Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mott +nd son, Paul motored to Mattison, Illinois, Sunday afternoon and visited the former's motrer and brother Hugh. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keller of Rockford spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler and the twqo families enjoyed a picnic dinner sunday on Griswold's Lake near Burton's Bridge, incidentally to cele brate the fourth birthday of Miss Ruth Rittler. Mrs. Clayton Tiffany and children spent several days last week with her mother Mrs. Emma Brockway, in Barrington. -- Delbert Rouse and Miss Edna Rouse motored to Fon du lac, Mon-- day to visit Miss Ruth Sorenson who submitted to an operation for appen-- dicitis a week ago Saturday. }.Iu Sorenson is getting along nicely"and has the best wishes of hbher many friends and pupils, here. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rouse and children motored to Kenosha and Racine on Sunday. Mrs. Mattie Tay-- lor returned home with them for the evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Rouse enter-- tained Mr. and Mrs. Irving Payne and daughter, Geneva and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaddle at Uinner Friday evening. Mrs: Morton Johnson and Mrs. Fred Koester and children, of Chica. go were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs,. R. F. Rouse on Thursday of last week and called on other relatives here. Mrs. Harriett Ray was also a dinner gue:t on that day. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Snyder and son, Roy and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kenrade, in Antioch. Harry Mott spent Monday after-- noon and evening with ais parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mott. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells and children and Mrs. Warren Snyder and son, Roy attended the funeral of the girls uncle, Harold Gelstrup in Antioch on Monday. . Mrs. R. J. Lyons, Mrs. Sed Mitchell and Frank Mitchell accompanied by Mrs. John Dollenmier, of Libertyville visited relatives in Hampshire, II1., on Thursday. Henry Meyer, Miss Grace Sturm and Miss Hulda Meyer attended a picnic given by The Young People's Society of The Fairfield Lutheran C1urch in a grove near Woodstock last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Harding, of Hawarden, lowa, and Mrs. Gertrude Foy, of Sioux City lowa, are making an extended visit with the former's motlifer, Mrs. F. M. Harding. Mrs. Louis Webhrenberg was a Chi-- cag, caller on Friday. Mrs. Rebecca Holcomb is enter-- taining her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carson, of Arkansaw. Mrs. Thos. Russell and daughter, Helen were Waukegan callers Tues-- day. S Mrs. Louise Meyer and Mrs. Louis Wehrenberg visited relatives in Park Ridge on Thursday. _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eddy left Sun-- day for a several day visit with an aunt of Mr. Eddy's, Mrs. Emma Raft-- ferty in Portage, Wisconsin. Mr. Eddy's cousin, Mrs. Ella Bradford PAGE SIX aJTEMs OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN.® You can help make this section more in-- toresting if you will phone the Loca! Editor any news Items you may have concerning relatives or friends News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity M mmE e e e ns "mag ommc mnciince, ~»Aigemdins =< REpucEp PRICE $ NASH, in reducing prices lest % week on 1929 Nash "400" models, gives you a golden oppor-- tunity to save as much as $300 on your new car. And just compare them to any com-- Here is a real opportunity--now you can have one of these finer motor cars at a price you would ordinarily pay for one much less desirable. Only a limited number of these "400" models are available at these prices. The prices on 1930 models, when announced later this year, will be higher than the "400" prices which have prevailed prior to this price reduction. N UNUSUAL OPPORTUNITY NA S H 400° cEs $300 Leads the World in Motoe Car Vulius NASH MOTOR SALES 111 W. Church St., Lbi T. 0. Hill, Mgr. & Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roder ani child-- ren, Mr. and Mrs. Al Roder Mrs. John Roder and son and Mrs. J. L. Roder accompanied by their guests Mr. and Mrs. Love and caildren of Hennesey, Oklahoma, enjoyed their dinner and the day on Forest Lake, last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cook and child-- ren motored to Antioch on Monday evening and visited Mrs Cook's sis-- ter and family, Mr. and Mr3s C. F. Richards. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and children spent last evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Holland, near Fairfield. