Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 12 Dec 1929, p. 7

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|NEWS FROM DEERFIELD| The bazaar and food sale which was conducted by the Ladies'® Aid society of St. Paul's Evangelical church on Saturday at the Charles C. Kapschull office, was a big success, and the ladies wish to express their appreciation to all who aided them. Several ar-- ticles, including aprons, were not sold, and they are on display at the home of Mrs. Josephine Rom-- mel, Deertield avenue. Mr. Ed. Jacobeon is ill with very severe cold. Mrs. A. C. Stadler was hostess to the members of the Coterie club on Friday of last week. Thae cafeteria luncheon given by the Missionary society of the Pres-- byterian church last Thursday was very successful, and the members f the committee in charge wish to express their deep appreciation for the willing assistance _ and splend'd patronage. 'iri Robert Pettis was hostess to the members of the Tuesday evening Sewing elub this week. Deerfield oPst 738, American Legion, held its regular meeting at the Masonic Temple on Wed-- nesday evenign. The mothers of the community are requested to bear in mind that the P.T.A. meeting will be held on Friday afternoon of next week, Dec. 230. A very fine pro-- zram will be presented . by the children, and all _ mothers . are urged to attend the meeting. Mr. Ginter's class of Intermed: iate QGirls sponsored a vyery fine grogram at the Presbyterian church on Sunday evening, when Mr. Jones of Lake Forest gave an explanatory lecture on the stereop-- ticon views of the Holy Land which were shown. Since _ Mr. and Mrs. Jones had personally vie-- ited the Holy Land, his talk had all the interest and appeal of first--hand knowledge, and . was gzreatly enjoyed" by the audience. The proceeds of the silver offering will be used by the girls in their ph'lanthropic work. Several Deerfield members at-- tended the Twentieth Anniversary of Highland Park Chapter _ No. °%6, Royal Arch Masons, at High-- land Park on Wednesday evening, December 11 Mr. George LC Michigan, is vis Mrs. Ed. F. Lonsg Mrse. Cassius Easton Walter Page visited Protise at Elmhurst o1 The schedule of -- activit'es . of Emmanuel Shrine of Lake Forest, of which Mrs. Ruth Frase is Worthy High Priestess, includes a stated meeting for December 13, ind a@ Christmas party for chil-- dren on December 27. Mr. John A. Hoffman, who has been in Highland Park hospital for treatment for the past week, returred home on Tuesday. Mrs. Thompgon and daughter, Retty Jane, of Rogers Park, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Stanger this week. Miss Mamie Karch and _ Mrs Laura Dietz entertained the mem-- bers of the Mutual club most de ligbtfully on Thursday evening. Tha B L C. E. met at the The E. L C. E. Bungalow -- church even'ng for a busine social hour. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Wl?on and Mr. and Mrs. Winfred Wilson of Libertyville were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Chester A. Wolf on Sun-- day evening. ' Miss Edna Spencer of McKinley Park visited her sister, Mrs. Wm. I». Johnston, on Sunday. Miss Alice Ulfers of Highland Park spent Sunday at the William Neville home. In honor of Miss Alice's birthday, Mrs. Neville en-- tertained -- Misses Frances and Mathilda Borchardt of Highland Park at dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Myers and children were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Myears of Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Helman and Mrse. Walker Townsend of Waukegan were guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Peterson on Sunday. Mrs3. Raymond Dobbins attended i bridge party at the home of Mrs. Raymond Sheahen of Highland Park on Wednesday. Mr. Bob Mann of Rock Island spent a few days last week visit-- ing at the Jack Myers home. .Mr. Cand Mrs. John Bornhoff and son Harvey of Glenview vis-- ited at the home of Mrs. John C. Huehl and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Schmidt, on Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Olendorf and Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Carr