Mr and Mrs Funk Bauernsunh and non Raymond ea1led on Mr. and Mrs. Ito Amann in Bach. and Mr. and Mrs. Phil Truax in Woukegan, Sunday afternoon. In. Andrew Anderson and daunt- ter. Mary. of Antioch. were guest; of Mrs .Wht. Volkmm Tuesday. Mr. And Mrs. August Cook. of Por- tm, Win. are truest: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Eddy. laughter. who Is employed there. tad near lur son. who ia mending school tn Immune. In. Annie chuxhun and fam. ny of Chkzr. Mr. and In. he!!! memo Diamond Luke. In and In. Ralph Ron-e Sand-y. In. Mr. and Mrs. Ed New returned last week from a vacation. which they spent at Lake Waukesean. Mrs. Ed Cook rave a party Monday afternoon in honor of the tenth birth day of Miss Vera Bell, There inn 19 guests present an dtho time flew by in games and fun. The children mower-ed Vera Belle with pretty ttifttt and all enjoyed the delusion. luncheon and party. wm Murphy and family and Mr. and Mrs George Murphy of Mihrars Ree were dinner meats at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank XMroy last Sunday _ an autumn: In Milwaukee for the wing". where she will be with her (hunter. who Is employed there. Mrs. Frank Shaddle was a Chica.. go visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Lyons and ch11- dren motored to Mt. Prospect Sun. day " death don Mr. and Mrs. Bert 'rerarnine Mr and Mrs. wtiri1itrren,e and children visited It the B K um: home in Gumee Sunday art-r-, lmnhop Canis, orstr,tie will hold a picnic at the August Wirta on Sunday J L. Chamberlain, who has been in Vermont for the past two ynrs. returned to this neighborhood last Tuesday. and is visiting around at the hoes mot his children for the present name in Gurnee Sundny afternoon. Mr, and Mrs .R. D. Cook And their moan. Mr. and Mrs. James Wheaton of Wheaten. were dinner and: ttat. urdny evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cook. Mr. and ME Jo. Diet: and (hush- ten. Ruth And Ethel. went Sunduy afternoon st tho home of Mr. a... coiled on Chas. Dolph Sunday. i Morris If, Shaddie of Hinsdaie. in spending this woek with his Knud- porents. Mr and Mrs. Punk Shuddioil Rertretrentative and Mrs. R. J. Ly, 003 have sold their Mindful home on Maple venue. and are moving} this week into one at the homes own- ed by the latte County Land Ann. They are planning to build min next aprinx. t -. ....'...u... wrre mane-r (out: Mat. Mr. and Mrs. Charm Nelson, John urdny evening at the home of Mr. Roda. Mr. and Mrs Pete Nelson. ot and Mn. Edwin Cook. 'Chicago 5mm Saturday afternoon Mr. and Mistoo Diet: and (hung-"um Mrs .Annio Rabat. ten. Ruth tad Ethel. went Sundny Mrs Bert Sun uni daughter. " Mun-noon st the- home of Mrs. Geo.' Verne. vow, Waning"! vhrttorg Igurt Waters in Guy-Me. ('rerur. Robert aches of Hizhiand Park, Mr and Mrs. Wm. Crtuner and owed on Chas. Dolph Sunday. ison Billy and Mrs. Lena Cum". of Morris be, Shaddie of Hinsdale, in Highland Part, spent Saturday eve 2teti,yUye week with his sund- nine with Mrs. Annie Kuwait. MRI": .. I'H' 'Am., 'kn' -..