The Antioch fire department was called to Stanton's Point at Foxr Mr. and _ Mrs, Q. W. Kettlehut wore called to Burlington. Wis., Wednesday afternoon by the sudden death of Mty. Kettlehut's mother, which was caused by a sudden at-- tack of beart trouble. She lived but a short time after being stricken. Mrsg. L. H. Hoffman entertained about 25 ladies at a picnic at her summer cottage at Petite lake, Thursday afternoon. Pot luck din-- ner was served and everyqne had a very enjovable time. idents of Antioch, is now at Michael Reese hospital in Chicago for treat-- ment and operation on her eyes. Mrs. Johnnott has many frisnds in Antioch who hope for her sveedy re-- covery Mrs. I.. M. Cribb is vhltln' at the home of relatives in NorWood Park. * We are informed that Mrs. Clara Johnnott of Champaign, former res-- Even the motoreycle officers are sizhing, "Good, now there'll be no more racing along our roads so that they can get across the line before he gas runs out." ILLINOIS GAS STAX BRINGS JOY TO THE WISCONSIN SELLERS llinois motorists stock up with fuel ust on the south side of the line, efore crossing into Wisconsin for _ day's trip. "And now it's all changed," the illing station owners are shouting 'appily. The tables have been turn-- d@, and now _ Wisconsin cars are tocking up here before trips into llinois, and Ilinois cars are driving few blocks across the line to buy heir gas. . iscons!u's prices, to a ponny more. Many a night Wisconsin gas sta-- on owners on the State Line have ngrily eved Wisconsin motorists 'ross the line, fill their tanks with asoline, and cross |back again. And t was no uncommon sight to sée Wisconsin filling station proprie-- »rs near the State Line have been aaking merry during the last few '(ays. And who blames them * Busi-- ~ss is business. > The cause of all the rejoicing is llinois' gasoline tax of three cents-- vhich was levied Thursday, and has »sulted in greater patronage at the ladger state establishments, where 1e tax is 2 cents. The three cent tax raises the cost ( automobile fuel in lllinois from xo cenisa -- cheaper a gallon than adger Gas Stations Reap a Harvest Near Ilinois State Line, is Report. Easily Installed in Standard Size Window The ELECTRIC VENTILATOR PLENTY of CAPABLE HELP for your HOME LAUNDRY ,rOo News of Round Lake and Vicinit ANTIOCH HOT W AT ER gS Ajpl $14250 froah air. in vighuoonmalu® a d ie The Airmaster draws cooking odors and heat out of the 'kitchen and TAKES OUT THE HEAT This attaches to T&?thor in place of wringer $4950 Table Type $70950 Latest reports from Miss Edith Colegrove are to the effect that she is recovering very nicely from her ::ceng iliness caused by food poison-- &. % J. Britton passed away at the hospital in Kenosha Wednesday a!-- ter an iliness of several weeks. His body was brought to the Strang un-- dertaking rooms Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. Roy Norton of Green-- wood, I!l., spent Sunday at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Harrison. Miss Theresa Hay of Detroit, Mich., is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. LaPlant. Mrs. 8. Boyer Nelson is entertain-- ing her brother, Mr. Schwartz, from Gorham, 11. Mr. and Mrs, George DNixon from Union Grove visited relatives in An-- tlioch this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Ziegler drove to Rochester, Wis.. Sunday. Miss Lucille Hook of Gurnee vis-- Ited at the Lee Strang home on Bouth Main street this woeek. Mrs. Blackman and family spent Wednesday at Janesville Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Carey re-- turned to their home at Dallas, Tex., this week, after having spent the past few weeks at the home of Mrs Carey's parents. Mr. and Nirse. H. A. Radtke, on Victoria street. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cerney of Chicago spent the week end at; the home of Mrs. Cerney's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Babor. