Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 8 Aug 1929, p. 8

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Dr. L. E. Bovik, who attended the man at the hospital, stated 'that he suffered a fractured skull and al-- ? most had his left ear torn off. j Matekine had pulled off Grand avenue to repair a "Mat" and was working on the tire at the time. Ray McCarthy, Route 1, Lake Villa, was proce;glng east on Grand avenue, and shed into the man. DECKER, STARBUCK _ _ AND BREGER PASS BAR EXAMINATION Damages were slight, the Sheva-- lier machine receiving a damaged right front fender. * Nab Drunken Driver. Mrs. K. Richardson, 4726 North Sawyer avenue, Chicago, had her car badly damaged Sunday night when she was hit by a car being driven by Gus Orstadios who is em-- ployed in a construction camp at Highland Park. Gus was arrested for driving while drunk and is be-- ing held at the Highland Park jail. was Ethel Howard, who was in the Zion car, according to deputies. Car Turtles, 3 Hurt A. L. Reeves, of 130 E. Washing-- ton street, turned turtle --after hit-- ting a tree at Gages Lake road and Milwaukee Avenue Monday, deputies reported. With him were Mary An-- derson, 1331 No. Jackson street, and Clarence Straight, of 1117 Gretta avenue. They were all cut and bruised and taken to the county hos-- pital for emergency treatment. Truck In Collision Frank Beilke, of Woodstock, and John Armour, of Wadsworth, col-- lided on Green Bay road Sunday with Beilke getting a broken rib. Armour was cut on the head, chest and arm. Hit By Car;: Skull Fractured. > Hit by a machine while repairing a tire on the east side of Grand avenue, about 300 feet east of Mc-- Aree road, Rudoliph Matekine, 1342 Fullerton avenue, Chicago, is in a serious condition at the St. Therese hospital today. Attormey Breger is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lowis Breger of 319 Cen-- ter street. He graduated from Northwestern university and will probably office with his father. Two: other drunken drivers were arrested in Highland Park over the week--end before they had a chance to cause any accidents. Fred Rah-- zer of Wheaton was driving one car with Lee Anderson and L. Sunstrum The accident occurred Saturday night while traffic was quite heavy on the highway. -- d Attorney Starbuck is not definitely decided on his future plans. He has been officing with Attorney A. F. Beaubien during the period of study. He will remain there until other ar-- rangements are completed, it is .un-- derstood. He resides at 215 North Butrick street. s Attorney Decker, a graduate of the University of Illinois and of Har-- vard, intends to practice with his father, Probate Judge Martin C. Decker. Attorney Decker is at Tam-- arack Lake, Watersmeet, Mich., now but will return early next week to make his bow in the firm of Decker & Decker. Three new names were added to the roster of Waukegan lawyers on Friday when Bernard Decker, E. C. Starbuck and Harry Breger were no-- tifled that they had passed the state bar examination. These were the only local resi dents to submit to the tests. -- All Three of Waukegan Men Seeking Attorneyship Are Successful in Tests. PAGE EIGHT (Continued from Page one) g, Several Hurt In Auto Crashes At Paris IM., "George -- Brubaker was perhaps fatally injured when 'his automobile went into a ditch. ,Four persons with him were less seriously -- hurt,=--Two -- pedestrians ! were killed by automobiles here and William Flaherty, %5, dropped dead 'of a heart attack when he saw '(-ar containing a man, woman, and ifive children turn over. None of "the occupants of the car was injur-- ed. The convention will be called to order at the Lake Forest legion headquarters on Forest avenue, in the afternoon for a business session. Three delegates from each post in the district are expected to be pres-- ent. Important business relative to the affairs of the county organization wil lbe takenp up. Tais will include the selectio nof delegates from the Eighth district to attnd the stae convention at Rock Isiand, starting Bept. 15th. Three drownings rnear Chicago were especially tragic, Earl and lawrence Latkovic. 