* LIFE OF OFFICERR P¥ Deflected and Inflicted Wound in Side; Wounded Negro in the: Hospital. Lee Bingham, 432 McKinley ave uue, colored, a special officer on the Waukegan police department, owes his life to the heavy metalic police star bhe was wearing Sunday night when he attempted to stage a one man raid on the bome of Henry Boyd, colored, 130 Market street. A bullet fired at close range bit the star which was pinned over his heart, was deflected and plowed a deep fur row in the flesh on his left side. Three other bullets penetrated his John Quick, 23 years old, colored, 509 Market street, lies in the Victory Memorial hospital with a bullet wound unpder the heart inflicted by Policeman Bingham. He is being cared for by Dr. M. J. Kaye. The physician does not regard the, man's condition as particularly serious un-- less complications set in. Bingham had been asigned by Commissioner Balz to probe vice con-- ditions on Market street. In pur suit of his duty he entered the Harry Boyd home Saturday night at 11:30 o'clock, proceeding upstairs direct-- ty where he says he foungd fully fifty people, both negroes and white men, including several women. Many of them he says were engaged in vari-- According to the account of Bing-- ham, all of those who had been up-- stairs proceeded to flock downstairs. Quick, he says, rushed forward and grappled with him. [ *« "I drew my gun and shot him in the stomach," Bingham said. "As he fell he still had hold of me and "d@ragged me to the floor. Someone shouted:'Kill him, kill him' (refer-- ring to me). In the struggle I had dropped my gun. One of those in the--crowd grabbed --it; up. . By this time they had pushed me out the frout 'door. The man who had my gun fred the four remaining shots at me, one of which hit my star and glanced into my side.": * onororms of gambling including the shboting of craps and playing poker. Exhibiting his star he Informed all of those present that they were un-- der arrest. * He then went downstaire aud cali-- ed the police station--Cna the tele phone asking for the police patrol. Both wagons happened to be out at The occupants of the house then scattered in all directions and there was no one around when the other police officers arrived with the patrol. SAVED WHEN BUL-- LET HITS STAR Decide NOW to make every minute of you? vacation count--by planning it carefully. Use all of it for relaxing play, for building up new menglband energy. If swimming's your sport, or fishing, or golfing, of camping, or ill of these, decide NOW to spend your vacation in the tonic, invigorating air of Northern Michigan. Plan now where to go--how to get dnaé: p # Eu9 7y x Fast North Shore Trains will take you to Milwaukee, cofinecting with Pere Marquette Line steamers to Ludington, Hamlin Lake, Manistee; Onekama, Portage Lake and other points in Picturesque Michigan. Procure information from your local ticket office, or more de-- tailed information about resorts and travel routes from the Traffic Department, 72 West Adams Street, Chicago. _ / A search was-- made but they could not be located. Dr. Claeboe was called to attend to Bingham's in |/ juries. / f A warrant was sworp out this morg-- ing charging Quick with assault. The name of Bingham's assailant is not known 86 & warrant could not be sworn out for him., a Two warrants were sworn out for the arrest of Harry Boyd, One charg-- es him with conducting a gambling house and the other with being the keeper of a disorderly bhouse. The case was set for hearing Wednesday at ten o'clock and he was released in cash bonds of $200. APWSHGHCIAE, ASST. MORALE OF-- FICER: APPOINTED _ AT GREAT LAKES Lieut. Vaughn Bailey, U. 8. N. has been assigned to the office of Assis-- tant -- morale officer at the Great Lakes Training station and--reported for duty' this morning. -- Lieut. Bailey is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Bailey, of Winnetka. AaAls The badly bent police star was @x-- hibited this morning as mute evi-- dence of the close call Bingham had _In the meantime the police are conducting a search {or the man who fired the four shots at Bingham. Lieut. Vaughn Bailey Rmts for Duty at the Station Lieut. Bailey was appointed . to the naval academy at Annapolis on July 6, 1914 by Congressman M. B. Madden and Conressman at Large Williams. He graduated June 29, 1917 and was assigned to the. U. 8: $. 