Tho - monthly W the you will "to place not - night in Memorial hall. It wu decided that that logic.- mm mm an" n play tottt um 13-October. Frederick km, or "all" of the Ville Pam, will be "ted to supervise the pl". R. Jones were about"! debate- to the county meeting to be hid in Antioch Friday night. . Commander Rap-elm), in a short "than otter lnstnllation. told of publishing n new monthly bulletin " the county legion. Tao bulletin conning new: from all posts in the county. und will be edited from the district badminton " Deerfield. George Briggs. commander of Dmrr. mid post. 7;; pro-exit. and (an B hit on the organisation methods of the various posts in the district. Commander Tom Deucoy, of tho local poet, Clan-lea Hoskins and A. Installation of ottleerts of Liberty- ville Post No. 329 American Legion. m hold " Memorial in" New" night. with Charles Kapochull. com under of the Eighth district. in chm-go of the ceremony. Install Officers of . Legion Post No. cum Lug u the guest of tlt Wil- liam, to run afternoon of g It and horseshoe pitching. followedlby 3 dinner, next Wattle-dry. I The LibertyvilltrMttrMelein Real "huts board, at the meeting Wed- pesday night. voted to formulate o letter to be sent to the State Attors ney General, urough State's Attor. ney A. V. 'tetttg, that a We -tlon be on ished at the E J. i KI. and St. Paul crossings " Bailout. It is nndentood that the letter "will be timed try the Liberty- Tiiie-Mttndertein Chamber ot Com. nrce. on well u the real '00th bond. and that they urge wine in- nedioto wtion be taken to eiihninate these two crossings. which rte re- .rdd to th moat dtuureroutrlin the county. It is said the county road and bridge committee is I",',)",',",',',',,".'. grade separation at the tw crou- ings. According to a check 'ade by this committee, m Moment! 1500 curs pass over the crossing; daily The, bond has been invited to Bio- On December I of last year the 'trat complained of illness and for name months has been under the are of Dr. Maurice Penney of Lib. onyvme. She apparently had but! muting progress In regaining he: hunk. Grade Seperation at Rondout is Urged road to the William Ritxenthaler farm, a half mile away. Child Retains Hope There she told of finding her mother'. body hnnzlng in the bun and one implored Mr. and Mrs. Ritz- enthaler to come with her to find out it her mother "was dead." The child was still hopeful that the mother might live. Mrs. Harms and the family had mlded on the tarm tor two years. They leased the property from Sam- uel Pick ot Chicago. Before taking up their residence on this farm they had resided on a farm Bear Apta- lute. F A: Rita entered the barn with the other five children at her heels slit» made the gruesome discovery. Grasping the still torm of the wom- nn nnd gaining no response the girl conned that her mother was dead. Gathering the "x children about her the little girl hurried down the road to the William Ritzenthaler farm, a halt mile away. The neighbors after cutting down the body notified the husband of the tragedy. When the tour children returned home at 4 o'clock in the afternoon they inquired of the oldest of the two small children as to the where- abouts ot their mother They were told that she hay left the home but . sort time before. Children Start Search Believing that their mother Jrouhi soon return the tour older children led by Rita, axed 13 years. went to the pasture to herd the cattle. After driving the cattle home. and learn- ing that their mother had not return. ed the children became worried and began a scorch. fearful that she had not with an accident. Her husband left the home early in the morning tor a nearby farm where he was in charge of mung a silo. He returned home at anon and no dinner which had been prepared by his wife. He left the home about 1 o'clock to return to ttisyrork. Four ot the six childreh also left the honie at noon to attend school. leaving two little tots one 3 yen: old nnd the other between 4 and 5 yours, with the mother. "atom the had been suffer-mu: trem n nervous ailment since lut Dumber nnd at times seemed to be on the verge of a nervous break- down. she seemed in good spirits Thursday morning. The "an apparently had climb. od b tho hay mow of the barn where Iho attached one end of a' hay fork to the utter: and the other about her neck. She then dropped through the opening in the Hour of the mow. Her body. swinging at the end of ' are rope, wu lound hours later by l not " small children after they; had tuned a search tor her. l Dcapondont because of in beam). Mrs. William Harms. 