor ris July 6th. The can wan con- tinned to My 19. nt which time the defendant naked for a change of venue to the court ot lulstnte Smith. After hearing the testimony. Mecttaitt was awarded damn in the sum of 8100. Rueben Swanson, 16, of Chicago. Shot With 22 Rifle While Playing. Ruc',rn Swunr,ou. 1'3. n.' 1717 " r nice avenue, Chicago, died Friday unenmun at th,. HIJa'nnvh (1min, hospital In Litmrtyvillo- from a but lvt wound in the hack of his head that he received yhorrly after noun a' Lake Catherine, where he and two other boys pun: aymz with a mm Swanson w show! from Arm och. the neare lage. to the has pital at Llbertyi le. He lived a like mun: than, an hull? after th- slut: entered his head Civil Case Between Motorists Decided 'Attorney R. W. Churchill of Grun- Inle wu can"! for Mchlg. while Attorney Install Meyers. of wer kegan. In: the defettdttttt'g lunar. Eight of the fourteen posts in the county were represented. viz. Anti- och, Gnyslake. Llbertyville. Norm Chicago. Lake Forest. Highland Park, Highwood and Deerfield. It was decided Lonhold the next county meetin at Lake Forest August 11. [aberiyulle Post No 329 American Legion was hosts to a large number ot Lexicn men at the July county meeting held here in Memorial null last Friday night. Erwin Albey, a child welfare work- Pt from Bloomington. and Lewis Stacey. of Peoria, addressed the legionnairs at the meeting. Albey told or the progress made at the home for boys located at Normal, Ill., and said the American Legion. which directs the camp, should be com- mended for the good work done along the line of child welfare. Mr. Stacey, who will be a candidate for the otttce of state commander at 1110 next legion eection, spoke on; the tering of individual posts. The youth. aocordinu to Lr, Tay lor. was In the company of two Chl- cazo boys with whom he was vat'a tionlnx at the, lake. He stated that he understood that the gun was ac- cidently dim-harnd when one of the other boys was handling it. Dr, Williams. who was called to make a preliminary examlnatlon of thp wound, armmpaniwl the dyinv, youth to he hm'pltal. Commander Thomas he Lacey, of Libertyville Poet opened the meet- ing, and then turned the gavel over to 1villiam Woodward, head ot the lesion In the county, and a member of the statv executive committee. Refreshments, prepared and nerv- ed by the local Woman's Auxiliary of the American Legion, were enjoy- ed at the close o tthe meeting. Eight County Posts Attend Legion Meet Ilrtt libertphillt flnhenwhwt tp, ijiriilibjrijt', , new. kioer FALLING ammo AWN "Truck Rammed From C Side; Tivo Are Hurt itured Just aNr 1 Although th If") mum tim 1an" reaching _lieved that he l,iie was given 'his home, wh day Monday Mb' The truck , Band Offers Concert "tJ,",,',',';',,," 'i'J/ol"d,ril, If l The Libertyville municipal band, 'Lntler the direction of Percy Snow, -wl|l entertain local musk lovers at (iii: usual weekly Concert to be held lin. Cook Memorial park Taursday night. July 25m. The concert will start promptly at 8 o'clock and. Judging trom the popularity of the preceding concerts. 8 large number lot people will be present to hear the 'muslc. This concert will be the !fourth of the season offered by the lbaml. Students who took part in the re- eital were: Arlene Neville, Harriet Del-long, Marianne Huber. Marianne Bernard, Peggy "Prertdertttstrt, Mar. guerite Mignon. Franceis May White, Ethel Jochherim, Dorothy Kramer. Harriet Louise Thiele 1nd Richard Puritan. enynlle. The 'father was lulu-n Condell Memorial ttorpital and I J. L. Taylor Ind M " Penny Ke called. It was Iound that tnt. bu in the lower right leg had bw-u " lured Just above the ankle. Although the son was tun-ouch an: tour other men to work on a watt-rm; Job new Dundee. T Enn- catintt his ruler anagram" tram thr. wreck. he-'drow Dark to Lite LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 25, 1929. Danceing Pupils End Year With Program An outtrtandintt bit of the program was a special dance by Mrs. Sewert which gave Ample proof of her abil- ity u a classic dancer and a teach- er. Mrs. Sewer! will study " the Bolm School of Dancing in Chicago, during the remainder of the summer and will reopen her class the first of September. Tuo Libertyville men, a father and a son, receixed painful and ser- ious in Juriesfmhne drhinx to work at tit:, Monday morning when a This'week's program will consist' of ten numbers, with popular songs. tor vncores. The ten numbers in! the order named will be: "Thun-I derer, a march by J. P. Sousa; "United We Stand," a patriotic med. ley. by Al Hayes; "Pond Hearts." 