'Tennessee of the Pacific fleet. '-- During the war he'gerved on the 8. S8. La France and later Hgll H. M. T. Caronia of the Cunard 'line, troop transports, operating between New lYork and Brest, France. _ y Three years .ago Lieut. Bailey léeft Philadelphia on the U. S. S$./Broome for a trip around the world. which consumed two and a half years. VAMPIRE QRIVER ~ _ MAKES ESCAPE could ndot be ident! who hit the sailor. 'The Waukegan police Sunday night Morning. © who 'has been in-- the %ot States Attorney. Smith of Lake n-- ty in connection--with the SmaH jury probe & finally located Mike O' ao'll.'-ouhl' ¢ """w:.'&"fi the ndolm'g mflmh jail folloning contempt charges : being held against him by g:dp Hopkins of ~Chicago "during grand . jury As sordh t t: um M eeow 0 ac-- Queenie at O' living. with an electrical worker in Minneapolis. He asked the Minneapolis police to arrest O'Boyle but. they refused to do so and so the telegram statos, 'MacQueenie --telegraphed States At-- torney Smith asking what course he could pursue. s Man Wanted for Contempt in |iness ~Lake County Liy-- | P05 i. spmneapole Ti IZ."T'.' --It is recalled that O'Boyle was summoned before the grand jury in Lake . county ,wl::d l:h. state was trying 'to procure indictments the men charged with umpiili.(!.w'st': the jury. O'Boyle refused to answer certain questions which Smith asked him and finally he was taken before Judge Hopkins who ordered 'him to answer questions and upon his re fusal to do so fined him $200 and six ~months® in J&8. )C .5 ; In the meantime Boyle hbad se creted himself some place jn _ hi cago and apparently later made his way to ellnn«polu.; Just what steps will ha¥tastan naw ara not nc n will be*®* taken now are not knc n and the '»isport is that MacQueenie will probably keep in ~«ouch with O'Boyle so that the~ states attorney if he desires will endeavyor to.ex»e-- cute favor through the government. Mr. and Mrs. George Hans and their daughters of Barrington called on L. L. Maether and family Sunday. . Rev. C. A. Koten and son Roy left Monday morning for lowa, where they expect to visit Rev. Koten's parents. . Grandma 6tahl spent l@st Thursday with her son, Charles, and family at Prairie iVew. es o o4 Mrs. Dittoe left Wednesday for a trip to San Francisco, Honolulu and other points across. _ Rev. La Maile of Pennsylvania, with hig; little sons and wife's mother and two little nieces were callers o nold friends here Thursday, -- His many Actording to a te inneapotis~detective O'BOYLE--BUT HE |z=« CAN'T ARREST HIM proaches, we're often too tired to plan what we want to do. And when it arrives, there's the hasty .getting at the risk of having an en-- ti'-dy '_l M w» l ' "b' ' As vacation time ap<--» PRAIRIE VIEW fhom eenie 7% |m nds were indeed glad to see him and renew.old times. * Postmaster Ed Welfin of Wheeling and family were callers at the Mre. C. T. Mason home Tuesday evening. Lewis Holtje o fWheeling was a bus iness caller here Thursday afternoon. ~ Postmaster Mancel Talcott of Wau-- C. T. Mason Thursday afternoon, Ir.lndlrl. *..4 * r.,x;.uuum. T. J. Pedan of Halt Day ~were business 'callers An Prairle View 'Monday. f \ Miss\ Florence Maether entertained Cinderella Wils Sunday aftraoon. l Judge Pedan 'was in town Tuesday completing arrangements for the big-- lgm ball game of the season betweep the Half Day localsand Everet. Date not yet made public. Gussi¢ #{oerp .will be assistant --manager, and the judge says he bets he'll make ths man with the born climb a tree. All suits have been ordered.. The juadge says he plans to go to Wheeling Friday to get. some leather soles for them:. Now, Everett, you better keep in prac-- 'tice and on your toes. j ~~Mr. and Mrs. Harry Davis apent last Bunday ion Chicago. Mrs. Robert Herlihy was a Highland Mrs. Mary Sthar and Gertrude Wolf spent 'a few days last week visiting the Sam Schar family at Libertyyville, A larg number of fans from here at tended the ball game at Everett Bun-- day, where Everett bested Area by the score of 6 to 1. +i A. G. Maether was a business visitor in. Chicago Monday. + Park visitor Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Mack Mason and --son, Billy, spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs Grant Cook at Half Day, it being Mrs. Cook's birthday. Mis# Eleanor Priecss and a friend of Chicago are spending a few days with Mr: and MrS. Fred Priess. : : The meeting of the Royal Neighbors was largely attended 'Thursday eve-- ning.