37 years old, "to of a. farmer residing onematl mile want of Prairie View, hanged hat-oil with a rope trom the rafters in the burn It her home Thursday dictum. Mrs. Wm. Harms of Near Prairie View Commits Suicide. was "mm m BARN: BODY mum , BY HER CHILDREN VOLUME XXXVII (37th Year) NO. 39. LAKE COUNTY'S Bitt WEEKLY BEST FOR IU"CRIIERO BEST FOR ADVERTISERS ALL 'THE NEWtb----AND FIRST! Near Nervous Breakdown of The second event marking the un- nivomry ot the connect-scion at m. Eminence wu the dmtfeattoet of tho rectory af the Outboard orthe Holy Name. Cu. and Superb: streets. which took place Sunday in Chicngo. "trhowirut the ceremony. the newly ordained priests imputed their ftrgt blessing to several hundred people. mute. mum. and friends. who had (one to Hundeletn for the core many. The first event took vice sum» day morning in tho clupel of the Immaculate Conception at St. Mun of tho Lake Seminary " Mandela": when His Eminence ordained Devon young men to the priesthood. Assist in: His Eminence in the ordination ceremony were: The Rt. Rev. Hm. J. Gerald Kmly, D. D. u "shunt prim and notarius: the Rev. John B. rum. tt, J., as deacon: the Rev. June. L. Kelley, S. J.. as subdeacon. and the Rev. Fathers Joseph P. Harrison and Genrd C Hard " master: of ceremonies. Ordination Attended By Many at Seminary The twentieth anniversary of epb com] conaccntlon of HU 1hnineneq Cardinal George Mundelein van in- formally celebrated by two important events vhlch took place in the Caiew go mhdloceee over the week and. According to Mr. McConnhey, tho' tutomntlc um! furnishes grater, safety in the operation of trunk permits trains to run closer together: and protects against com-ions tintt might be caused by broken rolls or other obstructions. I The new block system will prob ably be extended to Janelvme in the near future. Work of mailman of the new system began May 15. as the work on that portion is not yet complete The inspection party consisted ot Mr. McConnhey. L B. Porter, assistant signal engineer; J. L Loueks, sales engineer tor the Union Signal company, and R. M. Loyd. auistnnt supervhor of um J, F. McConahey supervisor ot six. nals tor tttrs railroad. who WWII in Vb ertyville today (Thursday) on in In- spection trip ot the system between Random and Grayslake. The system will be placed in om eration next Tuesday between than two points. while the nlznnls be tween Gnyshke and Pox lake will not be ready tor snow r two weeks, as the work on that portion is not Miss Florence PMPrSon and John Butcher were married " 1 quiet ur- vice p'ertormed by Justice of the Peace J. W. Bombings, nt his home Monday evening a 8 o'clock. In. Laura Anderson nnd Clarence stnroeder were the nttendmu. Mr. Butcher is the son ot Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Butcher, of Grnnd Haven, Mich, and the bride u the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pet- erson, also of Grand Haven Both came here with the MlchnelGeorge Pen company, and on: employed " the factory. St. Paul railroad company. between Readout and Fox Lab, at a cost of 355.000. will be placed in operation next Tuesday, Oct. '2, according to To Operate New Signals Next Tuesday Part of the new automate block pagan: now being installed by the Larson. tt planner. has resided here for th put two years. They will ro- mam in 1Ubertyville tor the present, but plan on moving to Wine." later, where they have bought g new home. Frederick W. Larson and Mrs. Ed- " Haittets, at Libsrtyvme. were mom ried at the Methodist parsonage by Rev John E. belong Saturday