. KMHJEDBY 40 . _ _ FOOT FALL WHEN _ CONVICTIONS T0 «* COME UNDER THE / ~NEW FISHING LAW Governor Small Has Been In-- vited and Other Prominent Men Will Be Present. PLAN EXTENSIVE SPORTS -- The--bake County Pioneer Agricu} 1 Association will hold its an-- Iual picuic and home coming at Wads-- worth Saturday . Auguét 25. Officers gnd committees are now--<at work ar-- ~:n;lng details for this annual event Which has come to be one ot the Dg--. gest (picuics held in Northwestern JLake county. An invitation has been segnt 1to Gov. Small ahd there is a possibility that he may be the guest of honot oa that day although nothing deff-- pite bas yet been promised, _ ; °. These annual affairs of the as80-- ciation have always proved very in-- teresting and successSul and the ones haviag malters in charge are work-- ing diligently to have this year's pic-- pic outshine previous efforts. x ~program* which will include speakers of local reputé and somé puisiders will be held during the day, there will be various kinds of upofl; and a big picuite lunch will be served At noon. i s ;..; *2) k 25 He takes .zspecial Cal in confinement cases. h ~Aifficctct atract A brass band will provide music. for the occasion :nmm wil ':: musical numbers by n & ple, both vocal and lutrm es The picnic is not merely for mem-- r:m and their families but a general. vitation is sent to. everybody in Lake county to attend and fihm #n the celebration, The picaic is held_ in McCarthy's Grove just west of Wadsworth. DR. BENJ. GOLD-- _ -- BERG OPENS AN OF-- FICE IN WAUKEGAN TFhis is one ol the "modot . HNSETTLOC of the United m&mm '-'.';..m"u..' ta -- this training Dtr. mha --'Tfl ; & 's ~experi-- Save as Bburgeon and --medical adviser PICNIC TO BE HELD AT WADSWORTH to 1500 tfamilies at ELEX n charke 'm"'-flumhm of an entire industrial community. resident of Evanston, was killed Fri-- day afternoon as the result of a forty foot fall from & bullding which he was helping to paint when the scaf-- was employed as a painter. for y10. field. *-- . ®t" | Immediately after the accident the vlcmm-mhdtomw Par': hoapital where he died an hour and a quarter afterward. He has A "luudh-fiyrddluhom. Carl Klhart, also of Kvanston, was working on the scaffold with Bas tian at the time of the accident. Ho mommmewmpmd and suffered a fractured feg between the knee and ankle. -- It u_tumzut juries also. He also was removed to the Highland Park hospital where his condition is regarded as quite Bastian suffered no broken -- \ His death is believed to have M P s t thw 4 . =-m~luwmuoio of Tilinois fish-- lawa mean increased protection for fish, according to C. F. Mansfisld, Ir.. wecretary Of the Ililinois Game which the new law dupersoedes, called for a Ane of $1,000, a yoar's impria-- aenment orf The new law pro-- vides % ty for eonvicted violat-- ors of not Than . $100 or more n.:&u."o:umu than thirty daya or more than eix months in the county jaill. . ~ "Under the old code it was virtual-- Whfl-"«nds of state Ashing laws," said Mre. "because the penalties upon conviation were too From 1918 to July 4, 1923, when the l:"womocuwu \ Mn(ug-urtmw to internal injuries. suffered internal in-- «under -- the Ash code #%,. ---- Moderated be determined of the Device. * It is claimed that the diving belt was invented by a spider. At lens! tyally invented by him it was used by neers made one for the same purposes. The diving bell is a cup--shaped body with an open'end down, which is let into the water. The--air.is caught in the 'bell and keeps .thh water from Tising beyond'a certain.level from--any specified 'depth and, of course, allow-- ing anyone inside to breathe and aet as If he were on dry land.> . <. ._, _ The improvement of the diving bell, known as the caisson, is a huge pipe that has compartments, into which--Air is pumped from above. 'The spider's bell is flled more in this manner than in the other. * ¥ The name given to these little spld-- ers is Appropriate--the nalads of the family of arachnida, . A : naigd . --will 'held fast by strands fixed to the nelgh-- 'boring blades of grass and stones ser-- "eral feet under the water.. He com-- If Not Actual Inventer, it is Prettv Bure He Was the Eartiest User Insect Said--to--Have Had First Idea of Diving Bell. pletes the' entire structure before. filling It with ain--as'if he knew that-- the air would tend to make it rise to. the top and thus hinder the attaching of the anchors. ht 3 12 o aa jmmhdnlmtdown_tmthnfi face with bubbles of air and turns them lo0se in the alry structure. 'The process is repeated several times . un-- ti! the little house is full of air: Of 'course, the open end of this house is down, and this has to act also as the entrancé to It-- ; .. :; . ..200~Af59klc.®0'% * Another pecullar thing about the malads is that they never get wet. They have thousands of small hairs on their bodies 'which hold and keep the air ter water, and so the air sticks and nalad's class, (It bullds a waterproof nest under water, but does not --live in it. ' It merely lays its eggs in the nest, seals it up and leaves. . . : 'The mason bee, as its name Implies, is a builder Of structures of stone end mortar. 