Mr. and Mrs Frank Biba are re-- joicing over the arrival of a baby boy. born maturday morning at the home of Mrs. Biba's mother, Mrs. Anna Kublank. The baby has been named Frank James. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Haskell are spending Christmas with the latters mother, Mr. F. L Ford in Wauke-- gan. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hazlett spont} A Chris'mas afternon and'l vis with the latter's parents Mr.-- and | chv Mrs. Bernmrd Vamterlaag in Chica-- | ing go. There were eleven children pre | _ sent, this being the first time in ter eighteen years that the whole fam-- | the ily have been together. [.\Io Mr, and Mrs. Frank Rittler of Ra--| Mr cine are spendijng the week at the vr Floyd Ri'tler home. | Son day. Mrs E4. Cook won the draw' Mrs. Geo. Ross and son Aynsley prize, Mrs. Ed. Peterson, first, Mrs.| visited Calvin Aynsleyin the Belmont Fred Monroe, second, and Mrs. My-f Hospital in Chicago on Puesday. ron Wels, third. Mrs Louise Specht was a guest of Miss Lila Mae Huson arrived Mr. and Mrs. John Knigzse on Xmas home Saturday from the Stout Insti-- | dinner. © . 'ute Menominee, Wisconsin for her| Mr. and Mrs Elmer Cross and son, Christmas vacation. . |Buddy and Mr. and Mrs: Myron Mr und Mrs. Fred Haskell of St. ' Wells and daughter spent Xmas with Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Has--| Mr. and Mrs. George Ross in Lake kell of _ Waukegan -- were dinner| Zurich. guests of Mr. and Mrs Leslie Has-- Harry Payne and Misgs Avis Payne kell, Tuew@lay evening. 'ef' Monday for Biker, Mont., where Mr. and Mrs. C R. Wa'ker of they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Cincinnati, Ohio, are spending the | Gullidge. Miss Payne will return holidays with their daughter and home im a week but Mr. Payne is go husband, Mr snmd Mrs. G. A. Garbett l ing to remain with his qaughter, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie C. Haskell are | Qullidge unt'l Spring apending Christmas with the lattersl Mary Caraoline Elfing of Fremont mother, Mr. F. L. Ford in Wauke--| spent a few days last week with Miss gan. |(:t~novi(~ve Wells Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hazlett spent| Mr. and Mrs Henry Englebrecht Chris'mas afternon -- and evaning'lvisi'tm Mr and Mrs: Raymond Ket with the latter's parents Mr. amd 'chum in Lake Forest Sunday even-- Mr. and Mrs. C R. Wa'ker of Cincinnati, Ohio, are spending the holidays with their daughter and husband, Mr cmd Mrs. G. A. Garbett of De Kalb ind Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rittler were the ou': of town gnests. The afternoon Five Hundred Club met with Mrs. Fred Kiene on Thurs-- day. Mrs Edl. Cook won the draw Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Rouse of Loda, Illinois arrived here by auto Sun-- day evening and -- remained for Chirstmas, which the J. J. Rouse family celebrated at the home of Mr. @and Mrs Floyd Rittler. Dr. and Mrs. E. V Smith Mr. and Mrs. R Keller, Miss Nina Smith and Gar-- field Amlerson of Rockford; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Rouse and children Mtr. and Mrs. John Rou« and daughter Edna -- and , Mrs "ro na Rouse motored to Chicago Sunday afternoon and calet on Mr_ and Mra John Hanson. Mrs. Emma Brockway of Barrting-- ton is spending this week with her daughter. Mrs. Clayton Tiffany and 'irs. Bradford and daughter Doro thy of Cihcago and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. FExidy were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eart EQ®ty on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Fmmk Bauernsmith and son Raymondspent Sunday af-- ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Oral Hibbard in Waukegan. Mrs. Hattie Knigge 1« for Evanston where she over Christmas with Mr Glenn Knogge. Mrs. Sid. Mitchell returned home Saturday n'ght from a visit with her sons and their familes aAt Reeheig®is So. Dakota. Mr ind Mrs: Russell Rrockway of Barringto~n w«e.