Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 27 Aug 1929, p. 1

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SINKS$S T0 HIS DEATH AS FRIENDS / WATCH HIM DOLLAR DAY FDITION of the LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT > VOLUME XXXII (3Z2nd Year)--No. 201 _ Telephone Majestic BATHER DROWNS AT MANVILLE Wotechowicz, unmarried, went to the channel with John Shilko, Alex Taralan, and John Wysockt, who all lived in the same home with hi None of the party pould swim. Steps Into Hole * The victim stepped out into the water and within a second he drop-- ped from sight due to the steep slope in the bank. He called for belp when he came to the surface but his friends, none of whom could swim, and who were greatly excited by the tragedy they were witness-- ing, were unable to be of any assist-- ance. Charles Wotechowicz, 44, of 219 Greenwood avenue, the viectim was recovered an hour after the tragedy by Capt. George Heckinger and Dep-- uty Sherifft Edward Dunne who lo cated the body with grappling hooks. . are now Party of Manville Workers, Unable to Swim, Meet With a Tragedy Saturday. FIND DROWNING ACCIDENT Four employes of the Johns-- Manville company, seeking --relief from the heat Saturday in the chan-- nel near the plant, falled to take into account the steep drop in bank with the result that one of the men stepped -- into deep _ water and drowned in the presense of his friends who were unable to lend assistance because they could not s wim. The accident happened wbout 4:30 o'clock and the sheriff was notified immediately. The body was recov-- ered soon after the deputies ar-- rived it was too late for artificial means of respiration to be of help. |. Emil Peterson of Helmholz ave-- nue called the police Saturday night when one of his back windows were broken, but he said nothing was missing. In the morning hbe touad that his car had been stoilen and bhe asked warrants for the arrest of Julius Gamisto of 611 Cummings a¥venue and Onnie Peterson of 546 Cummings avenue. Gamisto had been arrested previously and fined $15 for boln;'drnnk and both men CHILD IS KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE Two Youths Charged With Attacking Girl at Rhine-- lander to Face Trial. ASK WARRANTS FOR --TWO IN AUTO THEFT Hold Inquest The body was removed to t Wetzel and Peterson morgue wher Acting Coroner Dr. Maurice Penny of Libertyyille, held an inquest. Th verdict was accidental drowning. HIGHLAND PARKER KELD UNDER HEAVY BOND FOR ATTACK Rhinelander, Wis., 'Aug. 26. -- (INS)--Bonds of $15,000 each today were holding Paul Bricg of Highland Park. IIt., and John Schilberger, for-- merly employed in Evanston as *tel-- ephone linemen. The men are charged with assaulting Miss Helen Syms, 23, a Chicago girl, who re-- cently was vacationing at -- Eagle River, Wis. The girl, it was reported, charged that the two youths had attacked her while they were on a vacation trip in Wisconsin and she. traced them through an auto license num-- -- Highland Park police said they doubted if either of the young men would be able to raise a bondsman. WERE AT.-- EAGLE RIVER. Brice lives in Highland Park and it was at the Brice home that both youths were arrested by Chieft of Police Edward Maroney on a war-- rant sworn out by the girl at Rhine-- lander arfd served by the Highland Park police chie!l. Funeral services -- were -- delayed pending the decision of a brother who lives in Chicago. EXCLUSIVE MEMBER' OF THE ? ASSOCIATED PRESS' ZEPPELIN LANDS AT LOS ANGELES; LEAVES FOR EAST TONIGHT c'""'dmrl Arrest o6f five youths who have }it)n.xueo?x'l:: been spending the past two months tly excited in Mundelein, while they were bur-- re witness. | Slarizing the concession stand in the any assis{. | North Shore railroad station at St. Mary's of the Lake semin@ry in . ~, | Mundelen last night, is believed to ,::0:(:"4";:; have solved the mystery which sur-- _ rounded the looting of the stand on was recOY-- |pfive other occasions and _ several pputies ar-- | other robberies reported in that t artificial |community during the last month. be of helPp.