uter- noon at 5 o'clock. They were "tend. ed by Miss Conny Anderson and Frank Iverson. Also of this village. Mrs Maine: has operated I room. ink house at 342 N. Milwaukee Are for the past eleven yms. And Mr wo Local Couples United in Marriage Ight libertphilhz Embankment I The officers brought the negro to the police station, where he was lodged in n can for the nlttht. In police court Tuesday morning he ex- 'pixined to Justice John Hohichinxs [that in comm!" with another tol- ored mun. he undo n tre to Watthe (yan Monday nothing and while there [he partook of two gluon of wine " n "joint." How ho no to be stretched out on tho In." not: Third and Broadway be m tumble to ew plain. He m eluted with being drttnit and with amber. cad fined $60 by the Mice. (India to ply the fine. the negro wu' no choice ot leaving tttmt or%b Mil. We have one in" colo .6!!- "ma in our vilhge. of plum. 1nd been" of the "tan tton natured to the run opening and window trimming content to be new in leortyvmo and Mundelein on October on. Ill. Hardin, secretary of the chamber. Little m done on the project " . meeting a! the rota." committee. " c meeting qudny night. due to lack Pun: for the trade expansion pro- gram being furthered by the man divblon of the tdbertrvtne-Muude- loin Chamber of Commerce are still wading. uniting the Investlntion of seven! different programs by W. Ding, Ding, Ding tne mu the his nune 15 John Hayfield. and in one of a group ot even or eight newton who have been living in tut old bunk car on a side track ot the St. Paul railroad. at Bee. ond street. for the pun seven] month. They are employed on n sec- tion mg of the ruin-1L lemon! qid thnt he and seven] of hi: can- panions hnd been employed for three hour: in the eveninx by . loan! firm. There is n belief that his groupi Is the beginning of a negro colony in tho viihge . - Trade Expansion Program Pending f Two perilous were injured and a sthird mu shaken up when In an itomobiie Ind motor truck collided? at the Intersection or South avenue. and Mica Sr. Waukegon Tuesday, . morning. I In. Kntie Alder of Libertyville, " "on old. vu the moat national); GitGiii. She received severe out: and bruises about the hood . ?Ter; from your old mndson John June- 'Bonuoy. non ot Mr. uni In. Law l rence Bentley of Libertyville, whol won noted on her lap when lbe| crush Occurred received I bad cut over the let eye. Both ware rel moved to t 0 St. Theresa 2totspital Probably the first ion] norm to our ran into the clutches of the Lib, WVHIP polio» dmiartment was tak, en into custody by Marsha! Fl J Druha and Offter Pete Hansen Mon. day afternoon " 1:30. when a teb. i "treet and Brottdmtrfvritltrttarttnrip' phone can ruulted in the otf1eerrgr, makinx a trip to the vicinity ot Third l "not and Broadway. whore thoyl found the victim lying inert on a, lawn. l Negro Lodged in Cell For Drunk Monday Mr. and Mn. Alden, former resi- dents of Lute Forest, are main; their home with their daughter in Llttertrvitle, They were on their wuy to visit relatives on the south side when the accident occurred Hutu: Alden. and " yum. driver ot to mlChine. was driving wee! on South venue while the truck in traveling south on um limet. The crash was due to a misunderstanding on the part ot both driven. Aged Woman and Grandson Are Victims in Crash on South Avenue. TWO INJURED WHEN MOTOR TROOK Mil AUTOMOBILE CRASH LIBERTYVILLE. LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 Mrs. Chats. Kahuna: of Highland Park, spent Wednesday with In. Fred Mordhorut. » Mn. Agno- Spenmgnyu in Hil- wnukoe Wodnudly. OIITUARY I Mrs Josephine Play Rust, former- ly of Libertyviue. mum! away last Thursday, Sept. It, at " Anthony'- jhmpnal u Rockford Funeral serv- lws were held-at the home in Rock. iinrd, 2H2 Cuitreriarui St. the va. Dr John Gordon of the Second Con- lgrvzatlonal chard: officiating, , Burial services were held Monday 2 p. nr. from the home of an ab- it". Mrs Innis Reieltttott, Liberty- Mr. and Mum-Bert McDermott ot Waukegan spent Monday with Mrs. Barbara Mowers. and. accomplnled by an" Esther