_ HOPE TO SHORTEN _ ) PLAVING SCHEDULE ' IN MAJOR LEAGUES Both leagues today were reauy to take up the question of broad-- castiny regular leage games, but this i«sue, like the schedule matter, doubtless will be finally decided on-- ivy at the joint session tomorfrow. The chief item befere the openin® gussion of the two leagues yester-- vay was that of requiring clubs pur-- chasing franchises in smaller cir-- cults to make a formal report of any such trans@ction to Commissioner Lamdlis, to tha two major leagues and to the National Asociation of Profeas-- sional Baseball Leagues, Commisio'n-- er Landis put this question before the magnates, pointing out that since such reports now were made of in-- dixidual player purchases. such ac-- tion was even more necesary when an entire teaim of players was a~ yquired Both leai to take up casfing regu i<+sue. ltke doubtless w ivy at the J The chief New York, Dec. 11-- }--)--The ques-- tion of shnortening | schedules was the most important business before the meetings of the National and American eagues toddy. The Nation-- al League yesterday went on record as favoring the shorter season, and a poll of the rival circuit showed the Barnard magnates also ready to vote affirmatively upon & septem-- ber 283 closing. a ret Broadcasting of Games Will Be Discussed Today at Magnate Meeting. L. Members of the county board o! supervisors _ today unantmous} y adopied a resolution urging the state PAGE FOUR Chicago COUNTY TO HELP CITY GET AID IN PAVING VIADUCGT $69,718 INDEMNITY GIVEN FARMERS IN LOSS OF CATILE Xis(ing ase ball ates a( Send Resolution to--State Urg-- ing Assistant on Sheridan Road Gap. ; U lndemnity of $69.718.52, which re-- presents $38,025 as salvage, were received by county , farmers for ughtered cattle infected with bo-- vine tuberculoms in the last year. r. Thomas P. Gallahue, county vet: erinarian, reported to the county board of supervisors today. Dr. Gallahue Shows But 2% of Cattle Out of 31,848 as Reactors. His complete report is as fol lows: To the Honorable Chairman and members of the Lake County Board of Supervisors. Gentlemen : . -- 1 herewith submit a report of <the progress of bovine tubereulosis »radieation for the year of 1929. Summarized as follows: a 1884. Colonel Mills died at nis mmer home on Cape Cod last Au-- st. Cullen Cain was named public lajions ~ounsel of the league for e next three years. The National League elected a rectorate -- compased -- of -- Barney reyfuss; of Pittsburgh; Chartes S. mneham of New York: Wiliam Township Antioch .. Avon ..... Benton ... Olbs .... Deerfield Fremont . Gragt | ... Lake Villa Uiberty ville Newport Shields ~ .. Yernon .. Warten .. Wauconda Waukegan MHorrors of the Next War _A daily paper states that a new musical: instrument combining a saxophone and bagpipes bas been lnvented. That's not a musical in-- otial -- resolation _ praising . the . of the Yate ColoneDA. G. Mills resident of the circuit in 1983 p. Nat 's a weapon,.--London eague 81,848 No. of No. of Cattie Reactors .2612 31 pt 63 56 J12 #Q 4( 60 20 4 Queen Elizabeth of Belgium is |!! with influenza. Attending physi-- cians reported that her condition was not abarming. Mrs. J. Standridge ampent Satu: day in Waukegan. Interurban Bowling Team. Marjorie | ............ 81 12 & Mrs. G. er «iver Wallig of shower w homa® Walli ton Aatrid Mildred Myrtle Pearl Queen Elizabeth IIl One 6f the employees of the Foss-- land Fuilling Station on Green Bay road bid a #erious accident while driving |Tortence Fossland's new Es sex. The car was badly damaged :n turning over _ and the occupant was slightly injured. * Agnes Baden--Powell, 71, national wice--president of the English Giri Gulides, disregarded cold wet weather and lived several weeks under canvas with guide detach-- ments. Ben Jersen is having a chimney put on his gas atation on Third 8t. The P. T. C. A. is holding a card party Saturday, Dec. 14. Bridge ani gu will be played. -- Refreshments served. Miss Neqlie Ander igo visitor Tuesday Tell a man there are 8206,573,201 stars in the universe and be'll be Heve yoy"; but If a sign says, "Wet Paint," he must invesgigate for bim gself.