- - -- . Mr. and Mrs. Henry Englebrecht'Augum v and daughter. Rose Mary. was. Miss Lily Genevieve Wells and Leslie ACOX. Sunday. motored to F'spYingtieVi Saturday; Sunday where they visited TI%ter Parker. new Sun Mr, and Mrs Myron Wells and Mr and children called on relatives in PalaCd the a; tin" Monday evening. lemming. Mrs. E. E Eamon and Miss Flora! Mr. and Tripp of Downer's Grove were week,' Earl. 3pm end guest: at the home of their bro Mr and ther and Wife. Mr and Mrs, S. L. field. Trim). l up gm: Mr and Mrs. Burt Chamberlain, ot, Ivanhoe. and Mr. and Mrs. ces, Chamberlain motored to Runner Sunday and spent ttill day with Mr.) and Mrs. Everett Richardson. I S. L. Tripp this week. Miss Scam Is the Retiring President of The P. M. 9. organisatio'n of the State of om- fornia and attended the Supreme Convention of the P E. o. in Chicago, last week. Mrs. M. R. bovzren and sister left Monday for Marshfield. Wisconsin to spend a won with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and childrpn spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gross It Lake Zurich. Miss Lois Saum of SartDUtro. Cali- forum. ls the was: of Mr. and Mrs. _ Mrs. Reberea Holcomb and dauer var Dorothy. Mrs. M R. Lox-non and Miss Bessie McBride attended the Fox Hunt at Lake Poms: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schoenke en- !»rtained the former} parents. of Mb. Illinois for dinner Monday evening. MFS Lillian Russell who just re- contly returned from three months visit in England spam the tiast week 9nd with Mr and Mrs. Than Russell and Mr. and Mrs. W, J. Williams Miss Dorothy Harding left Snub day night for New York City where she will attend Columbia University this year, _ J. W Hart, of Burbank, CaHforrttn, is spending a fur days this week with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Vickery. Mr. and Mrs. J . J. Rouse 1nd Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rimpr were dinner m,.sts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross Thursday evening. Mr and Mrs. Warren Snyder tad sun Roy. and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wells and mildron spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Fred Kinrade in Antioch. The Ladies Aid had a very good attendance at their meeting Friday. A committee was appointh to make plans and preparations for Stunt Night which will take place October Hm - Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ross mule . Buttae,one day this week. 1 business trip to Milwaukee. Tue.adar. Miss Ruth Scranton arrived In: Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rouse returned Mundelein last Friday and has taken here Monday evening after spending charge: of her chases in the Mande- a few days with ltr. and Mre. E. v. lein schools, while Miss Jane Soretr Smith in Rockford and Mr. and MN. son left immediately for Oshkmh. Paul Rouse in Dekalb but left tor Wir, where she will attend school their home in Loda on Tuesday. Mm. Mrs. George Ross gave a Mule ptr- Harriett Ray accompanied than: ll' :y Wednpday evening in honor of far as Mt. Prospect where she will Mrs .S L. Tripp and her guest. MI" make a visit with her sister and mm" Lois Saum. of San Diego. Calif. The band. Mr and Mrs B. E.Terlhthtg. 32mm aware Mrs. Rar Went. Mrs. Mrs. Warren Snyder and son. Roy,! Clara Wells. Mrs. Ed Bluhm ttttd and Mrs. Harold Wells and children daughters. Cleo and Alva. Mrs. Rus- Were Waukegan visitors Monday. sell Rouse and Mrs. J. Marshlll' The Ladies Aid had a very ttood Hutchings. Miss Saum is a friend of attendancv at their meeting FYiday. ttwir aunt. Mrs Samuel Blackler. of A committee wttg appointed to maketgan Diem. plans and preparation; for, Stpntg Ralph Rouse and Prod Luann. Mr. and Mrs Henry Rune and daughter, Genevieve spent. Friday evening with Mr and Mrs. Lee Kane. at Diamond Lake and Sunday even' mg with Mr, and Mrs. Earl Knne. Mr. and Mrs. James Robinson and children. of Sunburst. were week end guests at the home at the utter: parents. Mr. and Mrs. Frank middle. PAGE SIX [News Notes of MuadeIein and Vicinity