Illinois News Index

Libertyville Independent, 16 Aug 1923, p. 6

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MASSIVE CLASS INITIATED : INTO ELKS LODGE HERE the building in the rear of the club for bours to get their names on the roster. Later the candidates were taken to the Masonic temple where they dined before taking the vows. It wis midnight before the last candidate stepped from the assem-- bly hall, a full fledged Elk. Blue Island was the first contin-- gent to arrive in body. They came at 4 o'clock in spesial cars over the North Shore électric. 'Band concerts were given throughout the afternoon in the bandstand on Sheridan road. After the initlation it was announ ced that there was to boe a meeting tonight at the club. Angther big--class will be taken in nest month., Lm:cwhho .: plications tould Aacied upon wme ao the foees of Initiation will ro main at the same rate uatl) after the The reception committee had a full day. That goes for all of the com-- mittees that had close touch with the plans. The past exalted rulers, undetr Chairman Mancel Talcott, composed the reception committee and rushed from the Northwest depot to the electric line to the club time and again during the day. Usieg chairman of all the committoes, com-- pleted the work of a month when the last -- man ::m temple ofter Iy for days to get things moving for the greatest Elk day Waukegan ever (CONTINUED FROM FPAGE OXNE) We rose without hesitation and followed him out of the room, into the iift and up to the sixth ficor, When we stepped out, several of the servants were guthered at the far-- ther end of the corridor, 'The man-- eger emberked upon an explanation. "There may be notbing wrong at all," he said. -- '"This is just the post-- tion as it has been reported to me. SBuitd §%9 was taken some days ago by Metzger eand Gorty, and two emissaries from our eastern friends. They brought over some gold, as you Vindetts begins between urcyamL SAYERS, noted oriminal; w' wonaray ammyms, once of though the outer door was boitA on ther, the tin boxes of gold 'had gone." * ages & fAirtation wtr- l:mr'ul arranges to signal him her ::.-t?a"n absence from their otol' . _ NowWw Go oN wIrH STORY > Michael Continues: Metzger bent toward her. I moved noiselessly, but I think be would not have heard me if I had worn bob-- nailed boots. The rest was easy, for it wais a trick I knew well, He col lapzed with scarcely a gesp. J tight ened the cord' a little and the deed againat m. advice, they had it stored in their rooms,. Gorty went to Man-- chester last night, leaving Metzger alone.. Our telephoneoperator re-- ported that he refused to answer the telephone about hbalf an hour ago. We sent up to his room and found it boited on the inside. We rang and knocked without the alightest result. Finaliy wentered the suite through the adjoining room, which had just --wll" £ ;tul'" I!" Bayers n c thestlne "haad wn Oihcer sekt which showed signs of recent vace tion, into the suite which had been allotted -- to Messra, Metsger and Uorty, 'There were no sigos of any trouble, or disturbance of any sort. "Is there any reason to suppose," I easked, "that this man Metager bas pot taken away the gold himselft" "In that case," the manager point-- ed out, "rome one would have had to curry the cases downstairs No ene has done so. No one has seen Metzger leave the place." * "that he's stil M the hotelt" The manager led us along the cor-- 10 mt'kl.n. .dm' D Michael plots with his cor Hayers wife . and 11Ge. mens .un-. with _his a:dor- su0 AtheP in wyer "youngnustand, to rob uwo men ed G B Maicsst reto Rngiand for the dur-- q u the go yout y in snA ds iatte, in agpmi i mef > BEGIN HERE TODAX -- "You heave had him _ taige o. m neee Ti Service, in Panan *"Arrgt. NBEA Service, 1 it The al€ ut cwo mas 'x.r..-fnd Mra. Jose de to be from South TEKXBOXES % i COLD S . ~BY E. PHILLIPS OPPENHEIM *4 Hlamel VEGETABLES AID ONE IN FIGHTING * --THE SUMMER HEAT Springflield, 111., Aug. 15.--Increas-- ed vegetable and fruit diet 'helps one to withstand the stmmer heat and adds tons to the physical con-- dition of the body, the state de partment of health advises. State "With 'hogs active' in East St. Loul#® and 'cattle dull in Chicago, WMingisans have a. good chance to extact the ~much advertised . vita'mt*o:." the h:thmt.m h':lbt: who continually 'enjoys poor # probably never had a 'brainstorm' in his lifte, His grey matter isn't that active othérwise be would long mn&h:-mmm examina! a compsetent physi-- clan and thus embarked upon a health caréer full of vim and vigor. .e«m-.unm-;'mv. 8. public health service. For state n&mmmmm than $500,000. 'Folks usually get 'NMNMmu"mu' but health officers begin accept the truth of this adage with distinct 'reservation.' ARE BETTER THAN MEAT tures the man who had refused to answer the telephone. for?t" .. % % "Halt--a dozen men have searched every corner of the place. No one in *He's very near it," I repiied, loos ening the slip--knot of whipcord from sround his neck.. "Send for a doo-- tor at once. --And Rimmington, you hul'mur ring up the Yard and get to quickly." 