, v t','i'rr',"', "mu M ODERN. WW = to-date dwell- X . " ings with the latest appointments for AFTEgt antiquated buildings of which even the most loyal owner could scarce feel proud. No .._. it isn't a dream but an actual fact that we will gladly explain to interested home owners. We will also tell of the important part that fine wood. work can play in the work - especially that made by Morgan. Herr, Homes for Old iititiiiiiiiiiiiitt, " Modernizing Lake County National Bank LibertrviiU, Ill. Capital and Surplus 315030000 Telephone 311 W. Park Ave. McDonald', Commercial School REGISTER NOW FOR Use Morgan Woodwork LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER co. That's why we want you to bring us your business and financial problems, and let us help you work them out. We want you to use the facilities of our bank for transacting your financial affairs. We believe we can work together for the advantage of both of us. This bank and the people of our com- munity must face good times and hard times together. One of us cannot Wr0+ per without the other. We Will Make Your Problems Our Problems Fall Classes in Commercial Work Beginning SEPTEMBER 9th Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses Phonis 47 Down By Tle.. Old Dqtot, Beetrhem ia; , 7...". r." Libertyville Ill; Libertyville, Ill. AFTER Mr. and In. C. w. hmieoon no entertaining the 1mm Aunt. In. 0. C. Murphy ma non. Arlo, of Wulker. law. this veok. Arthur H. Jones sold " homo In Libertyville Ewan to Rar Betrwerdtt-r, ot Chicago, who will move In sometime an. week. He Is employed by the P. W. Chum Bond Home In Chicago. Mr. fychwerrxtttmter ha two sons who will attend The [wetland School. Gua Kmmrey nnd Lee Huron. of The Model Farm. attended the meet my " the Public Service otnee In Wnukenn Tuesday morning. Mrs. Anton Wild, ot Syncuu, N.Y., left for her home Sunday after spending seven] week: here with ner husband who in Arottitect tor the Pttuid'a, MW Company. Inn: New left Bunch: for Human to enter (no Whoondn General HooNtal of the Human University where the will an up Nurse's Training. Mr. and Mu. D. A. Holmes and children left may for Marquette, llama where Mrs. Holmes will re- main tor . couple weak. for the benefit of Irwin, who wu mute ill with hay fever. ', IAVI m 047g?! lil- Bunch Osborne attended the Blatchlord Seed Co., picnic hold n: Ray Bron, Diamond Lam-Sammy Afternoon. an. and am. a... oairdnor, of Waco, visited Mrs. bowl. Ruby over the week and. TODAY. every sensible person appreciates the value of insurance. and realizes the necessity pf adequate pro- tection. Some have neglected to take out the insurance they need, others think they have enough, (although often the insurance carried, does not begin to cover the actual loss). . PROPER INSURANCE. both as to the amount to be carried, and the company that carries it, is so important that it is well worth your taking time to talk it over with someone who knows insurance thoroughly in all. its branches. Telephone 4tis Libertyville, Ill Phone so. Llan'nNI'CCi Decker & Neville LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1929 Tao Mira» Realtor - Insuror - Builder . CORNER MILWAUKEE AVE. AND CHURCH STREET 9 warm t 5 taking T?! whether you ar Properly Insured l Mrs Jv-nnzt- Trueodue. ot Cincin- ',natti, (rho. armed on Wednoodly [en-ulna, m qwnd seven! wooi- t! the home of 1-: sl""., and husband. (lj),' attdrMrs E H Smith M .. Marie "area. ot Random. sub- :-.n " m an operuion tor the remov- '. If Mr tonsils It Condo" Memor- tal on sauna! Dr. C. R. Galloway pc-xfnrmo-d In» operation , Mr and It? Gone Brennan um children. ot rooktield, WM. Wore week and sue-u of Mr. 3nd In. W. Mrnr. Elsie Gannon". of mm in. visited her mother In. George Norm, over the ink and. In. Dorothy amoblun attended the Walther League Rally " Mr- m-ld Sundty. Mrs. Lyell Morris and children re turned on Saturday 'fmm n mom: trip to Arthur. lows, where they vis. lted the formal": pronto. Mr. and am. B. H, Lunar amended the (uncut of eGorxe Edmund Foa- at Gangland on wednesday. In. Wm. Zoollner who bu been coritined to the Condell Memorial Hospital I: now oonvaloecitttt st the home ot Mr and Dirt. James Madden. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Maker en- toyed visit with Mr. Ind In. Wm. Huck". ot Big Hollow, Ill, on Sun- day. Tao Huck-fa came to Amend from sometaetshire. England sunk Mr. and Mrs. Make! about twenty- five year: ago when they were but for 1 reer's volt god this In the first time they have neon each other since lundlnx. "entrance ot Mrs. Chu Ber.. mrd'o ramm- and friend. Bur. prised her Sunday evening and help- ed her to spend a joyful time In colobntlon of not birthday. She re- ceived many lovely gifts. Mr. and In. Harley Scimitar and children and Mr. had Mrs. Chance Smith left Wednesday evening for Oocmln. Iowa, where they rill visit n few days with their menu and Mr. Behave: will {the M in 1 wrestling bout, sunny night. In nnd Mn Wm. Ron, of Wau- kepn. spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and In. Harley Sewer. Mr. and In. W. C. Hubbell motor- ed to Food; for the week and and Mrs. Hubbeu rammed there for u week's vial! with her Aunt, Mm. Nita Watson. Mrs. My Rhiannon loft Wed. nesday for Mohegan where one will make her home with not Ion Roy dad the tor 1 time. Misa Zekh Bock attended the Theatre In Queue Tummy evening with cum.) wands. , F. A. Bock, here 'or n tew (kn be- fore returning to their home In Chicago. Mr. and Mm. Clifford Bock and children who hue been "ending the summer months In Like Blur! Waited the former', prams, Mr. and In. Mm. Roger Ruby and children. it Balaton, spout Friday with In. Claude Kaine. . Mr. lad In. Alfred serum and children and In" Myrtle Johnson went the. week and with ream" In West Allia. Wisconsin. "arxsld Mean, ind mother, In. B McCarty, ot Madison., "fl-con. n, wrre week end guests of Mr. and Raymond Buck time TO FIND ev/s l WITYQE'd iii'iiiri,tut Median: Athletic cniit/." .'-_M.m.l_- H. H Smith l Donald Eton left Tuesday evening --r--t-- for Greencastle, lnd., where he will "'_*""" lain-ad lh-I'auw University. _ Ire non I Donald Eton left Tuesday evening! A t? a2f"kn""l'r1t1. 'tl w for Greencastle, lnd., where he will h T b i t l t d L. attend IMP". University. , a e CfP, n ox en e , use cap- . .tured Sunday nite by Chicago po- Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rich. of Los) lice after a two mile chase in that Angela, Calm. left toder (ThursUCHy' He had run through a stop day) for their.home, having been the; light and seriously injured two gun" of Miss Marjory Taylor torawomen. Mrs. Jeanette Pembleton, (the but week. Hus Shut-h State street, Chicago, T . . . (and Mrs. Rachel Slurda, 444 Illi- -'° W'oaraair Hospital Auxiliary unis road. Lake Forest. both col- Mll hold I card party at the Coun- ored \. [Wilde Club house Wednesday, "iiiii.i, . ____,____... Ht. at 2 p. m. The guests will pivotl . ( a! their own table and each noble! A baby boy arrived this (Thurs- may make their own choice of grime, day) morning to gledden the home There.wlll be B prize for each table, of Mr. and Mrs. Saris Clchy, 122 AM and eVeryone is invited to attend. tin avenue. The baby was born at Ticket. may be purchased from Mrs. Condell Memorial hospital, and the Kenneth Lovell or arranged tor by mother and child