Spellmm. motored out to Murtdetein. t oonJoy l drive around.8t. Mary of the Latte, and visit at the Batman-y. My and Punk. of Round Lake: Andrew of Libertrvme: Fred. ot Guano: Albert of Oahu", Net; and Peter. of Niles. Mieh. Mrs. Rust wu untried to Dr. H. E mm March 10, 1928. On'July first who» suffered In attaett of momma. which confined her to bed tor two WW3. A low made blood stream infection not in which confined her to St. Anthony" hospital. WM" 9119 wand "my Vucefully at 1:30 In! Thurman. Interment wu at the North Shore cemetery. The honorary pan bow- on wore feeorxe Tolmlc. Hugh Toi. mie, Paul Won't. Dr. Connors, M. H. Vader Puri. Clarence Wldholm,.all of Rockford. Aetire pall bearers were six brothemJohn. F'rank.,Phlitp, Andrew, and Fred and u brother-in. Iam, Samuel Kromeri. Rest in pen-e. Josephine. "And as we have borne tho {mun of the earthly. we that also bear the muse of the heavenly."----, Cor. 15:49. _ Mrs Rust was born Jan. 9. 19393. at Fremont Center, the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. John Fury. And la aur- vivod by her Mud, Dr. HE. Run, of Rockford. And three than and seven brothers: Mrs. Sunuel Krom. 'trt', Mn. Innis Rmkhoff. of Liber. tyvmo: In. 1mm Dinnmr ot Mn. ,mtthoe,"gttttrt. of FYnnttviue. WIS.: ville, Rev. John Methodist mm lug, Mrs. Eva beautiful hymns in the Arlington Heitthta high schdol Wrdnmdny night. Oct. 2. Election at officers had . nmngement of ~che¢lulc| of men between athl,.tic team.- ot the ten schools will be tak,.n up during a business Bunion. which will be preceded by a banquet held in the stool'n dining hall. A number of sport} writers and news- papprmcn hare' been invited to at. tend the meetitttt H. E. Uttdetttrink. principal at Libertyville, will be we companipd to the meeting by Coach Jnck Martin and one or two more trom here. Conferene Officials Meet October Second A muting of tho mncipala andl catch" of 3:10, ten high schoolmg members of the Northwest High School Conference, will {an plum ttetttt-testtthtnttrtr,toottnfttrm Inyllxht "no; time Int: a wool longer this year. on- mount of tho fact that "new Are the Bandar, In "an month of Septembar The fun time mun In effect the first Sundny in April. The schedule ot talus on the at. Pm] and he North Shore Lino " Libertyville nun regain the hour it lost last spring when readout: will turn their clock- back An hour before wiring Saturday night. To the majority od the mldonu ot the Wanton: part ot the county. the than" in time will not man any- tbdng. with the exception oftthone "no commute each morning to the towns using airtight A?!" time Revert to Standard Time Next Sunday 0 tgt:sndatrd mm John E. DaLong, of-the minor-d church officiat- Eva Lightbody sang two .--43ontribdted Mitchell has added several cubits to his Mminence as a comedian Ignce he made his first appearance as Norman Overback. the hero ot "Lima Accident" and father of the baby whose arrival gave him the big- gest surprise nt his life. Tae high reputation Mitchell made as) forceur a few years ago in "The Wisdom Tooth" and "Night Stick" it, Just about dwarfed by the renown he piled up on Broadway an hurt sea- son in this comedy that he end Dell men-god t oextnct from the Dell novel. "An Unnamed Either! Ploy d Dell, the novelist. and Thou. Mitchell, the actor, went into can. feronce last year and bnuzzht (fo one of the comedy hits of the past season in New York. "Little Acci- dettt".shich Crosby Gaige is now bestowing its captivating charm on Chicago playgoers It th e Selwyn Thane for a limited engagement. with Comedian Mitchell in the role he wrote for himself. Dell's "Lin Accident" 9 At the Selwyn Don't miss an Issue of The Inde, liendent. Tue first lessons will be released next meek. Through arrangements completed with Wynne Ferguson, widely known bridge teacher. lecturer and writer. The Libertyville Independent is able to offs-r a series of thirty-six articles on bridge. These articles will be re} leased weekly under the heading ot "they Lessons in Auction Bridge." This feature will appear excclusively in this territory