Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1929, p. 13

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INVENTORY SHOWS GOUNTY FARM HAS 1 _ _ §22,204.20 VALUE F.. H. Bartlett 'to M. D. Kelly, J'dcod $10.00 Lot 2, blk 4, Bartletts N Shore Park, sec 31, Whkgn. 4| F.H. Bartiett to T. Rehberger and | _ jwf ;t tens deed $10.00 Pt of lot 3, _ {blk 18, Bartletts Greater N Shore, l 6, Wkgu. _ _ | ~F. H. Bartlett to J. Martinson and e hf jt tens deed $10.00 Lot LAblk 9, -- {Bartlietts N Shore Ridge, sece 30. Number of Patients in Year Increase by Ten, Report Reveals. The inventory of the county farm, presented to the board of super-- visors today, revealed that-- equip-- ment, machinery and household goods there held a value of $22,-- 284. 20. ' 'The most valuable section of the farm was in household goods and the main home. This was estimat-- ed to be worth $11,500. Other property included . barns, sheds, tools and machinery. In the past year the poor farm population was increased by 10, ac-- cording to the report of Philo Bur-- gess, superintendent at the farm. _A year ago there were 55 inmates and Dec. 1, 1929 there were 65. Dur-- ing the year 46 were admitted, but o died and 34 were discharged bringing the total to 65. | DEC. 4, 1929 |_ The H. Park Bldg Co. to R. M. \Jeffriese and wf jt tens QCD $1.00 'Lot 4 (eox NWly 70 it thof, and Nly ,:u ft of lot 5, blk 81, H. Park. _ F. H. Bartlett to E. fynch deed 10.00 Lot 18, blk 12, Bartletts re gub, sec 6, Shields. 'F. H. Bartlett to J. Rehberger -- _ W. L Vance and wf et al to R. 0. iJohn.on wWD $10.00 Lot 5, blk 3, 'Ridgewood Park sub, H. Park. . H. A. Hasselgren to R O. John-- WD $10.00 Lot 5, blk 3, Ridge-- wood Park sub, H. Park. J. W. Hum] to L. V. Zajicok WD 0.00 Lot 3, bik 1, Grand View sec , Antioch. | A. E. Wennerberg, Sr., and wt to |A. E. Wennerberg, Jr. WD $10.00 (Lot 44, blk 9, Ravinia Highlands, 36, Deerfield. J. P. McCann and wt to R. Ryer-- WD -- $10.00 Lot 92, Webb and ensens resub, Wkgun. L. Blumberg and wf to J. E. Le , F. H. Bartlett to J. KHé 'dood $10.00 E hf of lot 4, muem Greater N Shore ton. ideed $10.00 Lot resub, sec 6, St F. H. Bartlett to F. S. Tarka and 'wt it tens deed $10.00 N hf of blk ¥T. Bartietts N Shore Lands Fourth addn, sec 12, Warren. F.. H. Bartlett ' to M. D. Kelly, Wkgn. J. P. McCann and wt to R. WD -- $10.00 Lot 92, Wet ensens resub, Wkgun. 1. Blumberg and wf to J. and wf it tens WD $10. 1, blk 8. Blumberg's sub, i | A. Hibel and wt to J. Mach/ hf of lot 16, blk 5, Long Beach Loon LaAke. A. R. Boswell to O. L. Hubbard 'and wf jt tens QCD $10.00 Pt of 55, in Williams sub in Lake For-- eat. @ "R. R. Boswell to O. L. Hubbard 'and wf pt tens QCD $10.00 Pt of 'lot 55, in Williams sub in Lake For-- Official List of . Transfers _ Furnished by the LAKGK COUNTY TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY Abstracts of Title; Tities . __C T and Tr Co to P. R. Schramek 'and wt jt tens deed $500.00 Lots 66 ;&n' 67, Wm. H. Britigans N Shore 'Highlands, sec 8, Shields. § C T and T C to E. Schramek doed 0.00 Lot 64, Wm. B. Britigans N Highlands, see 8, Shields. J. S. Doolittle to A. P..Green WD 0.00 Pt; of NW ar of SW qr of sec _ D. Lewis to E. Kroll WD E hf of lot 1. NE frcl ar of Fremont. o_ _ _A E. Campbell to N WD $10.00 Pt of lot 33 to G. Pete and wft to $10.00 Lot 73, Wai 22%, Avon. A. F. Beaubien and wf to F. Seif ert and wf jt tens WD $10.00 Lot 6 blk 3, Wkgo Gardens, sec 20, Wkgn The