Frequently. In spite of careful plur- nine, bills accumulato and cauc- worry. The Int of the month com-o mound and and. the Income "at I little that: of the mount required. The Houoehold Finance Capon- tion bu boon helping fnatiliee In just such anemone!" for mm than tkfty years. and (beaten donne- tho cogtAdegtce of the Do Bills Worry You? community. Or - Alla-nus You get the cub "candy. and may tnko u my a twenty mandate "my. No on tattle - m required Ind than no no he. or deduction-rm, get the entire mount. Our at. has boon reduced dado . sum of and: whoa up." In twenty oquu nogthly menu to only $1.32. 0th.: moms in proportion. a". monthly cost of a 8100 loan What You Save Under the Household Plan you an $10.50 on n 8100 Iona. Other amount: In propotdon. aerya. the beautlrul daunter ot tho man wno an bitterly oripotres La Ran». falls: in love with the treat ex- p!orer and leagues against her Til. lianous father, This Cadillac Motor Car Company series of ittterestine dramatic episod- es are historically accurate. All the t'ttaractortg, places and events. as dramathed over WMAQ follow ark. nowlPdth hiatorv Berause of this. Superintendent of City Schools. Bor an Professor of history Terry (North western l'nlverst'y) and Father Per- nln of Loyola l'rtiversl'y, both up- prove and verlfv the Itlstorlcal Mel. dents tn the ll?» of LaSalle so or- colantly dramatized. Mrs Emma Hum event Friday with Miss F.'liaabtrth Stanford In Lib. ertyvllle. 1,2 m. this can lo fans will Mr turned trom f to carry form the Great Lalo sissippi River plans and run of pquippazé. Mr and Mrs John Daley and chil- dren Jean and Arthur. motored to Wankezan on Saturday I/. m. this Henlnz. ovpr WMAQ. rad, lo fans wlll find that LaSalle has rr- turned from Franee. fully equipped to carry forward the expontlon ot thrs (Twat Lakes ration and the Mis- sissippi River His carefully lald plans and rather thravazant outlay of pqulppaze». sulfar a "were blow, however. due to the malirlous linen. Hons of Daron. who has been employ ed hy Marni»: of LaSall» to work hin undnlnz. An Pate would have It. how stvorLya. the bpamlrul damn!" of tho man wno no bitterly or/poses La gall». falls in love with the treat ex- plorer and leagues against her Til. Robert, evening w Philip Waznpr Wag a. Waukegan caller on Saturday. In the third dramatic episode In t'nss thrilling life of LaSalle present- m! by the Chicago branch of the Cadillac Motor Car Company at 8:30 Borrow "oo '200 'soo LaSalle', Expedition Returns To America The defendants were Earl S. Rushmore. William G. Nagel. Geo. Kar. William Tonyan and Thomas Graham. The order was entered at the renuest"ot Attorney Charlen'E. Jack. counsel for the district. lt is the plan of the members of the board to hold an election tor a bond issue in order to build uni maintain a. high school. The disirlr-t voted Jan. 5 to or- ganize. Petition tor 1 duo wnrranto to " tsbiisn the rtettt of the Fox Lue- Ingleside district to organiser a high school district was dismissed Friday by Circuit Judge Claire C. Edwards. The suit has brought by A. C. Schultz throurtt States Attorney A. V. Smith as a friendly proceeding to establish legality of the organ- ization. it set forth that a portion of the district was isolated become its only connection was along an impassable road. 000 Tlllillfll0ifll T0 BLO0K SCHOOL DISMISSED illl tf, Friendly Suit to Page Way for Bond Issue for Fox Lake H. S. is Ended. PAGE TWO S. W. Cor. Game: and Wellington So. Phone Ontario 7111 WAUKEGAN Rate Reduced Nearly One-turd 308 Wuhan National Pmpk Cvlia smut Monday Mr. and Mrs. Juno. Lee tad MN. Charles Lempker, of Chieago. spout sunday evening at the Rosin: home. John Daley was t Chleago basin... caller on Tuesday. Min Velma tha is on the nick list this week. Miss Flornce Rua In on print. duty at the St. Thoreau tumpital in