WdFmfimm Net Mean Exchange of Plays . and Will Not Spoil Game. Is so much talk and so many imors are in cireulation about ex-- inngink formations before the H# Dia--Nebraska football game on J bia Seld, Oct. 6, that many people ave the impression that it will be brotherly love contest practically mwold of interest. is not the case for although Joach Zuppke and Coach Dawson are Pxchanging formations they will not xC nge plays, and there is a great al of difference between a forma-- on and a play. A hundred plays caD § s from one formation and in any ~ Capt. Vern Lewellen, the -- Dewitz 1 ts, Herbe and Rufe ,"Big Dave" Nob) and Ced --Hartman are yveteran backfield men who will give Znppke en plenty of -- trouble. ' McAaHister n Tommy Thomsen are varsity ind. --Thomsen ran through the By-- mc team for a touchdown last fear. Basset and Berquist are Arst tring <guards; Ross 'McGlasson ° and Nixou make up the other veteran MaA-- erial for the line. _ With the huge task of defeating This team confronting bhim, "Fighting mupm!ommuud1 the game is called. As this is 0. Arst . game of the season the will not bhave a chance to the opposition team so it was , to exchange formations. game will be a bitter battle, -- the Cornbuskers have a back-- 1d intact from last year and while u-o':dmmdw"'* on a : class of green men are hand to work with the clever ICKETS -- SELLING -- FAST IS REAL FIGHT ~FOR ILLINOIS Vendetta begins between MEHAEL EAYERS, noted-- Pemitlss taee qsns %"fii"fi'o tnat has eluded his pursuers by a confederate as him-- . and ving him at the resi-- . _ NowW GO ON wWITH STORY -- Sir Norman Greyes Talks: He shook his head. "They were left by a former ten of their use." * 1 turned into the garage and wheeled out one of the rubber tires which 'were ranged against the wall, "If you have no other car," I asked him, "how is it that all tires in your garage are lke this one--two sizes larger than those on _ of a great bustling restaurant. Demayel had himself telephoned and 'eordered the table. The laiter had Tm.h.d +» join us for coffee, but, ¥ we reached that stage of our 'repast, we were surprised to see him goming hastily toward us, followed & tall man of military bearing. y "Mesxsieurs," he said as he sat for moment at our table, "a grave #~hbas happened, The young t who hes acted as my secretary for five years has absconded, . It is \he, without a donbt, who warned the 'man whom you call Michael, Worske &n that, his report to me that the lyon would not reach dock until tonigzght was a ls.. Sha-- arrived this thorning and landed her passengers '"this afterroon." $ | 1 halt rose to my mayel waved me back. "Listen," be continued, *"This much vr'wr.ow at prosent: ¥ Eng:ish w n went first to the MHotel Ep'endide; At alx o'clock this evening sho wus called for by.the 'other woman, and they drove off alona They were shadowed, forto-- nately, 1y Load, the American de-- teotive who feltbwed Loulsa Martin bver, and wto reports that him Hife Was: ettwmptod last night. mx maun Martre, :t ccemes, has an reputatien. F1e has been in prison Awiko in bey yoongar days in Paria, and abe wea tried for murder seven years Aro, Lumd# reports that thers fil,bln'mnnmtwom Me"lin convinced that the English woman, Jantt Boats, as ahe oalled hersolf on the steasmat, has been do-- Boyed into atme place to mbet MWichae«t." & formations before the i+ ska football game on BH-- Oct. 6, that many people impression that it will be ly love contest practically interest. not the case for although "Maw tas ALM he follow thamt*' 1 dined that night, Rimming-- "L know nothing Bob" is pu in every ounce of ef-- muw':mavumc-mnm into asked. '"Where is he nowT _"He followed them into the worst We moved toward the dootr, "You BLave Lad your €HaANC®, "L deeply regret," Demayel an--| Janet," he salid. "I shall leave you nounced, "that this is an adventure |to Loulsa." 4 w oi 2 * on which I cannot accompany you. | A fortunate madness seized me. I uxmum-flhmm-ywmwtm'm m.xm-ummuc..uwummnh- mmmxmc-.»m:mnum---u lute certainty forfeit my own,. Mon-- with cord, white and numb with fear, svieur Santel here," hbe added, turn was lying on the ground; Louisa Mar-- ihcuhhmm'vflhhth..mm.aotnm.nl command of the expedition. Lund iw| eyea fAled with hate, leaned »ver in one Of the cars outside. A suft--| her. Michael, with unrecognizable wmxmm»mmm~"~'" mwmmmmmmcm. Quartier. 1t remains only for me to| He ralsed hbkmm wish you good fortune." with mine. OUur pisiois SpORS |10» In the car which we found waiting gether, and the sound of their 're ac-.m"mmmuummmamw + ty by the crashing of the--trap--door. mm 1 felt a sharp pain in my shoulder;. [ and for a moment J think I went : mad. I was cutting the cords which C bound Janet's hands and feet, talk-- % hfhhchnhb.fih(hm i , «¢ back the faintness whikh threatened -- _ Aant mis. 'Then the mist came, and the Nebraska has beat lilinols in three TANEOUSLY WITH MINE. OUR PISTOLS SPOKE TOGETHER. thoroughfares of the city to a region of increasing squalor and ugliness. We descended some amall stone steps, passed along a. narrow pas-- sage, and entered a cafe, the most dilapidated and filthy 1 have ever been in. A repulsive woman lolled across the counter and looked at us. w through a door, into a nolsome house wrapped in utter dark-- ness. Four other men scemed to have crept up to us like shadows, and we all had electric torcher. At a gertain point in the descent of some Mtone steps, we paused. Three of the men felt about for some time. Then an unsuspected door slowly open, a door which seemed toa % a.chaeim, black and im The man who had ' pust Santel and become our ' utretthed up ais band and pulled down a long, thin ladder, One by one we desc Into . what seemed to be a cellar. . At the tarther end was a of light from the room beyond, and a sound which ftor the moment mads a madman of me----the sound of a woman crying. 