Under the statutes of the state of Illinois, all cities that have con-- atructed hard surfaced (concrete) roads which connect state aighways are entitled to receive from the state an amount. in the way of a re-- fund, equal to the cost of construct-- ing an l8--foot paving for the same distance. Under this law the city of Zion made application some time ago for a refund for the cost of construction of the paving on Elijah avenue . between Shiloh boulevard and Twenty--ninth street, connecting stite highway No. 42, known as Sheridan road. every cent of which w:; originally paid by Zion property 0 w CUFRINAN PABRK IS in +h Thief, Who Apparently Knew Plsce. Praaks in Through Window. Sheriff Finds. Refund Allowed on Elijah Ave. $14,039 PAVING REFUND GOES TO LION FROM STATE in Zion, a Portion of Sheri-- _ dan Road. The Stat LORTED; TAKE $200 WORTH OF CIGARS an arrest '} casos whore the assersment en nald in full. the refund will vle to th>~ property owner by . Whera there are installments 1 assessment as ret to be pald, 'und will be credited on the 1 in@tallments and a recelpt for nount of the refund miailed to rson who paid 'the last install of the assessment. State Highway Department timated the cost of corstruct. 18--foot-- pavement -- between noints and the rofund to the oints Zion t $11 BLUMBERG'S AUGUST FURNITURE EXPOSITION mal _ Y ~ ca 3 ??2\3-\\@ ,' J * T , Mantel Clocks ... .. . $2.95 & e\ j}." A 1/ 'l, ---f;;'é'\:% j','/ lmfld Waste kiA } / e,'f' uy ets ......... . . 58c «t3 CR * C se | F hestZ J | C b C C ~mien M mm:}' \ n & 0,./ e 4 $ es (Rs # s '-'i\';'y'e! 5 --4 ( S S=--zeR}} | $ e -- . » ) *X /A 0 2o s -- "ABTCI.E PC Finest quality of Frieze used on seats and backs, trim-- med in Mohair. Filled with the finest sterilizeed hair. A $335.00 suite at-- $225.00 Loose reversible springfilled cushions, carved fr:m:;s. to th k« be Full hand made web bottoms. Handsomely carved frames. 2 Piece Genuine Frieze Suites Hardwood exteriors, white enamel interi-- ors. Holds 25 Ibs. ice. Special---- we 2 Piece Solid Mahogany Suite an( has in the stand had been 1 to admit & hand so 'ould be turned. will be distribrted by ro A--mstron=: to the 4 of property which for caid improvement 1 that the refund will ely 15 nerp cent of the ro o ths emet-- of-- con: for caid improvement 1 that the refund will ely 15 nerp cent of the r oths enst of eon: imnrovement as made 4J W 9t TT 350 Refrigerators to Close Out at / Off )8 )# 40-- WwoOri to Sberif » (Odfl_\' 1 em fixes accord cigars and c(4ga-- 80 worth before rsge number of it mavy require 3 Piece Moth Proof Jacquard Suites t mavy require all details can pes 0 s Ch $159.50 e cCilty picked $89.50 _ W on Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rickerson and children called on relatives here Mr. and Mrs. William Gransee en-- tertained friends from Lyon's Sun-- day. Mr. and Mrs. Dr. Albright of Wau-- kegan called at J. Brown's home on Sunday Mr and Mrs. Oscar Nelson and children of Chicago called on their friends Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Vie Detrick and son Howard of Chicago called on friends Sunday. CGeorge Eatinger was a Woodstock caller Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. William Harris ~f Lake Bluff called on relatives bhere sunday. Boys would have taken candy as weli as tbacco, the skerift believes, and he is Inclined think that someore in the busimess of selling cigars had a band in the burglary. Frank Newell, owner of the place, stated that he closed up last night at midnight. He held a long confer-- ence with the sheriff, but the fnfor-- mation given out was mos« made.n:'e Mrs. John Brown and Miss Mar-- garet Wagner called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Brown Thurs-- day. Mrs. George Blackburn returned to ber home Saturday. Mrs. Bert Dowell called on rela tives here Friday. Mr. and Mrs.. Roy (Turner childrem called on Mrsg. Jane inger Sunday. Mrs. Jane Eatinger and daugh ter EKthel and Martha Osgood wer MeHenry callers Monday. Dr. and Mrs. J. A. Ross and Miss Della Kirwan were Waukegan call-- ers Monday. Mrs. Grace