6 and 8 years old, respectively, were drowned in sight of their father when their rowboat overturned and threw the three into the water of a quarry near Lemont, IIl. The father, Jos-- eph, was unable to swim and could not go to the reseme of his sons. He clung to the overturned boat until saved. Joseph Artner, 23, was drowned in Lake Michigan -- near Glencoe, II1., when he went to the rescue of Mrs. Annie Heist, 40, who had become exhausted while swim-- ming. Young Artner also became ex-- hausted and his father, John, swam to help him, but the youth sank be-- fore his father reached him. The elder Artner rescued Mrs. Heist. The Lake Forest leginnaires are making extensive preparations for the Sunday meeting. A picnic sup per on the beach will follow the business session. A large delegation is expected to attend the convention from Libery-- ville Post No. 329. The local post will be officially represented by Commander Tom De Lacey, H. P. Gotti and Simen Alkofer. In another accident near Chica-- go James Pappas, 2, was killed when his father's machine was struck by another whose driver had disregarded traffic signals and sped across an intersection. The child's father, mother, and three others were injured in the collision. Two garde crossing accidents oc-- curred in Wisconsin. John Thomp son and Alex Mark were killed when their car was detmnolished by a Chi-- cago, North Shore and Milwaukee electric railroad train near Racine, Wis., and Bert Holloway, of Duluth, was killed when a train struck his automobile near Phillips, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Eddig=Chubbuck, also of Duluth, and AAEBetty Biller who were with HolloWay were injured. Delegates and members of tae 14 American Legion posts of the county will be guests of the Lake Forest legion post Sunday at tne annual county convention of the Eighth district. $ Four drownings and seven auto-- mobile fatalities were reported in Wisconsin and Northern Michigan. Illinokts had three drownings, three automobile fatalfties, and one death attributed indirectly to an automo-- bile accident. Nebraska reported three deaths frgm motor accidents. One man was kifled by a train near St. Paul. f The annual reunion at the Browe school, near Wadsworth, was held Saturday with @ large crowd at-- tending. Residents of Newport, Warren and Waukegan township Automobile accidents, with six-- teen deaths, led the list. Drownings were second with seven deaths, and one fatality was caused by farm machinery. w Legion Convention To be Held Sunday years. jail. Twenty--three Killed. Chicago, Aug. 5--(AP)--The week-- end's dcath toll in the middle west today stood at 23 with many others recovering from. injuries. made up most of the crowd. The reunion has been held for many with him. : --Hfs conp.fiou were charged with being drunk. . _ _ was struck by <Paul Schreiber of 407 Fourth street. Both cars were slightly damaged. Lh3 & _ Nick Rioux of Highland Park was taken from his car very drunk and is being held in: the Highland Park ed Southern Wisconsin farm, 50 miles nort'i of Libertyville, 25 miles from Milwaukee, half mile rrom ce-- ment highway. Rich black corn land. All A--1 farms in that section. Im-- proved. with 7--roo mhouse in beauti-- ful grove of trees; two car garage with cement floor; 50 ft macainery shed on cement foundation; an ex-- ceHent dairy barn, room for 6 head