WOMAN KILLED AS GAR LEAVES ROAD AND STRIKES POST }nent One woman, Mrs. Mary Reichel of 1444 Luna avenue, Chicago, was kill-- ed and a score were injured in a se ries of automobile accidents which occurred in Lake county Saturday and Sunday. ; Mrs. Reiche! met death when & machine in which she was riding skidded on the wet pavement on Route 59, 2 1--2 miles southwest of Antioch at 5 o'clock Saturday after-- mroon and ended up against a tree. She suffered a broken neck. Returning From Lake Geneva The woman with her nephew, A woman friend and the latter's 10-- year--old son, were returning to the Reiche! summer home at Petite Lake after spending the day with friends at Lake Geneva. The car driven by the nephew, Mrs. Mary Reichel of 1444 The car driven by the nephew, Fred Glazer, was moving at a tair rate of speed at a point about mid-- way between Fox Lake and Anuofg h .4. .' .. A.dndantl Atinadiiindii ts css on the highway, the machine started to skid on the rain covered pave The right rear wheel of the ma chine skidded off of the concrete and struck some wet clay which ftormed the shoulder of the road. The car swerved. The driver.brough: the car back onto the pavyement but as the wheels had been cramped -- the machine crossed to the other side of the road and again swerving crossed the pavement for the second time. and then crashed into the tree. Dies on Way to Doctor Passing motorists extricated the injured from the wreck of the car. Mrs. Reichel was hurried to the of-- fice of Dr. H. F. Beebe in Antioch but she died before reaching there. Mrs. Dorothy Bartlett, 35 years old, also of 1444 Luna avenue, Chicago. who was riding with Mrs. Reichel suffered a fractured shoulder. She was removed to the Victory Memor . ial hospital. The other two escaped* injury. An inquest was held at the Stransg funeral bhome in Antioch by Dr. J. L. Taylor, county coroner, Saturday evening, in which a verdict: declar-- ing the death as accidental was re-- turned by the jury. W . Mrs. Finer Injured Mrs. G. F. Finer of 417 Franklin street, -- suffered _ serious injuries when he automobile collided with an other machine on Grand avenue two miles east of Wedges Corners Sun: day. Mrs. Finer suffered two se vere lacerations on her left atm and several broken ribs. Twenty--three stitches were necessary to close the wounds. + -- Irving Herman of 3440 West Thir-- teenth place, Chicago, suffered a cut on his nose and bruises when his car crashed into the rear of another ma-- chine at Grand avenue and Green Bay road Sunday night. Herman was driving south. The other machine PAGE TWO Fails to Turn at Cor{er f . Andrew Herberger of 13 Phillipa avenue, Waukegan, suffered cuts and bruises when he failed to see the turn on Grand avenue at Wedges Corners in time to avert a crash Monday morning. He went off of the paving into a field along side of the road. He was taken to the Lake County hospital for treatment. Two others who were riding with him suf-- fered minor injuries. Mrs. Finer, the only one of sev-- eral involved in the crash to sustain serious injuries, was brought to 'the Bospital by Mr.. Hook, a farmer who resides near the 'scene of the crash. k t Luna Ave., Chicago, Suf-- fers Broken Neck. HAVE YOU HEARD W 1GH T M A N~S Sun. Nights and Sun. Afternoons Try our noon and supper specials. You will be pleasantly surprised at the excellent food and moderate prices. Diamond Lake? If Not Come Now Before It Is Too Late. Skids Off Pavement THE VIRGINIA CAFE 603 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. OPEN ALL NIGHT RAY BROS. D A NCIN G For a Well--Cooked, Well--Served Meal,! Patronse Popular Novelty Band #*~ #5§ I =«=*= a ¥ was brought to a sudden stop in vewake Ne Ee' M e es L tfront of him and Herman was unavle to