Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1929, p. 12

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!3; B. Marshal to A. Hueh!l QCD $10. 144 184. blk 16, Deerfleld Park and Land Improvement Assn. sub. J. K. Marr to E. C. Blank deed R. J, Dady to E. E. Witter, deed IAt 26. blk 61. Zlon City amb. C T and T Co to E. 8. Smith and wt jt tens deed $10.00 An undivided one halt int. in lot 109, Baird and Warner, Inc., addn to Deere Park. Jae.. C T and T Co to R. E. Gross, deed $10,.00 Lot 109, Baird and Warner, W. O. Stanton and wf. to M. A. Dixson WD $10.00 Lot 80, Webb and Jensens re--sub, in Wkagn. M. E. Dike to H. Bebrens and wf Jt tens WD $1.00 Lots 3 and 4, bik 25, Zion City sub, sec 28, Benton. _H,. Behrens and wt to F'. L. Nor-- ris WD $1.00 Lots 3 and 4, blk 25, Zlon City sub. M. A. Beebe to Grace Missionary chorch, Zion, I!l., WD $10.00 Wly 26 tt of E 106 t of lots 23 and 24, blk 13, sec 2%, ZiotCity sub. *F. L. Norris and wf to N. A. Pou!)-- D. F. Holtman and wf to H. Geiser WD $10.00 Pt of lot 40, blk 6, Ra-- vinia Highlands, sec 36, Deerfleld. D. F. Holtman and wf to A. G. Raedeke and wf jt tens WD $10.00 Pt of lots 38, 39 and 40, bik 6, Ra-- vinia Highlands, sec 36, Deerfleld. .r WD $1.00 Lot 15 and S hf of lot 14, bik 94, Zion City sub. J. W. McJunkin and wf to W. D. MceJunkin WD $10.00 Sundry lots in Bunnyside Park, sec 22%, Libertyvilie The Foreman Tr and Sygs Bank to C. Bensfield, deed $10.00 Lots 1, l.b.ld 4, blk 7, Round Lake Beach sub. C UBlon Bank of Chgo to M. Lie-- belt and wt Jt tens deed $10.00 Lot 31, blk 3, Lake View Villa sub, sec 44, Waunconda®D) * C. C. MceJunkin to W. D. McJun-- kin WD $10.00 Lots 117 and 1869, Bunnyside Park. F. H. Bartlett to S$. P. Tomaso and wt jt tens deed $10.00 Lot 1, blk 35 Bartletts Sheridan Rd Park, sec 33 Benton. J. L. Vodak to A. Vistain and wt Jt tens WD $10.00 Lot 208, J. L. Bhaws sub, sec 36, Antioch. F¥. Hoitman and wft to H. Geiser WD $10.00 Pt of lots 38 and 39, blk 8§. Ravinia Highlands, sec 36, Deer-- C T and T Co to H. C. Richards and 8. S. Richards, deed $8500.00 Lot 326. Krenn and Dato's Highland Park addn, secs 10 and 15, Deer-- W. 0. Olsen and wf to M. Thell-- man WD $10.00 Lots 10, 11 and 12, Barron and Von Achens Grayslake J. Saunders and wf to A. E. Suter WD $10.00 Lots 94, 95 and 96, Sun-- nyside Park sub in Libertyville. C. Larkin and wf to R. Souta and wf jt tens WD $10.00 Pt of N hf of SR gar of sec 15, Grant. Union Bank of Chgo to W. Engel and wf jt tens deed $10.00 Lot 5, blk 9, Arthur Dunas Mundelein Manor, see 25, Fremont. Union Bank of Chgo to R. S. Shefier and wf jt tens deed $10.00 Lot 12%, blk 6, Sunset Hills Estates, sec 9, Wkgn. C. T. Davis to J. H. Harris WD $10.00 Pt of lot 19, Corys addn to 4t Ft (now Wkgn). F. H. Bartlett to M. Rathberger, Jr.. and wf jt tens deed _ $10.00 Lot 8, blk 7, Bartletts Sheridan Rd addn Becs 3 and 4, Wkgn. They were taken to Fort Sheri-- dAan, where they again escaped last Baturday. They were at liberty on-- ly a few hours, however, being re-- captured by a Lake Forest police-- man. After obtaining the confessions Lieut. Reed notified Lieut. Johun Norton of the detective bureau, who left immediately for Fort Sheridan. F. H. Bartlett to W. P. Lauth and wf jt tens deed $10.00 Lot 7, blk 26 Bartletts N Shore. Lands, sec 6, Wkgn. Wroble and Cook escaped on Aug. 4 from the guardhouse at Fort Snell}-- ing, Minn., where they 'were sen-- tenced to a term of imprisonment for being absent without leave. From <~Fort Snelling they cams to Chicago, committing robberies along the way to.: get money, they told Meut. Roed. It was two days after the theater holdup, on Sept 10, that they were captured by the Chicago police