Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1929, p. 6

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t"._: _ Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rouse made a business trip to Kenosha Friday. Mrs. Warren Snyder and son Roy and Mrs. Harold Wells and children were Waukegan callers Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vickery and sopn of Grays Lake spent Saturday afternoon and evening with Mr. and Mr... Wm. Vickery. _ Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Russell and son, Ralph called on relatives in Waukegan Sunday afternoon. _ Jack Sink and daughter Virginia and son Kemnetri have moved from the Hutchings apartment into rooms in the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Nelson in Libertyvyille. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. McMillen, of Grays Lake spent Sunday with their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kane and daughter Geneveive, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Strong, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Mitchell and daughter, Myrtle and Harry Nelson, of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs..Seward Andrews, of Lake Forest enjoyed a picnic lunch on the beach in Lake Forest, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snyder and son Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells and children spent Sunday with the girls parents Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kenrade in Antioch. Mis, Sarah Whitnell, of Lake Forest and Mr. J. W. Hart, of Bur-- bank, California were dinner guests at the bhome of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Vickery on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler and children motored to Racine Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rittler. . _ Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and son, Aynsley were dinner gue,.ts, Mon-- day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler. Russell Rouse and Ray Wells motored to Kenosha Saturday morn-- Mr. and Mry. J. W. Beese, of Chi-- cago, and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Beese, of Milwaukee, cd@lled at the Geo. Ross and Wm. and Herman Zerg,en homes Wednesday. PAGE SIX ing. | M.C. Mott ealled on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross and son, Aynsley made W. F Foote in Chicago Sunday atter a bu_iness trip thru the western noon. part of the State and Eastern lowa, Walter Schumann, of Chicago, the latter part of the week. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Miss Bessie McBride returned front © Meyer. y . Minocqua, Wisconsin, Wednesday, _ The Birthday Club met with Mrs. where she spent a deligatful vaca R. D. Cook last Thursday. Mrs. tion with her sister. Mra. Jester Thos. Russell won First Prize and Stanger of Highland Park and Mrs. Mrs. Ethel Ray, Second. Walter Morrow, of Waukegan, on Mr. and Mrs. Chas Lehmkuh! and Franklin lLAke. children and Miss Bernice W.ieaton Thos. J. McBride and Harry Pufall were dinner guests Sunday at the left Saturday to spend a few days home of the former's mother, in with Mrs. Lester Stanger. Highland Park. Miss Bessie McBride returned front Minocqua, Wisconsin, Wednesday, where she spent a deligatful vaca-- tion with her sister. Mra. Jester Stanger of Highland Park and Mre. Walter Morrow, of Waukegan, on Franklin LAke. Mrs. Gladys Redding and children of Jacksonville,; Texas, who are visit-- ing Mr. and Mrs. Coudry are spend-- Ang a feow days with relatives and friends in Grayslake and Antioch. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and children ,of De Kalb, spent the week end at the H. C. Meyer home. Dorothy Rouse returned home with them. Waukegan callers Friday afternoon. koand Mrs. Chas. Chamberlain tug n Harvey and John Knigge, spent Sunday with Mrs. John Knigge who is staying at her sister',, 'aome in Palatine for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Payne and daughter Geneva accompanied Mr. and Mrs. John Washburn of Grays-- lake to Grass Lake Sunday and all ;texéoyed a boat trip thru the lotus 8. Mrs. Marguerite Stahnke, of Chi-- cago spent Sunday with Miss Bessie McBride. Many will remember Mrs. Stahnke"as Miss Alvord. Miss Nellie McCready, who has been staying