| The boys under arrest are: Vin-- cent Lucas, 14, of Mundelein; Ralph ced to the | Davison, 16, Donald Buck. 16, Wi!l-- fEuelwhere | liam Lucas, 14, and John MceDonald, Fice Pen;ly. 115, all of Chicago. aquest. The Police Lay in Wait trowning~ |_ The railroad concession stand has ' «lt-la_\edlbeen robbed one night each week a brother | for the past six weeks. Hoping to catch the burglars. John T. Iverson, anmm mm \ chie? of detectives of the North EShore railroad, and Clayton Tiffany, ER ! chief of police at Mundelein, havye "laid in walt at the station every aw® a .16 0 night for the past four nights TWO SWIMMERS _ ARE BADLY CUT Walter N. Piquette, with Lewis M. Larsen and Martin J. Neal, is the incorporator and will serve as manager of the Little Fort Loan and Realty company for which a charter was granted at Springfield today. The company is _ incor-- porated in the sum of $100,000. HOLD FIVE BOYS FOR LOOTING OF RAILROAD DFEPOT Station Stand is Entered Six Times Within the Past ~ Six Weeks. _ ADMIT OTHER _ CRIMES Their vigil -- was --rewarded _ last night when the gang of boys arriv. ed at the station late last night and Dixon, II1. Aug. 26§--(AP)«--Al phonsus Ligourt Ring, 28, of Chicago was killed and A. E. Anderson: of Dixon, was seriously hurt in an avu-- tomobilé collision early to@ay east of Dixon on the Lincoln highway. Anderson's car, in which he and Ring were riding, crashed Into a poultry--laden truck. R. L. Crissman Of Hayeville. Ta., driver of the truck was uninjured. Broken glass in Bangs lake near Wauconda resulted in bad cuts !or/ two Chicago swimmers yesterday, both of whom received treatment at the offices of Dr. J. A. Ross in Wauconda. » Arthur _ Barnes, 2719 _ South Halsted street, Chicago, stepped on glass and got a bad cut in his foot while Miss Martha Henning, 1240 North Clark street cut her knee as she swam up to the shore. DRIVER HELD FOR DAMAGE TO AUTO Frederick -- Dercks, (317 Fourth street, was fined $50 and costs and was ordered to pay th@é damages to a Ford car he had crashed into and badly damaged, when he apptared in police court this meorning on a charge of driving while drunk. Dercks crashed into the rear of a car belonging to Mrs. C. Morton of HIT TRUCK, ONE MAN IS KILLED Kenosha Heads New Firm ~-- (CHaukenan 4 (Continued on Page 2) eq| _ Chicago, Aug. 26. -- (AP) ---- The his: "Chicago We W1l' plane went into ng.| its third day of endurance flying to-- :ir' day with its crew, C. E. Steel and ~| Russell Mossman, confident tg»y iwere on the way to a new record for sustained flight. The plane took Iofl Friday morning at 1131 o'clock. CHANGE IN ROUTE MAY BALK TRIP OVER CITY Eckener Orders Big Blimp on Its Way Shortly After . Stop on Coast. EOCAL PEOPLE JOIN CROWDS WATCHING ENDURANCE FLIERS FLY OVER WAUKEGAN? SHIP RUNNING SMOOTHLY | ford Sky Harbor Entertains Large Crowd as Chicago Plane Is Refueled. £ Hoping to witness the refueling of the "Chicago We Will" enddOrance plane that is hovering over Sky Harbor just south west of the city, hundreds of Waukegan people join-- er with the milling thousands Sat-- urday night and Sunday to get a glimpse of the plane and pilots who tboped to break the record set up by the St. lLouis Robin plane. Ten thousand persons watched the refueling maneuvres yestorday. A note from Mossman saild the mo-- tor was "running beautifully." Refueling contacts are made three times a day, before 8 o'clock in the morning, between 12 and 1 o'clock at noon and between 6 and 8 o'clock in the evening. 