-- After the buginess meeting, re-- freshments were served, and the eve-- ning was spent in games and dancing.. The entertainment committee proved themselves real entertainers. At the next meéeting it is hoped that more members will come out and share in' the good times we are having at our meetings. $ _ Mr. and Mrs. A.'G. Maether and son Percy called on relatives at Lake Zur-- Ifh Bunda yafternoon. 5 y --Henry Hans and Daniel Herschber-- ger were callers here Monday. Chester Gilmore and Frank Hoitje motored to Elgin SBunday. § Paul. Pegelow took his' little son, Earle, home in the milk wagon Tuce-- day morning. He says he is goiug to start him out right. " "Theodore Mason motored to Aurora Siturday on business for the White Construction. company. ; Ben Ritzenthaler attended the --camp meeting at Navperville Sunday.: . Edward Hans has a bran new coupe. Ray Stahi hthgd his arm Thursday while operating the Barber Green. Téd Stahl took him to the doctor --. .. Russell and LaVerne Gilmore are entertaining their Cousin from Dés Plaines this week. * ' Mr. and Mrs. J. Gordon Bonner are rejo'cing over the birth of a daughter, Lois Margaret, who arrived July 26. The Bible School ovened Monday morning, with Mr.--and Mrs. Rice and Miss Stanley in charge. > Mrs. James and son were called--to Milwaukee the past week to attentd the funeral of her brother, who was killed recently. * -- Mr. and Mrs. LesHe Kamper and chil-- dren of Chicago are. visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. 6. Denman this week. Miss Bertha White of Chicago is vis-- Iting the home folks for a week. ~Mr. and Mrs. Harl White and daugh-- ters of Evanston were Sunday visitors in Millburn. « x A Mr. Rice filled the pulpit at Hickory Corners Sunday afternoon. * '~Miss Ruby Gillings is visiting Mrs. Mre. Taylor o('l'uprflvv'smt !mmluynmmm ra. B. A. Miss Maggie Watson remains . about the 'same. » > The C. E. Society held an open air meeting at Poliock's Lake last Sunday evening. * 4 § ns . Miss Madge Btrang spent.the week ghd with her parents. .;:~--~ * spent the week end at the home of their uncle, Oscar Nelhans. 'Miss Mar-- lon Neibaus accompanied them home for a week's visit --. n K. * ~ . Mra. Martin and son,. Richard, are apending a week away from home.# ,x;.und Mrs. C. 6..Denman accom-- & their son, Rdwan Denman, and tamily to Elgin Saturday to visit Miss There will be a bakery sale at the church Frida yévening, August 10th, given by the Ladies® Aid: A short pro-- gram will be given. k k h at An invitation has been extendgd'te the community to attend "Btunt night" %vory alternate Thursday l:tk the Y. M. c e c;-punpuu- @, > 3 The Anderson boys have a new threshing machine and tried it out for the first time this week. Mise Vivian Bonner has so far te covered from her rheumatiam that she nm.towi." * MIL L BU R N m this car #o cheap you'll an 'Rdtg> thief.--Atchison IST 9, 1 TO BAN FOR 8 HOUR DAY PLAN site 227 t oviain the 8. bour. worle way . O ) u:om and the Jx% week, three labor organizers addressed close to a hundred steol mill workers and cur-- losity seekers at the Blovenie Nation-- al Home on Tenth street, Waukegan, tory, Charles N tative rhood of Forg and H He argued tha: saw their child O;Panlz,cn' . Talk to Close a undred Men at Slovenics / _~>-- Mall Sunday. The six day weex and the "ht' hour' working day should be the. at-- tainment of every employe of a fac tory, Charles N. Glover, International tative of the . International of -- Blacksmiths, Drop and Helpers, told the men. He argued that the only time they saw their children in the daylight was when they took a day off on their own time or changed shifts, "';':'"m:""w"' ho. ho iold. the ve e a }Mn. He believed that the eight hour day ~could be effected by a perfect order of unlion men should they con-- sider banding. ~~Judge Gary, --head of _ _the --United States Steel corporation he condemn-- ed as a "promiser'"--who had threaten-- ed to give an eight hour day but had never carried out his threat. IJa»n Turnev, of the Mine, Mill and Smelters'® union, also was on the pro-- gram. He told the meh that all they had to sell was their muscles and that