3 serenade by K. L King: "Waves ot Dumbo." waltz try ivanovici; "Co umbian." march by K L. King: in. termission. "Onward. Christian Sol diets," march: "Best Loved Soutoh. om Melodies," medley by Al "ages: "Jolly Coppersmith," humorous. by, Peters; "La Palom." by Yadier. and the hat number "The Star Spangled Banner." l Parana. relatives and friends of the pupils who are studying lcassical dancing under the direction ot Lil. lian Joy Seven, attended a program given by the dancing class in Grid- ley hail last Thursday night. n n Ut lleved that he Is not svrtousl)' hurt He was mun medical treatment at his home, where he lay in bed all day Monday wit.) a severe headache. The truck which was loaded with scaffolding was badly wrecsked with tts load strewn about the road when i, was rammed from tho- Ride by the other car. According to the Hutt. mans, the gale-awn: car drove onto the highwas, trout a side road with out stoppin and rammed into the side of the truck, Naming Was done at tlw'tim. to determine the exact blame for the crash. Aren.r and ..1s Atilut The Week.Ender he 't "Held, their um the side, by btt young tnthtt a E J. Huffman. wn .e, suslalur 1d Lu son Elm" umv stuken up. Anuner Don. Go-orzo- was ,. truck driven by his b other car. in'which he v r tour other men to W Thursday Evening sou 'ugh ttttu Bor. he tim eor t caching Lib, that he Is a 0 Stump you SEE ' W" "as QRRVMG? A "mum 50W A BAY" TOWEL some sex? Git, AWASH RAG l 0 Lam-Ingram truck um a was unconcmu w accident um: nyville, it ls be " seriously hurt 'H Sunnysxdc- After mum: tht. llttl I! wounds and um! fro-qucnlly (an! ("W'Js' I "NIH of the ms: whkllo-us for IN days "ports. tio 011t' 1taytou llurrouxh. thief ' hurt. treyontt at Great 1.3km and (11mm Hin- Sth nasal dinllict. div was folltsmtt ' any in the-Great Lakes Sin [is trrvther. in mg hospital. . he thar, IN'trlr, The last thrve "a.vs fo 0 work on a mind". Mm wax it warran Andre. _ Extrr, ..'......_--A._.._ ..n nu..- . -.- rl ocr u m m tut-d 2p:ed by treyo of Dun it O At the some time he refused to re- turn the children of Behar Amliuta. religious fanatic ot Zion, who allows ed his family to draw mail from garbage poi): in the neighborhood. Residents of Aron township, in- cluding Round Lake and Gnyslske. went! to the polls in large numbers Tuesday and voted in favor of the formation of s high school district In that township. In precinct No. I, at Grayslske, 643 votes were cast. 422 for the school district and 221 against. At Round me, In Precinct No. 2, s total of 206 totes were out, with only " in favor and 160 voting sninst the proposed high school district. , Mrs. Thomas Hansen, of Highland Park, °Friday gained temporary cus- tody or her twd children who have been in the detention home since she essayed a drunken tour of Highland Park in her automobile. County Judge P. L. Persons advised her that the order might be made permanent 'Sept. 14 providing her conduct warranted such action. High School Wins In Avon Twp. Election SLEEPING SICKNESS FATAL Til OFFICER AT NAVAL STATION TELEPHONE GABLES Illlil0lill 50 ARE WITHOUT SERVICE tended to telephone cables in Lib- ertyville Friday with the result that .30 phones Whre put out of tservice. The heat was so intense that win. ttuwn in the vtllagu hall were shut- tered, Joseph Gotti, who was tearing down an old shed at 517 Norm Mil. waukee avenue, was burning m;- blsh that had accumulated from the debris. The flames extended to the structure and into the cables. . Fire that started in a rubbish pile where a shed 'that' being razed er lilj0iiali't GIVEN . "THIS ON "TRIAL" It Wits m-rw-'nv " huspital at, tachro to (end 'ht tlctitn through wkmmr wan Guru: his Hines! Tho "are-amor" m; born in Mar Turk H.110 Sui. '.'t, EMS and had been at Gr, n Lukne for 1sotttetittte mnenl services were to be hed at the station Mon lay nnrnlpg It 8:15 o'clock and the "body "a accom paniend a the Natimzal Cemetery at Arlirurtoa.' . The last thrtw days rung)". Mm wan u wart u'nhonscinus all the turn that he had gained co tor brlo-f perlmu. It Wu.