in The Independent. More bridge is being played than ever before, nnd in order to mate!" the greenest ot all mes lt is tteel cents to learn the bidding and plnyl properly, and it is essential that Il recognized mthority be followed. It you sre & Beginner. the lessons will' prove a great help, end if you are? already imiliu- with the bridge, the! problems and solutions will "ford. much wholesome entertainment and) recreation. Q i Independent to Print Articles on Bridge An invitation 'to attend the Orchvs-, tra program study class at the We man's Club theatre, 6'2 E. Eleventh; St, Chicago, Oct. 11, from the CM, can) Woman's Club was read at the' meeting. . I Other numbers on the program Were songs by Mrs, R H. Black. V computed try Mrs. Frank Wallis. and mo readings by Mrs. EI W Col try Hostage" for the day were Miss Marjory Taylor, Mrs. Paul Mat-Our fin. Mrs. Paul Ray. Mrs. Kenneth Lovell, Mn. Mu Kohner and Mrs J B. Morse at the Litrertrvtlle wdmn's Club at, the tlrtrt meeting ot the sea-on at St uwrence's parish house Wt-d-', uneasy them. 1 Mrs G C Gridler presidrnt of the club. opo-ned the meeting at 2 .o,lr with u few words ot creating to the, Inrtto number at women present. A, resume of all the program to ho" given during the yeu was we main; theme ot a chart mam.» by Mrs" John E Debora. Woman's Club Has First Meet of Season An Interesting and entertaining program was presented to members George A.. Trundell, Winthrop Hubor Hearing on tltutl report can. tinned to Sept. 80. Jumes Bowden. Highland Park lnvenmry and nppraisement bill ap proved. -000rxe J. Prichard. Hiettland Purl. Petition to establmh beirship ttted 1nd set tor hearing Oct. 10. John Dionne. Libertyville. Inn-n wry npproved.' Sarah Adullne Prouty. Wauconda Inventory approved, Mike Smulz, North Chicago. Hear. In; on Bttal report continued to Sept. 30. _ Andrew Nelson, Wankegan An praisement bill approved. Anton Kmpas. Wankegan. Final report ttpproved, estate closed. Marie Swarkowaki. et " Gurnee, Letters of guardianship issued to F'irat National Bank of Waukezau Inventory approved. Mary Schuenemxnn. Waukegan. Petition for probate of will Med and set for huarlnx Ortoher 7th. Prank Kostello, Highland Park Just and true account approved. Pa (Mon for sale of rehl estate Med. Mary Nolan, Waukegan. Inventory approved. Lorraine Warren, minor, Wautte. gan. Letters ot guardianship tamed to Eva Huffington. Bond of 82.050, Settement of 31.025 authorized for Injuries. Julia Wendnng. Highland l'nrk. Inventory and apirraitwrnent bill ap- proved. Clarence E Wheeiock. Waur'onda Ordor appointing appraisers revoked and new appraisers appointml. Archibald Leslie McPhoriwon, High land Park. Inventory and appraise ment hill approved. The proceedings tor the day won as follows: . Settlemént of 81.025 by Mrs. Ben Zide to Lorraine Warren, 3, dauglr ter of Mrs. Eva BuMngton, of North Butrlck street, was approved Mut- day in probate court by Judge Mar. tin C. writer. Attorney John R. Bills. acting tor the child, stated that her leg was broken in an auto- mobile accident last July. Probate Judge Approves Set- tlement Made by Mrs. Ben Zide for Old Accident. SETTLE 31.025 tll CHILD (lf il WHOSE [EB IS nfltTlllliiil , John C. Twigs. office manager at the American Wire Fence Company, Twas fined 815 and costs by Justice John. Hutchings Wednesday morning i on a marge of speeding. Twiss. who lives in Mundelein. explained that he was driving fast because he was late i for work. Marttnal F. J. Druba testi- fied that Twigs was passing cars on a curve at 50 miles an hour. Twine pleaded guilty and paid the fine and continued on his way to work about The lone vioiator placed under ar- rest gave the name of Frank Luchy, Jr.. 4114 Ogden Ave., Chicago. He was trrretrted by the two officers when overtaken weeding 50 miles on hour-on Park avenue. near the high school. Brought to the police su- tion, he was arraigned before Justice B. D. Hubbard. The case was con- tinued to Tuesday night at 7 o'clock. when etc t ttt Law and order prevailed in the village for the first time over the