grase springs up, not a spray buds within the vale, not a leat unfolds Ite fair outlines, not a flower starts trom its cloistered cell.a The Science Of being reveals man and immortal-- ity as based on Bpirit" (p. 191). cluded the following passages from the Christian Hcience textbook, "Selence and Health with Key to the Beriptures," by Mary Baker Rddy: "By fio_vnvollfion.mabh{egt is my name : and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images" (Isaiah 42:5, 8). ; The Lesson--Sermon also in. Mr. Van Patten declared that he would --supplement the resolution that was adopted with spevific plans upon which the county could act. "Unless we can centralize this work it will be impossible for town-- ships to carry out plans to acquire property for state highways," he ad-- vised the board. The first step in placing the bur-- den of obtaining right--of--ways on the county, instead of the township teday was taken by the county board of supervisors when it voted favorably on the resolutions of Sup-- ervisor David Van Patten, of Rus-- sell, woh fathered the action. He advised the board that the township, handicapped by a lack of money and the machinery to act, were gradually finding it an impos-- sibility to meet state requirements in getting right--of--ways for paving. smith God the Lord, He that creat-- ed the heavens, and.stretched them out ; He that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it ; He that giveth breath unto the peo-- ple upon it, and spirit to them that #"God the-- Only Cause and Creator" was the subject of the Lesson--Ser-- mon in all Churches of Christ, Scien-- The Golden Text was, "I will ex-- tol Thee, my God, O King:; and I will bless Thy name for ever and ever. One generation shall praise thy works to another, and shall deciare thy mighty acts" (Psaims 145 :1, 4). ~ CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES Van Patten Launches Fight to Have County Obtain All Rights--of--Way. WILL CENTRALINZE EFFORTS TO GET RIGHTS TO ROADS Mrs. John Adams, wife of the second President, found it neces sary to bring with her much of her own china when she took over the duties of first lady, and with disas trous results to the ching, judging from a letter written to a member of her family shortly after ber ar-- rival, deploring the fact that "many things were broken or stolen." Her efforts to replace the missing pleces evidently were fruitless, for she re-- marked later in the letter that "Georgetown affords nothing."--De troit News. DR. GALLAKUE GETS NEW CONTRAGT FOR BOVINE T. B. WORK The real. estate men, in their pe-- tition, showed that 150 miles of sub division roads on maps were never opened aithough buyers would come to the conclusion that the lanes were public roads and would be maintain-- ed by the public. Dr. Tromas P. Gallahue, county vetarinarian, today was retained on a contract for another year by the county board of supervisors at his present salary of $4,700. The appro-- priation for > the department is $6,000. Before the board authorized the License and Farm Institute commit-- teae to enter into a contract Super-- visor Edward M. Mawman, of Lake Bluff, peinted.out that a new state law provided that the state would test the cattle at no cost to the county. Tho fact that Rockford, Kast St. ; Lo'iis and Chicago, the three large . centers of the state, insist on milk | from tested cattle, makes it impos-- | sible to carry out the law in the' northern tiér of counties or in the St. Louis district. it was poinled* out. R. M. Lobdell, county superintend-- ent of highways, pointed out that the county was powerless to accept roads of this type and that it rest-- ed entirely with the township high-- way commissioner who could accept roads if properly petitioned. Rehired by Board of Super-- visors for Another Year at Same