~ gue" .. of Mr »M4t VUreo Olavien T.jan.s on Xn as da Chicagk« M. child Miss Gladys H« a fow dave la«t w« Moyer home as h«» snow bound on th« Ivanhoe and could her Miss Helen Harding who is 'each ing in Minneapolis an«d Miss Harrie* Brainent of Whiterman Wige are spending the holiday vacation with Mrs. Orphrs Harding. They will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Brainerd on Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyer and daughter Helen will also be guests at the Brainerd home on Christmas. -- The P. T. A. had a very nice meet-- ing last Friday night, exceptionally rood attendance and excellent pro-- gram in the form of an opret'a which was put on by pupils from all of the grates. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Cross spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry in lLake Zurich. Mrs. Chas. Cross of Roundout spent Monday with Mrs. Elmer Cross Mr. and Mrs. Sinard Andrews of STATE POULTRY SHOW AT HARRISBURG JAN. 14 The Anmual exhibition of the State Poultry association will be helt at Harrisburg, January 1 to 5. Governor Emmerson will award a gilver trophy for best display in each of three divistons--hatchery men, fanciers and junior poultrymen. M¥r. and Mrs. Adoiph Meyer were ruests of relatives in Chicago on PAGE SIX Mrs. Chas. Cross of Roundout spemnt Monday with Mrs. Elmer Cross Mr. and Mrs. Sinard Andrews of Lake Forest visited at the Henry Kane home Sunday afternoon. Audrey Rouse, Roy Snyder, Ruth Waune and Jane Rittler were guests at a little Chritsmas party by Mre. John Seivery Saturday afternoon at her home in Libertyville. Awirey and Ruth are dancing pupils of Mrs Setverd. Miss Marjorie Kane of Diamond Like spent Monday with her grand-- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kame. Mrs. Katherine Deitz and son, Winnie, visited Mrs. John Dabner at Winnie, visited Mrs. John Dabner at Wauconda, Sumlay, and Clifford Hapke. who makes his home with Mrs. Dietz spent the day with his father, Fred Hapke at Libertyville. Teqd Smith and son Frankie spent a few days last week with Mr. and and Mrs. Joe Ptannenstiel. Mr. and rMs Waliter Meyoer were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Peter-- son in Highland Park, Christmas day. 104 North First Street LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. A. DOCAUER PHONI News Notes of Mundelein and Vicinity New--Expert Floor Sanding--Old North Shore Flor Kraftsman Mr am 4 M ITEMS OF INTEREST TO PCOPLE LIVING IN AND NEAR MUNDELEIN. You can help make this section more interesting if you will phone in any news items you may have concerning relatives or frends. Call Libertyville NO. 1. | and M 8 Je left Monday he will . stay Mr and Mrs. PHONE 271 T Edd k + weyt amed M ra H. C. Meyer and daughter and son Hubla and Henry spent Xmas Day with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Meyer of Gilmer. Miss Bessie McBride spent Xmas Day with her sister and husband. Mr and Mrs. Leglie Stanger in Highland Park f Sunday School. First Church 1M:00 a. m Ivannoe Church 11:00 &. m. % Worship Services Ivanhoe Church 10000 a. m Firsi Church i1:10 a. m Speciar anthem by the Choir of each Church. ° Sermon Subject© Retrospect and Prospect: A New Yenr's Day Sermon 2:00 p. m The Junior Sunday Aiternoon Club. their who'e family with them on Xmas Day. Mrs. and Mrs Ralph Wehrenberg--of Liberyville, Mr and Mrs. Chas. Lehmkuwhl and children, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cook and children and, also, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Whea tomn and daughter, Berniqce of Whea ton. 11. & Ivanhoe Church and First Church Congregational C. Arthur Jevne Minister Rudoiph Weight, Social DMrector 6:30 p. m. Young People's Society Meeting. I»rseussion of the Christ: mas story and season. Leader Paul Roder. For Young people of the high school age and over. 7:30 p. m. The beautiful Chnstmas play entitled: "The Least of These" will be presented by the Junior Club This play is based on the story: "Where Love is There God is Also" by Count Tolsto|i. This play will be kiven at the Mundelein Community House. The Junior Choit will kive a Cum_~mew carol program as the mnus'cal setting for the entertain-- mnent. The cast of the paly follows: ';\,i Martin, the Cobbler, George Clev--| ;. nger. Stephen, the Street Sweeper, | <tanley De--ner. Gay Soldrer. Edward | 1. tm .n. Boy with wheat, Frank Vorel. i w t* Woman, Myrtle Dubeke. Her tiukicter Lnraine Kni@ege. Apple Sell--| _ 1. Rachel Porteous. Bad Boy, Kned-- ; * ler Nay. Jewish Girl, Helen Volk--| man. Girl with evergreen, Bessie ; £ \om Dresak | T Choir Singers the rest of the Club.