were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gil-- bort Lane of Riverside on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Galloway of Highland Park were guests at the Arthur Wagner home on Sat-- urday evrening. Mr. and Mrs. CGhester A. Wolf and Mrs. Jennie Wilson caleld on Mrs. Henary Rhode and Miss Ruth Wenban of Lake Forest on Sunday, -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mitchell of Cralena, Michigan, were Thanksgiv-- ing day guests at the William Des-- mond home. Mr. E. B. Jordan had the mis-- fortune to break his arm while cranking his car last Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. H. Taverner of Chicago yvs'lited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Peterson Sun-- day evening. C. C. Kapschull and _ George Rriggs attended the installation of officers of the American Legion Post at Waukegan on Thursday evening of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Petersen 5f Highland Park were guests at the Peter Peterson home on Sun-- Miss Ruth <--Rockenbach spent the week end at the home of her gramidiather, Mr.. Geoorge Rocoken Dr. C. Johnston Davis visited at Lake Geneva on Sunday. Ruth -- Frase is Priestess, includes z for December 13, is party for chil-- n ing SS . & ou of his M session of Brown has been of _ his ind ) most de evening. _ _ at the Tuesday Monda y Pontiac mother Mrs the af-- in , of and l Mr. and Mrs. Christ Mentzer, Mr. Louis and Mis Delia Mentger, |attended the funeral of _ their | brother--in--la w, Mr. John Mick, in \ Chicago on Tuesday. Mr. Mick, ]who had ben ill for some time, 'died on Saturday morning. |_Mr. Georze Rockenbach, Misses \Viola and Irene Rockenbach, and \the'r guests, Miss Ruth Rocken-- \ bach and Mr. Lester-- Taylor of \Chicago, were guests of Mr. and \ Mrs. Louis Mills of Diamond Lake 'an Sunday. Mrs. C. W. Boyle entertained at tea on Friday afternoon in hon-- or of Miss Cayle N. Boremann; who recently began her duties as Public Health Nurse at Deerfield zgrammar school. bach. ' M'ss Irene Rockenbach returned on Saturday from St. Louis, where shé) conducted a community trian-- ing school during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Krumbach of Highland Park announce the birth of a daughter at the High-- land Park hospital on Saturday, December 7. The Krumbach fam-- ily is well known to many Deer-- field people. Mrs. August Winters celebrated her 74th birthday on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Winters of Wheeling were her guests Sunday evening. ® Mr. and Mrs. L. Dreke of Eau Claire, Wis., announce the birth f a son on November 12. Mrs. Dreke, before her marriage, was Miss Bervyl Taylor of Deerfleld. The Missionary Society of the Presbyterian church will meet at the home of Mrs. Schinlever on Thursday of next week, December 19. Fever. Mr. William Barrett _ underwent an operation at the Presbyterian hospital, Chicago, on Tuesday of last he members of her Tuesday. John Boone is ill of the Shoppe. _ light can be ap Monday morning phoned her that contents ($72.20 house and turned via mary Sho been takel had been had been assumed it up wit doing. Mrs. M with a s« Mr. an dinner &1 er in Ev The P on the Deerfi party Friday Holy prizes The vited. Auxiliary Card Party Enjoyed Members _ of _ Deerfield _ Unit, American Legion Auxiliary, are Mrs. F. J. Hagzs e members of h to be complmented on the suc-- cess of the card party which they sponsored on Monday evening, at Green Tree Inn. Prizes -- were awarded as follows: Bridge, la-- dies, first, Miss Ada Johnson; sec-- ond, Mrs. Ross Sherman; men, first, Mr. Alvin F. Meyer; second, Mtr. Walter Toll; five hundred, la-- dies, Mrs. E. F. Long; men, Mr. LeRoy Meyers; bunco, first, Mrs. 8 Stickler. The delicious refreshments were enjoyed by all the guests. -- lodge, Past _ Master _ Deerfleld lodge. Wor. .Bro. William B. Cartr, Chaplain, Past Master, Glenview lodge. Past masters of Deerfield lodge are: Theodore J. Knaak, 1924; Charles V. Steiner, 19%5; Frank Kottrasch, 19%6; Edward H. S8e-- lig, 192%7; John L. Vetter, 192%8; and Harold R. Vant, 192%9. Wor. Bro. Theodore J. Knaak, Marshal, Past Master A. O. Fay Wor. Bro. Ed. Selig, Secretary, Past Master, Deerfield lodge. Announcement Alta~ and F rfield y in 1 Evanston ie Pot Luc home of 1 Wednesday k, that Altar lunc Shoppe aken 0 een te Mrs. Ross Sherman,; men, 10:45--Worship and _ sermon. Mr. Alvin F. Meyer; second,| This is the fifth anniversary of alter Toll:; five hundred, la--| the present pastorate. . Members Mrs. E. F. Long;: men, Mr.