step his machine in time to avoid a collision. Other oceupants of both machines suffered bruises. Hurt In Collision Mrs. Milton Rosenbergerm, of Chicago, was injured Saturday afternoon on Green . Bay ° road when the automobile in which she was riding collided with one driven by H. Hangebrauch, . of Zion R. F. D. Her son, Robert, was also hurt. Both were taken to the county hospital. was injured and removed to the county hospital. _ _ _ _ Goes Into Ditch John Eichman, of Chicago, went into a ditch on Green Bay road near here Saturday when, in try-- ing to avoid another car, he was forced from the concrete. J. A. MacDonald, who was with him, Goes Through Windshield | Mary McDonald, 519 Franklin street, was hurled through the windshielf of <a car in which she was riding on Green Bay road near Waukegan Friday night. In the car with her were Miss Webb, 901 Porter street, Mrs. McDonald, Mrs. Harding and George and Ethel Harding, all of 519 FrankI'n street. The car with which they collided was driven by C. Laurent, 14 So. Genesee Streoet. Small Boy Hurt Robert Isenhauer, 6> years old of 1311 Grand avenue, was slight-- ly injured late Saturday afternoon when he rode his bicycle out into Grand avenue at Pine street ip front of a bus that had stopped, and was struck by a car being driven by Mrs. Mary D. Lake of Gurnee. Dr. Palmer was called and stated that the child was not badly injured. .~. Minor Accidents ' 42 A. P. Hatton of 317 Oak street ;°° had his car -- slightly dnmaced";:" shortly after midnight _ Sunday morn'rg when he was lldu'lp'd',":f at Washington and Butrick utreot«nl';{'»i by Harold Andrews, 1418 Laurel;h"" avenue. No one was injured. m Warren -- Mordhouse of 1510 Catalpa avenue and George Lath-- rop of 139 McKinley avenue had their cars damaged in a collision at Washington street and Maple avenue early Sunday morning. No one was injured. Cars belonging to F. C. Boggess of 60% Keith avenue and A. Carl-- son of Chicago were slightly dam-- aged Saturday evening when Bog-- gess sideswiped the other car which (was-- parked at. Sheridan road and Ninth street. No one was injured. ' . Woman Is Injured In a collision-- between Annie McDoland,;.of 972 Fine street, and Philip Marks, Chicago, on Gréen Bay 'road, Mrs. iMunic Kostincksy was injured. ~She was cut about the head." -- . sn shortly after the crash. The driver of the machine which struck the Vepley car did not stop. °E. T. Deeder, Zion truck driver, was-- forted from. Green _Bay road: at' Five points,; and : slightly hurt Sunday. £00.@ 0k -- _ _ Driver Flees After Crash Mrs. Frank Vepley, 830 Lincoln, street, was 'brought to the Victory Memorial 'hospital at 1:30 o'clock this morning, while suffering with bad cuts on the right arm and forehead, which she received when the car was struck jby another machine near The Tent, a . road-- house on Green Bay road about two miles north of the state line. She was brought to the hospital by Arthur Moellert of Great Lakes Naval Training sta-- tion, _ who _ passed the _ scene shortly after the _ crash. The Nagasaki, Japan, is the only place in the world where the boats are co@led by women, who pass the buckets of coal up by hand in a human chain, swiftly and cheer fully. > Women Coal Passers in nFF im ' g@ of children and adults was present, A and the usual treat of ice cream and $ , I ,mmnflodtothed.mdnn. | ¢ Spencer Englebrecht had his ton-- glls removed last Monday, and is do-- 'lng well, The operation was done cmmnnmmncmes mm | by 'rg& Taylor and Penney. \| i it i w! W. C. T. U. held their annual Lake RCOIU"S Hit .in week. picnic and outing at Foss Park, in end Drive oSpouce Squad. _North Chiu::; Wednesday of last mb'er week. Seove from here attended. Get om__, Ga,_ y \ -- George Stancliff has boe: bulyudo : Beer joints and a paddle wheel Ing carpenter work and decorating were included in the bag of the for T J. Peden at his new home west sponge m" over the week end in of Mundelein for the past tew the lake regions, according to re-- W®@k*. p ports from States Attorney A. V.