_ -- WEEK ENDS ABROAD . _ BY AFRIAL LINER navy, ventures an -- amazing . predic-- u?' regarding the aviation of tomor Frow in the Popular Science --Monthly, describing a-- dirigible as large as the Leviathan, capable of sailing araund the world in a eoxlo of days mallned 'by a regiment of men 'and former #hips now 'carry lifeboats, so-- that passengers may be sent off to way-- side destinations. y> ,'zudthahnhm-r bs, he writes, altered <the destin-- jéa-- of nations, and exerted a pro-- found influence on hbistory . through uncounted centuries. . With the dawn of the twentieth century, ships of holinte maon "ihe bond ar -- world » upon the trend of world events is today one of the most po-- THE PEOPLE. «--)@uges _ _ "Repeatedly we have called attention to his camt-- SaigpinbehalfofGOODBOADS,andsteAdfufiyhlw supported him in that fight which means so much to Illinois. There is another branch of state wfi%wlfioh has made a magnificent ahow'i:%g FOR THE PLE, the ILLINOIS COMMERCE COMMISSION, iWe have not had as much to Zalg about this state ageney,--compos-- ed entirely of men APPOINTED AND DIRECTED by Former Commandant of Great Lakes Station Says They . Will Circle Globe Soon. ~ -- arvE CREDIT WHERE CREDIT Is DUE -- lol Jn!h'l-lo{um, secretary, Governor Small Baves $25 in One Year \REDUCTIONS ORDERED K IIndar the above m th'mnn A-u'hz , ) (Figured on yearly basis.), * _ Under the above heading, the Chicago American prints the editorial below, a tribute to Governor _ | Gas ..------ and the men he has chosen for nnpovhntvotkhfi.m state commission. mmembmotthoemlfl.mz treet ra Frank L. Smith, Dwight, chairman; Cicero Lindley,| Rleetric 1i Greenville, vice chairman; Hal Trovillion, Herrin; Alex| -- palities Fohnson, P. H. McNahan, Wm. Burkhart, Chicago; W.; _ . J. Smith, Waukegan. * C Total . & The editorial in question follows: 9e it | "Fromtimetotimewehavehadgoodwofishuy,mlg for GOVERNOR LEN SMALL because we believe t% federal courageously and consistently, he has tried to SERVE| Pr m": MAKE TRIP IN-- TWO DAYS the governor. & y ol ons _ "Generally speaking it may be said that the CcosTs of labor and material winch' % into public utility oper ation have NOT DECREA in Governor gmall 's tent factors in world progress and development. . ~~ Yesterday we crossed an ocean, to day a --continent; tomorrow we cdr-- cle the globe. New routes for com-- L auo« : AWpastind. soins *cepreai eP EFAPEY NRDY TR to the sky and --reads there the story BR requires 'no great tax on..the imagination to picture some of the developments of air transportation which we may expect to see, even in our brief span. Consider a ship of 5,000,000 oubic feet.. Such ships are© now _ being planned abroad. They would: equal air of a new era. the size of the Leviathan, wilh A mapoom:m-u.u: diameter gréater than the beam Of that great vessel. They will carry .mhth"heladghetpem loading of more than tons© and could cruise halfway around the earth without, a stop. + Airplanes engilda be carried on them as are life that great vessel. They will carry a weight in 'Iue! and gle: useful loading of more than tons© and could cruise halfway around the earth without, a stop. + Airplanes eould be carried on them as are life boats on ocean--going vessels. 'l'huol planes could Mland on a deck on top: of the airship and bé launched from it, carrying passéngers for wayside destinations. They could be design-- ed to carry a regiment of troops, and a fleet of them could transport La*s County independent --~Waukegan Weekly Sun Rear Admiral William A. Moffett, :&m}"b'm ends of the earth, in time that could be reckoned : in Airplanes have already been car-- ried by airships, launched by them, picked up by them:»> It is well with-- in the bounds of reason to predict that the naval airship of the future will carry a dozen planes that will be capable o6f défending her against ait attack, and in addition wilD smount a battery of guns that will command the rospect of any enemy marauder. This country was among the first to investigate the possibit-- ity of airplanes being carried by air-- ships, and the experiment, conduct-- ed with a type of mirship less than onetenth the size of those now build §hg, proved the practicability of the acheme. * Until now one hazard in' airship operation -- has always stalked 4ike a Rpectéer at the heels of this devel opment. . Hydrogen--inflated _ ships carty with them the ever--present danger of fire. Many aerial disas-- ters have been fraceable to this. Artmerica Has the Helium The United States, posseesing as it Bs thetinin Tp pertcugints wor y .. Ts vored by nalure. m imert m..u":( inflammable. It has but than the buoyancy of by-- sost which, though higher than that M hydrogen, in Inconsequential com-- -zmm-unm aepend-- hellum airship will