Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 3 Oct 1929, p. 4

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Choir rehearsal Friday ovening at 1:30 o'clock. 'The public is cordially invited to the services of this church. The Younger Girls' club will meet Tuesday afternoon in tae parish hall at 4 o'clock s [ The Acolytes' Guild meets Monday evening at 7.30. There will be a meeting of the finands committee Tuesday evening at 8, at th rectory. ' The Older Girls' club will meet Monday afternoon at 4, in the parish hbhouse. Mrs. C. D. Wells, leader. The church school meets Sunday morning at 10. Classes for all ages. There will be a meeting of the young people of the parish Sunday evening at 7:30 in the parish ball Holy Communion and sermon Sun-- day morning at 10 o'clock. Preacaing by the pastor. §$,. LAWRENCE'S EPISCOPAL Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Morning prayer and sermon at 11. The public is cordially invited. St Larences'w Epdscopal ... ... Holy Communion Sunday morning at 8 o'clock. Morning worship at 11. The Lord's Supper will be celebrated at this ser-- vice, and all are urged to be present. Young people meeting at 6 p. m. The evening service will be held at 7:30 o'clock. The Annual Conference is in ses-- sion this week at Downers Grove. It will probably close next Monday eve ming, and the appointments will be Rev. Guy E..Smock. Pa«tor Sunday school at 9:45. Be sure to start with your new class after promotion METHODIST EPISCOPAL John E. DeLong. Pastor There will be no morning service at this church next Sunday, but the Sunday school will be 'aeld as usual, at 9:45 a. m. well at 10 CHRISTIAN 8SCIENCE SOCIETY Third Floor, First National Bank Building Sunday services at 10: 45 a. m. Sunday School at 9:30 a. in. Subject for Sunday, "Unreality." Wednesday evening at 8. 8T. JOHN'S LUTHERAN (East of the Park) Rev. W. H. Lehmann. Pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Germa.. service at 10:30 a. m. Quarterly meeting at 2 p. m. English service at 7:30 p. m. SERVICES OF THF { | LOCAL CHURCHEsS ST. MATTHEWS LUTHERAN (Fairfield) Arthur C. Streufert, Pastor On Sunday I shall preach my fare l1 sermon. Services will be held 10 a. m. in the English language. Dept. Supts.. Children's, Mrs. Sam-- wel Simmonds, Lake Forest: Young People's, Marshall Schroeder, Liber-- tyville; Adult, Mrs. Jennie Just, Wau L k. 1. 101. 02 °nen Presenled@ the report of the finance committee and the budg-- et for the coming year. The nominat-- mg committee report was presented by Mr. Herschberger and the follow-- ing officers were eected : County Officers: President, Rev. C. Arthur Jeyvne. Mundelein; _ vice president, Dr. Earl D. Fritsch, High-- land Park: secretary--treasurer, F. R. Sherwood, Lake Villa. 9T. JOsSBPH'3 CATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor Firset Mass at 6:30 a. m.; Second ass at 8 a. m.; Third Mase at 9 m; Fourth Mase a; 10 a. m. ime missionary department of the!' Throughout tie convention A. C. Sunday schools ailso attracted tie] McNeill of Waukegan, handled the attention of he' delegrates. ' music of the various sessions in such The roll call which opened the aft.| 2 W@Y &# to make them contribute ernoon session drew fine responses| °Y l&rgely to the success of the from the--five divisions of the organ.| CONYeNntion. fzation, after which the officers huli A fine spirit prevailed throughout «aepartment superintendents gave| th¢ d@y and the effect of this fine brief reports of their activities. Mr.| &athering will be felt in most of the Bletsch then presented the report orl' Sunday schools of tae county for the the finance committee and the budre.| COMIDE year. * The delegates adjourned to the dining room of the church at noon and enjoyed the fine luncheon sery-- ed by the ladies of the church, and the fellowship about tare tables. Many examined the fine charts pre pared by Mr. Sherwood, which gave 1 na graphic way the story of the work of the Sunday schools; the display of books and materials pre-- pared by Miss Cora White for use in the missionary department of the Sunday schools ailso attracted tae attention of he' delegrates. 