- m-rmvuv tor tan-hm; to feed 'h' tlctl William Dayton Burrpughs,'l 'tttnys/el, Unconscious l For Almost 18 Days. . Before firemen could extinguish the blaze a section of cable. cutting ott 'uobsrritrertt in the residential and business district was lost. The telephone company immedi~ ately sent an order to the supply barns in North Chicago for equip- ment and this was rushed out be tore. noon and installation started so that service could be resumed." Th" " Turk rita been at ' Funen GEEMNZZ." 1 mm r ID WORN W woes. WN; ( mum mm": IS nrrzs' hospital 'a; nevus-"n to feed 'h Ifit' way; "tt "areasoui ' H42" S. rt. n Gr,nt Lak Fral serxlces mum Mun la I mark mm! Bur m "tricor Prior tr ot Memp- William kn 'i',',','",',,'. Mike Lesnjak, 16, of South """'"l Utica Street, Fatally In- n Kr. Daly lived'on the Hart farm. end} of Libertyville, and We well mwym may people in the com- " He is survived by his wife, ally well known here, and three da (stars and one son. He was a mernber of the local Woodmen camp for the past 28 years.. Burial was the deceased was weil known? in L rtyville. moving from here to Ca ada, about 15. years ago. torl the past 28 years.. Burfat wai mane " eVrmlmon. MAN [EFT ID DIE M.lluilgllii BY VAMPIRE DRIVER chultz left Barr'ugton around 3 o'c ock Thursday afternoon and was lolowmg a little used gtavel road to Lake Zurich. He "as driving his cat up a sligl. hill when another out going do in hill at "a terrific speed swan .d at him and Schultz threw his C " to the side of the road to hvoid (an; nu. His trout wheels hit sum loose gravel and the car canteen" into the ditch and turnul over while Schultz was thrown throx 4h the windshield. Unconscious. Schultz lay in the til'ch for a length of time he is un- a le to determine. He finally re- palm-(l (-Iilistrlouhlless and strugglud to ibis we! and started to walk for fully) He remembers that time and time uhtaln in the Cottrell' of the miln ill-:hitd to walk. he Would faint and tall down. struggling on as soon as he ireguino-d t'nnsu-iousiwss. lynching a farTrohoure, hic. cuts tun-N uarhtul and the {urine-r plucml him in a car and rushul to Wau. cmida to the offices of In: J. A "Rota. Former Resident Dies In Canada on June " is not generally known in tho vil e that reports reaching Liber- tywm'lze some time tur.o told of the dam of W. S. Daly, 63, a former I r residenf, at his home in Ver. mlon. Alberta, Canada, on June 1. YOUTH IS KILLED TRYING n AVOID ' (hiillllilllit TRUCK pen to die in the ditch besgide a'trrcueht in lot ely road after an auto ucidenlJ The mar, 1ltl Schultz. Lake, Zurim sumu'James Len; unison. late Thursday walked a admitted-l mile lor help mule blood streamed when» but frqm severed arteries d . his neck, , 1.entiyn ot Besides has parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jtuie Lesnjak. three brothers, Wil. 2t Jake, Jr., and John and two slavers, Jennie and Rose, survive. Lake Zurich Man Walks Mile For Help While Blood ' Gushes From Throat. . 3chullz. qict'ordltw to hr. ltosu, ha a deep gash cut in his throat from one ear clear across; the front of his neck, The arteries were MW- ére'd and If the cut had been a har dedper, the juglar vein would haw been) sM'Pred. He aim has a had gadh on' his head which may prove to be a pkull fracture. and ntlmr cuth and bruros about, his head and arms. ifter dreesiue the wounds I). Ron: took Schultz to the Ellzuhrth Comb-H hospital in Libertyville , They weer driving south on the Russell road, according to Sheriff Lawrence Doolittle and M. E. Am- stuhz. assistant county highway superintendent, while the county truck was going