Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Sep 1929, p. 8

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ik The funny of the late Joeephine Katherine Rust wish to express their sincere than: for the kindneee end help given them in her illnes- and death: They wish to give epeciel than for the heeutiml noral Otter. lnu and tor the use of are. It LOUIE "an AND FRED c. BERLIN AUCTIONS Saturday, Sept. 28. 1929. at 1 p. m.. Louie Berlin and Fred C. Berlin will PAGE EIGTH ' vidhpower Detection Telephone " lmproved "unlit Super-Dynamic Soc-ha. Inn heavy. nurdy Mam": Power-Pick. with po.itive voltaqeio'.last. inane. long Me and alety. Early [numb dun cabana d Aachen thut. la. m: panclovcghid witty "mane im- FiiiGiuatkr-, W. Qucutctsems oh" and bobs mud in genuine aim. I t Model 91 5 FOUR IUNED "3719(Iess tubes) . "AGES . CARD OF THANKS TITUS BROS. , - vv' - 'V - -- - 1-provcu luau-um any" o his. Inn heavy. and Mnjestie Super-Dvnamm tit ttzit,teig."2ta"ghS1 um heavy. slur '.',' va-c Wham: 0-!th ,wnhpanhvexM'A'r.n'Iv'. Ts-""""" W Ju-- l Me and satfety. Early Ehgn'h f "(M butt m "I I an of Amrtnnn "him." lu. - .4 in" and d1 Incl overlaid wnh mum 'ru- "at Am Loco-cud. :nlian t'.'1"e1wr,1'l.Sl,t,1t15he',",'n" o - u m autor-tsd-smut." nob. fttuahed m (mum: ulver. no diver. FREE Home Demonstration and the New- 45 Tubes 62716 NEW sell u public suction on who: is known " the Henry and Hm Pahlmnn farm, on Rand rand. tho following property: "WK v: Two work homo, 1 Pol-charm stallion. with we"; , clone wring» era. 1 Guernsey bull, with upon: 4 shouts, 125 Ibo. etch; 20 duck... I geese. 5 about. 200 bushels oats. 30 tons baled tim. FARM MAOH1NERY othy hay, 6 tons titled unw and 2 wagons with hay no", 3 track may other and". wagons. 1 corn binder, 1 min-0'; TERMS: Over ' moo, 825.1%. spreader, 4 on barrel . 2 gal stoma. Funk Guam. Auctioneer. 1 broader. 1 white wuh pump, , 301-. H. n Bahama Clerk. Corner of Milwaukee and Cook Aves. plus the exclusive Majestic Automatic Sensitivity Control gives you QUIET, Smooth Reception, with no oscillation lengths as well as the high ones the low wave RADIO " " cantata". 5 tom. 0 cowl. har nouu, l min binder. 2 My men, 1 side delivery, 1 milk Vinson. , ml- " plows. 1 now buy loader. 1 walk- ing cultivator. 1 tuner, I potato ditt. (or, 8 gnu mm. 1 potato Nant- er, 2 pulveriun. 1 seeder. 1 rad lnygovcg Hug-He Ver, web! but: - can avail" on mmhmp-Ild all: IO- -uremtirt mankind! 'Fei.--"-"""""""""" Model " - "67.59 tless tubes) (INC ttt,t'i,,"Itf,ltt'fi, s-r, My _ 'rf LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 26. 1929. Dynamic for Ford truck. annuity 1% yam; cook stoves. gas stove and other, household "titles. Answer before Sunday night. R. A. Bacon. on the old Barr Perm on Atkinson med. cut ot [Mona Latte. " It! FOR SALE'OR TRADE-tive room bungalow: bath. garage; Lot 50 by 135; cost 87.600: west coat of Florida. Mrs. W. Clay. North- brook Ill. " ttx dan: excellent mechanlul 'condl- "on: Bil new arena. wttt mnntee p.rformance; terms to responsible puny: priced low for quick sate---' only $400. Phone Libertyville MT. FOR muaE----f%ven iirrirFttenss , tuners. 60e per gallon: duo chick- en scratch teed and baby chick teed. 82.25 t hundred pounds. delivered. Bergeron Stock Farm, 2 mile. west of Libertyville ,on Lake street road. FOR sikTaiisCrAure 5 passenger der yen: old, and une tom; 865 tor the lot. Also 26 pairs, of Whitt King pigeons, " per an. Call telwhone 604-R-2. " Ct FOR BALEr---mreet cider-trim/P- non BALTir--Htsnd hoist. leur, box FOR igALE---Child'g bed my! trees. 