1 PRESHYTERIAN CHURCH Frank R. Sherwood, the efficient secretary . of the association for many years, presented the new 500 point standard by whicr the Sunday schools of the county may be able to grade their efficiency The question, "Does the Rising Generation Welcome Leadership?" was ably handled by Fred Replogle, who indicated that the youth of to-- day are willing to accept leadersariip if it is intelligent, wide awake and brotherly. Mr. Replogle, whe is with the Methodist Board of Religious Ed-- vcation. and was formerly a director of young people's work in Michigan, stimulated his audience by his incis-- tve way of putting things, and many participated in the discussion which follow ed. 7 Fducational Miss Bertha Wheelock, head of the primary Dept. of the Wilmette Congregational churech and one of the efficient.leaders in the Graded Unrion of Chicago, spoke about "The Caallenge of Our Task," emphasizing the various qualities needed by workers with children if they were to be successful. After her address many primary leaders took part in the discussion of problems of their departments and were helpfully and constructively guided by Miss Wheel-- PAGE FOUR Rev. Thomas A. Goodwin of Wau~] kegan, the convention chaplain, open ed the morning session with a devo tiona} address on the theme, "Fol-- | lowing the Leader," This was a fine introduction to the theme of the con-- vention, which was "Leadership." ' Judging from the number of at--| Gurnee. tendants @t the fifty--ninth anntal Rev. R. H. Klingman, of Wauke eonvention of the Lake County Sun--| gan, brought a brief report of the €Say School Association, all roads led | state convention, and presented the to Libertyville Presbyterian caurth two banners that were won at trat from the Sunday schools of the coun-- meeting for full payment of the, ap-- ty last Thursday, Sept. 26, when 252 portionment to the state orgjnnh;.lon efficial delegates registered, and| and for the excellence of the service there were many visitors at the ses--| to the schools of the county. sions of the convention. The chaplain followed with the S. S. Convention Drew Large Crowd Missionary, _ Miss THE INDEPRNDENT POR J$1.50 A FEAR---- DELIVERED AT YOUR DOOR NO DHLIVERY CHARGRER '--e Cuurin IOP ihe evening meeting. At this srvice, Dr. A. W. Palmer, pastor of the First Congregational church of Oak Park, and president-- elect of the Chicago Theological Sem imary, gave the keynote address of the convention on the subject, "Lead-- ership for Today". In a masterly way he showed that the jeaders of our generation must be "scientifical-- ty minded, socially minded and spir-- itually minded." _ The convention dinner and the O' UD!'caAgo, spent Sunday afternoon young people's rally called out dele Y!!" M':' and Mrs. Henry Seiler. gations of young people from many' Th® Youne Matron's Bridge Club of the churches of the county, 170 D°! With Mrs. Marie Petersen on being present to enjoy the dinner TYe8dAY and the program taat followed. Mar-- . M" and Mrs. Harry Gratz return-- shall Schroeder and Rev. Ellis Cowl °0 Saturday from a delightful week ing had prepared a fine program and of touring in Northern Michigan and Mr. Cowling, who presided, mixed !%%%m4 humor and song into the preliminar--:,_ M's Emma Giss, and Miss Ethel bes whichiled up to the short speech-- T'ts 0of Deerfle}M, were guests of es given by Miss Ethel May Odell, M and Mrs. F. R Tripp on Sunday of Grayslake; Miss Margaret Kerr, _ MTS JPhn Hirn and Mr. and Mrs. of Highland Park; Miss Floreace W1 Laun of Lake Zurich called Ford, of Waukegan; Miss Lucilie: °C M"S. A. H. Wehrenberg on Sum-- McCullough, of Gurnge, and Mrs. VYo--, 485 ola Joyce, of Waukegan. They spoke Miss Mary Mason. of Waukegan, of the "Inspirations'" received from WAS & luncheon guest of Miss H. tie summer conferences and the: Whte!er on Monday. ' ttate convention. Mr. Replogle fol, _ M". and Mrs. E. H Waterhouse lowed _with a short talk entitled MOYed on Monday to Park Ridge. Mr.