Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1929, p. 3

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TRAIN HITS TRUCK: DRIVER tWt fllll llFE: DERAIL CARS Lives of 33 Passengers of a Waukegan Bound Train Jmperilled The liveg of 33 passengers in a Waukegan bound North Shore Lxue train. and .two local men who leap- ed from their truck. were imperill- ed at noon Tuesday. south of Keno- sh: when n limited train and a Blat- chtord Calf Meal Co. truck collided at Helicon Road. Edward Boehm, 24. of 210 Water street. driver of the truck. and Tell Schuane. 31. ot 628 Franklin street his helper. leaped trom the cab of their machine to escape the onrush. in: train. J. E. Van Sickel. of Chicago, the motoman. Jumped back from his cab after shunning on the bakes. and averted what would have been Instantaneous death as the from "naperfarming During 1928. a large public utilities corporation oper- ated 996 automobiles of 33 different makes. And according to its own accurately recorded root figures, its Pontiac» rust one cent (on r mile to operate than any other low-prired six in til): field at that time. Yet even that great record of economy is being nur- passed by the Pontiac Big Six because of a number of refinement" and advancements which this latest Pontiac includes. PONT HAC a, - " - .SM00'I'IIEB - = all other low-priced sixes at lower east than ever Pitcher-Stevens Motor Sales 606 N. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville COMFORT at 70 miles per hour THE NEW 1930 HUPMOBILE srx "e" FASTER - A SlllllE IP0WElllt FI'L SA FElit The um: power and the dominant speed of the new 1930 Hupmobile Six are matched by just as remarkable ad- vances in its comfort. For Hupmobile wanted this new Six to be perfected in any detail . . . A spacious interior, marked by more leg room . . . more head room. Wider seats and doors . . . deep, easy cushions. Long springs of matched tensions are controlled by improved shock ab- sorbers. Vibrations that nibble at your nerves no longer SHIRE RELIABLE exist, because the counterweighted crankshaft and rubber cushioned engine mountings stop them before1hey start. The result: comfort becomes luxury; riding gives new pleasures in quiet and ease . . . Drive the new Hupmobile Six today. Let it tell its own story of extraordinary value . . . of excess speed and power . . . of 1930 riding luxury . . . on any road you choose. - Luqun-uvnn W; . REE MOTOR SALES "toDucr OF CENFR\L Mun)" 325 North Milwaukee Avenue Telephone 8 Lib: GOAL OF i7iirifi"ir" HAS BEWXTTAINED! part or his coach won demolished as it struck the truck head-on. Didn't 8.0 Inch Other - Boehm said that he did not see the approaching southbound train. and Van Sicko] chimed he did not see the truck until he won almost onto it. Boehm and Schaune were nut-l lug a delivery from the [larval], plant to a point on McKeon rad" which parallels the state line one' mile north of the Illinois boundary. Car I. Derailed i The first car, with its 33 passen- grrs'. was derailed and bumped alone the track tor 600 feet wreck, Ing the roadway and tearing out wiren and poles. The passwaurertc-tradly shaken up and frightened. were not Injured. according to reports reaching here. The other two cars eluntr,in the wake of the first coach and held fairly close to the rails. Bernard Vogt. axed 26 years. of Round Lake. lost the tour fingers: from his right hand when they were caught in the knives ot I silage cutter on the farm of Joseph Wagner. near Round Lake. where he has been employed. F114 day afternoon. He was brought. treatment the Lake county hospital tor "hm Pond-c " Sh. c." to " "the. Nick. plan Juli-crv churn". B-ers. Orrin - ." Lonkw shot-h ob- .rko regular "um-noun a slight - an... (-0..- ..l Motor. Tim Puma-II Phat and." u M- Cu..ouor tho dolivuvd rho - we" on tho Ihl t. o. b.) pie. trye" 'e'"'- "n . "with t In" . . '."h1LTlt"ATidC. do- Ila-rod "has Includ- unly .ottsoe4nod that." foe high. and "In" a" thes charge 'oe any at."