2 high chain. 2 oak living room chairs. library table. 1 buffet, 1 reed day bed. upright piano. Call Libertyville 837. " 1t Fort sALB--,IPor immediate dispos- " Pontiac coach 1929. 425 cash; terms if desired. Phone 63041-2. " It! North Chlmo, Ill. - New Chryllen. Latest Models . 8200.90 Oft . New Chevroletts. Latest Models 85000 Off New Fords. hunt Models, Will tttve Mg gunman" on truth. in. AND ALMOST ANY MAKE' or' 1 NEW CAR AT A BIG SAVING EXCHANGE!) CARS At Blue Book Prlceis. 1929 Auburn 115 Sedan _ 899500 1929 Ford Nupe. like new 842600 1929 Ford Roadster. rumble mat" for __.,.,'..,... .V . l _ $39600 1929 Nut: (Sand 6) S,.dan 37250" 1928 Nah Sedan, like new..._8325.oo 1928 Sam Roadster .4295") 1928 Chanel" Sedan .. . 859500 1927 Cadillac Sedan 8595.00 1925 Oldsmobile Coupe ,, T ' Moo 1925 Dodge Coupe ' MM 1928 Ford Sudan "in. no-w $25000 1929 Ford Tudor Sédau _ 8395.00 1923 Chevrolet Sedan _ $29500 1927 Htrpmoblle "fl" Sedan .. 339500 iANh sEVENTY-FrVE OTHERS TO CHOOSE FROM 1929 1928 1928 192R 1927 1925 1928 1929 1928 1927 Payrnonte " low us 8500 per week. ttpen Evan!!!" and Sundays. NATIONAL MOTOR MARKET "CASH Fort YOUR CAR" (Directly Across from North Baore 12th Street sullen) NORTH CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Phones 309 and 451 . lone 6784-2 NATIONAL MOTOR MKRKET Sheridan Road at 13th Street FOR SALE on per week 88tf 1t FOR RENT-Large, well furnished FOR BALB---rruh setters; temtuer,l pedigreed; 820 each; Mrs. William Box 532. Libertyville, . " 2tx FOR tel; " bed rooms, " baths; right in center of town; all furnished; west coast ot Florida. Will trade for acreure or man estate. property. Mrs. W. Clay, NortaNoolr, Ill. modern T room house; lot 100x150; at handgun price; owner on premises. 220 Park Place, Mbertyville. 39 6tx 00. piano; In first claw condition. Call at 309 North Ave, Lake Bluff. Phone 1490. M 2t FOR BALE---Atrana Spring, with land Lake Station. three fourth mile sour.) ot Route 20t 2 miles north of Fremont Center; to settle estute. Price 8160 per acre. Real farm; bar. gain; no trade; need 810000 man. balm? 556%. Owner, 1448 Builders Bldg., Chicago. 39 it room for business or' pretensions! lady; page space. Phone 681-W afternoon. F _ 39 1t FOR SALrir--A9ur farm near High FOR BALEr--Standard size Packard FOR BALEr--Delqo Light Plant, large batteries, and pumps. only 7 mon- ths old, cost over $700, Will sell for 8290. C. E. Johnson, Prairie View,, Ill. Phone Lake Zdrich. "16-M-1 , 37Utx SELLING OL'Tr10.00 ft of 7-8 and 1 inch rope, 5,000 pledes ot assorted granite wear, 3 washing machines. 10 heating stoves, 2 [ms Moves, 1 big Ice box. 4 vlclrolas. 12 milk cans, overalls, ruckus. unuen'ear, blan- kets. and 1,000 pairs ot shoes. Ralph Hulzengt, t miles smut.) of Half Day FOR MLEr---4?otnbint)tiort gas and FOR sALEr-splendif 270 acre stock and dairy farm in M'aiwonh Co., Wis ", 15m under high state or culti- vation. balance spring fed parture and wood land; modiern home. hot water heat, bath. eiectric lights. hardwood t'ioorg. full amusement; mod- ern dairy barn 36mm): cement silo.; full equipment tarm machinery, in- cluding tractor; 60 head high grade Holstein cattle. 6 horawtr, 6 brood sows, 50 ahoats. 2000 bu. grain, 100 tons Jay. 45 acres in corn All tor 145 per acre. about $12,000 cash. tral. nnu- In years 6'r. Here is a real money making farm all ready tuliy equipped. iM>eessioni anytime. 30 miles from Mtiwaukeét. 