with Miss Emma Fisher returned to her home in Libertyville Sunday and Miss Elizabet'a Gleason, of Libertyville, is now with Miss Fisher. Mrs. Hattie Knigge and grand-- daughter, Nancy Lee and Mrs. Specht were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Chamberlain Thursday evening. Little Nancy Lee spent the latter part of the week with her grandmother. ' Mr. and Mr.,. Wm. Danner of Glencoe, Mrs. Harry Lynn, of Kentl-- worth were Friday evening callers at tre home of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Froland spent Sunday at Kingsbury, Indiana. Mrs. Henry nglebrecht was a guest at a Bridge party®Sunday after-- noon given by Mrs. Raymond Ke tchum, of Lake Forest. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Englebrecht spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mts. H. F. Englebrecht at Half Day. Ed Roder is enjoying a weeks vocation from his duties with Tripp Lumber Company. 2 Mrs. A. L Dorfler and children and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hendee and Everett and Leone visited the Fields Museum in Chicago Taursday. Mrs. c'n% Mitchell and her guests, Mrs. West, of Loda and Miss Adams, of Paxton, were dinner Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gadke and ,On spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. August Gadke. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells, and chidren accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Danner of Gencoe, Mrs. Harry Lynn, of Kenilworth and Mrs Geo Gross and son, Frederick, of Lake Zurich took a picnic lunch and spent Sunday on Fox River at Burton's Bridge. <Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Waters and children of Grayslake spent Sunday with Mrs. Water's parents, Mr. apd Mrs. Joé Dietz. Miss Ethel Dietz re-- turned home with them for a visit. Richard Dietz and children were dinner guests of Mrs. Katherine MMetz, on Sunday. * 'H. C. Meyer and Paul Rouse and children called on Ed. Meyer Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Dolph and childrgn called on the formers Mother, Mrs. Frank Dolpai, Friday afternoon and extended their best wishes, it béing her birthday.: _ Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dorfler and son Junior attended the chicken dinper at Volo on Sunday. r. and Mrs. Louis Hendee and Everett and Leone spent the week end in Evanston with Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Paul Rouse, Miss Hulda Meyer, Mrs. Walter Meyer and Mrs. J. Marsbhall Hutchings called at Fairfield Sunday afternoon. News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Underhil} were Cubs Ball Game with her unc'e, 1ests at the home of Mrs. Emma Miss Edna Rouse attended the OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELE!IN.*® You can heip make this section more in-- g f you will phone the Loca! "Mwmlfi.'mmayhl\nmm"m &« 1 Mrs. B. Drawns and daughters of Chicago spent the week end with |.\dr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery. Mrs. Edwin Roder, Mrs. J. L Roder and Mrs. Albert Roder attend-- ed a Bunco Party at the. home of | Mrs. Fred Grimm at Lake Zurich on Wednesday. | Mrs. Hagie Taylor is assisting at |the home of Mrs. Wm. V. B. Ames during the absence of their house-- keeper, Mrs. Flora Waite. 1| Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Jeffrey called ! on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith Monday evening. Mrs. Clara Meyer and children ac-- companied fourteen relatives from Chicago on .a picnic at Kaollwood Sunday and they returned home with her in the afternoon for their evening -- meal. Raymond -- Meyer went to Chicago with them for a weeks visit with his cousins Robert and Lois Bushing. Mrs. Clayton Tiffany and daugh-- ters left Wednesday to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Emma Brockway in Barrington. Mrs. Viola Caldwell and Frank Caldwell motored to Chicago on Tuesday and spent the day with re-- latives. Miss Vera Cady, of Barrington is spending this week with Miss Eve-- ly» Fenner. O _ Harvey Watson is spending a couple of weeks on the Bracher Farm. Mr. John Stewart arid daughter Sarah, of Chicago, called on Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith Sunday afternoon. > '--ir--.c;m:l --ir-l-' i'nn' Bauernsmith visited