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Bright left the tirst of the week for an aquto trip of several weeks through the west. They expect to visit Yellowsteone Park before returning. Mr. and Mrs. John Nixon enter-- tained relatives from Chicago over Sunday. Mrs. Carrie Wilton spent the past week at the bhome of relatives at Princeton, IIl. ° Mrs. Ernest Clark eatertained rel atives from Toledo, O.. this week. Mrs. Malek and children of Chi-- cago are visiting at the home of bher parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Babor. A message was received by 'An-- tioch relatives Monday telling of the death of Dr. Teidt at his home at Denver, Colo. He is a brother--ip--law of Mrs. A. J. Felter, Miss Mary Gag-- gin, John anad Tom Gaggin, all of Antioch. Miss Mary Gagsgin left Tuesday for Denver to attend the funeral. Little Betty Manke entertained several of her playmates at her home Monday afternoon, in honor of her seventh birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Somerville en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Wilson from Marengo over Sunday. Lake Tuesday afternoon where a fire which had started irom a gaso-- line stove 'n one of & string of eot-- tages threateped to get bayond the control of the Ingleside, Fox Lake anad Htound Lake departmen'ts that were already on the scene. In spite Oof all efforts to prevent a spread of the flames two cottages were com-- pletely destroyed. -- _ Mr, and Mrs. Robert 'Trieger of Norwood Park visited Antloc{ Tela-- tives Friday. You may purchase appliances at your Public Service Store the convenient "Little by Little" way, for a small additional charge. Hotpoint--6 Ib. t aven mm in w hass urokke "175 ' is i pppodtiet. .. > 8. l [ EJ e [wto PusBuc SERvice ComraAnNY OF NORTHERN ILLINOWS Theo Blech, Dist Mgr., 8 §. a enesee Street, Waukegan, !!! Lib®rtyville Store: Milwaukee Ave. at Church $t. Phone 1006 READ THE INDEPONDENT CLASS AD8. YQOU ARE SURE TO FIND sOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN LIXOOKING FOR, Save Life Of Another Treatment with serum on Monday probably saved the life of Robert Mortenson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Chrigs Mortenson, also of Anti-- ech and a playmate of the deceased boy. Both boys received wounds at about the same time. Infection developed in the wound several days after the injury and the boy was hurrted to the Lake eounty hospital for treatment. The tetanus _ polsoning _ had _ spread through the system of the youth, however, before he was brought bere for attention and attending physicians held no hope for his re covery. The boy was in a semi--conscious condition for several daya before death ended his suffering. Wounded Last Week The wound which resulted in lockJjaw was inflicted on July ~26, while the boy and several compan-- lons were firing blank cartridges from toy pistols, which they had purchased from a mail order house. A victim of lockjaw caused by in-- fection of a wound which he receiv-- ed in one hand from the accidental d@ischarge of a toy pistol 2 weeks ago, Clifford Willett, 9--year--old son of Mrs. Gladys McCammon of An-- tioch, died in the Lake county hos-- pltal at 56 a. m.. Saturday. While shooting h'\rn ka from a toy &n last Friday--Clifford Willett. eld-- est son of Mrs Gladys McCammon, in some way tnmcgd 'a wound in his right hand. _ After having the in-- Jjury bandaged the lad who is nine years of age appeared none the worse for the experience urntil the first of this woek when an infection set in and in a short time his condi-- tion became very serious. Lockjaw developed and & was taken to the hospital Wednesday morniag. -- Phy-- sicians there held out yery little hbope for his recovery ayd although a determined effort w made to save his life he steadily\zrew worse until he passed away| Saturday morn g. . \ Mr. Britton, whose home was at Pikeville, was very well known in Antioch. 