of horses and 35 cows; feed and grain room adjoining; milk house with cement tank; excellent hog house, corn crib, large silo. All of these buildings are in 'first class condition, no repairs necessary. All with cement floor and foundations. It is a compleéte farm, and one of the very best to *e found, and it is priced at only $18,000. Just across the road from this farm, we have an-- other place of, 200 acres, the same high grade land and wita exception-- ally good set of farm buildings with a beautiful home set back in a grove of trees. Barns and outbuildings all complete and of the very best, and the whole farm is A--1 black land Thig is priced at $160 an acre. Both of these are real farmers' farms. Ar range with us for examin@ation. Sel-- lers & Johnson, Libertyville: 32 itf china closet, 1 buffet, 1 small writ-- ing 'desk, 6 dining room chairs, all oak; 1 large walnut dining. room table; 1 bird's eye dresser; 1 brass bed and de luxe spring; 1 gas range. Mable Erb, Rosebud Cottage, Diam-- ond 'Lake, HL -- Telephone Leberty-- ville 454. 34 2tx POR SALE--Used furniture--1 glass POR SALE--If you are looking for one 14 in. shaper, 1 Sensitive drill press, one 6 in. power steel saw, wood and metal patterns to manufac-- ture cireular bench saw--complete machinery included; best chance to start good paying business of own. Price $600 if taken at once. Joserh Blacksmith, Box <374, Fox Lake, Ill. 31 2x in Libertyville; located in fine res-- idential district. It has all the qual-- ities for an ideal suburban residence. May be seen by appointment only. Phone Mundelein 613--W--1, or inquire at Independent office. 31 tt a real bargain in a year round home, here is one you cannot beat: Seven rooms with beta, screened yorch, fire place, tile sink, furnace beat, cement basement, with 2--car garage. All decorated with textone. Located on large water front lot in Hollywood; plenty of flowers and shrubbery, WiH sacrifice this $12.000 home for quick sale for $9800. Need $3500 cash in business; balance to suit. . Paul Spiczak, Fox Lake, Iil. Phone 176 R. 32 It FOR SALE--A beautiful, new home FOR SALE--One 16 in. engine lathe, very reasonable. Telephone Mun-- delein 856J. 32 1t FOR SALE--Five tube Apexr radio FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE What have you?! REDEKER Arlington Heights,. Il1. Phone 496 FOR SALE--New, six room, two-- story residence in Kenlock Park subdivision, Libertyvyille. Exterior Colonial style, with interior decorat-- ed n Spanish style; oil heat; elec-- tric lights and double garage. This home has never been lived in. Owner compelled to leave state. Answer to Box 500, care Libertyville Independ-- ent. Paone No. 1. y 27 6tx FOR SALE--A1420 acre pighly improyv PURE RAW MILK FLOWERS FOR EVERY _ OCCA¥SION! We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIA TION. FLOWER ORDERS WIR. ED--TO ANY CITY. F Telephone Libertyville 174 LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT,. THUR FROM TESTED coW$s juare Deal Dairy elivered in Libertyville Twice Daily PHONE 75-- W Lake County Real Estate FOR SALE SELLERS and JOHNSON LIBERTYVILLE BUY AND SELL and hay rack; also McCormick mowing machine. Inquire of Phil Donegan, Washington street, east of Greéen Bay Road Waukegan. 29 6tx kitchen stove; also large size, a\l steel, ivory enameled baby bed. Tel epaone Libertyville 581--W. 1t and baby chick feed, coarse or fine, mixed and ready to feed, $2.25 a bhundred pounds, delivered. Corn, ear or shelled. Bergeron Stock Farm 2 milles west of Libertyvilie on Lake Strret Road. Phone Libertyville 678# F+1L. f 27U cnmmirmmmme mm mm mm uzy | POR RENT----80 ACTCS Of DACtHUTEC, 3 FOR SALE--Cucumbers for pickling| miles west of Lake Forest. For and all vegetables in season. Ray Ivformation call Lake Forest 1955. V. Moss, Wheeler Road, Telephone'_ 32 3t Libertyville 659--W--2. Wuin¥s YBWWNLWAR O Whlllbsrska c L2.2.02 0 un FOR SALE--Abana Spring and'7--rm Modern house, on 100 ft. lot, at a bargain price. Owner on premises. 