grill. or "an"? TO none mm m uuuonum.' You can Nb and» on and. a," I. -htqtermotMt.hoeaethoLoetnl ldMnnyqu-onw nub-v. m. may"... Otto firyttttttnter has taken Mrs. Ed New returned from a vacation. which at Lake TVaulr.uretn. "Latex o. in Chlum.3oil heater and sparks fro tttthe chim- 'ne'y Se Miro to he roof Very little lamberlaln, ot, damage was rauswl either try fire or Mrs. (has. l water, owing to the prompt and em- to Huntley elent work of the firemen. day with Mil Mr. and Mrs. Gmrxo Meyer and arch-on. daughter Helen and Mr and Mrs Englebrocht Alums! ertzlwvro ("near menu of Mttry. Mil/1113s Lillian Murray In Chleaao last Leslie Acox.Sunday. ld Saturday; Sunday school will be at 10 o'clock ter Parker. (ner,', Sunday. I Welts Nyi, Mr and Mrs. S W Deirner attend, Workers home of "on; Mr. and Mr, Ed Roder and non. 'reeVEari. spam Sunday afternoon with if"? Mr and Mrs W'm Ttanne in F'air, Strut: Mom returned 'to the home of her ttrattdparsetU Int week. and will attend Ltttertrrtlte high Ichaol Mr. and Mm. Fred Voolker spent 'rtteoday wit bur. and Mrs. Finn: Morse at Dhmond bk. Mrs. Thomas Russell mientlned the Birthday club Tuesday anamoon. There were twelve (nests and the time 7: men: in Playing 500. Mrs. AlbertRoder won fir.t prize and In. Chu. Lehmknhl. consolation. Harry Taliban. who was In [an on business, 'ttine ers "Ibo: at Oshkosh last week. and they motor- rd up to Tamara Resort in northern Wisconmx for a few days before re- turning home . Mrs. A. J. McLeod and dtuteltter, Jacqueline. visited Mrs. Geo. Thom. ""I in Chicago Friday :ttomoon. Mrs. Emmett Billnskl was in Chi can) Monday. . Mm .Clan Meyer and Mfl.--C.i;;- once Knigge were Whukogm culen Tum-thy. Mr. and Mrs Merritt Prouty. of Blair). spew sown-Al days last woek win Mr. and Mrs Alb,.rt Roder Mr and Mrs Edwin Godwun who have been in Enxland for nun-ml wwka returned home law? Wc-ans- day. having had a wonderful trip and visit with "lends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Lyde Prouty of Bar- rlnmon. were wee kend guests otMr and Mrs Albert Roder Tho mmhm of the Ladies Aid """"""'"""""f""""""""'"""'" art' to hand 1 ntheair missionary mite The Hooeetuttd Flume. Carpen- boxes at no next mPf'an. which non Its" boon hetphte [millet ta will be Friday, Oct 4, at the home Nee ouch We. for man of Mrs w. D Porteous, with Mrs.' than ttft, "an. Ind thmloro Morris Chandler assistant hosted-s l We! 73h. eamtuenee " tho Mr. 3nd Mrs. Fred Kione left on Wednesday Mr Waterloo Iowa. to spend a few days with Mrs. Elin- yeth mum. Mrs A. J. McLeod and daughter. Jacqueline. mm A In any. last week In Htmmond. Ind. with friends. Mr and Mrs. Wm iJPHFry anvnded the Food Show hold at the Coliseum In Chicago Sunday Emmett Bllmski and son Eiiimett, made a hmlnen strip to Milan)" Saturday. Mr. and Mrs Pst. Nelson of Phi- CRRO. spunt Saturday woman with Mr and Mrs J L Roder Mr and Mrs Morton Malone. of Oak Park. swat Saturdav "awning with Mr, and Mrs S. W. Dene? Mr. and Mrs J. Marshall Hutchtnxs attended th ewvrpath Thvatr» in Lak" Forest Sunday ewninz The; siiidriiiri1ut, met with Mrs.) M Neath Tuesday I nine About tl o'c'ork Mrs. John Hodtre atvp'po-d out to 999 if aho could trlotse an outside door so that the latch would catch. and upon look. ine up cauzht sizht of the fife blaz- ing through the roof It warns that Mrs, Ray had started a fire in her short visit here Mrs, Harriett Mrs. Jennie Hibbard ot {mire laike, spent a fe wdays Last week with her daughter, Mrs. _FYattk Bauernsmith. Mr, and Mrr Gus Thelma and Tom Godwin returned home