Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 26 Dec 1929, p. 5

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10 HIMALI IHIILELIUVIN| At his doum ; |the head o:f ¥H.} Petition for the probate of the |lumber yards, |,, will of the late M. H. Husgey, lum-- |coal dock. };» ; 1 berman who died here a few weeks | Dbusinesses ovye; a ago at the age of 72 years, was filed |after establishing Sat, with Probate Judge Martin C.| DPlant in the (;;,, Decker by Attorney J. A. Miller. purchased by the p The petition indicates an estate of 'Of northern illinois INDICGATE HUSSEY ESTATE IS CLOSE extends to all friends a sincere wish for happiness and prosperity TO HALF MILLION * THE LIBERTYVILLE _ LUMBER COMPANY _ In bidding farewell to the old 4 Lake County National Bank year and welcoming the new, check come to you just when you need it most. ) If you dig not have one last year, you must recognize the advantage of preparing now for next year. You deserve one and will surely have one you have prepared by having a Christmas Savings Club $5.00 to $500.00 for next Christmas JOIN NOW 10c to $10.00 a week Any Amount from will} mean from Libertyville, Hlinois disclose that the proper The O01.0( BB K :»»:»-- W P52 75 k Yoa k J Po 72. . » " _ mills a developed t '{"'riod of y he first ele« )'\jhlch later ublic Service w Aas TS Mr Cox is employed at the V ans Hospital im North Chioago they will make their home with brides' parents in this village. and pan »f { One machine was bedly damag 1 and two others damaged slight!ly in a crash on S. Milwaukee ave., at 1925 1. Sunday morninge The cars were driv. en by Vern O'Neil: Liberyville A Kunzqe Palhiline and IT H Rrewers Oak Park. Follow'ing an investira-- t'on of the crash by the police the matter was settled smong the three without court action. S C S~U born ues tay mor Memoriay hospit=l ney was the attend vill Grove baby of Waukega thur --Brockman Chirles Haas owy parents Mr. and Xmas Day:> H Mr. and Mrs. J. H Mr. and Mrs. Tony #in. Mr. anm| Mrso A in W M Xmas with their dat band. Mr. and Mrs Batavia. l Mr and son enjoyed Xmis < parents Mr and Mr m Huntley and joi M M Victor Sprig Mr and Mrs. Jos. Leikam announce the arrival of a 19--1b. boy, born Sat-- urday at their home on Sunnyside. D)r. Penney was the attending physi-- cian Mr. and Walter Stang, Homewnsot avenue, announce the arrival of a baby boy on Sunday moruinz at Cpn-- del!l Memorial hospital Dr M. D. Pesney was the iC{"D"..o thk¥xs}c'an Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Bartlett were Christmas guests of the former's mother, Mrs. H. E. Bartie't and l?ro- ther W. H. Bartlett, of Evanston Daniel Whigam, of Wayland Acad emy, Beaver Dam, WisC, is spend ing the holidrys in Libertyville. Miss June Galloway who is at'end ing Stout Inst'tu're Menomin=e, Wike. arrived home Saturday to spend the Chrismas vacation with her pareurts Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wells in Mundeleim on Christmas Day. The Seventh and Eighth grades of both grammar schools played basket ball in the new gymnasium of the High School Thursday evenming. Mr. and Mrs. Gf ute 1. Woukeca nc M ent _ Hur irlson il n LV Mr and Mrs. Iee G Mr. and Mr Ir ami Mrs. J Fischer, M ns. and Mr. and Mrs. EoF ve down from Racine W nd Christmas Day at the 1. parsonage. t \1 Mr and Mrs. John Seiwert spent nas evening with the latter's Mo er, Mrs Ida Starkiveather and s's ~ and husband Mr. and Mrs. War-- v Sivyer in Chicago. t} LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDA Y em ton Motor Sales, received that his father had n: iddemlvy that dav a+ Mat