Pall activities of Libertyville's WM 3'01" Lonsupauon Iago Players got underway Tuesday! --- night at Cook Memorial library in The simple mixture of glycm-in. the initial meeting ot the season. at- buckthorn bark. salinra, etc (Adlwr tentied by ; small but enthusiastic nun acts on BUT}! upper and low., MD of local people-interested in er' mm»! and rulim'o-s constipation dramatics. Tin Tu". hum-4- than" n... A... The audience was ammy repaid waslv matter yc for attending, hearing a reading of was in your sys Patrick Hamilton's three act playdrime with pills o "Rope". which attracted wide anon-[cleans only part' tion In London last summer, by Fred-.but let Adlerika erick Rabcock. writer on the staffibowels a REAL a! the (Mango Tribune. who recent/hom Rood you tr returned from' several monttusl,Neville, Imxmziats penences of three you" dancing George Hironimus and sisters at. girls in a New York musical show. (tended a birthday party ll the home The story swings from the theatre of their brother, John of Wauconda. where a number ot speetaoalar dine-ion, Monday evening, given in honor ine scenes ar es'oown. to I who! his .61st binhdny. A omsi enjoy- 11th and a hizh stake poker we; able time wu had by all. The eve- Through it all runs romance andjning was spent in playing euchre. air-lady that keeps interest It feveriaiter which a dainty and delicious pitch. "Broadway Babies" is a crossilunch was served. Mr. Hironimus sec'ion of New York life. and prxrlreceived many beautiful presents rides an excellent vehicle for the,' and the guests downed at a late peppy young star whose popularity hour. wishing him many more such is growing with each picture. lhav'Vy birthdays. Mr. Hironimua in ------- .tho- oldest of a family often children . lan of who mare living and whose Village P1avera Hear inges combined. total 517 years. Village Players Hear Reading of Thriller "Broadway Babies" is adapted from Jay Planet's story "Broadway Musketeers." and deals with the ex- penencps of three young dinning girls In a New York music" show, The tumour and romance of back stage lite is revealed In "Broadway Hbiws." the First National all-till- ine ond sinzlnz Viuphone picture starrinz Alice White. which comes to the Lavina Theatre tor three days starting Wednesday. Illtlll'i-tr-lnlf M CROSSING OVERHEAD SETTLED nil $1250 Shows Backstage Life on Broadway Agitation to protect the crossing was started flee years ago when two Antioch merchants were killed there. Lohdell now is to notify the Mate that the highway is In the posses- sion of the county. Further he will urn? the early oompletlon of the overtt-ad. The Mate and the railroad will have to pay tor the improve- men Preparations were being made to start a coridernnation proceeding to get the Jand and the formal 'tteptt for a suit had been taken, according to R. M. Lobdell. county superhum- dent of highways, Charles Thorns. of Lake Vina,' who has been objecting to the rout. ing ot a highway through his land on which to make an overhead crossing over the Soo Line tracks.' Monday settled his differences by no cepting damages of. $1.250 according f to President Dick. of Lake Villa. I Soo Line Crossing at Lake' Villa to Become a Certain- , ty, Lobdell States. " Fox Lake Decorating Co. If you wantto know anything about the decorating or redecorating of your old or new home, we are in a position to answer your questions. give all the information you want, and show you hundreds of plaster and wood finishes. If inconvenient for you to come to our store and see samples of our work, a tele- phone call will bring them to your door --without obligating you in any way. "Specializing in Latest Plaster Finishes" Try our noon and supper specials. You will be pleasantly surprised at the excellent food and moderate prices. WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work is Guaranteed E. L. YELDEN General Contractor Libertyville, Ill. PI PAGE TWO 603 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville. OPEN ALL NIGHT For a W ell-C obked, W ell-S emed M eat, Patronige THE VIRGINIA CAFE FOX LAKE, ILLINOIS Telephone 54 PAINTERS' SUPPLIES E A number of friends