'The plaene Big Ben does the refueling trick for the fli-- ers who went up at 11:31 Friday morning and expect to stay in the air more than 450 hours. The plane must land at Sky Hartor to make an officla) record. y Plane Entertains Crowd " J. O. Hayden, hose man on the Big Ben, bad to--drop hbtmseif to an Mines Field, Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 26--(INS)--The Grat Zeppelin which arrived in Los Angeles early today will depart on its eastward journey for Lakehurst, N. J.. at 11 e'clock tonight, (3 o'clock _ Eastern Standard Time) it was an nounced today ®by Dr. Huge Eckener,. commander of the cratt. ° Aithough some doubts were held today that the Graf Zegpe-- lin will pass over Waukegan in the prejcctod Chicago to Mil-- waukee flight of the great ship due to a possible change In the route to be followed by Dr. Hugo Eckener in crossing the nation, a message was received from Dr. Eckener today in which he informed Minard: E. MHulse, president otf the local Chamber of Commerce, that he would circle over Waukegan ":! possible." Phe great silver gray belly « (Continued on Page *) (Continued on Page 2) BULLETIN s _ Angeles, Cal, --~--Flying from t over a multi-- the Grat Zeppe-- third leg of its WAUKEGAN, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1928 }BIG DEP ARTMENT STORE FIRM F OR LYON'S BUILDING 1 Percy L. McNeil, of 208 Madison t street was "fined $50 and costs in | police court, yesterday on a charge of driving While drvnk and causing an-- accident. McNeil crashed into the car being driven by John Hom-- ac of 837 Adams street at Jackson and E'ghth street. Both cars were ldunu«b ud ed alterations on -- tie . Dunigo'n® Besides the installation of a neul front and the remodeling of the| Interior, the new tenoants are dnp-' 'enln( the basement and giving it | | more light and .better ventilation | so that it can be used as sellllx' space Officials of the new cor-l poration state that when the re-- modeling is completed \\'aukennl will bave another store of which | it can be proud. | A contract to rewlre the entire 'tbulldinu. with the most modern | electrical lighting equipment _bu' | been awarded . entirely new win-- I dows are to be constructed _ on | lbolh tne Genesee and Washington | POLICE PROBE 3 f FALSE FIRE CALLS I Three false fire alarms and three small fires kept the firempen at the central engine bouse from sleeping Saturday night and caused the police to start an investigation into the pulling of alarm boxes when no fire is to be reported. The false®alarms came in at 1:30 a. m. at Center and Ash street, 4: }3 a. m. at Clayton and West streets and 4:18 p. m.: at Washington and Elmwood. A grass fire at Fulton and Belyidere at 1:44 p. m. and '.mou belonging to George Hamrick of the Consolidated Building , aud | Holding company and E. F. Bread-- ford of Evanston rompleted the ldny'n wortk. _ Neither of the cars were badtly damaged. The new -- lesso taken possession ed alterations -- on Besides the instal front and the re Interior, the new ening the baseme The Interstate 1 Stores opérate a store and Milwaukee: Madison boygan,. Wiscousin:; also field, . Decatur," Peoria a ford, l!linois, as well, stores In Jlowa, Ohio, P's New York, > Weset Virg Kentuck y REMODELLING STRUCTURE Announcement that all nrrnngh ments have been completed for the leasing of the Lyon stgre building at 7 and 9 North Genesee street and the connecting building at 132 Washingtbn street to the Interstate Department stores of New York City, one of the largest retail organizations of its kiqgd, was made from the office of Wil-- lMam 1. Lyon, one of the owners of the building, today. The concern _ will operate _ a store to be known as the Wau-- kegan Dry Goods company. Operate 33 Stores The Interstate Department Stores operate a. chain of thirty-- five stores in the East and middle West. They have taken a long term lease on the Lyon building and afier the complete remodeling bf the exterior and idnaterior, wili open a cash department . store, early in Octobe: New York Concern to Operate Store to be Known as Wau-- kegan Dry Goods Co. BABY GIRL BITTEN BY A STRAY DOG DRUNKEN DRIVER ---- PAYS A $50 FINE Little Diana Starnes, the year and a half