'The funeral services were beid Mouday afternoon. VIGTIM OF TOY PISTOL DIES IN HOSPIT AL Clifford Willett, Antioch Boy, Succumbs to Lockjaw Mr. and Mrs. William\ Runyard spent Sunday at Rochestyr, Wis. Lo y o UIBERTYVILLE JINDEPENDENT, THL Ir Elton McGandloss is sp¢nding a few days at the Frank Davis bome at Grayslake, Celia Rosing s#spent Wednesday evening at the Charles iLempker home in Chitago. Mrs. Russel Daley and Mis. Clay-- ton Hamlin of Libertyvilic called Saturday evening at the Jjhn De-- ley home. Mrs. Frank Amann and children, Edward, Clara and Della, and Anna Amamn attended ibhe VYolo picnic Bunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben '#{@rkKOTL danghter Julia, motored to Wauke gan Monday eveping. _2 PC C sWOC OO o s nalsa Bud Wagner and Elizabeth Rich-- ardson attended a show at Wauke-- gan Sunday evening. o t Justine Gould spent Monday with Miss Velma Fits:. _:\ir;T-leé--l;&"('aibmore, _.Mrs. Pearl Wambaugh, son Leslie and _ Mis. Shober motored to Waukegsan Mon-- day. "'A'rchlc Rosing 'ransacied business in Waukegqgn Saturday. Bernice Ludkey seturaed home Tuesday after spending a couple of months with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Dell Rlchydc u. Mrs. Maragret Smith, Mrs. Edua Harrison. son Billle and daughter Phyliss, motored to Waukegan Thursday to vjsit the form>r's ei8-- ter, Mrs. L. Sheurer. _' Veloise Smith is spending a week with relatives in Chicago. _ _ Mrs. Emma Westin and daughter Eleanor motored to For Lake Tues-- day. _ Mr. and Mrs. John Mitchel! eand daughters, visited at the Wm. Frost home over Saturday and Sunday. . John Daley motored to Chicago Wednesday to visit with Mrs. Chas. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Giibert and the Rosing home Wednesday <ve-- Bob Lempker of Chicago called at ning. Mr. and Mrs. W. H..Oszborue, Mr. Hodson and daughter Nooa, Ars. Willens apd daughter Mae, spgnt Sunday at the Claus Junge hbme _ Elmer Bober and Walter Trucker were Round Lake callers Monday evening. e _ Mazie Alyward, children Eve'yn Mary and Jackie and Celia Rosin's motored to LibertFville Sacucday . Mrs. Jobhn Daley, Lilah Bsown. Julia Peterkort motored to Wauke-- gan Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. L. A. I"iu aad Justice Gould called at the Ed Bacon bhowe Mon-- day afterpoon. Mrs. Bacon g2ve Mrs. Fits a lovely boquet of mixed flowers, Clifford Jo employed _ at home. Little Mary and Jackie Frost 1e turned bhome after spending three weeks with friends and raiatives at Berwyn and Chicago. BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED A little surprise party was held Sunday morning in honor of Mrs Nellie Tric@s' birthday. A lunch was served and also a neautiful sirthday cake. Those who attended we:e: Mr. and Mrs. NMeble, Mrs. Roe, Mr. and Mra. Stag and caughier, Mr. and Mrs Frank Drummond, Gaugph'ers Ruth and Jane andi L A. Pi'tz They left at a late hour having an en,;oy: able evening _ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kammes of Wheaton spent Friday evening with the latter's brother, John Laley, George Tiff@ny of North speni SaturdN ~vening a. chie Rosing home. _ -- EQ;lyrn..idonltt is apending a week at the 1. J. Nutter®@ resiulerce in Chlcago. . Mr. and Mrs. Dell Smith (and daughter Valoise, motnred t« (hi-- cago to visit relatives Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. We'ls, children Dor-- othky and Robert of Bycamore spent Sunday at the Charles Thompson home. Mr. and Ma«#s. Edward Aendce. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Steffes motored to Mineral Point. Wis , to at.end the funeral of Irving Sreffes 'uncle Mon-- day. _Justinne Gould of Libertyville and Veima Fitz of Round lake mo-- tored to Oak Park Sunday evening. Warren McFeely ol Oak Park and KHoward Chambericin of Grand tia-- ven, Mich., spent the week end at the L. A. Fitz home Mrs. Mike Luby, sons Francis and Norman, -- motored to Nilwaukee Sunday to yvisit frieeds and relatives. Mrs. Gonyo and Mrs. Watson «of VWileson called TusesJlay alte.nopn n their daughter and sister, Mrs James Triggs Elizabeth Richardsou motored to Waukegan Monday. Ralph Litwiler of Wauke;an was a Round La'Z business Tues:-- da y Mr. and Mrs. Mi.f>rd Sinith spent Sunday with the latter's pareunts, Mr. and Mrs. Clay.on Harrison -- of Ring wood. Mrsa. Hildren Diion olf Waukegan is spending Wedunesday and Thurs-- day with her parcatls, Mr. and xi{s Leo Headee. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mersitt, chil-- dren, Donald apd Evelyn, speut Sun-- day at the J. L. Nutter's residence at Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon Gilbert ot Chicago spent the wesk--end at the Archie Rosing nome. C Misses Florence Waguer, Veima Fitz of Round Laks and J:icqueline Rose of Oak Park, atteaded the theatre in Waukexan Thursday cve ning. Helen Richardson returned home after spending a month with friends at Neshkoro, Wis. Mrs. Eggar and . two evenings last -- lh_n_l Moll'qu: hox_n_e Mr.--and Mrs. F. J. Waner, son Art, and Mrs. Sabel visited at \the Phil Wagner home ue Yay iast week. * VELMA FITZ, Local Editor TELEPHONE 39 ' Yeu capn help make this page more interesting it you will phone be Local Editor news items you nay have. Summer residents are pvited to contribute news. Send etters either to the Local Editor, »r direct to the Independent, Lib-- »rtyville, I!linois. Phone No. 1. Jones, Kokomo, Ind at the Archie Ro Joe Dajgis spent week at the Wil-- Peterkort, Chicago the Ar Rosin®g Herry Honeman mowored to North brook Monday evening to visit ais mother, Mrs. Honeman. Mrq. Bauer's of Vaukegan spent last week with Mrs.. Edith Cleve land. Frances Powers of Neshkoro, Wis. is spending a weexk or so «i'h her sister. Mra. Dell Ri--ha~dsou. VI8IT 15 STATES Durley Curran of Round Lake and Howard Mason of Libertyville 1e turnnad home from their t va weeks' trip. They visited 5 slates includ-- ing Canada. They visited at Mount Vernop and Luray Cavern, tue Cap itol at Wz--"ington, . C , saw Wash-- ingtor'« and Uncoin's Monument.. They motoj#fd through New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Comey Is-- land: |also were down (nrouga the lubwal; reporting a nuerful 'rip and pJenty of interesting ®ights. Eleanor and Elizabeth Divis are spending a few wee s with relati/es at Roockford. Mr. and Mrs. William fHarrison and ¢hildren, -- Billie and Phyliis spent Sunday at the Claytooa Harri-- son home at Ringwood. lr?k Raeburn Richar'isua, Eliza: beth Richardson and William Hayes utu¢fl home after suending a werk with |relatives and friend; a, Nesbh-- koro,'Wls. Mrs Rae burn Richardson, Helen and Louise Ricaar'tsop, Fraices Powers and Bernice Lzdkey motoced to Waukegan Tues«day. > Miss Jacquiline Rose returnsd to her home at Oak Park aft>r spend-- ing a week with Miss Veiuma Fitz Harry Ellis of Waukegan called at the Edith Cleveland Rkhoma Sunday. Mr. and Mroe. Jasc Cashmore spent Sundeay with Mre.: Cashmore's bro-- ther and family, Mr. ard \Mrs. Frod Behrens at Wedges Corners Mr; and-- Mrs. Miiford Smith at-- tend the 'ball game at Cubs park Tuesday. Maprice Lux of 'Viscous:oa caled on friends at Round iake Tuesday afternoon, _ _ _ o -- Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Taompson moto}ed to Chicago Friday evening to attend the figh's at Pa; Harm»n's new staditm. Migs Eilllen Kimball of Gurnee spent a few days with Liiah Browp. Mr, Holmes was a Round Lake busingss caller Tuesday afts. uvon. Frank Mackle, guard of the slaie penit¢éntiary of Joilict, is speading a few days at the Ada While home. Archie Rosing traaisacteu busin in Antioch Monday. Mr| and Mrs. Frank i>.ammond and thildren, Ruthie and Jane, and 1. A, Fits attended the volo picnic Sundiy. l':'lo;:nco Wagnar spen. Tuesday with Miss Veilma Fits. Mit Catheripe Anirexs o Lib:r-- tyville spent Sunday at «he Tlint Hendke home, Mr. and Mrs. Jean Pfannpenstill and children gcalled at the Frauk Amamn bhome Sunday. WIRING FIXTURES SUPPLIES Suttee is the name of the former pra¢ttice in India fot a wife to place herself? upon ie funeral --pyre of her busband, and be burned alive. This practice is now illegal, although some writers claim that It 1s$ still continued in secret. Sim-- Jlar customs prevalled among Co-- mancbes, and througbout the Con-- go region in Africa; also in Poly-- neslia and Malaynesia wives were sactificed. GRAYSLAKE ELECTRIC SHOP