tuid-relatives from here attended the funeral ot ers. Dr. Rust, of Rockford. which [took place at the home of her aim ,ter, Mrs. Louis Reickhoff. in Liber- ftyvilie on Monday afternoon. Hrs. :Rust was Miss Josephine Fiery, be- itore her marriage. She tn: the youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flat-y, of this place. She died inner an extended illness due to n :poisen. VJ'ICh effected her whole (system. Mrs. Rust was about 35 .years of age and a twin. Ika) acts on EM at trowel and [ in TWo hours waste matter was in your , time with pills cleans only Th' but iet Adlerik, Glycerine Mixtre Stops Constipation Dean continent. ' The play, the plot based on the staying ot Bothy Franks ad the Loch-Leopold can" involve. the t murder ot 1 follow undergraduate by two Oxford students. They, pines we body in a chest and invite the hint! youth" mum and friends to I ibuftet supprr on the cheat. They defy detect on by daring actions, but we undone in.the course ot the "meaning by n clever .but etteminate' Jappearing poet. Bernard Ewald has purchased n new Ford Sedan and Bernard Oben- aut ' a new Whiplpet. Present plans of the players call tor staging two pity: during the winter season, one before and one after the holiday section. Meetings are held the fourth Tuesday of each month. An invitation to attend the meetings is extended to nil those in- terested. This is the second year ot the organization. being formed here a year ago, under direction or Mr. Babcock. . FREMONT CENTER At a short Maine's union which preceded the radius of the play, Mr. Banach: tendered his mimtion u the head of the players. Humid Ma. son was elected to till the position left vacant by Mack's resignation. Other otncert, no: In. C. B. Ham over, vice preddent; Miss Quinta Gotu- sec'y-treu.; Howard Morse, member-asthma. and Mrs. M. J. Micmreltr, p'rogrun chairman. spent in [inlaid and U F matter you never thought in your systo-m. Don't waste with pills or remedies which rn BOTH upper and Iowa tnd relieves conNipatlon mum? Brine out old Phone 554-J (t '."':_.E'?T_'IW0MAN KILLED AS irecker ! "American womanhood holds .ttt%"e'iur""' "ave VII-l o"""""""'. " ye, to moral victory." is the liv1rta; . immune Frances E Willard ls brlnt -'"-"-""'-"""'"""-'."- Jim: to ust "Logtbe whole broad con- Th? vmue of (Barnes won m I/le" ls ours in the t.touxht mullrst murfnctlon Tuesday when W sings itself inn our hearts " lovlnx- Hadellan, driver for the Wehle lly we» conunu- to respond to Default"; company, of Kenosha. w" far-seeing urge "tl',; " 3nd costs tor peddling in Prancm, E. "mam-was a patriotlcime village without a license. The Beer and an ardent lover and friend'uu went to Wallenweln on I ot mm"! Wlth wide Jdiic."ii'rTt%', of venue from Maglstrate in: faith and invincible courage, she Winn n u Gurnee. ' F rances Willard's Message Today city, Carlsllen and his wife were on their way to Chicano where they Intended to visit It the home of her mother. Mrs. Victor Patna! of 1221 Independence Blvd., In that Mrs. Samuel Carlstlen of Min- neapolis. Minn,. we: crushed to death. white her husband was ser- iously injured when their automo- bile crashed in to the rear of n truck on Green Bay road near the intersection of Wadsworth road north of Waukegan It about (t o'vinck Saturday morning. The truck which was laden with steel automobile bumpers was driven by George Bieschko ot 3458 North Natchez u'enue. Chicago. tt member of a trucking mm bear- Ing his name. He graphed immed- iately and aided in extricniing the injured from the wreckage. In Sound and Talk 3 Special Matinee for this Picture Monday at 3:45. Admission: Children 10e; Adults 40e The right side of the automo- bile was demolished in the col- Halon. and it is believed that Mm. Carlstlen was almost instantly killed. _ Monday, Sept. 30th and Tuesday, Oct. In: Although the cause of the acci- dent has not been definitely deter- mined. Patrolmen Harry Quandt and Carl Malniquist oCthe county motorcycle police stated in their report that they believe (Tarlstien had fallen asleep. It is also con- sidered probable that he was tra- wling at a in? rate of speed and