| '"Then What?" a stirring appeal to WA@'rrhouse is employed by . Kelker 'carry the inspirations over in the D®L®euw and Co, of Chicago, and work of the local churches. At the, has been transferred to Park Ridge, close of the banquet the young folks Yb°t® he will act as engineer for' marched into church arditorium and !DAt Plac®t Mr. Waterhouse has j joined the large group there, filling D°°D ACtive in society and club work' tae church for the evening meetine -- here and both Mr and Mrso Water | The chaplain followed with the second of the devotional talks on the theme, "Lo.dlnz Our Followers." He was followed by Rev. F. B. Davison,. of Oak Park, who conducted the for-- um on Training Adults in Relligion. He opened the forum by a fine ad-- dress which was brightened up by many humorous remarks and drew ; a fine response of questions and sug-- gestions from the audience. He was followed by Mr. Replogle who decltj in an interesting way with the topic, | "Providing Adequate Leadership." | Cora White, Grayslake; Temperance, 0o 0--0 a Mrs. Elmer Metcalf, Waukegan; ; 0' .0 o 0 0 0 0 0o o Teacher Training, Mrs. C. J. Hersch--; AddlthMl Locals berger, Prairie View. i Administration, Mrs. 8. W. Amec,"o o o0 o o0 0o 0o 0o o o o o o Gurnee. f Rev. R. H. Klingman, of Wauke--' Mr. and Mrs. Duncan MacNab and Dri h : Mr. Sherman Pate, of Arlington gan, brought a brief report of the Heights, and Miss Gertrude Ure. of state convention, and presented the' M 7 » Denver, Colorado," were visiters at two banners that were won at taat the A. W. Trigp ho Sund meeting for full bayment of the an--| «_ ¥¥a Rp home Sunday. There's never been a set like this one--and there isn't another like it now. Listening will show you how it's better--and we'll be glad to tell you why. Telephone 17 ReEsuuTts ... Frank H. Eger Convenient Payments Group No 2 of th adies' Aid will me October 8§th at 2 o'cl Howard Mason at 12 Mrs John McCormi{ck ant hbostess. Mr. and Mrs. Samue! Evinsizor left Tuesday for a two week's tour of the Fastern States Mr. and Mrs James Brown were pleasantly suprised Saturday. when ten friends dropped in for the eve ning in honor of their fourteenth wedding anniversary. The host and hostess were presented with en elec-- tric egg cooker and the evening was spent in playing Five Hundred The guests were: Mr and Mrs Clarence Plagg, Mr and Mrs Albert Gould, Mr. and Mrs. Lincolin Lusk. Mr and Mrs. William Houlthan amd Mr and Mrs C. A. Wehrenberg I moyed on Monday to Park Ridge. Mr. Waterhouse is employed by. Kelker Deleuw and Co, of Chicago, and has been transferred to Park Ridge where he will act as engineer for that place. Mr. Waterhouse has been active in society and club work here and both Mr and Mrs.: Water houve have made many friends who regret their leaving Their many friends wish them much success in their new location. Mrs A. HW been i1! for <ome« proving Mrs. Emma Giss, and Miss Ethel Titis of DeerfiekM, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. F. R Tripp on Sunday Mrs. John Hirn and Mr. and Mrs. Wallie Laun of Lake Zurich called of Mrs. A. H Wehrenberg on Sun-- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gratz return-- ed Saturday from a delightful week of touring in Northern Michigan and Indiana Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Davis, of Chi-- «ago, visited Mr. and Mrs. William Sutton on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Klein and children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vogt of Chicago, spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Seiler. Miss Mary Wilson is confined to her home by iliness. Mr. and Mrs Edward Lossman, of Wilson, called on Mr. &dnd Mrs. W. H. Peterson on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wright and chil-- dren visited Miss Helen Esther, at the Lake Forest College of Music Sunday afternoon Lillian Casey is visiting friends in Avalon, Wiscongsig, this week. r h LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDA Y H Wehrenberzg who I met on Tuesday 2 o'clock., wtth Mrs at 124 Hurlburt Ct the Presbyterian ime. is slowly im will be assist Libertyville, III. Let the Atwater--Kent teli its own story. Listen to this set that has revolu-- tionized radio. Know what real tone, power and se-- lectivity are. Enjoy radio perfection -- AT a MOD ERATE PRICE! Atwater--Kent Screen Grid Sets are Priced at tor, is attending at Downers Grovea ) The Sunday school will be held at the usual time. 4 Libertyville will be represented by & picked team of bowlers at a North | shore sweepstake tournament to be | held at the Main Recreation pariors, in Evanoston, Sunday. , A woman's traveling bowling team | from Des Plaifres defeated the Liber tyville woman's bowling team at the | Recreation Center Saturday -- after-- noon _ Tae Des Plaines ladies were 'a.blo- to take three straight games College He will--preach his farewell 'sermon Sunday. Mr. Streufert was 'at Fairfleld for 15 months, succeed-- 'mz Rev H Heise now at Redeemer congregation Waukegan Rev. Gerth [ of Nebraska has been called to the ; Fairfield caarge = _ _There wilt be no service at the Methodist churca next Sunday morm ing on account of the «conference which Rev John E. DeLong. the DA&A&-- laughter of Quintens Comers, ;'i;irt' d relatives here over the week end. rom the tocals O Mrs. Jacob Sturm and granddaugh Mrs. Hury Thies, of Mundelein, submitted to a mapor operation at Condell Memorial hospital on Thurs-- day morning. Dr. J. L Taylor was the operating nhysivmian * Mrs Frank Stone and Mrs. Al Neath, of Mundelein and Mrs. W. F. Wheeler were. business callers in Waukegan, on Friday afternoon » Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilson spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. John At: chison in Chicago Mr. and Mrs. James VanEvery and Mr. and Mrs. William Schiey called on Mrs. Emma Krueger at Long Grove, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H J Clark are moving to Evanston this week in order to be nearer Mr. Clark's work. Their many friends will miss them. The American Legion Auxiliary will hold a bakery sale in McDonald Jewerly store on Saturday, October 5, at 1 o'clock. Mr and 'Mrs, Hugh Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Caarles Ritz and daughter and husband, Mr.'and Mrs. Hal Colby and children of Waukegan were guests of Mr and Mrs Lew Whitney last Sunday Many Libertyville and 'Mundelein friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thatcher to cele-- brate Mr. Thatcher's birthday Satur-- day evening. The evening was spent playing cards and visiting. and Upwards. _ TITUS BROS. Telephone 64 Corner of Milwaukee and Cook Aves. HOT BLASTS HEATROLAS $11 to $35 --$30 to $80 Get Ready For Cold Weather FREE Home Demonstr2&on Arthur Milyler of Chicago spent the week, end at the B H Miller' home 1 Miss Gertrude Morris of was a week end guest of Mrs J R. Mack. Mr. and Mrs. Art~hqr Meyer and children motored to Colemar Sunday and visited Herman Meyers Mrs .A J Hapke of Chicago, spent the past week wita Mrs. J R Mack. Mr Hapke came out Tuesday and Mrs Hapke returned home with him Wednesday morning. Mrs .Herman Stracker ef Modesto, Calif., was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs .Walter Madsen several days last week trwnhas and do some hunting l Mrs. CR Bulkley entertained Mr. ; and Mrs. Julius Hoenes, of the Pat--| terson Farm, and' Mr and Mrs Tom | Effinger of Waukegan Sunday, in honor of her birthday. : ( Mr. and Mrs .Clarence Smith, El-- lery Mitchell are leaving Friday for Quincy, where they will make an ex-- tended -- visit with reatives and friends and do some huntine __-- Schanck Hardware Co. Mr. and Mrs O P Keller will leave; Mr Saturday morning on a two weeks'! caild: business trip to Springfield, Kansas | guest City, 8t Louis and the Ozarks. i Mr. a 505 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville, III TELEPHONE 39 'ast, insures long life and safety. Early A American Wainut. Instrument pan:| iinported Australian Lacewood. Escutc