--Arcanum Bullétin, No Scentiment in Business _®Sorry," sald the greeting:--cards manufacturer to his clerk, E(Jo( to let you out. Sentiment has nog place in business, you know."--American Legion Monthly, Th« WINTHROP HARBOR Good Scout Associated Press Photo F. Quint attended a sho in honor of Mrs. Josep Kenosha on Saturday. Th as nelf in Gurnee at th Mrs. Wallig's sister, Mr s formeriy Miss Ellen se Associated Press Photo Discovery the Mother®' and Jay has been set . 19 at 2 e'clock. _ the Tuberculoats Christmas seals 3. 3 gh * 14 96, 114 94 0 ®1 49 *#30 44 S6 Mrsa Bep %% stopped :; they nre tized ; they have n moment, and go on Yictoria. Blue Ribbou i. :: Sbe loves to dance and has a beau or bave to go bhome early." * She and Harold Deatiine of Indiana, t sele 'ted |, an impressive array o{f ph bealt.y delegates who represented the sev * She and Harold Deatiine of Indiana, the boy beaith champlon, were sele 'ted | an impressive array of physicthans from the twenty six bealty deicgates who represented the seven bundred and Afty two thou-- sand members of the juyenile rural organization that is helping to raise the stanJlards of farm life. She scored ninety--eight and éight--tenths and he, ninetymine and two--tenths per cent perfect. Each was one hundred per cent happy. % *® s DOLLAR HAS CUSTOMS TROUBLES | Jewels and clothing which were not on the declaration and vwhich were said to have been in the Dollar family's luggage when they arrived in New York from a world voyage cost R. Staniey Collar, head of the Dollar Steamship company. $11,489.26 in for-- 'clture value and penalities. Y ou Arelnvited 311 W. Park Ave. REGISTER NOW FOR Fall Classes in Commercial Wor'! Advanced and Elementary . Commercial Courses McDonald's Commercial School _ Telephone 130 * COME IN TONIGHT -- ENJOY THE ' SPORT! --To Visit THE LIBERTYVILLE RCEREATION CENTER ow er and see for yourself what a clean health--building sport bowling is, You will find many of your friends indulging in this ® fine game that provides moderate ex-- ercise for everyone. prin % € of Printing like rever t LIBERTYVILLE 'INDEPENDEN1. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 never ft OTL Qu bat ation's Healthiest Girl +t \_IT'se femons to cleaun a bottle by cutting the lemon 1nto small pleces and dropping them into the bottle. half BGiled with water, and sbaking well. Lemon Will Clean Bottle Libertyville, IIl. w O ike County, Florida, was the United States at the in connoection with recent ). When reporters gravely usual health 'the sweetly frults and sunshine and she admitted, but "They HIGH SCHOOL NOTES > The play, "Sonnmy--Jane" played by the Junior class on last Friday even ing proved 'l' huge success in every~ way. Thae clever lines and thrilling:! situations provided royal entertain-- ment for everyone. The characters for the cast were well chosen andl well trained. Mrs. Loomis, the coach, deserves much credit for the suc-- cessful . performance. . n tokeéen ef their appreciation for the efforts of Mrs. Loomis the class publicly pre-- sented her with a large --basket of cut flowers. Mr. Dorsey, the class sponsor, shouldered much of the managing responsibility of the play, such as the publicity and ticket sale--: Miss Milkwick and Mr. Riechers contributed through special numbers by the band and the "hungry five." The total receipts were about $125. 'DUe to the donations of the print-- ing by the Messrs Harold and Oscar Richter, the net creceipts will be larger than usual. We wish to thank these gentlemen 'for this greatly ap-- _preciated courtesy. "AG." TEAMS MAKE GOOD On la«=t Friday Mr. Dorsey took the Ag. judging teams to DeKalb for the North Eastern Ilinois judg Iing contest. Congidering that this is the first year that solls and crops LAKE ZURICH ORDER The clean, pleasant warmth of WAUKEGAN KOPPERS COKE will help you to greater enjoyment of Yuletide. Even though the north wind blows frigid blasts and deep, white snow blankets everything outside, you, your family, your guests, will be luxuriously warm and comfortable in your home. WAUKEGAN a Chrery Chrintmasa with WauKrcan KoprpERSs COKE _ 1R | SHERIDAN ROAD Apartments ..or... Highest Character A HOME WITHOUT HOUSEKEEPING CARKS'! ONLY A FEW AVAILABLE-- A nc\ j2.story fire proof structure with every modern feature--smart-- est north o' Chicago. Unique in its appointments. Special rates for permanent occupancy. 