INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. PHONE 844 Lake County National Bank Libertyville, I!l. Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 Ever Walk Through The Woods On A Sunny Day? Enjoy the sunny days more fully and avert or lessen the gloom of the cloudy ones by maintaining a good balance in an account--here. So in our journey through life we en-- counter bright patches of sunshine and dark patches of misfortune and sadness. If you have, you've seen how the sun-- light, shining through the leaves, weaves a strange, shifting pattern of brightness and shadow across your path. THERE is a certain smooth, delicious quality about our ice cream that you will find in no other brand. And that is why this delectable refreshment is acclaimed as the town's champion hot weather food. Wholesome, flayv-- orv altogether wonderful. Bulk or Brick. The Soda Shop G U TS Ebye 4 ;\0 From 47 T'he Soda Shop CQE4 Mrs. F. A. Bock was a Chicago visitor on Friday. Mr. and s. Perry Walton, of Waukegan, spent Sunday wit" reia tives here. :\ Mrs. Frank Druba is on the sick list again: James Bradley has had a relapse since returning home f--om tie hos-- Pital and is quite ill at this time. Mrs. Charles Buski and children, of Chicago, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. John Jaeger. Mrs R. J. McCarthy, of Chicago, Heights, is spending this week with Mr and Mrs. Jack Bradford. Miss Ethel Jo#hheim is : at the home of her aunt, Mrs Moss. at Palatine. Mrs. M. D Penny was hostess to a bridge luncheon Wednesday Mrs. James Jedlicka was a busi-- pess caller in Waukegan on Tues-- day. Mr. and Mrs. Ed McCuire, of Wau kegan, called on Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Druba on Monday -- Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Ayres are driving a new Graham Paige. Mr. angd Mrs. John Lester and fam-- ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. H Rerry in Lake Villa Mr. l}d Mrs. F A Hutchinson vis-- ited relatives in Lake Villa and Anti och on Sunday Mr. and Mrs F. A Hutchinson called on Mr. and Mrs. William Shee-- han in ILake Villa Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner visited friends in New Munster, Wis. Saturday evening. | Mrs. B. J. Beckman of Second St, spent Saturday evening with Mrs. Bellie, of Highland Park. Mr. and Mrs. Joseppn Horen, of Chicago visited relatives here on Sunday Miss Alice Purkiss and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner were Waukegan visit ors Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Baumgartner spent Sunday with the former's par-- ents in Mundelein. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Gibbons, of Waukegan, | spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. James Guerin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Obryne eoter tained the former's mother, of Chi-- cago, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. Os#sborn, of Mil-- ford, spent last week with their son, P. G. Osborne and {family. Mrs. Paul Ray and son Jr., and daugater, Maxine, were Chicago vis-- itors an Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. yames Armstead, of! Waukegan, spent Saturday evening | with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Druba: ' Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Osborp were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ehlers in River Forest Sunday. Mr and Mrs Jack Haas, of Chicago visited Mr. and Mrs. Max Haas on Sunday evening. Miss Celia Haas spent the Week end with Mr and Mrs Johnson, at their cottage on Deep Lake > Mr. and Mrs. Ted Havice, of Chi cago, spent the week end with Mrs Alice Havice. Mr. and Mrs. H Mildred Bull, of and Mrs. W. F. H Mrs. L H. Reickhoff's sister Mrs. Rust is still quite ill in St. Anthony's hospital in Rockford. * rieason Tuesday 'alled on M lay evening. Mrs. H Gleason and Mrs. eason were Waukegan call« Local@hlews Mrs LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1929 Harold Bull an f Elgin visite Hafemann. Th: ather rt of -- Wheato V O U d M M M | _ William LeGate and Jack Bernard | | returned home on Tuesday from Mo.