Atttt FOR "c._u__r>. TILE - '5'! mronux . ihE s MA non AND . . _', _ IN ANY IPECIFICA. E e, iiliiiiiii; COLOR AND now. run ' Li WITHOUT " ik3, . m ANY OBLIGATION © QUANTITY Yard PM. 415 A. NAOIL, lam. Rumor-ed Phone 154 YARDS: 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYVILLI, ILLINOII Home of WAEBSEAL Roofing LIBER " VILLE CEMEN T WORKS Libertyville, Ill. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Lake County National Bank REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER SCHOOL WORK McDonald', Commercial School Telephone 130 311 W. Park Ave. Quaker Maid Pork and Beans, No. 2 cahs, 12 for.....- Sunical Peaches, sliced or' halves, No. 21/, cans, 6 for, White Home Milk, tall cans 12 for.-....,),., Kennell thions, 8 Ni. 2 cans, DOLLAR DAY 2 Lbs. Boiled Ham For-__.., 4 Lbs. Sweet Pickled Side Pork for-, 3 Lbs. Sliced Bacon For-___, 6 Lbs. Lamb Stew For-.,, YOUR CHOICE V - OF THESE VALUES FOR $192 Take advantage of Dollar Days by picking up the bargains avail- able. You are able to do this if you have the cash on hand. A reserve account in this bank will give you this. Why not urea pare for the next Dollar Day and other opportunities by opening an account now and systematically increasing the balance. You will find it to your ad- vantage. . Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCK. FOR - 'TTIR NONI. Libertyville, Ill. $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 $1.00 I H. M. Bartlett, accompanied by hip fuephew, Ricard H. Bartlett, ot 'ite. buuton. loll Mona" for a trip thru ', the western sates. They will visit California, Oregon, Washington. and before their return will make 3 tour of Yellowstone Purk. Mr. and Mm. R. G. Ifapinq and children and Mrs. Harry Pusan: no tored to Claim may and viBited Lincoln. Grant and Juana parks. They also enjoyed . View of the begun-ml Buckingham Panama. F. J. Drum and Earl Corleu went to mm "(by and visited Warden Elmer Green, at the "Me's prison. For service in use at accidents, it pays to buy your insurance from R. G. Kipling. your local agent It Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bnmm Ind funny or Marionette, Wt... visited Mr. and Mrs. Will Brumm Friday. Mr. and Mn. Prank Dratta and daughter, Dolores, were In Wanke- an Friday evening" Miss Elizabeth Attridge of Lake Blunt is spending a few days.wlth Mrs. Tom Gnu. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Porteous and ertutddaturater. Ruth Chandler, of Mundelein, went Sunday afternoon with her daughtef, Mrs. hank Druba, and accompanied Mrs. Drubn and daughter Dolores, to Garnet} in th" evening.' Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Acox returned Inst week fro man auto trip through Wisconnln and Minnesota. They via- ited The belle. on the way up, and Madison, WH.. and Rockford on the return trip. Mr. and Mn. R. Natl. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Brumm and Mr and Mrs. Wilt Bnunm and their families, ac- compuuod try Mr and Mrs. Smith and family of Mllwsukee,,Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brumm and family of Marionette. Wis., and Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Delluye and children ot High bud Park. enjoyed a family picnic at Dun No. l. Cook County Forest Pre- serve last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. beans Acox spent the past week in Dekalb with an aunt ot Mr. Acox. Mr. and Mrs. Park Bartlett of Ev Inslon, and Mrs. Jackson, of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr and Mos. Tom Gran. , Po you know that Kaplng can sell you any kind of an insurance policy. Any place. anywhere, any time. It Paul G. Ray and daughter, Mildred and son Paul Jr.. and Mr. and Mrs. Al Johnson and children motored to Pewaukee Luke on Sunday. to tspend the day with Mrs. Ray 1 n d daughter, M 3 x I n e, and Mrs. Prank Wright and daugh- ter, Phyllis. who are vacationing there. . Mrs J. w, Bird attended 1 lunch eon with friends in Chicago Wed acuity ot last week. Mina Lucile Winima, of Atlanta City, Ill., is visiting her sister and funny nutty/Mrs. Prank Jackson at Dodridge Farm. Mrs. Elizabeth Boehm and usuxh- ter. Marie, motortd to Waukegan Fruitsy. The Earnest Workers' Class of the Methodist church will meet with Miss Cora Marsh Friday afternoon of this week. Miss Mary Doyle spent Friday in Chicago. Why don't you get one of Kaplng's spoon! automobile accident policies? It protects you while riding or walk. lng. Costs 85.00 per ymr; pays 8500 in our of death. or In mine of major disability, $25 per week for 26 weeks. Mr And Mrs. J. W Bird were sat- lsned attendants at tne children's program at Ravinia Park Wednesday. Mr and Mrs. James Armstead and Mr and Mrs. John Kruckmnn and Felix Druba. of Waukegan, spent Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kruckmtn