qukegm. takinx care of In. B. B McDonald of near Canine. Harry Merritt transcend business in Lake Forest on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Newborn. of Chica. RO, went Sunday at the David Erlandlon home Clarence and William w- It tended a wow It tho Gene." then tre in Waukegnngn Sunday evening Fred Campbell. of on Put. m. Med " the L. A. Fitz home on Tun day evening Archie Rosin; went 1 tew an up north buying mule. Mrs Victor Heard. Mrs. Olson. Mm Robert Gender, of Long Lake, all- ed it the Erlaudson home In! Wednesday. Mrs. Punk Amum and chlldren Edward, Della. Chm tad Delbert spent Sunday with Mm. Mann'- " ter Mrs. Polliot, n: Idiom-y. Evelyn Luby and Hat-once Wigner spent Friday In Wank-tan on but new. Alice Batman. of Mlllburn. Esther Kunman of Fort H111 called on the John Killey family on Monday eve- nlng. Mr, Rumbalck. of Chlcuo. the week and It the John home He wu Mr. Dnley'l tor seven! weeks. Seventeen member: of the Episco- pal choir met " the Earittndsoet tn idence on Thursday evening to pne- tice singing They tll reported a good time. 3 VelmaT'Fth, Florence Ron and Menace Wagner motored to sou. kegan on Thursday afternoon. Buddy ttttd Bobby Rowing. hck Alyard and Bill Hayes, utendod a 'hor, in Grayalnke on Sunni" bite. Marpors Gavelmd And Alfred Schmeltzer visited the form-r1 moth or. Mrs. Thompson It Rockford. on Saturday and Sand". Miss Helen Richardson was I Chi. cuo caller on Wedneldny. Miss Velma Fitz motored to Fox Lake on Wand". Miss Lillian Anderson of Lon; LY, Heen Richardson, Evelyn Luby, Flor. ence Wagner nod Louise Richnrdton spent Spundny afternoon in McHenry visiting friends. Miss Eileen Smith. of Chicago via. lted Mrs. Margaret Smith. over the week and. Mr. and Mrs. Hun Merritt Ind children Evelyn and Donna) apont the Week end with relatives in Freeport, . Mr. and Mr: Gordon Gilbert and Robert Lempker of ChieMo, spent the week end It the Archie Roan; home Mr. and Mrs. Hun Merritt Ind Mr and Mrs Harry Mchnlcls and family held m suction "to on their household goods on Sunday Inch noon They are lens/mg tor canon:- ia, soon. to live. Their may Mend: Wish therittood tuck. Elizabeth Richnrdlon of Round Lake and Bud Wagner, of Onyshkc mended the show " the Gennee n Wsukenn on Bandar afternoon. Mrs. Rem Brneher tad daughters, Ron. Arlyete, ma Jacqueline Marie spent Saturday afternoon a the A, Rosing home. _ Warren MoFeely, of Oak Park, Howard Caamberlln of Grand Haven Michigan. spent the week end " the L. A. Kita home. Delbert Richardson {meted bursiness in Chicatto on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. W G Rea, at Chica- go and Mr; John Brooklns. of Penn Illinois, .pent Mend" anérnoon at the Roy Diva home. Mrs. Edna Smith. Mn Margaret Smith und Mm. Harry Merritt "toad er the show u thorrGenouo. them In Waukegm on Tuesday demoon Maale Aymara and sister. Coll: Roam; were Chicago visitor. on su- urday. They also stopped at the Caarlee Lempker home tor dinner. TWO bor., toe your convenient" Highland Park - t TGaiich llllnolo . O . Opp. Orrhtgte Phone Highland Park 21.0 "to" Unlmm Tho only COMPLETE Wm. plant box-con Chung-'0 I... and MM 301 Central Anna. Round Lake News Remember-. VILMA FiTZ, Local Editor U. TELEPHONE so You an imp on. this Mi. mar. interesting it you will phone .ho Low Editor no" items you my in". Summer tuition: m nvitod to contribute nun. 80nd otter: either to tho Loon Editor, " direct to the indopondont. Lib srtyviile. Illinois. Phone No. 1. HATTSTROM & SANDERS "Joanne amt Marutfaeturing (Ciio)fjiCii) OPTICIANS you only get one pair of Eyes in this life. Tahe good care of them now by having them check. ed over today! No charge for this Sight- Chechipg Service. . Omnmuon, Inc. went Daley nune COUNQ. M Grinre, is, a." "(In Four-Ind Malaria. Bulldlng ot the addltlotul ttine holes. which It is believed will