Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zersen motor ad to Palatine Sumday ard visited Mre. Louis Schultz. Mrs. Fred Monroe wa: First Prize Mrs. Bort Swan §oooud and Mrs. Rame Triaaftas adr c¥ c ow l 0 M~s. Katharina Dietz and grand. som, Clifford spent Sunday with her daughter Mrs. John Dobner in Wan-- conda. Mrs. Johr Dobner just re turned home frxn a hospital in Chi-- cago whee she submitted to an op Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Degsmner spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs Frances Stancliffe iia Prairie View. Mr. and Mrs. Fd. Roder and sons spent Sunday with Mr. anmd M--~s. HMHenry Lonne in Ixwag Groves. Mr. and Mrs. Will Ray and Patsy anmd Viv'an visited Mr and Mrs. Wm. Jeffery ia Grays Lake Sunday Mrs. Ida Green of Kaukawia and Mrs. Maund Lusk ~f Libertyyille vi> ited Mrs. R. D. Cook on Sunday. Mrs. Lillia Baxter and Harry Baxter of Oak Park visited Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Dezner Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G°o. Meyer and danghter, Heler were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wertz on Sunrday. Mr _ and Mrs. Joe Dumwi of Take Forest were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank p{amqnatrtnor on Sunday. Mrs. Aug. Wertz: of Ivanhoe spending a few dGdays with her dau ghter, Mrs. Geo. Meyor. Mrs. Harden Rouse, accompanied by Mrs. Robe--t Rouse and Mrs. Lee Kane of Diamoad Lake and Mrs Clarence Snedstiger of Lake Zurich spen' Wednesday in Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Rittler at-- tended the theatre ir Waukegan Sunday even'ing. ed with her Grandmother until Sunday when she retur--d home with her parents. Mrs. Glemi Knigge and daughte--. Namcy lee called at the home of Mrs. Hattie Kniggzge on Thursday and Little Miss Nancy Lee remain-- Mundelein, Illinois Sunday. Mrs. Clayton Tiffany and daught-- ers sperit Wednesday with her mxther Mrs. Emma Brockway in Barrington. Mrs. W in Chicago Mrs. Jennie Hibbard of Druce's Lake ts spendng a fow days with her dap;mter. Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith. Mrs. Cora Hull and da't'x'zgf;.;: Evelyn of Libe--tyville, were dinner guests of Mrs. Hattie Kniggse on Mrs. Jennie Hibbard and Mrs. Oliver Vanderspool of Druce's Lake spent Wednesday with Mr3s. Frauk Rauernsmith. Harry M. Rouse and Miss Edna Rowse attended a skating party at Grays Lake Thursday evening. Mr. and M--~s. Axel Peterson anmd Bd. Peterson of Chicago visited at the Wm. Volkman home on Sunday. Mrs. and Mrs Fred Millisan and daughter of Chicago spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mr3. Wm. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Diatz and dau ghter, Ruth spent Sunday with M--. and Mrs. Geo. Waters at Grays Lake. Mrs. Emma Rouse entertained her childrea and thei~ families at din-- ber on Sunday. basch Monday night Miss Attma Peterson of Libertyville was a guwest o Miss Genevieve Hue-- Mrs. and Mrs. L. Miss Genevieve wer #rs Saturday. Vivian Pfamnmenstil} spent Saturday with her cousins at the John Wirtz home ia Ivanhoe. Fred Krine and H tored t> Keil, Wisco Sunday. ansg Mrs. Ployd RKiter. Miss Florence Ford of Waukecan was a gues! of her sisteor Mrs. Lesl.» Hoskell over the week end. Mrs. Harry Pfannensteil and child-- ren spent sunday, with Mrs. R. F. Doefler in Ivaahoe. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lehmkuhil ac-- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wehrenberg of Iabertyville motored to Wheaton and visited with zrela tives on Sunday. Mrs. Kramer and son of Highland Park spent Suwraday evening with Mrs. Anna Kublank. | Mrs. Emmett Billnski and Mrs.' Frank Staddle were Chicago visitors on Monday. | T\ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rittler of Ra viue spent the week end with Mr awnd Mrs. Movyd Riter. PAGE SIX !News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity Aynesley Ross attended a party at the home of Joseph Forrester a Kentiw onth. s 2l 4 C L n ing. If you require any ,'2 kind of Winter Access-- ' ories, see us first! STAR GARAGE for ajTEMS OF INTEREST TO PEOPLE LIVING IN MUNDELEIN.