| Joe Saunders of Arcadia, Cal., was ;and Ark., where they have been vis-- a dinner guest at the home of Mr iting Mr. LeGate's relatives. l;nd Mrs. Horace Robbins on Sun: | h _ 80 _ -- .y. | Mr. and Mrs. James Guerin and children called on friends in Wauke Ean on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs Herman Brockman and granddaughter Mildred Hutch-- ings, motored to Wilmette Tuesday and visited Mrs. John Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fulton and family of Waukegan were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lester on Wednesday. Mr and Mrse James Madden and children and Mr. and Mrs. William Zoeliner visited the Lotus beds at Grass Lake on Sunday z* Mr. and Mrs., Harry Parsons and family visited Grass Lake and the Lotus beds on Monday. Mrs B. J Beckman and Mrs. John Jaeger visited Mrs, James Matousek at the Lake County hospita on Monday evening. Mr and Mrs Bruce Woods, of Lib-- ertyville, are the proud parents of a baby boy, born on Thursday night at Condell Memorial hospital Mr. and Mrs. Ray N. Smith, Mrs. J. N. Bernard, Mrs. John Whitney and Mrs. Fred Bockelman attended the ball game at Cubs Park Sunday. 0. A. Newsom left Tuesday eve ning for Logansport, Ind., on a busi-- ness trip but expected to be back on Wednesday evening. * Miss Esther Spelliman is home, af-- ter spending a couple of weeks with her aunt, Mrs. McDermott in Wau kegan. . Mr. and Mrs. Chares Thayer, Mr. and Mrs. G. W James were callers at the John Almond bhome on Tues day evening Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Wehrenberg are enjoying a two week's vacation and are now spending a few days at Lake Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. George Hecht spent Sunday wit1 her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hof{man on St. Mary's Road. gi Mr. and Mrs. Hirschell Bock, and children, of Riverdale are spending their vacation at the home of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Peterson and caildren spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ritter in Des Plaines. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Dykinga, of | Oak Park, are guests at the home of ' the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. O. Juhrend. ] J S Doris Paddock, of Wauconda, was operated on at Condeli Memorial hos pital on Thursday evening of last week, for appendicitis lhacine are house flUlest> 1N I Savnah and Miss Mildred C: Racine, are bouse guests in 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Cherenovich Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Newsonm and daughters and Miss Rena Crosby, of Evanston leave the last of this week for a motor trip thru Northern Mich-- M Wednsday -- and Mrs. FT Mr. an laughter Mr. and Mrs G. M. DeHoag, of pringfie'd, were guests at the home f Mr. and Mrs. R E DeHoag on [onday M and Mrs. Frank Druba and ter Delores called on Mr. and Villiam Bleylock, in Waukegan esday evening. in«d Mrs. Leonard Disney and ho:mi, Suydam called on Mrs. uk on Tuesday evening Lili.> Coynty bhospital. V rd Disney and DesPlaines on id visited Mr. i thehome Cause, of i tae hime Ae. 24 Mrs. T. J. Davy and son Edmond, of Niagra Falls, N Y.. Mrs Bessie Mason, (of Chicago were week end guests at the 'rome of Mr and Mrs. J. J. Lancaster Joe Hutchings, accompanied by 6| Fred Cashmore and Miss Belle otaer ut: leave for Delevan Lake Baldwin accompanied several Chica-- todz{' (Thursday) where they will go friends on a picnic on Sunday. spend the balane + | ( :'e m e of the week work |~ 'wire. L. J. Conway spont the woek Elroy Pfannenstill, of Mundelein, submitted to a major operation at Condell Memorial hospital on Mon-- day morning Dr. F. H Martin was the operating physician Marie Stancliff, had her tonsils re-- moved at the Condell Memorial hos-- pital on Taursday of last week. Dr. M D Penney performed the opera-- tion ' Mr. and Mrs. 8. P. Evilsizor, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Diethorn and son Ward and Mrs. Anna Diethorn left Monday, to spend a week at Devil's Lake, &is. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cooper and Kenneth spent the week end at their cottage on Mason Lake, Wis. Rus-- gell and Melvin Proctor who have been visiting the Mason family,, re-- turned with them. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ha{emann and twin daughters, of Chicago, were luncheon guests at tae home of Mr. and fi W. F. Hafemann on Wed-- nesday. | Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dillon and son Jack, arrived home from Minne apolis on Wednesday morning where they have been spending a part of their vacation. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Topel motored to sou&: Bend, Ind. Friday and spent the wfk end with Mr. and Mrs. Bock, who returned with them for a short visit. The Lake County Sanitary and Heating Engineers Association held a golf stag at Our Country Goilf Club north of Antioch, to day (Thurs day. J. H. Moran, of Higaland Park is Pregident, and J. T. McGrath of this city, is VicePresident of the Association. lot on q}e::ond Street and Roy Waters one on Homewood Terrace. William Huffman made the deal in both cas-- es, and it is reported taat ground is to be brokan for rew homes on both lots in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Gaus Lange and chil-- dren and Mr. and Mrs. John McCor-- mick and caildren of Evanston, left today (Thursday) for the Wisconsin Dells, where they will vacation for the balance of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Meyers and children and Mrs. Maria Meyers mo tored to Fox Lake on Wednesday evening and visited Mr. and Mrs. H. Meyers, Mrs Maria Meyers remain-- ed there for a few day's visit Yard Phone 415 A. NAGEL, Manager. Residence Phone 165J YARDS: 123 EAST COOK AVE. LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOI8 INFORMA. TION AND SPECIFICA-- TIONS FREE . WIThHOUT OBLIGATION Home of WATERSEAL Roofing Mr. K. Helter has purchased a LIBERTYYVILLE CEMENT WORKS: A Home Of Your Own Exceptionally well built homes in rapid-- ly growin% Libertyville, in a restricted residential section, where your invest-- ment is sure to enjoy a substantial in-- crease in value. Homes from $6,000 up. Further information will be gladly sup-- plied without obligating you in any way. Realtor ------ Insuror ------ Builder N. E. CORNER MILWAUKEE AVE. AND CHURCH STREET elephone 469 We Handle All Kinds of Insurance QUALITY CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR --~TTER HOMES ||! | _ Raymond utchinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Hutchinson, who was }one of the American students, who |mcrc'.1ed in the Pope's procession on March 25 when he left the Vatican for the first time. Mr. Hutchinson is a student in Rome at the present Mrs. L. J. Conway spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. L. Thomneson in Chicaro Mr. and Mrs. Archie Moore and Miss Ida Attridge of Chicago, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gratz. Miss Ida Attridge is making her home with the Moores while employed in Chicago. Mrs. Bert'aa Fry returned home on Baturday from a three week's visit in Rapid City, 8. D., and reports many interesting trips and sights, among them, a trip in the Black Hills and attending the Indian Coun-- cil Meeting, where eleven states were represented by the Indians. SAVE WTTHM S AFET Y The Germs That Harm Kills The Haw' Phone 55, LIBERTYYVILLE Contains recognized antisep tics which kill the germs that cause dandruff, falling hair, loss of halr and hair color. Stimulates tae roots to new life. ~Sold only at your Rexall Drug Store. Decker & Neville Libertyville, IlIl. REXALL "93" HAIR TONIC Fourteen Ounces only $1.00 TILES WMADE IN ANY COLOR AND IN ANY QUANTITY It's A Great Feeling After carefully going over the coal sit-- uation, we find that from 60 to 75 per cent of the price of our coal is freight and labor, of which the railroad company ex-- tends us no credit, and freight has to be paid on receipt of coal. Anc['after June 1st, it is necessary for us to c!\arge cash for all coal and please do not ask us for credit. REGISTER NOW F OR SUMMER SCHOOL WORK 311 W. Park Ave. Don't Depend Upon Salary Alone Advanced and Elementary ___ Commercial Courses McDonald's Commercial School s Telephone 130 THAT is only a temporary means of support, and may stop at any time. .Suppose that time would come today or tomorrow; what would you do for the day AFTER? to realize that you have money in the bank and that it is working for you. It's a still more glorious feel-- ing to be able to draw out your mone" when you need 1'! for an unexpected emergency. \--_ _1 _ Deposit ever so little a week and s watch it grow If you have been spending all you have made, change the habit RIGHT NOW, and start a Savings Account with this safe, strong bank. First National Bank RESOURCES OVER $900,000.00 _Libertyville, IIlinois LIBERTY V ILLE his is a very vital Question, and deserves serious consideration SaAVmNc$¢ BANK | Capital and Surplus $150,000.00 W. F. FRANZEN, Jr., LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER CO., JOHN G. BORST Frank Statement O. A. Newsom, Sec., BA NK Libertyville, IIl. PAGE FIVE