east on Route 17,", at Rosecrans. The drivers saw each other when rthe' cars were almost together, it is understood. and both swung opt to 18"0id a collision. The chassis teeiered to one side and skidded train the road tossing Lesnjak into the body of the truck. The chassis, without turning over, ended against a telephone pole. The tour younger bots clung to the chassis and young Ruin received a bump on the head. Nc;one else was hurt. 3 Funeral Rites Monday Funeral services for the boy were held on Monday morning at 9:30 o'c ck at the home with burial in Garwood cemetery. Iiernfak, seated on the gas tank of a Ford chassis, was hurled trom his; swat as his car skidded from thei road after the quick. twist of thel_ritoering wheel, and himhead "tt the truck. 'ith the youth were tour smaller l, 'Snjak and his friends had been "airing in the lies Flames river and it was believed that they were on their way back toward Waukegan uttfr teing in the vicinity of Rus- Bel . . Mike Leunmk. 17, or in South Hit-a St., Waukegan, War.' killed in. ,taiply Friday. when he has thrown mm a Lake County Highway trubk mm which he was trying to avoid a (Huston. . With the youth were tour smaller fri mix but Rhey_rectrived no tn. jurozest They were Edward Padult icki' lil, ot 501 Market street. 'and My: brother, Ralph. 12: John Gro. beirh. lil, of 516 Market street. and l Mite Rum. 12. of 5"9 Market street '; the drum of the county truck! wa) Gordan Winters, 23, of Rose-f the driver of the wa) Gordan Winters crabs. Msnjak was a tsophotiord tit -tite hid!) school. ' _ jured at Rosecrans. On Fichiqg Jaunt K 's, irr HM. Throws Booze From Al'xalfr'm'l . $313.", {20.11 ; Car and " Arrested I A Chicago man, representing l-sim- self as the president of me Com- misvion Drivers Chaurteurs and Help .ers' Union, Local No. 793, at 1425 S. iRucine Ave, driving a Lincoln car, ownwed bythe union and accompan- 'led by a Chicago policewoman. til" m (45 minutes in the local bastile Sat- lrday night, when he became unruly If! the station, after having boen shal F J Drum, Who rad found 'nt. man wandering 'aimlrsrly mar the St.. I'a'cl Crossing on MUwaukee ave, Crammons plead puilzy to a (harm: of plain drunk and was releasvd at!» er mom-tn! of thy imp Btu Farm), 5024 W. Huron Si.. Chicago, was arrested Saturday nixll'at k' o'clock by HIV local polio on complaint of Lewis J. Itorsi, 6029 Fairfreld avenue. Chicago, following a minor NEIL-ion between mrs driv. en by the two men on Miwaukw avenue. Rossi thought nothing of the damage to his car at the time. until it is alleged Pearson ran into his car a second time and then be- came ahusivo, m Rossi, Pearson "us human mun where ho ....The tow trhcke from the Ree Gar- age, and, the. Libertyville Garage were called to the scene and brought the can to Libertyville for repairs.. ., An infantry company of R. O. T. C. cadets from Fort Sheridan tarrived in Libertyville late Thursday after- noon amrbivouached on the old tair. grounuds for the night. The student soldiers were out on a two day hike as the windup of a si weeks' training period at the fort. The R. O. T. C. ended their training period at the fort the latter part of last week and ther camps were immedi, atetr filled by the 2.500 C. M. T. C. men who arrived Friday um Satur- day Mr a 30-day tralnttuCperiod. miles north of the village. l TNo arrests were made here Sun-; A Hudson sedan. driven by W. B. day by Bernard Hamlin. state in ! harkln. 5523' Bryon street, Chicago, Specter. " ho has been in this terrif traveling east left the road, hit a tory for tne past two weeks check-t culvert and damaged Lie under me- in: up on autoists and drivers with, chanism. Two girls and another out the necessary state licenses, youth riding with Larkin escapedl Matt Wall, 180M N. Mozart Are. serious injury. l.' (Chicago. was stopped Sunday by} Traffic began to Jam on the heav- Hamlin, with only one license plate ily travelled highway because of [mo l on his car. He was driving an Oak! pie stopping to ace the wreck, with land and investigation revealed the: the remit that two Ford