Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1929, p. 10

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Number of trust deeds and mort-- gages filed 61. Total number of instruments filed 421. Total amount of loans $249.470 56. Corresponding period week end-- ing Sept. 22. 1928 ; Number of conveyances filed 23% Number of chattel mortgages Number of trust deeds and mort gages filed 68. LOANS FOR LAST WEEK WERE LOWER "It was a fine crowd too. Every. one walted for Jack O'Counnor to ring the sunrise bell before firing. "Everyone got their limits. There were plenty of mudhens and some ducks. It was the best hunting I ever knew for an opening day," Pre-- filed "One hundred hunters were left stranded 'on the heach because there were not enough boats. There were more out this year than iu the 21 years that I have been here. genzer said Business of the recorder's office for the week ending Sept. 21, 1929; Number of conveyances filed 314. Number of chattel mortgages filed 46 "It Was the biggest crowd, and the best crowd within my memory," Kern stated. The Other Side of the Story Ray Pregenz:er, of Grass Lake, hastens to tell the other side of the tragic tale. 'Two thousand hunters opened the duck -- hunting season at sunrise, Kern stated. At Grass, Fourth and Sullivan lakes all observed the sun-- rise law and did not shoot before hand. One man with pellets in th@ hand. One m&\ with a ticked ere that vill still 4be of use. oft 2,00 Open Season Henry Kern, deputy state game warden, gave a report of the cas-- ualties as follows: One man shot in neck. One man hit in cheek. One man with nose partly blown Out in Antioch Dr. H. F. Beebe and Dr. Warriner just counted the number of hunters brought to them for dressings. They made no at-- tempt to get names. "Six came in the first batch," Dr. Beebe explained apologetically when asked for the names of the victims. Total amount of loans $280.440.00 Many ducks were killed, accord-- ing to the best available reports, but all hunters survived numerous minor wounds. Total number of instruments f! All along the western front, from the marshes of Grass Lake to the open channels of Fox Lake, casual-- ties in the form of ducks and hunt-- ers were reported op Tuésday morn-- ing. At Least Dozen Gunners Go To Doctors After Season Opening HUNTERS SLAUGHTER DUCKS AND RECEIVE WOUNDS IN RETURN * PAGE TWO What a diference it makes to the caller if he looks into a brilligntly lighted home when the *door is opened to him. He feels that he is hav-- ing a cheerful reception, and his genial impulses cquckad. Light encourages the fAow of wit and pro-- A N Y peoplewho have no reason for mtqmg to keep "under cover" make it hard to discover where they live. Walk along any residence street at night and notce how few of the house numbers are lighted up so that they may be seen from the sidewalk. How ridiculous it is to have a house num-- ber if it can't be seen! A couple of 2 5--watt lamps would make it easy for Opportunity to find your door after dark. And what would burning such lamps four or five hours every night cost?' Not boc a month'! Are you trying to keep your house, number a secret? )h And how litle it costs to light up for cheer-- Light means cheerfuiness "!~. mAaues mnayes motored to Ne--l Mrs. H. E. Rust, wife of Dr Rust shkoro, Wisconsin, to visit with rela--| of Rockford pass@d away Thursday tives. h ' at her home. She was formerly Jose Miss Mayme Cashmore of Wauke , phine Flary. Fugoeral services were gan visited at the hoem of her unclol hald at the home of her sister Mrs and aunt, Mr. and Mr3. Jack Cshmore | Louis Relckhof!, of Libertyville Be-- Mrs. Floyd Ren#aan and cmldr,n,'udn her buseband, Dr. Rust, six 440 ROIUT €€1104 Miss Katherine Andrews of Liber--' to Hampshir tyville spent Wedn,sday evening at / Mr. and 0 the home of Elmer Hendee. ! sons Roman Mr. and Mrs. DawWd Earlandson at the J. J. I and children