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Crossa anda son Buddy, attended the Aurora l!air on Sunday. -- s o Mr. and Mrs. Henry Meyers, of Kansas, Mrs. J. L Roder, Mr3. Ed Roder and son Earl spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tonne at Long Grove. *Mrs. Caroline Shiffliey and Mrs. George Watts and children, of Chi cago, called on Mrs. Floyd Rittler on Thursday. _Mr. and Mrs. Henry Williams en-- tertained relatives from Lake Gene va on Tuesday. o _ Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaddle and children of Hinsdale, spent one day last week with the former's parenits Mr. and Mry. Frank Shaddle. Mrs. John Kniggee left Monday night for Palatine, for a few day s' visit with the Aug. Schmidt family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Dietz and daug}-- ters, Ruth and Ethel, spent Sunlay with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Miller in Elgin. Miss Alma Miller returned home witi them for a week's vis= Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bauernsrmaith and son, Raymond, accompanied by Robert Hibbard and mother, Mrs. Jennie Hibbard, of Druce Lake, mo-- tored to Milwaukee _ Sunday and spent the day in Washington Park. Ray Wells and son Paul, G. C.' Melendy and Loyd Kiene took Carl Melendy t, nortiern Wisconsin Sun_ day where he glll spend a couple of weeks with his grandparents on' their farm. ' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelroy and daughter, Cecilia and son Jimmie u-' tended a picnic for the maintainance of way men held at Mukwonago on Sunday. o Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and caildren attended the Genesee the-- atre in Waukegan Sunday evening, and saw the much talked of picture, "Cocoanut." Robert Ayngley, of Highland Park, called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross Bunday evening. Mrs. Paul Kiene and children of Hammond, Indiana, Mrs. Theodore Fisher and children, of Des Plaines, visited Miss Emma Fisher on Mon-- _ Harry Meyer, of Libertyyille, was bere Sunday visiting hig father, Wm. Meyer. o s Mrs. Fraok Shaddle and daughter, Mrs. Oscar Bell had luncheon in Chi-- cago Wednesday and attended the theatre. Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Doiph and children, Mrs. Grace Doliph, Mr. and Mrs. Holcomb and daughter, Dorothy accompanied by their guests are now visiting relatives in Northern Minnesota. MRS. NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Local Editor TELEPHONE 5574 perkive car now being offered. Y ou will find these cars still far ahead in style and engineering excellence. These are the cars with the Twin-- Ignition motor, with Bijur Central-- ized Chassis Lubrication, with on# board mounted Houdaille and Lovejoy hydraulic shock absorbers, with the World's easiest steering, and with many other equally ad-- vanced and desirable features. and rear, spare tire lock and tire cover. Nothing more to buy except a spare tire. -- And, at the reduced prices, these Nash ©"©400's" are fully equipped, exactly as at the former prices, with chromium nickeled bumpers front s Reductions on new KNasn 4005' as high as I Mr. and Mrs. Nick Schoeppe and _ children o fChicago, were guests of !Mn. Clara Meyer Monday, Mrs, Emil Waser and daughter Rose Mary, of Diamond LaAke, and |\ Mrs. Clayton Tiffany and children ;spem Monday afternoon on the |beach at Waukegan. -- -- Clifford Hapke returne home Mon-- day from a visit with bis aunt, Mrs. Dobneér. s Misses Clara and Florence Good-- man and brothers, Erns«t and Hen-- ry, attended the StateLake theatre in Chicago Friday evenicg. are getting along nicely. Mrs. John Morriseon received word Tuesday morning of the sudden death of her brotier, John Koeniz in Park Falls, Wis. His death was caus ed by high blood pressure. Mrs. ¥or-- rison left immediateiy for Park Falls, where she will remain for sev-- Mrs. Henry Kublank and sons, Julius and Raymond: spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mra. Jas. Montgomery in Roseland, Chicago. _ Billy and Vivian Pfannengtie!l had their tonsils removed: last week at the Victory Memorial bospital, and _ Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dortier and children of Ivanhoe, spen:t Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry PCannoen-- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dawson are entertaining the latter's sister, Mrs. O!nrlg O. Taylor, and daughter, Mrs. Henry Lynch, and children, of Clinton this week. o2 Mr. and Mrs. George Meyer ani daugater, Helen, attended a birth 'ay party in hbonor of Walter Folk, at his home Saturday evening. _ Mrs. Nell Frazier, of Grayslake, spent Friday with Mrs. R. D. Cook. eral day o _ Mrs. Hattie lrflrgon of Glen Ellyn is spending 'this week with her niece, Mrs. S. W. Degner. the Foulds Milling Co. beach party at Lake Forest Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Hutchings ard children spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kiene. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Mcleod and baby made a trip to Racine Sunday and spent the balance of the day en-- joying the Wisconsin scenery. sticl Mr. and Mrs. Waucondazx, spent Mr Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mott enter-- tained Hugh Mott and G. Nasher, of Mattoon, at dinner Friday evening. Mr.' and Mrs. George Meyer and daughter, Helen, were dinner g4¢e8!1p of Mrs. Lillian Grabbe Sunday. -")717? aa l Mrs. Lure.:> Nock and son,. of C:--cago, spert Sunday and Monday at the Henry Kubank home. -- Miss -- _' bailotte an~l _ Marjory tended a beach party at Lake Foregt Thursday evening. P o ence Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Underhill en-- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Knight, of Oswego, over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Payne and daughter, Geneva, motored to Eim Miss Millie Wrench ' of Liberty-- villé, Lee Abex of Wilmette, Philip Taylor of Chicago, and Misses Ruth and| Elizabeth Rockenbach of C;ys-- tal Lake, were Sunday evening din-- ner guests at t1e home of Mr. and Mrs. Harden Rouse. --Ground was broken this week for two new '10omes in Woodlawn Manor. Miss Caroline Kublank attended _ Mr. and Mrs. Richard Gerner vis-- Ited Monday with Mr. and Mr,. Clar-- Mrs. Chas. Chamberlain and lon.§ Harvey, and Miss Ruby Kuebker en-- jJoyed a picnic ,upper on Gages Lake Tuesday evening. [ LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, AUGUST 15, 1929. Kith Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Jarrett enter-- tained E. A. Hall and Albert Hall of ~Woodstock on Sunday. hburst and Hinsdale Wednesday and visited Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Shaddle. _ _ Mr.'and Mrs. Oscar Fdman and children, Of Chicago, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Huebsci. Mr. and Mrs. Irving Payne and daughter were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. William Browder. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolpn and Miss Grace, Mr. and Mrs. D. DPoiglv and children, Miss Avis Payne And Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kniggee spent Sunday evening at Gages Lake. Mrs. William Beadlow, Mr. apd Mrs. John Wirtz and daughters mo-- tored to Chicago on Sunday and vis ited Mr. Beadlow's mother. Mrs. Alice Knox and daughters and Mrs. Rudoiph Leuschner and daughter, of Waukegan, were Sun-- day callers at the Huebsch farm. Mr. Hazelett of Downers Grove, has purchased one of the two re maining new houses in the Termin«l Btation subdjvision, and has pitched a tent nearby where 'ae is spending his vacation working arpund the place. Mr. Hazelett is employed by the Lake County Land Association. Mrs. Halelett and the children will move up as soon as the home is completed. Mr. and Mrs. G. F. Garbutt and children and Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Walker spent Sunday with the lat-- ter's daughter, Mrs. N. J. McNair, and family, in Evanston. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wiil, of Gary, Ind.. spent the week erd with Mr. and Mrs. Dave Carmody. Mrs Geo. Jones and son, Harty wao hiave been visiting her daughtor, Mris. Carmody, for the past two weeks, returned to Gary with them Sunday evazsirg to «pend a week w'itr jrer daughter, Mrs. Witt, before returning to her home in St. Louis. I*r. and Mrs. Balley and children, f.:merly of Denver, Col., have maved Into the Hutchings apartment, re cently vacated by Jack Sink C. R. Walker, who has been with hbis daugiter, Mrs. G. F. Garbutt, and husband, for several weeks, left on SBunday for his home in Cincinnati. Mrs: Walker i, remaining with her daughter for a longer visii. PHONE 31 FOR SUDDEN SERVICE f (fiil'"')wuk\l: | & ag"" G. HARDEN ROUSE Hawley Street at Lake Ave., Mundelein ROUSE'S SERVICE STATION _ "You Darling!