Monday, aft- pr showing their animal not in She- bowr-m. Wir, over the week end. RotwtrN Anyslvy of Hiehland Park, ertlled on relatives here Saturday. Mrs Louise 91090?" t'alled on Lit» "rtvvillr, friends Friday. Mrs W I) Porteous returnod home Saturday from "magma. after a week's visit with relatives there. Mr and Mrs. Wm. Wheeler and family vwru S'xnday dinner Hunt: at th,. home of Mr. and Mrs. Séd Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. M C Mott motored to Martinsburg. Iowa Friday an! Apent the week end with the latter's parents, Mr and Mrs. J. Crraves,Mrr. Grav,.s returned with the mfor t ttwir aunt. Mrs Samuel Blackler. of PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH San Diem. Ivanhoe Church Ind First Church Ralph Rouse and Prod Luetrke, ot Mundelein (CODKRKonnIl mann motored t oColfax Monday on . C Arthur Jerne, Minister. a stock buying trip. "N ' We 80 Net to standard time this Misses Thelma and Marlon 2m s.un.dar T'leatrenote the changes In man. Georg" Walter and Kane", tht, trehedule ot tservices trlven: Hanson .0! Villa Park. were dinner Sunday School: First munch u Runts ot Mr. an ers Wm. Eddy 10 l m; Ivanhoe at 111m Sunday. ' I " OISE?!) services: Ivanhoe " 10 It few days' visit. l Mr. an dun. Prod Vodka were Mr. and Mrs John Rouse on!» guano Sunday st the home of they tained friends from Chicago '3unday.ldaturhter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mrs. L. " McClain of 1utrertrvilhe.vrKuebtrer Jr., in Gnnhke. visited her motlwr, Mrs. Waiter} Ten new home. luv, been planned Russo. one day this week. "or the Mundeieln Terminal nutsti. Emma Rouse md son, Delbert. had dinner with Mr. and Mm. mm: Rouse Sunday. Mrs. Emma Rouse and Mrs. Pred Lubkéman returned home with the McLaunlIns for . few days' visit. MRS. NlNA J. HUTCHINOI. Local Idltor TELEPHONE 557i none Theatre last Sunday lrks fro rnthe chim, " roof. Very little od either by fire or he prompt 1nd em- third In the cat of (in; Til, "me moqt_hly coat of n 810010.11 monthly b-nts In onir at}; Other amount: In Mon. community. Or - Aloe-jun You get the cash promptly. and may at. a any no twenty month. to my. No outside _ no required and there no no he. or deductioei--rm get the and" mount. What You Save Under the Household Plan you an $10.50 on a $100 tonn. Other amount. In proportion. nine. bill: accumulate and cause worry. The Int ot the month come. around and t1ndn the Income Jun . llttlo short ot the mount required. The Household Flume. Cotporr don has boon helping "mills. in hut ouch We. foe man than any yeast. not! thmlm Do Bills Worry You? Frequgqily. In Ipite of careful plun- Max Gruber, who is visiting at the Thelero home. am. kind enough to bring his show elepbsnt md worn to th" school Tuesday for the children to see and enjoy. June Eugenia, ot the fifth grade. "oo Moo be. considered is of vital interest u all church members; "The Values ol Christian Loyalty." Plan to attend Lombard In within nu dm-inx m: lance. Mr, Jevne presides as Mod Pratt" of the AWOUOH. Mr Jevne will preach on the sub I the Ladies Ald Thursday A "kw" jec'. "in Your Lite Like a Ilrush Pile am" itt pltutnad tor Ort 25 Mrs or Like a Tree?" Chris Jpnnn and Mrs John Cobmx Wednesday Oct. 2. the Woman's were visitors Sammy of lumbar has'an All a", Mr and Mrs. Paul Allanaon and rum-ting with Mrs c. A. Mae Work "MW" ate Sunday d4.totter with Mr Ml Ib'e done in preparation tor the and Mrs Andaman ot Mt, Front-r" ram" Bring lunch boxes. ft'satrir,, Hnnn of Mundk'vm and Frltlay. Oct 4. Rudolph Weistht um Jam""'T"""Pr