make the locul club one of the moment " hole court" in the county, we: 'anetioned It I meeting at the board of governors of the club held Aug. SO.' Leonnrd McComber. golf qrcttl. tect. who laid out the first nine, in tho in charge ot the nddlxlon to the The vork mil tall will consist of building the nine in: and greens. no that everything viz] be ready for loving gr": early in the spring According to the men in charge ot the work. the new nine holes should be ready tor play by July in of next your. ItbmmMNMykm Work on construction ot the addi. tional nine holes at the Libertyville Country club I: prone-max nicely, tad from prnenv. indications the lug. (one ot men nag tum: on the Job would be able to complete the work in another month. Work to Complete Sporty Golf Course Mrs. Muy Mutual]. of Berwyn, Ill luau. returned home, Mter having spent three weeks n the home of her fathr, Arthur Frost. Mr. and Mn. Earl Watson. Mis- Plorettcq Wauon and friend, of Chi. cuo. were driving their Lincoln so dun west an Grand Avenue. out ot the Owl Pavilion on their way to to Fox Luke, when may were "ruck in the rent. by I Chrysler roaster, driven by Eddie Longbow. ot Ingle- side. The Wauon car had I tire Nova out, I denied tender and a bent bumper. The front ot tho Chrraler wu badly dlxnI't-I. um "hum wrencbed her neck and t boy friend riding with Eddie. reeeir ed I cut than the eye. Although no one w" unously injurPd. they were all badly trighteturu and shak- Warren McFeely ot on Put tad Burl Watson, ot Chicago. cums out 'Paursday to go duck hunting. but it u am that the ducks saw them tint and they had regular humerl' luck. _ Mrs. John Front and' Mrs. John fttadtflsld of V010 are visiting rein- tlvea here this week Mm. John Allen of (Emulate spent Thursday evening wlth Mrs. Elin- beth Killer. Fronds Luby and Henry Thomas discovered a barn burning. while on their way home on Saturday ttite. It looked u though ll had been set aura " lightning. They repotitd it to the Crayola" and Round Lake tire departments. The Round Lake department "eyed there until 3 ttt the morning titrltthtg to nve the oh. er buildings. " we: o bevy loss. " the barn was full ot bay and implements MM 1 nmull mount. of luumco we» carried. Mr. nnd Mrs. Funk Drummond and children Ruth and Jane. L A. Pita. motored to Evuuton Tuesday evening Mr, and Mrs. Martin Warner. of Mundelem. spent Sunday at the home 0 ftheir daughter, Mrs. John Lenten. Rev. John Curdanse. of Northfield Minn.. called It Us John Killey res- Idenco on Monday evening. Mn Eda. lady and children and Mn like Lin): called at the John Mason home In Libertyville on Tues- day. Mule Alylrd Ind Lucille Rosin: we: McHenry callers on Friday at- temoon. Tommie Monet: called " the Rich "anon home one day Int week. Helen Richaroott, Mrs. Pearl Wamtraugtt, Florence Wagner and Evelyn Luby were Gnynltko buli- DES. all": on Tuesday uternoon. Mrs. Dell Richardson spent Wed- noodty With her motner Mrs. Agnes Hun, ot Fox Lilo. ' Mug Flo Anon um Chance Per. 17 of Gnyllue. spent Wednesday, evening at the John Kilroy homo. Glynn Draper and boy Mend Eddie ot MeHenrr culled st the Richardson home on 'Thursday evening. 66'6 702 Church "not (yum, "unal- Opp. Orrington Hall "hone Urtl-ttr 1848 a Marina» for tor you convbnlonco Store. . LIBERTva INDEPENDENT'. THURSDAY. OCTOBER 3, I929 Mr and Mrs. Robert Blackburn 1nd children of Chicago spent the Mrs. H. t Cook Bpetit Friday In Chicago. Miss Hate] Anders ten but week to take up A courte In nursing at the Victory Memorial howl!" In Watt- Item: The P. T A, will hold a bukory' nio- 'at the villus hail Salurday.' October 'th. . . Mrs. Harry Grantham " in utend-; in; Grand Chpaier of the Order of. the Eaten Star at Peori; this week.! Teddy Sim. 