- Mutual net-counting a. "OMB". don-End "ogts f. o. b. him-c. ma; 1n HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NEW 1930 HUPMOBILE SIX M acp.h., 70 h.p. Acceleration from f to 2f n.p.h.r'in , "ronds . . . rowtterureigkted crank- :hcft and rtNer-cushioned oxtine mountings. Improved 4-echeel Jteeldraulir brakes . . . Foot operated dimmer . . . Rear "at 50% index. front teat 49 inches . . . (Huh chromium hub eats. . . Nturfrorttfender parking lights of mm deript a: headlightr. Custom etpsipment-6 win or din wheels, two man side-mounted in fender wells, MAN: at slight extra (on. S-PASIINGII 0-000: upmq...:|0'0 couvnrrlun CAIIIOLI'I'........ "" cours........ 7 q __................. 99S '_j,;jf(0 6O GEORGE W. $ililtllllil KILLED Illl NORTH SHORE llNE TRAIN Death Halts Wedding Plans; Girl Driver is Seriously Inlured. Death Thursday night ended the wedding plans of George Scum. H. ot 217 North Utica street and Miss Esther Christensen. 21, at in No. Ash Bt., Wsukegun when the cu in which they rode "at on Glen Flora avenue. with the girl at th. wheel, was struck by a south bound ltcal train on the North Shore Mm, killing Schlunx almost instantly and resulting in serious injuries to his fiancee. Miss Christensen was rushed to the "Yietory Memorial hospital where she is nuttpring from a skull trac. "ture and numerous rut: 4nd bruises about the haul and body. c. A. Waite, Tr.'. North lac-i.- avenue. was the OM) accident according t Booth and Patrolma of .the police depar swered the call. The poll"! stateti that All" Christensen wuw drivlng the car east in Glen Flam avenue at 03:10 p m. and pulled on to the track: ln from of the local train No. 650, mum bound, with Motor. man W. H. Hall of lllxhwood at the controls and Conductor James llrmmu ln charuo CAR IS WRECKED The llzht car, which bore "co-nu- plate" lssupd to PMs-r Cowie of Bos CAC', Lake Forest. was louse-d 150 teet south oit the l rushing and landed arm." the fence.nlotttt tltst right!!! way totallv wrecked. Both Sclilun: am] the girl Were thrown clear of the var Tho electrie train was tie- Fram-ws Schlunz hon-Ital ro-muvml tn the bh nm- am: funeral home. In anampnnz to derm cautre of the accident. Capt. Booth watched the panama half dozen traim after th and tound that the wie mm were working with each tr; [midi to the LIVES WITH SISTER Mia-x Christensen nukes ho-r hom.. with her sister. Eda: Fl Christen gen. and In employed ttt the Abram Laboratories in North Ctticaeo Sh.» Laboratories In North ('niratn sm- l meat market W Mr buyer." m "u Ln well known here. and trionds n-- tttlar', "gm " Mg possession Octobel ported that her engagement to Mr (ii,iii Mr .41"e/iC"l'i't','i"eor' has ore Srblunx had been arranged and that "mud a mark! in Law Zurirh Yor, the wedding plans '"T" prturrtayxsirut the ghost f/fjl,t'i'g yard Mr and Her shuts-r muld not-be reached to- Mrs. chhall harm-r will leave for day for details of the proposed wed, 'a short via" mm. an" Hulk. In ding, Bonner: Party. Idaho _ Just a little less than a you" m on the night of November 4, 1101 two venom. FYod T Lunden. and mm Helen May Stake. 13. we instantly killed in a similar drnt at the same (main! " occasion Lunden wad just 1 ALL 'IlCIS P. o. B. - ll tltt 1 r that Libortyville, Ill. IS "DEATH CROSSING" "' had s', Import; Schlunx's body later was tt the Whit" and Tum" lilo ite. 922 North [min the only witness to the mum: to Capt Thomas atrolman Roy Edwards e department who an 'all. The pump stated hrlstonaen wan drivlng LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929. w White and Tom"; to determine tho" lent. Capt. Thumu l no panama of mm." s after the vra¢h| w wie In": "(Mn-n! 1h and] train that) north bound lin hy and then pull M car h 5M0 (m that taking Chr F Miss Stake ho e and the lirl's mother was shading on the porch of a home Just eat of the railroad' (rosin: raving goodbye to her daughter. The Couple we: driving aunt in Glen Flo. avenue and were hit by a south round tram, Both were killed instpntly as the girl's mother looked oh. . Active in Community Anal" George W. SchLung was born Feb. ruary ee, 1887. t Lena. Ill. He moved to Wauiegan in 1908 and entered the employ of the Public Servic. company. He was Ister transferred to Libertyville where he served on branch manager ot the company. ot Wal buquon I year iTho- guru» is bring tlnished rapidly itry rumracmr Branding. for Albert? 