after.robbing a woman in the Hyde Park district. SEPT. 20, 1929 C T and T C to A. Ashworth, deed $450.00 E hf of lot 9, blk 1, Beach View Terrace, sece 6. Wkgn. , They admitted to Lieut. Reed, he said, that they had looted the Chi-- eago apartment of an H. J. Smith on Bept. 6 and on the previous day had entered the Drake hbhotel and stolen $1,500 and four suits of clothing from a suilte. inger a week ago in getting con-- fersions from two soldiers who ad-- holding up two filling sta-- on Green Bay road west of egan. e men confessed several other robberies and burglaries in Chicago, awegording to Lieut. Reed. The pris-- epers are Vincent Wroble, alias Ro-- meo, 20 years old, who gave his ad-- dress as Chicago, and Joseph Cook, allas Walter Ross, 20 years old, of New York. Confessions that they were mem bers of a gang that held up the Obicago theater, Sept. 8 ,binding five employes and escaping with #1,500 in silver coin, were obtained »early this morning by Lieut. Hobart :SOLDIERS CONFESS TREATER HOLD--UP; GOT $1,500 THERE ©Lieut. Reed, who is in charge of the provost guard, also worked in gefjunction with Capt. George Heck-- Official List Wroble and Cook, Who Beat| -- Guard and Escaped Fort | Last Week,. Admit Guilt. | Furnished by the LAKE COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY PAGE FOUR Abstracts of Title; Tities Reed from two Fort Sheridan | Transfers £20 Washington 8t. .« Waukegan, !!L, to Telephone 4 C. Blank deed jder Jr's sub, Sece 2%% Shields. , see 31, Lake Co Natl Benk to O A New-- som, D #$1. Lot 85 Oakwood Ter-- race, Sec 21, Libertyville. . O A Newsom and wite to W L Whitney. WD $1. Lot 85, Oakwood Terrace. Sec 21 lAbertyville. Kaspar Amsricin State Bank to T McKay Chishoim and wife jt tens. D $2500. Lots ¢7, 68. 69 and 70, Idie wild sub. See %$0, Warren. Sec 33, Wkgn. es E A Grant and wife to A Hein. WD 81% Lot 3 bik 3 E M Runyards 2nd sub. C E Jenks to F G Wregs. D $10. Lots 18, 19 and 20, Oaks sub. L F Fenlon and wife to 8 Krayuse and wife jt tens. WD $10. Lot 20 Warrendale Acres, Sec 16, Warren. A M Borse and wile to J Kusko and wife jt tens. WD $10. Lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 9, blk 1 and lots 1, 2, 3, 5 and 9 blk 2 Loon Lake Sub.> A Hudek and wite to F Chmelir and wife jt tens. WD $1900, Lots 8, 9 and 10, blk 4, Hvdeks Fox River sub, Sec 9, Cuba. e G C Potts and wite to L M Hugh-- es. WD $1. An undvd one bt :'nt in and to N hf of lot 1, Calmarian Gardens, Sec 32, Wkgen. F H Bartlett to J P Schmidt. D $10. Lot 2 blk 31 Bartlietts First addn to N S Country club Section 7 State Bank & Tr Co to J D Gar-- rity. D $10. Lot 7 bik 2 Highland Park Terrace, Sec 27, Deerfield. W Glenn Voliva to G Casperson. D $30. Lot 128 Sec H Mount Olivet Cemetery Township. » C W Schalt and wifte to D F Ros-- enthal. QCD $10. Lots 3 and 4 (ex § 100 1t of sd lots in blk 67, H Pk.) State Bank and Tr Co to E G Gubbins and wf jt tens. D $10. Lot 13. bik 3, Highland Park Terrace, State Bank a Gubbins and wf 13. bik 3, High! Sec 27, Deerfield The Foreman Tr & Sygs Bank to E 8 Rosen. D $10. Pt of lot 1, bik €3 Highland Park Sec 24 Deertield. _ _F H Bartlett to M Gleason. D $10. Lot 8, bik 14 Bartietts N Shore Woods, Sec 6, Shields. H F Crane and E R Crane to K Albert. WD $1. Undvi one ninth int in and to NE frecl qr of NE frel ar of Sec 23, Antioch. E Osgood to J W Parker. WD $10,. Lots 162 and 163, Cummings & Co. resub of Cummings addn to N Chgo. T E Jassoy and wife to W W Smith and wife jt tens. WD $10. W 50 ft of lot 41, E P OstermManrs Sub Sec 32 Deerflield. The Catholic Bishop of Chicago to E and M McCraren. D $550. N hf of lot 30, blik 6 Sec 2 Ascension ceme-- tery. J Ciganek and wile to R Blaze