3 3 3'h1m.".. * I went through the roomsg again. When L same to the bedroom ad-- joining the sitting--room, and which the foor waiter told me was Mets-- ger's, I --notitced that the wardrobe was locked. Not only that, but there was a slight atrain being ex-- ercised against the lock, bending the pane! slightly! F¥or the frst time 1 ~**My God!" Rimmington exclaimed. "He's dead!" $ +4 began 'to look upon the matter as self," Rimmington muttered after he had spoken a few hasty words The floor waiter, who was an in-- telligent fellow, followed us into the other room, to which we bad with-- drawn on the arrival of the doctor, *"There is one thing I ought to tell you, sir," he said. '"The porters tried to move thosze trunks several hours ego, while Mr. Metzger was *This door must be broken open quickly," 'I insisted, "or a spare key found." 4 The' key from the wardrobe in Gorty's room--was tried with success. As it was turned, the door Hew open, I was just in time to catch in my mucr-%u.otm-m hnmanity. ..' a blackened 'Tace and protuberant eyes, his tongue loil-- ing out on one side, it --was stlll not difMicult to recognize from his pic-- "MY GOD!"' RIMMINGTON EX-- CLAJMED. "HE'8 DEADI® "HE'8 YERYX NEAR IT,." I REPLIED. "How long ago did those people leave?"--he asked. "And what Jug-- gage did they take with them?" "They left an hour ago," the ficor very heavy trunks," could see that the same thought had eccurred to him as to me. The brief-- est of searches confirmed our suspi-- clons. 'The wardrobe was Alled with lumps of henvy stone, . *There is only--one point now re maining to be solved," 1 observed, "and that is, did these two, Mr. and Mra, Jose de Migucl, carry out this Pesullar Re.ilonehip. In spenking of an only cthiid, L men-- nig 8 POoil, _ I '!nm-né'tmr' in Bulletin Urges Eating of Vegetables. of Health meset the men whom be bad sum-- moned 'from Heotland Tard, "we got it in the neck sometimes about our fallures. 'l\hml"h'm hbold of Ds Miguel and his trunks, I should think we déserve all the censure we get." "Nothing in it for me, I'm afraid," I remarked us 1 bade him good l'lmtboumndd_"» J pened. --Aithough Mr. Jose de Miguel and bis wite could have had barely an hour's start, and were handicapped by the possession of two trunks of enormous weight, a week passed without any news of :gtmtngmmwdm e go Metsger remained in a state of partial unconscioUuaness and could give no coherent account of what bad happened. Gorty se« turned from Manchester and behaved like a madman. He spent his time between Downing Street, where he boldly accused the Government of baving taken the gold, and Bcotland Yard, where he expressed his opin-- lon of the English police system in terms which made him, to say the least of it, unpopular there. In the beginning the whole affair had seemed s0 simple.. Mr. and Mra. de Miguel, distributing gratuitliee in most lavish fashion, had Griven calmly away from the Milan at the appointed hour, and had arrived at Waterloo in ample time for the train which they had planned to take to Southampton. When that train ar-- rived at Bouthampton, however, there was no one in it in the least answering to their deleription; neither had any rooms been taken in the hotel, or passages booked on the upon any passengers answering to the description of the two missing people; yet the man who drove the hotel bus to the station--an old ser-- vant and a man of excellent charac-- ter--gave unfaitering evidence as to his baving driven there, and having left his two passengers waiting on the pavement while a porter went steamer. . Curiously enough, too, none of the porters could remember_ luggage for that train, or aitending lnfiimmmmhmtu some 1 for I thoroughly sympa-- tenth day, however, be came to see mitted. "However, is + _m'" *"Not so gimple as we thought," he remarked as he accepted a cigar and an easy--chair. ht ae 5 2 "And the man who visited them at the 'hotel at the last moment?", _ "We're offering a hundred pounds reward for his discovery, Here's into the fire. x £ 47 youre," Romaningive repged, for 17 years," repiied, "has a wife and children and an ex-- cellent character." Besides, a score of people saw the bus' in the station-- know who I think it west" * "Noun."lwm 1'. 