1 stumbled across the uneven . foor, but Santsl caught boid of my arm. R ud"ui;;"hfz ght to land Grand Lodge office in the Knights of Pythias in Convention being held at Chi-- "Be careful," he muttered. "If our man is there and smees you, ho will shoot. ~Let the others aurround him, We have a plan," 1 scearcely heard him, but I held my breath and kapt sllence while same one attempted to find means of ingressa, 'Then sauddenly, 1 hbeard though he must have known thal he passed )OMMA mt ogttn. Honor for Judge Persons w' % was in desperate straits. _ . He ralsed his arm simuiltancousiy with mine. Our pistols spoke to-- "That man's escape, Sir Norman,"* he confessed, "was a most deplor-- mble incident." * +. "How did he 't%-m?" I in-- "He descended through the trap door from the room in which you found him," Monsieur Demayel <x-- plained, '"by means of a ropé ladder, to a narrow inlet of the harbor, which at full tide is directly under-- neath, He secured the trapdoor be-- hind him by means of a boit, got into a petrol launch and apparently made his way across the bay. The launth was discovered next day upon the beach, and there is a theory that be was washed overboard by a bheavy sea." » "L«oisa Martin?t" 1 asked. ; grim reply. "And----the Englishwoman?" _ Monsiecur Demayel glanced suspi-- clously at the Nowers by my bedside. some time. I do not know her pres-- ent whereabouts." A.nun-yvflwhumi sent Lfor the nurse. © .o+ 4 come?" I inquired. "Until you were out of danger," she told me, "a yery beautiful Eng-- lish.Jady called every day. A week ago she returned to England, but she left with the Sister an order on a florist for roses every day for a fort night." ; + "She left no note or mexsage? "Nothing." + s it "When can I leavye for Englandt" "In a fortnight, if you behave," she answered, .'"'Perhape nover, if you work yourself into & fever," _ "Nurse," I asked, "have you ever been in love?" -- "It is not a fit question from a pa-- tient to his nurse," sabe repiled, with & 5xnunnt little li::,n'h'l- «yen. | "but i you will not taik to ma, k lbaill go to sleep." _ «s 00 0 00-- games played nearly twenty -- years ago. The bhuskers have not met the Indians since "Zup" ~bas been in charge of football here. _ "The more you sleep," she de clared, "the sooner you will be able to go to England." f "She " "Michaol's Wedding Gift," 1 ie n S K Y frst visitor in the hbospital, six weeks later, was Monsieur for _TO STATE BERTH -- . 'IN K. OF P. LODGE made theiy appearance _ joday N place of the eight page papers necesg-- sary since the inauguration of the. strike. The bhading "combined new#» papers," is still carried, however, and editorial pages still are. missing. Many press operators from distant cities are reporting here for w under the call issued by Major L. Bérry, nternational president. _ Tunne! Far Above Sea Level. -- > Oue of the most wonderfal, of rail way tunnels is the trans--Andean, in South America, which was wd in 1905. This great,tunpel, which @fford C . tina and e, is only B . in length, but it surpasses all others in-- bein? 12000 feet a«hrve wea level, . Kighteen and twenty page editions The cyes will interpret ob« jects correctly if the eye itself is normal. _ But it your cyes do not focus properly, everything you look 'at, everything you read Will be .distorted and your brain cannot function propéer-- ly. Bad--éyésight is aften the cause of poor spelling, not to mention the many physical is which it causes. It will be a great mlfl%: you perhaps if you have eyes examined today, . You will save, not only money---- but you will make &A real in« vestment in physical and men--« tal comfort. _ _ _ Here you will get expert at-- tention for conservative prices. INGALLS CO. Jewelers & Opticians **= 101 «. Waukegan (PAUPER'S GRAVE ~ | -- FOR OUTO VICTIM Patron -- North Shore acer Em's, one of Chicago's leading dailies char-- acterizes the movement towards Patron--Owner-- ship, And certain it is, that no more progres-- sive step toward ideal service and ideal rela-- tions has yet been made than finds expression in the popularity of utility investments today. . Just, as democratic governments thrive best, because the governed have a voice in their ad-- ministration; so does public utility service ap-- proach its maximum efficiency as its percentage of Patron--Owners approaches the 100% mark. The stable investment offered by the depend-- able 7% Preferred Shares of--the North Shore Gas Company is attracting funds from consery-- gfiive investors all along our beautiful North ore. Such investments are 3 tribute to the discern-- ment of the investors quite as well as to the service of he North Shore Gas Company. If you have not yet purchased your ts:ota of North Shore 7% Preferred Shares, either for cash or on the favorable terms of $5.00 down and $5.00 monthly, you should get in touch with the manager in your local gas office today; you will help both yourself and your community through participation in this sane, safe and profitable investment. > 12. { ol Operated by William A. Bachr Organizsation . . . . "The Best Kind of Public QOwnership" tound déad more than a week ago in the road at Lake Forest wil not be Identified has led for prepar-- ation> to bury him in a pauper's gyo. A number of people have + past the slab in the Wenbam morgue Aat. Lake Forest, but none --Daily News. ° fication. of them have been Voliva thinks the earth is flat,. He _ zays the stt ~dcoéan't rise. He «hou'ld _ get up earlier, Kst d ¥e