Harold, Anne and Mar-'! Mr. and gur,t, called of Mrs. Emriandson's| and daughte sister, Mrs. Olsen and Mrs. Eu'land-l Roun'! Lake son's cousin, Mrs. Jobnson, of Hins ) Prummand Florence Wagner spent Tuesday af termnoon with Veima Fit;: James Brown of the lllinois Bell T,lephane Company at Libertyville, called at the Round Lake offtice on Friday morning. o dale Mrs. Frances Powers and Mother Mrs. Agnes Hayes motored to Ne sihkoro. Wisconsin, to visit with rela--| Mr. and Mrs. Harry ed to Wauk,gan on ning. Imogene Killey and ona Junge, of DeKalb, spent the week end Nwith thair parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Kil-- ly and Mr. and Mrs. Clause Junge. Mrs. Margaret Smiti and Mrs. Ed-- na Harrison and children Rillle Jr. and Phyllis motored to Waukegan on Tuesday afternoon. happy returns of the day { Mr .and Mrs. Gordon Gilbert, of | Chicago, spent th, week end at the | Archie Rosing home. Mrs. Frank Brown. of Melrose PKk.i called at the Frank Drummond bhome| on i hursday. Joe Davis and Mr Sunday @vening at th idor home. Mrsg. Mary Sabel c,lebrated her eighty--first birthday at the hoem of her daughter, rMs. S. J. Wagner. The house was beautifully decorat@d with natural lavendar and white asters from taeir own garden. A wond,rful eigth--course dinner was ; served and a beautiful large b!rthdny' |cake, decorated with rosebuds _ of. | lavandar, pink and white, and bold-- ing efghty--one candl@s was on the tables. The guests were: Mr. And' Mrs. Artner, Mr. and Mrs. Perison, | Mr. and Mrs.'Peterson of Chicago,' Mr. and Mrs. Tad Winkle, Mr. and| ;.\Ir\x. Justin. rs. Nick Bohr and lon.' Mr. and Mrs. George Bohr. Mr. and | Mrs. Henry Shaffer and family, ot| McHenry, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Suyder of Libertyville, Mr. and Mrs. Hafold Snvder and Christine Snyder. of Grayslak,, Mr. and Mrs. George Vas-- ey and family, Mr. and Mrs. August Kalser, of Waukegan and Mrs. FEliza-- beth Kottenburg, of Kenosha and Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Wagoer and son Arthur. Grandam Sabel received a graat many beautiful gifts. Enter-- tainment eonsisted of card games. games of all sorts and a bal game, which made the day very interesting. A lovely luncai,on was served in the evening and the guests left at a late hour and wishinxk Grandma many happy returns of the day Round Lake News VELMA FITZ, Local Editor TELEPHONE 39 Yeou can help make this page more interesting it you will pbhone .he Local Editor news items you may bave. Summer residents are Avited to contribute news. Send etters either to the Local Editor, r direct to the Independent, Lib ertyville, Illinois. Phone No. 1. fulness, Lamps are better, and clectricity is lower vn'tngef&wt'n.tin( in price today than ever before. It would cost if your fixtures are not saitably ; you only about half a cent an bour to bhave a fighting specialist can give yor lamp burning in that empty socket. making such changes as may be And think of the improvement it would make _ service will cost you nothing. in the appesrance of things{ -- when a call wil} suit your couve This advertisement is published in the iuterest of a more beneficial aseof decsricity PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY Merritt moto: Saturday ev+ FLa&gzer spent William Mo!-- 8 So. Genesee St. Phone Majestic 4000 d 4 mprare o aeiie Th e avine wrves Tat ¥ @¥errmain fram 4 acomiog # OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS THEO BLECH, Dist. Mar. m and Mrs. Rrank Drummond and daughters Ruthie and Jane of Roun'? Lake and Mr. and Mrs Harry Drummond of Libertyyille, motored to Freéport and Rock{/ord and to Be-- loit, Wis.. on Thursday. Gen Draper wa ealler on Thursday & resident of McoH»« Miss Velma Fitz attended a party | at the Dellor DesJardins home al' Oak Par, also spabt Sunday after--| 'uoon with Mr. and Mrs. George Er-,"-' | hard of Oak Park. + , ; _ Miss Florence Rosa is on