WM! Monday 'tftetr, brain his work "I has tor the tit'c" noon with vaIce Erb and manhhv and year. We will be n-'ry gull to Mrnrfdo V \u-lcom" him back again. The sun-J Mrs Prod Town,,r ttnd dattehtm ttle of the week's gamma under his Prattro, and Mrs Mary Mason war-- leadership wlll appear in next weeks In Wnukemn Saturday paper. I James Lay-cork and ROM" Qmuvh, i Ten new home. how. been planned Hor the Mundeleln Terminal subdi- fvlsion, nnd ground in being broken Ifor early construction. a" m; First Church st 11:10 Special anthem by the c each church. o. A. Devereaux, Boo Line "PM. has rented the wink: spanmcm In the George Meyer home. and Mrs. vavrau an dron willmove down from Waaupaoa, Win, this coming week end. Lyons and Rang sold the home In which tde Brown: have been Minx. on Archer Are.. to Chris Jensen, and Mr. and Mrs. Brown nave moved to one of the new houses in Mundelein Heights. min this yet: Mrs. Leslie C. Hnakeli, Mrs. E pate A. Begum- and In. Arthur Jones no motoring to Immune marrow (Prim!) b 308 Waukegan National Bank Building s. W. Cor. (Sconce and Washington Sta. Phone Ontario " ll . WAUKEGAN )ll'NDKLEIN SCHOOL NOTES lute Reduced Nearly one-third are LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1929 We"! "Ind the choir of to. STOPPED ON THE ROAD! Pridty Th. mmmunlty is tuthed to damn» thrre bushnls of potatoes Mrs Lena Mill, and Mrs Carruine Mitch")! bava been "Mad dolontns to tho conference to be Mid next we'sk It Down": Crnw A minding of the rhureh board will be held Ward" awning u the home of Mr. 1nd Mrs. Lenru Mull Dunno" for the closing year will b.. Mrs Fred Townpr and taught"; Pranrm, and yrs Mary Mason \wro- in Waukemn Saturday Jameu Layrork and Robert South, orn. Jr, returned Monday from a mo- tor trip throuxh the tun-m "at" Mr and Mrs Mutiny havo bean pinyin: in Stat,. and Ink? "Metro and dun-m: tho month ot nrtotw.r will be in various mm in Ohio DIAMOND LAKE Qundny school a 9,.rvir95 at 10.30 Mundelein, Illinois Mrs Jamm- Townor on!,.rm1nml the Ladies Aid Thursday A ducks-n dinner is plannnd for Ort 25 Mrs Chris JFnSPn and Mrs John C000,! Were visitors "DIETZ'S STABLES Mr ind Mrs. Clarence Snetsingor of Iain. Zurich. spam Monday with Mrs Emma Mills and motored to Ke- nosha. Wis. Dr. Cmtte ls moving to Elmhurst, thin week. I Mrs. Mabel Coven. who spent the: summvr visltlng relatives in Nobras-'r kn. is visiting her son David Covor!' Mrs. Earl Kane. Mrs. Caramel mum". Mrs Sophia Otrt, Mrs. John Rove of nods. 'pprtt Thursday tttter. noon In luv mutt. l Mr. snd Mrs. James Johnston, of manlord. Cohn, spent tho week end with Mr. and am 5mm mm. l Mfg. Earl Mfume". Mrs Rove of Dada noon in Lake Mr. and Mr The school bu tmrehnaed a new volley bail and not. which will coon be up tad ready for use. . mum. urn-nae alne Inner-lo! o. rel-l Adeline and Dorothy Fehlandt are who in Kenoshn Monday. {attending school temporarily. while Mrs. Emma Mills ,Mrs. Roebrt li their tather is employed on the Town nous, and Mrs he" cut: motor-', Line road. Their home Is in Sugar ed to Knox, Ind, Tuesday, wheretcmve, South Data". Mrs Rouse will vlslt the former'sl Mrs. Paul Allanson and Supt T A brother nnd ttister-in-law, Mr. atyl,sirrmson were visitors Friday. Mrs. Chas. Albrecht. Mrs cum will,' Miss Rose Thorsen and Miss Cat'n. visit friends in North Judson.. which erlne Oahill spent Saturday in Wau- Wu her former home Ikezan. , Mrs. Fred Lubkoman Is visiting a for dark with her sister. Mrs. Me Lauinlin. of Edison Park. ha been chow: to pity the piano' (or no children to march