Masonic election of Rising n lodge No. 115, was held Sat-- rday evening. The following ot-- rg elected for the coming year Worship Master--Jacob Pech, Jr. Senior Warden--William Swayer Jurior Warden--Leonard. Hook Treasurer--Allen McMillen Secretary--R. W. Churchill Senior Deacon--Ray Pester Junior Deacon--Eimer Beckwith Clat Hamlin and Charles Hook a large gray timber wolf on the way home _ from Id last Thursday evening. ut «ix miles fnorth of Joliet. The --following officers . were ected at the annual meeting and lon of offticers of Sorosia Chap-- tor the year 1930. held Tussday ing : " Wortby Matrou----Roberta Wii-- W R. A. Kasparek #20 Washington 8t @ Waukegan, IIL _ ., .. GRAYSLAKE Bartlett Telephone 4 Shields bik 12 Rehberger _ blk 18. re sec 31. . MeCoy Bartlietts liams. Worthy Patron -- Harvey L Manu. Associate Matron--Edith Flood. Secretary--Carrie W. Pesgter, Treasurer--Minuic MeMillen. Conductress--Violz Kapple. Assgociated Conductress--Ethel Hook. s Cecit Hook and friends : from Grays Lake were in Chicago Friday atternoon. They went to the stock show, held at the union stock yards. The Misses Clara and _ Evelyn Mr and Mrs. Ed. Kleber of Winnetka visited at Mrs. Marie Horenberger's Sunday 'aftgrno_on. Soldner were day Migs Florence Olsen of Lake Forest visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Hook, over the week end. Thrall Hershberger _ of Fort Wayne, has come home to spend the holidays with his folks}, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Hers~berger. "WMI'. and Mrs. M. schlosser Jr. visited at the latter's folks, Mr and Mrs. Rowling. -- The American Legion Auxiliary has planned a bake sale, Dec. 14 at the Hook and company cloth-- ing store. _ Mrs. Mabel Caldwell is viaiting with her daughter, Mrs. Chris Hoigard in Waukegan this week Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hoigard of Waukegan visited at the home of Mr. anod Mrs. Howard Caldwell Friday evening. Clifft Pettree, otf Chicago, visited with friends here Sunday. Jahn Welite is reported on the sick list again. S§EBLECT YOUR 72 We , Cl rsAAMME «C¥6 (erdkssAIf ' es C 5 Jj 9 | se e 92 P § ty o | Pa '-__-(t(,"... ' ; MBJ CEOCT VOTL'R F¥ _ * To those who 53 o H write letters -- MR \ 64 bw stationary gifts ". a appeal because of |v' :/ their correciness, |\ MEA ---- P CX PA aC I because of their \:,/, oz utility. n*o t +A e a # 000 WA 1 L560 .0 & -- -- Clara -- and -- Evelyn in Waukegan Mon-- ay boxes----1IOUMIL@LEL PORMN <, .00 0| rEaRcEs @ Personal Greet-- WAUKECAN ###7#>#2#### 3. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wells have moved in the Longabaugh home. Eimer Rich who is teaching at Eimhurst was homeover the week-- end The annual meeting of the Con-- gregational church will be held Friday evening, Dec. 13. New--Expert Fioor Sanding--QId North Shore Flor Kraftsman 104 North First Street LIBEARTYV!ILLE. ILL. A. DOCAUER PHON! Lincoln Lusk A UCTIONEER THE MA WITH A WORD EVERY SECOND 216 PARK PLACE Libertyville. IIl. TELEPHONE 851 --R One reads about how well office boys get along, but what are the office giris doing while the boys are growing up to be Presidents?