| New Year's Eve the Young Peo| ple's Society is planning a Wa'ech ;(; night social and service. The b\r-i<;'\ ness fmeeting of the society will be | \ held at 9:00 p. m.; at mw»n-n-sn;'r p. m. social time; at 11:30--12: 00 p. m. '" Watch Night service. ) Thursday Boy Scouts at the Li'n-l'\ coln School. I On Sumijay evening on the occasion of the First Community Night of the season at the First church, Munde-- lein, Dr. H. M. Moore, President of Lake Forest College gave an inter-- »sting and helpful address to par-- emts and young people in answer to the question "Why Go to College?"" Friday, Jan' 3rd. the lamdies Aid Society meets with Mrs. John H Rouse, Mrs. Annie Rouse being as-- sis'ant hostess. The Junior Choir sang very effec tively many Christmas carols new an«a old. PLYMOUTH LARGER PARISH Mundelein, Illinois ZasSREPAX » C _ w @ano, 2 _ ? \\\ ;T)? 6 ;:'-: ( \\\\ (F m Nee ---- _4 y Bring your car here to-- mm day and let us put it in < shape for winter driv-- ing. If you require any 4 kind of Winter Access-- z4 ories, see us firsi! STAR GARAGE a Wa'ch Phe busi-- y will be )c O0--11 :30 ?-- 00 p. m. Mrs. Jennie MHibbard of Druce's Lake spent several days last week with her daughter Mrs. Frank Bauernsmith. Miss Harriett Hodge of Hoopeston I1l., is spending Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hodge. > Miss Ruby had Christmas . Mr. and Mrs. Will Atwell Mrs August Wirtz, Mrs Wirtz, A un wnd Gea Wirtz Li bertyville shopperk Saturday rmoon. Miss Ann Wiitz visited s days last week with .Ms anc Geo. Meyers Mr., and Mrs: FPramnk Dolph dinner gtuests of .Mr and M jpolph at Mundelein on Sunday Miss Viola Herter spert the end at her home Mr and Mrs Geo <mith Libertyville culiers Monday Mrs. John Raasch spent Wedr in Waukegan. Mr. and Mr:-- Howard Th calleq on Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Saturday evening. het parents Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mr. and Mrs. George Jenson call Snyder. eq 'on Miss Iva Turnbull at the Lib-- -- Mr. anmd Mrs. Wagner were Wau | ertvville hospital, Sunday. kegan visitors Monday. ' Mr and Mrs. Wm Gransee en Miss Agnes Meyers visited at| tortained relatives from 'Algouquin, Grays lLake Monday afternoon. lSn-ndm' s Mrs. M. C. Wintzz, Edwant and Mar--| Mr. and Mrs Albert BRaseley wer, garet Wirtz, Mr. and 'Mrs. Walter Waukegan callers Friday afternoon H err and sof Donatt visited Sun--| Mr. amd Mrs _ Merbertp Schroeder day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Joe and son. Mrs Fdith Peck and son Obenaut. C'vde of Chicago spent Sunday at Miss Agnes Meyers and friend at-- | their home,here and Tresday Hertel Mrs. Will spgudinz he her parents sSnvder. Mr. and airs. sohn Wirtz and dau ghters. Mr. andk Mrs. Leo: Olenav£f. and Mr and Mrs Mtck'al Obenauf ang son visited Tues®ay evening at the M. C Wirtz home. . Mrs. Walter Herr and son Doni«ld visited Tuesday with her parents Mr amd Mrs. M. C. Wirtz Miss Agnes and Ethel Meyers were Libertyville callers Satturday Mr and Mrs: Lester Doiph and family, Mr: and Mrs. Charles Do'ph and Mr and Mrs. Dwight Dolph ha« Chris'mas dinner with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dolnh Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Wirtz, and Miss Margaret --visited. Sumday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Herr at Libertyville. ; Mrs. FEd. Godwin and son Harold visited Sunday with Mr and Mrs cCharles Jeffery. Mias --Agnes amd Ethel Meyers, iwrence Looamis and Ernest Mey-- rs spent Sunday evening with Mr. irmu} Mrs. Will Hecketswiler. Mr. anmi Mrs. Bert Chamberlain were Libertyville shoppers Monday. L' tle Buddy Cross spent Monday ind Turesday with his cousin Arthur Miss Mable and Lizzie Heffmier of Lake Zurich are yvisiting