week end. tho poacPtulness of the community ppm}: intact. with the ex- ception of one arrest, that of a lone spender who was taken into custody Sunday evening on W. Park Art., by Marshal F. J. Drum and Officer Joe Seam. James Duriey Curran. employed in a local bank, was named in a $10000 damage suit in circuit court at Waukegan Saturday. when the praecipe in the suit was filed by Nola E. McQuaig. of Chicago. The suit, it is understood, is the result of an auto accident at Gruyslalw early in the summer. Considerable litigation followed the accident. a damage suit first being filed in the court of Justice Lyell Morris in Lib- ertyville. . The case was later taken to Police Magistrate Fred Smith. on a change ot venue. Here the com- plainant was awarded non propirrty damages, only to have the defendant take the case to Waukegan on appeal. Only One Arrest Made Over Week End Durley Curran Named In Suit for' Damages I Unusual rPt1Ftrts'.u ic marking the "from of the membership vommlttw '0! the IaitrertyvillindHein (imam ber of Commute, according 'u a clwckup made by the committee when they mat in the attic» of the lawn-tan of the Mambo-r last Fridts ,' night. ' ( According to the report. more :mr-mbershipg hare already been lin. 19d up than were taken out in the lcljunbor last year. With the com n'lttee still ronduetinx Meir drive an half an hour late Late to Work and ' Is Fined for Speeding ship- haw been taken out vidualm who are pareiru.'a "trted in the communify. P 90 por cent of the busirws, the Littertyxim.atundeie;.t, "wort tho t'hambtr. ' s Hyatt, former pre '!.o- villaste board is chairm (hmmillow. Other metutwr I: La'rsom. O J Iloehm, W. sen, Jr R. G. Raving, F. meyer and Paul Mac Gum! firms. not coming m :he hopes of securing about etiritrV membership', the be the ehamber will b" plar stronger basis this Man tl ttrtore In strong. Last year 23H mvmbnrshi , ken out by Libertyville a mum firms husinrss men : Lduals With this mark nwnxbo~rship~ I eral new (irrn Many New Members " For the Local C. of C. Co. Ka rage The car, a new Oldsmobile sodan, was about as rnmplo-lw a wr,.ck as has been seen here. After leaving th Pavement, the-auto crashed into a large tree. slicing off we left side. Most of the top was lo-n hanging in branches of the my." and parts of the car were ,t?trttertst) in awry di- rec-Lion. Ort,. singular thine was that all the glass on the right slas- of the car war- imam although the whole' body watt. Nut and twisted. The "l',.l'k was towed to thr. Ree. Mun" Mrs. Jeannette Spine 3243 N. Kil- dare avenue, Cnicaeo. received lac- erations about th,. head when Wr an left the paveuwm and side- rWiIWd a tree op'positu the Burns farm. An elderly woman and a child riding with Mrs. Spirs. esst'aped in. Jury, but were badly slzak,.n up. Ail were brought to Condell Memorial horpital, where they "H". attended by rm F. H. Martin. Joseph hullabow. 1645 Wabansia, Chicago .suiferpd bruises about the head and a minor laceration to his right wrist, when the car he was driving skidded from thr, road and turned over twice. This accident was about 6:30 a m. Vincent Nau- sedtcsarne address as lrullabow. and riding with him, ro-wivgd minor bruises in the crash. Both were tak, m to Cpndell Memorial, hospital, "here tho-y eriH'd first aid from Dr. c. ft Edwards. Fm. person; worn injured ih two ttuurmotAle ace4dents which occurred a short distance apart on Milwaukvi' ave-nu". smut] of Libertyville We " nesday morning. Five are Injured in Two Car Crashes hamtn oir Lntention of jnvdnz r and a number of old mambers last year, are A numb" of member, been taken out by indi- bHivh'd _. can b: In [1959 men ar his mark i rd that at le KIN ll than tte com drive an 50 "10113 (In es " al nitu'r was not organized for several months after the haunted opened. Ind turned In between $600 and $700 within seven months, the board felt tfaey were deserving of 0. great deal or credit and home token of nppre elation. The hospital board voted to name a room in the hospital for the Aux- iliary. in appreciation of the help given during