The slaying occurred in 1921 on Grass lake durivg the duck hunting season. NiWgemeyer claimed that he was hit in the eye by a shot from John L. Johnson's gun. Johnson, a Chicagoan, rowed up to claim a mud-- hen foating on the surtace of the water. Niggemeyer opened the ar-- gument, it was shown, and then shot Johnson. The petition for a parole was sign ed by Mrs. Mary Niggemeyer, moth er of the convict. Niggemeyer is to be represented by the law firm of Danaher and Gar-- riott, of Chicago. CGeorge Garner, 37, McHenry farm-- hand, who obtained a marriage li-- cense here and wedded a 13--year-- old girl, yesterday was sentenced to serve a life term in Joliet peniten-- tlary by Circulit Judge Edward Shurtieff in Woodstock. Garner pleaded guilty to rape and| contributinz to the delinquency of | a minor. He was married to Audryl McDonald, of McHenry, a daughter oi Mr. and Mrs. Lewis McDounald. Justice Victor Carr, of Wauconda, performed the ceremony Nov. 5 at Wauconds. The girl claimed thst' she was of age and looked the part, | the justice declared. | NIGGERMEYER IS SEEKING PAROLE FOR FIFTH TIME George Niggemeyr, of Fox Lake, who Ras been a convict' in Joliet penitentiary -- since 1921, today launched his fifth fight tor a parole before the board of pardons and paroles and Gov. Louis L. Emmer-- aon, according to a notice received by State's Attorney A. V. Smith. Niggemeyer will get his heariug in January, according to Col. Smith. "I will oppose it. It was a cold-- hbhlooded murder and Johnson was a Wigh classed manufacturer with a reputation for being an extraordi-- narily good citizen. Niggemeyer should never be freed," Col. Smith declared. . * ABDUCTOR OF GIRL GIVEN LIFE TERM IN STATE PRISON The per capita death rate in Lake' county is almost twice that of Cook' county according to figures dlscloo-' ed today in the offices of the two| coroners. -- | After the elopement with the high school girl the pair went to Canada where they Mved a month. Later, they returned to Chicago. @berift Sanford, of McHenry county located them and arrested the man. The sherif? stated at the time that Garner was about ready to desert the child. A special grand jury indicted the man in less than a week after bis arrest 23 + LOCAL RESIODENTS In Lake county there bas been & death for every 1,900 inhabitants while in Cook county one out of 3,-- §00 lost their life. In Cook county the death toll yes-- terday mounted to 1,004 while Cor-- oner John L. Taylor, of Libertyville, revealed records that showed that 51 persons lost their lives in auto accidents hbhere during the year. Slayer of John L. Johnson Convict for 8 Years, To Get Hearing in January. George Garner, Who Married 13--Year--Old Child Here, is Sentenced. ONE OUT OF 1,900 IN GOUNTY KILLED IN AUTO CRASHES Doubles Rate of Deaths in Cook County Over the Same Period of Time. tuke the men to Kenosha, 'accord--| Ing to Kenosha police k Ot the 53 Lake county fatalities 33 were local residents while 28 were outsiders just passing through on trips. Out of the 28$ outsiders 17 were Chicagoans. The greatest number of deaths were in August when eight people were killed. May followed with seven and June and July with six each. Grade crossing accidents claimed Ave deaths in the county while the other 46 were attributed to reckless driving, skidding, and collisions of Prevo and Taylor have refused to | waive extradition according to Al-{ sistant District Attorney John P. MeEvoy, of Kenosha. Mr. McFvoy | obtained extradition from Gov, w:l-; ter J. Kohler of Wisconsin,. and sent them to Gov, Louis L. Emmerl son in order to gzet permission to | Albert Prevo and David Tu_\'lor_' who hbhave held the spotlight in or-- ganizing negro athletic clubs in the elty, are wanted in Kenosha on a charge of burglary in connection with the looting of the Mrs. Sadie Flistcher home, 911 52nd street, Ke-- nosha. PREVO AND TAYLOR WANTED IN KENOSHA ON BURGLARY COUNT Negroes Refuse to Waive Ex-- tradition and Papers Are ° Asked from Governor. Mrs. Fletcher is a colored