Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1929, p. 5

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Lake County National Bank Libertyville, Ill. Capital and Surplus $1 50.000.00 Better let us fill your bin with the winter's coal sup- ply, NOW, while we can make Prompt delivery. Be Comfortable These Frosty Mornings! Libertyville Lumber Company Our special savings club will precisely fit your needs and you will receive your to- tal dejposits, plus 3'72 interest upon what- ever ate you have set. Now is the time to determine how much you will need and spread the deposits evenly over the time before you wish the money. That is the ideal way to prepare for your vacation. Down by the old depot. been there twenty years. Telephone 47 For a quick, warm fire use our Chunk Wood and Carmel Coal NEXT YEAR Plan Your Vacation FOR - Mrs. Galina Belrixer ot Chicago ts vitritirut her trister, Mrs. Harry Mayan at their beautiful acme north of town. Mr. and Mrs. Chrome Smith and I Min 1urr Meson returned Sutur- Mr. and In. my, Behatter re day from Kaiispell. Mont., where we turned Wednesday from Deccan. It..illl been visiting he rsiater. Mrs. when Mr. Schaffer took pert in n William Duvison. for the put three wrestling bout .whiqh he won "iiiiiii'ia. ' Group" No. 2 ot the Presbyterian ladies Aid will hold 3 bakery sale at the Sehanck hardwure More Sat. urday, Sept. 28. at 2 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney anr ware diritter.ttueettts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Poster at Solon Mills Sunday; also enjoeynd a motor trip around Lake Gvneva Mrs. Walter Madsen and daughter! Mary Kay, attended the mum: tam-9 vemry of the Universal!" church: in Muicwanaao. Wis., Sunday. andl vitstted friends and rwhtlvos in Mil. wuukee Monday. and in Brookfleldl and Waukvsha Tunylay. naturnimrl home Tueadav evening. l John A. Dawson. of Libertrvillo, filed suit for divorce in the circuit court at Wautremut uninst his wife, Cathryn, on grounds of enmity. C. rt. You of Litrertrviltrr, was arrested last Friday on a charge of torrent on a warrant issued by him tic" Harry Hoyt, according to an entry in the county records. The W. C. T. U. county convention Will be held Thursdsy and Friday. Oct. 3 and 4. at the Chrtstian church In .Wnukexnn. Mrs. Edith Herrick and Mrs. Igtra Thompson are dele- 23196 from the local union. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gran motoreU to Detroit, Mich, and spent the week end with an aunt of Mrs. Gratz. On Asr.tuiay morning they left tor north.. ern Wisconsin. where they will visit Mr. Gntz'a sister. hick Dari. at the Libertyville Mo. tot Sales, reports the ttgrits of four new Chevrolet Sixes. during the past two days . . . iiiit"' v r V b "a ---- mes..-- lr, .13 ": il, ". a I \a(.;'" A . ls, "., .1, £1 (g 1liiltii' , _fC";'irtf/,., v \ _ j,: '51,? I, Cl "'2' '. . ' I N! V , / F'tii'i'iiiiiilttilie8i, / , ' SA dr,:',,",'-:'?, . / h LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1929. Ll BERTYVILLE, ILL. L002 to the best candy that is obtainable. Of course it's JULIA KINGS Home-Made Candy Anon-ted Ganglion We have all kinds, and they're alwavs fresh and pure. -You can rely 011; the high quality of the things we se . V RTYVILLE, ILL. PHONE 844 Oh Yes, We Serve Sandwiches. The Soda Shop teat Your Friends Get the habit! Buy here! h-nd Carleton Collette The yum-mus of the Pirgt National Rank building are rrjoldnx there cool mornings over the Installation of a now oil burner in the building. Installation was made through H. P. Sun-r1. Inml heating and plumbing contractor Mr And Mrs J S. Hyatt and son. Willard. attended tho- wedding of Mr and Mrs J s, Hyatt and son. Willard. attended the wedding of Rgstrert Itrake and Miss Martha tewan at Wllmmw Saturday, Sept. 14th. John Almond tad Ml" Princes ('ro-asv-y were dinner meats at the home of Mr. and Mrs Otto Nord, on Sunday, and nlso callNl on Mr. and Mrs John Joanson. all of whom live nurlh of Libertyville. . The W. C. T. U. had a very good meeting Tuesday. Election of offic- ers resulted in the following being chosen: Mrs. [ska Thompson. presi- dent; Mrs. Edith Herrick, vice presi- dent; Mrs Jennie Miller, secretary; Mill Ida Wheeler. troousurrr. Mrs. Dull. of Ohio. who in a. ham; guest of Mrs Thompson. wan weseni, Mrs. Jennie Haaerty and Mrs. Ruth Hasrerty, armnipnniod by