| Tae members of the Ladies® Aid Smith today. |are practicing for a play to be given esn al the wilaiima mald Himnan ar L the near future. --. Two of the victims paid fines of $500 each and several, caught drink-- ing at the bars, paid $10 and costs. Edward Cormeir, of Fox Lake, had a paddle wheel in operation with money as the stake, accordingk to-- Col. Smith. He was fined $100 Tony Durka, owner of the May-- wood hotel, on Greenwood avenue, pald $200 and costs on a charge of disorderly conduct after investiga-- tors reported that they found liquor there. * In the lake region Long Lake was the target for the Sunday activities. Bohumier Velesek palid $500 and costs and Elmer Henderson, Carl Johnson, Bert Buchart, John Storm, Fric Lengstrom, James Buchart and John Mygrim, who were drinking in the place, all paid $10 and costs. Thomas Stanton, of Long Lake, paid $500 and costs for having beer on tap and a half gallon of gin. Lest Sunday afternoon the Arling-- ton Heights base ball team was de-- feated by the Vernon Anletics on the latter's grounds. The final score was 12 to 10. The contest was a 2ard one throughout. The Arlington Heights pitcher had 7 stmksouts to his credit, and the team madeil hits. The hurler for the Athlctiées struck out ten men, while his team mates supported him by makisg 16 hits. Nexrt Sunday afternoon at 3, day-- light saving time, the Evanston team is coming for a game with the Ver-- non Athlétiecs. A close and interest ing contest is expected, and no doubt will be witnessed by a large crowd. On August 22 tae "Landscrapers" from Glencoe are coming over tQ Half Day to play the Vernon Ath-- letiecs a twillight game of ball The time will be approximately 6 p. m., daylight 'saving time Don't miss this game, as it will be somewhat of a novelty, © d s The anpual Sunday school picnic "Ad //l' 'F [ . /# \'V "&% cate C1 E... $ ros . 7k l fi M l'/ K ind W * ?M E /4 i¥' "#YEWC, '/ 6 he "' 9 J .;"v'/ Fo L'n S 4 ts ts A smashing, dashing picture of love, adven-- ture and daring with ACT souNnND NEWS and NOVELTIES C UE NE 1 1E 16 o é}fx Hi' Gmte't zo All--Talking & + Dramatic Hit! With RICHARD ARLEW and FAY WRAY HERE'S A SHOW YOU'LL RAVE ABOUT ure and daring with]'- Sound News MARIE PREVOST | and Cartoon THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, AUGUST 22, 23 and 24 ADDED: VITAPHONE MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 19, 20 and 21 ' The Biggest All--Star hat's Cast of the Year! 3 the neW _ Ruth Chatterton b ideain ; _ wM. DOWELL, \c-->" mamage" _ C IVE BROOK akrru_e¥rtera MARY NOLAN Our $100,000 Cooling Plant in Constant Operation LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSD HALF DAY The Coolest Spot on the North Shore o -- AT WAUKEGAN Bancroft's Greatest Characterization'! e < | of the Half Day church was held at 'D'- No. 1 in the Forest Preserve last Tuesday evening. A large crowd Rev. Mr. Brown and family, one of our former pastors, called _ on friendd and attended church services here Sunday evening. _ _ Services at Washburn Congrega-- tional church next Sunday: Sabbath school at 10.30 a. m., and preaching service at 8:30 p. m., daylight saving STRATTON CHECKS ON RIPARIAN GRANT William J.' Stratton, secretary of state, has requested the Waukegan city council to supply it with a copy of the ordinance in which the city accepted the grant by the state assembly of riparian rights on land acquired on the north beach as the site for the new Waterworks plant. This