-- Woman's Home Companion. PEARCE'S has the most attrac-- tive desk sets -- colored -- leather ones and bronze-- 'cornered sets in various finishes. Boys: Get the Start PHONE 271 | DEX T 1 8 T Office: Room. 26 |I Public Service Building _ |comPLETE PLL FORK REN | | ING, REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PROPENTY MANAGEMENT, UENERAL INSURANCE, sure1y sonus, sERVICE, ATTORNEYATLAW . Office at bhome on W. Cook Ave Telephone 188J LYELL H. MORRIS Felephoce 67 Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning ---- Rebuilding FOR EVERY OCCASION! Dr. C. H. BETZER FLOWERS We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. Telephone Libertyville 174 MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIA TION. FLOWER ORDERS WIR "D TO ANY CITY. BOYLAN, TALBOT COMPANY EXCAVATING 8026 Dante Ave., Chicago, Telephone 880 Libertyville, Illinois No Job Too Large! REAL TOKRINBUROR Opposite Electric Station / _ Phone 463 and 269 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING GRADING CONTRACTORS E.. W. COEBYC Professional ATTORNEYATAAW LUCE BUILDNQ Phone 7 -- Office Ph PUBLIC SERVICE MJ# LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 295 QUICK SERVICE -- New Work ... Alte . J. ALKOFER WIRING H. HAMHN and PLUMBING ds L . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 Dr.Otto R.Thompson BCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION OP EYES. GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. CROSS EYES STRAIGHTENED EVENINGS BY APPOINTMENT ~ DR MATTHEWS PURE RAW MILK DENTIST Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Hours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Monday and Thursday Teler--hone 591 LIBERTYVILLE DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office Jn First National SBank DR. O.E. SIMPSON Telephone 214 MUNDELEIN Office Hours: 9 to 11 A. M. 1 TO 5 P. M. Chicago Office With the Chicage Title and Trust Co., DON'T WAIT for the wintor's cold and snow to penetrate into your home. Have that roo{ re placed NOW with one that will last a lifetime. F. 8. RICKCORDS, Pres. WM. R. FOLSOM, Vice Pres ALVAH L ROGERS, Secq Lake County Title and Trust Company Over State Bank of Mundelsin Mours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 5 Other times by Appointment. We Do W ork Anywhere in Lake County Hoy:s: 1 to 3:30 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYYVILLE, ILLINO!S North Shore Excavators Highland Park, III. Cooper Roofing Co. Waukegan, Illinois 60 West Washington Street RELIABLE SHOVEL EXCAVATING . Waukegan, Ill. RELIABLE WORK FROM TESTED COWS uare Deal Dairy PHONES: HIGHLAND PARK, 1871 WAUKEGAN 4827 A RE . NEWED ROOF ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TITLES GUARANTEEO elivered in Libertyville Twice Daily PHONE 615.W--1 MBING AND HEATING® INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY KIND 220 Washington Stree® TELEPHONE 4 TELEPHONE 993 414 Woukegan National Bank Buillding O OPTOMETRIST Libertyviile TELEPHONE 378 $ Business I See Me For Real Estate Bargains Bee Mo Before Listing Your Sale FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1L15 GVURNEE. ILL T A XI GENERAL SERVICE GARAGE Libertyville, IIl. SNOW' S T A 1 L O R Cleaning and Repairing §18 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairs LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOQA®E Entrance Drive just south of the Public Service Building, on Muilwaukee Avenue _ We operate a fully equipped, modern garage and are pre-- pared to répair every make of car. Phone 373 Libertyville, Illinois '18 Years' Experience !-- Automo. bilse Work Means Something" W. M. HUFFMAN PHONE WAUKEGAN 298 REAR OF 122 BELVIDERE ST EVERY JOB IS ABSOLUTELY SUARANTEED OF EVERY KIND FOR ALL TYPES of BVUILDINGS (Inc.) _ 24 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, !!\. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 THE HUBERT CO Applied on New Retlc_lencu Asbestos and Asphalt BuiltUp and Tar and Gravel Rooafing Ap-- m -- plied on Flat Roofs > Guaranteed Roofing Applied over old wood shingles and other old roofing on residences Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shingles HABEL AUTO PAINTING J. DEL MURPHY, Wm. A. Chandler FRED CROKER Waukegan, Illinois 1 always have a list of splendid _ reaity _ vilues available. Whether you want to buy, . tnt, s--ll or exchange it v: _ be to your profit to see me --FIRST! AUCTIONEER Poiishing and Simonizing Afithorized Duco [ Station Prompt Service Guaranteed PHONE 306 ROOFING GENERAL i8 LIBERTYVILLE ANYWHERE GRADE A Raw Milk and Cream LEAVE PRDERS AT Ray Furniture Store LIBERTYV LLE New and Used Furniture; Clothing LIBERTYVILLE SECOND HAND FURNITURE STORE . 618 North Milwaukee Avenue Spinney Run Dairy Wm. Mayfield & Sons Phone Grayslake 205 Qur milk comes from T. B. and Blood Tested Guernsey and Ay£ siire cows. It is laboratory test-- ed at regular intervals and is the higiest quality of milk you can buy. To and From Chicago, Libertyville Antioch Local and Long Dis tance Moving Weatherstrip Your Doors and Windows With Sager Metal Weather Strips Phone Libertyville 570 Chicago Phone H2ymarket 1416 Ontario 6731, WAUKEGAN, ILL. RALPH CHURC+F L, Prop. Stand At LIBERTYVILLE MARAGE E. C. COVERSTON ' AND Transfer Pnune Libertyyille 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling --TAXI. COMPANY PIANO TUNING ALL KINDS OF Anderson & Exon Motor Service General Trucking 'or Resid FOR INFORMATION CALL DAILY TRIPS TELEPHONE SAVE 10 TO 20% ON FUEL! IERE _ -- _ ANYTINE TELEPHONE 148 -- Lake County Real Estate JOHNSON LIBERTYVILLE BVUY AND SELL SELLERS C. L. COONFER HEATING )irectory ILLINOIS Aih®1 r.? Texaco Oil wil) stamd the con-- stant -- cylinder pounding n d the terrific heat without losing its friction reducing qualities You can't get c ~r Motor Oil-- at any price. Greasing GREASINA:® Let Us Give Your Ca a Thorough Evergreens, Shrubs, Fruit and Ornamental Trees The most complete line of auto par'. tirss, tube, and radiators retween Chicago and Milwaukte. Orders of $20.00 or more delivered any-- where in Lake county North Sheridan Road Zion, I!l Phone Zion 22 PARTS for more than three hundred makes 1. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville Block North of St. P 1 Trat':: TELEPHONE 339 TEXACO FILLING STATION CHAS FIORE NURSERIES Highwood, Illinois GARRETT WRECKING CO. BATTERY AND RADIO SHOP GROWERS OF A GENERAL LINE OF NURSERY STOCK WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Visit Our Nursery wWRITE FOR CATALOG Any Time TELEPHONE LIBERTYVILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North of Libertyville E. M. WEISKOPF, Prog, PHONES: HIGHWOOD, 523 LIBERTYVILLE, 628--R1 Battery Service Generator and Radio Supplhies LEESLEY'S NURSERIES ® WwE DO GENERAL LANDSCAPING of cars PAGE FIVE W , MOTOR for your 1 il §$1.00 nd mry-- nlic lec out the ped 18 inin-- ises. eph-- ation | but hurt aAnce aney tend jured those e ac-- She . Lib-- about years . inker, Wwest acc+ lule miles es in epctive Jound unday t 8: 45 inday, t 6:06 L 138, pre § in-- held pass lov. is ng tondel a hos-- gular f the 1bmit-- «yrtle it out sery-- 1:15 that ev-- C

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