finished in genuine silver. Power Detection and the new --45 tubes pius four tuned stages of radio frequency enable Majestic to produce the most powerful and selective radio set ever built. Absolutely no hum and no oscillation at any wave length. Automatic sensitivity control gives uniform sensitivity and amplification in both bhigh and low wave lengths. Improved Majestic Super--Dynamic Speaker. Extra heavy, sturdy Majestic Power--Pack, wi'th positive voltage--bal-- It won't be long now before chilly blasts will be sweeping around the house, and you will need one of the highly efficient heaters we offer. Come in NOW and look over our line of Hot Blast Stoves and Heatrolas AT 1AST /# , OCTOBER 3, 1929 __--_-- _ Model 91 $137 3 (less tubes) Chicago, her aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Morley and daugater of Antioch, are spepding today with Chas. Kokowlick, night man at the Libertyville Garage, is spending a va_cgtion in Champaign. Mr and Mrs. F. L. Duggan Mr. and Mrs Herbert 'Ayeré --s;;;ént Sunday with the former's parents in Chicago . Mrs. Charles Brown, Mrs. John Iandis, Mrs. Mike Behm, Mrs Chas Bernard, Mrs John Bernard and Mrs Fred Bockeiman atended a 500 club and luncheon at the home of Mrs. H J Harrison in Waukegan today. Mrs. Mark Neville and Mrs Chas Bernard visited friends in Wauke-- gan Wednesday. Mrs. Ralph Mulroliand entertain ed about twelve ladies at 500 and luncheon Wednesday afternoon Gus Krumrey and Lee Huson at-- tended a meeting of Public Service employes m \}fa.ugt_agan Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. F. 8. Kern visited Mr. and Mrs W B Rix at La Grange Monday . evening. * caildren of Joliet were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chas,. Kaiser. Mr. and Mrs Owcar Kaiser and chil-- dren of Joliet motored up Sunday, y Engiish design cabinet cl overiaid with genuir: tcheon plate and knobs Farl Kaiser and SS Soap . ...... . 108 48c Large Lux .. ... Pkg. 21¢ --Small Lux . . ... 3 io 27¢ Cal_nay S()ap 3 cakes 9 1° with Mr amd ealalil . _ 000 00}, it auo MrSs A J Hrewer of (Gr twenty friends and relatives Satur-- | Lake, were Libertyvilie shoppers day evening, in honor of her birth-' Thursday. day. The evening was spent playing Group No. 2 of the Presbyter 500 and bunco, and there were lovely ' Iadies Aid will meet Tuesday, ( prizes, as well as birthday gifts. |8, with Mrs. Howard Mason. _ ] Carl Bernaw, of the Honeywell| John McCormick will be assist Studio, is spending this week duck | hostess hunting in northern Wisconsin --© [ Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hutchins :# MrS .BYa MACnnnall agt Finaas« mmacsl 2421 Buy 3 cakes and get one free FELS NAPTHA Concord Grapes, Jarse baskets __________ Large Oranges, 216 size per dozen......._..____________. Wisconsin Potatoes, No. 1 grade, peck...._____ Beans . . . . CAMPBELL'S Milk .. Soup .. ... CAMPBELL's TOMATO WHITE HOUSE PET OR CARNATION Milk ... .. 3 . Vegetables and Fruits MAXVWELL HOUSE Ceoffee . ........Ib. 47c AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour .. 2 « 21¢ £ in northern Wisconsin [ Mr. and Mrs. . Eva McConnell of Green Ba.)] children were gue spent several days this woekl William Van Dyke Mr. and Mrs J W Hutchings Sunday STEAK SA LE! Round or Sirloin, Lb.._ _ Porter House, Lb. ______ Short Steak, Lb. _____ _ Sugar Cured Bacon, whole or half, Lb. _________ _ Pork Loin Roast, Lb.__._._.__ 28c Chuck Pot Roast, Lb. . 24c--28c Spring Lamb Legs, Lb. ____ 32c Choice Meat Specials MEATS Bock entertained about 3 CHOICE FRESH x ATLANTILE 3 YOUR A & P Food Store has them -- delicious cuts of fresh, high quality meats Iry the A & P for meats, ton this week, LOW PRICES tall cans for tall cans for vroup No. 2 of the Presbyterian Iadies Aid will meet Tuesday, Oct. 8, with Mrs. Howard Mason. Mre John McCormick will be assistant hostess Mr _ 45c 39c --43¢ cans at cans for M_rg_A J Brewer of Grays 220 guests of Mr and Mrs 28c 23¢ 41c 49c 45¢ 25¢ 25¢ n Waukegan last

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