1--2--3 room hotel apartments with kitchenettes--all out side rooms beautifully furnished--daily maid service, mechanical refrigeration, tile baths with show. ers, gas, electricity, heat. 24 hour bell boy, telephone and elevator service. Cof-- fee shop soon to open,"ins'uring complete hotel service. is offered in our school and thus the inexperience of our boys in this line, we feel justly proud of the re-- cord the boys turned in. The @rain judging team consisting of Harry Mason and Robert Nordstrom was awarded fourth place against a field of 22 competitors. Harry Mason took 5th place on individual grain judg-- ing. The poultry team took 6th place in the poultry class. Mr. Dorsey is doing splendid work with the boys in the class room, on home projects, and on judging trips. BASKETBALL IN LIMELIGHT On Friday night of this week the blue and white Ela High baske'tball squad under the direction of Coach Riechers will m?et their first con-- ference opponents on the Palatine floor. Palatine is reported to have one of the strongest teams in the conference this year judging from newspaper reports. Last year Ela and Palatine met in three games, once on each oef their floors and once in the District #6tate Tourna:-- ment at New Trier Ela took the tournament game by two points, dropped her home game to Palatine by two points and dropped the game at Palatine by a six point margin. Considering these data the games this vear should be interesting. Captain Herbert Lohman will lead the blune and white at running guard in the attack on }'alatlne on Friday night. Jra Eruost, a letterman of last Hotel Waukegan Rates, $70 and Up per Month iWAU KEGAN/ now DUSTLESS COKE year, will start at center. Norr. Froelich and Hymen Braitberg will start at the forward positions and Earl lohman will <hold gown the back guara post. The next conference bhome game will be at Lake Zurich on Friday night, December 20, with Warren Township High School. We did not meet Warren last year so cannot compare strength from last season. HONOR ROLE. The honor roll at the end of the second six weeks period _ reveals some interesting things. To get on the honor roll an average of 90 per cent or better in four subjects is required. During the second six weeks four seniors, two juniors, three sophomores, and four fresh-- men receijved marks of such merit that they appear on the honor roll. The highest average for students carrving four subjects was attain-- ed by Caroline Schwarmapaa frash-- man. The only atudexwx"}m: five subjects recefving an honor average was Helen Hans, a sophomore. The names and classification of those placed on the honor roll are: Senior«e --Mabel Hans, Lillie Kropp, Marie Ward and Charlotte Weaver. _ Juniors--Frances Frank and Eva Iyn Sturm. Sophomores-- Helen Hans, Phy] lis Soderberg and Bessie Gosswiller Freshmen -- Richard Beckman KOPPERS COKE is dustless, sootless, smoke-- less and provides more uniform temperatures because it is easy to control. Call your dealer and ask him to send you WAUKEGAN KOPPERS COKE. When you burn it, you'U have real cold weather comfort in your home. AT WASHINGTON Heat Up For NOW J rr.. _« aroiine Schwerman, Sylvia Thoms, will | and Violet Umbdenstock. and' It is interesting to note that ohy the )\ one boy, Richard Beckman, a fresa-- man, received honor roll marks. ame | Boys, let's change this record! In citizenship only one A--plus w&s given, three A's and three A--minus. Bessie Gosswiller received the A-- minus. Elmer Deih!l. Frances Frank and and and ROAD CHANGES IN CGOUNTY ARE MADE Route 59. Volo to Ingl 10 near Lake Zurich, a that parallels No. 173 township, were removed roads by the board of roday so that the stat ceed with nlauns *n imnr W a V eoncert in * 1.004 music; ditional an~ part. was | the citv of The Gravd Musical Feace JubDlee Ethel Rudsinski received A's Irene Ernst, Phyllis Soderbersg, Vera Unger received A--minus. Bositon's Grand Concert T Ingleside, Route . and Route 5, 173 in Benton ved as state aid of supervisors tate could pro-- nprove the high-- with ad-- etce., took 1869 in