pri\'tte] ;duty at the St. Therese hospital in | | Waukegan, this we_k. { son's sist« Miss Haze!l Townsend and Mafy Eva Pence visited the Warren high school on Tuesday. Otto Tegtmeyer, collector for the I1l. Belt Telephon, Co., of Liberty ville was a Round Lake business vis itor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Wambaugh. A. Cas.ameore, and Milton Litwiller spent Saturday evening at Powars Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Del} Richardson m tored to McHenry on Sunday after noon on bustness. James Curran and son Durley spent Sunday in (Ohicago. Mrs. Jane Buckholtz, of Grayslake was a Round Lake caller on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gilbert, Bob Lemker of Chicago, and Miss Cela Rosing of Round Lake, motord to Milwaukee on Sunday. Renee Brown of Melrose Park, vis-- ited with her uncle andg aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Frank prummond of Round Lake, and Mr. and Mrs."Thomas Mos of Gag,s Lake. Mr. and Mrs. 8. J. Waguer and son Arthur and Mrs. Wagner's mother, Mrs. Sabel and the Fort Hill school teacher Miss Esther Kottman spent Trursday evening at thy Phil Wag-- ner home. Mrs. Clayton Hamlin of Mundelein and Mrs. John Ppaley, of Round Lake ware Chicago shoppers on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Re,tz, of Chi-- cago, spent Sunday evening at the Claus Junge home. Buddie, George end Glynn, of Genoa City, Wis., were Round Lake callers on Friday afternoon. Bob L_mker, of Chicago, spent Sun day with Cetlia Rosing. Henry Honeman spent the week end with'his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Honeman at Northbrook. Celia Ro * moman Philllip and John cal he J. J. Lenzen hom, on Sund Mr. and Mrs. Frank Drumm, rsda lifle Jr., and daughter PhyI Sunday vistting Mrs: Harri er at Twin Lakas:. i1 Mrs Harry Merritt spen ford and to Be--, Sunday i# your fixtares are not suitably placed, our bhome lighting specialiss can give you directions for making such changes as may be desirable. 'This This service is free to you If re using lamps that are not of correct !n{:ge"f&wcmin'&hhmmmb. or Women who try to get along with poor light expose themseives to the risk of looking old while they are still young in years. }_{nduba.,num, fatigne, faulty dh-- gestion, and siceplessness are often due to poor lighting in the bhome. > . Poor lighting is responsible for equinting, whic® soon cazuses wrinkles. 1CP# wvre} 1 he <ter .\(u,lto on ville Be--| was t Every woman shouid know this > | _ _Mrs. Ben Honeman and son Ben spent| Jr of Northbrook spant Saturday af-- is in|ternoon at the Archie Rosing home. | Mr. and Mrs David Eariandson rarles and children Aone, Harold and Mar atur--| garet, spebnt Saturday with relatives A Y --)garet, spent Saturday with relatives in Chicago \|__Fred Campb_ll of Oak Park, syent 1| Monday evening at the L. A. Fitz home. * 1| Chares Brainerd trensa 'ed busi-- 'ness in McHenry on Tuesday. .| J,if Wender, clerk for Renebhan Pearl _ Wambaugh motored to Waukegan on Wednesday. Alfred Schmeltzar is now driving an Overland sedan. The St. Paul depot was broken in-- to on Tuesday evening and $3398 was taken. The burglars broke a window which enabled tiem to un-- ; Miss Margaret Barrett, of Lemont ; spent a faw days with her sister Mrs [ Frank Flary. ( | Miss Alice Bauman of Millburno. ispen: Sunday with Imogene and lotel for the summer months, left ast week for his home in St. Louis. Raymond Dietrich o fBu{ffalo Grove alled at the Phil Wago,r home on Alfred Schmeitzer spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Thompson, of Rockford. ¥ Mr. and Mrs. Harry Drummond, of Libertyville spent Friday with the former's brother, Mr. and Mré. F. Drummond. ! brothers and three sisters, survive) fasten the loc 'her. 'They are: Frank and Phil, of| disturbed and | Round Lake, Fred of Caicago, An--| covered until 'drn. of Libertyyville, Albert of Cala-- erator came t« way, Neb.