in Waukegan Saturday even-- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zersen accom-- panted Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kropp, of Lake Zurich on a trip to the Wiscon-- sin Dells this week. Tae Ladies Aid Bakery Sale Sat-- urday was quite a success baving netted the Society twenty dollars. Miss Loretta Dorfler and Miss Patricia Howe, of 8St. Francis Hospi-- tal, Evanston, spent Saturday with the formers parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dorfler. Mrs. Wm. Eddy and Mrs. Earl Fddy and son, William motored to Chicago Tuesday. _ Mrs. John Dollenmeier, of Liberty-- ville, spent Friday afternoon with Mrs. Sed Mitcaell. Miss Henrietta Strohm of Burling-- ton, Wisconsin, is spending this week with her cousin, Miss Helen Volkman. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Eddy spent Mon-- day in Caicago and Earl attended the game at Cubs Park. . James Bakken, of Chitago on Sun-- day. -- Mrs. Wm. Volkman and daughter Helen and Miss Henrietta Strohm, of Burlington, were Chicago callers Monday. Mrs. Harriett Ray and Mrs. Esther Gould and son, Raymond came out to keep house and assist Miss Har-- riett Hodge in the Post Office dur-- ing their absence. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson and sons moved to St. Charles tae latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hodge and Ruthie took some of the Boy Scouts to Rhinelander, Wisconsin, last week and spent a few days vacationing there before returning home on Tuesday. Mrs. Clara Meyer and children called on Mrs. Chas Butterfield and Mrs. Lillian Bennett Saturday even-- ing. Elroy Pfannenstiel submitted to a major operation at the Condell Mem-- orial Hospital, Monday morning. He is getting along nicely. Mr. and Mrs.. Henry Meyer, of Alta Vista, Kansas, Mr. and Mrs. Will Roder, of Palantine, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Rodér, John Roder and Mrs. J. L. Roder spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrte. Albert Roder. Mr. and THE BELL SYSTEM IS BUILDING AHEAD OF THE GROWTH OF THE COUNTRY This is the telephone's job and goal THE United States is developing a new civilization, The telephone is ah indispensable element in it. The Bell System is building ahead of the m;mmavmam In 1929 the telephone budget for land and o 'mj" Ts couiely eoticsy witl ooer 198 tnliGone, exciuige lnnce ew » 8 service improve-- ments this year will be 559 million«dollars. T&Mhhremh?wm'tmhamfiwmt of this dermocracy. \p.itmautemem.'}m use it for comfort and protection, for keeping alive and en-- riching life. lu.o(unnlmemhlauch personality to extend itself Thetfimciddhmtmmhce.hnbeafletohlk quickly at reasonable cost with anyone, anywhere else. There is no standing still in the Bell System. -- * NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Local Editor _ TELEPHONE §57J ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY. | Mrs. Robert Lane and children of 'Hennney. Oklazoma, arrived late in the afternoon and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. !leolev and children of Libertyville were over for the evenis¢ Tegtmeyer's is the scene of a re markab'le straw 'aat clearance this week. Every straw hat in the store, ! regardless o fformer selling price, is ~being offered at a single low price. 'l'-'unher details will be noted in the Tegtmeyer advertisement on the | Mundelein page o fthis issue. | Jupe Fitzgerald spent Tuesday afternoon in Libertyville.. | _ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerner and ' Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnson of Chicago, | spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence KniggL * ' Mr. and Mrs. Ladd Vacek left for 'their farm near Kewanee, Illinois, | Saturday to be gone several days. Clark Dunn wassa business caller at Oak Park Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Dunn-- called at teh Clark Dunp rome Tuesday evening. Mrs. Albert Snyder, Mrs. Ella Smith Mrs. Will Hertel, and Mrs. George Smith attended a quilting bee at the homeof Mrs. Sophia Batz in Wauconda Wednesday night. Mr. and Mrs. EdA Brixen and family of Libertyvyille have purchas-- ed the former home of R. F. Rouse on the corner of Lake and Hawley., Thos. J. McBride and J C. Dortler have been painting and decorating the 'a10use for the past week and the , Brizens will mprve in soon. !r"' Brixen will be employed by the B., M. R. Petroleum Company. | Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lane and child-- ren, of Hennesey, Oklahoma, arrived at the home of Mrs. J. L Roder, Sunday evening, and will make an extended visit with relatives here. Mrs. Chas. Cross, of Rondout spent Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Elmer Janice and Phillis Stlaneman of Oshkosh are making an extended visit with their aunt and uncle, Mr.