Mrs. (ff I' Tibbous of Lake Forest, and her guest. Mrs. Ella Sanford. of Seattle, Wash.. attended an all-day Mrs. Mary Deminger accompanied her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strung, of Gumee, to Lake Genera sunday, where they enjoynd the boat trip around the lake. The regular meeting ot the Mettr Ladies' Aid Society will be held l, Tuesday. Oct. let. at the home on Mrs. J. P. Stiles. on Witchwood Ave.,l at Lake Bluff. This will be the first: meeting at the new yen. Annual' reports will be made, and due: will he payuble at this time. I GRADE A Raw Milk and Cream "WIN": and Warsaw of l u, held at the Gurnee Spinney Run Dairy Wm. Mayfield & Sons Phone Grarslake 205 l In addition to a mm n mlmc, Miss Wright ' {nrrizn [anzunge at mm; {mm T B. and isthur Wrieht. daugh " here he wil laboratory teat n toy HS and is t sey Sum of the k you can ll' WHEN. "tl College ol and Ayr bu W. C. Christian or to m Mrs. John Solvent started out this season with such a large class of P'uplltt that It became necessary to divide it into three classes. t Mrs. I Seiwert also has a cuss in Chicago Ion Fridays. A A ' better now. l Mr and Mrs Hobo-rt Melton. of Milwaukee. Wisconsin. spent a Yaw days last week at the home'of Mr. and Mrs. w E. Decker. Mr. and Mrs A. L. Farr motorM to St Charle Sunday and spent the day with thoir daughter, Bernice, at Mount St Jury"! Academy. Mr and Mrs Jack Bradford and "attehtor Dorothy motored to Mar , wood Sunday and spam the day with i Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Smalley. I Mr. and Mrs. C. o. Carlson enter- 'tamed Mr. and Mrs. Ned Grant of II'ark Ridge. and Mr. and Mrs. G. S. f Crme of Batavia. at dinner Sunday. June: Hyatt and Wilbur Groner no "tending Brewster Academy at Wolfetsboro, New Hampshire. Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Cramer and dnughter of Evanston. were dinner guest: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom am: Saturday. Lyle She1lentttrrger of Akron, Ohio visited Mr. and'Mrs. W. I. Collins Monday. ' Mr and Mrs James Armstvad, of Wauszan, spam Saturday evening um. Mr. and Mrs Prank Druba. Mr and Mrs Melvin Davis. of Chi- caun 'trent Sunday at the home of Mr and Mrs Carl Bdman. Mr and Mrs John Sewer, w1ll bo dinnwr and thoatre guests of Mr. and Mrs Warner Sivyer in thcazo Pri. day owning in honor of Mr and Mrs Shiver" mm wedding anniversary. Mario Lawn had her ton~Hs re- mand n tho Gouda" Memorial Ho' pltal on Monday Dr, Taylor was the attending physician. Mrs R, T. Schnaobele was m for sewnl days last week but In much Mrs. Ida Starkwmther spent so-vo eral days last week with her dauau. ter Mrs John Salwert. Mrs. Frank Drub'a and daiurr'rr, [micro-s. visited Mr. and Mrs. Jdhn Want In Waukeean Saturday. Mr and Mrs. T. P Swan and Chl dren and Charles Wilcox and grand- dalmhwr. Ruth Wilcox. motored to Wauconda and Crystal Lake Sunday. Mrs, Mary Iii-mink" acrompanied hear son and wife Mr. and Mrs. James analnzer. of Waukvzan. to Milwaukee Sunday where they. visit. m1 Wuhlnmon Park. Mrs. C. O. Carlson spout sewn] day; last "wk with hm parents. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller at Huntley. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Jorn and son. Filrtwr of Chicago. visited Mr. and Mrs Roy CnamberhUn Thursday Momma Mr: W J. Irvrtritto. of Chicago. HIP!" swam! days last wm-k with For." Fm"- r. Mrs, Bortha Pry. Mr. and Mrs Henry Blarkner of ("nu-nan "Pr? guests at the Jim. Guorin home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward and Miss Minnie Conway of Elgin. visited Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Conway and Dr. and Mrs. C. H. Betzer Saturday. Mrs.' Elizabeth Boehm and (bush, ter, Miss Hattie. called on friends, in Fremont Sunday Mrs. Rolland Woodwonh and daughter, Margarot, of Boloit, Wig, were wo-nk end guests at the J. w. Cooper home. The I.atr,es, Aid of me Lutheran church are xuerdnz for their an. nual bazaar which will be held Nov. 21 in the Episcopal parish house. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Smith and brorner and friend of IA Grange. were dinnor guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G, P. Garbutt Sunday. George Macon and .Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mason sant the week end at their rottazs- on Mason Lake, \Vis. Mr arr! Mrs TV. 1. Collins were won-k end luv-Its a tthe home of Mr. and Mrs A C Donn? in Sycamore. Mr. and Mrs. John Seiwert attend~ ed a party Friday ewninz at the home of Mr and Mrs. Victor Table in Chit-aim. in honor of the elgh. month birthday of their son. Hardldg Ellwood. Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Bernard attend- ed the Cubs ball game in Chicago Sunday. Cnttt and Kenneth Cooper spo-nt the werk end at Mason Lake, Wis. No matter what the size of 'your income may be, I have just the home for you. I always have a list of good values in modern houses to offer. If you are in the market for a home-pr if you want to sell --consult me. Telephone 469 N. E. CORNER MILWAUKEE .AVE. AND CHURCH STREET Realtor - Insuror - Builder I Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stafford and family called on Mr. and'Mrs. W. T. iEheeltr, W085! of Libertyville, last , Thursday. Mrs Laura Hanby and Mrs. Min nie Barber spent the wee kend with Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gardner in Chr cm. The Lutheran, Ladies Aid will hold the next rerunr meer g Thursday afternoon, Oct 3, in the church bare- meat Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stone enter- tained Mr and Mrs. Waiur Neath and son and Mr. and Mrs. A James, of Chicago mt dinner Sunday. M r. and Mrs. Phil Sheridan of Chr cago, and Mrs. Margaret Yager, of Pittsburgh, were dinner guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Gus Luge The Willing Workers club met at the home of Mrs. James Metcalf on Tuesday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. R. J. Gossell. Mrs. Otto Temmeyer. Mrs, Will Brumm and Mrs, H A. Kuhlman. Viola "'hepfer and Paul Rogers were in Waukegan Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Miller and Mrs. Mary Miller of Barrington. vis- iMd Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gossell Sunday. r Wehrenberg and Bob fuhrend [ rrl turned Saturday night trom . week? vacation at Tomahawk Lake. Wm, They found anything but fishing w,.a { ther had rain, ban. sleet and snow l most of the time. The fish catch was '; not mentidned. ' Dale Comm, assistant can!" at the bhrst National Bank left Tuesday for hos Angelou out., when he will mud a couple of weeks with his dare-ms. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Collins. Carol Porteous, Art Igor, 000m Mr. and Mrs .E Paul and Mr. and Mrs William Bruner motored to Ar gmquln Sunday. . First National Bank . Resources Over $900,000.00 o-,iCot?Yef't'i',C, 'i"'lriii,ii,it?ti,ud,'i'p'it Libertyville Libertyville, Ill. t,tt2'Urlei"ti PROTECTU Bank Money Orders can be purchased for any amount. They have a receipt stub which you can keep, giving you a complete record of your transaction. You should always have a receipt when money is given for payment. nd --to give you all the protective fea- SBCO tures and advantages of other money order forms at fees slightly lower than you have lu-v-n paying. .lsundas. ! Mrs . l Miss Martha Vase of Prairie View Gossell ispem the past week with relatives Lion of !bere. exam I Mr. and Mrs Ben Barley ot Watr kegan spent Tuesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S P. Evilsizor, Mr. and Mrs..('laude Knigge and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Deithorn spent sunday in Palatine . Hou/se has gas. electricity, running water and furnace heat. Will rent five rooms for $26.50. or sev- en rooms for 331.50. Inquire at Lake Villa Hardware Store up to Oct. lst: after that on premises, or write 4505 N. Francisco Ave., Chicago, Illinois Frame house at Lake Villa, Ill., located on Grand Ave., Waukegan Road, opposite the Village Hall, one block from 800 Line Sta- tion and business district. HOUSE Fiji OR RENT l/,li',i'il) V Save today----Be prepared tomorrow. This Strong and Safe Bank invites your sav- ings account. Tommorrow's Battles on LII BERTYVIILLE 333%? BANK WI LL LOSE At Lake Villa, Illinois THOS. G. HUNTER Capital and Santa: 31 50,000. 00 Mohr Opportunities See Us About h Lion of Aid Associations for Luth- erans at Cicero Sunday thermal! and evening Mrr. Kahuna m t delegate from tdrs local branch. Mrs C. TC. Jami,.son and children are tips-riding a few days this week with Mrs. Jatmesot1's mother, Mrs. Ada Men, in Chicago. Phone " Mrs .H A Kuhiman and 2111.8. I. ,ysell avendpd the Illinois Fed" WIN PAGE FIVE or

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