are doing well Mr. calling 1114-it. Price is 81.00 per'Cichy is I son of John Cichy, the Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Rich. of Los Angeles, Calm. left today (Thurs. any) for their.home. having been the guests ot Miss Marjory Taylor for the not week. F, H. Hurt, of Indiantspoiu, Fed eral liVe stock inspector, on pusing through our community today tor the first time'in fourteen yours, we: so greatly hum-nod with the change and wonderful gmth that he had to stop " the Independent office nnd tell no nbout it. Mr. Hurt an no nu been over tho United Sate: two or three time. during the fourteen "on. and he has neon nothing like it anywhere. Mr. Hurt us here at the time ot the hoof and mouth epi- demic muons stock. Mr. tad In. George Hammond (humor. Ina returned home Sunday after spending the summer in their can!" on Mason's Lure. In. Chum Proctor and children who waa with them the lat week. so commuted than; also Mr. 1nd Mm Wane Mason, who motored up for the In; week and. Mr, and In. J, drnmddautrhter, of nut. It the Jam On Inst Sunhy afternoon, the Method" church here in its Fourth Quarterly Conference, voted a rec- oinmendotion ot J Harold Hagerty, of Libertyville, for admission to m maul oonierence. u . minister. He Wu .gmdnsted trom the Northwest- ern University last June, nnd is now completing his theologies] course in Garrett Biblical Institute in Evan. ston. The local Police dew rmtueetett by volxce ottk wogth county, Wisconsin 'thtth, to keep 3 unmh um Josephine Reuse leeves Bun. day for Dunstan to attend the North western 9niversity, this year. Mr. end Mm. John Datum, and children, of Mukwlnngo, called on Mm. Welter Medan Mondny, while en route to Chteago. . The first meeting of the P. T. A will be held or the high school on Friday, September 13. Reception for the teachers. Everybody welcome. , Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dobbin, of Arlington Heights. spent Monday eve hing with Mr and In. Sun teeur., Richnrd Schotanu- is name tromi Condell Memorial hospital and i; do-l ing very nicely. ' Mr and Mrs Ray N Smith and children visited Mrs John 8tadttieht in Volo on Sunday met-noon. "mu wunty, Wisconsin, [at Friday nicth, to keep 3 wuch for two pe- moo, riding in n green colored " dan. The dispatch stated that the car had been stolen in Lake Genera, lat Friday, and it In. believed the thieves headed this wny. It wu re. potted they were seen in Antioca on Friday night. ' Mrs Millie Lund called on Mrs Robe Wednesday. The Model Cash Market Free Delivery Gredre LU Thuey PHONE 170 FOR YOUR MEAT left wedniair""'iifi'li, week at the home ot her E Amos. Fancy Beef Poi Roast, Lb. -------_---.. Fancy Lean Pork Roast, Lb. ---------- F resh' and Smoked Cali Hams, Lb., Fancy Lean Smoked Butts, Lb. --..--- Best Bacon, half or whole, Lb..-..-.- Sugar Cured Bacon Squares, Lb., Standing Rib Roast, Lb.-,.., Boneless Rump Roast, Lb._, Strictly Fresh Eggs, dozen Home Made Pork Sausage FOR FRIDAY and SATURDAY V - ,-_ -'""""_V nun Mr. and Mrs Elmer Huffman, attend- ed the Odd Fellowl' picnic at Water- font, Wine. on Sand". Mrs. C. C. Ticketing, of Caleago, um WMm-A- -Aa - SPECIALS! Mr. '. And In. Pref, 1iftmthorst and In} police dttartment were 344 North Milwaukee Ave . J, L. Robinson and of Chicago, were .1an Madden home t" T Lund, ot wanes", Robert Spellnnn on ameni- of WE Spending" d. ulster, Mrs. Holland Brand Butter, 2 Lb. Coun- try Roll, Per Pound, 481/2c A baby boy arrived this (Thurs- day) morning to gladden tile home of Mr. and Mrs. Saris Cichy, 122 Aus- tin avenue. The baby was born at Condell Memorial hotshtai, and the mother and child are doing we." Mr. Cichy is o son of