Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Dec 1929, p. 10

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ute > % t¥ e it * §AFArtulhteir t\ _E Lake Co. Natl Bnk Tr to H. Jan sen and Lillian Staib jt teus. D $10 LOt 111 Boulevard Park Sub Secs 28 and 32%, Wauconda. _ C E Jack Tr to May Westerman. D $1. Lot 91 Glen Flora Hts Sec 17 Wkgn. § _ -- o _--C E Jack to Claribel E. Martin. D $1. Lot 3% Dora Moran's sub Sec 20, Wkgn. 1t _ o 11. L Wkgn Katherine S Manning and hus to M. Rogondino WD $1. Lot 9 County Clks sub of lot 290 OUrgl Sub of Lake Forest. C E Jack Tr to Anna L Martin. D $1. Lot 90 Glen Flora Hts Sec 17. WKn. D P Manning and wife to M Ro-- gondino. WD $1. Lot 10 Co Cliks sub of lot 238C Orgl sub of Lake For-- est. Auna F Sullivan and nus to E M Sarver and wife jt tens. WD $1. Lot 124 J L Shaw's 2nd sub on Fox Lake, Secs 33 and 34, Antioch. F H Bartliett Tr to Hannoa Tider-- man. D $10. Ft lot 4 bik 8$2, Bart-- letts No Shore Ests Sece 30, 31 and 32, Wkgn. wife jt tens. 1D» $10.. Lots 1 and 2 bik 63 Bartletts No Shore Beach, Secs 14, 15 and 22 and 23, Benton. H E Wright to Anne I M Wright. QCD $10. Lot 18 Korthmoore Ter-- race, being a sub of lots 304 and 305 Org! Sub ot Lake Forest. . Official List of Transfers L E Hulse and wife to F W Dow-- ney. QCD $10. Lot 287 Glenwood IIts See 17. Wkgn. J Brabec and wife to J Mule ind wife jt tens. QCD 310. Lots 9, 10. 11 and 12, bik 3, and lots 33, 34, 35 and 36 blk 5 Meyer Worthington's Sheridan Shore Hlds, Sec 33, Ben-- ton. and wife jt tens. D 310. Lot 8 bik 9 Branigar Bros Woodland Park sec 29 Deerfleld. R L Kauiman and wife to A Ha-- ener and wife jt tens. WD $10. Lot 19, blk 73 H Pk. Lake County National Bnk of Lib-- ertyville to E. R Ramig. WD $10 Iot 215 First add to Williams Park sub on Slocum Lake being a sub of Sece 28 and 33, Wauconda. DEC. 16, 1929 Union Bank of Chicago to A Stone road and wf jt tens Deed §$10 Lot 11, Aviin ©. Greens Greenwood Gar dens Addn to Highland Park. G C Gridley and wf to C } wife jt tens WD $10 Lot 96 land Manor, Sece 21 and 22 ty ville. L. Brandonisio and wile to M BTan: donisio WD $10 Lot 16 Sub of N bhf ot Lot 24 ex W 409 feet E Ashley Mears Plat of Highwood. Burn This C/ean Fuel and Feel the Difference V()m.\ntonoul and wife to _ TRUST COMPANY Abstracts of Title; Tities H Bartlott Tr to A Jaster and WAUKEGAN KOPPERS ORDER Jack Tr to G B Hofman. D t 89, Glen Flora Hts See 17, MO Washington 8t. «a Waukegan, HNL & T Co Tr to J W Egan Jr Furnished by the Tealephone 4 and wife to M Bran If you wish to know what size Waukegan Koppers Coke to burn in your heating plant, just call your dealer and he'll send a fuel expert to tell you. No charge for this service. If you want to solve your heating prob-- lem for the winter, start using WAUKE-- GAN KOPPERS COKE Now! This cleanest of solid fuels will provide soot-- less, smokeless, dustless heat . . . heat so easily regulated that the coldest day will find your home delightfully pleas-- ant and warm. Start using WAUKE-- GAN KOPPERS COKE . . . and feel the difference! C Hans & 96 Cope-- 22 Liber N Bran WAUKEGAN conisio and wife jt tens WD $10 Lot 7 Santi Bros Sub in Highwood. E A Howard to M Flreschhauer et al WD $10 Pt of Sec 3 Grant. Union Bank of Chicago to K Zach-- arias Deed $19 Lot 21 Oak Terrace Sub Sec 36 Fremont. COKE "(: i;;s{)i\ and wife to C Parthier and wife jt tens WD $10 Lot 1i, Sheridan Manor Sec 28 Shlfld's.A A H Mosher and wife to F' Deite wD $10 Lot 109 Webb & Jensens Re--Sub in Waukegan. F H Bartlett to J F Lynn & wile jt tens Deed $10 Lots 13 and 14 Bik 3 FH Bartletts Telegraph RA Sub Sece 24 Warren. F H Bartlett to S°C Christensen and wife jt tens Deed $10 Lot 5 Bik 2% Bartletts® North Vlew Sub, Sec 19 Waukegan. . 