misjudged the diatanee between the automobile and the truck as he turned out to pass it. Mrs. Samuel Carlstien of Min- neapolis Killed in Accident An infant daughter who was all. ting between her father and mother escaped without injury in the crash. "The Greene Murder Case" One Performance Only, beginning at 9 p. m. Organ Fund Btnefit for * Church of the Holy Spirit Novel Features, Including Beaufy and Popularity Contests The Home of The Perfected VITAPHONE AND MOVIETONE Deerpath Theatre (continuous 2 to 11) LON CHANEY Petroleum Products Co. LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS Libe ill 909 PHONES ngtrygr'eset 425 Lake County Distributors of Tydol Gasoline - Veedol Motor Oils SHE Sunday, Sept. 29th: "The Valiant" '".' All-talking, Feyturing John Mack Brown PHONE 321 AUTO HITS TRUCK M GREEN BAY RD. "Thunder" Thursday and Friday, October 3 and 4: Friday and Saturday, Sept. 27 and 28: "Sonny Boy" with DAVEY LEE LIBEEngmE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929 "Noah's Ark" Wednesday, October 2nd: Service and Quality Absolutely Assured POLKA BROS. All-Talking I We xmtafully recall the rare, ra- (diant personality ot Frances lil Wil. ,lam. the grates! woman philanthro- iplst of the Igth century-std thank God that aha founded such a. world- lwide organization. l. This, picture scored 1 tremend- Put hit In New York and Chicago and the Deerpath has gone to con- aiderable tuxtra expense to secure the shown: for Lstte county peorAe. Based on biblical history. "Koch's Ark" ls . picture that will deeply In. terest everrotte. A meet-J matinee Lu been Arr-land for Monday an swoon It 3:46. 30 that school chil- dren will have an opportunity to attend. . "Noah', Ark to be I Shown at Deerpathl, "Noah's Ark." a plclure that Hs hailed u the mutant mm produc- tion of all time will be shown at the lwmnth Tulane, latte Forest. on Mondni. Supt, 30. nod Tuesday, Oct allied and organised for be mighty struggle "that the letrattaed liquor trame, the {women of the home, the church. the school, the college. tue farm and the business world, that Victoriously culminated in the pn- me of the Eightmth Amendment to the constitution of the United States of America-one of the great- est moral and metal triumphs of hits. tory. Today the heritage of a host of women, ten million strong, the In .the "Sweet Beyond" Frances Willard lives and loves and labors with us today. "She shall newer go from our hearts 'rway." We believe she rack": that we are carry"!!! on to "helpo make the world wider for women and more 'Jomellke tor hutmutity.---Annn A. Gordon. ot the nineteenth century. "entered cnuaren "tent tMuurrtV In Wenke. upon the activities that are not suc- an and attended the tshow.' ceeded by wgrlneu." yet today we . Mr. and Mrs. HPritrert Schroeder, are thrilled with the music at her of 0PM" have a little son. born pemruaalve voice " ahe reminds 20th IP beptember 10. He wat, named century awakened, voting woman- Robert Herbert. M" Schroeder was hood that "Mother love works magtqi tormorty Migs Dorothy Peck. but. organized moraer-love can Worki- Mrs. Emmerson Cook entertained mlracltw." ;<'0mpany from Chicago over the week uh. -_.-o..n.. "u..." n... _..--. - end. w. c. T. tr. and eootieratttut socie- ties, Is the constructive. compelling taak of fulfilling Frances Willow's heavenly vi'nion. Three dudes ago this beloved and opulent woman Imilanthroput LAKE FOREST MT? 'Smlllng Irish Eyes' IliittIgIgIigifg Mon., Tues. and Wed. Sept., 30, Oct., 1 and 2 Colleen Moore Sunday Only, Sept. 29 Jacqueline Logan and Lionel Barrymore, in "The River Mr. and Mm. Leslie Turnbull and children were Waukegan shoppers on Saturday afternoon. Raymond and Kenneth VanNatta, of Chicago, called u the ll. L. Gran- tham horn? on Tuesday. Mr. and Mm Barbie Geary. of Round Lake, spent Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. George Stroker and Mr. sud Mrs. Oates are spending a few days in South Dakota. Mr.' and Mtg. Schiller. of Chieiv go ure spending a few days at their summer home in Wellunere Heights. Mrs. Ella Cornwall has returned home from Joliet, where she was called by the serious illness, of