«Peter of Niles Mich., Car--|' Florence Wi | rie and Minni@ of Libertyville and. a | called on Mrs, lwin sister Mae, of Milwaukee andl kegan, who is _ a hest of friends and relatives. ton in a few d on Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Graham, of Long Lak,, were Round Lake callers Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Renehan and sons Buddie, George and Glynn have omved from thair farm at Genoa City to their home in Round Lake. Florence Wagner visited wit: Mrs Tony Jerabek of Waukegan Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Peterkort motor--| Archie Rosing u*ent the week ,nd' ed to Waukegan on Monday evenink. | at Champaign, 111. | -- | L. A. Fitz and Florence Rosa mo--| Claus Junge trangacted nusiness in | tored to WaukAgan Friday. Chicago on 'I'hursdry. | Mrs. . McCandNiles transacted busi|l The choir of theiEplscopal eaurch ness in Grayslake on Friday. of Graysl.le, will mpet at the Earl--; Miss Esther Kottman spent the} andson bhome on Thursday evening.| eewk end with Annab,lle and Nona for practice. I i Junge. ! Hanry Martitt af Canan is anana.l Fred Mosher of Chicago, called on Argh!e Rosing on Sunday. i¥ T w4 T. ~_THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 ed the surface water t'c;'t'b'e;wBerner land, according to the petition. pr ASKS INJUNCTION _ TO KEEP LAND DRY I Mr. an%&*hooley left Sunday morning for$t" Joseph, Mo.. where they will spend & month with thel bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs Wilson. | Wheg they return they willf :gailez in the Lorraine apartment. Helen Wilson is a sister of Mrs ( Floyd Renehan of Round Lake and' formerly lived here. Mr Srhoolf-y; is the owner of ia delicutessen on | W Washington Street. l : The bride was amttired in a roy«l blue califfon and her atatendant, Mrs Lester Cameron, wore a brown chif-- fon velvet. Lester Cameronh was best man. 8sCHOOLY--WIL$ON WEDDING A wedding uniting Miss Helen Wii-- son of Garden Place and Arthur Schooley, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. E Schooley, of Catalpa Avenune, took place at the parsopage of Rev. E. C Beach on Saturday afternoon at i1 Martin Thelan, Prop. Phone No 9 Round ban's sister, Gertrude from th« Joseph hospital. o E. V. Orvis ts drivlng a Dew Esseyx sedan, purchased from our local de,!er. Martin Thelen, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hendee Mr. and Mrs. Urban Steffes, atte _the graduation exercises of Mr Bemeone trired to g.t away with a Ford coupe belonging to the garage. early Sunday morning, but evidently had trouble with it and abandoned it & short distampce away, where Clarence Luby digscovered it in the morning. Gilskey Bros. Erur(-hased a new Chevrolet truck fropm our local deal-- er this week and Johs Dut:ler a Chevrolet coupe. | > Mr. and Mrs. 0. 'T. Bohnam of Chi-- cago, spent Sunday with the latter's sister, Mrs. Deli Smith. Frank Scheff of ti, Round Lake Beach, is driving a new Essex, pur-- chased from our logal dealer. f Martin Thelen, tirs. !-:di'th (j(.;: land and Noami MeCandless motored to Chicago on Tuesday. Archis Rosing trtansacted busine«s in Chicago and algo called at the C. Lempkfr h_qmp on Saturday evening. George Meyer, of Oshkosh, Wisc. spent Saturday afternoon at the resi dence of Claus Junge. Mrs. Elizab,\th Richardson of Long Lake, was a cellér at the Archie Rosin: home on Suynday. Lilah Brown, and Esther Lusk who are attending the state univers-- ity, spent the weey end at their re-- spective mome here. Henry Merritt of Genoa, is spend:-- ing a fe'~ gays with his son Harry Merritt. ton in a few days.