'spent the week end at! his home in Charletston. I Edwin Nicholis .0! Rosu'iile spent Sunni" with Udell Grantham. I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bucky, at Coral and Mn, W121 Rania. of Woodstock, called u the L. H. Ci. pher home Wednesday. Au Crabtr"mr-ot Cary, called on friend! here Thursday. Alex Ferris of St. Louis: spun Sun (in! here with his wife an ("dunner Dr.. Orton Hubbard left Buturdsy for 1 ho weekl' t'at'titlott in the south. He will be "command by mend: from S t. Lou". F Mr. and Mrs. Vedder Stone and family spent Sundny with Mr. nu Mrs. Albert Maether at Llbertyville Mr. and Era. Leon Smith are the proud parents art . baby girl. born Monday. Sept, 16th. 80th Thursday. Sept. 19th, to Mr and Mrs. Harry Reunion. . Ion. Mn. Pumic- Pratt vuuld relatives in Chicago thin week. Mrs. June: Gainer spent the week and with relatives in man. Mm Mable Knhrre I: "enjoying u to our "nation tro harm duties " the E. H. Dthm more, Ed Van Nam and ma Raymond of Chicago culled u tho H. L. Gram ther tuyyt 'rtpetdar. Mr. pmt Mn. George Broughton and George Blackburn tad Ion. Glenn were June-ville ether: In: Sundly. . Mr. and Mrs .Albert Mlether and funny or Libertyville. npem Satur- day and Sunday with friend, and relatives here. Mus Nera Tortott spent Siturday in Chitmgo, Mrs Prank Meter and son Dontld of McHenry. spent Friday evening with Mu. Alice Ovary. . An inq noon in trom hm the jury Pass! hi survived by his wife and four children. all ot whom reside In Cicero. Paar arrived " Pox Lake Mood" night to spend new"! day: in laugh in: ducks on Fox Lake. He put up at the Hal: note! which I: owned by Louis Hula. his brother in In. He are" early Tummy morning and with his brother-ln-lnw. went to a small bier in the lake to bond the :mnll boat. ' nun summoned Dr. Francis T. Rolling. After an exumlnntlon ot the body and finding tint life val extinct. the nhyslclnn notified Dr, J L. Taylor. manly coroner. An inquest In: held Tue-d" Mter noon in which a verdict of death from heart diseaae was returned by Stricken u he stopped into I Imall boat our Stnnton's point in Pox Lake u. 4 o'clock Tuna" morning. Edward Pant. 50 you: old of 1529 Fifty-ninth place, Cicero. slumped to the bottom of the on". A phyiiciart who was called Immodlltoly to him pronounced him as dead. Death ot the man I: believed to have been due to heart discus. Edward Pasar, 50 Years Old, of Chicago. Victim This . Morning. HUNTER DIES gllBliilitt IN BOAT tii [ARE Saturday Nita, Oct. 5th COLLEGE DANCE FOX RIVER GROVE LOUIS' CRYSTAL BALLROOM WAUCONDAt Decorations- COLLEGE SONGS- DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NlTE JOHNNY men and his Irma club Graham; Mrs. Bnldridge entertained the la- dies of Ingleside, Long Lake and For him with I bunco and card party with Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Aim: ot Long Lake: Mrs. J. Tune}. and Mrs. Loretta Stanton of ingle- side: and Mrs. Lanert of Fox Lake winning prizos. At Toledo. Ohio, on Saturday after- noon, Sept, 21at, was solemnlzed the muting. ot Min Ruby Rigney. daulhter of Mrs. Sarah ngney. ot Detroit, Mich., and Wilfred Green, son of Mrs. Florence Green, ot this village. Mrs. Prank Valemn entertained four friends at cards early in the week. a Mrs. Will Goa-ell Rttd daughter called on minivan u Third Lake the um ot the week. 'Mr. ind Mrs. Ray Smith of Chicago spent the week and with Mr. Ind Mu. Harold Btroker. ' Fremont Mrs. Charles O'Boyle is on the sick 1m. ' reek end, u the home ot Mr. and Mm. George Buckburn. Mr. anfMm. LeVaine Warden ot Vermont ,ere spending several week: here wit hunting. Mr, and Mrs. A. J. Leonard, of Lake Zurich, called on Mrs. Edith Peck _Wedttetrdar Mrs. May Maether, Mrs. Kate Bethe] and Mrs. Vedder Stone bpent Monday with Mrs. E. H. Meyer at Mr. and Mrs. Clemens and tami 1y hue moved to Grayslake. George Knrueok has returned from Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bejock and daughter. Oracle, of lngleside, have none to Hot Springs, Ark., for a few weeks. . MAKE YOUR I OWN CLIMATE ' Phone No. 