|and friends are urged to be pres-- Meyers; bunco, first, Mrs. l ent. A special service. Farner, gsecond, Miss Hazel| 3:00--Pastor's class. Mildre 8t ncheon _3 awarded. public is e, while _ Shoppe, the count r discover Cross Catholic d, will sponsor i the church p afternoon, Decetr xlesu} anst ot L n out Of returné that the 'out real »sday lafternoon . is, December 1 and Rosary Soci Sponsor Party car K parcel 'Te Mr of last n gie was hostess to her bridge club on Keys ) 1 post Since ot the of the purse, ned promptly e gentleman alizing what pIC se unkno k. the will Her rel preciate _ Mrs. the pu 10 sary Soc r Party 0_ is m tLosary most ast week. shopping laid-- he T. and a d h -- parlors December be served, a € pursé sh, h had with Scarlet 10 and -- Mre. -- their bridge Mrs. Maurice _ on Tuesday. r spent the » of Mr. and Eimhurst. Mr. on December wn LaBahn aBahn's nday. ) will m proprie lief and ed whe Stoeck cordially has made het up -- bee the thing 18. iety fe meetl & Brownin of nex wit Mrs at uesday. it the [r. and st. Mr. cember horr by a hers ) he » that iety of church, -- --card A t the pursé min n rateh n fre Rost -- ha to tr nd it wer mot! tele o odts 28th. and t5€ W A¢ in on H h in If 111 11 Middle West Utilities Company is favored by leading Chicago brokers as the Chicago Stock Exchange list-- ed security which is likely to have the most appreciation in value over the next year, acoording to a survey 'n&de by The Chicago Journal of Commerce. Nearly 80 per cent of the houses which responded to the request for a list of ten such stocks included Middle West commoi in their selections. ' Midwest Utilities Picked To Lead Stocks "In order to obtain a composite picture f what issues on the Chica-- go Stock Exchange the leading bro-- kerage houses comsider likely to bave the most appreciation in value over.'uhe, next year, will you please list the ten stocks you feel are in that class," was the request sent to all of the principal houses in Chi-- Cago the following Middle West Utilities common . Insull Utility Investments common Borg-- Warner ... Swift amnd Company . Grigsby Grunow .. ---->-- Commonwealth Edtson Bendix Aviation . . Coatinental Chicag» CC Swift International ... Central & South West 1 ' Richhrd J. Abrams, Senior den. o_ Thea ne 1930 are Walter Master. Conrad _ V. Ucobhtman, J00°02" Warden. Chester I. Wesseling, Treasurer. Charles V. Steiner, Secretary. Fraink Kottrasch. Chapla'in. Ira M. Hole, Senior Deacon. Ambroge J. Montavon, Junior Deacon. Gerhard F ard. Raymon ard. chur Mr preciated D) Presbyterian fie t0 t} W M r€ To will the the people in Kentucky mountains. Be sure and see this missionary play. On Sunday evening, December 22nd the senfor choir will render a Christmas cantata entitled,. '"On to Bethelehem,"' by Norman Light-- hill | € and activities of this church. Deerfield Presbyterian Church Mark J. Andrews, Pastor 9:30--church school. Depart-- mental organization. Graded in-- struction. h nted The W h Thursday, Dec. 20, 2%:30 P. M.---- Woman's Missionary Society meets 7:00----Young people's meeting. Wednesday 7:45 P. M.--Choir rehearsal. Th TY hi y 1d compilation of the replies shows Villi ohn E de ral rch art avyo opis¢ id irc A cordial welcome to the services by e was Ge€! innual C arious det bet ween . _ rather uvse r'.'