'Hrybo-ck. The nlnd opening will Iii.' held within tho next few weeks, l Mr and Mrs F'rria and Charles Ladd and Mr. nnd Mrs John Smith "d durum!" thturday, hill. to via- l' the, Shaticrs'and on Sunday. they lull went in to Mr. and Mrs Phillip iSrhafro-r'.~_ in Chm-aim, and attended the Cubs ball mm" I Miss Gladys Milkwlch vFited ttt ith" home of hm sistvr Min Delores :Mllltiwich. on-r the I'm-k ettd l Th membersi of the Lake Zurich itrall than) "Noted a coupe days out- jinx on the Mississmpi River, min In 1910 he was named in marriage l to Miss Agnes Taylor' who preceded I him In death nine years no. To this '3 union one son. Jack Taylor Schlung i was horn. b For the past six years he has, For the past six years he has been in business for himself as a radiotrielan with calves at 22 North Ctyinty street. He has saved as St-uutnuatrr of Troop 3 of the Boy Scouts of Amer. ivu attached to the First M. E. thurch for the past five years. He was an active and influential mom- ber of the M. K. church and wpn the teactwr of the young men's class in the church. He was his" a put'mas- tér of Anchor and Ark lodge No. 102 h. Fl and A. M, He also held (tlie position of ttrat lieutenant In the) Howitzer company. 1.,N', Cr. having Worked up trom the rinks H" was a member of that military "may: since its organiza- rinks He was military group tlon. Beside-s his son he ll survived by Ms mother. Mrs. William G. Scblung of Waukegan: tour sisters. Masses Nullv, Martha and Elba! and Mrs.' LINN-s "are of Waukegan: 'tire brothers. ('harleq and Willard of Ptssvrtus. lul.. and John and liar" m Waukegan and William of 1nrl buqucu la. HG Tamer mined away' It her home on the run Illy\_l\u. Paul Strum-akin)" hu sold his meat market to Mr have!!!) of Pal V'Mr aners' B. R Simmnn-x law Sunday for mum day trip to Muscle Shoals. Auburn . ' --_ On Sunday; Mr, Charles 1Veater took Mm Mhry Curvy of Wanna Sprints tad Wrtan Weaver to Ripon tollette, 'here they enrolled as nu- dents , for the pro-nous some!!! bl Gonna-lore are rm arramting student chap an tutu-pass The oouncilors elected this u-mmwr by the cusses. are: Seniors. AVred Glesre. Chief: Char- lottw Weaver, Secretary Ind Elmer Mural. Juniors: Ira Ernst. Harold Hie". Helen Hans and Ethel Ru- Musk}. The Senior class gave the'ttrst student ehtiplet program of the year last Friday morning. A very inter' estinz miscellaneous program we rendered. consisting of vocal and in.) strumental music and short talto. The Junior: willgive the chapel pro- tram next Wday morning. The Sophomores and Freshmen will give the chgpel programs on the follow- ing two Fridays. Parents and via. imrs are cordially invited to our gen- 'eral Chapel program on Mondly 'and Friday mornings. These unem- blies are held in the auditorium. u SCHOOL THRIFT 1 ,Apxisrently mtutparenta are not aware of the advantages given their children in our school, to develops the habit of systematic saving. School thrift is an opportunity to lay the foundation of future prosper- ity. Only by forming .the hum of thrift during the school age, can we epect the "entire boy and girl to become prosperous financially in lat- er years. It is not so impbrttmt how much your boy or girl deposits etch week. as is how regulsrly he or she deposits.' The habit is the import- ant thing. _ GIRLS GET NEW GYM SUITS .The girls in Miss Roberta's gym class decided to break away from the old conventiol middy and type bloom er typo uniform this you tad (at the one-piece modern type ot suit. nearly every high school in the country hu adopted this type of suit: for the girls. While it means LAKE ZURICH at! SENIORS GIVE CHAPEL ignition yearn Mr and hall kamrr will leave for run mm: mm hunk. In ".RAM (lll1iilllljlTIM Til MARK OPENING OF ROUTE 173 IN ZION Parade and Program To Be Given in Zion on After- noon of Oct. 5. y October 17 is the date set for the Partners' Institute at Ela Township High School. We hope that early date will afford a better institute in every way: Plans are already under way to matte this day a succass. Be- gin making your plans to compete Mr the prises tor the bert exhibits. An excellent program of music. ad- drusses and discussions. is