rick.. WD $10. Lots 2 and 3, blk 17 W G Voliva and wile to 8 E Gla-- sel® WD $10. Lot 11 blk 1 C L Har-- WN Miller and wite to E D Rose and wife jt tens. WD $10. Lot 33 blk 7 Ravinia Highlands, Sec 36. Deertield. Lake Co State Bank to Lake Co. Bafe Deposit Co. WD $40,000. Lots 6 and 7, blk 14, Washburn Park. 10 Gragt. H A Dormagen to E F Dwyer. QCD $10. Lots 14, 15 and 16, bik 101, Bartlietts N Shore Sstates, Secs 30, 31 and 32%, Wkgn. F Swartz and vi@ to H 1. Scott and wife jt tens. WD $10. Lots 19 and 20, Hollywood Second Sub, Sec M C Santi and hus to H Bargdahl. WD $10. Pt of lot 29, plat ot High-- wood, Sec 15, Deerfleld, The Foreman Tr & Sygs Bank to F James. Deed $10. Lot 34, bik 41 Round Lake Sub, Sec 20, Avon, A J Smith to O Koppe. WD $10. Lot 20, Adelbert J Smith Round Lake Sub. P Wilson to J Fowler. D $10. Lot 7 blk 8, Percy Wilsons N Shore Vis-- ta, Sec 6. Shields. E. T. Houston to W WD $10.00 Pt ot N ht SW ar of sec 12%, Grant F. H. Bartlett to J. ?lbert. deed $10.00 Lot 2, blk 91, Bartletts Fourth addn to N Shore Highlands, secs 7 and 18, Wkgn. B. E. Stanton and hus to C. Sct-- ence Society of Antioch QCD $10.00 A tract of land in lot 8, Simons addn to Antioch. SEPT. 19, 1929 * Peoples Bank & Tr. Co. of Rock: ford, I!1., to A. Crabtree and wife Jt tens. D $10. Lot 17, blk 3 North Shore Highlands Sub, Sec 30, Ben-- ton Union Bank of Chgo to Minnie Hy-- land. D $10. Lot 4, bik 14 Tower Lake Estates Unit No. 1 Sec 2 Cuba. M Hyland to N Barsumian. QCD $10. Lot 4, bik 14 Tower Lake Es tates Sec 2, Cuba. $150.00 Pt of NE qr of sec 13 C. H. Mdore and wf to P. Schu maker and wf jt tens WD $109.0¢ Lot 39, Hyde Park sub, sec 20, Wau kegan. " Bert White, head of a parachute demonstration crew, faces a fourth degree murder charge at Wichita, Kas., following the fatal parachute leap of Helen Williams. Negiigence was charged. *# *n .« #. _ _ _ Held In Girl's Death to W. T. Houston N hf ot NW qr of , Cuba. . Schu-- $10.00 Henry Doyle and Charles heim, who are at Mitchell, spent Sunday with relatives. Mrs. Joseph Morlock, who lives at Roscrans, passed away Sunday aft-- ernoon after an ~extended iliness. The Norlock family resided bere a few years ago. + Mr. and Mrs. M. Tibbetts of Des Plaines, were dinner guests at the Nick Lux home Sunday,. F. G. Lucas and wife spent Sun-- day evening in Kenosha. SCHOOL THRIET Apparently many parents are not aware of the advantages given their children in our school to develop the habit of systematic saving. School thrift is an epportunity to lay the foundation of future pros-- perity. Only by forming this habit of thrift during the school age can Mrs. A. Albrecht of Chicago, is spending a few weeks with her dap_ghtqr. Mrs. LeRoy Dietmeyer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Eret have moved to Chicago. Norma Grose, of Mazamonic, Wis. has been the guest of Mrs. N. F. Lux for the past week. BREAKS LEG Cecelia Shea had the misfortune to break her leg on Sunday when she fell from a chair, after the frac-- ture was reduced she was taken to St. Bernards hospital in Chicago. Melvin Becker and femily were lfl_lyankop visitors on Sunday. Councilors are given the privilege of leaving a room without an intra-- school pass. The councilors elacted this semester by the classes are -- senilors, Alfred Giege, chief, Char-- lotte Weaver, secretary and Elmer Diekhl. Juniors: Ira Ernst, Mabel Krueger, and Laura Grever. Sopho-- mores: Elta.Sturm, treasurer, Har-- old Giese, Helen Hans and Ethel Rudsinsk!. . S$ENIORS GIVE CHAPEL PRO. GRAM The senior class gave the first student chapel program of the year on last Friday morning. A very in-- teresting -- miscellaneous program was rendered, consisting of vocal and