a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Smith Mr and Mrs. John Ramasch Mr. ind Mrs. Ed. Wagner Mr and Mrs. A Deitz of Waukezan, Mr anl Mrs Hemry Wagner and chiltiren of Mun: delein spent Sunday evening with Mr and Mrs. Albert Wagner One of the finest Christmas enter tainments ever given at Ivanaoe Church was put on by the Sumday School on Monday evening. The two plays "Mr. Scrooge on Main St." and "Come Any Time" were very well staged and afforded much amuse ment. The little tots gave a very beautiful pageant centering about the hanging of the stockings and Mrs. Earl Ritta gathering them about her told: '"The Story of the First Christmas Tree." Santa came in and delighted every child with a cift of candy. Mr. and Mrs G--0. Hoffmier of Libertyville spent Sunday afternoon xith Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Smith. Gemevieve Raasch has been on the ick list the past week Mr. and Mrs Will Atwell and dau zhter Ruth were (}Fa)'s Lake visitors Ue sday Telephone 317 LIBERTYVILLE INDEPENDENT, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1929 Ivanhoe Faber of Chicago is week's vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Albert WiIIl Atwell and dau re (}Fa)'s Lake visitors and M invedaus HALF DAY thucat?"" ------ PRAIRIE VIEW Dol Ne 1 € a D K I('hristn:a,« vacition at ner Jome in y (Lake City, lowa. ' Geerge Deinlein is spending his 1 vacation im Chicago with his par !lvms Mr. and Mrs. George De'nlein. --| _ Miss Padys Murphy of-- Chicago | spent Sunfday with relatives n' Ronald Geary of Gilmer was i | recent caller at the Granthan home Dr. Willard R. McChesney, a for-- mer pbysician and surgeon in Wau-- comia, passed away at his home in FEAgerton, Wisconsin -- on -- Tuesday aftermoon, according to word from relatives. . T. H. Dickson and Leo Brewer spent Wednesday and Thursday at Elgin. Mss Txois Broughton was a Mc-- Henry caller Thursday evening. . Mrs, C. 8. Down's was a Wauke-- gan caller Saturday. Mr. and Mrs.® Will ~Geary were Satunlay ca'lers at Waukegan Mr. am Mrs Louie Koppen spen' Monday in Chicago. . -- Mr. and Mrs. Will Geary anu Mrs. Ella Cormwell visited _ Merritt Cornwell at the Joliet Hospital, on Tuesday Mrt-- and Mrs: James Belch _ left Monday for Pittsburg where they will spend the Molidays visitinge with the former's brother, Walter Belceh and the rest of the winter will be spem in Cuba and Plorida. _ 'Mr. and Mrs Roy Clark an t fam ily of Chicago spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs. Frank Clark. * for his home 'im Charlston. 111 where he will spend his vi@rat'ion Miles Fuller ayd Mrs. Grace Mof Ftt were Waukecran callers Tuesdas: Miss Elra Crabb wall spend he Christmas vacation at her bhome ir Lake Citvy. lowa. ' Mr-- Sims |+ for his homs James Mclaughlin and Frank L Holtze together. with two. o'ther friends returned, list Saturday from a week's Duck Hunting Expedition®n along the Plinois River dowu ner Beardstown. Ilinots. The hard bliz zard interfered with their sport bu: n spite of the weather they all got their quoto of birds. Jimmy proved himsg@lt to be a loval sport by giving sevem} of his friends a duck for Christmas dimner. The Christmas Eentertainment of the Washburn Congregational Sun-- day School wnms hed last Sunda:y evening, the pragram was «omewhat abbreviated but sweet, the tree was fine and presents were plentiful. A fine attendance was present A collection of $20 73 was taken up which goes for benevolences. Many thanks to all present who contribwut d to its success The primiry room of the grammar school under the leaitership of Mrs \M M the their parts well _A present to wittness Mrs. H. A. Engle children to ('hi(-axo see Santa Slaus. he ous, of iinmen' ven'ng. he litt'e M cent caller at Mr and Mrs \ COMMERCIAL _ SAVYINGS _ TkUST is Fronk Meyer and Mc Henry spent Sa o Alice Teary SAFE DEPC SIT i \ W AUCONDA and Mrs. Teny . v in Waukegzan and Mrs. Anton I o ecallers Tuesday Ross and family eir nex*t regular mectin er 26th It will be a & rty, each one receivyjng h ch cards and bunco w W At Tots \ "Security------Reliability------Courtesy" State Bank