Grayslake, III. Welsbach Electric Refrigerator Phone No. Phone Grayslake 135 t +' All of Central and Western Lake County" "Radiotrope"' All--Electric Radio General Auto Work and Acetylene WELDING GOODYEAR TIRES Round Lake Garage Wifely Immeolation For HUDSON -- ESSEX SALES and SERVICE Martin Thelan, Prop. This study was started in 1922 and continued for more than five years. More than 1,000 chemical analyses were made of effluent from erxperimental tanks during this time. "Claims that the sewage is com-- pletely disintegrated in these small tanks that are buried and forgot-- ten are false," Dr. Buswell said, "And another common mistake is in the installation of tanks that. are too small. All tanks should con-- tain two compartments, a primary one and a secondary one that is half as big as the primary" compart. ment." ' Dr. Buswel}, in cooperation with Prof. E. H. Lehmann, chief in farm mechanics at the University of I-- linots, and R. C. Kellazher, assistant in farm mechanics, made a study of factors affecting the efficiency and design of farm septic tanks. WARNS FARMERS AGAINST TYPES . OF SEPTICG TANK _ Recently at Eureka, I!l., a number of private septic tanks were sold by a.salesman who told the towns:-- people that they would not have to install a public tank, Dr. Buswell sald. Results of this study led to the following conclusinns: "Inasmuch as the f'iow of sewage from farm homes is subject to wide rariation, the tank should be so de-- algned as to make an average al-- lowance for sewage flow of 18% to 25 gallons per day depending upon tne size of the family. > "Ordinarily it is not practical to luild a tamnk smaller than the sirze required for seven people. "In a single--chamber tank for a® 72 hour rétention period should be provided. "In a twochamber tank,. a 72-- Four retention perind should he provided in the Ar=t chamber and "When the septic tanks was ip-- vented by a Britisher named Cam-- eron, he claimed that all solid ma-- terial in the sewerage was complete-- ly digested by his tank," Dr. HBus-- well said. "This fallacy has been disproved and all authorities in this field agree that it is not true." ; Warning farmers that septic tanks of the type that can be "buried and forgotten" are not efficient, Dr. A. M. Buswell, chief of the lllinois Btate Water Survey said today that the public is still being misled on this subject. Advise Against Using Kind That Can Be "Buried _ _ _ and Forgotten." ___ The loss of a job, sickness in the family, unexpec d expenses of veario=~ kinds may come to any man. The one who suffers least from such misfortunes i~ the man who saves regularly. The man with a good reserve in the bank never w ~ries about the © 'ficulities that bhard luck pre-- sents Capital and Surplus Round Lake, III. First State Bank of Round Lake ACQUIRE THE SAVING HABIT NOW ! $50,000.00 v The Libertyville Independent -- $1.50 a Year Everything Phone R. L. --Innouncing Telephone 61 All materials needed to complete the buildix'*g you have in mind can be supplied by us. | Whether it is a summer cottage, a year 'round house, or a remodeling job you will save money and be assured of satis-- faction by ordering the materials from BRING YOUR FILMS HERE for DEVELOPING and PRINTING FEW BUSINESs insTiTuUuTi6ns can OFFER SVUCH A VA. RIETY'OF SERVICES AS THIS:-- Each Dep@rtment is equipped to give the people of Round Lake ang vicinity the best of service at moderate rates Tibb TWO NEW MODELS of the Chevrolet Six TOWN GARAGE hone 61 ROUND LAKEF Thomas Barber Shop Chevrolet presents two dis 'tinguished new enclosed models 'of the Chevrolet Six--the Imperial \Sedan and the Sport Coupe. With beauriful new Bodics by Fisher available in a variety of striking color combinations and with nu-- merous advanced convenience fea-- tures--these new models provide, its--Cameron Lumber Co. _ BARBER SHOP PHOTO FINISHING LAUNDRY automobiles in Builkding Material Coal, Feed and Sait &. Our Motto: "Service" ROUND LAKE, ILLINOI8 ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS omplete! ROUND LAKE, ILE. PACE THREE