being arranged. The official opening of the east- ern terminus of State Route 173, known " the Zion to Rockford highway, will pe held at Zion on Saturday, October 6. at t o'elock In the afternoon. A stand. suitably added expense, it will be worth it In comfort and satiahctlon. Screen Grid RCA Radiola WHO would refuse cifront row seat for the great American baseball clas- sic? Who isn't interested in this im- portant series, between the Athletics and Cubs! The new SCREEN GRID RCA RADIOLA offers you the same advantages as personal attendance. Every pitch, every move on the diamond will be received by you in- stantan.eously and with absolute clarity. eexergragtgItagatltarAG"atlL"d= iiiigirw-' Cm"----------, QUALITY Through and Through YOU pay no premium for Radiola quality. The prices are those you would expect to pay for any of the many "gecond-line" radios. But the peformance of the radio itself is as different as day and night! For years Radiola has set a standard all its own. Only the wonder of modern quantity production could have made its price so low. Listen to an RCA Radiola at our store. Note its'well rounded tonal beauty--the volume obtainable without distortion--- the balanced reproduction of both high and low notes. A small down payment puts a Radiola in your home. Pay for it monthly outof your income. Your present radio will be given a generous tradein value. WORLD'S SERIES Libertyville Telephone 9. RCA "46" '179 Afiits '197 HEAR THE VERY SWlSH OF THE BAT ENJOY EVERY THRILL OF THE GAME WITH A A FRONT ROW SEAT FOR THE The Ray F urnityart?nil Pam} litter, I Deputy Sheriff Edward Dunne lezt {last Saturday for Hulsa, Okla., to 'return James Delaney tn Waukegan. Hie carried two warrants, one: chart iing embezzlement of $550 trom C. in Cheadle and another charging "ortrery of a $49 check on Ray Mtl- :hnlland. Delaney" took a car from the Maytag Sales, police declare, land was caught in Tulsa with it. decorated with the national colors, will be erected at Twenty-first street and Sheridan, road, where appropri' ate exercises will he held, including several short speeches. Music will be furnished by the Zion band. At the noon hour, a considerable company of visitors trom out ot town, and others, will be entertain- ed at luncheon in Zion home as guests of the City or Zioa.. The guests will include Mate, county, township and city officials. as well as others. Following the opening ceremonies an automobile parade will form and pass oYer the newly constructed highway from Zion to Green Bay road, where it will disperse. Arrangements are being made to stone the detour over Twenty-first streak and Hermon avenue. occas- ioned by the gap in the permanent route at the North Shore railway crooning. and over this detour th' parade will pass. "Ask for a Free Demonstration-Without Obligation" -ft ' - Vt J- " 'C: '0' f _ \ fiii,f,1'iiiiitai.i. " The First Game of the World's Series is on Be Sure to Have Your Set by That Time TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8th Among the outstanding features that have made these new RCA Ra- diolas such a sensation is the con- centric, or "two-in-one" tuning and volume control . . the special switch to maintain high quality of repro- duction for both local and distant stations. . electro-dynamic speaker with Model 46 . . electro-magnetic . speaker with Models 33 and 34 . . WITH . selective or dial graduated for kilo- TUBES cycles . . attractive modern chassis Monday, Friday and Saturday Evenings the aoW'sjfnest heating equipment on ealy monthly payment; Only a few dollars down-and you begin to enjoy a modern AMERICAN RADIATOR HEATING SYSTEM. Small monthly payments for a few months and you will have a litetime of heating comfort. q It is like putting moncyr in the bank, because an AMERICAN RADiATOR HEATING SYsTEM will increase the value of your propertymorethan the cost of the equipment. It costs yon nethin g to investigate. _ PHONE 260 LIBERTYVILLE 134 s. MILWAUKEE AVE. $110 J. T. McGRATH Less Tubes Tubes and RCA "44" $151 with Speaker PAGE THREE No Screen Grid $54 $86.25 with Len Tubes Tubes and RCA "33" Speaker I

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