The cornerstone of the new church was laid last Sunday by Bishop Sheil of Chicago. Speakers at the affair were Anton J. Cermak, president of the Cook county board. A summer festival is being given at the Antioch Palace, August 1, 23, and 3, to benefit the new St. Peter's «hurch of Antioch, which is now un-- det construction. The W. J. Lynch Construction company of --Chleago, that is build-- ing the Immaculate Conception church here, has received the con-- tract for building the new Antioch church. _ Entertainment of all kinds will be furnished. Oscar Westlund and his Minnesota Gophers will furnish the music for dancing. ' Chris Pachen, building commission-- er of Chicago and George Bartlett, president of the village of Antioch. The building will be erected on a site donated by Barney Maber of Antioch, at the intersection of the Channel Lake road and Fox Lake A beautiful English gothic struc-- ture has been planned by Leo Strel-- ka, Chicago architect, and will be built of lannon stone with lime stone trimming, and topped by a slate roof. Among those prominent in raising funds for the--new church are James Williams of Lake Villa and Herbert J. Voss of Antioch. Aside from the auditorium, which wil} seat 550, a main hall seating 500, there will be a communaity kitchen and party rooms in the base-- ment and a rectory. It is hoped that the proceeds from the festival will considerably aswell the $50,000 now on hand for the new churech. + 5 Mrs. Lloyd White and son Lloyd of Waukegan spent Thursday after-- noon in Antioch. Miss Betty Dupre from Delevan, Wis., is a guest at the, home of her grandmother, Mrs. D. A. Williams this week: * The Ladies'® Aid bazaar xiven at the church basement Thursday was very well attended. The fancy ar-- ticles found ready sale, the grab Mrs. Sophia Martin returned home the first of the week after a coupte of weeks spent in Northern Wis-- consin. FESTIVAL WILL BE > GIVEN TO RAISE FUNDS FOR CHURCH Mrs. Eva Logan from Capron. I!l., is a guest of Mrs. L H. Felter on Orchard street this wegk. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Horton return-- ed home Tuesday from their vaca-- tion trip in Northern Wisconsin. Festival Will Last Three Days at Antioch Palace With En-- joyment of All Kinds. _ ANTIOCH. Quite a number of the Odd Fel-- lows were entertained by the Li® ertyville lodge Monday evening. To aid in the erection of their new church huillding the members of St. Peters church will give a fes-- tival at the Antioch Palace, Aug. 1st, 2nd and 3rd. ' The Ladies'® Guild of St. Ignatius chur& held a home bakery sale at Kittichut's meat market Saturday. in Chicago. Mrs. Wm. Ruryard was a Chi-- cago visitor Tuesday. CAR WRECKED AND --BURNED BY CRASH Charging . mlsn':rmnutlon rea'!-- dents of the community known as Kelsey Grove, near Barrington, to-- day appeared in county court and objected to the establishment of a village there. Chicago residents, who make up a large part of the population, were told that they could vote there and in Chicago as well. " bag was well patronized and a large crowd partook of the excellent six o'clock dinner. Mrs. Chas. Humphrey from Wau-- kegan was an Antioch visitor last Thursday afternoon. s Sam Gilbert and family from Wau-- kegan sgpent Sunday with friends in Antioch. Mrs. Carrie Wilton is entertain-- ing a sister from Foley, Ala. ' Mr. and Mrs. C L. Kutil are on-- tertaining Mrs, Kutil's father, Mr. Knox from Northern Wisconsin. Mrs. W. F. Ziegler spent Tuesday in Chicago. MAZZETT! GIVEN _ $100 COURT FINE About twenty ladies of the Episco-- pal Guild were entertained at the home of Mrs. E. L Simons at Lake Marie Wednesday afternoon. _ Miss Alexander from