ota Vietor lef* Mondavo tock to attend the fiu 'ange for the settlemer om l ocE Mr 1l and Mr. and Mrs S Mundele'n. 1 nas +1 Sentt W 1 Mrs E Eo J n B N Mrs. Frank Druba and olores spent Sunday af » Mr. and Mrs Edward Waukegan. pun"s of t Kegan paremt mern 's, emploved Sales. receiv Mr in Mrs. Max H 1¥ M r C mer Xf of Irs. C. 0 O nner with } M O OH O Will h Dinklenb oll M H O adt 1 M h vort} ifternoor m a an M y oT but | the { n "W It M U W' +) in( €» an Everet!t Neville ted with relativ, De Mar Bock visited with rela-- tives in Chicago Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Jepson. of Wauconda, -- visited with friends bere Thursday. Everett Crowell of Waukegan visited with friends hore Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Matthew leit Edsgar !.fndrn?r} has been ill at his home for the past few days with a severe cold. _John Rouse of Mundelein was a business caller here Thursday. Mrs. Mare -- Horenberger -- of Grayslake visited here Tuesday evening. o Mrs. Agnes Spellman Each member of the lo department was pleasar prised on Friday mornin Mcihael George Pen Co| Miss Harriet H: ing the Christmas her parents here. : school in Missouri A. W. Lotchfield left for P ida by auto, Monday. Donald Eaton has returned his home hbere on Thursday w he will epend the Christmasg t days with his parents. h Mr. and Mrs. A. ave been visiting 1 Grays Lake seve El L Mr. and Mrs. Albert Schultz en-- tertaineg their parents and other tel-- atives and friends at dinner and tea on Xmas Day: Mr ami Mrs. Frank Dryba enter-- tained several friends at a little Christmas party Wednesday evening & in Mr. and Mrs. Frank Druba and daughter Dolores were Waukegan callers Tuesday afternoon. Mr. anmni Mrs. Bert Swan and dau-- ghter La Vern were guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Swan on Christmas Day. { Mr and Mrs, R. O. Sundell are spending the holidays with relatives 'n Chicaga a Day Mr. and Mrs. James Armstead of Waukegan Mr. and Mrs. John Wendt of North Ch'cago spent Sunday even-- ing with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Druba. Mr. Géo Brown of Cleveland, Ohio is spemling the holiday vaca tion with Mr. and Mrs. John Setwert. M Miss Virginia and ed Berg Mr Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Guerin entertain-- rela'tives at dinner on Christmas ibe M Vss wit M r W rt Spellman has returne home --here Friday from idley to spend the Christ 1olidays with his mother iY by weville of Grayslake vis relatives here Tuesday. L V la y h O M H n M e ren en an! cago thi W L N in iT 13 0) the partie until . Janu with relatives ral ; days this ho n Matt} ) owhe s for th p to those h refresh m imon iT VI where she as vacation In and n the enneth Sir morning r Aunt M MeD wh i1 Pno i0 gave set for | _ Mrs. John Seiwert mave a' Christ | mas party for her little dancing@ pup Donald 'ils at her home on Lake St. Satur latives | day a'ternoon.. Pach child was in s this ' vited to bring a guest and 'here 'wer | twenty--five in gll. The house was to her | very prettily decorated im Christmas 1 o the Pdecortions, beautifully trimmed1 tree e oshe ' Each child was presénted with a gif cation | and Mrs, Seiwert received lovely lt 'le remembrances from her pupils faugh-- | The afternoon was spent in games shoPp |and l tle or ginatl @inees and somgs | by the pupils and followed by a Jdain-- turred | ++ Iuncheon ) V /an.: Big Crowd Attends in at| -- Xmas Entertainment N Aubrey dainty th tained W of Mr 'lday were t h he %& 0) n M M r m to in« LNnp t posh Mr..Jevne e t'on of the S "'ft of the fin Commr~nity CI Tripp LAumber riven