} and Mrs. Harry Talbot. I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Bourassa, of Chicago, were dinner guests nl the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. 3anvfls on Thursday and all enjoy-- a Foursome at tae Countryside Go¥ Club in the ~Aternoon. | Mrs. Josephine Rolf, of°San Diago and a friend from Glen Ellyn were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. L. FTripp on Saturday. Miss Genevieve Wells left Tues day morning for a months visit with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dorfler, on Mandan, South Dakota. Mrs. Henry ~Englebrecht took her to Chicago by auto where she took her train to Mandan. Mrs. 8. W. Degner and sons and Mrs. Degner's father spent>--Wednes-- day on a fishing trip at Forest Park. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers and daughter and Walter Schauman call-- ed on the August Wirtz family and Mr. and Mrs. G. Brainerd on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lusk, of Wauke gan spent Wednesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolph. Lillianp Odom entertained twelve of ber friends Thursday evenjing at a beac.a party at Diamond Lake. The evening was spent ,playing games, bathing and a Weeinie Roast. Miss Elizabeth and Ann Wirtz and Mrs. Frank Wirtz attended a birth-- day club Thursday afternoon in Waukegan at the home of Mr. and Mrs. JOohn Wirtz. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Doiph and family visited Sunday at the Frank Doiph home. Grace Dolph visited Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dolpa. Beada Thatcher spent Thursday with Bernice Chamberlain. Miss Agnes Meires and Mrs. M. Rososd¢utcher enjoyed the Volo picnic Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain attend-- ed the Genesee Theatre Thursday and saw *'*«Dangerous Curves." PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH , Ivanhoe and First Chruch of _ Mundelein . Congregational Dr. J. Seott Carr. Minister sUNDAY SCHOOL First Chureh 9 a. m. D. L_.S. T. Ivanhoe, 11 a. m., Standard Time WORSHIP SERVICES, _ First Church, 10 a. m., D. L. S T. Ivanhoe, 10.10 a m., Standard time The barn on the Levi Price farm LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, Ivanhoe R. F. Dorfler and R. Shepare spent Sunday at Nippersink Lake on the golf links. * | Mr. and Mrs. George Brainerd spent @unday evening with Mrs. Orpha Harding. was destroped Wednesday afternoon of last week. Cause of the fire is unknown. . Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner of Grayslake and Mrs. E. Cross and son o& Mundelein spent Sunday with Mr. ahd Mrs. Will Hertel. Walter Falk and his twin brother of Chicago entertained a group of relatives Sunday, in honor of their birtadays. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Beckwith and daughters of Russel!, Pa., visited at the Aug Wirtz home Thursday. _ Ollr. ana Mrs. John Wirtz attended the chicken dinner at Volo Sunday. Mrs. R F. Dorfler attended the 500 club Thursday at the home of Miss Bertha Wirtz in Waukegan. Misses Carrigq and Elizabeth and Frank Wirtz spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. F. Wirtz Jr. ¥ Robert Dietz returned home Sun: day, after spending an enjoyable two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. H. Roberts Norman Roberts returned with him to spend a week in the country. . _ Mrs .Fielder, Mrs. Donnellan and children called on Mrs. L H. Dietz Mr. and Mrs. F. Wirtz and daugh-- ter spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sta'al at Long Grove,. | _ Mr. and Mrs. W. Browder and son and G. Hawkins motored to Chi-- In One Big Clearance! STOPPED ON THE ROAD! A--style, color and size to suit everyone. Don't miss this opportunity to buy