2%0 Park Place, Libertyville, I1!. FOR SALE--Smaill white enameled WANTED--Experienced' laundress wants day work. Call at 304 W. Johnsop Ave. , 31 6tx interest for $6,000.00 well secured by first mortgage loan on lands for sale at $20,000. No expense or com-- missions. If interested see me at once. F. R. Sellers, Libertyvile, Ill. FOR SALE--Team of mules, wagon FOR SALE--Chicken scratch feed RESPONSIBLE PARTY will pay 7°% FOR SALE --Homesite on Grant Ct 'bought for you two years ago. It Payne, Mundelein. _ Phone 904--W. is located on Kenosha--Burlington| . 32 U route 43, 254 miles west of Green j a--.~--~iae--it ies Hay route 41. You will see my sign }":R R.E.N';I"o OR SALE--Five new At entrance to east driveway. I am| °:'"'_ h:' .e§' rt?o;l: a l:lo'::f'_'" and farming this place with a hired man., OD¢° broom house; brand new; reas-- wrecking the Armour ice house at Fox Lake, one block west and two blocks south of the St. Paul depot. Priced at $1%§ to $35 per thousand feet. Phone Foxr Lake 4. 27 6tx FPOR -- SALE--White King pigeons Buff Orpington pullets and cock: erels. _ Phone Libertyville 604--R--2. Ute Crest Farm. 29 6t in Libertyville; all improvements in and paid for. This lot may be pur-- chased reasonable, as it is priced for quick sals. Terms. Write or inquire of A. H. Hagerty, 312 Broadway, or Phone 1 or 21. 80 tt I would like to sell crops and all. giving possessiqn immediately. F. K. McCormick, Salem, Wis. 29 6tx FOR SALE--Used lumber. We are stave, 10 by 24. Phone 136 W--2. Seren Sorenson, Lake Villa, IIl. i1tx FOR SALE--I still have that farm T Aage and six acres of ground FOR SALE--One sflo, one--piece fir UNLESS A MANSION HAS GP0D HEAT---- A COZY CABIN HAS IT_BEAT \} ! _ BORST'S | COAL QUARTETTE RONDOUT, ILLINO!IS IELEPMONES O0M.1 an No person should be without the proper heat during the ecold months to come. Coal is one of Nature's blessings Viat is indispensable We A&re ready. to receive your order. Our prices and our rapid manner of delivery will appeal to you. JOHN G. BORST WANTED 28 6tx 30 tf FOR RENT--Eight room house, part-- wstntisqymues l ly furnished; hot water heat, gar-- wrOR SALE OR RENT--Six room | bungalow in Oakwood Terrace; all modern. Call at Independent office or telephone 187. 21 FOR RENT--A number of flats, i houses, bungalows and stores. {lenung from --27.50 per month to 100 per month. R. G. Kaping, Real-- tor. Phone 469. ° 21 FOR SALE--Pure Bred registered Holstein bulls; fresh breeding, all L(eo. Walter H. Brandenburg, pro-- prietor of Birchmont Farm, Ingle Bide, 111. 18 tt | minal Station subdivision; will mBacrifice for quick sale. Address B44 South Ave, Glencoe. Telephone Gleneoe 17564." 32 i1tx FPOR RENT--Newly decorated 8 |_room house in Mundelein; mod-- ern convenlences; rent $35 per month; possession Sept. 1st. Telg-- phone 239. C322 th "":oyl. Cholee cows and heifers, fresh and springers, with sixty--days retest. Gilskey Bros, Round Lake, Illitnois. s 562 tt FOR RENT OR SALE--Five new _ houses--Four 5--room houses and one broom house; brand new; reas-- }ouable; easy terms. W. M. Huffman. \Phone Libertyvyille 373. 32 6t FOR SALE----Lot in Mundelein Ter FOR RENT--Five room furnished -- --apartment in Libertyville No. 1 FOR -- RENT--Sleeping room, with FOR RENT--Room, with board, in FOR RENT -- Large, comfortable \ _ room in new home; private fam Hy; one block from restaurant. 140 W. Lake St. Phone 718. 32 iL FOR RENT--Sleeping room, on Sey FOR RENT--5 room bungalow on Sunset Drive, Oakwood Terrace. See Joe Melloy, phone Libertyville 320. 