they would not get value re-- celved without an organization. : He told of the long fight of the miners to get their present pay rnd the difficulty of brl'zinc the 'steel workers to believe the same as the MMDerR. oo s---- 5 '-- E. J. Holley of he Amaigamated Association of Iron, Steel ~and Tin Workers. carried practically the same thought 't.qi_t"g::nfillmw"'.u'fie' 'blamed the eurbstone philosopher for most of the union trouble and declared that proper attention to union thought and organization would bring the men to an undepstanding with their. employ-- ers that would make working condi-- tions as nearly perfect as possible. of ~Chairman Glover, made~a short talk. He announced that he had been elected to office by the laboring vote and that he would keep it uppermost _ Commissioner © Nilcholas -- Keller, who attended the meeting as a guest authoritative source it was learned the local wire mill who were 'already members of the American Federation of Labor in the subsidary for steel Ernest Schroeder is continually making improvements on his place. The latest is concrete gate posts and a"steel ('::ce. Very progressive. The n barn on the Bert Smail place is about completed and undoubt-- edly is the largest and most uptodate in the community. Wednesday of last week occurred the death--of Mrs, ~Yeddo, who had been staying at the Degner home, In: terment at Oak Ridge cemetery, West Chicago last Friday. The bereaved family has our sympathy in their hour of sorrow. -- Obituary in another col-- umn of this issue. workers. Miss Bertha Weimer of Chicago vis ited at the home of C. J. Herschberger and Misgs Alice the past week. Frank HoitJe and C. J4,Herschbergor were in Waukegan on business Wed: nesday of last week. § + Mrs. Melvina Stancliff visited her sister at Des Plaines over the week The White Construction Co. expects to finish pouring cement on Milwau-- kee avenue this week, which means the stretth from the Libertyville town line to Wheeling is complete and will be open for traffic by Sept. 1st. *L ' Rev. Father Bay had full charge of all the services Sunday at 8t. Mary's for the first time since his iliness. Hoa gave & very interesting talk on the life and sudden. death of our m Warren G. Mh&. particul . tioning the beautitdl Christian life led by our departed chief w«. The Archbishop has requested that memor-- lal services for the late president be held in all Catholic churches. <% ._ _ Mr. and Mrs.--Nick Gaister and two daughters of Waukegan were Fremont callers Saturday. -- h Willtiam 8. Fanning, rormer Wao keganite, employed at the D. D. Bugatr Refinery and who married Carrle Steincamp some yeéars ago, commit-- _ _Mrs. Louise Meyer and family enter-- tained a number.of trhm}. and rela-- tives from--the city Supday;. (Missg Irene-- Hertel has--been giteu i¥ for the past'week with a severe cold. "J. F. Blerdon of Racine spent Satur-- day afternoon at the Willow Farm: eral weeks with her..gon, Ottqg, and family, who reside near . A little son arrived at mw m'. * & # ' ted m Chicago Priday motn-- ing. #... gas. o wan dent because he did not get a ' tlonlnm',m.'rd-mMn"i he expected. His wife died some years AKO. $ Mrs. Mike Obenaut is spending sev-- number of the--men joined the ob HALF DA Y e g «AP PENDENT is read by more people than sfly other Newspaper in Lake Pay Rent to Yourself 'SECURITY TITLE & TRUST -- CO. . Make dut.b'idufitfifi-'!rgtmom.fl,me ;. -- other way! :Watch the expression change t a when he--or you----pays rent to hinnself, " o It can be don#s We can do it. Just phone 50 . _' .\ _ and we'lk gladly explain. © . . _ 0 ~ /0 0(0 ;, ; m"m.o ' » ' 4 e# h + & W¥ i z9 M 5 '% ; w . + ,.. ; n :,;;: ABSTRACTS OF TITLE _ -- TITLES GUARANTEED Joisy .cs Canttaf:~-- $125.000.00 44 The new car owner finds Hartford Tires-- and Tubes a big money's worth, ¢ Plfihnit'hkuqurm«w [ fully comprehend the value given in Hartfiord HARTFORD RUBBER WORKS COMPANY 1790 Broadway 8 f New Y ork t C Monuments and Mausoleums .' _ Down By The Electric Station Collins & Doane Co. The veteran finds them a value beyond what he See the nearest Hartford Dealer. THIS PICTURES an all--too--frequent situation. And the man is' thinking just what any of us thinks under like conditions. E. W. Churchill, Secretary and Manager. : TELEPHONE 81 :--Yufluupmmmm l id thik Sthanr Messmmanas in Tah mW