ol Mundelein iry room ( r o the leas aukegan, the chur {t Saturday room of the grammar he leawitership of Mrs cegan. gave an enter: e church last Monday rs qulite a treat. to see perform and they did I1.A nice crowd was tness them Englebrecht took the ieago last Tuesday to Kegan hapte! s [ al your semvice ... Miller spen spen MUNDELEIN, ILLINO!IS r & 6 n morning n x LOA N S iNYESTMENT W W Mrs. Fred Hoelstein who has been at the Libertyville hospital for some $209000 tm e for medical observation has H returned home. It is said that her om comlition is a nervous breakdown due to old age. We trus!t that she wil} & E improve and get along alright. Wm. Lemm has returned home from a short trapping expedition up| Home of | in Wisconsin. The severe storm hampered him in his work still Iu~| waUCOfI comes home with some choice minks | Grou and musk rats the minks were ol 1| fellows and showed signs of having | Fire, tha beem in tmps many times before. | started fron Bill is an expert trapper and knows| Monday des how to get them. | of George I The Ladies Ait Members are go | spite of the ing 'o give a little porty to their| fire depart Hvbbies at the Town Ha'l on New | ture. Years Five. Evidently games will be) _ The home plavedg and of course anything the| of Bang's I ladies do his eats in mnnnm'nn! covered ab therefore we' take it for granted that f'hmrninz al a light luncheon will be im order. | able Leadw Mr: Maloney who jlives on the| was called. FPrank Foote estate and who drives | _ Handicap a Marshall Feli Tmek a+* Evanston.| the blaze t has had a siege of groing to and' to check th from his work during the severe|! No 'onée storm and blizzand last.weeek. { time. Mr. Miss Cecil Bluhm who-- has h fln[ caretaker at the Highland Park Hospital for| YaCation 0 several weeks came back home last| daYs and | Monday afternoon. We are glad mt the fire. again have her in our midst. and In spite trust that she will grow in s<treneth| blaze a |1 and never need amy more hosnital| fight or wa service as she has ha1i more vhani o her share for the pas't year or two. ; rI A a The fimeral of the late George M Weidner was observed by "Solemn Higsh Mass". at the Buffalo Grove Church last Monday morning at 10 04 o'cock with intérment in cemetery near the church. The large clrirech was filled with relatives and frends to give tribute and honor tw h's d parture.. George as he was commnmon Ivy known was loved and respected The -- _ Washburn -- Congregational Churen and Sunday School is geing to have their annual meeting and election of of"cers on Tue«day even ing January 7. at the church, to which every one in the community is urgently requested to be present to hear the reports of the differem* organizations. and Jlearn how the moneys entrirgted to them have beer spent as well as an informaligetto The Praine View band wiil mve their postponet Musical Concert on Friday evening, January 3 This i< going to be an exceptiomal treat by a Band of 25 peces rendering solo's comedies -- readings and etc. oIt is being held at Herschberger Hal' which is expected to be filled cto capacity, so come early and avoid the rush ° A Cantata will be given by the Washburn Congregational Churech choir of Half Duy. Sunday evening. [»eember 29 ar T:30. moneys entrirfted to iNem nave De spent as well as an informaligett gether meetingz I aunderstand th: the Ladies are yroing 'to serve cofle The Prairie View Band will gi~ away last Thursday deceased was a resi| by ewveryone who knew him. 0 Weidner wos born.asafd _ raised | Buffalo Grove 6% years ago last 0 were ns father conducted a Gene store and saloon. at the age of proximately 28 yvears to Miss Klein af er v store at Aptakisic wh until about a mont} go* ill and wos tiks ium at Milwaukee, w 1e {or conduc et and express age Line Railroad Com; Township assessor f( years. Also was on« on the Election Boa ways interested in the community | He member of C. O T. St cil 183 of Buf'aln ( ceased jeaves to m« sons,. Walter. Fre @ nan wh her fat) him im Ben--Nevis in only -- 4.000 #eet est mountain it ing saloon. at th« ge of at w f"m"'- mately 28 years he was morried c a Kl"v af row} r he ty + ) it Aptakisic which he operated about a month azo when h« Not Much of a Mountain O d p 18 h Abs otland,. althou 69m 'WeR! --_ EVED ... Coming Jan. 2 and 3 cred to the n s LaVilla Theatre that H H imverml about _ 5:30 --o'clock _ tt !"