tty, when' entering the clan rooms. I Mrs. Frank Novak and daughter Anna. attende dthe tuneral,of 1 rel, au_v_a itt_Kenotrtta Monday. Mrs. George Miller and son and daunhur of North Chicago. called Sunday on Mrs. Emma Milk. Ann Cutie: of Xanadu. is making hor home n the Nome home. 1nd is employed st the Foulds Macaroni commny in Libertyville. Kenneth Covert -ot Chicago .3991)! Sunduy with his brother, David Ron-w Mr Whenton of "Wanton. ho pranrhnd ttt Diamond lake " an no. vhritett Rt.rnday at the "t r.. E SHIN" of levnyvme. ttlso tended the tservicea ' The annual Harvest, Festival " to [ thd at Lake Bluff orphlnaxo on May Tho community in united to mate three bush": of potatoes Modern Dances Every Wednesday Night Starting October 29th IVANHOE, ILLINOIS Old Fashioned Dances Every Saturday Night 'We do our work too well. We know: what is needed and we give you the best of service and parts for the least in price. T r Diamond Lake MUSIC BY " Chris Hapke's Orchestra STAR GARAGE MUSIC BY Paul's Entertainers ('HI'RPH NT.'TVS 'rtft ch U ch Misses Arnes and EH19] Meyers Visited Sunday ahrrmmn with Mr, um Mrs A ftoirutrher at Round LII? . . "Mr and Mrs Charles Dolph and family of Mund,dein called at the Frank Dolph home Sunday. Mrs. Charles Jeffery and daughter France-a. "mm Wednnaday with Mrs. George Smith. _ Mr. and Mr. Frank Wirtr and daught,.r, Virginia, wne Sunday vis. Mrs Ros.- Holland and was, Mrs. M, Wergetithitrtt of Fhtfrfield. spam Friday afternoon with Mrs w. mt Mr and Mrs NW" Atwell and daughter Ruth spam Sunday with "lame..- in Lulu: Villa. Mr and Mr,.. Will Templin. Mr and Mrs. Menard 'rernpun and little son of Glen Ellyn. visited Sunday warranty; at tho L H Dirt: home, Mr and Mrs. dauehter, Alma, ed Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Leland Canal of Mundelein awn! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 0 " Garrett. . Mrs Albert Souk-r uas a Chicago mum Saturday. Darrell Smith of Waukrean Lila Umbdenstrrrk. Maxine Knigtre and Henry Wietwart werr Sunda} dinner moms of Pearl Shepard. Mr" Arthur Shober and IV" It F. lInrfh-r uerr'm Wtsukosran Friday. Miss Elizabeth and Ann WM: were in Libertyville Friday. Mr. and Mrs lumber Radke and autumn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Radke at Gilmer Sunday.. Mr and hint M. C ""1112. MISS Maurine: and Edward Wirtz, Mr and Mrs, John Win: and daughturs mo- tored to Ronrs Park Sunday and spent the day with Mr, and Mrs. Fred sz, Mrs. Caroline i.Mtrhell. Grandma Out and Sarah Kane vitdted Mrs. Lig. zie Denier in Evanston Sunday. They also called at the Bchwermann home . Mr. Suite:- haa kept bushing and grounds in tine shape all summer. V discussed and plans for the coming year will be made. Lent Sunduy Rev. Bcheunemann preached on "What Are the Aim: ot the Church School?" Hts topics for the following Sundays are: Sept. 29. The Church School Fueling for the Voyage; Oct. 6, The Task ot the Touch" in the Church School; Oct. 13. The Need. of the Pupil and the Church School. 1lAWTHORN SCHOOL NOTEB Frances and Jack Mse. of Russell, are par-oiled as pupils. and are living at the Patterson farm on Milwaukee IVQ'DUP. 