----GOODYEARS! ~Not a Kick in a Carload." "Yep! No more do I walk a mile for a pump." & Ivanhoe Goodyear value is "toasted" every. wh*re. More people than ever be-- fore were S'unblindfolded" bast year on tire values. Goodyear sales in-- creased more than the sales of all makes or tires combined. There's a feeling of security when you ride on -- Goodyears--it steadies the nerves. That's one reason why we are selling so many! Clark --Dunn and son Robert were in Chicago on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Pfennenstill and daughter called on Mr. and Mrs. L. D; Dietz on Saturday evening. The Misses Elizabeth and Ann Wirtz and Mrs. Frank Wirtz and daughter, were Waukegan callers on Mr. and Mrs. F] Drummond and daugater and L. A. Fitz were callers at the Art Shober home on Wednes-- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. Butler and baby and Mrs. W. Richardson, of Liber-- tyville spent Friday evening with SBarah Joice. Mr. and Mrs Bert Chamberlain children motored to Huntley on Sun-- day evening and visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Richardson. Mevin re malned for a few day's vacation. Mr. and Mrs. William Wagner and children spent Sunday at Zion. Harvey Chamberlin spent Mon-- day with Raymond and Easton Cham berlin. of Virginia Wirtsz. . Emmett Raagch spent the week in Milwaukee with iis grandmother, who has been il!, but is now much better. _ Mr. and Mrs William Herts and son motored to Richmond on Wed-- nesday evening and visited at the home of Lois Sowles. -- A large crowd was in attendance at the old time dance on Saturd=y evening, at Dietz's stables and a great many of them were from Chi_ Virginia Wirtz spent the week end in Waukegan with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wirtz. Mr. and Mrs. John Raasch and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. L Wagner at Grayslake. | ° Bernice Obenault spent several days of last week at the home Josephine Dorfler entertained a friend from Waukegan on Sunday. Miss Lucy Garrett entertained friends from Chicago on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ritta were Bunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ritta at Fre-- mont. Evelyn Shober spent last week at the home of her grandmother, Mrs. 8. M. Loftis in Grayslake. Robert and Gene Dietz are both under doctor's care with infected fn-- William Garrett has returned to Te , _ Mrs. Eimer Cross and son, of Mun-- delein visited with Mrs. Albert Eny-- | der on Thursday afternoon. | _ John Miers and daughter Agnes, spent Sunday afternoon at Round his home, after having spent two' weeks in Chicago. | Mr, and Mrs. Clark Dunn 'and sons called on Friends in Waukegan on Sunday. | Mr. and Mrs. William Atwell and daughter spent Sunday afternoon at at the James Atwell 'iome in Lake Vila. Miss Genevieve Raasch spent Sun-- day afternoon and evening Chicago with friends.. & Kenneth Snyder of Libertyvyilie, spent last week with the Luebbe brothers. Mr. and Mrs Albert Snyder and Mr. and Mrs. Artiur Ritta left Mon day morning for a motor trip to Portland, Oregon, where they will wil visit Mrs. Snyder's sister, whom they -- have not seen for nineteen years. They expect to be gone for about a month. The Mothers' Club will hold a pic nic at Gages Lake on Thursday. Mrs. Gust Holland and sons of Fairfield spent Tuesday with Mrs. William Hertel. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Dorphler spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pfannenstil. i Mrs. Ted Browning and daughters visited Mrs. Williac Browder Satur-- day afternoon. + Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ransom and baby visited on Tr:\sday evening at tie Bob Odonr ho Arthur Hertel visn?h Elroy Pfann-- nenstill at the Condell Memorial hos pital in Libertyville on Sunday. El-- roy is getting Q(ong fine and will be able to return'kome ina few days. . able to return'kome ina few days. . Mr. and Mrs. William Hoffmier and daughters of lTake Zurich vis-- ited at the George Smith home last Bunday. . Mrs. F. Knigge and daughter call_ ed on Mrs. J. SHhepherd on Saturday evening. -- Colds, Grippe, Flu, Dengue, Bilious Fever and Malaria. It is the most speedy remedy known Inspection Time Phone 545 _ MUNDELEIN General Repair Service For All Makes of Cars The time has arrived to go over your cal and make a thorough inspection. Little troubles m a y mean big repair jobs if neglected. See us at once. MELZER BROS. GARAGE i W w\{; a;fmwg% atb: g= $s " (Continued on Page Seven) 6 66 Is a Prescription for 1 * _ ppor® STOPPED ON THE ROAD! 4 THERE'S NO BETTER MILK AVAILABLE Mundelein, Illinois There is no better milk available than that which xe sell. Proof that our milk satisfies is shown by the constant increase " in our business. If ' you're not getting /2 milk from us now. give us a trial. You will become a reg-m ular customer. WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE Libertyville, IlIl. I Can Save You Money, and All Work A is Guaranteed j E. L. YELDEN General Contractor F. C. Norman, Phone 508; Libertyville Fruit and Yegetable Store Phone 183; Miller's Grocery, Phone 81; Hanlon's Green Front Store, Phong 498. Mundelein, IIl. Rouse Bros. Dairy We do our work too well. We know wha needed and we give you the best of service : parts for the least in price. STAR GARAGE uk LIBERTYVILLE SUPPLY DEerots Phones 565 and 567 Telephone 317 Phone 554--J