*"morninz and had gained consid ' able headway before the departme | was called. + ¢ | Handicapped by the intensity the blaze the firemer were unat to check the flames I No cone was in the bome at t $20,000 Summer Home Destroyed By Fire Monday Fire, that is believed to-- havye started from crossed wires, *arly Monday destroyed the siummer hom« of George Duberville, of Chicago, : spite of the efforts of the Waucond: fire department to save the struc ture. Mr. Gaglardi, our local store k er left Tuesday for Wisconsin o business trip planning to be back Wednesday but due to. the' se storm got snow bound near Keno and did not get to DMMamond Lake til Friday. Two hyndred cars w stranded in a huge snow drip. 4 these being new Chevrolet tru« on« of the drivers walked to Keno and procured fifty men to a: shoveling the motortsts out. One man and two chilkiren were serioi frozen R Due to the strong wind on \ nesday night, Mr. Peterson, bus « er for the Hawthorn School forced to the side of the rorid unable to get out. As this was posite the Peaco home on Whe road, the children and two teac took refuge there, until other came to their rescue, and the c ren all reached home safely. sc was not held on Thursday and day, therefore the program w was planned for Thursday night calleq off. s Home of George Duberville of !:.. Wauconda. Burns to the 1 Ground: Total Loss. y time. _ Mr. Dut« caretaker but he vacation over th days and had 1« the fire. In -- spite of the earliness of blaze. a large crowd. gathered fight or watch the flames. Alber Trrected pacuc oalri+ In spite of th DIAMOND LAKE ert Halz's brother of spent Sunday with him hedid home safely. sSch ld on Thursday and } ore the program wh: 1 for Thursday night w ike m > located on the bank _ The fire was dis 5:30 <o'clogk thi ad gained consider the home at | ville _ employs rad been givet Christmas h t! d a Y Li b_ of t bef ind their Mi Miss ( Risa Th l \ n McDonald's Commercial School Telephone 130 311 W. Park Ave. s Catherine Cohill and Miss Thorsen, of Hawthorn School, I'+ndinry their vacation in Eden Fon i1 Lac, Wisconsin, with REGISTER NOW FOR paren ROUSE BROS. DAIRY (98920 [.oO@.ct} For Classes in Commercial Work Advanced and Elementary Commercial COUYSCS Mrs. Gordon Ray enter and Mrs. Wesley Faulkn: clein, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-- {r. and Mrs. Le Roy Kane Friday n'ght after which erved refreshments 'mas sypory was effec-- ved Sunday evening at in pamtonine and song.| »seph, the choir girls asi' l'aul} Raymond, Jay A)-- rl Kane Jr., as the shop-' . David Covert, Ernest Holz as the three, wise| mss Of voices sang from | t as rach in his turn| orshipped the king. The| carried tall lighted can--| im was very well done he fact that because of ly two rehearsals could offering went to a boys ~nos Aires, South Amer-- "Serving The Libertyville . Mundelein District" .0); Simpson speni ETi d also visited friends Montle, of Liamond is spendimg her holi-- with her parents in Phones 565 and 567 This is to thank our patrons for the busi-- ness fhey have favor-- ed us with during the past year and to wish each one Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rous and Mrs. Gordon Ray motor Wednesday to Waukegan. The Diamond4 Lake Schoo a Christmas party on FPrid The primary group sing : of songs. Games were al~ The teachers served jee cake and Mr. Ray treaved t candy. Presents were exeha each one enjoyed himself T board aprd their wives wer Ruth Rockenbach of Nee Philip Taylor, of Chicazo day dinner with the forme Mrs. Lew's Mil's. In the; they vis ted Joe Rockenba at the Woodstock hnspital is confined since temg itj at work. The Rockenbach fianm': Lake who have been 4) with searlet fever i. o proved. Mr and Mrs Kling..s m [ ®e« ATps & Chica A Happy and Prosperous New Year. Libertyville, IIl. to In (» W 11 MF