Moffit was a Wauke-- ran caller Monday. Charles Harris returned home Sunday after spending a week with relatives at Milwaukee. Sunda v _Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Boshmer of Barrington spent Friday with rela-- tives. Mrs. Albert Spegal and Mr. and Mrs. Mike Spegal and children of Milwaukee spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Harris. Mrs. John Brown and daughter La Verne and Eveylen were callers at Volo Monday afternoon. Elmer Hapke of Libertyville a Wednesday evening caller. Clayton Steele was a Waukegan caller Friday evening. Mr. ahd Mrs. J. Mink of Chicago spent Sunday with relatives Rere. _ Miss Martha Osgood was a Bar-- rington caller Sunday. Miss Doris Paddock returned to her home Monday from the Eliza-- beth Condell bospital at _ Liberty-- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank MMckson en-- tertained friends from ('hlcggo Sun-- day. Mr. and Mrs. Otito Olsen of Chi-- cago spent the week--end at their cottage in the Maiman subdivigsion. Miss Laura Harris spert Thurs-- day evening at Libertyville. Miss Eva Troumbull of Rocktord is spending a week with relatives Fred Wang of Twin Lakes, Wis was a Sunday caller. Quality, Style, © . 'ze, and Price You Cannot Duplicate. We Invite You to the Largest Showing in Northern lllinois f Coq 4¢3pi _ Metal Ferneries 98c PSQUUy Y § = Magazine Carriers . ©.98c ----MhAimii CON/ _ Electric Irons .. .. . .$1.95 M ter" ( R Panel Curtains ..... . 89c Ir aasecstABA! | Electric Pans ...... : 3.95 WAUCONDA 50 of'these hand painted shadés with can-- dle light fixture. A $6.00 value at-- Table Lamp Bargain and Eat-- ©$3.95 Shop in Confidence Here Saturday Specials C. 8. Cawthorne residence in Lake Bluff was found in the possession of the father. And while their stories vary in many respects, both agree that the troubles, loss of money and loss of work brought on by. the Elfrieda Knaak case, brought on their down-- fall. Called a "Fagan."' Picturing Hitchcock as a modern "Fagan" who inspired eight Lake Misses Margaret Duers and Mar-- tha Hugbes returned home Thurs-- day after spending ten adys touring ttht&h I!linots and Missouri. Mrs. I. Toyton and daughter, Neva and Mrs. George Harris and Children called at the Dar Granger home at McHenrsy Tuesday ' Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Wylam of Chbi-- cago were business callers here Thursday. and friends Mrs. Grace Clinge entertained a number of friends at her home in honor of her sister Ruth's birthday. The evening was spent pleying games and dancing. At the close of the evening a delicious Lirthday lunch was served. / Clayton Steele returned Wednes-- day after spending several days with his perents at Warren, Wis. Dr. J A. Ross and daugbter, Jac-- The younger Hitchcock is said to have implicated hbis father as an accessory in that the elder heard his son come into the bouse at night after a neighbor woman was heard\ to scream from fright of a young burglar. A revolver, stolen trom the Mrs. L Toyton and daughter Neva left Wednesday cfor Battle Creek, Mich., where they will spend a week with relatives. Harry Kirawn was a Chicago call er Thursday. Mrs. H. Brown of Spencer High land visited her husband at the St Therese hospital at Waukegkan Wed nesday. > In a jail cell just above the dingy little furnace room of the Lake Bluff police station where _ Elfrieda Knaak, Deerfleld _ Sunday school teacher burned> herself fatally to purge herself of her peychic love for Charles W. Hitchcook, orator, act-- or and night policeman, Hitchcock is today locked up under charges of larceny from a hardware store while his 18 year old son, Raymond, is hbheld in North Chicago jail and is said to have confessed to three other burglary jobs. queline T uesda y Mr. and Mr#. Frank Dickson were Waukegan callers Monday. Arthur Kirwan and --, daughter Della and Edward Peterson of Car pentersville were Barrington calters Della and Edward Peters pentersville were Barting Wednesday evening. HITGHCOCK AND SON HELD FOR BURGLARY JOBS Son Admits Five Burglaries Pulice Say; Father Enters Hardware Store. were _ Waunkegsan -- callers LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, AUCUST 15, 1929 Broiler Bervice Drawer Oven Thermometer Cast Porcelain Fronts Many Other Features Bpecial -- All Porcelain interior and ex-- terior. Cleans like a China dish. 