hy tha After the entertainment the Young people's Society sang Christmas car-- ols at the wonderfully fine Commun-- ity Christmas Tree which the Com-- munify Club had erected in the cen-- ter of the street at Seymour and Park. « ~Ir...Jevne expressea the apprec{~-- t on of the Sunday School for the r'ft of the fine tree. secured by the Commnity Club through the S. L Trinp Lumber Co.. and for the cifady ziven by the Club for e ach chil] presen'. Mr. Charles Lebmkuhl in his responmse for the Community Club, thanked the Sunday School for 'the fine program and spoke of the pleasure that the Club had --had in co opemting. To Mr. Julius Kublank the Superintendent of the Sumd=y Schdol and Mr. A. J. MacLeod chair-- man of the Community Club commnit-- tee great credit is Aue for the success of the gather'ng. n t« D "Standing Room Only" was the condi'iom at the Community House in Mundelein on Christmag Eve, when the Christmas entertainment., on by the Community Clvb, in cooperation the First Church Sunday School am1I took place. Mrs Vrod Monroe and her associates in the primary fe-- partment presented the children in a fine program of songs. recitations. drilis and dialogues which was well orgnmnized, interesting and delightful. The two plays: "Teaching Tillie" by Miss Genevieve Kane's class anmi The Two Santas" by Mrs. Myron Wells' class of the Serior Department were very amus'ng. The pageant of Mrc. Degner's class entitled: "Christmas Crstams in Other Lands" was benu-- tfully and instructively presented by the girls in the costumes of --the mations whose eus'oms they preeent. d in well ehosem words. Frank Vorel plaved Christmas carcis on the Xive: phone assisted by Mrs. Chas. Bluhm t the plano in a very pleasing man-- mer. At the close of the r'mt:rnm: Sonta arrive!1 and delighted "v-z h'dren by his presenee and by hn's| Christmas Party Held Sat. For Little Tots My \T y 10 twent Thursday, January 9. The three groups of The Presbyter-- lan lLadies Aid will meet in the Church Parlors. The hostesses wili be Mrs. Chas. Greenwooi, Mrs. Ar-- thur Greemwood, Mrs. Geo. Grabbe and Mrs. Warren Grummitt Tuesday, January 14th Group No 2 of the Presbyterian Iadies Aid will meet at the home of Mrs. Ruez Osborne, 230 'So. Milwau-- kee Ave. The assistant hostess will be Mrs. Frank Cater. Annie Rouse being ass'stant hostess. SATURDAY, JsaNn. 4. The Woman's Guild of St. Law-- rence--church will hold a bakery sale in Schanck's hardware store. THURSDAY, JsAN. 2 The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran church will hold their regular meet-- ing in the church basement at which t! ma they will bave election of of-- ficers. a FRIDAY, DEC. 27. The American Legion Auxiliary will hold election of officers _ and they request a large attendance. Friday, Jsanuary 3. The Mundelein Ladies Aid Society meets with Mrs John H. Rouse, Mrs. Annie Rouse heing asc'ctant haotaass 11 Real Estate "Talk" COMING EVENTS n By R. G.'haping Sec'y., Libertyville--Mundelein Real Estate Board 2000 C' '. InHe° nouse was ~ttily decorated im Christmas ons, beautifully trimmed tree | ild was presented with a gift . Seiwert received lov, Iy Hit. embrances from her pupils. Prnoon was spent in games e or ginal dinces and somgs uptls and followed by a dain-- on PL r} W CALENDAR , DECEMBER 26, 1929. W n 1 () COIT In W re 'wer Chr !!y per weak!y he con Gi be 'ation whict #ynd: f che "---- ARTHUR BEHRENS, it U lk' f II 116 _ Funeralservices owe Stockton on Sunday. make their home eleven years ago the Behrens family resi®ed on a farm near Wedges Corners The family was well known in that sec-- tion