land was obtained from the federal government at the cost of $1 and 'the state legislature gave the city the right to all accretions to-- the property. The copy of the ordinance is needed to complete the record of the transaction at Springfield. Syncopation is In "Syncopation," '*"irst of the Ra-- dio pictures, which opened at t3e La Villa Theatre yeterday, the pro-- ducing outfit has given s an eager world of fans one of tN¥ happiest shows of the current season. It is a plece full of charm and melody and color and heart interest, rollicking and rocking with the lilt and life of jase golden with the melHlow songs of superb vocal artists, peppy with chorine cavortings--a brilliant and romantic musical extravagan:a in film form that should draw a big crowd for the remainder of this week. The last showing will be on Saturday night. drama'! _ And you'll laugh at the smart trick that gives her what she w}nb! a. M IT TAKES A SMART WOMAN to outplay a man at his own game-- and that man her husband! You'll meet a clever wife in this brilliant W. Somerset Maugham comedy-- in the All--Talking Hit Feast of Music y Say! Laying the blame for the train wreck near Wadsworth which cost the llvu of three men on the dis-- patcher at the Milwaukee office, James R. Porter, towerman at the Wadsworth tower, issued the fol-- lowing statement through his at-- torney, James G. Welch: '"'My name is James R. Porter. "I live at Wadsworth, Illinois, and have worked for the St. Paul for the last twenty--five (2%5) years. 1 am the second trick man at the tower at Wadsworth. Fri-- day |I recélved f r o m the Diist patcher at 4:35 Standard Time, the following train order. "No 46 has right over opposing ll'll:l on westward track Ranney to Russell. + © *'Since that time the Dispatcher; R. A. Smith of Libertyville is vis-- claims that the word Russell was iting with friends and relatives in Wadsworth. I repeated the train| Prairie iVew this week. order to him. 'The above is just! Te Ritzenthwler families, Mrs. as 1 sreceived it. iHolt}e and Mrs. Wilson spent a day "From this order, I assumed this week at Plainfield. "From this order, I assumed this week at Plainfield. that No. 46 would be on the east _ Harold Stahl is doing nicely, after bound track from Russell to Wads-- a tonsil operation at the Wheeling worth. _ Freight train was side-- hospital. . tracked near the west bound track. _ Etta and Evelyn Sturm are vaca-- This side track will accommodate tioning in Waukegan. They return ningty (90) cars. Subsequently ed with their cousin, Loretta Galster I réceived 'an order that No. 46 lwbo had spent a week with them. was to take the west bound track Mrs. Sturm entertained Chief of from Wadsworth to Roundout. I| Police Kennedy and two children of thereupon opened the switch for Waukegan last week. ; the freight but did not slgnnl' Mrs. Lloyd Ritzenthaler has been them, and opened the head on | somewhat indisposed for a few days cross--over for the passenger No.!the past week, and we hope sze will 46 jto take the west bound track soon be in good health again. ' Deerpath Theatre ' The Home of The Perfected VITAPHONE AND MOVIETONE FRIDAY, AUGUST 16th------ | Last Showing of SATURDAY, AUGUST 17th---- > KARL DANE and GEO. K. ARTHUR in SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th (Continuous from 2 to 11) WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 21st MONDAY, TUESDAY, AUG. 19 and 20 _ Richard A Romand PRESENTS ' --"The Desert Song" PHONE 321 s His Orders from Dis-- kzher Stated That Train Was on West Track. PER GIVES OUT ATEMENT ABOUT BAD TRAIN WRECK AY, AUGUST 15, 1929. MAURICE CHEVALIER in "Innocents Of Paris' "HMearts In Dixie" "China Bound" Meet Chevalier, the i#dol iof Paris, for the first time in '¢Iinnocents of Paris." You will enthuse over him--want to see more! His name is pro-- nounced "Sha--vahl'--yay." The critics pronounce him one of the greatest actors on the stage or screen. to Tor (All--Talking) With STEPIN FETCHIT Fnetnn 6T POLKA BROS. from Wadsworth to Roundout as follows: > '"No 46 has right over opposing trains on westward track, Wads-- worth to the middle of crossover Roundout. '"I tried several times to get the operator at Russell but was unable to do so. I finally got him and and asked him if No,. 