Salary. The state has provided a regular veterinarian for Lake county to act as an assistant to Dr. Gallahue at state expense. Both men are capa-- bis of testihg about 30,000 cattle a year. Lake county, Dr. Gallahue report-- ed, tolay has the best record that it has presented in the seven years tests rave been made. The reactors were but 2 per cent of the number of cattle examined. BOARD TO SEEK RELIEF ON ROADS IN SUBDIVISIONS After hearing the pleas of mem-- bers of the WaukeganNorth Chica-- go Real Estate Board through Presi-- dent Walter J. Parsons to force sub-- dividers in the.county to make roads in subdivisions passable instead of simply dedicating them and letting purchasers believe that the county will improve them the county board of supervisors yesterday referred the --problem to the plat committee and members of the real estate board. Refer Problem to Plat Com-- mittee and Real Estate Board of City. Among the citations which com-- PACE SIX First Lady's Worries a spray buds mrs. A. wW, Bock entertained at cards Tuesday afternoon. _ _A message was received here Sat-- urday telling of the death of Mra. Albert Douglas, at the Victory Me morial hospital in Waukegan. Al though she had been i1 <~for some itimo she had been in the hospital only a few days prior to her death, Mrs. Douglas, whose malden name was Mary Shultis, was born on the Shultis farm near Monaville in the year of 1871 and her entire life has been spent in that vicinity. She is survived by her bhusband and two song, Oscar of Waukesha and Wal-- ter of Evanston, besides two grand-- children and many other relatives and friends. Funeral services were held from the Lake Villa church, Monday with Rev. Alspaugh ofti-- clating. Mrs. Douglas is a sister of R. A. Shulti® of Antloch. Biloxi, Miss., where he will: spend a 44 d STERLING PENNY A DaAY POLICY Will pay $100 per month for 24 months for disability. * $1,000 to $1,500 in case of accidental death while operating farm machinery, tractors, cars or by injury by farm ani-- mals. Also other exceptional benefits. Write C. R. MOHRMANN, P. O. Box 306 WAUKEGAN ILL. No Obligation CHRISTMAS®S CARDS ... Libertyville Independent Is your income protected for the Make.your selection NOW, so you will be sure of having your cards in ample time. Have you placed your order yet? If not stop in and let us show you our a'itractive line. If you have a name plate you wish engraved on your card, bring it in and match the type on a card. 2 We also make new plates, or if you _ wish, we will print your name on the card. Cards can be purchased without your name, also. You can have your own individual cards this yearat surprisingly low cost. o Farmer and Car Mer.*.: Call Our Business Office ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY BELL SYSTEM One Policy -- One System -- Universal Service be termed an ideal location for your telephone. Many times you wish it were in the living room. When a call comes late at night, or when illness comes or other emergencies arise, you wish your telephone were in the bedroom. And whet housewife has not wanted a telephone close at hand in the kitchen where calls can be made or answered regardless of household duties! Extension telephones (additional instruments on the same line) bring telephone service to any or every room in your home. Perhaps you have wanted telephones in some or all the rooms men-- tioned. Why not have them? They are conven-- ient, enhance the comfort of dny room and make your home as modern as this Mechanical Age itself. Best of all, the cost is small. ANTIOCH AND say "I'll place my telephone here be-- cause it can be easily reached from all parts <L>f my home." There is no single room which may _ You Can't Choose a Room next 24 months LIBERTYYVILLE, ILL. &# C. W.. Petty. Mr. Pollock assisted in the 'music