Mrs Harriet Knight tutti Mrs. Ab nor Young of Ravenswood and mu Harriet Brainerd ot Watertown were mu of In. Orpha. Harding for s "w any. but week and attended the lmhoo picnic on Thursday. PAGE SIX Mr. and Mm. L. J. Nelson and sons of Eranytttn and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Peterson and Miss Helen Elsie 1y of Chicago, were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. George Ross on Sands}. The afternoon was spent visiting the Model Farm, Countryside Latte and Golf Club and Sylvian Lake. Mrs. Katherine Diet: and sund- children Cline!!! Hanks, Leone and Bernard Diets. accompanied Winnie Diets ot Ivanhoe to Wencondn Sun- day, where they spent the titternoon with Mrs. Dietz'e dnuxhter. In. John Dobner and in we evening they called on friends in Barrington. flr"'l"F'HoNE: 31 FOR SUDDEN sEmncEY"""h The Misses Helen and Dorothy Harding were luncheon guests at the home ot Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Curtig in Evanston, on Monday. Mn. E V. Smith, I!" Nine Smith and Garfield Anderson, ot Rockford. spent the week end at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rimer. Mrs. Katherine Meta and ttrand- son Clifford Hapke accompanied F. anke and son Carl, of Lttrertrvims, 0 Chicago, on Monday. . Miss Helen Ending wu'a - of the E. E. VanHorn family in Evan ston on Friday and Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rouse.and children and Mrs Mattie Taylor mo. tored to DeKalb on Sunday morning and spent the day with Mrs. Poul Rouse. The canning season in Just at its height there now and they watched the veinen waning in the tielda and visited the factory where they saw the process ot the canning of peas. . Lime laurel Hummus: spent last Thursday afternoon with her sister Mildred Hatching: in Libertyville. kn. ' Fitzgemld and (hunters Juno and Laurel Hatching: spat Fri- day at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Guy 1.00am in Libertyville and Mn. J. MN'shlll Hutchings was a luncheon guest. _ MY'"" or INTI!!!" TO "on: lemo m uuunaum.' You can Hp an. on. m g... g. Mllilmth-Loal Idm'uymlgn-oyounu have m'mgm Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity G. HARDEN ROUSE Huntley Street at Lake Ave., Munchkin W ire'i'"fi, '-4tjsi'l':' Unlimited Lifetime Guarantee against defects LIIIRTVVILLI IUNLY "PDT. F. 0. "ma. PM. 'ttot Wk "on and Vacuum. one. It... 'SW, HM m. M m; Hannah emu From M "an. n _ FROM tested cows, and secured under the most sanitary and ideal conditions. It is safe tot the youngest child, and grateful to the oldest person. There's nothin; hetterthan good milk. h'l'e",fltfl'l,'lllllrl','g'd'a'ffdrh". ROUSE'S SERVICE STATION Save Reall Cash an Iteat Goodyears! The new, huskv, over-in Good car Pattuiaders with Supertwiu cord'uh (use! -truperior to may hi heap rioed tires-at about the iee 'lf 2"l',iTIf'f, house tireeSee 'd2,'l here and con- Rouse Bros. Dairy Vince yourself.' ', lc-{turned Hominy evening trom computed by the latter'. mats. l Mr. Md In. McMillan. of Oman. {returned on Sttnrday evening. from .11th ween' tour in the Middle :Weat. They visited the had Lands land Black Hills in the Dakota and entered Yellowstone National Park 1 at the Cody Wyoming cameo. From the Park, .they motored to Colondo Springs, where they visited relatives 'and on their return trip, called-oy [other relatives In Witchita, Kan. has: Hellman. who hu been the hardware Itore during their nuance. left immediately for Nashville, Tenn. when he will "he part in raven! wrestling bouts. In. Warren Snyder and Ion Roy and In. Ian-old Wells and children spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. P. Kittrade, In Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd mule: and children. Mrs. Ek V Smith, Nina Smith and In. Marshall Hatching: and daughter Laurel, motored to Ptu. wno on Sunday. was Beale McBride left Sunday for Minoan. Wino. when she will spend two weeks with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Sunset ot Highland Put. in their summer cottage on Franklin ma. spent Monday with Mr. and In. 1". Nine Boy Seduti of Troop TT, Mun. Kinnde. in Antioch. deleln, hove registered for the third Mrs, 19m". Robinson and children period " Cam MI-kn-JI-wnn. in of sunburn ore tspending eau week l Northern "Imago. They on: Mel. with her pronto, Mr. "d Mrs. ".itttt Rouse, Junior Rouse, George Shnddle. lClevencer. Marvin Kaiser, George Mrs. Warren Snyder amt son Roy I Bonn. Robert Wilcox. Charles Jew and Mrs. Huotd Wells and Children ne Earl Smell and William Mott. were Wooten": visitors on Tuesday. ' Aulsmnt Scootmuter Russell Town 'Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bell. Mr. and " will tro' the lender of the gram. Mrs. Irving Payne ttttd Nils Genera l He and Mr. IL E. Wilcox are troitttt Paine, motored to mhunt Bundar to drive the boys up there in their and visited 'Mr_s._JImes RODLWB- lemon. If my other Scouts wish to Mrs. B. L. Tripp was A Chicago caller on Tuesday. 