Detroit, Mich., was a guest of Mrs. DMxon at the Episcopal rectory this week. Mrs. C. Woertz was. a 'Chicago vis Itor Wednesday. Christ Keane late Tuesday was forced from Route 21 near Grayslake by 8. J. Rysicanip,of Chicago, with the result that his car hit a culvert and burned, according to deputy Sheriff Walter Gansberg and State Poljicemen Lyle Litweiler and Bern-- ard Hamlin. Keane was cut on the head and leg and his mother suffer-- ed a briken arm. FIGHT PLANS FOR A NEW VILLAGE in his court Friday. Mazzett! was held responsible for an automobile accident in which eight people were Louis Mazzetti of Highwood, was fin&l $100 and costs by County Judge P. L Persons on a gullty ver-- dict of assault arrived at by a jury injured yA Estate of the late Charles® M. Rrown, prominently known resident of Gurnee, represented by $35,000 in real estate and $22,000 'n po sou al property, is to be divided amongs members of hbhis immediate famiuy rccording to a will admitted for pro-- bate in probate court Thursday. . FAMILY SHARES IN ESTATE OF * Fifty shar»s o fstock in the Wau--' kegan Nat.--nal bank will go to his daughterin--law, EKlsie Brown, $5,000 is allotted to a giandson, to be held in trust unt!l the legatee is 26 yunl of age, whils the residue of the estate wili go to Norman H. Brown,| :'ot of the deceaszed. | Heirshij has been proven while tond of $44.09 tled by the adminis-- trator, Nornan H. Brown, has been Bulk of $57,000 Estate Goes to Son, Norman H. Brown, of Gurnee. Theo Blech, Dist Mgr., 8 S. Genesee Street, Waukegan, !!| --lb*rtyville Store: Milwaukee Ave. at Church St. Phone 100¢ A.pbozm ----------------3 KITCHEN APPLIANCES USE THE SAME ELECTRIC MOTOR «> cabbage, slicing fruits or vegetables," extracting orange juice, chipping ice, or freezing ice cream. At the snap of a switch KitchenAid does all these tedious, time--tak-- IS is KitchenAid . . . compact, handy equipment for I mixing dough, mashing potatoes, beating eggs, cutting shortening into flour, creaming butter, vlzlpping cream and mayonnaise, straining fruits, sieving beans or peas for purees, i for automatically :gzb PubkmScrvicc Store. PuBLc SERrvicE COMPANY -- LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 1, 1929. hor you automatically. Ask for a demonstration OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS approved. 'Action in other estate riatters was as !ol%n: Blla F. Strong, aukegan--Poti-- tion for probate of will filed and set for hearing Sept, 56, 1929. Es timated value of estate $85,000 real and $60,000 personal. Dedimus or-- dored issued to take the testimony of the witnesses to the will and Cod-- jeil. Heirship proved. George A. Jamieson, Millburn.-- Petition for Letters of Administra-- tion filed. Bond fixed at $1,000. Heirship proved. Mary Dorsett, Waukegan.--Inven-- tory and Just and true account ap-- proved. George A. Truesdell, Winthrop Harbor.--Hearing on, final account continued to Aug. 26. Vida 8. Mooney Sorenson, Lake Villa--Decree for sale of real es-- tate entered. Additional bonds ap proved. * Milton J, Litwiler, et al., Minors Round Lake.--Guardian, authorized to invest funds of wards. Elvira Conley, Highland Park -- Bale of stock at private sale author-- Mary Hoyt Cowles, minor, Lake Forest--Guardian authorized to car-- ry out contract for purchase of GRAVES SALESMEN SURRENDER; TRIAL . SET FOR AUG. 3TH Surrender of E. H. Graves, head of & estate firm selling subdivis-- lon'?rloperty between Waukegan and Zion, and Jack Lester, said to be one pf his salesmen, on a charge of obh&ing money under false preten-- ses, was announced today by States Attorney A. V. Smith, e prosecutor declared that the preliminary hearing had been set