'The _ nest is attached to al-- most any solid strueture, and actualiy does consist of small stoncs cemented togéether with mortar: The house con-- Sists of many cells of oval.shape, and into each an egg is laid. The cell is rlll,d','lthfl!k-n*mumm who gets dut of it by a hole in its }bp. Before learing, however, she her-- mmu-muwa temper on the part of both.© Mr.--Tark-- er was telling his troubles to his eld-- eriy maiden aunt. -mxuy'tobbutoodsm to Clarissa as I know how to be," he said, "but we don't seem to get along. ltm'n'-huhtom.ht.nfi when she starts to scolding, she never knows when to stop. She takes of-- fense, too.; at such little things." -- "Then don't say those little things, Henry." said his aunt. "When she is eross you must try to be conciliatory." "I am conciliatory, Aunt Jennle," he 'ansawered. "I often say to her, 'Clar-- tssa, I know the utter uselessness of ;qmumm;mmwm you listen to me just a minute? and she gets mad even at that."--Philadel-- SBomething of a Surprice. Little Joan's father was a congres»#-- man and a Republican, and according-- 1y Joan breathed an atmosphere of went to heaven. Her big sister's chnm had the stigma of being a Democrat, ht onl Fors nttdatd hice roak the family, Joan e N'm 'heretic and--only tolerated her a natural largesse :of heart. One eve-- ning, when the chum happened to be occupying the guest chamber, Joan stumbled into it looking for her sister and surprised the lady of Democratie convictions in the midst of her deve-- tons. . "Oh !" exclaimed Joan in open« mouthed amazement. --"I never knew you sald your prayers! I thought you were a Democrat]"--San Francisoe Argonaut. ; Record Herring Catch. | The herring hauls of --the 'Pacific wosst may (yot rival the --North sea. Actording' to Gosse--Millerd, there has been some very large catches of her-- Fing made off the coast of British Co-- lfumbla. In fact, the firm says that gNMuMu"M"? herring in one day, which would prot» ably mean ©1,500,000 fish. Its total eatch G@uring the last season, which |""'"'I --]_'V--l_ m -m. .' W' and ends: about the middle of-- Feltra« ary, was in the nelghborhdod of 50,000 world has been erected on the board-- Wise Isask Waliton, I remember that a wise friend of -""-'tm"'dohm body's business is nobody's business,"* «--Szaak W aliton, : walk near Michigan avenue, Atlantie COlty, It is Afty feet high,--enabling promienaders a mile away to read the temperature, The mercury in the hnwmuumm?z'} a system of asmall thermometers f slectrical relays," Lights on the board Indicate the temperatgyre accurately and autematically, water beetle is probably the f 'oun entire . stook :: of 2 quality® Furnishings is included in our An-- nual + M Steamer Chairs, $1.75, Lawn !cgga . . +$1J0 Fibre--Reed Fireside Chair or Rocker; upholstered. . . .$16.98 Wrought Iron Bridge Lamps; choice of ATrtistiG_ SHRGES _ .............--............... omm ovnmmnmsacns..m $85.00 Golden Oak Buffets; _ =i'~! :='.l ' £0 61086 OUL POF ... 2=........ oo nimcommmommmmmncionn ons 1/, off on our entire stock of Summer Furniture. Closing out Macey Sectional Bookcases; in all PP 2o Nous f CLiks, $50.00 Mahogany Buffet; large mirror; °: ?}fi" neat stylp. aontsmiomess crmmammmtnmsnesmnizrime: : arerniam mercommiemnitizemee 1/, off on our entire stock of Pictures.' Phonograph Récords; latest hits:© Two for . ... . .. .. :+ .$t: Here you will iind . 43« sembled .the finest Mer-- chandise obtainable. ~ We've :nord costs and intend<to make this sale the biggest évent. of 'the about : to / start : up ~in housekeeping _ will-- reap a harvest. The .saviugs are really 'wonderful. : Is the best place in town for Furniturs $119.85 Ivory Bedroom Steel u--cqmmo Cotton Felt Mattress-- all new material; Guaranteed Link Spring. Cotton Felt Mattress--alt new whaterial; any Suite STEEL BED OUTFIT $19.50 $8.75 »* y w «% | # % ; 4 ' . . iwartz Furn.{ Th 136--138--140--142 South Genesee Street UST SOUTH OF THEL BRIDGE Others at $32.50, $50.00 and up <to $156.090 Jubrre ++ AY, AUGUST 9, 192%%. _ ; --~ GAS RANGE M' Guaranteed Baker A ----White enamet door panels, ----¥our largeo burners, --Limited number. * + € _@ White Enaime! Table; porcelain' top... . . ... . . . .. ~% . , .$64 T ~Guaranteed Combination Ranges as low as. . ... . .. .--$75. Bale on Alaska Refrigerators. -- .~'@ti WR $325.00 3--piece Parlor Suite;~ _ s ME MORLMIF COMDiNDATIOM ....___._----------------------ma_-- e t Special Sale on-- PATHE PHONOGRAPHS flntflm ----No needlos to change ----a. "m' " N "--Well Constructed *' ~will hold your selections for future delivery. $57.85 5A SMALL DEPOSIT BUY NOW 8--plet¢e Walnut Suites-- Buffot, Oblong Table, & move our over stook of bising: Ste« 8215 y sn 9225 Othérs at © ~$124.85 ~ 8--plece Itallian Renails-- $114.85 $145.85 $224.85 $199.85 $239.85 you've ever oA m"{c i 3+