'eh-dt-uma: INGLESIDE General Auto Work and Acetylene WELDING GOODYEAR TIRES Round Lake Garage You haven't myth-g to my about the endear weather. but "Moan you on Arrange It to sun yourself And after all, you spend more tune mud: than out. Wlth AMERICAN RADIATOR Horrsc Earipursr you can have all your rooms a pm the temperature you wax Low Ut Price and hagh I beams emouny. tins eqxupment can be bought on movement payments and adds greatly to the comfort and value of your home. Less than tri a room Lounull iuberalalhowaemtyourautumace, We guarantee all week PHONE HUDSON - ESSEX SALES and SERVICE Martin Thelan. Prop tNE 260 LIBERTYVILLE 134 s. mwwm AVE. McGRATH The lens I husband requires his wife to do tht more he in in danger of Iain: her, a 'woman leader warns in American Magazine. CAPERS - Saféty care and support? Spending would scarcwly be te and the money save}, placed THIS is a man's Arst thought for our bank. would prune: your tam ily from future disaster. should deprive many stop to consider what would his family and home. But how happen if accident or illness Capital and Surplus $50,000.00 CAMPUS ENEEE h. ..ct Hus-:.....o Over..ok Round Lake, Ill. A little less expense in daily First State Bank ILLINOIS Round Lake r"a:"rreesr "a 9"; .32,» T: ' 'crv: ._ ".' ' . ' . T " _ ,. 7 _ . V = .v id iNIl Y" C w l r B, a "atiF2J3iErt "". "as I _ i; 't te'", Tte tfr,it',iF'y 5""r7rir8r"r .. If ' ' 'Ill , P, Rillerlt81llg2il FN , {Mt 'Et' I' l n tt,TY Vi " VV -. 'lr' , Hr . ' v a. . ta O his m oiAk]lllCllllLA.Bg _ General Contractor Libertyville, Ill. Pl WHEN YOU BUILD OR REMODEL GET MY ESTIMATE I Can Save You Money, and All Work is Guaranteed Here are some Pitcher-Stevens Motor Sales 606 N. Milwaukee Avenue Libertyville 1. For years we have been supplying the best of coal to hundreds of satisfied customers. ici" . l A'. v _ _ Le, -. 5's 'y. 1' ' IP,, "a 'ltigll stIttrz',iii's, it. a. a / arr/I. iiiiMI Jtil i, I " ' A U oashund Au-4mrrimu Fo. 31145 to 'rec. f. o b. Ppnu'm. .th.. plan debtor) rhasrgeu. Spring when: and llnvyov Show t. "1.0!!qu "wind" in (in prues. Bumper: and raw fender [unis (Hm. Cerwrot Motor. Tun; Payment "an amateur a! Inna/mun you. Oakland has made it easy for you to compare fea- tures. In fact, Oakland has made the comparisons itself, tabulating the results in chart form so that you can see at a glance what you get in the Oakland All-1meriran Six as well as what you get in twenty other cars of medium price. Before you buy any car vithin $300 of Oakland'. price, be sure to come in and see the complete rc- uults of these comparisons. And when you have wen them, we will clinch the proof of Oakland suprrior- ity with a demoustrati-onvincins. you beyond any question that thi,, is Arrterirxshs./inest medium- priced automobile. (Ann-Ede! the delirrred price u well as the tut 'f panda. autonomic value. . . . Cukund-Pontia. l onl' Outbound thug" for (night and defisrrv _ additional wan-ode. or Eng-urin- Jr N to learn how much more Oakland gives for its price . . Our prices have never been consider... ed as anything but moderate. Our coal is acknowledged to give maximum heat satisfaction per ton. Tibbits Cameron Lumber Co. kverything In awning Material Coat, Feed and Salt ROUND LAKE, ILLINOIS BOX LAKE CAFE COAL FACTS Fox Lake, Illinois For Prompt Delivery, 'elephone Round Lake I'RODLCT or (.LNLKAL MUHH!' E. L. YELDEN 'AMEBICAN SIX . . . UnLhnd-l'unlinr delnerod price. Inn-lud- for (night and detisrry and the chug: for I", made. or tt-rtrxe desired. IT is a Pleasant variety tron eating at home the whole week We make a 'rpecialt, of very good ccoklng, served in a pleas ant a'mosphere. MAKE A HABIT DINING OUT Phone 554-J 1145 of h. priw "hers mun. INDI "