wom-- an. She t«ld police that $420 in elothing was taken from her home. Bhe was held in the city jail for several days a few months ago for drtving Oscar Tolles, murderer of hig, common law wife, to Chicago. She was released without being el.nfiun an accegsory after the fact use she did not know at the time that Tolles wase a murder-- er. L. JONNSON | irs, To Get | nuary. | . of Fox Lake, \ s vict' in Joliet } 1921, today ' P es Bitka t for a parole veraenee o es pardons and | c ooire is L. Emmer-- | otice received | " NJP s \'.. Smith. { \ . P ' Children's *, Wool Socks, 25¢ Every fine coat in the stock of the Hein Co. priced formerly up to $125 is included in these three great low priced groups. Gorgeous fur trimmed models, carefu lly tailored and beautifully styled await selection now at nearly one--half their regular prices. A small paym »nt is sufficient at time of purchase. Pay the balance while you are wearing the coat. All Fur Coats Reduced from 25% to 40% Children's Coats MA $ .79 A special clearance of these wool socks in three quarter length brings them to gou at just a fourth of their original price tock up . on them tomorrow Regular $7.00 Wool Dresses Children's fine wool 'dresses, priced formerly up to $7.00, are here now at this exceptionally low price. They're warm--idéal for school during the cald months to come. P 23 3 great groups to choose from Values to tC ux --Pay 10% Down and the Balance While You Wear It Reduction on ¢hildrea's coats amount to nearly 50',.. _ Regular $10 val-- es in cbinghinas. an d fur trimmed cloth coats are offered now at this low price. Smart. youth-- ful styles in all sizes from 1 to 14 are includ-- ed in this sale of chi drén's coats starting Sa urday. Children's Values to $10.00 Dresses $28.79 C OA T S A}3 Values to $75 TInze Hem GCompany LIBERTYVILLE INDQEPENDENT. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1929 Scores of lovely hats in velvet, felt and satin are drastically reduced for quick cleararice. . All the pop-- ular shapes and new shades for winter are included. Real bargains at these prices. f $1 .00 MILLINERY / s QAHU Clearance of Full fasbhioned silk and fancy pattgrns to this low price Clearance. Made by McCallum these full fashioned : silk to the top, light weight service offer remarkable values. Slightly ircegular of the McCallum $2.00 stocking. All shades and sizes to start with. -- "I3 Silk and Wool Hose, 79¢ and SILK HOSIERY Values to $125 $2.00 and wool hose in plain are reduced from $1.75 during _ the _ January .29 Here's the outstanding dress sale of the season. Smart new frocks, including the popular long styles are nere in georgettes, chiffons, crepes and transparent velvets at prices seldom if ever equalled. There are literally hundrds to ahoose from, every one greatly reduced for this annual mid--season clearance. Never have we offered suchqnmfiy great dress bargains before. Rayon U wear 19 qgs DRESSE S Take advantage of, these values in Paradise ghoes. Formerly $8.50 and now' reduced to $4.35. Suede and kid, high and Cuban heel, not all sizes in every style. over 375 lovely frocks ;. prices Paradise Shoes $ 4.38 Values to $15 Regularly $8.50 Here's an opportuno-- ity to stock up on fine rayon underweéar. Wowns, vests, French panties, s t e p -- i n s, bloomer bottom and band bottom bloom-- *rs in regular and ex-- tra sizes--every pop-- ular shade included at this low price tomor-- row. All first quality merchandise. q1 "% Take ] ] Values to $20 GEORGIANA HOUSE FROCKS The famous "Georgiana" fast color bouse dresses, $2.98 and $8.98 values in regu-- lar and extra sizes are offered tomorrow at this low price. Buy now at these prices and save half and more. Every dress guaranteed fast color or a new oune free. Purchases made tomorrow 'will not appéar on January statement. Van Raalte chamoisuede gloves in gauntlet and fancy button cuflf styles are specially priced during the January Clearance. Regular $1.00 values. All popular shades. .59 Van Raalte Gloves PS 17 Values to $30 PAGE THREE h0