46 had cleared Russell. He said it had at 5:02%. Something was said later in the conversation that No. 46 was on tas mwest bound track. I looked at the 'train map when he told me this and _ discovered that No. 46 had passed the open switch. '"'The collision had already oc-- curred at 5:05 when I had first received the information that No. 46 was on the west bound track. It was then too late to close the switch." Rev. and Mrs. Divan will return from their vacation trip to Farreston Thursday. Regular services at Grace Evangelical church next Sunday morning, but no evening service on account of the camp meeting at Bar-- rington. Etta and Evelyn Sturm are vaca-- tioning in Waukegan. They return ed with their cousin, Loretta Galster who had spent a week with them. Mrs. Sturm entertained Chief of Police Kennedy and two children of Waukegan last week. ; PRAIRIE VIEW LAKE FOREST BURGLARS STEAL _ GEMS. AND LITTER GARAGE AND BARN Investigation of a burglary in the C. E. Alrichter home on Bulkley road near Green Bay road might re-- sult in the arrest of young men liv-- ing in that| vicinity according to Capt George 'Heckinger, of the coun-- ty highwaym@llce. . An inven disclosed that small Rip Open Bale of Hay and Spill Oil After Taking a . Necklace and Ring. Screen's First Musical Extravaganza LAST TIMES----FRIDAY and SATURDAY : SUNDAY, MONDAY, AUGUST 18 and 19: WEDNESDAY, AUG. 21--One Day Only: . . . SPECIAL ATTRACTION . .. Happy Bud Harrison COMING THURSDAY FOR 3 DAYS: Bichard Bgrthelmeu --."Weary River" A Two Dollar Road Show Sensation! euy FPREY WARINUY > sikc *exksvlvANIANS [ TALK Sm(om" e i ibeureaee cce mm ON m t id e <4 3 kiA rnPlpnouinenll acoojnt TUESDAY, AUGUST 20------One Day Only: Also Comedy and the Latest News Events TEXAS TALKS And You HAVE The TIME Of Your ufex'j 14¥ VCA he ]s:'h PiA _--___ IN PERSON _ Singing and Yodeling Old O Time Songs with _ Hungry Nig From Station W. L. S. Chicago ° In Aifldition to Our Regular Feature Show © Admission: Adults 50c¢, Children 25c TEXAS GUINAN Song and dance . . . Mirth and melody. Tears, laughter and throbbing drama made real by the magic of the talking screen! Also Comedy and Review. SEE WARNCRSROS O HEAR i'HIS THEATRE IS COOL AT ALL TFINES UEEN OF IHE & IGHT CLUBS ~__ LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINOIS FORMERLY THE AUDITORIUM %1¢ | TheWheelofLife Directed by BRYAN FOY V[Tapno«=( 5> | p1CTU disclosed that small "The Dixie Yodeler" cedar chest containing an inexpens-- ive pearl necklace, a signet ring, in-- surance papers, and an army dis-- charge had been taken. RiCHARD | The thieves later went to the barn in the rear of the hom. where they spilled motor oil and tampered with the gasoline. In addition they opened a bale of hay and scattered it around the floo which led Heck-- inger to believe that the vandals were youngsters. Alrichter is a foreman for a pay-- ing company, the deputy sheriff re-- ported. He stated that an old Ford car had been sighted near the place and that the licéense plate was being checked. Comedy, 'SURE SHOT DICA' It's a Riot! Latest News Events by electricity Clocks Carefully Tended The clocks at the Naval observa-- tory at Washington are kept in an underground vanlt and are wound All--Talking t