Aer son, MerritCwho in much improved. Mrs. George DelnIein entertained relatives trom Chicago on Saturday and Sunday. H. L Grantham. Mr. and Mrs. Em- uwrson Cook and Mr. and Mrs. Har. ry Grantham attended the funeral of (Forge Bryant on Sunday, at Crystal Lake Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham and children spent Saturday in Wanke' Ran and attended the tshow.' Arthur Koser and' Merrill Blank spvm the [mat week with Mr. and Mfg. Calvin Prior at Loyal. Wis, Prank Bacon, Lyel an}! Earl Bro- usmton are spending a two week's vacation In Canada. ORPHEUM Booked V A U D E V I IL L E fiWWEWE Comedy and News Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, SEPTEMBER 30, OCTOBER 1 and 2, WA UCON DA SUNDAY ONLY-SEPTEMBER 29 ON THE STAGE ---tn-- Woman" AT WAUKEGAN "The Donovan A f 5 air " Thurs., Fri., and Sat., Oct., 3, 4, and 5 Jack Holt Based on the Stage Play "Night- "ick"-More Powerful. More Thrill- Eng. More Absorb'ng on the Talkmg Streen. ' Stacie and Screen Stars Unite to make thus-one of the most sensa- toonal underworld dramas of all hm: The Most Surbrising Climax-The Most un- usual Drama of the Absorbing Detective Story --ALSO--. Another 'Collegians' Romance ON THE SCREEN All - Talking Comedy Romance with Sue Carol Comedy and News Every Day. , Eugene Prior returned hoem on Monday afternoon, after having been thing his mother and sister at Loy al, Waconsln. with the former', mother. Mrs. Alice Geary. as Mrs. George Deinlein is spegding a few days with relatives in Chi- cage. Mrs William" Nicholls and daught- er Grace and Mrs. Matt Wraggs. tspent Saturday ewening at we H. L. Grantham home. Mrs. William Meyer and daughter Winifred Ann of Harrington. spent Friday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Grantham Jr. Mr. and Mrs. thstfield and children of Chicago. spent Sunday at the res- idenee or Mrs. E H. Prior. Mrs. Frank Meyer and son Donald of McHenry, called on her mother, Mrs. Alice Geary on Thursday eve- ning. . Mrs. Aldea Grantham and son Walter, of Chicago, called at the Grantham home on Sunday evening. Mrs. Edit.) Peck tstytuat several days in Chicago with her daughter, Mrs. Herbert Schroeder. Mr, and Mrs. Smith, of Chicago. and Mrs. Georgianna Stroker and baby wpre Waukegan shoppers last Saturday. ", Walter Shepherd. of Woodstock. was calling otvold friends here one day last week. . Miss Olsen. Mrs. Loverine, Miss hay and Miss Eva Crabb, wore in Waukegan on Saturday. Miss Mable Knigge was a recent visitors in McHenry. Frank Roony of Chicago, is spend ing a few days at the Murphy hotel. "Why Leave Home" From the stage play "Cradle Snatchers" The All-Talking Smash Which Took Chicago By Storm. ay --ln --tn--- ear. INDEPENDENT DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FOR $1.50 A YEAR AND NO EXTRA CHARGE FOR DELIVERY. lA FIRST NATIONAL VITAPHONE HIT! "ragllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllMlllllllllllllllp ADMISSION:-- Adults, 40c; children 20c WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, and FRIDAY For the First Time F or the Last Time you can hear the voice Dorothy Mackaill and of the sereen's best- Jack Mulhall appear £912? :9 $103511] Vl'lilt: together. The; phone Picture. Gal'ped the want to 11.1- Also dividual stardom . m Comedy and their latest rwoduction News "2 WEEKS OFF" !llllll.l.1ll!lllllllllllllllallllllmimimmmmm,, SUNDAY and MONDAY, SEPT. 29 and 30: Comedy Telephone 130 311 W. Park Ave. Lib McDonald', Commercial School REGISTER NOW FOR t:a/éiirli/lrfl4 SATURDAY, ONE DAY ONLY MYRNA LOY in "Hard Boiled Rosie" James Oliver Curwood's Overwhelming North Woods Thriller, News "The Yellow Back" with TOM MOORE and TUESDAY-ONE DAY ONLY: Fall Classes in Commercial Work Beginning SEPTEMBER 9th Advanced and Elementary Commercial Courses icture of Riot and Sure Fire Action. Also Comedy and Review A I L. "' VTHEATIIIE LAST TIME TONIGHT DAVY LEE in "SONNY BOY" ---ALSO-- "Screen Snapshots See and Hear the Stars at Cork and at Play Libertyville, Illinois Libertyville, m. WEEKS OFF i,iii,i"il,l:,l"liii " She has em; yo u'l l s e e 'em! She Says em; youll hear 'em! Adults 35c Chil., 15c Admission