Saturday eiening with Mr ""1 Mrs, spent Sunday with friends in Keno- Frank Itruba. Isa, Wis Mr and Mrs. W. l. Co1limrretartr ed last week trom a motor trip in the northern and eastern part of Wisconsin. .,lzui_,..tfpgiliiity ews LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY. JULY 25, 1929. Mr. and Mm. George Sturm left Sunday morning tor Ohio, where they will visit Mr And Yrs. John 'Kello. Mrs. P. A. Bock is saying with her mother. Mrs. Christina ,Bees. during her Absence Speck] $5.00 auto accident policy tor 84.50; 310.00 policy tor tMAF-tor Doll" Duspnly. gt you on c we earner, coming over $26.00 weekly, Roping will sell you policy. Men and women. use. 18 to 365. Truck drivers, Into mechanic: or paid chauffeurs excepted It Mn. R . a D0801; m u Chicago visitor Hominy. on business connect- ed with the Beverly Dress Shop. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Wheeler spent the wee lend in Chlcugo with Mrs. Wheeler', mother. Mrs. lurk Neville will entertain t group a friends at Five Hundred Thursday for the betteytit ot the American Legion Auxiliary. Min Minute Wheeler. nocompw rated by Harry Rouse, of Mundelein. attended I bench petty at Lake Bluff Saturday night. _ . Mrs. Jack Bradford is spending mi: week with he "rents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Knapp. " Whmrtfleld, Indium Mrs. J. Fitzgernld and daughter, June. and Laurel Hutchings, of Mun. deleln, spent Friday nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Guy Leone. Mn. Mar. shall Hatching: In: luncheon guest. Mr. and Mrs C. M. Anderson have: returned from Rochester, Minn"! where they took 'Mrs. Anderson', mother, Mrs. Queen Zlmmel. ot Chi-I (ago, to matte an appointment for! sometime later with the MayoI Bros. 1 Mrs. Bertha Fry left Inst wdetr for tn extended vial! with friends in Rapid City, South Dakota. Mr and Mrs. G. C. Gridley and tawny spent Wednesday afternoon at Lincoln Park, and enjoyed we bathing at Wilmette beach. Miua Mildred Hutchings entertain ed her little ulster. Laurel, of Mun delein, Thursday afternoon. Mr and Mm. Henry Grain and (aniily, Mr. and Mrs Melvin Schultz and family, Mr and Mrs. Albert Schultz and Henry Schultz were among those prsaeni at the picnic at "at'ershall's Grove at Gages Lake Sunday afternoon. The picnic at "at'ershall's Grove at Gage: lathe Sunday afternoon, The picnk Wu given by the Lutheran Aid Aa mention. _ Mix-Le Irtua llafemann left Satur- day lor Chicago. uherr an» will be a house guest at me home or Miss Ardell Marks, Albert Hageny and W. E. Me. Laughlin. accompanied by Miss Lola Robinson and Mss Alice Olson, of Highland Hut. attended the Ring- ling circus in Chlum Sunday eve- mug. Miss Inn: "shaman spent Wed. nt-sdny in Milwaukee as the guest of William Merritt. ot Mendota. Mr, and Mrs. S T. Evil-nor. ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs J (inn- non. ot Evanswn. left Tuesday for The belles, Wisconsin, where they wtll spend a week Mr and Mrs. Mark pic-ville visited relatives In Gnyslake Wodhelday. Miss Dorothy Kramer spent "rw', oral days In! week with her mother In Waukegan. r. f Mrs, S C. Kimtmll was in Chicago Saturday forenoon, and was joined by Miss Maude Butterfield and Mm Blanche Kimball tor luncheon and entertainment at the Chicago The "tre in the afternoon. Mrs Pred Joeaheim Jr. was oper- ated on tor appendicitis Pridu morning at the South Shore hospital in Chicago md its sewn galong nicely. . Mrs. William McCormick has been released from the hospital and has returned to her home. rm l Mr. and In. Perry Walton, ot Wtukodn, spent Sunday with Mr. [and Mn: Herbert Ayers. l The bpdy of the late Otto E. not soll, Ctueago restnmnt Inn. which was found in the woods near Fox ILIKG lam Thursday afternoon. and ltroueht, to Libertyville and buried In Latretide cemetery, will be moved to Chlctgo "turdny, " the request ot the widow, Mrs. Ann Russell, of [Chicagm' I Claude Thdell, an employee of the LeefAJtrlcstor company, working, on the mummy: near Ingleside, had |the bit toe on his left foot badly! crushed when t "rooter," used to plow up the roamed, tel on his toot no he wu helping to unload the and chine trom a wagon. Ht was hro't, Ito the office of Dr. C. N Stamens at Libertyville, where the doctor dress-l 'ed the Injured toe I Mr. u"! Mrs. Chin. Huber. of Chl- cago, cu led on Mr tutd In. Prank Huber Sunday,'on their way to Am tioch t Mr. ind Mrs. Harry Mason and funny 4nd Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Proe tor and non. Melvin, motored to Oct wood. Wu., Sunday and visited their trrandmitther, who is 84 years old. Willard Proctor spent seven] days last weak with his grandparents, Mr. wd MN. George Mucn at their cot- tage " Manon Lake, Wige. J. B (havering, ot the Quaker Oats Experimental Farm. west of Libertrstilte, received