{ ch. . vangelic W LV n O( t be _ or( )wlet newly installed tet me r M im ightful p numbers orchestra rler,. of W t' M 1 € irl nt 1 V THEO. BLECH, Dist. Mgo. o milwaukee Ave. at Church St. §. Genesee St. Waukegan, I|!.Telephone: Libertyvi'le 1000 n ind e in and ld+ ven des _ Christenson, Hertle. Mars Beckley, Tyl ful program, ibers by the hestra -- and _af Wilmette leemed -- wiser Christmas p departments ( en Christmas lat rg a t M al L P Holste, Sentor votes" for finit LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 12 n Mever, Junior St West Utilities com i1l s Parties and officers hurch «chaol the home . the superin unde The h toin _ oi depicts th Kentucky 1 see this Bungalow Uchtman, -- Junior age re the Inte ehearsing nresent 'a8son. Rible men W se ry itid i« an Marshal "ITvletr. orp. common missionary play afford to mtis _ the auspices of play is entitled, n -- of Scrappin. orship 1 -- befo dates em be v3 ience School T1 64 off'cers for Worshipful CONOVER r-- to parties during s and | M ten lead @( af} including Bungalow ie life of mountains. missionary tian for PusBuc Service Comprany _© were Church 'ntster chool. nlos W as AS A CHRISTMAS GIfT A Conover Electric Dishwasher is a prac-- tical gift, to be sure. Practical enough to wash, rinse and dry automatically the c?isha of more than a thousand meals J\ot will be served in your home next year. Surely a gikt so thoroughly helpful as this is not too practical to be appreciated by the home-- maker. Prices up from $94.25. (Payments "Little by Little' if desired.) _ of terad tA N re ind of 0 War-- in D Staft En-- vyoung hold by pre-- Ne the eer-- Mr. ent. 11 ap for the the Ré 6| ~|Lyons. The other half of the income 'ls to go to Gharley Surgent, a friend 1 | of the deceased. At their death their ; | $20,000 portion is to be distributed . | to their heirs. They also are to share ( | equally of the residue of the estate L id se o 202. in #IKA hAfi be a V OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS $200,000 ESTATE WILL ADMITTED; BEING CONTESTED The will in the estate of James Lyons. of Deerfield, was admitted to probate Moaday by Pr bate Judg*e Martin C. Decker. It disposes of per-- sonal property and real estate val-- ued at $200,000 and the'sister, Cath-- erine Mathews,:of Chicago, is cut off without a bequest. ¢ _ The Lyons property is in dispute in circuit court. Mrs. Mathews claims that Lyons deeded his prop erty to her Attorney Wm. A. Déane, counsel for the heirs, charges that while Lyons signed a deed he did not know what he was signing. He could not read or write. James Lyons, Deerfield, Does Not Leave Sister Any-- thing in Will. | The will left $5,000 each to steven Mathews, Mary Lynch, nephew and niece. and one--half the income of a $40.000 trust fund to a cousin, Annie which would be close Donald, Frances, Edwin and Leaa lie -- LaMazdaliene -- have starte school here. They. are all in the lower grades. The upper grades are planning a puppet show, -- "The Miraculous Pitcher," to be given at a Christ-- mas program. Eugene and Harry Alsdorft of Iv anmnhoe are new students in the lbwer grades at Hawthorn 80le Several -- children -- attended the stock show. They were Robert Moss, Junior RKRapp, Kenneth Sink, Ellis Evans, Harry Perkins, Mari-- anna Moss, Wesley Giratz, Bill Moss and Cerne Panzer. Mr. and Mrs. Park AMlanson spent last Thursday in Chceaigo. The school nurse visited the Haw-- thorne school last Wednesday. George Rockenbach and _ daugh-- ters, Viola and Jrene, Ruth Rpck-- enbach of Deerfleld, and Philip Tay-- lor of Chicago, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Mills. D Tue b surprise day eve! birthday he Mr. Friday tended Morris m® of h HAWTHORN SCHOOL NOTES in im# by ber. and Boy Scouts. A cordial services and church. apper Charle arlet C M r ag Mrs r h ine Meets Second and Fourth Fridays at St. Joseph's School Hall. c. 1. cousy, _ roy w. BeLcL, President. Fin. Sec'y ndmothe h of Cu the home p. Subje a Mormon Friday, 7: ting the n nt ul +1 th group Local Union 1996 an i y of on at6 h id y anniy ind Mr in Ch Alla and H nit A n 10 on In n R H body in by H+ N . B. of C. and J. of A. M ve in Pure Hotel TV h H in Mra. 0 Chicag of 1e Saturday Be lIs alf on hi« on, 0 "arl P bangt Scout th e Rouse has Mundelqn. frienas and i1 Allanson Seout ach | hbeyg at Mr il Are 15 I A wC borh and H run Da iime R of of welcome activities 'agko. Milk 18 t % d im a V O quar the | ordor Kane quet i V olf h aod 1 has ike Hots a 8 s asked wolt wh lin police over the Simpson were _ Robert Kenneth Sink, Perkins, Mari-- ratz. Bill Moss r',"> attended -- the on the has Mr in Ray, LeK e attended last Tues{ auncil at | M npson ,""'['( |I ll;l' m § \'.