the first year th ehotr aim was in operation. As the Aux. The Auxiliary wishes to take this} opportunity to thank the public for', the splendid cooperation in assisting; them to raise this amount, which; was made possible by attendance atl card parties and generous contribu-} tions on Tag Day. ', Wlth regard to the "Mile of Pen- nies" which they are working for. the Auxiliary would like to announn that 450 feet have been covered. making a total of $72 received. The distance remaining is 4830 feet, and the ladies hope to cover this soon. "new each six months by the latest ;winners. are the prizes that are or tered for the winning firms having 'the bv-st windows' A nubrner of 511mm have won the trophy cups two 'times. and as three times gives the irirm permanent It',"sseysion at m» (our, considerable rivalry and interest iwill be manifested by the merchants 'in the affair this fall. l The retailers are now Mocking .their stores with fall meningwiiso- 13nd will have the interior of their vstores arranged for the fall opening swhich is part of the window demrat in: Conirtct. Almost 80 per cent of the LiNrrtyviile-Mundelein firms 'tnuk nan in tho '-indnn- "Mum. a--. The Hospital Auxiliary held a, meeting Tuesday at'ernoon in the!, Libtattvvillr, Club rooms. at which; time several interesting matters: were taken up. It was decided by! Auxiliary to assume a certain por-i tion of the hospital rei1uirements as, its particular duty, and the auxiliary; will keep the suplpiies of linens andl blankets to full quota. Miss Hayes.t Supt. of the hospital, was authorized! to purchase whatever is needed'in', that line, not to exceed the amount' of $600. t l The market and formerly owned by I kammer at Lake Zuri purchased by W. H. I will Continue to (nu-raw lino of high quality m eerie; Mr Luerssen," operating a market at thrs past few ypars. ar great deal of exprrivm Inc) ms! {PW yvars. and has had a grmt deal of exprriwnoe in the suv cessful operation of this line of bus ists. announces that L19 will buy "gs. poultry and veal. Hospital Auxiliary To Purchase Supplies Store at Lake Zurich Has New Owner tank part in the window contest last March. and special efforts an being furthered by the Chamber of Com, memo to have "wry mvrt'hanf takr. part in the event to be held Oct. 9. hefinite plans for the staging " the fall window decorating (:0st in Libertyville and Mungelein Wed nesday night, October 9. Were xwr footed at a meeting of the retail di vision of the CJamber of Comma" Monday night. Harold Gray, F. J Tegtrneyer, 55nd Mrs., J, Cairn- il H1 named a committeepd handle all de, Contrary to the custom heretofore selection of the best five windows will be done by the public by means of a balloting system. Ballots will be distributed through me crowd 1vedtiessday night, and, each person will be asked to name' their favorite window and deposit their ballot in four ballot boxes. which will be piaced in the business district tails fur the 1101111132 ot the event which is epected to draw RP"C',atot' from all parts of thr. county or. '34 night it will be held. This event. which assumes the proportion of a {all opening, will be the fourth ot its kind staged in Lit» ertyviue and Mundeiein. The win- dow decoratiritt contests Were inaue. urated in the spring of 1923', and from the first nave elicited Brvar in- terest both on the part of tho- busi- nvss house, participating and the prone or the surrounding trading territory. Trophy cups Fall Opening in Twin Villages October 9th fR. NVESTORS WHO M86 _ o "4BR DOLLARS In OUT-OF. . wow mum'ses ARE HELPNG Butu, UP OTHER eoMMuumes At was we OF OUR owu . LETS um SEND ot1t'u,ttidttt, new OF u warm mam HERE co Mulholland Says "ti' Ar HOME purchased whrn th, was hr-ld in 1928. and months by the latest H. Law son. who "rate i' with u full y mmts and Bro- Paul IO alalinc Iaf: tit 'overed.l _ Tae Holy Name Society of St. Jon- ?d- The eph's parish, in charge of social act- et, tod)ivities, at St. Joseph's during Octo- soon. lber, will stage two card parting and ll wvn lone dance. to be. held in thr, third if_loor auditorium of the parish school jOctober 3 and 17 being the dates of the card parties. while the dance will be held Thursday night, October " The card parties will consist of bridge, bunco and eucare. followed by refreshments. The dance will to the annual fall lnformal stated by (the Holy Name. o. J. Boehm ml Collins Berdux are committee chairs men In chino. Thrown from his motorcycle while passing over the North Shore ran- road crossing at Knollwood. lam Wednesday afternoon. Gue Ruoesehe. 