be-- ue? Charged With Lot Swin-- die Appear For Hearing, . | States Atty. Says. SEUM. __ FREE ATTRACTIONS DAILY; FIREWORKS EACH EVENING. ' 19 _:-_lSRzN&F.SS AND RUNNING RACES DAKLY, AUG. HORSE SHOW EVERY EVENING IN THE COULL-- Formerly Sunny Brook Health Resort -- New Buildings----New Managemenrt A GENERAL HOSPITAL LOCATED IN CENTRAL LZ}KE COUNTY _ Capacity 100 Patients _ Reasonable Rates KFully equipped with the most approved ard accep. d Liospital equipment » Complete Surgical hc;uUu. X--Ray, Ultra Violet Ray, Diathermy * Infrared, Galvanism, Sine* Wave, Hydrothepapy, Physical Diagnosis Wooster Lake Health Resort -- -- _ Ilinois State Fair August 17 to 24 -- NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY GOOD COWS AND MAKE UP YOUR SUPPLY OF MILK LARGE AUCTION One mile east of Loon Lake, eight miles north of Libertyville, one mile east of State Highway Route 21, on e and Full Laboratory Routine. *# DOCTORS AND NURSES ON DUTY DAY AND NiGHT | Car Available for Patients and Emergency Calls Saturday, August 3rd. commencing at 1:00 p. m. ROY FAIRMAN, The Company That Pays the Owner the Cash! ' L. C. Christiansen and Son, Aucts. AUCTION SALES CO, Mgrs. HOLSTEINS, GUERNSEYS AND DURHAMS NOW OPEN Bigger and Better than Ever Saturday, Aug. 17--Auto Races Sunday, Aug. 18--Sacred Concert Monday, Aug. 19--Children's Day Tuesday, Aug. 20--Springheld Day Wednesday, Aug. 21--Veterans' and Chicago Day Thursday, Aug. 22--Governor's Day _~ ~ Friday, Aug. 23--Farm Bureau Day Saturday, Aug. 24--Auto Races ONE -- . ROUND LAKE 77 60 COWS OW NER The warrants were issued by Col. Smith last week when Miss Ruth Newlander, an employe in the city hall at Milwaukee, complained that she had invested $1,125 in two lots on which the selling price of $3,100 had been set.. h Miss Newlander charged that Les-- ter gained another $50 toward the second lot when he explained that he was in a high sales contest for a wrist watch,. He told her, Colonel Smith charged, that he would return the $50 but failed to do so. The property pirchase was Beach View . Terrace. © fore Justice Harry Hoyt for Aug. 8. Within the eyes of ground birds nature hbas provided tiny peri-- seopes, reflectors which enable them to observe the approach of enemles from behind. Birds' Periscopes w se in 20 minutes on Route 21 from Libertyville | North on Route 21 to Signs DAILY FEE $1.00. SATURDAY, SUN-- &4 DAY AND HOLIDAYS, $1.50 SHOREWOOD GOLF CLUB Limited number of yearly memberships, $25. Club house and grounds are suitable for parties and luncheons. ILLINI TROUBADOURS L A D I E S--Arrange to hold your next afternoon card party here and have the menfolks come out in the evening for a round of golf and a picnic supper. Johnny Reich Fraternity Club Orchestra 18 HOLES DAILY FEE Course In Splendid Condition Nightly and Sunday After-- noons {Except Monday]) LEN All the Young Ladies Stop at CHANNEL LAKE SORORITY HOUSE Rates: $1.50 per Night; $6.00 per Week Kamkakee S Fair THE INDEPENDENT----$1.50 A Year $100,000 Premiums, Races and Attractions Louis' Crystal Ball Room DANCING NOW OPEN! When Vacationing at Channel Lake EVERY SATURDAY NITE WORLD'S GREATEST OUTDOOR ENTERTAINMENT ¢ AND AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION T wilight Fee, 50c (after 4 p. m. 8,000 MILES OF PAVED ROADS Lead to the Kankakee Fair 40--Foot Paved Bovwlevard From Chicago to Kankakee AUGUST 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1929 Channel Lake Pavilion ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS BRUCE WERTS FOX RIVER GROVE ° eeinmeinnniin corelemadecm o 6 arepienutzint FEATURING DANCE TO AND HIS Nt o M s e wio ic Sgh rarsgt Pn tamcgs PAGE THREE ILLINOIS vrm'l Mx o Cl . 4