| -- Archie Rosing spent the week and at Champaign, II1. | -- the following: Three Bed Room Suites T wo Living Room Suites Rugs, Carpets, Rocking Chairs, Straight Chairs, Tables, Sewing Machine, Curtains, Pictures, T wo Book Cases, Dishes, Kitchen Ware, Forty Quarts of Canned Fruit, 150 Fruit Jars, Kitchen Range, Farm Implements, Tools and Many Other Articles fasten the lock, }\'oth!nz else was disturbed and the Jloss was not dis-- covered until morning when the op-- gsrator came to work. * Florence Wagner and Velma Fitz PUBLIC AUCTION Household Furnishings of 7 Room House , Estate of the late L. J. AMES -- On the premises, at 222 S. Milwaukee Avenue, Libertyville, commencing at 1:30 p. m., standard time, on General Auto Work and Acetylene _ WELDING - GOODYEAR TIRES Round Lake Garage INDEPRNDENT FOR $1 50 A ---- DELIVERED AT YOUR LINCOLN LUSK, Auctioneer Saturday, Sept., 28 Mrs, Babe Mead,, of Wau-- o Is leaving for Washing-- HUDSON -- ESSEX SALES and SERVICE and ded The fact that 60 tons of hay had been stored in the barn made the blaze aimost impossible to fight, as the flames swept high into the air ) and the heat was so intense that !u kept the firemen at a distance most of the time. _ The firemen were able to save the 3granary and several stmall Duildings 'close to the barn. Combusion Was Cause ' As near as firemen can figure, the blaze started from spontaneous combustion in the hay. Hay fre-- ,queully causes a fire, they polinted Round Lake, III. The barn, it was learned, waai owned by James Banks. A small amount of insurance covered the| property. * | Everyone can have this--saould have this--e@nd it is only & ques-- tion of ln'gx;g on less than you make and putting the balance in our bank. Try it You will soon be convinced. The barn, located close to the An-- tioch i'alace.vattracted a large crowd and traffic became so snarled that | four motorcycle policemen faced an | almost impossible problem in keep--| ing the highway cleared. Two mo-- torcycle policemen from the county| highway force started the task of m-; recting traffic and two Wisconsin | motorcycle men, noticing the fire, . came into the county and lent as-- sistance. . Everything in the way of farm machinery except the binder was de. stroyed. One of the most expen-- sive pieces of equipment lost was @ tractor, firemen said. Round Lake Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 worry, tha tthere will always be money with which to buy food, fuel and sheiter--there is a feel-- ing of security of restfulness and comfort, that makes you content-- ed and gives you peace of mind. The loss, according to members of the Antioch fire department, will run close to $35,00v4. can feel Three horses were burned to death and fifteen head of cattle saved in a spectacular barn fire on Route 21, just south of Antioch, late Sunday afternoon. @ny body MONEY Fifteen Head of Cattle Are Saved as Traffic Jams Road to Watch the Blaze. HORSES BURNED TO DEATH IN $35,000 ANTIOCH BARN FIRE HAPPINESS AND MONEY! Axto on First State Bank of nb Machinery is Destroyed that yo uare free from happy in itself, will not make ut when you INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA cHARGE FOR DELIVERY. L 66 \' LAELALALLELALELAG Grand Avenue (JUST WEST For Prompt Service Call Round Lake Tibbits Cameron Lumber Co. LET the winds howl and snow pile up nutside------what care!------if your basement is filled with high quality coal from our vards! It gives you more heat and less ash per ton--it gives you more heat for your money------it gives you greater heating satisfaction. Don't let a cold snap catch vou unprepared----place your order to-- day. We can make immediate deliveries. Order Coal Now! Prmy IT is a Measant variety from § eating at home the whole week 4* ) We make a specialty of very mfi Coes _" good croking, served in a pleas 3 * **mo'~here. e sn mamen cenumemses ~eeute Ladies' and Men's Furnishings. Dry Goods, Notions y *A ELCE ELC ELELETTETLTLTTIOANTAGECLILCEILCAC --4.4, 0al Fox Lake, ss1inois SHOP HERE! ~\\lm Ekverything in Buiing Material) Feea and Sait ROUND LAKE, ILLINO!S . NAGLE For Fox Lake AILROAD TRACKS) MAKE A HABIT DINING OUT of

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