V 4 n C '. F4A "The Store--For The Lad and His Dad" F. B. Lovell Co. contentment and resumes its artitice tor 1930 it will mould for all of you such gladsome products as health, happi ness and prosperity coming days of 1930 MAY the bursting in of each joyous rocket coming the New \ seatter . throughout ment fullsome deluge clarion -- nigte -- signailng those workers in the shops of Destiny to pause a hit in the passing of 1929. It is our wish that when Fate tent stustaimme« T I M Matt E. Mackey taimme eted ~() aeroplan n John Lester |} DECKER AND NEVILLE C. O. Carlson MA Y 1930 be a friendly year--gracious in its bestowal of blessings, generous in its awards of prosperity is the wish we desire to convey to all our friends and patrons. | I Jewelry and Gifts TUC vou all the I Poiog x« HAD ML C e | *'.é%/;'s 12 yY acfres an the Ir \'K vyour welfare y 9 MI uld tent soOUn( r="=*"w x «x WA 1t n id ) f § M U t L yeLl H W W 3 ce 1( the al Finstadt's Eat Shop Schanck Hardware Comyany Model Cash Market Public Service Building Egloff's Bake ten« greet! zation in the hope and MAY your ;every dream and desire for the New Year find abundant reali-- eTa with iT( MAY the resounding New Year Bells ring itv and the birth 0 he death knell of all trou now -- laun« N1 1 11 M llltl haM N Nn imistortune and adver i#3 <4& Ur h hea joy and prosperity nity L1 365 davs crowded w Cittzens of this ich and evervyone we desire to ex friend 1 a haven estt ith Un It laden Wisnes W 1p patrons LNud re M the a| T Y()U 'dcCn a V new LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY. DECEMBER 26, 1929 THE Song of the Bulebird is in our hearts and his glad-- some note is the theme of all our wishes for your pros-- perity and contentment for 1930. THE most extravagant optimist is a mere miser as com-- health, pleasure and prosperity throughout 1930. pared with our prodigality in good wishes for your CONSIDER this page a friendly forum through which the concerns herein voice their compliments of the sea-- son and their wishes for A Happy New Year. Ray Furniture & Paint Store J. B. MORSE & CO. EAD ! k Libertyville Garage Frank H. Eger cess attend vour every ef-- is our sincere wish to yvou MAY Happiness and Suc-- fort, endeavor lutions and formulate vour own -- aspirations. _ O uor kindliest wish to you is that every one of them may be fullvy realized. or the New Year dream vour own dreams construct yvyour Lake County Country Homes, Inc. MAKE your own wishes Libertyville Cafe THAT seed which Destiny has plant-- ed in the garden of YOU for 1930, may it bring forth an abundant harvest of happiness, peace and prosperity is our New Year wish and greetinge. Libertyville Paint Store *€." ('b n _every stmrise [V1N 11 L1 bl¢ () ind desire 1 11)]) ow Treso 11 M 111 11 CX itment DALL BULILDING UpO1 U 11 SU1 U 1t Titus Brothers joy, soar with success and land with enriched pros-- perity is our sincere wish to you for every day of the New Year. M A Y a "take of| bition you strive for : every desire you entertain is our wish to you for 1930 every aspiration and am-- enterprise with the sucee MA Blue Ribbon Filling Station wC 1G 30 \1 A1.\ } M 11 Ray N. Smith claxc * -'%f §" 11 1J &\ 4 Z _ Walrond 1 Q 3 0 make its u be atb t Pm 1 ) €D T vou with U 1 every launch W me 1t\ CTOu PAGE THREE )C o FA A ©#% [A Y 4 PX W 4A V A 4i