44, an employe of the Kno11wood club, suffered a fracture of his right leg. Reports of the accident are meagre, but it is believed Rouse" was thrown beneath his machine when ft skidded on the crossing; made slippery by rain. He was bm't to Condell Memoria hospital where he was attended by Dr. M D. Penney ot Libertyville, Tire local post is making plans for a large number of their members to attend the meeting Pridareaight. Holy Name to Stage Affairs in October Man Breaks Leg On Motorcycle and is beleivr-d that his appointment ic up row-It of his Ioratty and 89D vim in the cause of the legion. H. has served for a numbpr of years " finance officer of Libertrville Pout No. $29. It is expected that appointments to both aptioirrtivo offices and com- mjttPrss of the county council will be announced. by Charles Kapschnll. mumy commander. at a meeting at the county posts to be held " Antioch tomorrow (Friday) night Lseion. T Mr, Collins has taken a prominent part in local and coumy legion neth- i'it-c since the Nose ottho world m the announcement of his arfpolatmeett to tho oftlee of director of post re Tmionc Mtho ohrht district. the Lahe County Council of tho American Signal honors were rnnforrnd on halo Collins assistant mshier at the First National Bank. this wessk With Dale S. Collins Named District Legion Officer nae-roe work A represenva'ive dale ration from UP loeal chamhssr accom- panips Secretary Harding to 'he con- vpntion each year. smart: is taken up Subjects that will 'ransportation. il meat. fereantilp and all phases of or no past and west trar "I have come to the that we are wasting Ptfort in: uur highways to rem tion if towns like Libsrt at this town and the amount of trat rant thres, stop 1 may bo warranted "I am theretore questing the state "Milwaukee an is one of the nu Ways for travel resorts. Due to tt 20 lights holiday For miles at Libel or no has: and t questing the stats ment to make ar m Pormitted to block t Local Men to Attend State C. of C Meet orinz to relieve on through hud them and remn would cause nr tion. "Cook County way tlopartrnent Ill t highways to exp work is to ho um municipal srov"e Hop and Mo light GERMAK ASKS STATE i ft REMOVE STOP-GD llGHTS IN VILLAGE GREATER CIRCULATION THAN OTHER WEEKLIES IN LAKE COUNTY COMBINED ADVERTISING RESULTS SURE! AntorrCet%ak, president Cook county board, win. off tor two years' has fought to the traffic lights oil Milwaul nus in Libertyville. has rene campaign in a letter swat S tn Divisional Bummer Lamb state highway department. it he urges (by state» to run Mast two of the thrw' stop In "The state." said Mr, ( "shouldn't let "up. towns (in torial highways tie up throw tic unnecessarily. Whats Hm "Wilding a lot of 11101103 in highways to expedit.- train} President of Cook County Board Renews His Fight . Against .Libertyville. If-t'msar We has sary stop and ao Ii have made a traf town and have ft tunt of traffic dorss rev "top light» l warranted. n therefore resrwr wh highwa td erm ing auae block: $1.50 A YEA p, Fa updmw governms a ar chamhe m H15 an follows: ur alumina 'o sidem of the In off and on Eh! to remove [ilwaukee ave- s renewed In. PM)! Saturdnr lal I am advised "W: stop and "F iu Med up . while little arm moves. , (wmr-lusion In in widen. in» wages. rtyxme a traffic wig W IAN-HUMI- 1).: Wave! widening "In that r range} Jt um!) traf- 'n' use ot M widen j, it the my: small installing "rudely? In: develop ammo: of com W dale '.. know. G? high- wrong!!! Check d that 11 war- tyville of the Which we at rmak. he ar- light 'ow- no ot he