7 w " or to go behind all his aliases and cal him . by his rightfal name, Michael Sayers." f _ *"Do you really believe that that man is in England?" I asked. _ > _ "The To-ulpden'-- migh t apply to thousands," I answered a little eva tiful that it attracted applause all in white, dotted with putrgle chrys anthemums, with the head of an im« mense Ek placed on the {ront of the radiator, with the queen, Miss Helen Stricker, mounted high on a throne, the appearance was extremes ly pretty. . Several pretty children rode in the car as the queen's at-- tendants and two . women guards rode on,cltzer side as secorts. Miss Stricker an extremely pretty queen and her, radiant smile won her friends all along the line. BIGGEST AND BEST i _ PARADE HELD @Y ELK$# The Waukegan Elks band was next. Then came the decorated auto of the Kiwanis club, one of the pettiest in the parade. The Orpheum theatre entered a decorated car con-- taining several pretty young women, Then ~followed the nattily attired marching club of the Waukegan lodge and members 'not in unioform. Bringing up the end 4 fthe pro-- cession wabk the new caterpiliar trac-- tor and grader that has been pur-- chased by the city. ; It was a parade of which Wauke-- gan well may feel proud. (Continued in Our Next lasue) D. & H. GARAGE EXPERT WORX On All Makes of Oars Day and Night Servic (CONTINUED FROM PAGB ONXE) Phone M-Y-l DEPEKE and HOOK LIBERUY V iLlLi ILNDEPENDENT, Residence and Office 1609 Wash-- ington St., Waukegan, TJ. MANY CHILDREN _: _ _ IN SIGHT CONTEST _ SAYS DR. WILLIAMS ~The watches to be given to thi winners are on view in John J. jewelry store show window at 25 So. Genesee +St., next --to. Orpheum theatre _ s % Office Ph. 2296. -- Res. Ph. 905 THERE JB NO REASON why. every. child between the ages of # and 10. years canpnot be in Dr. F. J. Williams'. "Best Vision Contest"--a}l they have to do is go to Dr. Williams' ofice, 10 No. Genesee 8t., any evening between: T and 9 and have their eyes examin--. ed free of charge., The contest closes on Sept. 10. r+ : e * DHK. BF. J. WILLAZAMS * w4 OPFOMETRIST. -- . (Eye Sight Specialist.) ~-------- With upto--date equipment scientif. ically examines eyes :and properly fits glasses if needed." Dr. Willifms' office is now located at 10 No. Gen-- esee. ~St, Waukegan ~(upstairs). Hours: 9 to 11--a m.; 2 to 4 p.m. Evenings 7 to'"9; Sundays 10 to 12. Phone 3036. + k Parents are Surprised at Re sults Shown im Vision Tests Given Free. =~= 646 DR. J. L. REDDING : _ VETERINARY SURGEON -- PHONHE 1005 . BOBBY" COULSON:-- LEADS Physician-- and Surgeon The Saving Oppofinmgb;[hls Sale _ Brings is Apparent By "These Prices _ 120 North Genesee St. sen Bldg. \ _ Waukegan Office hours--10--12, 2--4, T--9 'There is plenty of warmth in these good--look-- ing conts of select coney, They ?tvo large « collar 'of aelt fur and are lined with lustrous materials. Hudeon Seal of uz lustre with the new Vitaka wmtl'tu and cuffte t.h." thoeta codta. @. price in reduced for the August HUDSON SEAL COAT Waukegan, Tilinols CONEY COAT $59.75 """"] Come to Great Lakes!! _ Big Savings Here!! *\ > _ se Lumber-- _' Sash-- Doors-- ';}I GORDON WRECKING AND LUMBER COMPANY F L KR GREAT LAKES, ILL. PHONE WAUKEGAN 306 B ~ 0 wl ww 9565 HOME BUILDERS!]! #%--Room Bungalow, size 27x 82 feet. including front for all windows and --porch and new 90 pound roll Green Slate Roofing Paper # 'h-' mm e e e o 5--Room Bungalow, size 27236 ft., .| ©--Room Bungalow, size 27543 ft., large and spacious, as above, with large porch and screens, as. with front porch $x20 ft...:......... RDOVC ® ,..............ccosencevsommmcsoassenerscamee o & W . EPECIFICATIONS---- ~ Joints, Studding and Rafters built of No. 1 Yellow Pine on standard plan, 16 inches --apart. Double floors and roof sheatbing,. Double walls including NEW 1x6 Drop Siding and NEW l&'),ba- 8 ply slate roll roofing paper. Glazed Windows, Frames, Weights, Screens and all re, Frames and Porch Secreens included. NOTE--We furnish the best grade of government inspected lumber and millwork to@ erect these Bungalows, F. O. B. cars or trucks at Great Lakes, IHJ. ___ opmoyelethitithe ie +s o on ce iege t s $ : ome*. riry s# mqmnm@mrm * *R $ " Mlae Di PR * oneis $ o +99 d wR d L M S es T00 kx Cae e 920CA s zes © Gummer Coltages At Greatly Reduced Prices "=s" : c' | & ( * H-""fi; t3 ) G lncwnces Built of GOVERNMENT MATERIAL at 50% SAVINGS *The Bost Stove ~»On the Novth Shove r--GORDON mrst ~w.;__. Sheridan Road at 22nd Street, North Chicago. --_ *' ~<~. Open Bunday for Your Convenience * Ai'noi'dtlmowmmkfibhmfin equal to these at such low prices They are made of fox of earefully chosen pelts, This Muskrat Coat with large collar 6f racoon is a remarkable value at Athe August price. 1# lned throughout with bheaty satin. > «. , COAT OF MUSKRAT ~$145.00 $19.75 -- $29.75 Bungalows FUY?23 The soft flattery of luxurious Furs--what woman doesn't love to tuck a bit of a choker beneath her chin, or draw the rich folds of a lovely wrap close about her. These are the costume dreams that the August Sale of Furs makes come true by offering exceptional buy-- ing opportunities. -- The styles are thoroughly authentic and only the finest pelts have been } Fiilguéf Sale of , Don't Delay! Buy Now!

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