by, his cornet playing which was much apprecialed by the congregation. -- A specila! feature of the music at the M. HB. church Sunday morning was the vocal solo rendered by Miss Porter from Neuman, IL, who was a guest at the home of Prin. and Mrs. J. G. Stone, field agent of the State Tubereulosis society, who visited here today. Dupage, he said stood second th the list. Dupage was ": first place last year. The re ' will show more than $4400 collected, , It-- was learned. . Lake o?uty is leading other coun-- tiese of the state in the 'sale of ggmuu health seals, acording to . G. Stone, field agent of the Stata --IN SALE OF SEALS suits; ecru éolor; sizes to 46; a suit ... '_ FLANNEL SHIRTS Men's ribbed fileeced union Men's gift ties, in Christmas boxes, wide ends, heavy, de sirable silks. _A Men's rayon--mixed novelty sox, with fine mercerized top, toe and heel; 0 2 piits ........... 5 C Men's leather gloves, lined with heavy flannelette; one-- clasp style; 98c sizes to 10%/; pair.. / cashmere feet; par oo o. ... age MEN'S LINED GLOVES Boys' leather gloves, lined with heavy flannelette, sizes 4 to i-- 79C pait ............., Men's wool cashmere hose; grey mixed tops, with light cashmere feet; 39C palr Men's $1 "Uncle Sam" work shirts; blue chambrays; open front style; sizes . 10 17 ............", 67C Boys' part--wool ribbed union suits, random color; 98c sizes to 16, each .... BOYS' LINED GLOVES irable silks. < ach c."c>....... o0¢ MEN'S UNION SUITS Boys' gift ties, many colors and patterns; special-- 25c ly'boxed, choice at .. Boys' collar attached shirts, fast color, printed broadcloth and noveilty stripes. 77(: Sizes to 17, each .... 6# Boys' lined knickers, heavy, serviceable dark suitings, sizes to'16 years. 98c Each ............ Boys' chicket style pullover sweaters, novelty' rayon and wool patterns; 1 Sizes to 36 ...... s '39 Boys' striped flannelette. pa-- jamas. 2 pieces, sizes 98c 8 to 16 yrs., each-- Men's wool mixed sweaters, Tuxedo style; sizes 1 3($to4,4;each.....s "00 Men's grey flanne!l shirts; collar attached style; Sizes 144 to 17; 1 t:ach......'......s '89 Boys' bathrobes, sizes 8 to 14 years; made of heavy blanket robing. Eachk s1'95 Boys' heavy all wool lumber jacks, dark serviceable plaids --ages 8 to 16 years; each ..... 31098 ; d heel; us c' . Oe MEN'S BOXED TIES MEN'S FANCY SOX le; si $ uS C" 67c MEN'S WOOL HOSE BOYS' UNION SUITS GLOBE Barcain BASEMENT BOYS' NECKWEAR MEN'S SWEATERS BOYS' SWEATERS BOYS' BOYS' PAJAMAS LUMBER JACKS WORK SHIRTS Gifts and Winter Needs for the Entire Family at Prices that Save Money BOYS' SHIRTS BOYS' ROBES 08c Straightline and silhouette style dresses. _ Made of heavy silk crepes, jerseys, fiat crepes, satins and combinations. 1, 2 and 3--piece effects, plenty of blacks, browns, navies, greens, »tc.; sizes for the miss 14 to 20; sizes for the woman, 36 to 40; sizes for the extra large 44 to 48; at much less than the regular price -- -- -- in 2 groups. . THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1929 Pre--Christmas Dress Sale Women's white broadcloth Hoo ver aprons; sizes 36 to sl 46; each .222 .0 .0 _ Men's large square muf-- flers, made ~of -- heavy weight pebble cloth and woven rayon; plaid and novelty designs, each-- Juvenile Chinchilla coats, Blue Chinchilla coats for the tot aged 1 to 4 years; flannel lined, each .__53059 Juvenile Chinchilla Coats Women's white _ muslin night gowns; made with deep . hand -- embroidered yoke; sizes to 17, each -- Women's heavy weight Buron fashioned woo!l-- and--rayon hose; first qual-- ity, in grey mixed and brown mixed shades; sizes to 10; pgrfect quality, pr. Women's Rayon and Wool Hose Hawaiian Hand Emb. Gowns 5 Broadcloth Hoovers Men's Mufflers (Large Squares) Ideal Gifts 75--Filament Guaranteed Rayon Bloomers -- Vests Colors, flesh, peach, etc., sizes to 42 -- -- -- very special. 