® You can heip make this section more in toreating N you will phone the Loca! Editor any news items you may have concerning relatives or friends Krine and Henry Luebbe mo ) Keil, Wisconsi'a on busin«ss Eddy spent Monday spent Thursday with on Lake Bt. . Huebsch and Waukegan call-- Léehmkuhl ac-- id Mrs. Ralph yville motored ted with rela _ While visiting at the McBride home Saturday evening, Dorothy Holcomb received a phone call to the effect that guests from out--of-- town had arrived unexpectedly aJt her home. Upon her return Miss Holcomb was surprised to find some 20 guests gathered in the Holcomb living room. Those present includ-- ed: Representative Lyons and Mrs. Lyons, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Morrow, Mr. and Mrs, A. G. Klemp, Mr. and Mrs. William Cawley, Miss Bess Mc-- Bride, Mrs. A. Schonenke, Mrs. Vic-- tor Parkinson, Mr. and Mrs. Les Stanger, John Howe, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Russell and Mr. and Mrs. It was arraiged that the club shoult cooperate with the Congrega tiomal Church in holding a big Christ-- lan party in the garage building on lake Street, next to Rousa Bros. Dairy. This big event will be held on Christmas Eve, aad will include the Crristmas entertainment usually bheld at the Community House. Several other social events are be img planned for the near future and mmdications an that the Mundelein Club wll be a big factor in commun ity affairs. FRIENOS SURPRISE Munmdelein's newly orgaouized 'c iv ie and social organization., | the Muadelein Club, met at the Vill |ag9 Hall, Friday eventoag, im®»ec 6th and held an installation of officers. Representative R. J. Lyours acted as Mast=ar of Ceremones and instead of the usua)l cut and dried installation procedure, he i{imtroduced each officer in an informal way--prefacing the in-- 'rroductlom with humorous stortes made applicable to each officer. President Hazlett spoke in a most interesting manner of the purpose of the club, stressing its value as a social axi civic institution angq point ing out that the members would get cut of it just as much as they put lin. He urges members to take an active part in the club's activites and 'to help alotz lires in which they a~e most interssted. Roy A. Garbett was introduced as Vice Presideit of the club, Chas. Lehmkuhi, as secretary and Russell Towner as treasurer. Each spoke en-- thusiastically of the aims of the or-- ganization. Ed. Bluhm, Bob Vesley anmd A. T. Mac Leod Directos of the club also stressed the important place the new organization can be made to fill in Mundelein's progr«ss. Have you set aside Saturday eve-- ning to attend the Diamond Lake Community club play, "Mix Well and Stir"?. You don't want to miss it. Mr.and Mrs. Adoliph Meye: visit ed_Avelatlves in Chicag» Swaday. MUNDELEIN CLUB Mr. and Mrs. Will Meyer and children of Fairchild speat Sunday alternoon at the H. C. Meyer home. Mrs. Elizabeth Gleason spent Monday in Waukegan. H. C. Meyer, Miss Huilda and \Mrs. Chas Warner called on Mrs. Ray Meyer at Lake Zurich on Sunday. Mrs. Orville Smith and Mrs. George Grabbe of Libertyville spent Thursday with Miss Emma Fisher. MRS. NINA J. HUTCHINGS, Local Editor TELEPHONE 557--v | _ _Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Faulkoer | ard Mrs. and Mrs. Elmer Prior mo tored t»~ Lake Geneva Sunday and ,'vrslted Mr. and Mrs Dervey Sweizer on the Maytag Estate ('This estate was formerly the J. J. Mitchell sum-- mer home. + RLlL Pufal of Chicago called on friends here Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Myron Wells and daughters and Viola and Arthur Hertel atteaded te High Schbool play at Lake Zurich Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. J, J. Peddle and children of Higzhland Park were din-- ner ®uests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry | Englebrecht on Sunday f elephone 317 DOROTHY HOLComs INSTALLS OFFiCERSs! Mrs. J, J. Peddle and Highland Park were din »f M_r. and Mrs. Henry u Miss Grace Dolph spent the first of the week with her parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Doiph. . Mrs. John Raasch called on rela-- tives in Libertyville Saturday a;f'orv noon. > Mr. and Mrs. Albert