90 miles from Chicago. Nu trude. Owner old, can not operate any mord. All clear ot debts new Phone, write or wire Selim & Johnson, Llbertysjl'.e Ill 3"l 4t coal rantte; in excellent condition; priced low tor quick disposal. Tele- phone No. 9. . 38 3t FOR sAli-Bargtuna in med radios both electrically and battery Oper- nod Rebuilt and guaranteed in but operating condition. Ray Furni- ture Store. Libertyville. 33 tf PC}. SALE, Corner lot in Fox Lake vuta, or will exchange as first pay- ment on a. water from lot. Mrs L. Meyers. 6124 Newport Are, Chicago 34 6tx SALE OR 'rRAr0Er---Stnal1 ho- " bed rooms, " baths; right Libertyvillo, Ill. offittqt room 39 3tx " 4t 39 2t 2t boa .houses, bungalows: and stores. Renting from -27.50 per month to $100 per month. R. G. Kaplng, Real- tor. Phone 469. 21 tt wkNTETr---Win give school girl room and board in exchange tor services; must be neat and like chil- dren. Inquire at Independent otti.ce. 39 tf FOR RHNT--Furniished room, near wANTIim--viicancy now offered to handle Ward's Reliable Products in Lake county; gentlemanly, steady hustler desired; previous experience not necessary. Particulars on re- quest . IJr. Ward's Medical Co., Wim ona, Minn. Established 1856. It WANTED-Used tractor, Fordson or North Shore station; board avail- able nearby; also garage space for one car. Phone 854.1. 38 ltx 8-16 or 10-20 Interatationa1; Mate price. A. E. Johnson, R. F. D. I. Box 83. Libertyville. 39 It: WAN'rtiM-AMri to assist with gen- oral housework and care of chil dren. Phone Lake Forest 79." A, WANTE10---Young lady tor secretar- ial position: must be 2n expert- enced stenoarapher and high school graduate: permanent position and good salary. Applications will be treated conf1dential. Address Offlte Manager. The Foulds Mining Co, Libertyville. 39 2t WANTED-competent woman for guneral More avork. Phone 2:9. 11"ANTWIp--Woman for housework two in family. Mrs. Wm. Weber, Lake Villa, Phone 133-J-2. " tf RESPONSIBLE PARTY wili pay 7", interest tor $6.0(n00'well secured by first mortgage loan on lands for ale at $20.000. No expense or com- mission. If interested tree me at once. F. R. Sellers. Litrertyvdle, Ill. BOARD and ROOM $10 Louis Morris, Kittie G Morris. Laura Heden, Dale S Collins, Trustee, and Harry C. Meyer, Ist Successor in Trust. The requisite affidavit having been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Lake County. Illinois NOTICE IS THEREFORE HEREBY GWEN to the "aid Louis G. Morris, Kittie G. Morris, Laura Eledrn. Dale S. Collitu, trustee and Harry C. Meyer. lst successor in trust that the above named com- pininant heretofore filed his Bill of Complaint in said Court on Lie Chan- cery tside thereof and that a sum- mons thereupon issued out of said Court against the above named de- fendnnts. returnable on the first day ot the term of the Circuit Court of Lake County. to be held at the Court Home": Waukegan in said Lake County, on the First Monday of Oct- ober A. D. 1929, u is by law required and which suit is still pending. " ' L. J. WILMOT, m Chancery, General No. 22861. The requisite affidavits having been filed in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court ot Lake County, Illinois. NOTICE IS THEREFORE HEREBY GIVEN to all ot the above named, and unknown defendants, that the above named complainants heretofore filed their Bill ot Com- plaint in the said Court on the Chan- cery side thereof and that summons- es thereupon issued out of said Court against all of the above named and unknown defendants, returnable on. the tint day of the term of the Circuit Court of Lake County, Illi- nOII ta a held at the Court Home in i , in said Lake County, on the timt