--_-__------------__----_______---- ; & i Chicago ~ | L BX Z2 . z7. . uP ¥ i. : ; 5 t #n j t o o # se yoe s \ * NCO | gomee ol Hoal aoae oae se oo e ce se aoae ol o moee h k P Ts Ts Te Te Ts P C k s P e ds s se nds o=B home of his z'q | 3& 0. Rocken |, +R & noves 10 $ o - C@€ ts remuves | § t 3B +E j oz' & and !'-Lttl\':~* he _g n<f / y | -- '[ "A on last Fri ' Aw* s '|' «# A &C fon being his fl D J Pm =-- 7 4i ' x8 's!. TLE * _A h n |,§ % '// h a' ir. Mills at-- !'! l(' ~A "'.'I y# w'& & . k eeting at the | k :z \w . gam. / § < % n Ray, LeRoy \ té "'h \\\// C i * , e attended a ;' ' ind ;"_, H i t,/,/, » % last Tuesday --A4 . 1 .xtuz'; at Ht" * 4 "*~"* P 8 \\ 'a 7 iA / | | ~. % e] ' mo-- , 1 i-._. "\a" 7 ' // m e : _: * su pe~y Pso 0o 3 4 4 F f M P JPs N B asked to view 3 ."- ~ i € / / 3\ =~, C ' If which was --=3 i \"' 49 \(\W// f ,AQ .5:' @ pnlt'«*w «»f{ir'"\rx % u> '{': \_' 64 :(I .'/,I-"'/ f '4/\ F3 er the animg To ds e M F x c on -- Thursday C '//\ f E:m' KR 1/ [ 3 A\ g he bounty on * ------ wA R tp /,/ SA s * has been seen ---3 L sB :\ > ,' 1A 4 L /d E a number of a msmitly o <--< 4 & d T Ake Pmd > s been chased "d ----=----3 w mgh se ';'.";-'{'// /,' f=----=-- ® nommmmcn. LA o & THHA . f--------3 t The Depart % .______.------- e '< © ~ *# -- Sss day morning . 1~, . M w B / E--= ~--_--_------ | &# c V\,:fb 3 YE y / >E Um. Shinte-- | & E> P/iL; «im E \ x 0 ES & W Shinle-- |! e ----3 i / Re B t--= ~G i S m\ Pormis, W L C# i 72 [ it We at \ «& f s "4 WV // n BA t\ lA < [ E3 Ki . ----Troop 52. W e o )3' -- i n o ) | i-------------- s * E---- # ///' > 4 -- f esd ra 4 --=|\ Allaps dick UR T P L | P T e to all the 5'! F MA s ", les _ of _ this W nevgpttsdhiatni tw it <ratifpi l se ze poa' Aing [ .lM -- ym se e eb en > to $1 50,000 d to view which was ice officer the animal Thursday bounty on been seen number of relatives last Fri heing his "Heart Gifts" is a Christmas play which will be given at the Methodist church on next Sunday evening, De-- comber 15, at 7:30, and to which the people of the town are invited. Christmas Play At Methodist Church A special setting for this play is being prepared, and it will be accom-- panied by special music by the quar tet. © The chief part, that of the Scoffer, will be taken by F. A. Hud-- The play will interpret the Christ-- mas story in an unusual and tleg&l- son, and there will be a Christmas Fairy whose beauty and cheer will bring delight to all. o New Christmas Merchandise On December 2nd we purchased about $500.00 worth of Christmas merchan-- dise, suitable for presents, at a great sav-- ing in price. We will pass this saving on to our customers, and as this will be our last in business. we hove that all will take advantage of this opportunity. At Marshall Fields & Company's Wholesale Clearing Sale THE FAIR MAX KOHNER. Prop. ful way and make the spirit of Christmas to live and bestow bless-- ings on all humanity. _ _ _ All departments of the Sunday school will be represented in theo cast of characters and the music will include some of the finest things in Christmas sentiment and cheer and friendliness. On Sunday afternoon, December 22, at 4 o'clock, a double quartet will give a service of Christmas music in this church to which the public is invited. This will ibe a vesper service ard will take the place of the evening strvice. This program has been in preparation for several weeks and will be one of the best things in the Christmas services of this church. , 1920 Just received car load of eating, bak-- ing and cooking apples. Baldwins, Green-- ings and Kings. A large selection of Bal-- sam Christmas Trees. The best in potatoes. Idaho and White Cobblers. Libertyville Fruit and Vegetable Market 545 N. Milwaukee Ave. Libertyville Phone 138 onen evenings til' 8 p. m. THE INDEPENDENT------$1.50 A Year P.O.BOX 561 _ LAKEFOREST, ILL. PHONE. LAKE FOREST 1878 Farmers and Estate Owners! Clear Your Drives and Roads of Snow Speedily And in Comfort With an 'an Be Attached or Detached in two Minutes. Fits Any Kind of Car ASK FOR DEMONSTRATION Auto Snow Plow DONALD ROGERS APPLES! PAGE SEVEN

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