Wagner and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Awald visited Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs Will Hertel. Frank Wirtz attended the Holstein cattle sale at McHenry Thursday Miss Agnes Meyers and Ruby Kuebker saw "Rio Rita" at the Gon-- esee in Waukegan Wednesday eve-- ning. Mr. and Mrs. L. Rice of Chicago Mrs. Bert Chamberlain. Mrs. George Smith and daughter Dorothy spent Thursday with Mrs Gust Holland at Lake Zurich. Mrs. August Wirtz is spending : week with her daughter, Mrs. Georgs Mevers, at Mundelein. Frank Wirtz, Misses Carie and Elizabeth Wirtz had Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wirtz. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jeffery of Mundelein -- have rented the Joe Olensdort house. | _ _Mr. and Mrs. Will Atwell attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs. Doug-- \lous, at Lake Vflla Monday. Miss Lucy Garett left on Tuesday t morning for Florida, where she will Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dolph and children were Sunday dinner gu>sts of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolph. spend the winter months. The Ivanhoe Mother's club will be entertained Wednesday at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Jevene. Will and Jim Huguelet of Chicago visited Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Shober. Mr. and Mrs. Will Atwell attended the funeral of a friend, Mrs. Doug-- The Misses Elizabeth and Ann Wirtz were Libertyville shoppers on Monday afternoon. After an evening spent at cards, refreshments were served and the party broke up in the wee, sma' hours. The gathering was arranged by Miss Bess McBride as a sort of farewell party for Miss Holcomb, who expects to leave soon with Mrs Holcomb for-- an -- extended trip through the south. D. H. Holmes LIBERTYVILLE SUPPLY DEPOTsS F. C. Norman, Phone 508; Libertyvilie Frulit and Vegetable Store Phone 188; Miller's Grocery, Phone 81; Hanlon's Green Front Store, Phong 498. PROMPT, DEPENDABLE OELIVERY Mundclein, III. The Best Dairy Products You Can Possibly Buy Come From ROUSE BROS. DAIRY LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECEMB Ivanhoe : _ DIAMOND LAKE Phones 568 and 567 Farl Kane, as Mr. Kemedy, also a snob. Dora Rouse, as Mrs. Doake, a good simple sopl. Luella Kane, as Mrs. Kennedy, a snob. Hiram Bartlett, as Mr. Doake Phil's employer. wife Don't fail to attend the'play and entertainment -- Saturday evening, Dec. 14. givén by the Diamond Lake Communijty club at the cBRurch. The name of the play is "Mix Well and Stir,"" given by permission of Coun-- try Gentleman. Theecast is as fol-- lows : Mrs. George {¢mith and siste: Clara Yankey were Waukegan shop pers Tuesday. -- Thursd Shober Mr. and Mrs. Will Browder spent Sunday afternoon at Kenilworth. George Hawkins visited over th« weekend with relatives here. Mrs. Warren Snyder visited Fri day afternoon with Mrs. R. F. Dorf ler. + . |__Mr. and Mrs. Bob Qdom are enter-- | morning | taining relatives for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hironimus } Mr. and Mys George J. Smith have |of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Wi}l purchased a new home in Mundelein | Hironimus, Miss Marjorie Cleve-- |m-ur Harden Rouse's new, home. land and Alfred _ Schmelzer _ of Miss Margaret Wirtz spent Wed--| Round Lake were dinner guests !nosday in Libertyville with her sis {at the Willow Farm on Sunday | ter, Mrs. W. Herr. 3 evening. | _ Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolph--enter--| _ About fifty friends of _ Miss tained the Junior Sunday Afternoon | Irene Hertel of Grayslake, Round club Friday evening td a delicious | Lake, Volo, Mundelein and Fre-- chicken dinner. Fifteen young jeo--|mont gave her a surprise party at ple were present and all had an en-- |her home last Sunday evening. jovable evening. Miss Hertel had gone out the _ Little Laverne and Harvey Oben--|early part of the evening and auf spent the week--end with little|when she returned home + about Donald Herr at Libertyville. nine o'clock and found her home Luther Small and Sylvia Bay vis-- |(illed with friends she surely had ited Tuesday evening