make this 1 travel safe to a dogered nev-- posamible. _It will asseore "But Governor Small's-- Illinois Commerce Conmimis-- 'open up by way of the polar naeont of le Independent N ts -- GREAT LAKES, ILL. wl o. B¥°OUR OFFICES ARE OPEN SUNDAYSs, FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE wa as above Cottages and Garages. R@~Write for 'our iMustrated Price List B2 on (Bungalows, Nup A Few Dollars a Week Will Do adensecsusectrneenss008 6 New Fall Styles In Men's, Women's and Children's Clothing veven s # * t --9t To save the men and women of the cities of Hlli-- nois $25,000,000 is a great and --commendable accomplish-- ment-- and mdemommtmn that in mt the ISKALL inistration is $25,000,000 °B FOR PfiOPLE than was the preceding state administra-- "THE DECREASED CO8TS TO UTIHITY--GCON-- SUMERS would have totaled much more had not the federal court enjoined the enforeement of the five--cent ear fare order which the Illinois Commerce Commission fld .{\mfi the Chicago Burface Lines. -- However, B&Ng'idndueesurheomhmtothouhpt'of ONE and the commission made a substantial re-- -- **Rollowing is the summary of a report just issued by E"'W Commission over the signature wion has ordered and utility charges which working a SA *A PBEOPLE of $25,000,000 PER 'ANNUM. "The one %&nt'tbing"in Tllinois -- that / is CHEAPER FOR ! CONSUMER now than it was a few years ago is the UTILITY CHARGE, and Gov-- ernor Small and the members of his commerce commis-- sion are entitled--to. the credit."" _ _ --____--_. A lt duction in "L'" fares. tion. Come to the Camps Now -- Bring Your List--Estimates Cheerfully f Furnished _ Sales Office--Sheridan Road at 22nd Stt _ QUALITY--The lumber and muillereck used is the constrnction of there compe BA :-.:'-"-'..':'L"% :':_E%m'm:'.fi $ -d-ra.m- 'E'K.a%_";fia-u"im* erved in every M"H':-l" al and -."-':'-." 6 id elevated linges ....--._-------- power affecting 412 Munici-- RlDUO'l'IgB in ng a SAVING TO __$25,000,000 ' % 61 13,000,000| HavE NO ROOM FOR STAMPS Sm Mielp . w ols %%® vuerman . postage stamps . hi w.mmuhum Blumberg's are equfléiv,e" agents for KLEARFLAX PURE LIN ~RUGS. Have you seen the ESTATE HEATROLA--looks like a Grafonola but 1:11 heats , from 3 to 5 connecting rooms. jA § PHH a Exclusive Brunswick Shop in Connection f FALL HOUSE iton Luschner, Gete Notice Letters Are To Be Marked Starts w and we have assembled a collection of FURNITURE, RUGS and sm('m the leading manufacturers in Grand Rapids, Rockford--and Y¥ou surely lmnnot afford to be without a new LIVING ROOM SUITE this win-- ter. Especially when prices are so low. _ ~ ~ _ _ M A" 8--PIECE LIVING ROOM SUITB--Consisting of a full--sise Davenport, . Eassy Chair-- and Rocker, ' 42# springs in this Syite. This is "GOLD SEAL" «amn;;;a l;won.l::ro. vnm in a neutral shade of embossed 'taupe velour. . This Suite sells regularly at $200. you can | ; 8 pleces this week for .......................................;....:l!.........,...........................-......;...................... 'l:'o" Reduce your kitchen durudgery with a new ALCAZAR Combination Coal and We are Exclusive Agents for Genuine Cole's Hot Blast Stoves COLE'S HOT BLAST STOVES eut your fuel bills in 14 bec'mse they burn all the gases and smoke in your eoal." Every size and style now on display. Almost a Quarter of a Century in Waukegan ~ ~ARE DISCARDED Come in and Get our Prices Before You Buy j J. Blumberg ow (UF ut ape d en r e in e P 4 --{er possibile to piace enough of them &.% : sorted to a by a:'&nu Btates, Canada, England and several other countries 60 to -- 170 years ago D before the use of adhesive stamps became general." South Genese street merchant, has just: received a clipping from a Ger-- man newspaper telling of the now plaun. The present. rate of postage on & letter from Germany to .the United States is 200,000 marke. The pro--war rate was slightly less than W&_q;mw-q plen-- .g-«r'&olnvmumw & jletter will de the required S oint wih the Loia! Shicialn, the bination range is scien-- tifically constructed to save GAS. Come in and learn all the ex-- clusive features of this wonderful range. Re-- member you pay no more than for an infer-- ior make stove. A com-- plete display of ALCA-- IAR GAS-- RANGES ON THE BRIDGE ' -- CLEANING 8 for your BIRD'S NEPONSET WATER-- ~PROOF RUGS and Floor Cov-- erings cost no more than others ] altho:gh they will wear longer. Now showing, all sizes and pat-- terns. -- _ . -- QOx12 Neponset Rug, . $16.95 knopw as lhe Fage HAM ons "u" Of Russell on Oct, <th at 12%:30 ;fi.'nudmm" , Including new Jensen, Prop. Telephone Antloch l.'W'L L am d whatever the rate 'happens to be on -- the date of wailling, and swent on Hse _ way." The m':&..m" seoon finds that responsibHHity swamps Pay a Littlo Each Pay Day Bqauare to a 378 ids f 3