old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Starnes of Chicago, who was visit-- Ing at the home of Mrs. Mildred Lillis of 2013 -- Waverly place, was bitten under the right eye by a stray dog as she playeéd in front of the Lillis residence Saturday eve-- ning. s * The poli¢ce were called and the dog, which had been hanging around a nelighboring residence, was caught and shot and the head sent to the Pasteur institute at Chicago, Little Diana was given tr@eatment at the offices of Dr. 1... G. Brackett. (Continued on Page 2) e Department | & I ty o ol 1 > -- _ THE HAGKE .mt ? / store in Racine| \\\\ \\ \ REPARaTNOS® es IaA/ . ladison and She--| {«-- \ \\;;\ \.., _;': 3 _///' /'/ . also in Sprmurl P -- L 0 \ M \'\ ~ > //:// roria and Rock-- < q f ~ * e + o rell as ulfwr! t \ Nh s ~------ ~__ um Ts ef > j hio, Pensy!lvanis, + -\ \\ s 3® a t % \\M y 4 J,' Virginia _ and| A &&& % \ ® s P s have already | ~ \L A \\\\w'-- ay and have start \\\0\\\\ 4 o es the h:nld'n' \ ' i SA * - ",\\ < 7/,/ .. lation of a new N \\ N I C --. se ~ y modeling of the - ® C * ' Byc g, t se gow~ ---- phe* P 4 , enpants are deep--| Nt \1:';\ ns \\' s ~ - C mamee /'--:'(' A? it and giving it | C y C s _ css l e * -- se M aars"'~"" i Department in Racine n and She-- ) in Spring-- and --Rock-- :. DRUNKEN DRIVER -- WILL FACE TRIAL © UNDER NEW L A W Chicago Man Arrested at Impressive Ceremonies Out Mundelein Will Go To Jail | At the "Can'Buoy". If Convicted: HUNDREDS PAY TRIBUTE HE DAMAGED FOUR AUTOS With a flrel_(;"l]--:mall craft and ROBBER SEEKING PAROLE FROM PEN John Duncan, of Waukegan, con-- victed on a charp y of robbery and sent to the state penitentiary. will make an effort to get a parole Sept. 9, according -- to information sent to States Attorney A. V. Smith to ARRESTED FOR DRUNKEN DRIVING W. A. Wing of 3149 Gray street, Chicago, employed as a real estate salesman was arrested in Mundelein Saturday night, on a charge of driv-- ing while drunk. He was assessed a fine of $50 and cests. He remained in jail over night and was arraigned for the payment of the fine today. Francis O'Niel, 239 Evolution ave nue, Highwoeod, in probability will be the first charged with driving an automobile while jntoxicated to face trial in circuit court undew the new law which provides for a jail sentence as well as a fine in the event of a conviction. * O'Nie] it is charged drove his ma-- chine into a car belonging to Hu:-- bert K. Sschwall of 233 Avers ave-- nue, Chicago, on the Dieamond Lake road south of Mundelein, Sunday evening resulting in injury to Mrs schwail. The machine then plunged en and crashed into a car eccupled by Mrs. Margaret Kellogg of 3119 Fulton boulevard, Chicago, injuring her and her son Charles. The QO'Niel car then crashed into a machine owned by Albert Broson of 2334 Washburn avenue, Chicago. All of the machines were badly damaged. OQ'Nie! was arrested on a com-- plaint filed by Schwall and was giv-- en a hearing before Judge W. A. Overholzer in -- Mundelein _ police court this morning. He was tound over to await the action of the grand jury on bonds of $2,000, jailu $un Apparently Getting Nowhere Fast! \Waukegan Yacht Club Holds ASHES OF GAPTAIN JILSON SCATTERED ON LAKE MICHIGAN With a fleet of 14 small craft and one big steam yacht from Chicago "standing _ by" about the "can buoy" about --two miles out in Lake Michigan, the ashes of Captain W. W. Jilson, former harbor master at Waukegan. were cast on the waves in an impresgive ceremony arrang-- ed by the Waukegan Yacht club. The Rev. Howard E. Ganster read the Episcopal burial service as he consigned the ashes of the lake vet-- eran to the waters he loved so well. Ceremonies were held from the Kittiwake, the sailing sloop owned by Charles N. Steele and captained by Postmaster Mancel Talcott. May:-- Jilio, whose wife said "didn't have an enemy in the world," had stepped from his home to go to the drug store when an automobile haldted at