30 U mour Ave., Mundelein. Telephone 889J. 29 6t garage room for one car. Inquire at Lndependent ofice or telephone 432--M. 31 t( SDAY, AUGUST 8, 1929 private family. Phone Munde-- lein, 444--M. _ 21 U FOR RENT--Furnished rooms, suit-- able for one or two; reasonable. Phone 782. 137 Scaool St. 1tx with housework; no cooking; must be neat. Inquire at Independent Office. WANTED--Children to care for by the hour, day o rweek; at a reas-- onable price. ~Telephone Munde lein 374--R. + 21 6t WANTED--Laundress one day a week. Call 10 a m to 55p m. Tele-- phone Libertyville 777. 30 tt WANTED--A girl over 18 to asist FOR SALE--Holsteins and Guern-- MEAT SPECIALS FOR _ Friday and Saturday AUGUST Oth and 10th Livestock For Sale 606 N. Milwaukee Libertyville, Illinois Telephone 180 PALACE Cash Market Pot Roast Best Creamery Butter 47¢ Leg Lamb -- Boneless Veal Roast 33ic¢ Little Pig Hams Sugar Cured Bacon Bonless Smoked Butts 38c Sugar Cured Hams Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c FOR RENT Mundelein. Paone . s 32 if MONEY TO LOAN--We have a con-- sigerable amount of special funds o loan on improved farm or city property. We invite your ingquiry. | ¥irst National Bank, Libertyvilie, 11 ; Inois ADJUDICATION NOTICE Public Notice is hereby given that the Subscriber, Administrator of the Estate of Marcus E. Andrews, ie ceased, will attend 'the Probate Court of TLake County, at a term taereof to be holden at the Court House in Waukegan, in said County, on the first Monday of October next, 1929, when and where all persons baving claims against said estate are notified and requested to present the same to said Court for adjudica-- tion. Having sold the site of the com-- bined city hall, police station and water tower, preparatory to build-- ing a new location, Highland Park is having erected in Sunset Park a new water tank which is to be of 500,000 gallons, as compared to the 125,000 capacity of the old one. The 129 foot structure is now | being painted and work will start at once upon an ornamental brick tower to enclose th» tank and its steel sup ports. ' Waukegan, Ill1., July 18, 1929. 68--july 25 aug 1 8 FOR RENT--Modern 6--room cottage. Fireplace and all modern improve-- ments; new; will be ready for occu-- pancy August 1st. Inquire at Lib-- ertyville Independent office. 30 tt 108T--Green and gold pencil valued Wilson: road and Libertyville, one small purse containing a gold wrist watch with initials J. A. T--, gold ring and small stone; valued as keep-- sake. Mrs. Marie Watts, Fox Lake, lilinois. * 32 1t LOST--Monday, July 28, between as a keepsake. Reward for return to Independent office. 32 1tx The most complete line of auto parts, tires, tube, and radiators between Chicago and MilWauk*te. . 6% SAFE INVESTMENTS For Sale At LIBERTYVILLE TRUST 4& SAVINGS BANK IRST MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL * ASSESSMENT BONDS Orders of $20.00 or more delivered any-- where in Lake county LOST AND FOUND North Sheridan Road Zion Phone Zion 22 for more than three hundred makes of cars-- GARRETT WRECKING CO. 25¢ ------ 30c¢ Miscellaneous IRL 'RL ANDREWS, Administrator PARTS 23,¢ 19c 35¢ 27¢ Zion, 111 OLD FASHIONED DANCES! Visit Our Modern Barbecue, One of the finest in the state. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT Means Better Dressed CLOTHES REFLECT CHARACTER. PEOPLE JUDGE YOUR SUCCESS, YOUR STANDING, LARGELY FROM YOUR APPEARANCE | LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. 539 E.. Park Ave. T elepl A GOOD CLEANER IS A VALUABLE ASSET. LET US HELP IN YOUR | SUCCESS. cleaned and Pressed The Grande Cleaners MUSIC BY Chris. Hapke's Orchestra Dietz's Stables IVANHOE, ILLINOIS Telephone 844

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