'ymn ago when, as was often the case. he found the door to the store unlocked while he was making his rounds as night policeman. _@ang as being miXed up in ine burglaries He says he_ belfeves that they are the ones wheo--robbed the Northwestern station,. The po lice are invegstigating. Told Son of Thefts Raymond told police that while his (ather knew of his burglar activi-- Hitchcock and his son were ar-- rested, the father being jailed in Lake Blufft and the son in North Chicago, where both were question-- ed by Chief of Police Eugene Spaid of Lake Bluft, Justice of the Peace Harold J. Talleft, Chiet of | Police Frank Tiffayy of North Chicago, and Detective Rafter ot the Chicago, Northwestern railway. 8 Raymond is alleged to have ad-- mitted entering the Cawthorne home and taking the gun, a pair of opera glasses, three golf shirts and a bill fold. He is also said to have ad-- mitted twice burglarizing both the Manson and the Arringer homes in his neighborhood getting about $70 in cash, 7 gallons of wine and s#ey-- eral other amall articles. ~--_Father Reproved Him The boy says that while he was in the Arringer home the second time, Mrs. Arringer was awakened, saw him and screamed. The scream was heard al! over the nelghborhood and when he got bome, his father questioned him, found out about the burglary and admonished him, bQut did not make him return the stolen goods. The boy is also sald to have told the police that nis father had told him of entering the Winchester Hardware store whenevyor he found the door open at night and helpink himself fo wh,tever he wanted. The boy was given a hunting knife which he sald his fatbher had tften from the store While the police are rhecking up on some of the other 20 recent burg-- larlies in Lake Bluff, young Hitch: cock has named a number of his "gang" as being mixed up in the burglaries He says he belfeves that they are the ones wheo--robbed Find Stolen Goods With a search warrant, the police went through the@e Hitchcock home, found the gun and some paints, brushes and some other hardware which Charles Hitchcock is alleged to have admitted taking from the Winchester _ Hardware store two Policeman .Winfred . stracke of L --ke Bluff, arrested _ young Hitch-- eock for the burglary of the C. S. Cawthorne home rarch 31 when, after having been shown a gun by the elder Hitchcock which the form-- er policeman said his weomn had found, Stracke investigated the miss-- ing gun from the Cawthorne home and found| the numbers to be identi-- cal. The gun was issued to Caw-- thorne, an official of the American Steel «and Wire company, by the company and the numbers were kept on record. Bluff boys to do the robbery jobs both for their material return o the Hitéhcocks and for revenge against the police foree from which Hitchcock was {dismissed after the Knaak burning, police have placed charges of burglary against Ray-- mond and the father, while he has not yet been booked, may be charg-- ed with an accessory to his #on's burglaries or on a burglary charge of his own, growing out dof his own alloeged corifession. ke Your Wife More py with One of These "Universal" Ranges $50.50 § WPP .. _IMC . , 1900 "--»« RUMITUrE Waukegan's Home Owned Store Cqurleg Hitchcock was drawn into the |Knaak case when, as: Miss Knagak lay at death's door in the Jakq@ Forest hospital, she said that she had burned herself in the furn-- ace fo purge herselft and make her-- self fpure for the peychic love she held|for Hitchcock who had given her tubllc speaking lessons and had assigted with her sales psychology work as a book agent. She had gone to the police station to visit him that night. but he was at home with a fractured ankle, and from there on wlas the yet unsolved mystery of her Morrible byrns. A coroner's Jury came to the verdict that she had burned herself while mentally