treatment for an injured finger Monday at the office on Du. Taylor and Penney. Te Mr. aid Mrs. J. W Hatching: And gmdsoh. Joan, spent and" and Monday'with relatives in "thuukee. Wllirad Harvey, 26, an employee' ot the Melon Construction com pany of Algonquin. working near Lib ertyvillq, was treated for a felon on! the third finger of his right" hand Mondatby Dr. M. D. Penney. Mar-1 vey injured the finger hhile bluntI ling steel on July 17. Tatt wound beg came infected 11 few day; later. ; crates Mr. and Mrs. t J. Moran and chit: dren, of uae Porest.'visttod Sunday', with Mt and Mrs. James Guerin, and family SHOES OF STYLE AND DURABILITY the ringer while moving PK! For Men, Women and Children 526 N. Milwaukee Ave Libertyville Per Pair Off Regular Price CHILDREN'S SHOES AND SLIPPERS All Sizes and Kinds, at Sh Per Pair Off Regular Price lofi Discount on All Men's and Boys' Shoes and Oifords " ' .WOMEN'S LOW SHOES Your Choice of our Entire Stock at RAY N. SMITH $1.00 l Mrs. Louise Wurl and Mrs. Prank ,Koch, of Laramie, Wyoming, spent lag meek wit.) Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. 1Fendlck. On Friday they all motor- ed to De Kalb. and called on Mr. Iand Mrs. W. J, Snyderhthen on to iRocktord. where they visited at the [Eastern Star Home I Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kaiser spent ,severnl days with Mr. and Mrs. :Hnrry Kaiser at Lockport and Mr. ,and Mrs. Oscar Kaiser at Joliet. The Hatter! son, Charles,' returned home with them for a. visit with his grand- ' parents. . . Marie. Seymour daughter of Mr. end Mrs. Ray Seymour, ot Wauconda was wanted on for the man! of her tonsils by Dru. Taylor and Pen- ner at Condeil Memorial hospital Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. A, Hutchinson visited with relatives in Lake Villa and Antioch over the week end and attended the laying of the corner stone ot the new Catholic church at Antioch Sunday afternoon. aut" Len; Victor of Chicago, spent l the week end with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. A. Victor. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Benson and daughter spent Sunday at Ggges Lake Jack Cunningham and Ted tgets man returned Sunday dram a few dan' vacation in Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Raymond. of Chicago, were guests of Mr. and Mrs L E. Linders Sunday Mr and Mrs. Jas. B. Rutherford and daughter, June, accompanied by Miss Helen Keller, left Monday for their cottage on Big Long Lake. Wisconsin. where Miss Keller will be their guest tor two weeks Miss Agnes Guerin is spending this week with relatives in Chicago. . R. Gibbs, who came from Kentucky with his family only two weeks ago. wu arrested by Marshal Druba last Thursday evening.. He spent the night in tail, and plead guilty to a charge of drunkenness Friday morn- ing. A brotner-imbw came to his tid and paid the $5 fine assessed by the police magistrate. Gibbs stated that he got 1115 ttimulant.tu a place a few miles souh of Libertyville. Some Great Bargains For Dollar Shoe Days Ddllar Day Special _ A Safe Deposit Box in Our New, Modern Electric Protected Burglar-Proof Vault We invite you to inspect our new vault, without obligation. We are glad to show and explain its features of strength and modern equipment Insuranrr Farm Dccds and Lcgal Patws IF YOU GET INTO TROUBLE, it will pay you out. If you get sick, it will pay the doctor's and druggist's bills. If you want to take a trip, it will pay your way. If you want to develop your busi- ness or take advantage of We good in- vestment, you can do it at a moment's notice. I After carefully going over the coal sit- uation, we find that from 60 to 75 per cent of the price of our coal is freight and labor, of which the railroad company ex- tends us no credit, and freight has to be paid on receipt of coal. And after June 1st, it is necessary for us to charge cash for all coal and please do not ask us for credit. - {USPS You Have the Only Key. No One Else Can Take or See the Contents of Your Private Box mtrads First National Bank THINGS THAT SHOULD BE IN A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX: LII BERTYVIILLE "$33503 BANK CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $110,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois BETTER HAVE A SAVINGS BANK ACCOUNT W. F. F RANZEN, Jr., LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO., 0. A. Newsom, Sec., JOHN G. BORST Frank Statement For the First Year's Rent. Capital and Santa: 31 50.000. oo ONE DOLLAR But .the man without money do none of these. ineteid, ever opportunity is offered 0 Vanity befall. him, he is fo embarrassed. [lair/Mum n Kcccitis Valuable lace/MI rl mix 1nd Other .SI Is Your Best Friend rtih" PAGE FIVE he is forcibly offered or ad ln¢tead. when. CH writ ics can