7 _ Mr. and Mrs: R. J. Lyons and son Richard, motored to Cnssapolis, Mich tor 1Atcilie, who had been spending ten days with Mrs Nickerson and tawny, in their cottage at Dinmond we. Michigan. Mrs. Harry Talbot and dJlldren re- Mis, quea. Robinson and children of manhunt as spending um week with her punts, Mr. and Mrs. P. muddle. Mr. and Mm Md Mitchell tad son Jesse and Frank Mlgchell spent Sunday _riiiwtriettdg in Haywood. Illinois. . -. MR3. NINA J. HUTCHIN", Local Editor TELEPHONE 'ttal, Phones 565 and 567 THAN OURS, a two weeks' Tiglt in 0mm tad bther point: in northern Wisconsin. Min Dunn Pinhol- Just mind word ot the death at her cousin. In; Minna mm may of an. tie inity remember her as It" Minnie Fisher. In. Wickhun made her home in Pancho, Tam. but came to the Lutheran hospital in St. Louis for an operation, vuere she passed away. The Boy Scouts of Troop No. 77 are planning " outing for Wednes- day, July " Thar will meet At Mr. Jevne'a home'at 11 a In. and so to Gum's Lake 'tor the any. A line number at people from Munchkin. former residents ot Ivan- hoe, were present " the Ivanhoe Homecoming In! Thursday, when 460 folks attuned for the annual reunion. It wu an occulon thor. oughly enjoyed by all present. Mr. and In. anon A. Lawrence were week and guest: u the Jevng home The Junior Sunday evening Club and the Junior Choir hold a point picnic at Gages moon may. July 26 Meet at the cum-ch at 10 B. m. so. let Mr. Jame know before it I. too late to get in. The boys will leave on August 3 and datum on Autust 1.7. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Ivanhoe chard.) Ind First Church of Mandela": ContrrmNtloetal C Arthur Jame, Minister ' SUNDAY SCHOOL First Church. ' R. In. nus. Time Ivanhoe. ll a. m. Sundnrd Time. Phone 545 MUNDELEIN General Repair On thiu reputation we stake our hope. for - In BM0ry line of our batman. MELZER BROS. GARAGE For we feel that our "puts. ion in this community I. determ- ined by the "when" of the work that you out of our shop. GOOD w. take' upon oumlvu the tal of making the work orttirely satisfactory in every way. .V "vhen you've had us overhaul your car, you've got to be an» fied. Service For All Makes of LIBERTYVILLE mmzngNmm'p,/rmrrisohir, JULY M, 1929. Workmanship P A YS "ChrGt, the Interpreter." _ Mr. Jam and funny to north , c no new Rhtnelander, Wits., to the month at August. During his " oonce. Rev. J. Boot: Carr D. D., wat, supplied tho pulpit: " "anhoar at! First church" ht weepuhly lait you, will prowl: every Sunday. dut- ing the nation time It tor an! mum Mr. Jevne should. be neede " he an be touched by addressing mm clo Roy B. Moore, R. I, Rhine1amiet, ard um. Wisconsin Wgat Chuck 10 a. m., D.LA. Tim Ivanhoe church. 10:10 a. m. sun WOW}? SERVICE SERMON SUM Mr. and Nth. Art Shober and fun- ily spent Sunday in Barrington. (Continued on Paid 7) IVAN-non ms Mrs. L. A, Iruetmsh bu been quite ill for the wait two weeks but is now improving _ _ Mrs. I, Ben and Mrs. M. Behm had their tonpiln removed on Tam day moming'at the offices of Dru. Taylor & Penny, And are getting on nicely. I _ t . His. Julia 33mm was a Wanke- gnn caller on; Suturday morning. Miss Virgldia. Dorfler ls spending this week irith may In Chicyry Mn. Chum" "trerfand children spent Thursdhy with Mrs. George Smith. 1 ' A complete line of groceries, choic- est meats. and poultry, fruits and "stables is being stocked. assuring "towers ot getting anything want- ed in the way of foodstuffs. Prompt delivery service will be maintained in Mundeleln, and also for Custom. era living at Diamond Lake. P. Veiley.'who has taken possession. TheHittttrlebreeat store has born 0p- emted u a, Royal Blue unit, and Mr. Vesley announces that he will con- tinue to give the people of Munde lain and vicinity the benefit of lower prices. made possible by hisstore's membership in the Royal Blue 1rystem. H, A. Englebrecht has sold his grocery and market at Mundelein to Mundelein Store Changes Hands R. J. LYONS Mundelin, Ill. LYONS & ROUSE "RhnCE--cou- REAL ESTATI RENTINO FARM LANDS LOANS INSURANCE Phone 283 J. H. ROUSE