50° hilk Women's Flannel Gowns Women's heavy flannelette night-- gowns, made of striped flancel-- ette; sizes to .00 Kitchenette Aprons Women's -- kitchenette aprons, made of guaranteed 80 square fast color percales; _ medi{um, large, extra large BiZ@® | .020 0022220222 79C .00 Men's heavy fabric gloves; imported duplex quality; light and dark greys, tans, browns; 1 clasp style; val. to $1.50. Women's pinafore aprons, in many novel trimmed styles; all tub fast per-- cales -- -- -- special Christ-- mas gift price-- Fancy lace trimmed celanese ra-- yon taffeta stepins and chem-- ises -- -- -- an ideal Christmas gift, choice-- Children's and misses' wool gloves and mittens; gloves e have novelty flare cuffs, with c woven designs; mittens made with small fancy band cuffs; one--clasp style; samples of values to 60¢, pair-- one--clasp style; samples values to 60¢, pair-- Gloves and Mittens Fast Color Pinafore Aprons Rayon Taffeta Step--in Chemises Men's Duplex All wool blue Chinchilia coats, with Johnny Collar, belt-- less or belt style; plaid flannel lined:; $8 95 sizes 14 to 20, each ............2..2.2...2..2... ® Misses' and women's coats, heavily fur-- trimmed collars and cuffs. Choice of black, brown, tan, etc.; self collar or contrast fur trimmed, each Fur Trimmed Coats Values to *25 alues to Misses' and women's coats, heavily fur-- s rimmed collars and cuffs. Choice of lack, brown, tan, etc.; self collar or ontrast fur trimmed,. each Child's Wool (Chamoisette) -- Gloves New Chinchilla Coats Women's flannelette gowns, made of striped outings or white shak-- er flannels; sizes to i0; each ...._............s 1000 .00 Women's heavy blanket robing bath robes; very d@#irable pat-- terns; all double sewed seams, each _-32095 Women's Robes 1(0 350° Heavy quality double ed shaker flannel; special, a yard..... . titched d :OlV:l'e & rca y to /4 +s 79c BLEACHED FLANNEL Bleached cotton bitting; put up in 7 oz. rolls; for stuffing and trimming; €§ch .,.....saivers 15C 3--LB. STITCH BATTS White 1 fort siz stitched cover . SMALL WHITE BATT Women's dream satin slips; heavy weight satin finish twill; wanted 1 shades; $2 values. s '19 14 to each Women's 2--piece pajamas; noveltyrtub-fast prints; sizes Boys' or girls' cricket sweat-- ers; novelty rayon patterns; deep ribbed bottoms; sizes 30 to 36; sl e#gh--..+..s)@..slassk.. Girls' rayon stripe, wool tint union suits; all styles; sizes to 16 79 each .............. C ceach sullll........ § C CRICKET SWEATERS Children's knit waist, Min-- neapolis "M" panty waist; with buttons; sizes 45C to 6 years, each..... Children's ribbed rayon hose, wanted tan colors; slight ir-- regulars of 60c 39'C grade; pair ....... ith buttons ; si to 6 yeurs, cach. .. .. 4DC GIRLS' UNION SUITS Women's pure thread silk serviceable hose; mercerized hose; irregulars of 59C $1 grade; pair ...... WOMEN'S PAJAMAS Children's bleached union suits; taped reinforcement; sizes 2 to 12 49C years, each ....... 24 length, deep turn--down cuff; sizes to 9!/; pair 39C WOMEN'S HOSE Women's part wool rayon stripe; wool tint union--suits; built up shoulder, 79 cuff knee; sizes to 42 C WOMEN's UNION SUITS Novelty pattern golf hose Women's union suits, woo!l tint, rayon stripe; built up shoulder ; 49C sizes to 42 ......... f CHILD'S UNION SUITS top and bottoms; all 49c wanted colors; each Women's fine grade charmeuse bloomers; WOMEN'S BLOOMERS Children's sateen bloomers: permanent finish sateen; in white, flesh, black; sizes to 16 years; '29C 50¢ valus .......... Children's BLOOMERS Girls' wash dresses; fast col-- or prints, novelty trimmed; sizes to 14 years; sl Each ............... CHILD'S WAISTS WOMEN'S SLIPS e fleeced size 72x90 CHILD'S RAYON HOSE GIRLS' DRESSES WOMEN'S UNION SUITS GOLF HOSE quality ): 3 lb 12c $1.00 com» batt: cotton elastic