instrumental music, and short talke. The juniors will give the chapel program next Friday morn-- ing. The sophomore and freshmen will give the chapel programs on the following two Fridays. Parents and visitors are cordially ijnvited to our . general chapel programs on Monday and Friday mornings. These assem-- blies are held in the audftorium. j Minnie Shea visited on Sunday with relatives, returning to her work in Chicago Monday. i T go00 200C mOOOIoF CEmmoats "Do you want the two things in separate parcels?" asked the drug-- zm.uooooubondlttondedw the boy's demands, "Yes, please," answered the little fellow. _"I think it would be as well. "The cement is for mother ; she wants to mend a teapot. The lin-- Imenot is for father Nother broke the teapot over his head." ELA HIGH sChHoOL NoOTEs A student counci! consisting of three representatives of each of the senlor and junior classes and four members of the sophomore class has been organized. Counci! mem-- bers are other than class officers. It is considered a position of some honor and importance to be chosen a council member. Only those hay-- Ing an average of C or better in classroom work and & citizenship grade of B or better for the previ; ous semester are eligible. Counce!-- ors are responsible for arranging student chapel programs, boosting intra--school organizations such as school paper subscriptions and ad-- vertisements, basketball season tick-- et sale, class plays 'and student hand book, and for the general so clal and moral tone of the school. The little boy had been sent to the drug store to get some liniment and a special kind of china cement. The --funeral of Mrs. Geo. Dean was held Monday afternoon with burial at Wilmot. Mrs. Dean died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Al. Hanke on Orchard street. New sidewalks have been lald around the Episcopal church prop-- erty on Main street and lIda Ave. The work was completed last week. Adele Dupre who has spent the past summer with Antioch relatives returned to ber home at Delevan, Wis., last week. The Antioch Firemen are giving a dance at Happy Lang's place at Pikeville, Friday evening, Oct. 2 George Garland was operated on for the removal of the appendix at the Burlington bospital Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Simonson return-- ed from a vacation trip to the Dells the fore part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Nelson were in attendance at a meeting of the Rankers' association at St. Charles last Tuesday. «l Harlo Cribb and Miss Ruth Cribb motored to Winona, Minn., and apent the week end with relatives there. Mrs. John Nixon and son Lester Nixon returned home Tuesday after having spent a few days at Dan-- ville, J11 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wilton are visiting relatives at Pittsfield,. 1!!. Arthur Verrier is among those who are vacationing in nortbern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Patten are spending a short vacation with relatives at Chetek,. Wis. Mr. and Mrs. H. Voss spent Tues-- day in Milwaukee. Howard Spafford is enjoying a vacation in the wpods of northern Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Hawkins and Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Osmond are en-- joying a motor trip to Rochester, Mign.. and various places in north-- ern Wisconsin. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Radtke mov-- ed into the home which they recent-- , ly purchased from George Garland, the first of the week. Mrs. Fred Fowles from Lake For-- est spent a part of the past week with relatives in Antloch, and vicin-- ity. ~ Mrs. Geo. Gaulke from Wocd stock spent Tuesday in Antioch. The Three Link Club was enter-- tained by Mrs. Schlosser last Tues-- day evening. Mr. and Mrs,. George Garland moved into their new home on Vic-- toria street last week." Mr. and Mrs, W. F. Zlieglor re turned home the latter part of the week from a two weeks motor trip through Indiana and Michigan. WADSWORTH LAKE ZURICH Please Dram-- BOYLAN, TALBOT COMPANY . EXCAVATING MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPH DELIVERY Assoc:a TION. FLOWER ORDERS wir €D TO AaANY city. No Job Too Large! A Trial Will Convince You Lake County Cleaners and Dyers We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. Telephone Libertyville 174 Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning ---- Rebuilding FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION! ATTORNEY ATLAW Office at home on W. Cook Ave Telophone 1084 LYELL H. MORRIS ATTORNEYAT4ILAW LUCK BUILBINQ ' Res. Phone 97 Office Phone 18 LADIES DRESSES, COATs ANO SUITS mengP suits, Torcoats AND OvERCOATs GRADING | CONTRACTORsS COMPLETE PLUMBING AND HEATING® INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND J _ BEWTIBT ¢ , °_ Office: Ruu.é Public Service Building'\ ___ Felephore 67 -- LIBERTYVILLE QUICK SERVICE . RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations _--__---- Reanaira PUBLIC SERVICE M--»+» LIBERTYVILLE * PHoNE 295 °* PHONE WAUKEGAN 7800 J. H. HAHN 8026 Dante Ave., Chicago, I!l. Dr. C. H. BETZEER RENT (iNG, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LoANS, PRoPENTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, sUuRETY BONDS, SERViCE, FOR Waukegan, III. 10th St. at McAllister E. W. COEBYC. Professiona ~# & Pressing $1.50 PLUMBING m CE BOX |.._.rroccocnnrcccervyrremeccece: $ 7.00 DRESSERS, up from __.__$ 8.0C BEDS (complete) .._____.__$ 8.00 3--.Pc. PARLOR SET ._.____$30.00 3%--Pc. WICKER SET ______#$12.5C TOCKERS ....--~.....~--.--ssommomca® P90 USED SUITS, up from .__.._.$ 5.00 OVERALLE® ... ________ .98 OVERALL PaANTS ervrercensessoncp | 4 siPld KHAK!I PaANTsS cnngmocmmmmcmcen... $ 1,25 WORK SHIRTS _______ .986 LIBERTYVILLE SECOND HAND FURNITURE STORE Chicago Office With the Chicage Title and Trust Co., . THURSDAY, ABSBTRACTS OF TITLESs TITLES GUARANTEE&ED F. 8. RICKCORDS, Pres. WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAH L. ROGERS, Sec» 220 Washington Street ~ * TELEPHONE® 4 and Trust Company 618 N. Milwaukee PURE RAW MILK Waukegan, Illinois Telephone 214 _ MUNDELEIN 089 West Washington Street DR. 0. E. SIMPSON North Shore Excavators -- Highland Park, III. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Monday and Thureday Telechone 591 LIBERTYYILLE ' DR -- MATTHEWS EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT Office at Lake County Title ,, Waukegan, III. We Do Work Anywhere in Lake County Dr.Otto R.Thompson OPTOMETRIST 1 Over State Bank of Mundetein Mours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 mmnwm BCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION o8 EYES. GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSS EYES , STRAIGHTENED | BELOW PAINT sHOoP Office Hours: ® to 11 A. M. 1 TO 5/P. M. flce Jn First National Bank HMows: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, imLuinois / PHONES: HIGHLAND PARK, 1871 WAUKEGAN 4827 RELIABLE SHOVEL EXCAVATING FROM TESTED cows uare Deal Dairy livered in |\ Libertyvilie Twice Daily PHONE 615--W.