with Mr. and 'Lhe one surprise of her life . Af-- Weston Shepard had the misfor tune Wednesday of having two of his fingers quite badly cut with a buzz saw while at work at the pen factory in TLibertyyille. Mrs. Frank Knigge and Miss Max-- ine Knigge visited Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Anna Kublank at Munde-- lein. Luther Small and Sylvia Bay vi ited Tuesday evening with Mr. an Mrs. Béert Chamberlain. Little Laverne and Harvey Oben auf spent the week--end with littls Donald Herr at Libertyville. Paul Allanson, as Phil Grant, a nedict of one year. Bessie Kane, as Jane Grant, his Mr, and Mrs. Albert Snyder visited on Sunday afternoon with Mrs. So-- phia Batz of Wauconda. Miss Clara Yankey of Palatine is spending several days with her sis-- ter, Mrs. George Smith. George Smith and Charles Jeffery of the Model Farm attended the live-- stock show in Chicago Thursday. Mrs. Harry Pfarmenstill and chil-- dren of Diamond Lake spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. R. F. Dorfler. Miss Viola Hertel and Arthur Her-- tel attended a junior play at the Lake Zurich High school Friday eve-- ning. . George Brainerd and H. C. W. Meyer called on Ed Coudrey Sunday afternoon. © Claude Smith of Waukegan called at the John Shepard home Sunday afternoon. a y Loftus of Round Lake visit iy with Mr. and Mrs. A Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, {ii ALL THE LATEST NuUuMBERS IN SHEET MUSIC NO MUSICAL instrument can compare with the piano for unend-- ing pleasure. Any one of the magnificent planos we.are show-- ing would be a beautiful acquisi-- tion for any home. ter welcoming her friends she turned hostess and an evening of merriment followed with progres-- sive euchre as the main past me The prizes were won by the fol-- lowing: ladies' first, Miss Bertha Hironimus; second, Mrs. Frank H'ronimus, and consolation Mrs. Henry Hapke. The men's prizes were won by Tom Lyons, first: Henry Hapke, second and Harry Hironimus consolation. Fine music was rendered by Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Hironimus of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. Wi}! Hironimus, Miss Marjorie Cleve-- land and Alfred Schmelzer _ of Round Lake were dinner guests at the Willow Farm on Sunday evening. About fifty friends of -- Miss Quite a number from here at-- tended the funerat of Mms. Annie Diethorn nee Anmiie Behm of this place at Libertyville on Monday morning Miss Irene Hertel and _ Mrs. Clarence Hertel of Mundelein at-- tended a show at Lake Forest on Sunday afternoon. Gordon Ray, as Slick Dick, Joe pal. Robert Rouse, as Gentleman Joe a burglar. FREMONT CENTER Alice Williams, as Alice Williams, who is disapponted in love. . Alice Heinsohn, as Miss Perkins, a pettiskirted Paul Revere. Donald Poulton, as Jim Doake, heir to millions. JAS. C. O'SHEA EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A¥ PIANO pk Piano T THE NEW tr here __kDIsON +¥ RADI O R 12, 1929. RUNAWA'Y BOY is _ O SENT BACK Hove Albert Behm. At midinsht q gqe. licious lunch -- was served | whicp brought to a close a most pleas-- ant evening and thanking their hostess the guests departed | but with assurance to Mr. and _ Mprg, Heytel and family that with such a fine welcome the crowd would be h'able'to drop in aga'n so0n. Lawrence Doolittle turn over to relatives. -- _E bak William LeBau,. 14, of Chi was picked up by deputy sh, last night on Gfeen B>y road 3 was walking to Sheboygan to his father. He had fought, to with his sister in Chicago. re® Libertyville, Decker & Neville s The super--set made in the Ku&m', Laboratories . e Now ready for you to see--and hear! The new Edison Light O--Matic, the latest and finest achievement in radio. This marvelous new set is years ahead of its time. It bridges space and brings in distant stations you never heard be-- fore. Dramatic Light--O--Matic Tuning--new--startling--an Edison invention--announces the capture of your favorite stations with a flash of light. Come in and play the new Edison--see these beautiful cabinets, one model of which is priced as low as $167.50. And remember, it bears the greatest name in science. Easy terms Telephone 55