'elephone 317 Ivanhoe 'earl Shepard. what and IV" It F. Wtsukosran Friday. A I Ludwig and of Waukeean, visit» Mrs Em Smith .wm Amen and spam Sunday with Mr ' and Mrs'Georza Hrrta dauehter, Dorothy, sxwm y, Honing a' the Will Hoffman 1 Mrs. John Raamu and can P} Yransam,.d business in Chime Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs J (Nu-nan! a"! tho wwidinz anniwmary of M Mr,. (Imrzn Otronaut Sunday Mr. and Mrs John Ruhr}; ; partied Mr and Mrs Albert TI to tho. tunrral of their cousin. Jnsophine Rust in Libt'r'wp' Mrmda yanvmoon J J ShieMsr aho"ir.dr-rw,.r:. I handic operation h' 'va Fund-i pital Wednesday mummy i.. l irttprrsvitur Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee St.. Waukegan, HI ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSIC compare with the Pi my rib-sauna Any maznzfiwn: piano. In Mrs Julia Ransom and sor visited Sunday afternoon tst.' and Mrs Will prfeu'. Mr .and Mrs Barr. ('hambprla'in and family and Mr and Mrs Charis-a Chamberlain and son mmnrm to Huntley Sunday and Visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. Richardson NO -.Mi Mr. and Mrs. Will Hutu] Viola and Arthur 'Hortel spent Sunday '.veaing with Mr and Mrs, Grown» Gross'at Ink? Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. August Wirtz, Eniza. beth and Ann Winz, Mr, and Mrs. G-orare Myers and daug'awr Hal"). ot Mundelein, wF'rta Sunday "inner imam; of Mrs. Lillian Murray in Chicago. . . Will Smith of Harrington trailed At the Albert Snydvr home one Ht'ning hust- week day with her parents, Mr. and Km M. C Wirta. Will Itiett and Mr and Mrs. Ernest Rina attended a ball game in, Chi- cago Sunday. Miss Pearl Shepard and Mrs. J Shepard were in Waukegan Thurs day " O. C. Garrett has taken a job as truck driver wirn the llouse Bray. {tors at the John Wirtz home in' Whukegan. Mr, and Mrs. Nick Kretachmer 01"":an was Iipent playing gamm. North Chicago, called at the Aug afterwhich a dvligatful lunchpon Wflrta home Thursday afternoon. iwas served, and all reported a won- Mis . lderrul evening. . rs Viola Hertol. L. Tekampe and; J. Dutzler talked on Julia Dutzler at", The Worrwn's ROW-K" hold an all. the Libertyyille hospital Sunday. 1 day meeting at the home of Mrs. w. Miss Dutzlpr submitted to an appen. T Hertol Tuesday. ric opetation a week age, and ig Im-' Mrs B Chamberlain and Sarah proving "may. 31on WP" Lit"urtyvjile visitors on Will Dietz Is visiting with rela tives in Chicago for a few days. . F tho tunrral a! thvir Cuttle )so-phinw Rust, in Libr-r'p onda yafwrnoon J J Shieids' who Vindrrwvn -ndic operation ht 'he. ("an tal Wednesday mnrmmz i. tprovine Twelve girl frio-mis o.' w, JAS. C. O'SHEA Mrs. Waiter Herr spun Wr-dnos- EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A PIANO wo iano Tuning d any homt SICAL insru Mrs. George Huts-1 and Dorothy, sxwm gammy the Will Hoffman home l Rama] and cum Emmwr business in (Thfuwn an" a "f co for {mom of tn Mr o Mr n d d lxuebker surprised her with a bmn-{ 'dav party Wednesday evening. The) Hvening was spent playing games" tatterwhich a deligatful luncheon? Vwas Served. and all reported a wow; {den-tux evening. 1 Tuesday Mr and Mrs. John Wagner Jr. of Grayslake, 3mm Sunday (Awning with Mr and Mrs. Will Wagner, Charles Snyder of Waukegan spent I..,.. ---- .1 . - . ' Charlos Snyder of \K'aukvza last week with his hrothor Snydvr. ""-'_-- '7' ' - . 'brv In F. C. Norman, Phone 508; Lltrarrtyviue Fruit and Vegetable Store Phone 183; Millef's Grocery, Phone 81; Hanlon': Green Front Store, Phan. 498. Mundelein, Ill. ()F ALL THE FOODS YOU USE. is the most important. Be sure it is and from tested cows. It will he comes from THE MOST IMPORTANT OF FOOD! 1 A Rpm? Bros. Dairy LIBERTYVILLE SUPPLY DEPOTS John Phones 565 and 567 Friday pv-r grad half at a the invit: books an in makir interpméx S..W m Our first and making Mother c. sand table . The umwr gnu! ine bus'izwss 161"» 0 " IVAXHOE SCHUHL NE11 con ar, it We ll Hill DUI an If at}