3 Scimeon and wife to G GeisoOm: ino and wite QCD $10 Lot 14 Bik 8 A T McIntosh & Co's "DesPlaines Heights." @ Anderson and wifte to F Sack Jr WD $10 Pt of N ht of NE gr <! Sec 29 Deerfield. F H Bartlett to J Linehan & wt jt tens Deed $10 S 240 ft of E hf of Blk 109 Bartietts Greater North Shore Third Addn. E. Nystrom to U : jt tens WD $10 Lot Sub Sec 24 Warren R J Dady to C J Davis Deed §2. 14154 Lots 8 and 9 wWAliam W. Clark's Sub in Deertield. F H Bartlott to E Hertel Deed $10 Lot 5 Blk 95 Bartletts N Shore Eatates Secs 30 31 and 32 Wauke: gan. * ue C « a wec 4nd an d B«A -- F H Bartlett to J A CGastel and wite jt tens Deed $10 Lots 1 and 11 Blk 111 Bartletts Fourth Addn to N Shore Highlands. A Shorman and wife to A Gebris wWD $100 Lot 2 Bik 2 Brookside Ad-- dition to Waukegan i C. 2 wo c s e%#A E Tripp to Pt of Lot 1 I 9 Grant. -- Ese on iies M K Morrill to G H Haollister & J M Hollister jt taus QCD $10 Lot 1 Bik 4 Marvins Sub Sec 9 Grant. R J Minehan to G H Hollister & J M Hollister Jt tens QCD $10 Lot 1 Blk 4 Marvins Sub Sec 9 Grant. M A Brothers to G H Holliaster & J M Hollister Jt tens QCD $1.00 Lot 1 Blk 4 Marving Sub Sec 9 Grant. C T & Tr Co to C M Conners Deed $10 W half of Lot 9 Blk 17 Beach View Terrace Addn No. 1 Sec 1 War-- ren D F Taber to O T,ressens & Will it tens QCD 31.00 A parcel of land in SE ar of SW ar of Sec 23 Fre mont COd M A NDickinson and hus to A N Frieder WD $10 Lots 1 2 and 3 Bik § Lots % and 4 Blik 2 Duck Lake Woods, Sec 14 and 23 Grant. .'.'_(,',g,'mn' and wife wD 31.00 A tract of Shlelds The First Natl Bank of Wkgen +0 C $ Sherry Deed $10 Lot 1 and W 1 rod of Lot 6 Dik 6 Tittany's Third Addn to Lt Ft, (now Waukegan). CLEAN _ SMOKELESS "Biking" Headquarters + There is a typlical feature ot Co-- penhagen which no stranger can miss, as he will encounter it every-- where--the enormous eycle traffic. the like of which is not to be found in any other big town. The rog: ing of the little bells of the bicycles is as typlical of the life on the Co-- penhagen aspbalt as the singing of the larks over the Danish Neld=. uy #~ y .. snn anraii s now DUSTLESS "t;--ft'vu.;d-inohan Deed $390 1 Blk 4 Marvins Sub Sec COKE 18'6' Melberg and wife 0 Lot 22 Blk 1 Holsts nd wife to H M Stronk tract of land in sec 6 'ressens & wife FUEL Application of Dr. Frederick A. Cook, Arctic explorer, for parole from his sentence of 14 years, 9 months for consplracy to use the malls to de-- fraud will be heard at thoe January | meeting of the federal parole board.| Dr. Cook, admitted'to the federal penitentiary here April 6, 1925, has ' served one--third of his term and au-- tomatically is eligible for parole on | his record of good behavior. All of his associates in the oll promotion scheme _ were . paroled | three years ago. His sentence is| the longest ever given a prisoner committed to the penitentiary here on & similar charge. DR. GOOK, NORTH POLE EXPLORER; SEEKLS A PAROLE Health is Breaking in Prison Confinement; Partners -- Are All Freed. Dr. Cook's bealth Ras been fail-- ing under confinement and friends say he cannot live through his full sentence. He is editor