the curb. Several shots were fired, Jilio being critically wounded. The men in the car threw their weapons -- to sawed--off .shotguns -- on the walk beside their victim, and drove away. This discarding of weapons at the scene of the attack is the us-- ual thing in revenge shootings in chicago. PONY STOLEN FROM STEELE RESIDENGE Chicago, Ang. 26--(AP)--An at-- tempt upon the life of Jerry Jilio last night had all the marks of be-- ing 'one of those feudal attacks which arise from time to time to perplex the police. MAN SHOT IN Mayman Moore of Gurnee, who is taking care &f the Charles N. Stedle residence at 1031 North Shey-- idan road while the Steels are away, reported to the police this morning that a Shetland pony had been stol-- en from the yard at the rear of the house. The pony is colored black and white and the police are look-- ing for the youths who took the ani-- mal (Continued on Page 2) FAMILY FEUD WARNER SAYS HE WILL FILE SUIH ON FALSE ARREST Claims He Was Selling Per-- sonal Property in Wauke-- gamn; Needed no License. NAMED IN NEW WARRANTS Threats made _ by Major John Warner, Rockford real estate deal er, while facing trial in that city on charges of selling real estate in Waukegan without a state license. Friday, that be would file suit against J. E.. Kdwards, state de-- partment of registration and educa-- tion investigator,. charging false ar-- rest was answered by that official with the issu.nce of two more war rants charging crimes of a more serious nature against Warner. The two new -- warrants issued against Warner charge conduction of a confidence game and the em-- ployment of persons to solicit real estate sales without a state license. Both were served when Warner was arraigned in probate court in Rock-- ford, Saturday on the original war-- rant. Warner in answer to the or-- iginal charge claimed that the prop-- erty which he offered for sale here belongs to him and that he has the right under the law to sell it with-- out obtaining a state license. 'Warner was forced to file bonds of $15,500 to obtain his release Sat-- urday. Shurtleff Unable to Come 'f'he hearing Baturday is a con-- tinuance of the examination start-- ed last week in the justice court of Raymond S. Frost. Jurisdiction of the case, assumed late last week by Circuit Judge E. D. Shurtleff, was turned back to the justice 'court again Saturday morning when Judge Shurtleff was unable to be present for the hear-- ing. + A change of venue then was tak-- en by the defendant from the court of Justice Frost to that of Justice Williams. |Five Year Old Girl Steps in ! _ Front of Automobi'le on | Washington Si. LEAPS IN FRONT OF MA C H 1 NE sATURDAY SGENE CAUSED IN EFFORT BY WOMAN TO KEEP CHILDREN Henry M. Saubert. formeriy man-- ager of the North Shore Coke and Chemical company but now the head of a large Indianapolis industry, to-- day returned to Waukegan on a war-- rant charging him with wife and child abandonment. THE DRIVER IS ABSOLVED The warrant former wife, Mr of 1102 Ash str the industrial of EDWARDS HOLODS THE MAN Saubert settled considerable prop erty and bonds on his first wife. She admitted today she wanted revenge on Saubert through public-- it yand stated that she--intended to visit Chicago mewapager offices. W P Mrs. Saubert Has Her Ex-- husband Brought Back from Indianapolis in Warrant. She charged, i: that her husband alimony but Cire: was pal heawrd « ment. She was scene in the in an effor with her. / admitted, t} titled to th« cation mont bonds Jury _ abso!1 in the accicer bert rer tMat the compan,y Attorney . Saubert, sta willingly on it had no Je U IRST IN NEWS 4 CIRCULATION ADVERTISING mInC T' W (Continued on Page 2 ema Hurried to Hospital t] 10 deling 1e PRICE 3 CENTS 1¢ was 81 andparent N tated. through . th« i month befor« e -- completed provided, si band was e whe came ba t althou to get ntitle« catfon Mille D M U K C nis

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