of the county and the death of the young man will bring sorrow to many friends. Besides his parents the deceased is survived by his wife and two brothers, Leslie and James, and a sister, Stella. @ M y There wil be no evening sef Sunday. The Epworth League meets at parsonage at 6:30 Sunday eve; Our Sumday school meets at The Men's Bible class meets at 1 in "the auditorium of the chureh '"'The Universe Machine" is special s ubject dt the Metihc church Sunday morning at 11 a'cl This is one o fthe five hindrancee faith today that will be presents this church in the coming five we We have before us the signature of a number of Hartford gentlemen as ceustomarily attached to their correspondence. Not one of them is legible. Were it not that in some instances the writer's name is type written beneath the mystic charae ters one would be at loss to know whence the letter came.--Hartford Courant. FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL [ CHURCH John E. DeLong, Pastor '"The Universe Machine" is the subject for Sumday morning. This is one of the five hindrances to fai'h that will be presented4 in the coming five weeks. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE society «---- LaVilla Theatre -- Sunday service 10:45 a. m. SundJday School 9:30 a. m. Wednesday even'ng 8:90 p. m Subject for Sunday: 8:00 p. m. "Christian Science." PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Guy E. Smock, Pastor: Sunday school at --9: 45. : Morning worship at 11:00. The ser. mon subject "Witnessing for God." Young peoples at 6:00 p. m. 8T. JO8SEPH's CcATHOLIC Rev. M. J. Nealis, Pastor First Mass at 6:30 a. m.; Second Mass at 8 a. m.; Third Mass at 9 a. m; Fourth Mase a; 10 a. m. Sunday Services at The Local Churches St. cLawrence Church (Episc Rev. E. P. Baker, Pastor Holy communton Sunday m t ® o'clock. Holy Communia Art} rmor lock. FORMER RESIDENT OF COUNTY DIES services of t} How Do You Write Yours? St. John's Lu*tterar (East of the Park) W. H. Lehmann, Pastor m no evening service m« State Hartk of Alimmelrin extends to all Hatrons and Frieuts Best Wishes for Che Officers and Hersunel of e Kibertiuille Crust Sauimtas Hark A {Mrospermts Neut Vrar *' is the Methodis: held in T | k h hk es Te Ti T. Ts P Te Th Th h. Cl Cl h. Fh. h P Th TE Th P Cl Th Th Th C Th ECE CE UV bag M. Kopke to W. A. Kopke WD $10 Lot 2 and N 20 ft of lot 3, blk 2, Lake Side sub, sec 34, Avon. First Tr and Sygs Bank to A. E. Meinicke deed $10.00 Lot 11, blk 20 H. Jackson and wf to O. L. Stan-- ley and wf pt tens WD $10.00 Lot 26, Henry Jackson's Grass Lake sub, sec 27, Antioch. DEC. 13, 1929 J. A. Hoffman and wf to R Griffith WD $10.00 Lots 64 and sec 29, Deerfleld. 'With a thank--you hand shake and Best Wishes for the New Year Rondout FIRST NATIONAL BANK l T CAN be made a game, this business of putting money in the bank. For 1930 set vourself a minim um weekly sum to save, and then try to exceed it by as much as possible. Its a gcame, all right; but YOU WIN any way you figure. SANINGS ~195 0 RESOLVED. .. ; attn Capital and Surplus $110,000 LIBETRYVILLE, ILL. JOHN G. BORST 65 Phones 679--M--1 ---- 794 F. H. Bartlett to C. Domek and wf jt tens deed §$10.00 Lot 11, blk 19, Bartletts N Shore Beachs, secs 14, 15 and 22, Benton. H. M Diller to B. R. Leach WD $1,.00 Lot 24, Cory's addn to Little Fort, now Wkgn. F. M. Bartlett to J. Domek deed $10.00 Pt of lots 2 and 1, block 2, Bartletts N Shore Beach, secs 14, 15, 22 and 23, Benton. Unit No. 2, Biltmore Country Es tates, sec 13, 14 and 23, Cuba. PAGE FIVE U IJ IJ J

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