Monday of October A.D. 1929. ac by law required, and which unit is Itili pending. L. J. WILMOT. ' Clerk. Waukegan. Illinois, Sept. 6, 1929. by." H. Morris Complainants Solicitor Hot 5 " " oct 8 per week. Home making f: beds. Ed's Hotel. Ingfesidv. Phone Pox Lake " MONEY TO 1A9AN--We have 3 con "Gamble mount ot speck] and; 0 Ion: on improved turn: or any property. We invite your inquiry, Ptrgt Halon" Bulk. Ubenyvme, Ill CHANCERY NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS) )ss: COUNTY OF LAKE J In _the Circgit Court of Lake County, October Term. A. D. 1929. Dale S. Collins, trustee, Harry C. Meyer, ht successor in trust, and W. C. Hubbell, legal holder and owner of notea, LONG GROVE CIDER MILL be open for business. after August 24, the following days: Tus-sday 1 until g p m.; Saturdays. an day. Bar rel: and has for ,ale. Phone Litr, tyvllle 657-M-1 34 b':, CHANCERY- NOTICE STATE OF ILLINOIS) "ts.' COUNTY OF' LAKE J In the Circuit Court of Lake County October Term. A. D. 1929. IN CHANCERY No. 22193. William C. Scholetield, Kathryn Scholefield, Cosmopolitan State Bank, a corporation ot Illinois as 'trutee, under the provisions of a trust agreement dated May 10th, 1926, and known as trust No. 168. "Unknown owners, holder or hold- ers ot beneficial interests or cer- tificates. syndicate members or cestius que trust under bald trust agreement No. 168, dated May 10, 1926, tinder which Cosmopolitan State Bank, a corporation of Illi- nois. is truatee," John Stratton, Fred Goetz, Ray Pregenzer and Louis Rothers trading as Pregen- Ber and Rowers. Horace Bulkley For Gal. At I LIBERTYVILLE "we? a aAvmos BANK E IR8T MORTGAGES AND SPECIAL , ASSESSMENT nouns 1 Waukegan, Ill., Sept. 3, 1929 Lyell H. Morris Complainants Solicitor. raept 5 12 19 oct 3 " SAFE INVESTMENTS Miscellaneous WANTED OH Clerk 39 It! Ill RONDOUT, ILLINOIS IELEPHONES 679-H-t am "roll" why not saw: part of your vacation money and de- vote it to the coal you will need during the winter months. It is the man w'no can look urn-ad that has a right to'amicipate happiness. We will be happy to serve you. SPEAKING of your summer 606 N. Milwaukee SPECIALS! FOR FRIDAY i Friday and Saturday SEPTEMBER 27 & 28 MEAT SPECIALS FOR The Model Cash Market JOHN G. BORST Free Delivery Grewe and Thuey PHONE 170 FOR YOUR MEAT "OR FRIDAY and SATL Spring Leg of Lamb, Lb., , Fancy Beef Pot Roast, Lb. -___ . Standing Rib of Beef, Lb. -- Fresh Lean Pork Roast, Lb. .. _ Swift's Premium No. 1 Smoked Buttx,Lb. -------------------_-----'"- No. 1 Best Peacock Bacon, half PALACE Cash Market ---'or whole, Lb. W, No. II, Good Bacon, Lb. Eamon Squares, Lb. ,, Best Creamery Butter Boneless Corned Beef Boneless Smoked Butts Sugar Cured Bacon Sugar Cured Smokd Hams 25c Fresh Little Pig Hams 20lc Round Steak Chuck Pot Roast 24c-28c Pork Loins . Fresh Ground Hamburger 20c Boneless Veal Roast 34c - Also Ox Tails, Calves Liver, Calves Heart, Pigs Feet, Kidneys, Etc. Try Our Home-made Sausage; Fresh Every Day COAL ' QUARTETTE FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS EVERY FRIDAY 344 North Milwaukee Ave ice Libertyville, Illinois Telephone 180 and 794 Holland Brand \Butter, 2 Lb. Coun guy Roll, P" Per Podnd, 51c INI "DPEN DENT C LASH Fl f ARE ILLS ULn'4iE'TTEiitti. QUALITY MEATS! I Have Purchased Schallenkamnorr Mar} Zurich and will my; _1, an: it wit W. H. LUERSSEN PHONI 12 [In zumcu. m [was loos. van an: mount. i A Share Of h' hats " ppnq 23lc 28lc 48e 25c 35c 39c 36c 30c 32c 22c 36c 35c 29c 19c Paul ADS It}

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