John Cichy, the taior in the Kaiser building. ' We wish to express our thanks for the sympathy and asrtsistattct extend. ed to us during the lllnecs and death of our dear wife 1nd mother, Mrs. ii'aroline Boysen. Also for the many ibaauurul floral offerings and use of 'autos. THE FAMILY. To the friends Who by their kind expressions of sympnthy upon the passing any of our kind 1nd loving wife and mother. to those who low ingly sent flowers. those who offered their cars and v.10 "slated in the funeral services, we wish to express our sincere than. Mr. Henry Stall Mr and Mrs. Wm. F. Buhr Mr and Mrs. Wm. C. Wickersheim and children Sundny school " 9:30 R. m. German service at 10:30 a. m. English aervice at 7:30 p. m. Friends tad strangers than cor- dially welcome. The District Sunday School Con- vention will be held at Prairie View Sunday. Sept. 15; at 2:30. Members ot our church and Sunday school are urged to attrnd, Young people's meeting at 7 pan. The young people invite you. to see pictures of the Holy Land and sur- rounding field of Christian work. At taig time Palestine in in the lime- light, because ot the trouble between the Arubshnd Jewish people. See these pictures tor your own inform. ation and Join in the illustrated songs PRESBYTERAAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock. Pastor Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. Roy F. Wright, Supt. . 8'o'clock to irrepare Br the iiGi canvas for the expenses ot the yen. Morning' wdrshlp at 11. The ser- mon subject will be "A Division of Labor." Our Sunday school meets at 9:45. Our Annual Conference meets at Downer: Grove In October 2, and September " will be the closing Sunday of our church year. All pay- ments tor current expenses and for World Service should be in before that time. _The Finance Committee and the Official Board will meet at the par- {mung}: Xanday evening, Sept. 16, at in the evening at 7:30, we have a service of the Epworth League and the church. It is A Service of music and informal discussion for all who MOI)" EPISCOPAL John M. Belong. Pater D "Christ's Poise In Battle tor Char- acter" In the subject tor Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. We shall try to point out the may of poise for us in we battle for character. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY Third floor, Hm National Bank Rev. M. J. Nana. Put»: Imr.t In. at 0:30 a. In: Second Maas at! n. IL; Third, Maan It ' ..rn;%rtsrthMna.at1tia.ed. SERVICES OF THF LOCAL CHURCHES Building Bunny service. n 10:46 n. m Bunny School " 9:30 l. m. Wodnudu "up: u 8. ST. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN (Fairneld) Arthur C. Streurert, Pastor German services it 9:30 a. m. English services It 7:30 p. m. trr. JOHN'S LUTHERAN (kit at the Put) irl'. mama's CATHOLIC CARD OF THANKS CARD OF THANKS .22c -39c BSc _ 19c -32c -45c Put» INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY; LiBERTYVILLE, ILL. IF THE SAVING HABIT is not formed when the pocket-book is flat, -chanees are it will not be practiced when the pocket-book is flat. IT SEEMS like a dream to have so much money, said one of our depositors latcely. Yet, _he began a few years ago with.a single dollar with Uich he opened ah account. Go thiju and do likewise. Begin to save It's a good habit. You will find our bank a most agree- able one in which to build up your savings account. LII BERTYVII LLE First National Bank RESOURCES OVER $900,000.00 Libertyville, Illinois Suppoée You See Us About It The Soda Shop T R U S T a SAVINGS Capital and Surplus ttso,ijoiLjii 'ruthfully, now is the time (TIME law -"iijfr, iii/iii? IS THE BANK ALL KINDS PHONE 844 TAGE FIVE