of the pri-- son newspaper, the New Era Dr. Cook started one of the most j spectacular controversles of modern exploration when . be lunnunced' Sept. 1, 1909, that he had reach the North Pole. 4 | First acclaimed througbout the world, he later was branded a fak-- er. Admiral Peary said he found no evidence at the pole of Cook's visit there and scientists . said . Cook's documentary proofs of the achieve-- meot were of dublous authenticity. His claim later was defended by sev-- eral noted scientists, including Capt. Roald Amundsen, but today be stands generally discredited. Two--dollar bills may be bad luck but not having any It is more {from -- curelessness | about truth than intentional lyinu' that there is so much falsehood in the world.--Johnson. Fals shood NOW! f GHMAN, w h/ 8 ATTORNEYATAANH FOK RENT LINQ, ; REAL ESTATE, MORTGAGE LOANS, PHQOPEKTY MANAGEMENT»p ° UENERAL INSURANCE, sUuRETY BONDS, SERVICE, ' ® Dr. T. F. Galligan DENTIST Marsbhall Field Aonoexr %% E. Washington -- Chicago, I!] Phones: State $492 Grays Lake 17J--1 Dr. C€. H. BETZCEKR LYELL H. MORRIS Piano & Pipe Organ Tuning -- Rebuilding J. H. HAMHN 8026 Dante Ave., Chicage, |!l. | _ ELECTRICAL ' _ CONTRACTING Res. Phone U Office Phone 14 FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASIQN! We Deliver Anywhere in Lake County JOSEPH KOHOUT COMPANY, Inc. MEMBERS OF FLORISTS TEL EGRAPH DELIVERY ASSOCIA TION. FLOWER ORDERS WIR "D To ANY CITY. RKEALTOKRINEVUROR e»«mu Electrie Station J PM'Q 480 and 269 OEX T IBT * _ Office 2# ° '--Public Service Building . CIBERTYVILLE. INDEPENDENT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1929 ___ Telephone 880 Libertyville, Illinois No Job Too Large! Professional & Business D J. J. ALKOFER Telephone : Libertyville 174 _ GRADING CONTRACTORS )YLAN, TALBOT COMPANY EXCAVATING PUBLIC SERVICE RJ** LIBERTYVILLE PHONE 295 COMPLETE PLUMBING AND _ PLUMBING QUICK SERVICE ,.-- RELIABLE WORK New Work ... Alterations .. Repairs WIRING Dr.Otto R.Thompson BCIENTIFIC EXAMINATION CBP EYES.GLASSES FITTED WHEN NECESSARY. 'CROSs EYEs STRAIGQKHTENED 1 EVENINQS BY APPOINTMENT DR MATTHEWS Office at Residence 127 Maple Av. Mours: 9 to 11, 1 to 5 and 7 to 8 Menday and Thureday Telatcthone 501 _ LIBERTYYVILLE PURE RAW MILK Room 414 Woukegan National Bank Building # DR. J. L. TAYLOR Office.ln First N_nuoul Bank Hows:; 1 to 8:3 and 7 to 8 LIBERTYVILLE, ILLINO!E / DR. O. E.. SIMPSON Over Btafte Bank of Mundesicin Mours: 9 to 12 and 1:30 to 6 Other times by Appoaintment. Toephone 214 MHVNDELEIN Offiee Hours; ® to 11 A. M. 1 TO 5 P. M. Lake County Title and Trust Company Chicago Office With the Chicage Title and Trust Co., , F. 8. RICKCORDS, Pres. WM. R. FOLSOM, Viee Pres ALVAH L ROGERS, 8e0p, DON'T WAIT for the winter's cold and snow to penetrate into your 'home. Have that roof re placed NOW with One that will last a lifetime. We Do Work Anywhere in Lake County North Shore Excavators Highland Park, IIl. Cooper Roofing Co. Waukegan, I!l. Waukegan, Illinois RELIABLE SHOVEL EXCAVATING U# Weset Washington Street FROM TESTED COW./,. juare Deal Dairy PHONE8 : HIGHLAND PARK, 1871 WAUKEGAN 4827 ABSTRACTS OF TITLES TITLEES GVARANTEED A RE -- NEWED ROOF TELEPMONE 998 livered in Libertyville Twice Daily PHONE 615--W--1 #20 Washington Street TELEPHONE 4 OPTOMETRIE'T Libertyyville TELEPMHONE 378 IF You want a ride in a clea: Libertyville TaxiCo. Beo Me Before Listing Your Sale FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 1--L15 @URNEE ILL Stand at-- Libertyville Gara SNOW'S T AXI PHONE T A I L O R Cleaning 'and Repairing 118 N. Milwaukee Ave., Upstairt LIBERTYYILLE. ILLINQ2 \Wm. A. Chandler L QENERAL > ~AUCTIONEER warm car with a care: Waukegan, Illinois PHONE WAUKEGAN 293 REAR OF 122 BELVIDERE ST General Service Garage HABEL AUTO PAINTING TAXl OoF EVERY KIND FOR ALL TYPES of BUiLDINGS THE HUBERT CO. (Ine.) 24 N. Genesee St, Waukegan, !!!. PHONE WAUKEGAN 667 FRED CROKER Guaranteed Roofing | We operate a fully equp;ed. modern garage and are p:® pared to repair every make Slate, Tile and Asbestos Shing!e® Applied on New Residences Asbestos and Asphalt BuiltUP and Tar and Gravel Rooting AP @ plied on Fiat Roofs > LET VUS PUT YOUR CAR IN SHAPE FOR LtBERTYVILL E Milwaukee Ave, just south o! Public Service Bidg EVERY JOB I§ ABSOLUTE LY GVARANTEED Applied over old wood shingles and other old roofing on Very moderate rate Authorized Duco Station HEATING® INSTALLATIONS OF EVERY Prompt Service Quarantood Polishing and Simonizing DRIVING CALL 148 ROOFING driver, Vd Te Meets Second and Fourth Fridays at 8t. Joseph's School Hall. C. H,. COLBY, ROY W. BELL, President. Fin. Sec'y Ray Furniture Store | GRADE A Raw Milk and Cream New and Used Furniture; Clothing LIBERTYVILLE S$ECOND HAND FURNITURE STORE 618 North Milwaukee Avenue Our milk comes from T. B. and Spinney Run Dairy 1.od Tested Guernsey and Ayr slire cows. It is laboratory test-- ed at regular intervals and is the bhigaest quality of milk you cen Local Union Chicago, Libertyville _ Antioch Wm, Mayfield & Sons Phone Grayslake 205 Local and Long Dis . tance Moving Good Quality Paper and Envelopes, Im-- printed with Y our Name and Address LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT PIANO TUNING Phone Libertyvilie 570 Chicage Phone HMHaymarket 1416 USE PERSONAL STATIONERY Weatherstr{g, Y our Doors and Windows With Sager Metal Weather Strips Ontario 6731, WAUKEGAN, ILL. € AND > Transfer Pnuene Libertyyille 51; Res. 40 Prompt Service; Careful Handling Anderson & Exon Motor Service ALL KINDS OF HEATING PEANTS For Residences, Stores and Institutions ,_ _ C L COONFER , General Trucking . C. COVERSTON LEAVE ORDERS AT DAILY TRIPS To and From . B."of C. J. of A. FOR INFORMATION CALL TELEPHONE NO. 8 SAVE 10 TO 20% ON FUEL! Libertyville, Illinois HEATING |Féctoru NO MUSICAL instrument can compare with the piano for unend-- ing pleasure. Any one of the magnificent pianos we are ghow-- ing would be a beautiful aequisi-- tion fof any home. ALL THE LATEST NUMBERS IN SHEET MUSIG Phone Waukegan 247 112 N. Genesee St., Waukegan, I|| North Sheridan Road,. Zion, !!i. Phone Zion 22 The most compiete line of auto part"®, tires, tube, and ratiators seiween Chicago and MiiWaukte. Orders of $20.00 or more delivered any-- where in Lake county PARTS for more than three hundred makes FARM SALES OF SPECIALTY §EE "ME BEFORE LISTING YOUR SALE EVERY HOME SHOULD HAVE A¥ PIANO JAS. C. O'SHEA GARRETT WRECKING CO. Successful A uctio n BATTERY ANB RADIO SHOB: LEESLEY'S _ * NURSERIES* UROWERS OF A GEN LINE OF NURSZERY 8 WHOLESALE AND RETML Phone 1--L--1§ Gurnee, I!\. Visit Our Nursexy, Wm. Chandler TELEPHONEK "} LIBERTYVYILLE 172 Route 21, Two Miles North af Libertyvilie E. M. WEI&KLOPE, Rwg. Piano Tuni iMelephone LA¥ Generator amkl Radio Supphica General Auctioneer of cars For A . KIND

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