sedans, one plate- was issued for a Buick. Wall' driven by Max Ehlert, fWs. Pee' claimed he found the plate. He wasl bard avenue. Oak.. Park,L. and dieitaken. before Justice Lyell Morris. other driven by Nick Donbas, 1936 l who brought out that Wall had own? Haetlngo..street,.. Chicago... collided ed the car since last August, but head pn. Both care were badly dam- had never applied for license. He aged around the front and. -w--__._ '_-- was fined $10 and costs and in addi. ....Tho tow trbcko from the Rec Gar-ltion had toput up the required sum M... and, the... Libertyvllle Garage|for license plates. Wall had but $17 were' called to the scene and brought with him, which he deposited with the can to Libertyville for repairs," the court. He promised to return -.---.---_----------- Monday afternoon with the balance; q but he failed to show'up, and he will Student Soldieia berrought here by the ofifcers. I _ . . A. Hereld, a driver for the Cami, at Fairgrouné American Motor Coach Company. of! ---.-_ (ijiiii, y., Clark St., Chicago, was are An infantry company of R. O. T. C. rested by Hamlin Sunday when he cadets from Fort Sheridan tarrived \vas unable to produce a chauffeurs in 'Libertyville late Thursday after-. license. He was arraigned before noon and_bivouaehed on the old tairr'slutrtice Morris, but was diSCharKPd! grounuds for the night. The student fl? payment of costs Monday whenl soldiers were out on a two day ne produced his license, which he? hike as the windup of a sl weeka' was not carrying with him when; training period at the fort. The Ristopped by Htunlin. I Chiéago Union Offic-' ial Gets Quick Trial brcughi in for speeding. Th, man who mn- his name au James Lengnadora, 5851 Austin blvd. admitted-hits guilt 'on he speeding charge but took exception to the in tention ot Marshal In-uba of guiding the hearing immediately aftrr the arrest, Lengendora prbbabiy mum-- ring to muting a ticket tor a later appearance, giving him a chance to it! the ticket "fin-d" Him Chicago connections. . , After telling the marshal that "he wasn't big enough to put him in " cell," he had a chance to changr LIL-i mind, while cooling or! his how-1» in. the sumo cell, in which he had dare; tho ohicer to place him. Portylfiw minutes "as Tom: enough to impress the righc-ousnvss of the law on th o'ner and he can mined hi, guilt marm- and an a disorderly condm the "we-ding cha xumpu~ he ruisvd was released In two Were on thei "hen arrsted by posted a t25 bond, and tho can» uas continued lo July 2?. at S l m. The case of Roy s, Itunanr, 71.7.4 Emorald avenue Chieauo .who was arrested for speeding in the village on July 13, was . heard Sat'urdsy night human: was fin-d $10 and costs. which he paid. and was li- leased. after being given a Spare tire and wlto'ol, takvtt try the poliro on July 13 for security. lice n-'urmd to thr. Mann!) v may. where a Chare" of d: conduc was placed 31.21;"! plead guilty to tltecharee b; lice Mattfrtra:e Fwd Smith fined " and rush He pan! .nd um- rvleasrd Frank Crimmop.u. a' ram to br. emplmo-d by a local f lined " and was in the court aboutHir:3tr Saturda; after ho had beer. brought in Kimwy draw Saturday nigh! car Three Cars Crash; No One Injured No one was seriously injured in a bad wreck in which three cars fig- ured at 2 o'clock Sunday morning on Route 21 in the'valiey Just this side of the Libertyville Country Club, two miles north of the village. Aauk n the gm lrrw " Sat urday " m their l ed by of! on the m " came 2: guilt, m fo "u. vs trom brnug who r u 213' rho rad Mum mlwsply near n Milwaukee ailry to a " to Fox Lalo Joe. Sham It 1y nigh n by Ma paid and oust" m pr kit IN 0 "dine the North Shore Dailroad Makes Improvements on o'. new belie)! that some one Wit in we store, based on the ram Hm the telephone dad been knocked ore and .~nund> coming o her throng tho unhookm! receiver indicated 1ha thieves were looting the place. 