a new straw hat at less than our actual cost. Mundelein, IIlinois From Lake County's & Finest Herds! ,fi Mundelein, III. Phones 565 and 567 LIBERTYVILLE.8UPPLY DEPOTS F. C. Norman, Phone 508; Libertyville Fruit and Vegetable Store Phone 183; Miller's Grocery, Phone 81; Hanlon's Green Front Store, Phong 498. t The milk we sell comes from tested herds . . . the finest in the county. Good milk is the best warm weather food. Use more of it! Our complete stock of Men's Straw Hats has been placed in a Single Price Group. Your choice at Rouse Bros. Dairy We do our work too well. We know what is needed and we give you the best of service and parts for the least in price. $1 f' Mr. and Mrs. A. Shober and family | motored to Woodstock, Marengo | and Harvard Sunday j EveTyn Shober spent several days 'last week with Miss Ruth Snyder. | . Mr. and Mrs. J. Obenauf and fam-- ily and Mrs. M. C. Wirtz motored to | Holy Hill, Wis., Sunday, and enjoyed the day there. , ' SDAY, AUGUST 8, 1929 cago Sunday and attended the offi-- clal opening of the Sky Harbor air port and the reception given to the America to Rome flyers. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jarrett and family visited in Woodstock Sunday. J. Miers and sons spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. P. Miers at Round Lake. Will Browder home Sunday evening Mre. Will Wirtz of aWukegan will entertain the Ivanhoe 500 club next T\l.ld"s Mrs. C. Shea and daughter, Kath-- érine spent Thursday with Mrs. L. H. Dietz. Mr. an drMs.J. Dietz, Mr. and rMs H Froelich, who are staying at their summer bome in McHenry, s#pent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs, L. H. _ _Mr.and Mrs. Bob Odom, and their daughter attended the Genesee Tae atre in Waukegan Sunday evening. G. Herr of Chicago spent Sunday with M. C. Wirtz. * Mr. and rMs. Nick Galster of Wau Billy Frederick underwent an op eration fo rappendicitis in Liberty-- ville hospital Wednesday morning of last week. He is improving. 8. M. Browder visited at tae 'Telephone 317 ul st bequct w e kegan visited Thursday evening with Mr. and rMs. J. Raasch. _ Mr. and rMs. Will Faber of Chi. cago were Sunday guests at the Abert Snyder home . W. Stolzman called on John Raasch Tuesday evening. Mrs. Rudoiph Myers and family of Cicero, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mey-- ers of Deerfield visited Sunday with Mr. and rMs. Fred Lubkemann. Mts. James Towner and son, Wil-- lis. Mrs. Fred Towner and daughter Frances, Mrs. Clayton Hutcaings and children Harriet, Jean, Alice and Floyd, ate picnic dinner Tuesday with Mrs. Sophia Towner. Russell Towner, assistant scout master of 'Troop 77, of Mundelein, left Saturday for Camp Ma Ka Ja Wau in Wisconsin, accompanied by a numbeér of scouts, who wil be un-- der his direction. They plan to be gone about two weeks. _ Mrs. Lewis Mills and children, Mrs, Emma Mills visited Tuesday at the home of O. A. Rickenbach in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. David Covert and daughter, Phyllis motored Sautrday to North Judson, Ind., waere they spent the week end visiting friends. Mrs. Paul Allanson and children motored to McHenry Saturday to visit her sister, Mrs. Anderson, who is spending a month in a cottage on Fox River. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert and daugh-- ter, of Springfield visited Julia and John Barbaras last week. Mrs George Huntington of Shady Lane, entertained about 30 ladies of the Eastern Star, from Chicago, last Thursday. Mrs. Robert Coper received word Friday of the death of this mother, Mrs. Foster, of Washburn. Tae news was a shock to Mrs. Coper, as she had planned to visit her mother this week. Mrs. Cooper left Friday for Washburn, accompanied by her sis ter, Mrs. Norris, of Chicago. (Continued on Page Diamond Lake 6 6 6 is a Prescription for Seven) INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. don't risk safety and delays Oh old tires. Trade them in n'ow--While they're worth money. Whether you wish lawley Street at Lake Ave., Mundelein ROUSE'S SERVICE STATION EpHONE 31 FOR SUDDEN SERVICE en G. HARDEN ROUSE to pay little or much, we'li fix you up. Drive in this week--get a free tire inspec tion--and our offer on a swap

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