de-- ran:zld. bunt' her family insisted that she had been burned by someone else mnd hired detectives to con-- tinue) working on the case, The mry» tery was nover Aeared up. Raymond, who is captain of the tennis team and a senior at Deer-- fleldfsmeldo high school in High-- llnd; Park, is to be given a hearing tom@rrow, while his father will be heard as soon as formal charges have been placed against him by the polide. ties, it was kept a secret from hlsl llou'or. and she knew noijbing of it. He sgaid that since the Kraak troub!e' the family had been --in dire straits | and that he h>d taken the things in | order to help out the family.. 1 Brae Loch Golf And Sports Club An exceptional opportunity for local in-- vestment in an established public fee course, with full club facilities. Let Us Show You How You Can Play Golf at a Profit! " Full information will be given upon re-- quest, without obligation to vou. Waukegan State Bank Bldg., Waukegan 120 So. La Salle St., Chicago BRAE LOCH GOLF & SPORTS CLUB Gages Lake, Grays Lake, IIl. MR. NESWOLD or MR. HOLLAND, Lincoln--Einersen Co., Inc. 7% Cumulative Participating Class "A" Stock H care of Inquire * SCHOOL TICKET of Grayslake James Schereck, of Grase Lake, last night was raided and found to have a quarter slot machine, ac-- cording to State's Attorney A. V. Smith. He was fined $100 and costs. James Krisman, Sand Lake, found to have beer and whiskey in his place, was fined $500 and costs, the prosecutor reported. The candidates for the board of di-- rectors in the newly created Town of Avon Community High -- school district, as listed today with T. A. SImme. county superintendent of schools, show that there will be no opposition Aug. 17, the date of elec-- tion. Those in the fleld are A. A. McMillan. of Grayslake; J, Porter Duell, of Round Lake; Anna Selsser, of Grayslake; Victor R, Johnson, of Grayslake, and Elwin F Wightman, SLOT MACHINE IS TAKEN BY RAIDERS Moire Cloth Top. Red, Green Polychrome . frame, or Mahogany legs. . French Plate Mirrors. 8--3x10--6 Geuine Anglo--Persians to close $89.75 Looks like an Oriental, -- wears like one, at onethird the price, Yx12-- j 9x12 Genuine Birds Neponset Rug $10.95 27x54 Axminster Rugs 24x48 Rag Rugs A fine quality in varied pat Fringed. Hit and Miss, with terns. A $%§ grade at--~ fringe, special-- _ salo xt Defy weather and wear, wa-- terproof and rotproof. Per square foot-- Choice Let us' cover your floors with new linoleums. Tile pat-- terns embossed. -- Phone us for free estimate. 9x 1 2 Inlaid Remnants per yard 98c Birds Neponset Sahara TO BE UNOPPOSED Card Table Console Mirror The Gulistan delLuxe Rug 87c only-- $2(G.95 Axminster Rugs Ix12 Fine designs that $150 $3.69 FLOOR COVERINGS Are Priced At Real Clearance Prices Armstrong's Linoleum The Home of Thousands of Satisfied Customers ) ¥ go on Choice designs, 9112 size, with fringes, to go this month at-- | The finest American Orien-- tal Rug made. Your inspec-- tion is invited, 9x1%-- Visit Our Modern Barbecue, One of the finest in the state. EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT OLD FASHIONED DANCES! Wilton Rugs DAILY FEE $1.00. SATURDAY, SUN. DAY AND HOLIDAYS, $1.50 | T\yilight Fee, 50c '(after 4 p. m.) * Limited number of yearly membershigc, $25. Club house and grounds are suitable for parties and luncheons. L A D I E. S----Arrange to hold your next afternoon card party here and have the menfolks come out in the evening for a round of golf and a picnic supper. SHOREWOOD GOLF CLUB 20 minutes on Route 21 from Libertyville * North on Route 21 to Signs 18 HOLES DAILY FEE Course In Splendid Condition Axminsters $59.75 $2.069 $175 50c NOW OPEN! MUSIC BY Chris. Hapke's Orchestra Aq Dietz's Stables ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS IVANHOE, ILLINOIS real A large assortment to choose from Just flgh! to store furs and wool-- ens---- up from-- $14.95 ers--all sizes-- $10 smfifl coil springs encased with clear layers Of felt. Damask cov-- Buy the Most Comfortable Mattress Made *' _ Walnut Chests * Beautyrest by Simmons End Tables $39.50 $8.95 : $1.95 PACE FIVE