1ult'ves were 1001an the place. The officer immediately went tt the store; only to find all the door locked and everything apparently al right in the store. A-sumine the re port false. Saam left a report of m incident at the police station. Ft that Marshal Druba might inn=sti gate the incident in the morning Following the investigation. it wa, at first bolioved that a small amoun of change had been taken from th: of change had been taken from the cash register. This was 12mm own to ttuostion. when Mr. Walrnnd, own or of the More, said that he Fas unc-xrtain as to witpthor he had left any change: in the till when he clos- ed Saturday night. According to Mr. Walrond, none ot the merchandise in tho plan) was disturbed and the telephone was in its right place when he opened the store Monday morning. Had No State License Plates; Pinched; Fined Jhe work ma nailaxiun ol th, Milwaukee Aver North Snons, Ra Walrond mm waukee aveT Monday mor was Was a Burglar in The Walrond Store? "hat "You'll find the rent in your pants now." said the irate tenant as he sicked Fido on the landlord. --Pathtinder Magazine. Int' {32% Office Brafkbdt ard a 851. cf GRAVE BY THE SCHOOLHOUSE SOME DAY AS F'Co'QOL IS . iytWAtSSEDr.s.dUtiT LOOK Ar Au. THE CHWDREU WHOEE LIVES ARE BEING MOULDEO THERE5AUD THEN THHJK = ARE YOU DONG Au. MN a" To CID-OPERATE WW THE TEACHERS N THESR lMPOFLTAHT WORK "e "ti2t1tt'r .K a gt) l1,%l:/:f\§// J). ()r1i,ij' 1/7231:- 'r)ai] /. /4//lv'» I N. P. Jensen Says it m ot Little Behind Payment il momma. C Joe Saam, ni fied by the tel 't.' trelief that be Wr-r-k. flaen lo a Railroad if"! bo'li TH'CI, a sonu p, P W no of hf cros a can o Mlluf of Mil b. was JUnt o' m _,,, DRUNKEN DRIVER _ GHASHES INTI} A C' GAR: GUST 8112 " ll GREATER CIRCULATION THAN OTHER WEEKLiES IN LAKE COUNTY COMBINED ADVERTISING RESULTS SURE! lpctitiom trnrily f BUY'S EAR tllf p Mrk. Ralph Wehrenhorg. of Lib ortyville, who was fined $10 and mats in I€iberiyviilo on a marge of speeding after being caught in Mun- delein by the Libertyville marshal. Frank Druba Thursday appealed the case to the circuit court. She had Druba arrested on a charge of fall. arrest. This case is pending before Justice Charles E. Mason, who I. out of the city. Co!. Smith Gets Order That States Board Must Make An Annual Appropriation. In police court next morning Odett and Schultz, the latter with a his plaster over a cut under his right eye. appeared before Justice of the peace Harry Hoyt who assessed . $50 fine and costs azainst Odett and $20 and costs against Schultz bring- ing the total to $11256. That amount, plus the cost of their Il- quor and gasoline that they mixed so unsuccessfully. made it rather a large evening in point of cost. Edward Walace. IP, year old Chl- cago boy who is visiting at the Murray home in Wauconda, had his, ear completely severed from " head sewed back on again Thursday afternoon. GARLSTHUM RULES BOUNTY MUST MI ITS RMI "IEW Capt. Thomas Booth and Patrol- man Roy Edwards happened along at the time and Odett and Schultz wont m the city jail where Dr. Le.' vine examined them and pronounced them both drunk. Dr Levine'a too tor examining drunks is $5 a drunk. which brought the bill up to $42.85. Both Odett and Schultz were be, ing held in jail until the full amount was paid The boy was playing around a swing with other children and stoopeg over to pick something off the ground just as the swing vamp back and struck him bark of the Par, tearing that member from his head. The boy and the war were taken to Dr. J. A. Ross \whnre the car was sewed bark on .anin. MRS. R. 1hEMilil0l APPEALS HER FINE Edward lives at nue, Chit-ago. Warren Odett and Dick Schultz Looking for Ways and Means to Get Out. n an T, d ti Jr" Jnr recommt mmilmpf fix tl $1.50 A YEAR tl d OFF: REPLACED tl " ll Or If d Cannot pre- rules and.rttt- ions as to the d by the re- ' the county , without rea- m an 'appro- may he man- ade after the asked the bur the pro- lt regard to Momma were county over- whether the ght to arbb 1 of the re- 2ttt the county Archer ave a member "rans and .2n wars. I" to the funds tor n "to pro- for suf- - recom- oe in ex- may 1p- lt. The no right w-q wasted nt vet- ere re- and the Staten n opin-

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