--1 Avenue J. L. TAYLOR 414 Woukegan N Bank Byilding TELEPHONE 993 SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 127 Maple Ay, Natidnal «4 residences Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphait Built Up and Tar and QGrave!l Roating Ap-- m plied on Flat Roofs . Guaranteed Roofing (Inc.) 24 N. Genesoee St., Waukegan, PHONE WAUKEGAN ee7 THE HUBERT CO. OF EVERY KIND FOR ALL TYPES of BVILDINGS Waukegan, Illinois PHONE WAUKEGAN 293 REAR OF 122 BELVIDERE ST. Appliéd over old wood shingles and other old roofing on '18 Years' Experience in Automo. We operate a fully equipped, modern garage and are pre-- pared to repair every make .00 0_ of car. Entrance Drive just south 0j the Public Service Building on Milwaoukee Azenue GENERAL SERVICE GARAGE , Libertyville, IIl. HABEL AUTO PAINTING Prompt Service Guaranteed EVERY JOB Is ABSOLUTELY _ GVARANTEED T AXI _ PHONE -- SNOW'S J. DEL MURPHY, bilg Bee Mo Before Listing Your Sals FARM SALEBS A SPECIALTY Telephone 1--L--15 OGVURNELE. ILL Authorized Duco Station T A |I L O R Cleaning and Repairing 118 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYVILLE. ILLinNoia They are located in the best resi-- dential sections of the town, and can be bought on convenient terms. 1 have two modern houses here In Libertyville, either of which is a mighty good buy at the low figure for which they are offered. _ Phone 373 Libertyville, Illinois TWO BARGAINS! 'Wm., A. Chandler d GENERAL '*AUCTIONEER W. M. HUFFMAN LET ME TELL YOU MORE ABOVUT THESE BARGAINS! ~ ROOFING FRED CROKER Polishing and Simonizing Means Something" USINESS HL Ext«"iors ALL KINDS OF HEATING PLANTS For Residences, Stores and Institutions Estimates Free MILL WORK Screen, Cabinet Work, Storm SasFt TELEPHONE 429 411 First Street Libertyville Phuone Libertyvyille 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handiing HAROLD WILCOX PUBLIC SERVICE BUILDING $50 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. LIBERTYVILLE. PHONE 5565 Phone Libertyviile 570 Chlcago Phone Haymarket 1416 €, ks CC')O'NFER & General Trucking Local and Long Dis-- , tance Moving with a word EVER Y SECOND" 216 PARK PLACE T o and From Chicago, Libertyville 3 Antioch LIBERTYVILLE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY Lincoln Lusk Auctioneer Libertyville Decorating Co. Residences Stores Public Buildings Direct from Factory Farm Building: Call on Us for Telephone LIBSRTYVILLE Anderson & Exon Motor Service ZION UPHOLSTERING DEPARTMENT-- "The Man A representative, J. A. DePew, will call at your home. For further information, call Libertyville Indpendent Office Insurance Agency Telephone 440 $59 N. Milwaukee Avenue LIBERTYYILLE, JLLINO!S Buy Your UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE. Libertyville, Illinois Select the Style and Pattern Everything Custom Built DAILY TRIPS ESTIMATES GIVEN ON REPAIRiING WITHOUT osBLIiGaTion Contractors PHONE 851 --R AND a Transfer HEATING Paper Hanging Libertyville Directory Interiors Libertyville, Iitinois The most complete line of auto par~, tires, tube, and radiators setween Chicago and MilWauk*e. Orders of $20.00 or more delivered any-- where in Lake county TELEPHONE a LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyville Visit Our Nursery Any Time PARTS for more than three hundred makes of cars LEESLEY'S . ' NURSERIES North Sheridap Roag Zion, !!! GROWERS OF a GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY sTock WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ZaALlL i ;. Lvergreens, Shrubs, Fruit and Ornamental Trees WRITE FOR CaATALOG LEAVE ORDERS at Ray Furniture Store TELEPHONE NO. 2 BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP. GARRETT WRECKING CO. CHAS FIORE NURSERIES Highwood, Illinois (Belephone FAX Battery Service E. M. WEISKOPF, Prog, Radio Supplies Generator and Ignition Sevice PIANO TUNING Phone Zion 22 PHONES: HIGHWOOD, 523 LIBERTYVILLE 628R.1 WE DO GENERAL LANDSCAPING Lake County Real Estate JOHNSON LIBERTYVILLE BUY AND SELL SELLERS and

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